
Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Three Houses  (Read 7147 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« on: September 15, 2019, 07:14:10 AM »
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is yet another Fire Emblem game. It's great, play it.


Most stuff used to build this stat thread can be found on Serenes Forest.

The spreadsheet used to calculate stats is found here.

Mechanical notes

There is no weapon triangle, although there are skills which mimic its role (e.g. sword-users learn the Axebreaker skill).


HP: Insert joke here.
Str: Adds to physical damage
Mag: Adds to magical damage
Dex: Adds to accuracy and crit rate
Spd: Allows followup attacks, prevents enemy followup attacks, and affects evade
Luck: Adds to magic accuracy and crit rate, and is also critical evade
Def: Subtracts from physical damage
Res: Subtracts from magical damage
Cha: Affects accuracy and damage of Gambits both used by and used against the character.


Damage = (Str or Mag) + (Weapon Might) - (Target's Def or Res)

Attack Speed (AS) = Speed - (Weapon Weight - Str/5).
The weight/str part of the formula can not raise AS above Speed.
If your AS exceeds your opponent's by 4, you make a followup attack after their counterattack, if any.

Hit (physical) = Dex + (Weapon Accuracy)
Hit (magical) = (Dex + Luck)/2 + (Magic accuracy)
Evade (physical) = AS
Evade (magical) = (Speed + Luck)/2
Accuracy = Hit - Evade. The game almost certainly uses some sort of dual RN system so numbers close to 0/100 are more reliable than they appear.

Crit = (Dex + Lck) / 2
Crit Avo = Luck
Critical rate = Crit - Crit Avo. Almost certainly single RN as always.

The game has a set of skills, the Prowess skills, which add to Hit, Avo, and Crit Avo. If you don’t equip one for the weapon class you’re using, you’re gonna have a bad time (in particular, most enemies will have a non-zero critical rate against you).

There are no status staves in this game. There is one pure status move, Silence, which is tends to be at or near 100% accuracy. There are also gambit attacks, however, and you might see them as a sort of status move since they all inflict a status (rattle, which is Don't Move + a stat penalty) and don't make a normal evade check, instead checking Charm. Gambits are also notable for being AOE and thus avoiding counters. Your milage may vary as to what you see Charm covering; it's an important stat in-game.

Gambit accuracy = (Gambit base hit, usually 50%) + (Attacker Cha - Target Cha) * 5%
The Cha difference is capped at +6 and -6.

Skill ranks

Replacing the weapon ranks of this game, there are skill ranks for the five physical weapon types in this game, along with Reason (black magic) and Faith (white magic). There are also skill levels for heavy armour, riding, flying, and authority. Levelling up skill ranks can be done between battles, and also occurs naturally in battles depending on the weapon used and current class of the character. Raising skill ranks has the following effects:
-Allows the character to use higher-rank weapons like steel, silver, brave
-Causes the character to learn new abilities, in particular the "prowess" line of abilities which raise a character's stats while using a certain weapon.
-For Reason/Faith, causes the character to learn new magic
-Skill ranks are needed as prerequisites for unlocking certain classes (e.g. becoming a Paladin requires Lance and Riding rank).

In this stat topic, the Prowess abilities are taken as Level 5 (unlocked at A+). At that level, their stat bonuses are as follows (they will always be factored in during the actual stat topic):
Sword, Gauntlet, White Magic: +10 Hit, +20 Avo, +10 Crit Avo
Lance, Bow: +15 Hit, +15 Avo, +10 Crit Avo
Axe, Black/Dark Magic: +20 Hit, +10 Avo, +10 Crit Avo


Like in many other FEs, you need an item to unlock a new class, and there is a level requirement (and in this game, a skill rank requirement). Unlike many FEs, characters can freely switch between unlocked classes between fights. Changing classes does not reset a character's level.

If a character battles for long enough in a class, they will eventually gain enough class exp to master it, which results in a character gaining a class mastery ability which can be equipped just like any other ability (see below).


Abilities were called skills in past games; they passively affect a unit's combat performance. They are gained from mastering classes and from levelling up skill ranks. Each character can equip up to five abilities. Additionally, many classes have up to three class abilities which do not count toward this limit; the character will automatically benefit from those abilities while they are in that class. Abilities with the same name do not stack (e.g. it's possible to get Fiendish Blow as a class ability and as class mastery ability, but the game will not let you set both).

Weapon durability and magic

Weapons have durability; each time they hit a target, their number of remaining uses drop by one. Weapons can be repaired between battles, for a cost.

Legendary weapons often require relatively rare materials (as well as more money than normal) to repair, so you might wish to limit their use in individual DL matches. I encourage people to play the game and draw their own conclusions.

Magic works slightly differently; every spell has a fixed number of uses per fight (hit or miss, in the case of attack magic). There is no way to restore these uses within a fight, but they are automatically restored between fights.

Combat Arts

Combat arts are weapon-based techniques which characters can use as an action in place of a regular attack. Combat arts frequently have a bonus to Attack or Hit as compared to a regular attack, and may have other effects besides, but they cost additional weapon durability, whether the combat art hits or misses.

Combat arts can not be used on the enemy phase (i.e. as counterattacks), and can not make followup attacks. Combat arts made with weapons which have the "strike twice" effect (i.e. brave weapons and gauntlets) will not strike twice, unless the combat art in question also has the "strikes twice" effect.

Because legendary weapon durability is limited, combat arts making use of legendary weapons will not be considered in the averages, and I would generally recommend allowing only limited use of them in the DL (one per battle, maaaybe two if you're generous).


Characters can equip battalions, which have an effect on their stats and allow them to use a Gambit Attack (which is typically either OPB or 2PB). Gambit Attacks can have various effects, but most commonly are uncounterable attacks which use the user’s and target’s Cha stats to determine their accuracy which inflict the Rattle status (slight debuff and move=0 for one turn).

They are not considered in the stat topic currently because of questionable flavour for a duel and due to difficulties in deciding who would get what battalion.


Crests are bloodline-based powers which are important to the game's setting. In gameplay, they manifest similarly to abilities, typically having a certain % chance to have some extra effect kick in during attacks of certain types made by the character. These abilities are tied to the character and can not be removed. If a crest says it raises Mt (might), the bonus is always +5.


-All characters are taken on the route where they are most available (which for the students is their own "house").
-Although not all routes have the same endgame level, all characters are taken at Level 41, which is a rough average of the recommended endgame levels (and results in rounder numbers due to each PC gaining 40 levels, as the base level of all PCs is internally Level 1). The exceptions are the lord characters, who each have a "gains 1.2x exp" ability, and are given 2 extra levels to reflect this.
-Characters can train only in skill ranks which are their "strength", which preserves character uniqueness better. Characters may also train in whichever skill rank has their "budding talent" strength (as such skill ranks always transform into strengths once the budding talent is unlocked). This also limits the classes available to each character.
-An exception is made for classes which have three skill rank requirements. If a character meets the higher two skill rank requirements, they are assumed to qualify for the class. For instance, Wyvern Lord requires A Flying, A Axe, and C Lance, so Petra, who has strength in Axe and Flying, is assumed to qualify for Wyvern Lord, while Hilda, who has strength in Lance and Axe, is not.
-Characters are taken at A+ in their most relevant skill ranks, except Armour, since no character with the Armour skill wants to level it in battle. (They are assumed to level it high enough to reach C, since that's where the relevant ability Weight-3 is learned.) In theory characters with more skills probably shouldn't be able to have all of them at A+ but the distinction generally doesn't matter much.
-In general, characters are assumed to class change at levels 5, 11, 21, and 31, and can master one class at each tier except for the final "master" tier. Characters who join after Chapter 1 are only assumed to master three classes. Characters who join after Chapter 10 are assumed to master two classes. I had everyone master Commoner/Noble for HP+5 since it's universally useful and preserves the "true" HP curve, then made judgement calls from there.
-Assumed enemy stats are largely taken from Crimson Flower Endgame and the last two maps of Azure Moon (except Def/Res in the case of Azure Moon Endgame which is far more mage-heavy than most maps): 28 Def, 22 Res, 110 Hit, 30 Avo, 20 Crit Avo. For calculating physical and magical durability, 50% damage to average defences is assumed (roughly true in-game). As usual I suggest disrespecting this in the most extreme cases (i.e. Gilbert) as enemy Atk gets as high as 70+ (2HKO even the tankiest PCs).
-Equipment is permitted if it is storebought or forged from storebought. Additionally, characters are assumed access to legendary weapons with compatible crests, since only that character can use the Combat Art. A few more borderline cases to consider:
--Hubert's Arrow of Indra is a reward from his paralogue, and he is the only high-magic character with lance access on his route.
--Felix's Sword of Moralta is given to Byleth by his father and has boosted regen if used by someone with his crest. (30% for him, 10% for anyone else.)
--Claude's Sword of Begalta is a reward from his paralogue and has boosted regen if used by someone with his crest.
--Seteth's Spear of Assal is a reward from his paralogue and has boosted regen if used by someone with his crest (him or Ferdinand).
--Flayn's Caduceus is a reward from her paralogue and has boosted regen if used by someone with her crest (her or Linhardt).
-I have not considered universal combat arts (that is, the ones everyone gets for reaching certain weapon ranks). I don't think I allow them. If you do, the most DL-important one is probably Healing Focus, which is a move unlocked by raising Fist rank, which would be usable by Byleth, Caspar, Dedue, Felix, Raphael, Catherine, and Alois.


Physical weapons listed here are all forged from storeboughts. They can be repaired between fights for a cost.

Training Sword+: 3 mt, 100 hit, 2 wt, 65 uses
Iron Sword+: 6 mt, 100 hit, 5 wt, 45 uses
Silver Sword+: 13 mt, 90 hit, 8 wt, 40 uses
Killing Edge+: 8 mt, 85 hit, 35 crit, 10 wt, 25 uses
Brave Sword+: 10 mt, 85 hit, 12 wt, 40 uses. 2 hits when user initiates combat.
Levin Sword+: 9 mt, 70 hit, 9 wt, 30 uses. 1-3 range. Deals magic damage.

Training Lance+: 4 mt, 90 hit, 3 wt, 65 uses
Iron Lance+: 7 mt, 90 hit, 6 wt, 35 uses
Silver Lance+: 14 mt, 80 hit, 9 wt, 35 uses
Killer Lance+: 10 mt, 80 hit, 35 crit, 11 wt, 25 uses
Brave Lance+: 11 mt, 80 hit, 13 wt, 35 uses. 2 hits when user initiates combat.
Javelin+: 3 mt, 80 hit, 8 wt, 40 uses. 1-2 range.
Short Spear+: 6 mt, 75 hit, 10 wt, 35 uses. 1-2 range.

Training Axe+: 6 mt, 80 hit, 4 wt, 65 uses
Iron Axe+: 9 mt, 80 hit, 7 wt, 50 uses
Silver Axe+: 17 mt, 70 hit, 10 wt, 40 uses
Brave Axe+: 13 mt, 70 hit, 14 wt, 40 uses. 2 hits when user initiates combat.
Hand Axe+: 5 mt, 70 hit, 10 wt, 40 uses. 1-2 range.
Short Axe+: 9 mt, 65 hit, 12 wt, 35 uses. 1-2 range.

