
Author Topic: Project Diva X song rankings  (Read 1163 times)


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Project Diva X song rankings
« on: November 30, 2016, 07:37:03 AM »
Squeezing this in before Future Tone lands and the voting takes forever. X is a weaker game on the whole, (particularly in the video department, what with them not being fully scripted out things) but hey. Vo****id culture is still Vo****id culture, and I feel 2016 would be incomplete without someone doing this.

You all know the drill, right?

Full Playlist

The First Sound
Love Song
Name of the Sin
Tale of Deep-sea Lily
LOL -lots of laugh-
Even a Kunoichi Needs Love
Patchwork Staccato
Love Trial
The Lost One's Weeping
Solitary Envy
Brain Revolution Girl
Holy Lance Explosion Boy
A Single Red Leaf
Amazing Dolce
Ai Dee
Slow Motion
Steaming Heart
Humorous Dream of Mrs. Pumpkin
Urotander, Underhanded Rangers

DLC Songs

Sharing the World
Hand in Hand

And for completeness if you want to rank them, the Medleys!

Beginning Medley ~Primary Colors~
Cute Medley ~Idol Sounds~
Cool Medley ~Cyber Rock Jam~
Elegant Medley ~Glossy Mixture~
Chaos Medley ~Giga Remix~
Ending Medley ~Ultimate Exquisite Rampage~


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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 09:51:12 PM »
Tai's Ranks:

My Ranks:

Top Tier

1) Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream
Yeah, so this is one of my all time favorites among vo****id culture, no way it's not topping this game.  Cutting a couple verses hurts and completely changes the ending, but whatever.  It's still a super sweet accordion+percussion jam about ghosts, pumpkin pie, and the individual's response towards mortality and change interspersed with tarot references and pumpkin pie bias.  This is, as they say, my jam.

2) The Lost One's Weeping
Nails its tone and presentation.  Comparing this to most of the cheerpop and striving-to-be-generic stuff on the list is like night and day.  Great lyrics, great atmosphere, great mood, great wailing on the chorus.  Shameless angstrock fanservice in a way, but does it so well.

3) Amazing Dolce
Hitoshizuku's energetic style can't be denied, even when it's not telling a coherent story and just babbling about cooking vaguely perverted magical sweets.  Catches attention, gets me bouncing in my chair, etc.  Just a fun romp, technically cheerpop, but the execution is on point.

4) Slow Motion
On the one hand this is worse than the standalone version of this song.  On the other hand this is one of the best songs for making use of PDX's livestage thingy.  Ah well, it's a good song, Pinocchio-P is strong as usual and hits the bittersweet anxieties and resignations of life and is in tune with my brain etc etc. it's good.

Good Tier

5) Brain Revolution Girl
It's no Spinal Fluid Explosion Girl, but still gets a contrarian minor key vibe going, and does it better than SOlitary Envy.  Very fun rhythms to tap and sing along to.

6) Sacred Spear Explosion Boy
I'm never quite sure what to think about this song, but at least on a technical level it's pretty darn good.  PDX version cuts down the quality though, less intensity and more even dynamics in a song that is definitely not about even dynamics.  And it is pretty funny.

7) Underhanded Rangers Urotander
I don't like sentai shows and the parody angle is somewhat lost on me... but I like this song anyway.  Delivery's solid with just the right amount of understatement, and what I assume are the typical Diva cuts actually help here, any longer and it would wear out its welcome with me.  I thought it would be lower but just have to keep bumping it up for being solid.

8) Cute Medley -Idol Sounds-
Ok.  Fine.  Mitchie M is good, and actually does work in medley form.  Even though my black withered heart rejects the lyrics, it can't stand up to the sugar rush.  Just to reiterate though, any of these songs, or News 39, or Snow Miku, would have been a better single for this game than Ai Dee...

9) Streaming Heart
Similar to Solitary Envy, aims for a unique tone, doesn't quite get there, but still delivers a solid song experience with some unusual rhythms and pauses.

10) Solitary Envy
Hits good atmospheric beats and plays at an interesting bratty sort of tone.  Doesn't quite deliver fully, too many places it falls back through to its cheerpop roots, but I'll give a fair bit of credit here for at least going for style.

11) Patchwork Staccato
I like this song, it's cute and very nicely designed and accurate with its melody beats.  Just a little ways off from being great - I'd like a little more of a climax and/or maybe another instrument or line, a little too minimal as is, but... it's still decent.

Legit Pleasant Tier

12) LOL -Lots of Laugh-
I can never remember this one and the title makes me think it's going to be awful, but then it's actually pretty good?  Retro synthpop > generic cheerpop, even if there is still not all that much going on.

