
Author Topic: Podcasts  (Read 2131 times)

The Duck

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« on: August 30, 2014, 03:53:07 PM »
So, being a grad student, I get a lot of downtime when I am doing something mindless, which I usually dedicate to listening to podcasts (I also listen to a lot of standup but that may deserve its own topic). This is also inspired by Gref talking about Watch Out for Fireballs in another topic. Does anyone else listen have regular podcasts, and if so which ones would you recommend? I might already be oversaturated but I'm always looking for more.

Advanced NFL Analytics (variable, ~50 minutes): This gets at a lot of the systems that people are using to quantify NFL play, including how to assign individual credit to players, talking fantasy, and analyzing what decisions should make given certain scores and field position. Football analytics isn't on the level of other sports like baseball or even basketball but the guys that appear on this show give me hope that it will get better.

Around the NFL (2-3 times a week, ~1 hour episodes): I don't think these guys even have especially strong analysis, but I've listened to them for a while and they have good rapport. They bring up stories about other teams that I haven't been following but they don't go into very much depth. Still, it's a really easy listen.

BS Report with Bill Simmons (erratic, ~1 hour): I'm unsure what I think about Simmons since I think his writing can be grating and he's a really obnoxious Boston sports fan but he is able to carry a conversation fairly well. He also brings in people more interesting than him. Whether I'll listen to an episode depends on the guest, mostly.

Grantland NFL (variable, 2 times a week during the season, ~1 hour): Robert Mays and Bill Barnwell write for Grantland and their pieces are usually really good, breaking down tape and approaching football with some analytics. It's hard for two dudes to really know 32 teams in depth, and I don't think they do, but they come pretty close.

Grantland Sports (variable): The Lowe Post is great for basketball. Zach Lowe gets great interview subjects and knows the strategy behind basketball inside out. Men in Blazers was great during the World Cup, too.

Slate's Hang Up and Listen (weekly, ~1 hour): This isn't about any one sport, but it covers major sports stories more in the context of their larger societal impact. When it covers sports that I don't care about (baseball, a half hour piece on lacrosse?), I give it a skip but usually it is topical and the discussion is interesting.

Giantbomb (weekly, ~3! hours): This podcast is long and spends maybe a half an hour each episode actually talking about games but I listen to it mostly because is extremely conversational and the guys involved are all pretty interesting.

Retronauts (weekly, ~1 hour): The old Retronauts podcast had been going on for years and years (like 2007?). I haven't listened to their entire back catalogue but they cover a game or an old shitty console system each week in fair depth. It's hit or miss based on who they bring on for certain topics (some people are weirdly opinionated against things for no discernible reason), and mostly it is dudes reminiscing about older games but I guess that is the point. The new Retronauts was recently kickstarted and they cover a topic that is requested by backers (including Planescape: Torment recently).

RPGFan Random Encounter (1-2 times a month, ~2 hours): Covers RPG news, not hosted by unbearable people. This is harder to find than you'd expect.

Watch out for Fireballs (weekly, ~2 hours for main episodes, half an hour for extrasodes): There is nothing special about this podcast's format, but it works. Kole and Gary cover a game every week and then take questions about those games or just hold conversations about basically anything in Extrasodes. They go into real thematic and mechanical depth with each game, which is great when it's something like Fallout, but they've even covered stuff like Tony Hawk in a similar manner. Their discussion of Master of Orion 2 got me to replay it, which basically ruined my productivity for a solid two weeks. Very basic stuff but it works because of likable and knowledgable hosts. They also do a podcast on terrible games called Abject Suffering which is usually pretty funny.

The Dissolve Podcast (twice a month, ~50 minutes): This is weird since I don't think these are structured very well, but thedissolve does the best coverage of movies online right now and I like all of its writers. Discussions are on a singular topic in movies, not about a specific movie necessarily, but they tend to have interesting opinions on these topics. The games at the end of each podcast are usually hit or miss, and I usually tend to want them to talk about something rather than play them.

/Filmcast (weekly, ~1 hour): Goes into fair depth about a major movie release each week. Hosts are all likable but I don't tend to agree with them a ton, but the discussions are usually worth hearing. It sucks when some of them clearly miss the point or hate a movie for weird reasons but that's

Filmspotting (weekly, ~1.5 hours): The hosts are incredibly smart and film literate, and do really well thought out reviews of a movie or two a week. I kind of wish they went into spoiler territory since I would like their in depth perspective on certain movies. As is, they do great work talking around the substance of a movie/emotional resonance of a movie without giving everything away.