BOWS (all bows have 3x mt against fliers, and have 2 range unless noted)
Training Bow+: 3 mt, 90 hit, 3 wt, 65 uses
Iron Bow+: 7 mt, 95 hit, 5 wt, 45 uses
Longbow+: 11 mt, 70 hit, 13 wt, 25 uses. 2-3 range.
Silver Bow+: 13 mt, 75 hit, 8 wt, 40 uses
Brave Bow+: 11 mt, 80 hit, 12 wt, 40 uses. 2 hits when user initiates combat.

GAUNTLETS (all gauntlets have 5 crit unless noted, 2 hits when user initiates combat, and can not be used while mounted)
Training Gauntlets+: 0 mt, 100 hit, 1 wt, 90 uses
Iron Gauntlets+: 1 mt, 95 hit, 3 wt, 60 uses
Silver Gauntlets+: 4 mt, 90 hit, 7 wt, 55 uses

Black/Dark/White magic is always tied to a character; see the individual character entries for which spells they have. The uses are refreshed in each battle automatically, but can not be restored mid-fight. Some classes have abilities which double their number of magic uses compared to the figures listed here.

All magic has 1-2 range, unless noted.

Fire: 3 mt, 90 hit, 3 wt, 10 uses
Bolganone: 8 mt, 85 hit, 6 wt, 5 uses
Ragnarok: 15 mt, 80 hit, 5 crit, 9 wt, 3 uses
Thunder: 4 mt, 80 hit, 5 crit, 4 wt, 8 uses
Thoron: 9 mt, 75 hit, 10 crit, 7 wt, 4 uses. 1-3 range.
Bolting: 12 mt, 65 hit, 15 crit, 18 wt, 2 uses. 3-10 range, can't double.
Wind: 2 mt, 100 hit, 10 crit, 2 wt, 12 uses
Cutting Gale: 7 mt, 95 hit, 10 crit, 5 wt, 6 uses
Excalibur: 11 mt, 100 hit, 15 crit, 8 wt, 4 uses. +22 dmg vs fliers.
Blizzard: 3 mt, 70 hit, 15 crit, 4 wt, 10 uses
Fimbulvetr: 12 mt, 65 hit, 25 crit, 10 wt, 3 uses
Sagittae: 7 mt, 90 hit, 5 crit, 6 wt, 10 uses
Meteor: 10 mt, 80 hit, 19 wt, 1 uses. 3-10 range, can't double, hits an AoE.
Agnea's Arrow: 16 mt, 70 hit, 5 crit, 13 wt, 2 uses

Miasma: 5 mt, 80 hit, 5 wt, 10 uses
Mire: 3 mt, 70 hit, 5 wt, 8 uses. 1-3 range. Inflicts Def-5 for one turn.
Swarm: 4 mt, 70 hit, 4 wt, 8 uses. Inflicts Spd-5 for one turn.
Banshee: 9 mt, 75 hit, 5 crit, 9 wt, 5 uses. Inflicts Move-5 for one turn.
Death: 6 mt, 70 hit, 20 crit, 8 wt, 4 uses. 1-3 range.
Luna: 1 mt, 65 hit, 7 wt, 2 uses. Treats target's Res as 0, can't double.
Dark Spikes: 13 mt, 80 hit, 11 wt, 3 uses. +26 dmg vs cavalry.
Hades: 18 mt, 65 hit, 10 crit, 16 wt, 2 uses

Nosferatu: 1 mt, 80 hit, 8 wt, 12 uses. Restores HP equal to 50% of damage dealt.
Seraphim: 8 mt, 75 hit, 5 crit, 10 wt, 8 uses. +16 dmg vs monsters.
Aura: 12 mt, 70 hit, 20 crit, 12 wt, 3 uses
Abraxas: 14 mt, 90 hit, 4 crit, 13 wt, 2 uses

There are also white magic spells which heal allies (Heal, Recover, Physic, Fortify), heal status (Restore), buff Res by 7 (Ward), inflict 100% one-turn silence (Silence), or can reposition allies (Rescue, Warp).

Note about reading these entries

When multiple weapons are listed, I will only list stats which change from the default. (For instance, if the first weapon's line mentions 9 Crit, and the second weapon's line has no mention of Crit, then that weapon also has 9 Crit. Weapons usually share crit rates, and may share other stats).

Legendary weapons are marked with multiple asterisks. Remember, you might wish to put a limit on their number of uses.

To save space, combat arts will only be listed (a) after silver weapons, and (b) after a legendary weapon to which they are unique. Non-legendary combat arts can be used with any weapon, though, with the appropriate stat changes from silver. Remember that combat arts can not double, so a character's AS while using one is only relevant for their counterattacks and their enemy's doubles. Assume all combat art stats are the same as those of the weapon using them, except where noted.

Units with Death Blow or Fiendish Blow, or who use Brave weapons, can do more damage on the player phase than enemy phase. This extra damage will always be listed as "2x" or "+6". Keep in mind that you should factor this in on the player phase, but NOT the enemy phase.

The Hit listed here is the displayed hit against an assumed enemy. Remember that true hit is closer to 100% than this; I use displayed hit just because it's much easier to adjust for different weapons. So please keep in mind that actual hit is always closer to 100% than what is listed here.

On the other hand I'll assume the 2RN formula for avoid and show the true avoid, because that doesn't vary too much. PCs can adjust it slightly by changing their equipped weapon (= AS) but it's not a big deal, you can estimate it if necessary.

I've listed characters with an assumed default set of abilities, but they can sub in alternates if need be. Note that any listed weapons/magic will assume the Prowess skill is set (even if it's not on their default set), since PCs have no business using weapons/magic without a Prowess skill. Subtract 10-20 Hit, 10-20 Avo, and 15 Crit Avo if they go without one of these.

To avoid relentlessly spamming their descriptions, I will note the breaker skills here: they grant +20 Hit and +20 Avo against the appropriate weapon type, but only if the weapon which beats them on the weapon triangle is equipped. The weapon triangle is:
Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 12:18:49 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2019, 07:14:53 AM »

HP: 57
Damage: 50.8 (kill point: 127)
Attack Speed: 24.7
Luck: 21.1
Def: 20.4
Res: 18.6
Cha: 23.6
Hit: 95.3
Eva: 20.5% true
MEva: 21.7% true

Byleth Eisner - L43 Enlightened One

”Here is something to believe in!”

57.9 HP, 35.6 Str, 27.9 Mag, 28.9 Dex, 30.7 Spd, 28.9 Lck, 22.8 Def, 24.1 Res, 29.3 Cha
6 Mov, 1.11 PDur, 1.26 MDur, 26% Avo, 32% MAvo (68%/68% with Nosferatu setup)
Professor's Guidance, Swordfaire, Terrain Resistance
HP+5, Speed+2, Vantage, Renewal, Sword Prowess
(Alternates: Axebreaker, Faith Prowess, White Magic Avo +20)
-Byleth gains 20% extra Exp and deals 2 extra damage (factored in)
-Below half HP, user strikes first even if foe initates combat
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Major Crest of Flames: 20% chance to restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt. Also has a roughly 1 in 4 chance to raise Might by 5 and prevent counterattacks.

Brave Sword+: 2x25 = 50 Dmg, 26 AS, 94 Hit, 9 Crit
Silver Sword+: 28 Dmg, 30 AS, 99 Hit
--> Windsweep (cost 5): +3 Dmg, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, prevents counterattacks
Iron Sword+: 21 Dmg, 31 AS, 109 Hit
Levin Sword+: 22 Dmg, 29 AS, 79 Hit, 1-3 range, magic
***Sublime Creator Sword [20]: 30 Dmg, 31 AS, 99 Hit, 19 Crit, 1-2 range
--> Sublime Heaven (cost 3): 48 Dmg, 109 Hit, 39 Crit

Silver Gauntlets+: 2x14 = 28 Dmg, 31 AS, 99 Hit
--> Draining Blow (cost 3): 19 Dmg, 119 Hit, heals half of damage dealt

Nosferatu (12): 9 Dmg, 30 AS, 89 Hit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Recover, Aura

Edelgard von Hresvelg - L43 Warrior

“As more blood wets my feet, they grow heavier with each step.”

64.7 HP, 42.9 Str, 24.3 Mag, 23.9 Dex, 30.1 Spd, 18.6 Lck, 21.7 Def, 17.4 Res, 37.3 Cha
5 Mov, 1.19 PDur, 1.09 MDur (1.25 if waiting), 15% Avo, 12% MAvo
Imperial Lineage+, Axefaire, Axe Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Wrath, Sword Prowess)
-Edelgard gains 20% extra Exp and gets +4 Res if she uses Wait
-Crest of Seiros: 40% chance to raise Mt when using combat arts.
-Major Crest of Flames: 20% chance to restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt. Also has a roughly 1 in 4 chance to raise Might by 5 and prevent counterattacks.

Brave Axe+: 2x(33+6) = 78 Dmg, 27 AS, 84 Hit, 11 Crit
Silver Axe+: 37+6 = 43 Dmg, 30 AS
Iron Axe+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 30 AS, 94 Hit
Short Axe+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 29 AS, 79 Hit, 1-2 range
***Aymr [20]: 44+6 = 50 Dmg, 30 AS, 74 Hit, 31 Crit
--> Raging Storm (cost 4): 64 Dmg, 84 Hit. +24 Dmg vs dragons. Edelgard takes an extra turn after this one. (Limited only by Aymr's remaining uses. Is broken.)

Hubert von Vestra - L41 Warlock

“For Her Majesty’s grand ambition!”

44 HP, 17.5 Str, 42 Mag, 25.5 Dex, 26 Spd, 20 Lck, 16 Def, 28.8 Res, 22 Cha
4 Mov, 0.67 PDur, 1.20 MDur, 13% Avo, 16% MAvo
Officer Duty, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2 (on a dark mage. sigh)
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Lance Prowess, Reason Prowess
(Alternates: Swordbreaker, Bowbreaker)

Silver Lance+: 4 Dmg, 20 AS, 91 Hit, 3 Crit
--> Frozen Lance (cost 4): 50 Dmg, 93 Hit, magic
Iron Lance+: -3 (zero) Dmg, 23 AS, 101 Hit
***Arrow of Indra+ [35]: 32+6 = 38 Dmg, 15 AS, 83 Hit, 1-3 range, magic
--> Frozen Lance (cost 4): 48 Dmg, 88 Hit

Note: Arrow of Indra+ is an unusually expensive weapon to repair (more raw gold than legendaries, though the repair material is storebought at least).

Miasma (10): 25+6 = 31 Dmg, 24 AS, 93 Hit
Banshee (5): 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 20 AS, 88 Hit, 8 Crit. Inflicts Move-5 until the start of Hubert's next turn.
Dark Spikes (3): 33+6 = 39 Dmg, 18 AS, 93 Hit. +26 Dmg vs cavalry.
Mire, Death (1-3 range, but worse stats)

Dorothea Arnault - L41 Swordmaster

"Only thorns left on this rose."