13) Elegant Medley ~Glossy Mixture~
This is pretty all right when it's Electrocuta mixing up their own stuff, because the Intention series all sample each other anyway.  Placement this high is 100% on those parts and loving Chaining Intention.  The rest of it butchers Sweet Devil and the other songs.  I don't really know how to rank a medley like that.

14) Sharing the World
Cheerpop but uses actual instruments.  English is a gimmick but I can respect the effort, it's actually pretty good for full on Miku English.

15) Satisfaction
Props for putting a house breakdown in your cheerpop, it's still just general cheerpop with a twist though, and the two halves don't fit together all that well.  GENRE BIAS AT WORK THOUGH!

16) Even a Kunoichi Needs Love
Cross between Gateninjapop and, uh, Elvis?  And some other things.  Weird song.  I can't decide if the mixups work or not.  None of them resonate much with me though.

17) Cool Medley -Cyber Rock Jam-
I don't know that I would call this cyber rock but whatever, it's okay, and generally good at taking good parts of its various songs.  Squarely at the border of "Well it's ok I guess."

Eh Tier

18) This is weird, and I usually like weird, but... it doesn't do it for me.  The vocals are poor and the music shifts around too much without ever hitting satisfactory.  The la la la part is ok.  I want to like it, and it's clearly put together with thought, and I do like it more than cheerpop, but ehhhn.

19) Strangers
Nice beginning, courageous to keep a whole first minute with no singing in a PDF title.  After that it just exists though.

20) Ai Dee
The Genius' ID theft scandal ruins this concept for me forever.  Song's fine though, cheerpop with some rap segments.  Not really Mitchie M's best - see also the ENTIRE MEDLEY OF MITCHIE M IN THIS VERY GAME - but production is fine.  IDK why they would pick this out of all of his songs to be the full feature, though.

21) A Single Red Leaf
This is like a cut rate version of Magnet mostly?  Vaguely japanese style is nice, but there's no real punch for me.  The violin solo is nice but not enough to boost the whole package. 

22) Chaotic Medley ~Giga Remix~
Poor medley.  Lucky for it I've been really growing on Reol/Giga-P lately.  Ugh I just want Childish War in as a full song, would that have been so hard?  12 Fan Club isn't bad either.

Cheerpop All Sound Same Tier (Subset of Eh)

23) Raspberry*Monster
Generic cheerrock/pop/thingy.  Goes above pure cheerpop due to genre bias.

24) Calc.
Generic cheerpop, but well produced.  I like the X-Men outfit.

25) Hand in Hand
Cheerpop with some instruments.  Like Sharing the World but not as good.

26) Love Song
Generic cheerpop, but catchy.

27) Love Trial
Generic romancepop.  English "Oh, Jesus!" is funny.  Nothing else stands out.

Not For Me Tier

28) Name of the Sin
Like a super low budget Ar Tonelico kind of storysong?  I don't really like the backing vocals though, and just... not very much into it.

29) Ending Medley ~Ultimate Exquisite Rampage~
Doesn't work for me at all.  These songs don't really go together in any way other than fast tempos and hard rhythm game charts.  Exact opposite of Tai's feelings, eh.

30) Beginning Medley -Primary Colors-
Mostly just makes me wish I was listening to better Oster Project stuff and/or that they picked one of these to be a full song in the game.  What is even the point of a medley that's all the same artist?

31) The First Sound
More like the worst sound???  Nah, it's not terrible, just Kind of boring and very meh.  "Miku sings about singing" is about as generic and overdone as it gets for vo****id concepts, and the music is similarly bland and low effort. 

32) Tale of the Deep Sea Lily
I keep seeing this title and thinking it's a song I like (Deep Sea City Underground) but it's not.  The staccato clipping of the vocals absolutely kills it for me, just really harsh on my ears. 


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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 12:17:33 AM »

1. The Lost One's Weeping - Easy winner. Raw, gripping, angsty energy that nails its message and is a hell of a lot of fun as a rhythm game song to boot. Guitar smash is the best bit of visual presentation in the game. Would have to think whether or not this made my top 5 in either of the F games, though...

2. Holy Lance Explosion Boy - Still a tremendously fun, energetic romp. Always Be Coming Kreygasm

3. Raspberry*Monster - Initial eh impression has grown into loving this jam. EVERY A.M. 6 I WAKE UP AND ROCK OUT AT MAX VOLUME. RASPBERRRRRYYYYYYYYYY MONSTEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR

4. Streaming Heart - At sixth place and second tier Deco*27 already goes here? Well then. Second tier Deco is still good by any standards though and this has some of the game's best visual work to enhance it. E: ok it's worming its way up I actually like this a lot


5. Satisfaction - Definite finger/foot tapper. Suddenly dub is great. Good use of visuals with the effects and change into dawn. Best of this kz/livetune type thing. It feels like it's lacking just a little something to put it over the top though.