Filmspotting SVU (twice a month, ~1 hour): Related to Filmspotting. They cover and recommend movies that are available on streaming outlets like Netflix and Hulu, which is usually a good way to find queue recommendations that you wouldn't have known about. They also cover a movie in depth every week. Not as knowledgable as the Filmspotting guys but both hosts are likable and know their stuff.

The Flophouse (twice a month, ~1 hour): Bad movie podcasts are a dime a dozen but I really like this one. It consists of Daily Show writers who know film really well and they just kind of riff on godawful movies (Bratz and Foodfight are classic episodes). That's what everyone else does but it's all about the group of people that are doing it, and these guys have strong chemistry that are all fairly funny.

Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews (weekly, ~1.5 hours): Mark Kermode is a grumpy British man who likes to go on long British rants about things. The highlight of the show tends to be when he spouts off on something he loathes. He justifies the Transformers movies' existence because of his ~10 minute long rants about how cynical and soulless Michael Bay is, and he tends to have pretty good taste in things and argues well for things that I don't like. The show also tends to get very strong interviews, like high profile directors or lead actors. Since it covers the gamut of movies, he doesn't go into much depth into individual films, but you walk away with an idea of what the movie is about and whether it has any substance.

Judge John Hodgman (weekly, ~1 hour): I didn't think much of Hodgman until I heard this show. People come to him to solve what is usually a pretty frivolous problem, tell their sides of the story, and make a case for why they should get their way. Although it's a comedy show and he makes fun of the issues when they deserve it, he usually comes up with a pretty reasonable, well argued compromise to solve these problems. The show is generally entertaining, especially when the plaintiffs/defendants are batshit crazy.

This American Life (weekly, sometimes repeats, ~1 hour): Segments about one subject. Some strong storytelling about things that you tend not to know very much about.

My Brother My Brother and Me (weekly, ~1 hour): Three smartasses give horrible advice to the lunatics who ask insane questions on Yahoo Answers! Very entertaining, I find it dangerous to drive with this on.

Radiolab (twice a month, variable length): Sort of like This American Life in terms of its storytelling structure but with a more scientific bent. This also tends to have inaccuracies but tends to be a fine place to start with a subject you're interested in.

StarTalk Radio (weekly, ~45 minutes): Neil deGrasse Tyson has a great radio voice. There are interesting episodes looking at the accuracy of science behind sci-fi movies (he got accused of being a wet blanket for doing the same thing for Gravity), but he covers a wide range of scientific topics pretty well. There were some weaknesses, like some inaccuracies in the recent neuroscience podcasts, but it's usually a pretty good listen.


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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2014, 07:17:37 PM »
The only podcast I listen to is Tuesdays with Aaron. It's a podcast with Aaron Rodgers that runs during the season. It's extremely fun, as Rodgers is fun to listen to and the host (Jason Wilde) does a decent job in directing the interview.
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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 05:22:15 AM »
Welcome To Nightvale  - I have pimped this before.  I will pimp it again.  It was hugely popular and most listened to Podcast or something for ages.  Regardless it is a sort of surreal mix of Area 51 myth/X-Files/Twilight Zone/Lovecraftian horror done as a Radio Show.  This description completely sells it short.  It is a comedy radio play that is full of surreal events normalised to day to day life surrounding one of the most touching and down to earth fleshed out gay relationships you will run into.

Warrocket Ajax - Mostly about Comic Books, with Chris Sims (of The Invincible Super Blog and Comics Alliance fame.  The man who brought to broad light "Your Vagina is haunted!") and Matt Wilson (Author of the Super Villain Handbook and Super Villain Field Manual).  It also touches on most areas of pop culture, but definitely has a lot of talk about Wrestling and Barbecue.  They also talk a whole bunch about Video games, Hip Hop, media directed at preteen/teen girls (Chris binging on Jem and the Holograms as an example).  They are great personalities and cover a huge range of topics.  If you are remotely interested in Comic Books as a thing, they are both creators themselves and are pretty hugely involved in Process talk, so when they interview the likes of Mark Waid, Greg Rucka or Matt Fraction (multiple times in the run of the show) it is really fascinating.

Sailor Business - A new podcast with Chris Sims from above and Jordan D. White.  3 episodes in so far.  It is an episode by episode break down of Sailor Moon 1992 anime series.  This is amazing.