50.6 HP, 22 Str, 29 Mag, 25.5 Dex, 31.3 Spd, 21 Lck, 15.5 Def, 22 Res, 26.3 Cha
5 Mov, 0.76 PDur, 1.01 MDur, 27% Avo, 26% MAvo
Songstress, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Fiendish Blow, Renewal, Sword Prowess
(Alternates: Axebreaker)
-20% regen at the start of each turn

Brave Sword+: 2x9 = 18 Dmg, 23 AS, 91 Hit, 13 Crit
Silver Sword+: 12 Dmg, 27 AS, 96 Hit
--> Hexblade (cost 3): 38 Dmg, 103 Hit, magic
Iron Sword+: 5 Dmg, 30 AS, 106 Hit
Levin Sword+: 21+6 = 27 Dmg, 26 AS, 73 Hit, 1-3 range, magic
--> Hexblade (cost 3): 34 Dmg, 83 Hit

Ferdinand von Aegir - L41 Swordmaster

“I am Ferdinand von Aegir.”

62.6 HP, 31 Str, 13 Mag, 23 Dex, 38.3 Spd, 22 Lck, 21 Def, 11 Res, 25 Cha
5 Mov, 1.12 PDur, 0.87 MDur, 41% Avo, 32% MAvo (68%/60% at full HP)
Confidence, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Death Blow, Sword Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Axebreaker, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker, Seal Speed)
-Ferdinand has +15 Hit and Avo at full HP (NOT factored into hit below)
-Minor Crest of Cichol: 30% chance to prevent enemy counterattacks when using combat arts.   

Brave Sword+: 2x(18+6) = 48 Dmg, 35 AS, 88 Hit, 13 Crit
Silver Sword+: 21+6 Dmg, 38 AS, 93 Hit
Iron Sword+: 14+6 Dmg, 38 AS, 103 Hit

Bernadetta von Varley - L41 Bow Knight

"I'm gonna haunt you if I die!"

49.1 HP, 27.5 Str, 13 Mag, 35 Dex, 29.5 Spd, 18 Lck, 17 Def, 14 Res, 22 Cha
8 Mov, 0.77 PDur, 0.74 MDur, 16% Avo, 17% MAvo
Persecution Complex, Canto, Bowfaire, Bow Range +2
HP+5, Strength+2, Hit+20, Bow Prowess, Close Counter
(Alternates: Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker)
-Bernadetta deals +5 dmg per hit if she begins a combat below full HP
-Minor Crest of Indech: 10% chance to strike twice when using a weapon.

Brave Bow+: 2x16 = 32 Dmg, 23 AS, 120 Hit, 7 Crit
Silver Bow+: 18 Dmg, 27 AS, 115 Hit
--> Encloser (cost 3): +4 Dmg, +15 Hit. Target can not move for one turn.
Iron Bow+: 12 Dmg, 30 AS, 135 Hit

Silver Lance+: 14 Dmg, 26 AS, 120 Hit
--> Vengeance (cost 4): 16 Dmg, 17 Crit. Adds Bernadetta's missing HP to damage dealt.
Iron Lance+: 7 Dmg, 29 AS, 130 Hit

Caspar von Bergliez - L41 War Master

"Right makes might, right?"

67.6 HP, 37.8 Str, 13.5 Mag, 24 Dex, 28 Spd, 25 Lck, 21 Def, 12 Res, 16 Cha
6 Mov, 1.21 PDur, 0.96 MDur, 9% Avo, 15% MAvo
Born Fighter, Fistfaire, Axefaire, Crit +20
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Brawling Prowess
(Alternates: Lancebreaker, Tomebreaker)
-Adjacent enemies suffer Avo -10 (factored in)

Brave Axe+: 2x(28+6) = 68 Dmg, 21 AS, 94 Hit, 25 Crit
Silver Axe+: 32+6 = 38 Dmg, 25 AS
Iron Axe+: 24+6 = 30 Dmg, 28 AS, 104 Hit
Short Axe+: 24+6 = 30 Dmg, 23 AS, 89 Hit, 1-2 range (-10 hit at range 2)
Silver Gauntlets+: 2x(19+6) = 50 Dmg, 28 AS, 104 Hit

Petra Macneary - L41 Wyvern Lord

“War feeds my body and mind.”

59.6 HP, 32.5 Str, 12.5 Mag, 28 Dex, 41.3 Spd, 25 Lck, 22 Def, 13.5 Res, 21.8 Cha
8 Mov, 1.11 PDur, 0.89 MDur, 37% Avo, 37% MAvo (85%/85% if she waits)
Hunter's Boon, Canto, Axefaire, Avoid +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Alert Stance+
(Alternates: Seal Defence, Lancebreaker, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker)
-Petra has +20 Crit if her opponent has less than half HP

Brave Axe+: 2x(23+6) = 58 Dmg, 33 AS, 88 Hit, 7 Crit
Silver Axe+: 27+6 = 33 Dmg, 37 AS
Iron Axe+: 19+6 = 25 Dmg, 40 AS, 98 Hit
Short Axe+: 19+6 = 25 Dmg, 35 AS, 83 Hit, 1-2 range

Linhardt von Hevring - L41 Warlock

“I hope someday there will be no fighting and we can all just…. nap the afternoon away.”

43.8 HP, 16.5 Str, 36 Mag, 23.5 Dex, 23 Spd, 26 Lck, 17 Def, 32.8 Res, 13.5 Cha
4 Mov, 0.69 PDur, 1.53 MDur, 9% Avo, 13% MAvo
Catnap, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Renewal, Reason Prowess
(Alternates: Faith Prowess)
-Linhardt heals 10% HP if he uses wait
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Minor Crest of Cethleann: 30% chance to raise healing by 5 when using recovery magic.

Fire (20): 22+6 = 28 Dmg, 23 AS, 105 Hit, 5 Crit
Cutting Gale (12): 26+6 = 32 Dmg, 21 AS, 110 Hit, 15 Crit
Bolganone (10): 27+6 = 33 Dmg, 20 AS, 100 Hit, 5 Crit
Excalibur (8): 30+6 = 36 Dmg, 18 AS, 115 Hit, 20 Crit. +22 Dmg vs fliers.

Nosferatu (12): 15+6 = 21 Dmg, 18 AS, 85 Hit, 5 Crit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Physic, Restore, Warp

Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - L43 Great Lord

“Kill every last one of them!”

69.8 HP, 41.9 Str, 12.4 Mag, 29.2 Dex, 36.8 Spd, 17 Lck, 25.4 Def, 12.4 Res, 36.8 Cha
6 Mov, 1.49 PDur, 1.01 MDur, 27% Avo, 20% MAvo (63%/54% at full HP)
Royal Lineage+, Charm, Lancefaire
HP+5, Speed+2, Vantage, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker
-Dimitri gets 20% extra Exp and has +20 Avo at full HP
-Below half HP, user strikes first even if foe initates combat
-Minor Crest of Blaiddyd: 10% chance to double attack and weapon uses consumed when using combat arts.

Brave Lance+: 2x30 = 60 Dmg, 32 AS, 94 Hit, 3 Crit
Silver Lance+: 33 Dmg, 36 AS
Iron Lance+: 26 Dmg, 37 AS, 104 Hit
Short Spear+: 25 Dmg, 35 AS, 89 Hit, 1-2 range
***Areadbhar [20]: 38 Dmg, 36 AS, 89 Hit, 13 Crit
--> Atrocity (cost 3): 72 Dmg, 109 Hit

Silver Sword+: 27 Dmg, 37 AS, 99 Hit
--> Windsweep (cost 5): +3 Dmg, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, prevents counterattacks

Dedue Molinaro - L41 War Master

"I will break you!"

73.6 HP, 42.8 Str, 11.5 Mag, 19 Dex, 22 Spd, 16.5 Lck, 29 Def, 11 Res, 17.8 Cha
6 Mov, 1.85 PDur (2.30 if he waits), 1.02 MDur, 7% Avo, 7% MAvo
Staunch Shield, Fistfaire, Axefaire, Crit +20
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Lancebreaker, Brawling Prowess, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker)
-Dedue gets +4 Def if he uses Wait

Brave Axe+: 2x(33+6) = 78 Dmg, 19 AS, 78 Hit, 17 Crit
Silver Axe+: 37+6 = 43 Dmg, 22 AS
Iron Axe+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 22 AS, 88 Hit
Short Axe+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 21 AS, 73 Hit, 1-2 range

Silver Gauntlets+: 2x(24+6) = 60 Dmg, 22 AS, 88 Hit

Silver Lance+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 22 AS, 83 Hit
--> Vengeance (cost 4): 37 Dmg, 27 Crit. Adds Dedue's missing HP to damage dealt.
Iron Lance+: 22+6 = 28 Dmg, 93 Hit

Felix Hugo Fraldarius - L41 Swordmaster

"Stronger. Faster. Never enough.”

56.1 HP, 36 Str, 17 Mag, 26 Dex, 41.3 Spd, 21.5 Lck, 19 Def, 11 Res, 19 Cha
5 Mov, 0.94 PDur, 0.78 MDur, 42% Avo, 34% MAvo
Lone Wolf, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Hit+20, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker
(Alternates: Bow Prowess, Close Counter)
-Crest of Fraldarius: 40% chance to raise Might by 5 when using a weapon.

Brave Sword+: 2x23 = 46 Dmg, 36 AS, 111 Hit, 14 Crit
Silver Sword+: 26 Dmg, 40 AS, 116 Hit
Iron Sword+: 19 Dmg, 41 AS, 126 Hit
***Sword of Moralta [30]: 26 Dmg, 39 AS, 101 Hit, 39 Crit. 23% regen at start of turn if equipped

Mercedes von Martritz - L41 Warlock

I’m so sorry if I cause you any pain.”

44.8 HP, 15.5 Str, 38 Mag, 25.5 Dex, 25 Spd, 18 Lck, 16 Def, 32.8 Res, 26.3 Cha
4 Mov, 0.68 PDur, 1.57 MDur, 7% Avo, 10% MAvo
Live to Serve, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Renewal, Reason Prowess
(Alternates: Faith Prowess)
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Minor Crest of Lamine: 10% chance to conserve a use of recovery magic.

Fire (20): 24+6 = 30 Dmg, 25 AS, 102 Hit, 2 Crit
Thunder (16): 25+6 = 31 Dmg, 24 AS, 92 Hit, 7 Crit
Bolganone (10): 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 22 AS, 97 Hit, 2 Crit
Ragnarok (6): 36+6 = 42 Dmg, 19 AS, 92 Hit, 7 Crit

Nosferatu (12): 17+6 = 23 Dmg, 20 AS, 82 Hit, 2 Crit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Physic, Restore, Fortify

Ashe Ubert - L41 Warrior

"In the name of justice!"

57.5 HP, 34 Str, 14 Mag, 30 Dex, 30 Spd, 23 Lck, 18 Def, 19.2 Res, 16.8 Cha
5 Mov, 0.93 PDur, 1.03 MDur, 10% Avo, 15% MAvo
Lockpick, Axefaire, Axe Crit +10
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Wrath
(Alternates: Lancebreaker, Bow Prowess, Close Counter)
-If foe initates combat while user is below 50% HP, user gets crit +50

Brave Axe+: 2x(24+6) = 60 Dmg, 22 AS, 90 Hit, 17 Crit
Silver Axe+: 28+6 = 34 Dmg, 26 AS
--> Focused Strike (cost 3): +30 Hit
Iron Axe+: 20+6 = 26 Dmg, 29 AS, 100 Hit
Short Axe+: 20+6 = 26 Dmg, 24 AS, 85 Hit, 1-2 range

Annette Fantine Dominic - L41 Warlock

"I'm your girl."