6. Strangers - Lots to like here. From the intro to the hints of raw groove to the aesthetic. I just wish it got out of third gear though, having Raspberry*Monster come on after this is a drastic blowout.

7. Amazing Dolce - Yamashizuku musical skit. Fun.

8. Solitary Envy - Nice catchy progressions, subtle sense of offness and dread. Doesn't cross from like and appreciation to love once though.

9. Ai Dee - Do NOT lose your ID. DJ Luka is the star of this song, every moment of the rap is pure love and delight. The Mitchie M song exists around it.

10. Patchwork Staccato - I like the song quite a bit. Presentation here is super mediocre and boring sucking the life out of it.

11. Cool Medley ~Cyber Rock Jam~ - Does what no other medley in the game manages having snappy, memorable transitions and coherent tone in getting from the start to the end, source song list is nice..but why in the name of vo****id would you have two minutes of Unhappy Refrain and only a combined 45 seconds of Mylist and Tengaku? Giant disappointment in comparison to potential.

12. Brain Revolution Girl - Very attention grabbing and fun in the moment. Vacates brain instantly upon ending.


13. Humorous Dream of Mrs. Pumpkin - Creepy spooky brainy fun. Doesn't open up and leave a lasting impression to me like it does for others though.

14. A Single Red Leaf - Nice violin work in the latter part.

15. Hand in Hand - Typical kz/livetune housepop. Fun enough.

16. Even a Kunoichi Needs Love - If only this were 1, 2 Fanclub. It's fine though. Has more going on than it seems at first brush.

17. Calc. - Literally exists, fine background music. Sweet coat.

18. Slow Motion - Average Pinocchio-P. Has its moments but another one of those producers that doesn't quite hit my headspace.

19. Babylon - Tohma doing his messy thing. It's no Envy Cat Walk. Lacks a binding thread.

20. Name of the Sin - It's trying to evoke a number of feelings but just barely misses on every aspect.

21. The First Sound - Very nice presentation for one of the first vocaloid songs around. Unfortunately it's one of the first vocaloid songs around.

22. Love Song - Cute or annoying, depending on when I listen to it.


23. Urotander, Underhanded Rangers - You have to go turboham to make this work with how common this kind of parody is. Unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere and I was left with a halfhearted impression. 200% needed a real PV to salvage it. Oh Kaito, what have you been reduced to.

24. Chaos Medley ~Giga Remix~ - How not to do a medley power hour begins here. Weaker than all of its original parts, adds nothing.

25. Elegant Medley ~Glossy Mixture~ - What even is this? This is a case study on the absolute least coherent mixing possible. Shame, original songs are quite good.

26. Beginning Medley ~Primary Colors~ - The setlist isn't as good as Chaos, so

27. Cute Medley ~Idol Sounds~ - The setlist isn't as good as Beginning, so

28. Love Trial - general apathy

29. Ending Medley ~Ultimate Exquisite Rampage~ - Yeah y'all made a transparent device to torture rhythm game players. Very funny.

30. Sharing the World - The tuning is a disaster.

31. Tale of Deep-sea Lily - The tuning is a tragedy.

32. LOL -lots of laugh- - lol no
« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 08:37:57 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2016, 12:51:02 AM »
So comments are written as I listen to the song, and then everything is put in the ranking order.

1) The Lost One's Weeping - Honestly reminds me a lot of Tokyo Teddy Bear. Standard high quality Rin fare.

2) A Single Red Leaf - this one pops up on my Vocaloid station on pandora all the time. Good stuff. It got an immediate thumbs up there, does here too~

3) Raspberry*Monster - Aggressively noticeable robot voice into the HIGH PITCH into very clear and clean vocals was such an attention grabbing opening. All things that grabbed attention but without being grating in rapid transition, this is how you do dissonance well imo. Rest of the song is good too, but the opening specifically impressed.

4) Humorous Dream of Mrs. Pumpkin - I do like well performed accordion, which this was. Also had a good kind of non-standard miku voice. Good song.

5) Even a Kunoichi Needs Love - Randomly like this one, no idea why.

6) Urotander, Underhanded Rangers - oh hey Kaito I was wondering if you were going to put in an appearance.