The Gravity Falls Gossiper - Starts out as an episode by episode show about Gravity Falls and general life stuff with the hosts (Eugene Anh who is an indie nerdcore rapper Adam Warrock, used to be a host on WRA above and Chris Haley, artist of Lets Be Friends Again).  Has expanded out into a general animation/stuff and things podcast.  I don't keep up to date on it, but binge on it occasionally.  Just fun people to listen to.

The Attitude Era Podcast - I swear I am not actually into Wrestling much, but I find the culture surrounding it fascinating.  This is three Brittish guys watching every Attitude Era pay per view.  One is a huge fan and watches all the RAW episodes between each show.  One sort of watched it back in the day.  One guy only got into wrestling relatively recently, so has no idea what was going on.  It is fun listening to him get totally suckered into 15 year old wrestling angles.

Magic: The Gathering, Drive to Work - Mark Rosewater from Wizards of the Coast, the head designer who has been working there for like 20 years now talking about M:tG stuff on his half hour drive to work.  Fascinating if you are into the game and also a really good listen just for general game design discussion.  He is a super interesting guy.  Probably won't always agree with him, but he always has something worth listening to I think. stuff in general. 

Abject Suffering - Retro bad video game podcast, they play for half an hour minimum and then talk about weird broken stuff.  They actively avoid trying to rip on AVGN style and actively seek out different games than the usual canon of "Bad video games".  They do take fan submissions though, so they do occasionally play some of the stock standard stuff (recently did Bebe's Kids for example).

Bonfireside Chat - Indepth analysis of Souls games and Souls related stuff.  I can't talk this up enough if you are remotely interested in Souls games.  Insightful in strange ways and chock full of self aware lore wankery.

Watch Out for Fireballs - The flagship main podcast there, retro game's podcast that is really focused on a game that they (mostly) play through to completion.  Haven't listened to an episode that bored me yet and I deep dived into their backlog.  They don't do it frequently, but they have had guests on before and those episodes tend to be well worth listening to.  Ron Gilbert has done Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion episodes.  Chris Avellone has done Fallout 2 and Alpha Protocol.  Both massively interesting super down to earth developers that are great to listen to.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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The Duck

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2014, 05:34:32 AM »
I've heard so many good things about Nightvale from people that I trust but people seem to have a hard time describing it (which may be a good thing). I'll have to check it out.

Lady Door

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2014, 06:29:37 PM »
I'm not really a narrative radio kind of person. The only podcast I've ever listened to more than once has been Writing Excuses. It's focused on genre fiction writing and the craft in general. The main speakers are Brandon Sanderson (fantasy), Mary Robinette Kowal (fantasy/light SF), Howard Tayler (creator of Schlock Mercenary), and Dan Wells (horror).  They do a really great job balancing the genre-specific explorations and different media (books, short stories, comics, etc.) with the writing-as-business talks. They've had some great guest speakers share some specific "tricks of the trade."

If you're at all interested in writing or genre, I highly recommend it. They have 9 seasons of ~35 episodes at 15 minutes each so you've got plenty of listening material. They do pimp books to support the show through Audible, but they're relevant references so I never minded it. They've been nominated for 4 Hugos, one of which they won, so it's not like they're recording idle conversations!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 06:31:13 PM by Lady Door »
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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2014, 09:33:38 PM »
If you listen to podcasts you are kind of signing up to hear about Audible/ company most of the time.  There is a possibility you may also hear about stores to buy fucking and fucking accessories.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2014, 10:50:12 PM »
The Steve Austin Show- yeah, that Steve Austin. He basically just gets people from the business on and they tell stories. Steve Austin is, surprisingly, an excellent listener. A lot of hosts with shows make it about them and Austin generally only talks about himself in the opening segment.

Stone Cold is pretty great at this podcasting thing.


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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2015, 08:57:49 AM »
The Worst Idea of All Time

This is a podcast where two New Zealand comedians watch a shitty movie like Grown Ups 2 each week for a year and review it making sure they always specify something positive about the movie.

It gets a bit repetitive though because the only ever watch Grown Ups 2.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2015, 03:49:52 PM »
Only one I really listen to is Grantland NFL. Bill Barnwell is my fav <3.
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The Duck

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2015, 05:21:46 PM »
That's a bit of a departure since it seems a lot of people don't like Barnwell but he is one of my favorite NFL writers and that podcast is excellent. Mays and Barnwell play really well off each other and bring some of the best analysis of football there is. I'm also into analytics and they both speak intelligently about that so it's kind of natural that this is my favorite NFL podcast.