42 HP, 17.5 Str, 39 Mag, 28.5 Dex, 22 Spd, 20 Lck, 15 Def, 26 Res, 22 Cha
4 Mov, 0.62 PDur, 1.00 MDur, 5% Avo, 9% MAvo
Perseverance, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Reason Prowess, Axe Prowess
(Alternates: Faith Prowess, Lancebreaker, Bowbreaker)
-Minor Crest of Dominic: 10% chance to conserve a use of attack magic.

Silver Axe+: 7 Dmg, 15 AS, 89 Hit, 4 Crit
--> Lightning Axe (cost 3): 45+6 = 51 Dmg, 84 Hit, magic
Iron Axe+: -1 (zero) Dmg, 18 AS, 99 Hit
Training Axe+: -4 (zero) Dmg, 21 AS, 99 Hit
***Crusher [20]: 35+6 = 41 Dmg, 14 AS, 74 Hit, magic
--> Dust (cost 3): 61 Dmg, magic. +18 Dmg vs dragons. Inflicts Def-5 until the start of Annette's next turn. (The debuff is DL-useless.)

Wind (24): 24+6 = 30 Dmg, 22 AS, 114 Hit, 14 Crit
Cutting Gale (12): 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 20 AS, 109 Hit, 14 Crit
Sagittae (20): 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 19 AS, 104 Hit, 9 Crit
Excalibur (8): 33+6 = 39 Dmg, 17 AS, 114 Hit, 19 Crit. +22 Dmg vs fliers.

Nosferatu (12): 18+6 = 24 Dmg, 17 AS, 84 Hit, 4 Crit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Recover, Abraxas

Sylvain Jose Gautier - L41 Paladin

“No one is willing to talk or compromise, so we’ll fight to the death to prove the other guy’s wrong.”

66.6 HP, 34.8 Str, 16.5 Mag, 21.5 Dex, 28 Spd, 20.5 Lck, 24.5 Def, 15.5 Res, 25 Cha
8 Mov, 1.36 PDur, 1.05 MDur, 18% Avo, 17% MAvo
Philanderer, Canto, Lancefaire, Terrain Resistance
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker
(Alternates: Wrath, Axe Prowess, Lancebreaker)
-Minor Crest of Gautier: 40% chance to raise Might by 5 when using combat arts.

Brave Lance+: 2x(23+6) = 58 Dmg, 21 AS, 87 Hit, 1 Crit
Silver Lance+: 26+6 = 32 Dmg, 25 AS
--> Swift Strikes (cost 4): 2x(28+6) = 68 Dmg
Iron Lance+: 19+6 = 25 Dmg, 28 AS, 97 Hit
Short Spear+: 18+6 = 24 Dmg, 24 AS, 82 Hit, 1-2 range
***Lance of Ruin [20]: 34+6 = 40 Dmg, 25 AS, 72 Hit, 21 Crit
--> Ruined Sky (cost 3): 53 Dmg, 82 Hit, 31 Crit, +10 Avo/C-Avo. +22 Dmg vs flyers and dragons.

Ingrid Brandl Galatea - L41 Falcon Knight

“I suggest you continue to grow stronger. If that happens, I might allow you to protect me too.”

55.6 HP, 27 Str, 20 Mag, 26 Dex, 44.3 Spd, 24 Lck, 18 Def, 28.2 Res, 29 Cha
8 Mov, 0.90 PDur, 1.47 MDur, 52% Avo, 48% MAvo (93%/91% if she waits)
Lady Knight, Canto, Lancefaire, Avoid +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker, Alert Stance+
(Alternates: Darting Blow, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker)
-Minor Crest of Daphnel: 40% chance to raise Might by 5 when using combat arts.

Brave Lance+: 2x15 = 30 Dmg, 36 AS, 91 Hit, 5 Crit
Silver Lance+: 18 Dmg, 40 AS
Iron Lance+: 11 Dmg, 43 AS, 101 Hit
Short Spear+: 10 Dmg, 39 AS, 86 Hit, 1-2 range
***Luin [20]: 21 Dmg, 40 AS, 101 Hit, 15 Crit
--> Burning Quake (cost 3): 42 Dmg, 35 Crit, +10 Avo/C-Avo. +17 Dmg vs dragons.

Claude von Riegan - L43 Barbarossa

“As big class reunions go, this one’s gotta be the worst in history.”

58.4 HP, 34.6 Str, 15.5 Mag, 38.2 Dex, 38.6 Spd, 25.9 Lck, 21.2 Def, 15 Res, 35.8 Cha
8 Mov, 1.05 PDur, 0.91 MDur, 29% Avo, 27% MAvo (80%/78% if he waits, requires Alert Stance+)
Leicester Lineage+, Charm, Bowfaire, Canto
HP+5, Speed+2, Death Blow, Bow Prowess, Close Counter
(Alternates: Alert Stance+, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker, Axe Prowess, Lancebreaker)
-Minor Crest of Riegan: 30% chance to restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt when using combat arts.

Brave Bow+: 2x(23+6) = 58 Dmg, 33 AS, 103 Hit, 12 Crit
Silver Bow+: 25+6 = 31 Dmg, 37 AS, 98 Hit
--> Encloser (cost 3): +4 Dmg, +15 Hit. Target can not move for one turn.
Iron Bow+: 19+6 = 25 Dmg, 39 AS, 118 Hit
***Failnaught [20]: 30+6 = 36 Dmg, 36 AS, 98 Hit, 32 Crit, 2-3 range
--> Fallen Star (cost 3): 46 Dmg, 128 Hit, 42 Crit. +18 Dmg vs dragons. If atack hits: after this combat, Claude gets perfect evade; lasts until the end of a combat in which this effect is needed or until the start of his next turn.

***Sword of Begalta [30]: 20+6 = 26 Dmg, 118 Hit. 20% regen at start of turn if equipped.

Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - L41 Dark Knight

“There is nothing that I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, cannot do.”

58.8 HP, 25 Str, 31 Mag, 26.5 Dex, 23.5 Spd, 15.5 Lck, 19 Def, 27.5 Res, 19 Cha
7 Mov, 0.98 PDur, 1.50 MDur, 13% Avo, 13% MAvo
Distinguished House, Dark Tomefaire, Black Tomefaire, Canto
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Lance Prowess, Reason Prowess
(Alternates: Swordbreaker, Bowbreaker)
-Minor Crest of Gloucester: 10% chance to raise Might by 5 when using magic attacks.

Silver Lance+: 14 Dmg, 20 AS, 92 Hit, 1 Crit
--> Frozen Lance (cost 4): 41 Dmg, 91 Hit, magic
Iron Lance+: 7 Dmg, 23 AS, 102 Hit

Fire (10): 19+6 = 25 Dmg, 24 AS, 101 Hit
Sagittae (10): 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 23 AS, 101 Hit, 6 Crit
Ragnarok (3): 31+6 = 37 Dmg, 20 AS, 91 Hit, 6 Crit
Agnea's Arrow

Hilda Valentine Goneril - L41 Warrior

“I have a very fragile body, you see. It's so kind of everyone to make accommodations.”

67.6 HP, 36.8 Str, 14.5 Mag, 18 Dex, 28 Spd, 21 Lck, 26.5 Def, 11 Res, 29 Cha
5 Mov, 1.51 PDur (1.93 after Apoc. Flame), 0.94 MDur, 12% Avo, 13% MAvo
Advocate, Axefaire, Axe Crit +10
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker)
-Minor Crest of Goneril: 30% chance to prevent enemy counterattacks when using combat arts.   

Brave Axe+: 2x(27+6) = 66 Dmg, 24 AS, 78 Hit, 10 Crit
Silver Axe+: 31+6 = 37 Dmg, 28 AS
Iron Axe+: 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 28 AS, 88 Hit
Short Axe+: 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 26 AS, 73 Hit, 1-2 range
***Freikugel [20]: 37+6 = 43 Dmg, 27 AS, 73 Hit, 20 Crit
--> Apocalyptic Flame (cost 3): 58 Dmg, 93 Hit. +23 Dmg vs dragons. Inflicts Str-5 until the start of Hilda's next turn.

Raphael Kirsten - L41 War Master

"Making my muscles proud."

74.6 HP, 41.8 Str, 11.5 Mag, 19 Dex, 20.5 Spd, 21 Lck, 28.5 Def, 11 Res, 15.8 Cha
6 Mov, 1.83 PDur, 1.03 MDur, 6% Avo, 9% MAvo
Goody Basket, Fistfaire, Axefaire, Crit +20
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Brawling Prowess, Pavise)
-Raphael has a 21% chance to regen 10% HP

Brave Axe+: 2x(32+6) = 76 Dmg, 18 AS, 79 Hit, 17 Crit
Silver Axe+: 36+6 = 42 Dmg, 21 AS
Iron Axe+: 28+6 = 34 Dmg, 21 AS, 89 Hit
Short Axe+: 28+6 = 34 Dmg, 20 AS, 74 Hit, 1-2 range

Silver Gauntlets+: 2x(23+6) = 58 Dmg, 21 AS, 89 Hit
--> Draining Blow (cost 3): 34 Dmg, 109 Hit, heals half of damage dealt

Lysithea von Ordelia - L41 Swordmaster

“From here forward, see to it that you treat me with the respect of an equal.”

43.5 HP, 21.5 Str, 37 Mag, 32.5 Dex, 35.3 Spd, 14 Lck, 14.5 Def, 20 Res, 17.5 Cha
5 Mov, 0.63 PDur, 0.80 MDur, 34% Avo, 25% MAvo
Mastermine, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Fiendish Blow, Renewal, Sword Prowess
(Alternates: Axebreaker, Magic+2, Vantage)
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Minor Crest of Charon: 40% chance to raise Might by 5 when using combat arts.
-Crest of Gloucester: 20% chance to raise Might by 5 when using magic attacks.

Brave Sword+: 2x9 = 18 Dmg, 27 AS, 98 Hit, 13 Crit
Silver Sword+: 12 Dmg, 31 AS, 103 Hit
--> Soulblade (cost 4): 47 Dmg, 103 Hit, magic
Iron Sword+: 5 Dmg, 34 AS, 113 Hit
Levin Sword+: 29+6 = 35 Dmg, 30 AS, 73 Hit, 1-3 range, magic
--> Soulblade (cost 4): 43 Dmg, 83 Hit

Ignatz Victor - L41 Swordmaster

"Let me paint you a picture!"

