Rubicant (16-1), Ashera (15-1), Piastol (16-1), Ghaleon (14-2), Charlton (15-2), Riou (16-2)
1. Overwhelming damage, great HP, massive elemental weakness
2. More unique tanking type
3. An old DL classic we don't see as much today
4. My favorite type of High Godlike: One with a nice exploitable flaw
5. Nasty draining game
6. Force me to finish S2 topic
Tengaar (16-1), Maria (SO 3, 16-1), Lang (15-2), Sierra (14-3), Kurando (15-2), Drachma (16-1)
1. Actually initially put her in Middle, until I realize she's already won Middle (and that my estimation of her has gone up a little).
2. Fun and dangerous spoiler
3. Also a solid all arounder (just his healing is off draining weapons)
4. Always a fun choice.
5. Can remove him if too much, but he's always been riding the border and struggling in Godlike. Can he gain traction here?
6. Always a weird type of strategy. Fears the day I ever try to push a more equal EXP strat on SoA
Pepperoni (15-2), Warlock (59), Dekar (16-2), Shion (16-1) , Bow (BoF2, 14-3), Vivi (16-1)
1. To go with Warlock's Earth smashing
2. Wind stormed Middle! Now Earth. I HAVE BEEN NOMMING HIM SINCE SEASON 59.
3. Smash! Then even more potential limit smash!
4. Force me to finish XS topic!
5. Can he still hang in Middle with Shot's accuracy being lower than predicted?
6. Respect for his status up slightly. Lets see how this might play out.
Kwanda (16-2), Sheena (ToS, 14-3), Tricia (16-2), Ricardo (16-2), Katarina (15-1), Aeris (16-1)
1.That defense!
2. Based on her turn combo, probably not a Light anymore! Let's see if she can prove it though.
3. Cool quirky type
4. Right on that borderline to me, can he fight his way up?
5. Pretty cool. Borderlinish, but still that speed and durability and failing against healing may still make this a fair nom.
6. I...have at least said that Aeris should be better regarded, but my respect for Seal Evil just got blown up (edit: or more with prorations, the Stop part didn’t). That said, Aeris has some nasty L3s for Light that still make her interesting.