Red - Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)
Blue - Rena (SO2), Rudy (WA1), Artea (Lufia 2), Magus (CT)
Jessica is pretty fast, so, uh, RIP Artea & Rudy. Gonna assume Magus & Rena can equip some fire resistance gear and survive, but they need a hell of a plan here. Depending on CP interps, Agate can either also unload an S-Craft, or will wait until his turn and Wild Rage 2 an S-Craft at them, and Millenia will have MT damage, and Aurora has slow MT damage... basically Magus needs to use his PC form and get instant death off on like most everyone, then have Rena start a revival train, but I kinda doubt it; Magus's ID was "area around him" which is like 2/4 even getting target at most. So even if, with the best possible interp, Magus ID's say Agate & Aurora, Millenia & MP-less Jessica might STILL win from here. Ow. Note that if we randomly ban Magic Burst, Jess still has options like "Oomph Agate if he starts with 100 CP" followed by horrible Dragon's Dive death.
Silver - Lenneth (VP), Souji (P4), Chris Lightfellow (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6 only)
Black - Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zerase (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)
Yeah, Silent Lake strats are go here, mock Zerase's magic & Fang's status game. Bit of an initiative interp-off since all of Fang/Yuri/Lenneth/Souji/Marcus are some shade of average speed init, but the resulting slugfest will have Lenneth overkill, Souji either BRave Bladeing or using some MT physical damage, and even Marcus chipping in a little, while only Yuri has anything a shade as impressive. Fang going down will be very bad, since she's the best person to take care of Souji safely once SL expires, and the other team risks getting solo'd by Souji if they aren't careful thanks to physical resist + extra life cheeze.
Pink - Jess (MK), Arche (ToP), Et (MK2), Makalov (FE series)
Brown - Lilka (WA2), Elc (Arc the Lad 2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
I suspect Team Pink hype revolves around Arche quickly casting some MT spell, but if Pyro's voting this way, yeah no. Wait too long and get MP-ruined as noted. I will say that I'm pretty skeptical of Illusion being useful vs. Makalov - if any character has a good excuse for the equivalent of Raquel's Move-and-Attack to get out of a debuff square while still attacking, it's high movement FE cavaliers! Makalov is even from a game with nonsensical lava traps on the floor he moves off of then thwacks.
Blond - Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)
Green - Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra(FF6)
Tidus in a team match. Terra never sees a turn, everything is downhill after that happens.