51.1 HP, 28 Str, 17 Mag, 29 Dex, 38.3 Spd, 30.5 Lck, 18 Def, 18.7 Res, 15.8 Cha
5 Mov, 0.83 PDur (1.02 after Seal Strength), 0.90 MDur, 34% Avo, 39% MAvo
Watchful Eye (i.e. Hit+20), Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Speed+2, Hit+20, Sword Prowess, Seal Strength
(Alternates: Axebreaker, Bow Prowess, Close Counter)
-If Ignatz damages an opponent, they get Str-6 until the start of Ignatz's next turn

Brave Sword+: 2x15 = 30 Dmg, 31 AS, 134 Hit, 20 Crit
Silver Sword+: 18 Dmg, 35 AS, 139 Hit
Iron Sword+: 11 Dmg, 38 AS, 149 Hit

Silver Bow+: 13 Dmg, 35 AS, 129 Hit, 10 Crit
--> Ward Arrow (cost 3): 17 Dmg, 144 Hit. Inflicts silence for one turn.

Marianne von Edmund - L41 Holy Knight

“I’m sorry.”

48.1 HP, 15.2 Str, 34 Mag, 24 Dex, 26.8 Spd, 22 Lck, 15 Def, 31.7 Res, 26.5 Cha
7 Mov, 0.71 PDur, 1.56 MDur, 14% Avo, 17% MAvo
Animal Friend, White Tomefaire, Canto, Terrain Resistance
HP+5, Speed+2, Renewal, Lance Prowess, Faith Prowess
(Alternates: Sword Prowess, Darting Blow)
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Minor Crest of the Beast: 20% chance to raise Might by 5 when using a weapon.

Silver Lance+: 1 Dmg, 21 AS, 89 Hit, 3 Crit
--> Frozen Lance (cost 4): 36 Dmg, 93 Hit, magic
Iron Lance+: -6 (zero) Dmg, 24 AS, 99 Hit
Training Lance+: -9 (zero) Dmg, 27 AS, 99 Hit

***Blutgang [20]: 25 Dmg, 23 AS, 83 Hit, magic
--> Beast Fang (cost 4): 35 Dmg, 33 Crit, magic. +13 Dmg vs cavalry and dragons.

Nosferatu (12): 18 Dmg, 22 AS, 83 Hit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Physic, Silence, Aura

Leonie Pinelli - L41 Bow Knight

“I’ll make you proud, Jeralt!"

52.1 HP, 28.8 Str, 13 Mag, 36 Dex, 35.5 Spd, 24.5 Lck, 24 Def, 11.5 Res, 24.8 Cha
8 Mov, 1.05 PDur, 0.73 MDur, 23% Avo, 25% MAvo
Rivalry, Canto, Bowfaire, Bow Range +2
HP+5, Strength+2, Hit+20, Bow Prowess, Close Counter
(Alternates: Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker)

Brave Bow+: 2x17 = 34 Dmg, 29 AS, 121 Hit, 10 Crit
Silver Bow+: 19 Dmg, 33 AS, 116 Hit
--> Point-Blank Volley: 2x22 = 44 Dmg, 126 Hit, +10 Avo, 1 range
Iron Bow+: 13 Dmg, 36 AS, 136 Hit

Manuela Casagranda - L41 Swordmaster

“Prepare to be dazzled!

54.7 HP, 25 Str, 24.7 Mag, 24.2 Dex, 36.4 Spd, 21 Lck, 16.3 Def, 18.4 Res, 30 Cha
5 Mov, 0.84 PDur, 0.95 MDur, 37% Avo, 30% MAvo
Infirmary Master, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Fiendish Blow, Renewal, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker
-20% regen at the start of each turn

Brave Sword+: 2x12 = 24 Dmg, 29 AS, 89 Hit, 13 Crit
Silver Sword+: 15 Dmg, 33 AS, 94 Hit
--> Hexblade (cost 3): 34 Dmg, 103 Hit, magic
Iron Sword+: 8 Dmg, 36 AS, 104 Hit
Levin Sword+: 17+6 = 23 Dmg, 32 AS, 73 Hit, 1-3 range, magic
--> Hexblade (cost 3): 30 Dmg, 83 Hit

Hanneman von Essar - L41 Warlock

“I read you like a book.”

48.1 HP, 16.8 Str, 40 Mag, 25.2 Dex, 16.2 Spd, 18 Lck, 13.5 Def, 28.8 Res, 21 Cha
4 Mov, 0.68 PDur, 1.31 MDur, 2% Avo, 6% MAvo
Crest Scholar, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2
HP+5, Magic+2, Fiendish Blow, Reason Prowess, Bow Prowess
(Alternates: Close Counter)
-Minor Crest of Indech: 10% chance to strike twice when using a weapon.

Wind (24): 25+5 = 31 Dmg, 16 AS, 112 Hit, 12 Crit
Sagittae (20): 30+6 = 36 Dmg, 13 AS, 102 Hit, 7 Crit
Thoron (8): 32+6 = 38 Dmg, 12 AS, 92 Hit, 12 Crit, 1-3 range
Ragnarok (6): 38+6 = 44 Dmg, 10 AS, 92 Hit, 7 Crit
Meteor (2): 39 Dmg, 92 Hit, 2 Crit, 3-10 range, can't double/counter, damages enemies adjacent to the primary target

Silver Bow+: 2 Dmg, 11 AS, 85 Hit, 2 Crit
--> Ward Arrow (cost 3): 6 Dmg, 100 Hit. Inflicts silence for one turn.

Seteth - L41 Wyvern Lord

"Judgement is passed!"

64.8 HP, 34.8 Str, 20.7 Mag, 29 Dex, 29.4 Spd, 16 Lck, 22.3 Def, 13 Res, 29 Cha
8 Mov, 1.22 PDur, 0.95 MDur, 34% Avo, 29% MAvo (83%/80% if he waits)
Guardian, Canto, Axefaire, Avoid +10
HP+5, Death Blow, Alert Stance+, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker
(Alternates: Axe Prowess, Lancebreaker)
-Crest of Cichol: 50% chance to prevent enemy counterattacks when using combat arts.   

Brave Lance+: 2x(18+6) = 48 Dmg, 22 AS, 94 Hit, 3 Crit
Silver Lance+: 21+6 = 27 Dmg, 26 AS
--> Swift Strikes (cost 4): 2x29 = 58 Dmg
Iron Lance+: 14+6 = 20 Dmg, 29 AS, 104 Hit
Short Spear+: 13+6 = 19 Dmg, 25 AS, 89 Hit, 1-2 range
***Spear of Assal [30]: 21+6 = 27 Dmg, 26 AS, 99 Hit, 13 Crit. +28 Dmg vs cavalry. 30% regen at start of turn if equipped.

Flayn - L41 Warlock

"I'm sorry; it must be done!"

41.6 HP, 15 Str, 37.1 Mag, 26 Dex, 20.6 Spd, 13.5 Lck, 15.2 Def, 36.3 Res, 30 Cha
4 Mov, 0.62 PDur, 1.93 MDur, 8% Avo, 10% MAvo
Lily's Poise, Black Tomefaire, Black Magic Uses x2
HP+5, Fiendish Blow, Renewal Lance Prowess, Reason Prowess
(Alternates: Swordbreaker, Faith Prowess, Seal Magic)
-20% regen at the start of each turn
-Crest of Cethleann: 50% chance to raise healing by 5 when using recovery magic.

***Caduceus (equip): Semi-unique equipment for Flayn. It reduces her AS by 1, but offers her 30% regen at the start of each turn. (Stacks with Renewal to 50%.)

Silver Lance+: 1 Dmg, 15 AS, 89 Hit, 0 Crit
--> Frozen Lance (cost 4): 45 Dmg, 90 Hit, magic
Iron Lance+: -6 (zero) Dmg, 18 AS, 99 Hit
Training Lance+: -9 (zero) Dmg, 21 AS, 99 Hit

Fire (20): 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 21 AS, 100 Hit
Cutting Gale (12): 27+6 = 33 Dmg, 19 AS, 105 Hit, 10 Crit
Excalibur (8): 31+6 = 37 Dmg, 16 AS, 110 Hit, 15 Crit. +22 Dmg vs fliers.

Nosferatu (12): 16+6 = 22 Dmg, 16 AS, 80 Hit, heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Restore, Rescue, Fortify

Cyril - L41 Wyvern Lord

"Making Lady Rhea proud."

59.6 HP, 31.8 Str, 17.5 Mag, 31 Dex, 35 Spd, 26 Lck, 21.5 Def, 15 Res, 19.3 Cha
8 Mov, 1.09 PDur, 0.93 MDur, 27% Avo, 34% MAvo (78%/83% if he waits)
Aptitude, Canto, Axefaire, Avoid +10
HP+5, Strength+2, Death Blow, Alert Stance+, Axe Prowess
(Alternates: Lancebreaker, Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker, Bow Prowess, Close Counter)

Brave Axe+: 2x(22+6) = 56 Dmg, 27 AS, 91 Hit, 9 Crit
Silver Axe+: 26+6 = 32 Dmg, 31 AS
Iron Axe+: 18+6 = 24 Dmg, 34 AS, 101 Hit
Short Axe+: 18+6 = 24 Dmg, 29 AS, 86 Hit, 1-2 range

Silver Lance+: 18+6 = 24 Dmg, 33 AS, 96 Hit
--> Vengeance (cost 4): 26 Dmg, 19 Crit. Adds Cyril's missing HP to damage dealt.
Iron Lance+: 11+6 = 27 Dmg, 35 AS, 106 Hit

Silver Bow+: 17+6 = 23 Dmg, 33 AS, 91 Hit
--> Point-Blank Volley: 2x26 = 52 Dmg, 101 Hit, +10 Avo, 1 range

Catherine - L41 Swordmaster

“I am Thunder Catherine, and I will slay all of Lady Rhea's enemies.”

60.6 HP, 36.6 Str, 15 Mag, 24.2 Dex, 37.5 Spd, 18.5 Lck, 21.4 Def, 12.4 Res, 16 Cha
5 Mov, 1.10 PDur, 0.87 MDur, 37% Avo, 29% MAvo
Fighting Spirit, Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10
HP+5, Strength+2, Vantage, Sword Prowess, Axebreaker
(Alternates: Brawling Prowess)
-Below half HP, user strikes first even if foe initates combat
-Crest of Charon: 70% chance to raise Might by 5 when using combat arts.

Brave Sword+: 2x24 = 48 Dmg, 33 AS, 89 Hit, 11 Crit
Silver Sword+: 27 Dmg, 37 AS, 94 Hit
Iron Sword+: 20 Dmg, 38 AS, 104 Hit
***Thunderbrand [30]: 2x27 = 54 Dmg, 38 AS, 74 Hit, 21 Crit
--> Foudroyant Strike (cost 3): 33 Dmg, 104 Hit, 51 Crit. +13 Dmg vs armour and dragons

Alois Rangeld - L41 War Master

Ah, you need a lesson on breaking the ice. That's a slippery subject, but I bet we can crack it!

67.4 HP, 36.9 Str, 12 Mag, 19 Dex, 24.5 Spd, 18 Lck, 22 Def, 11.5 Res, 25 Cha
6 Mov, 1.25 PDur, 0.95 MDur, 9% Avo, 9% MAvo
Compassion, Fistfaire, Axefaire, Crit +20
HP+5, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Brawling Prowess, Weight-3
(Alternates: Lancebreaker)

Brave Axe+: 2x(27+6) = 66 Dmg, 21 AS, 79 Hit, 19 Crit
Silver Axe+: 31+6 = 37 Dmg, 25 AS
Iron Axe+: 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 25 AS, 89 Hit
Short Axe+: 23+6 = 29 Dmg, 23 AS, 74 Hit, 1-2 range
Silver Gauntlets+: 2x(18+6) = 48 Dmg, 25 AS, 89 Hit

Gilbert Pronislav - L41 Fortress Knight

“Beaten down by sin. Alone and weak. I am lost and irredeemable.”