7) Holy Lance Explosion Boy - Was fun and energetic. Reading other comments I may need to go back and watch the vid for the lyrics.

8) Amazing Dolce - less than halfway through, running out of commentary power. This feels like a good spot for it, sure.

9) Strangers - I like it, bad at music commentary, whatever.

10) LOL -Lots of Laugh- - Bad case of robotvoice but good enough that it doesn't really bother me.

11) Slow Motion - named "Slow Motion" is actually very uptempo. Amusing. P.good.

12) Love Trial - This is good. More lack of comments. Next~

13) Cool Medley "Cyber Rock Jam" - Sure, a medley I actually mostly like.

14) Satisfaction - Mostly I just liked the instrumental part quite a bit.

15) Calc - Generic medium-high energy miku. Not bad tho.

16) Solitary Envy - I...liked it more than the below but it also felt "kinda just there" for most of the song. Dunno.

17) Streaming Heart - Eh? It's okay.

18) Love Song - Catchy at least.

19) Hand in Hand - generic miku is generic

20) The First Sound - Eh, it was okay? Nothing bad but nothing standout. Blandish but not unpleasantly so I suppose.

21) Elegant Medley "Glossy Mixture" - More kinda bland only with the penalty of the medley transitions being jarring(which is why I tend not to like medleys)

22) Chaos Medley "Giga Remix" - Simultaneously catchy and annoying. Annoying wins out.

23) Ai Dee - oh god the name dropping rap style in vocaloid. next we'll have Project Diva ft. Pitbull. Jokes aside, not really a fan of this one.

24) Cute Medley "Idol Sounds" - More meh from medleys.

25) Beginning Medley "Primary Colors" - I generally don't take to medleys well, so we'll see how this goes. Off to a meh start. MASSIVLY overstays its welcome.

26) Brain Revolution Girl - Eeeeeeh. Good drums don't save the badly clipped vocals that accompany them. Just didn't work for me. Also made the mistake of looking at the video and while I try not to penalize due to how terrible that was(Miku stay out of Maiko's closet you cannot pull off that outfit you look 12) it's hard not to.

27) Tales of the Deep Sea Lilly - The opening is terrible and a bad opening sets the tone for the entire song to me. It gets a bit better, but not enough so.

28) Babylon - this not how you do dissonance well

29) Name of the Sin - Vocals immediately lost me. I...don't like whatever odd tone they use for her voice in this one, it's kinda grating. Instrumental part sounded fun but I was wanting to move to next song less than a minute in the voice is that grating.

30) Ending Medley "Ultimate Exquisite Rampage" - Everything bad about Chaos medley only worse. Oh god the nightmare babbling.

31) Sharing the World - Nope. The omnipresant synth noise in the background is not pleasant at all and I had to turn my volume down for this song because it's just WAY TOO LOUD.

Ringtone/10) Patchwork Staccato - This would be much much higher without the phone going off in the background of the instrumentals. It's a very nice song but THAT SOUND makes me twitch when incorporated into music. Musicians: plz stop doing that.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 08:21:20 PM »
Right. I should do my own list. (Placeholder to remind me)







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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 09:56:43 PM »
Will do my own list as I play the game, hopefully later this month.

For now,

Brain Revolution Girl >
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Project Diva X song rankings
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2016, 08:19:29 AM »
I'll have to rent again, like always

First, fuck The Lost One's Weeping. The MV completely destroyed the song. You don't turn a suicidal song into a petty concert like that.
Who ever designed the MV in this game needs to get fired, IMMEDIATELY.

Streaming Heart's MV is trash too. Completely missed the point. I doubt anyone will notice this is a song about a men who is indulging in self deceit by creating a persona of virtual idol in his mind.

And my god on Holy Lance Explosion Boy. How did this MV is able to be even less erotic than the original when the original didn't have much to offer int he first place?? Are they even trying here?

Then they can't even do things as simple as Dee Sea Lily right.

You know wha, fuck this game's MV in general. Screw them all. What's with all the tasteless idol dancing? Can they have some creativity here!?
Really, it is pretty sad they can only get the likes of Calc. and Even Ninja Needs Love right.

Oh well, enough complaining.

Recommending some coverage on Nico.

Streaming Heart by Amatsuki

Calc. by Amatasuki

Calc. by Mado

Holy Lance Explosion Boy by Itoukashitaro

Tale of Deep-sea Lily by Soraru & Mafumafu

Brain Revolution Girl by Reworu

The Lost One's Weeping by Mafumafu

Even a Ninja Needs Love by Yuiconu & Ayaponzu

Edit: left out a link
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 08:05:09 AM by Niu »