All hail Chris Borland (and OBJ).

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2015, 06:34:55 PM »
The Worst Idea of All Time podcast is pretty brilliant in its exploration of existential despair.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2015, 06:48:33 PM »
On the Internet, some people hate everyone, often for asinine reasons. I don't pay enough attention stuff related to him, but I presume that's the case for him.
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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2015, 10:56:56 PM »
I only really listen to The Podquisition and some of the ones on the Escapist if they seem to be talking about a subject I'm interested in.  Otherwise, not much else.
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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2015, 11:06:23 PM »
Woah pretty cool stuff.

My casual "Hey guys what have you been playing lately" Games podcast is Daft Souls, it is decent.

I also like Hinge Problems which focuses on a few specific subjects but it updates pretty rarely.
This one which tries to explain Kingdom Hearts was realy hilarious to me:


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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2015, 05:34:49 PM »
I assume this crowd is likely to at least vaguely know who Jeremy Parish is (former of the GIA, ran 1up until it closed); he's running a podcast now for his latest site, USGamer.

Also, the Sailor Moon podcast Grefter linked a few months ago just had the author of the Tokyopop YA novel adaptations (who was 17 when she wrote them) on as a guest and it was kind of amazing.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
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The Duck

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2015, 06:16:46 PM »
Jeremy Parish was also the main guy behind 1Up's Retronauts podcast as well, which got a Patreon revival recently. It is a bit hit or miss based on topic (I don't care to listen about the Intellivision or some of the consoles that only fifteen people owned) but it does hit nostalgia spots at times. These guys are a few years older than me but still were consuming games the same way I was back in the day.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2015, 04:40:25 AM »
Gref, have you gotten tired of Night Vale?  Everyone else I know, including myself, has soured on it.

Anyway, I wanted to plug a project from the Flop House Podcast's Facebook group.  It's called "A Talking Cast?!?" and it analyzes the truly awful film "A Talking Cat?!?" one minute at a time, like Star Wars minute if the Star Wars minute was about a movie even more laughably inept than Episode 2.  They're about 30 minutes in so far.


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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2015, 07:49:54 PM »
I still listen to it and enjoy it, but it is definitely being pretty formulaic.  I think it is suffering from the effects of introducing an arching plot in an ongoing project and then returning to weekly standard stuff.  I figure comics struggled with this at some point before it became the accepted norm.  I know Internet review shows and shit that have all started doing that stuff really start to meander after they start doing a plot/continuity thing.  It might pick back up, it might not.

I think it helps that I sit on it a while before checking it out.  It is definitely lower on my priority list than when I started listening to it.  Now I just listen to an episode or two when I am in the mood.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2015, 04:34:44 PM »
That's how I've been approaching it for the last six months or so - initially to avoid running out of backlog but later as a way to keep the formula from getting stale. It works, so far!
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2015, 07:37:17 PM »
I've sometimes been listening to Isometric (featuring Brianna Wu, Samusclone, etc).  But that's about it recently.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2015, 10:50:09 PM »
I still listen to it and enjoy it, but it is definitely being pretty formulaic.  I think it is suffering from the effects of introducing an arching plot in an ongoing project and then returning to weekly standard stuff.  I figure comics struggled with this at some point before it became the accepted norm.  I know Internet review shows and shit that have all started doing that stuff really start to meander after they start doing a plot/continuity thing.  It might pick back up, it might not.

I think it helps that I sit on it a while before checking it out.  It is definitely lower on my priority list than when I started listening to it.  Now I just listen to an episode or two when I am in the mood.

I think it jumped the shark when Manxmona did an episode Cecil started talking about his date the previous night.  The format works better with Cecil better as a narrator than a protagonist, where we only get glimpses of what he does outside the context of the show, and it also smacks of pandering to the show's fanbase on Tumblr.  It's supposed to be a community radio show, not a reality TV program.

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Re: Podcasts
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2015, 02:39:22 AM »
I marathoned The Worst Idea of All Time and the best parts are when they get to full-on despair mode and sound utterly defeated. I really like when they demarcate time using it and spend their birthdays having to watch it. They also actually have horseshit interpretations of the film that go far beyond any thought that went behind anything associated with Grownups 2.

And now their second season is doing a year of Sex in the City 2, which is a lot longer and possibly as cynical and soul crushing.