72.8 HP, 30.6 Str, 12 Mag, 24 Dex, 8.4 Spd, 12.4 Lck, 36.9 Def, 8.1 Res, 22 Cha
4 Mov, 3.03 PDur, 0.93 MDur, 1% Avo, 2% MAvo
Veteran Knight, Axefaire, Weight-5
HP+5, Death Blow, Axe Prowess, Lancebreaker, Weight-3
(Alternates: Lance Prowess, Swordbreaker)

Brave Axe+: 2x(21+6) = 54 Dmg, 8 AS, 84 Hit, -2 (zero) Crit
Silver Axe+: 25+6 = 31 Dmg
Iron Axe+: 17+6 = 23 Dmg, 94 Hit
Short Axe+: 17+6 = 23 Dmg, 79 Hit, 1-2 range

Shamir - L41 Sniper

“Taking aim."
48.6 HP, 32.5 Str, 13.6 Mag, 40 Dex, 25.2 Spd, 36 Lck, 17.6 Def, 11.9 Res, 19.8 Cha
5 Mov, 0.78 PDur, 0.69 MDur, 16% Avo, 26% MAvo
Survival Instinct, Bowfaire, Bow Range +1
HP+5, Strength+2, Bow Prowess, Close Counter, Lance Prowess
(Alternate: Swordbreaker)

Brave Bow+: 2x20 = 40 Dmg, 19 AS, 105 Hit, 18 Crit
Silver Bow+: 22 Dmg, 23 AS, 100 Hit
--> Hunter's Volley (cost 5): 2x23 = 46 Dmg, 115 Hit, 28 Crit
Iron Bow+: 16 Dmg, 25 AS, 120 Hit


HP: 57
Damage: 50.8 (kill point: 127)
Attack Speed: 24.7
Luck: 21.1
Def: 20.4
Res: 18.6
Cha: 23.6
Hit: 95.3
Eva: 20.5% true
MEva: 21.7% true
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 12:15:28 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2019, 07:15:35 AM »
Reserved post for... stuff. Other builds, bosses, etc.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2019, 02:50:04 AM »
Awesome work!

* For "base skills", for those willing to allow them (I would lean toward yes, personally), a few further thoughts:
** Healing Factor: Re the list above of people with Brawling talent... Byleth & Felix are currently on build routes that don't require building any Brawling rank at all.  And Byleth in particular really, really struggles to build skill XP up to A+ in, well, anything, unless you are hitting Faculty Training REALLY hard and have a Knowledge Gem equipped the entire game.  Since Byleth wants to hit both Swords & Faith A+, there's really not room to also get Brawling B.  That would leave just the War Masters (Caspar, Dedue, Raphael, and Alois) who definitely will hit B in Brawling to certify for it, as well as Catherine, who joins with a C in Brawling and can cheaply get to B.
** Curved Shot requires a D in Bows (super-accessible) and offers 2-3 range.  This mostly matters vs. other Fire Emblem duelers, or other units with range-restricted counterattacks.  Bernadetta, Leonie, & Shamir already have Bowrange + for free from their class skills, and Ashe has Waning Shot, Ignatz has Break Shot.  But Curved Shot can matter for other Bow-talent units who don't have a free range boost if they want to avoid counters - Felix, Cyril, & Claude when not using Failnaught.
** Smash requires a D in Axes and offers +20 Hit & Crit (and is weirdly way better than most of the crappy later Axe arts), as well as +3 Mt.  This will only matter in the very rare situations where a character doesn't double, and somehow needs to fish for a critical hit with a Killer Axe rather than using the usual Brave Axe strat (vs. infinite full healing perhaps?).

* Authority & Caspar: A good Authority rank means you can equip better Brigades and have better all-around stats.  The leap from D or C rank bridgades to B-rank or so is not a minor thing, either.  Anyway, Caspar, Felix, & Hilda all sport Authority weakness, but it's not a big deal for Felix & Hilda.  Their DL-plan is to mono-maniacally focus a single weapon (Swords for Felix, Axes for Hilda), so they have room to build Authority anyway.  Caspar, on the other hand, needs to build both Axes & Brawling, so he'll have much more trouble getting a good rank.  Possible Caspar deserves some sort of general stat disrespect off that?

* Braves & Wootz Steel: Wootz Steel is never storebought, so you do need to farm some off wolves..  but…  even if the forge to Brave Something+ is denied, if the barest hints of the Battalion system were factored in, Braves would get even better in a way that would overshoot the loss (every +X boost to P. Attack from an equipped battalion is +2x), so sure, allow the forge.

* Seal Speed is probably worth mentioning as at least an alternate skill for Hilda (off her Budding Talent).

* This hardly matters, but while I agree that the vast majority of Master Classes aren't getting mastered (barring hardcore Auxiliary Battle grinding), the ones that have healing can barely hustle it out.  Maybe.  But since the only Master Class skill worth a damn is War Master's Quick Riposte, and War Master doesn't have healing, it's pretty moot.

* Speaking of things that hardly matter…  you can keep attacking with a broken weapon in 3H!  No more skills, though.  This is one of those things that never ever ever comes up in-game, but might in wacky DL situations vs. 1337 Jogurts.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2019, 11:36:17 PM »
Thanks for the input; good points.

Re Brawling, it's possible Byleth would want to get Brawling rank up in place of Faith, if Healing Focus is allowed. Not sure. In the case of Felix, I'd normally say "well his main build only needs sword rank, so Brawling B should be easy"... except for your point about Authority, which is noted.

Re Authority, yeah, it's a fair point about Caspar being in a bad situation.  Another character who should definitely be mentioned is Gilbert, who is neutral in Authority but joins over halfway through the game at D+ (i.e. only 13% of the way to A), and thus is likely in just as bad a spot as Caspar. However, I just checked and realized I never gave Gilbert credit for Veteran Knight (-2 damage received with a batallion). Maybe we'll say these factors cancel out! Or you can monkey with numbers as you wish. The next worst-off characters for Authority are Manuela (joins in C8 at E rank) and Alois (joins in C11 with C), but while this is a worse situation than those who you have from the game's start, it's probably not by enough to deserve a penalty.

Worth mentioning on the Authority subject that all four of the "main characters" along with Hubert, Annette, Lysithea, Ignatz (surprising!), and Seteth (though in his case it's offset by late joining, C12 with C) have authority strength, though I'm not sure how to reward that if at all. Throwing it out there.

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Random Consonant

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2020, 03:19:32 AM »
* Braves & Wootz Steel: Wootz Steel is never storebought, so you do need to farm some off wolves..  but…  even if the forge to Brave Something+ is denied, if the barest hints of the Battalion system were factored in, Braves would get even better in a way that would overshoot the loss (every +X boost to P. Attack from an equipped battalion is +2x), so sure, allow the forge.

To be honest I don't think I'm sold on brave weapons being "DL legal" (for what little that means) at all but maybe I'm underrating the amount of freebees that would lessen the need for Wootz Steel-consuming forges so I'm not really going to insist on a no-brave damage average and will probably get up to it on my own time if I remain unconvinced.  Certainly wouldn't allow the forge though, since it's not just braves that need Wootz Steel, it's longbows and the 1-2 range options for axes/lances too.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2020, 06:05:26 AM »
You can buy one of each brave weapon and there are a couple more as drops, in addition to the ones you can forge. It's really not a big deal to get a brave weapon for every physical unit in your team, I've done it every playthrough.

I do actually tend to agree that Brave+ is probably too generous (wolves drop either 1 or 3, I got 3 pretty much every time first play and never ran out, but this didn't always happen on replays) but also agree with Snowfire's point that braves are currently underrated by the lack of battalions so eh it balances.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2020, 08:28:32 PM »
Very belated but fair enough I suppose.  Doesn't mean I have to like it.

However I do have one important thing to call out here, namely this:

There is one pure status move, Silence, which is fixed 100% accuracy (unless immune).

Is incorrect as I have in fact seen Silence have sub-100% accuracy!  In fact Silence is as evadeable as any other spell in the game, it's just rare to see because, well, what evades 100 Hit magic that isn't a boss and doesn't have Unsealable Magic?

In fact, while I'm at it, since the game annoyingly doesn't list magic evasion despite it being seperate from physical evasion...

Magic evasion = (speed + luck)/2 + all the various bonuses that aren't terrain.  Notably this is the actual speed stat, not AS.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 08:34:05 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2020, 08:39:17 PM »
A few more minor thoughts:

* All of the students and Byleth are guaranteed that at least two of their stats will increase on level-up.  This makes their stats subtly better than their growths indicate, although less so than GBA Fire Emblems since there's more stats in general (Str & Mag being separate, Charm, etc.).  Adults can get 0/1 stat level-ups.  Unsure if Flayn counts as a student or an adult.  (This came up because somebody did a hacked run with 0% growths, but then gave the students all 100% Dex / Luck growths since they kept getting 2 stats anyway.)

* In general, I don't want to hype this stat topic taking into account storebought accessories since Shields are pretty garbage for most characters and not the accessory you want, and they're the only thing storebought in bulk.  That said, if they have any use, it's with gauntlets / Unarmed.  Might possibly be worth respecting for the Brawling crew a little, that they can keep both their defense and their speed afloat with this uniquely better than the rest of the cast.  (But not much, since the rest of the cast will be using cool stuff like Evasion Rings in-game.)

* I think only Caspar went Grappler in Elf's class path assumptions, but if Grappler is mastered, it's an interesting option in the DL vs. War Master.  It's -4 Str and +1 Spd vs. War Master, but it has the mighty Fierce Iron Fist combat art for +1 Mt, +10 Crit, 3x hits.  More importantly, it keeps lightweight gauntlets equipped so the user is less likely to be doubled the next phase compared to the heavy Brave Axe+.  Caspar goes from below-average speed to above-average speed with this switch-up, for example, a gain of +8 AS, and celebrates his recent listing on the NY Stock Exchange ( ).  Against the truly slow, Caspar would rather stay in WM for brutal quad Brave Axe hits for a zillion damage, so it's not all better, but I think Grappler is probably a slightly better default.  Raphael would be interested in this too, but Raphael also likes certifying for Fortress Knight to assuage Random Consonant's defense woes and to become more durable, and letting him do both is probably favoritism.  Maybe Dedue & Alois are interested as well.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2020, 09:41:20 PM »
* I think only Caspar went Grappler in Elf's class path assumptions, but if Grappler is mastered, it's an interesting option in the DL vs. War Master.  It's -4 Str and +1 Spd vs. War Master, but it has the mighty Fierce Iron Fist combat art for +1 Mt, +10 Crit, 3x hits.  More importantly, it keeps lightweight gauntlets equipped so the user is less likely to be doubled the next phase compared to the heavy Brave Axe+.  Caspar goes from below-average speed to above-average speed with this switch-up, for example, a gain of +8 AS, and celebrates his recent listing on the NY Stock Exchange ( ).  Against the truly slow, Caspar would rather stay in WM for brutal quad Brave Axe hits for a zillion damage, so it's not all better, but I think Grappler is probably a slightly better default.  Raphael would be interested in this too, but Raphael also likes certifying for Fortress Knight to assuage Random Consonant's defense woes and to become more durable, and letting him do both is probably favoritism.  Maybe Dedue & Alois are interested as well.

Eh, while it's a fair point to mention Fierce Iron Fist since that would be a 2HKO option for him that doesn't get him doubled by average (3H going back to +/-4 AS with its speed spread was certain a choice someone made), it's not without some notable downsides there (performs worse against high defense, not being in War Master means his healerbusting is worse, horrible counters plus lacking Axefaire means he's hopeless if he needs to go ranged, and of course as you mention this gives up his ORKO against the truly slow) so while it works better against the hypothetical purely average Light/Middle borderliner.  Pretty sure Caspar's the only one who'd even want to do this however, the others don't gain nearly enough speed by this to care (and if this were default, the average would probably move up enough that Raphael would still get doubled by average) and Alois in particular loses his 2HKO now.

Also putting the asinine callout aside, Fortress Knight requires a B in Heavy Armor which literally no one but Gilbert is assumed to have!  Unless you're actually advocating for having it off of scummed certification exam results in which case he still wouldn't want it in all likelyhood!


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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2020, 12:16:25 AM »
Random: Er, that was meant to be silly, not a call-out.  Sorry about that.  That said, from the version of Elf's spreadsheet I saw last, Hilda / Raphael (/Gilbert) were indeed assumed to hit B in Heavy Armor and go Fortress Knight, which is part of why their defense is so high in this topic, unless he changed it since?  I see Pavise listed as an alt skill for Raphael but not for Hilda, unsure if Hilda ended up on some different route eventually or if it was just too crappy to be worth calling out as an alternate.

Caspar does lose out on his ranged offense with a Grappler switch-over, but I don't think it's THAT bad.  -6 damage or so from -1 Str + losing Axefaire, that's annoying but not crippling since in general Short or Hand Axe only gets used on turn 0 anyway, since it's such a drastic loss of damage on player phase compared to Brave Axe / Fierce Iron Fist.  And fair enough, I agree the Grappler thought is a lot shakier for the non-Caspar Brawlers.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2020, 01:44:38 AM »
Hilda and Raphael are currently assumed to travel through Fortress Knight on their current builds, yes.

Caspar's current silver guantlet assault does 2x25, so his Fierce Iron Fist from Grappler would do 3x22 = 66. Slightly less than his War Master Brave Axe+ which is probably why I went with War Master, for all that I'm open to arguments.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2020, 01:52:05 AM »
Oh well.  I did miss that part.  Oh well, it's not like Raphael and Hilda have much place else to go for that stretch with the stat topic assumptions?  I can't say I agree all that much with trading 1 speed for 1.5 defense but in Raph's case it's not like he breaks class speed floors so it's not like that's worth caring about.  This does cost Hilda doubling average with silvers though so I can't say I'm a fan of it there (yeah she gets Seal Speed, but there's still turn 0 counters/debuff immunes).
« Last Edit: February 08, 2020, 01:58:17 AM by Random Consonant »

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Re: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2022, 05:11:49 AM »

Like in most Fire Emblems, bosses fight as part of a larger battle; your milage may vary on the matter of support credit.

In-game PC numbers are a bit higher than the stat topic. The primary reason for this is battalions; on average, A-B rank battalions give about 6 more Atk (= about 10 more damage), 10 more Hit, 4 more Prot, 3 more Rsl, and 8 more Cha. (Battalions also modify avoid, but some are positive and some are negative.) You could also reasonably have more optimized setups than the ones used in the stat topic (e.g. every physical attacker with Death Blow). Scale as you will. I'll be comparing to the stat topic figures with just the battalion adjustments, with some adjustments for pre-endgame bosses.

PCs can gain substantial accuracy by making use of linked attacks (+10 per A rank support in range who also threatens the target, to a maximum of 3 such allies, or 4 if one is an adjutant). This is definitely relevant as a way to deal with the more evasive bosses in-game.

Monsters, Barriers, and Breaking, Oh My!

A new mechanic in FE3H are "monster" type enemies. Since many of the game's more rankable bosses are monsters, a primer is required here.

-Monsters take up more than the standard one square on the battlefield. Most are 2 by 2, and several of the game's major bosses are 3 by 3.
-Monsters have multiple health bars, anywhere from 2 to 4. Each time you deplete one, you move on to the next one; the transition occurs after the conclusion of the attack (including any doubles), and no overkill damage carries over. Every time you deplete a health bar, the monster gains a new ability.
-Every square (4 or 9) the monster occupies is protected by a barrier. While this barrier is up, attacks made against that square are reduced in effectiveness (e.g. all damage is halved; other effects vary by monster).
--It generally takes two successful attacks to destroy a barrier in a given square. Doubles, criticals, and other forms of extra hits or damage do not speed this process up. However, attacks which hit weakness will destroy a barrier immediately. Gambits (AoE attacks) also destroy the barrier in their primary target immediately, and count as one of two successful attacks against all other barriers in their AoE. All attacks will fail to break a barrier if they miss, and non-gambits will fail to break a barrier if they deal zero damage. Once a barrier is destroyed, further attacks directed at that square deal normal damage.
--Upon breaking any barrier square, the monster will become "confused", which simply means that they will not counterattack the next attack made against them on that turn (it has no effect on their next, actual turn). Note that most bosses are immune to confuse.
--If ALL barriers are successfully broken, the monster will be "stunned". This leaves them unable to counterattack for the entire rest of the turn, and additionally, if they were stunned on the player phase, they forfeit their turn on the next enemy phase. Most bosses are NOT immune to Stun (there's one exception).
--Monsters restore and recharge all their barriers at the end of their action, if their Staggering Blow was prepared for use previously. More on those below.
--Once a boss has been stunned, it can never recharge its barriers again (and hence, never be confused or stunned again).
-In addition to their regular attacks (which also function as counters, as per the FE norm), monsters have an extra attack called a Staggering Blow. To use it, a monster must make a normal attack on their own turn (doesn't need to hit). If they do, immediately after, they can "prepare" their staggering blow (visually displayed by them gathering power). The staggering blow can then be used next turn; it hits a large area of effect, is uncounterable, is typically more damaging than their normal attack and may have extra effects. However, the monster can not move and use their staggering blow on the same turn. Typically monsters will use the staggering blow if at least one target is in range; if not they will move, use another normal attack, and prepare their staggering blow again.
--Again, note that the barrier recharge occurs at the end of a turn where the staggering blow is prepared, whether or not it is actually used. Staggering blows can still be used even after the ability to recharge barriers is lost.

What does all this mean in a duel?

A lot of it's up to you. My initial feeling is to let all attacks of any sort destroy one barrier square immediately, while MT attacks can destroy all barriers in two attacks. As usual I'm not a believer in HP buffering so I don't view the "overkill damage doesn't work" as translating, but it probably ends up with a slight bit of durability credit.

Rhea - L38 Saint (her "human" form)

(faces 51 HP, 55 Dmg, 21 AS, 20 Prot, 18 Rsl, 27 Cha, 129 Hit, 26 Avo, 25 Crit Avo)

HP: 60
Move: 5 (moves immediately)
34 Str, 31 Mag, 23 Dex, 21 Spd, 23+10 Lck, 30+4+5 Def, 31 Res, 42+10 Cha
Takes ~66% from physicals and ~71% from magic
9 Eva [2% real], 13 Magic Eva [3% real]
Regenerates 66% HP at the start of each turn (33% if she equips magic)
Sacred Power + Charm: Adjacent allies deal +6 damage and receive 3 less
Commander: Rhea is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects. She also reduces damage from gambits (AOE attacks) by 75%.
Faith Prowess 5, Sword Prowess 5, Terrain Resistance
Heartseeker: Adjacent foes get -20 evade
Vantage: Below half HP, Rhea strikes first even if foe initates combat.
Counterattack: Rhea will counter attacks at any range.
Shield of Seiros: Halves damage dealt by monsters.

Sword of Seiros: 33 Dmg, 18 AS, 107 Hit (127 if adjacent), 18% Crit, Rhea heals half of damage dealt
Fire: 14 magic Dmg, 21 AS, 87 [97%] Hit (107 if adjacent), 8% Crit, 1-2 range
Bolganone: 19 magic Dmg, 18 AS, 82 [94%] Hit (102 if adjacent), 8% Crit, 1-2 range
Agnea's Arrow: 27 magic Dmg, 11 AS, 67 [78%] Hit (87 if adjacent), 13% Crit, 1-2 range
Nosferatu: 12 magic Dmg, 16 AS, 87 [97%] Hit (107 if adjacent), 8% Crit, 1-2 range, Rhea heals half of damage dealt
Heal, Recover

Note: I've never actually seen her use her magic, even when placing someone within its range but not her melee range.

Comments: If you don't one-shot her she basically fullheals, between the regen and her attacks. She's probably not hard to one-shot after scaling, though. Though this form can cause some issues in-game on higher difficulties, I don't think it deserves much DL respect. I recommend voting on one of her forms listed below.

Jeritza - L48 Death Knight (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow form)

His Azure Moon form is fought one chapter later, with +1 to all stats (i.e. roughly scaled up); the terrain he starts on does not have evasion, though does have the regen.

Jeritza's default weapon is the Scythe of Sariel, but it's possible to take it from him in an earlier, optional fight. Doing so is difficult, and he is guaranteed to be fought with the Scythe of Sariel in said fight. If he does not have it, he will have a Brave Lance instead. Which one is better is debatable, but I recommend voting on the Scythe of Sariel because it's his signature weapon and you're guaranteed to face him with it at least once.

(faces 53 HP, 57 Dmg, 22 AS, 21 Prot, 19 Rsl, 28 Cha, 131 Hit, 27 Avo, 26 Crit Avo)

HP: 63
Move: 7 (will move if an enemy is within his range)
41 Str, 27 Mag, 21 Dex, 36 Spd, 19+10 Lck, 35+4+2 Def, 29+2 Res, 16 Cha
Before he moves, takes ~64% from physicals and ~78% from magic
If/after he has moved, takes ~69% from physicals and ~81% from magic
Before moving: 65 Eva [75% real] {60 Eva [68% real] with Brave Lance}
After moving: 35 Eva [25% real] {30 Eva [18% real] with Brave Lance}
Against magic: 26 Magic Eva [16% real]
Regenerates 40% HP at the start of each turn, until he moves.
Murderous Intent: +20 Hit when initiating combat.
Canto: Can use remaining move after acting.
Commander: Jeritza is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects. He also reduces damage from gambits (AOE attacks) by 75%.
Counterattack: Jeritza will counter attacks at any range.
Poison Strike: After Jeritza initiates a combat in which he hits a target, target takes an additional 20% MHP non-lethal damage. Works on everything, even bosses, but only calculates based on one healthbar.
Lancefaire, Lance Prowess 5, Mastermind

Scythe of Sariel: 42 Dmg, 109 Hit [129 on his own turn], 24% Crit
*Brave Lance: 42 Dmg, 31 AS, 79 [91%] Hit [99 on his own turn]. Hits twice on his own turn.

Comments: Ignoring the Brave Lance, he's... well. Live and dies on getting a turn. At a screaming +14 AS, if he goes first, or survives a hit, he'll do over 1.5 PCHP, with great accuracy and some crit for even more. And he's actually decent at dodging a physical hit, if not taking one (his conrete durability is terrible, you can typically one-shot him in-game with a weakness-hit). Definitely suffers if you don't give him the evade boost of his initial terrain, or vote on AM where he doesn't have it, or bake in enough linked attack support to make turn 1 hits against him common. At 8 threat range, he's... fairly average at striking first himself, not sure what side he'd fall on.

Rhea - L40 Immaculate One (Crimson Flower form)

(faces 54 HP, 58 Dmg, 23 AS, 22 Prot, 20 Rsl, 29 Cha, 132 Hit, 28 Avo, 27 Crit Avo)

Occupies 9 squares (3x3), does not move
HP: Four healthbars, 77+77+110+143 = 407 HP
27 Str, 27 Mag, 22 Dex, 22 Spd, 34 Lck, 22 Def, 23 Res, 37 Cha
Takes ~58% from physicals, ~49% from magic [see Ancient Dragonskin]
20 Eva [8% real] for sword/lances/axe attacks against her barrier, otherwise -10 Eva. -4 Magic Eva.
Ancient Dragon Wrath: Rhea's damage is calculated against the lower of the target's physical and magical defence.
Ancient Dragonskin: Rhea halves all damage, and is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects EXCEPT stun.
Counterattack: Rhea will counter attacks at any range.
Dragon-Scale Wall (Barrier): Attacks made against Rhea's barrier have their damage reduced by 70% [Rhea takes 17%/15%], can not critical, and receive -30 accuracy if they are sword/lance/axe attacks.
Death Blow: Unlocked after losing one healthbar. +6 damage on her own turn.
Magic Bind: Unlocked after losing two healthbars. All Rhea's attacks inflict Silence until the start of Rhea's next turn.
Wrath: Unlocked after losing three healthbars. If foe initates combat while Rhea is below 50% HP, Rhea gets crit +50.

Crest Stone of Seiros: 22 Dmg (targets lower defence), 74 [86%] Hit, 2% Crit, 1-5 range.
Staggering Blow: Aurora Breath: 27 Dmg, 94 [99%] Hit. Hits enemies in a 22-square AOE in a semicircle around Rhea. Inflicts Rattle on a hit (target receives -10% to all stats, loses all benefits of battalions, and can't move) until the start of Rhea's next turn.

Comments: Her damage is pretty underwhelming (it's a bit scarier on Maddening where it increases by 10 and she gets AS/crit), but gets to that borderline 2HKO region once you're through her first healthbar. She counters everything. She isn't doubled by average, but the speedy should manage it. Her defences are where she shines; even assuming (like me) that every attack can break a barrier, foes are still likely only going to land one attack out of two with the barrier in place, making her extremely tanky. Worse against multitarget attacks since then stun + preventing barrier regen is in play, not to mention she loses her counters. Also, do block silence if you use magic of any sort. I don't think she excels in Godlike, but she definitely belongs there.

Hegemon Edelgard - L45 Hegemon Husk

(faces 57 HP, 61 Dmg, 25 AS, 24 Prot, 21 Rsl, 32 Cha, 135 Hit, 30 Avo, 29 Crit Avo)

Unlike all other monsters, occupies one square; does not move
HP: Four healthbars, 75+75+107+139 = 396 HP
37 Str, 26 Mag, 27 Dex, 23 Spd, 18 Lck, 21+5 Def, 18+5 Res, 41 Cha
Takes ~106% from physicals, ~97% from magic (~86% if she waits)
28 Eva [16% real], -15 Magic Eva
Regenerates 30% of current healthbar at the start of each turn.
Imperial Lineage+: Edelgard gets +4 Res if she uses Wait
Twin Crests: Edelgard can make two singletarget attacks against different targets in a single turn. Or, she can make one singeltarget attack and then use Wait, gaining +4 res via Imperial Lineage+.
Commander: Edelgard is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects INCLUDING stun. She also reduces damage from gambits (AOE attacks) by 75%.
Monster Effect Null: Attacks which would strike Edelgard's type weakness do not do so (notably including the game's "hits weakness on everything" combat art).
Counterattack: Edelgard will counter attacks at any range.
Heavily Armored Wall (Barrier): Attacks made against Edelgard's barrier have their damage reduced by 50%, and can not critical. Barrier fully regenerates at the end of every turn, no exceptions.
Vantage: Unlocked after losing one healthbar. Below half HP, Edelgard strikes first even if foe initates combat.
Desperation: Unlocked after losing two healthbars. Below half HP, if Edelgard doubles, the double occurs before the enemy can counterattack.
Wrath: Unlocked after losing three healthbars. If foe initates combat while Edelgard is below 50% HP, Edelgard gets crit +50.

Crest of Flames Power: 14 Dmg, 47 [44%] Hit, 1-30 Range
Twin-Crest Power: 33 Dmg, 87 [97%] Hit, 3% Crit, 1-6 Range
Staggering Blow: Wilted Flower: 42 ITD Dmg, 87 [97%] Hit. Hits enemies in a 13-square AOE in a centred anywhere within 4 squares of Edelgard. Inflicts Rattle on a hit (target receives -10% to all stats, loses all benefits of battalions, and can't move) until the start of Edelgard's next turn.

Comments: Scary. Crest of Flames Power is a bit nastier in-game than it looks here because it can hit your squishiest character; ignore it in a duel. Solid 2HKO damage, and her barrier is a huge pain; in a duel it's pretty much going to be permanently active barring true multi-actions. Between the barrier, the regen, Vantage, arguable 75% resistance to uncounterable damage, she's a tough wall to overcome. Helps if you can double her, but average fails to do it, notably. Godlike obviously.

Nemesis - L60 King of Liberation

There are ten mini-bosses in this battle; while alive, each one raises all of Nemesis's stats by 3 (to a total of +30). I'm assuming they're all killed before engaging him (since he doesn't move until attacked and only has 2 range, this is trivial).

(faces 57 HP, 61 Dmg, 25 AS, 24 Prot, 21 Rsl, 32 Cha, 135 Hit, 30 Avo, 29 Crit Avo)

HP: 107
Move: 5 (will not move until attacked)
45 Str, 20 Mag, 43 Dex, 30 Spd, 34 Lck, 51+3+2 Def, 47+2 Res, 31 Cha
Before he moves, takes ~22% from physicals and ~25% from magic
If/after he has moved, takes ~28% from physicals and ~31% from magic
Before moving: 35 Eva [25% real] at range 1; 65 Eva [75% real] at range 2+
After moving: 5 Eva [0% real] at range 1, 35 Eva [25% real] at range 2+
Against magic: 7 Eva [1% real] at range 1, 37 Eva [27% real] at range 2+
Regenerates 60% HP at the start of each turn. After he has moved, regenerates 20% HP instead.
Commander: Nemesis is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects. He also reduces damage from gambits (AOE attacks) by 75%.
Swordfaire: +5 Dmg with swords (factored in)
Heartseeker: +20 Hit at range 1
Cursed Power: Heals from swamps instead of taking damage from them.
Renewal: Regeneration (factored in above)
Counterattack: Nemesis will counter attacks at any range.
Keen Intuition: +30 Avo at range 2+ (factored in above)
Sword Prowess 5: +20 Avo, +10 Hit, and +10 Crit Avo with a sword equipped (Hit/Avo are factored in)

Dark Creator Sword: 48 Dmg, 108 Hit, 9% Crit, 1-2 Range
-Nemesis has a listed Combat Art, Heaven's Fall, for +16 Dmg/+10 Hit/+10 Crit. It can't double. I've never seen it and I dunno if he can actually use it; lots of enemies don't seem to use Combat Arts, especially on Normal/Hard.

In a long fight, if Nemesis takes 150+ damage, his battalion might retreat. If this happens he loses 6 Atk, 3 Prot (damage taken rises by about 8% raw), and 1 Cha, but gains 10 Avo.
Also in a long fight, Nemesis's sword has 30 uses, so it could break I guess.

Comments: FE3H human bosses look a lot different from monsters; they have bad HP but are a big pile of stats otherwise. Nemesis's raw HP is probably somewhere in the 20-30% range in my books, but the defences go a long way. Meanwhile, he doubles average and does big damage, while countering at any range. Take him out fast, preferably with ITD (which works hilariously well on him in-game). If you can't take out most of his HP in one go, then you'd better force him to move because 60% regen is a pain. Low Godlike.

Note: Most other human bosses look vaguely like Nemesis, but worse. He's definitely the best of them.

Rhea - L45 Immaculate One (Silver Snow form, "Fallen Rhea")

(faces 57 HP, 61 Dmg, 25 AS, 24 Prot, 21 Rsl, 32 Cha, 135 Hit, 30 Avo, 29 Crit Avo)

Occupies 9 squares (3x3), does not move
HP: Four healthbars, 89+89+127+164 = 469 HP
30 Str, 30 Mag, 24 Dex, 24 Spd, 39 Lck, 24 Def, 27 Res, 41 Cha
Takes ~56% from physicals, ~43% from magic [see Ancient Dragonskin]
-11 Eva, -4 Magic Eva
Sacred Power + Charm: Adjacent allies deal +6 damage and receive 3 less
Surging Light: Staggering blow can be used every turn, without charging.
Ancient Dragonskin: Rhea halves all damage, and is immune to forced movement, instant death, and all status effects EXCEPT stun.
Counterattack: Rhea will counter attacks at any range.
Dragon-Scale Wall (Barrier): Attacks made against Rhea's barrier have their damage reduced by 70% [Rhea takes 17%/13%] and can not critical
Miracle: Unlocked after losing one healthbar. If HP>1, 39% chance to survive a fatal attack (to any healthbar) with 1 HP. Should kick in at least once on average.
Defiant Str: Unlocked after losing two healthbars. +8 Str if Rhea begins combat below 25% HP
Vantage: Unlocked after losing three healthbars. Below half HP, Rhea strikes first even if foe initates combat.

Real Crest Stone of Seiros: 31 Dmg, 94 [99%] Hit, 6% Crit, 1-8 Range
Staggering Blow: Hoarfrost: 35 ITD Dmg, 64 [74%] Hit. Hits enemies in a 13-square AOE in a centred anywhere within 6 squares of Rhea. Heals allies in the AOE.

Comments: Rhea's better form (aside from being unable to take advantage of bad MDef), due to the higher damage, as well as slightly better durability (note Miracle). They're pretty similar, though, and this form lacks silence/rattle, so probably has more issues with PCs. Some flavour of Godlike, again.

Still to come, if I'm patient, in roughly descending order of priority
-The Agarthans
-The two other optional 3x3 dragons fought in paralogues
-Boss forms for certain PCs... of which the most notable by far is Dedue's special form, if you allow it. (Most of the rest are probably just too squishy, just vote on the PC form.)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 07:54:05 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.