
Author Topic: Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean  (Read 3339 times)


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Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:09:23 PM »
The opportunity to have this be the only topic in the forum was too good to pass up. Quoted directly from the original. first stat topic, because I was playing the game for no reason and figured I might as well do something with it. This is final-party PC stats for Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean. Why just the final ones? Because I didn't decide to do the topic until after the game's sole temp leaves. Why just PCs? Because the bosses who matter, while actually solid duellers, are all the SAME DAMN PERSON. They have high durability, 2HKO multitarget magic damage, and 3HKO physicals. There is one non-plot boss in the game that uses a dangerous status. There are no elements in the game's magic system, so even that doesn't vary. So the only thing different about them would be specific damage numbers and HP values, and I really don't feel like totaling the damage from a half-hour fight (I told you they were durable) to get boss HP for an unranked game.

Also, nearly all damage tests were done against the final boss, because Pike gets a special weapon for that fight and it was the only way to get consistent values. The exception is tests for physical damage taken by PCs, for which I used Vampire Lord enemies, because the final boss rarely uses his physical.

Anyway, stats.

First, the terms used:

HP: Amount of damage you take before life functions cease. Duh.
MP: Used to cast magic spells. Duh again.
Attack: Governs physical attack power.
Defense: Governs physical defense.
Wisdom: Governs magic damage. May also govern magic defense; I'm not sure.
Hit: Governs chance to hit with physical attacks.
Avoid: Governs chance to not be hit by opponents' physical attacks. Dodging is rare overall, which makes testing percentages statistically difficult. So I didn't.
Agility: Governs time between actions. Doubleturning is possible in the AO battle system, and happens frequently with particularly fast characters or enemies (it's the latter more than the former, sadly)
Resist: Governs the success rate of attacks that attempt to inflict status.

Note that you don't see a stat for magic defense there. That's because I don't know what controls it. It's definitely there, because there's a consistent spread on magic damage, but even Wisdom, the only other magic-related stat, doesn't correlate very well to damage received. But in any case, I do have numbers for magic damage taken, so it's not like I've got nothing.

A note on stat-up magic:
Stat increases last for a random length of time. They might never wear off, or they might never even take effect. I have no idea how the length is determined, but from my own experience, the average length of a stat boost is about seven turns.

On to the characters themselves:


"You are extremely weird, but I think I love you."

Level 53

Holy Sword (special equip for the final battle, so you never get to see it in the equip menu, but it increases his physical damage by about 100 points)
Tower Shield
Dragon Mail

HP: 2576
MP: 253
Attack: ~630 (estimated value from his damage in the final fight)
Defense: 211
Hit: 166
Avoid: 62
Agility: 58
Wisdom: 57
Resist: 71

Lecture: Inflict sleep. Multitarget, about 33% accuracy. 5 MP.
Refresh: Cure all status conditions. One target. 3 MP.
Dispel: Dispel positive magic effects. One target. 7 MP.
Lifesaver: Raise magic defense; reduces magic damage by ~15%. One target. 5 MP.
Time Trap: Decrease agility. One target. 6 MP.
Resurrect: Revive one character with full HP. 15 MP.
Gravity Bomb: Damage all enemies. 22 MP.
Karma Blade: Imbues Pike's weapon with the power of Albert's holy sword. Raises weapon power, all hits become critical hits, increases physical attack power (yes, it's THREE different "attack up" modifiers in one), increases speed, increases evasion, increases accuracy. All of these stat increases are permanent. 50 MP.

Physical attack (before Karma Blade): 650
Physical attack (after Karma Blade): 1300
Gravity Bomb: 700

Comments: A brutal fighter with gamebest damage, solid magic power, a helpful buff, and a couple of nasty status spells. The lack of healing and status protection keep him from being too strong, as does the fact that he has to cast Karma Blade before he can put up a fight, but he's dangerous as hell after that first turn. Heavy.


"Bruce Lee's ALIVE? Oh, my..."

Level 53

V's Yoyo (adds permanent defense up modifier in combat)
Magic Bikini

HP: 2210
Attack: 538 (519)
Defense: 192
Hit: 159
Avoid: 62
Agility: 56
Wisdom: 118
Resist: 64

Eka can also opt for the Tomahawk G, which grants a permanent magic defense boost. If she does, her damage drops slightly. These boosts stack with buffing magic.

Recover: Restore approximately 1200 HP. One target. 4 MP.
Invigorate: Increase accuracy and evasion of all party members. 4 MP.
Refresh: Cure all status conditions. One target. 3 MP.
Barrier: Increase physical defense of one character, decereasing damage taken by ~15%. 2 MP.
Force Blade: Increase attack power. One target. 6 MP.
Dyna Stream: Damage all enemies (Water animation). 15 MP.
Lifesaver: Raise magic defense. One target. 5 MP.
Silence: Inflict Silence. Multitarget, unknown accuracy. 6 MP.
Resurrect: Revive one character with full HP. 15 MP.
Repulse: Increase physical defense of all party members, decereasing damage taken by ~15%. 14 HP.
Death Rune: Infilict instant death on all enemies; approximately 33% accuracy. 18 MP.

Physical attack: 450 (420 w/Tomahawk G), raises to 600 (550) after Force Blade
Dyna Stream: 550

Comments: Not too bad at durability, especially with her equipment bonuses, and can heal forever. Although her damage is poor, she can buff very well, and Death Rune will connect on the second attempt on average. Her major weakness is her speed, which can easily lose her a damage race even with good healing. Middle.



Level 53

Dragon Mail

Gryzz equips two swords and no shield.

HP: 3152
MP: 0
Attack: 798
Defense: 235
Hit: 179
Avoid: 58
Agility: 50
Wisdom: 10
Resist: 200 (total status immunity)


All of Gryzz's breath attacks are free and hit all targets. Except for Healing Breath, their damage is a fixed value that does not change with Gryz's levels or enemies' stats.

Acid Breath: Causes 30 damage.
Healing Breath: Recover 1300 HP to self and 400-600 to all allies
Fire Breath: Causes 50 damage.
Poison Breath: Causes instant death. Approximately 40% success (slightly more accurate than most status)
Frigid Breath: Causes 100 damage.
Thunder Breath: Causes 150 damage.
Blast Breath: Causes 200 damage.

Physical damage: 750

Comments: Absolutely brutal. His defense and HP are gamebest by a solid margin, he heals, and he can hit with a decent physical attack or second-turn ID. He's also the only PC I can think of who has innate status immunity, which is enough to push him into Heavy.


"I'm not much of an early bird either. Never cared about getting the damn worm...used to drive my parents NUTS!"

Level 53

Sky Javelin
Tower Shield
Dragon Mail

HP: 2711
MP: 0
Attack: 556
Defense: 190
Hit: 176
Avoid: 71
Agility: 66
Wisdom: 55
Resist: 76


Eagle Dance: Hits all enemies for approximately 50% of his normal physical damage. Can be evaded. 0 MP.


Physical attack: 475
Eagle Dance: 250

Comments: FAILS AT LIFE. His defense and damage are game-worst, he has no tricks in a duel, and his magic defense is on the low end. His agility guarantees him the first turn against literally every enemy in the game, but that doesn't save him from Light.


"Wow! I've never watched someone go completely mental before!"

Level 53

Ancient Cane
Magical Robe
Sophia's Mantle (the game's only unique accessory. Defense +15, Wisdom +20, Resist +16)

HP: 1802
MP: 491
Attack: 284
Defense: 205
Hit: 165
Avoid: 62
Agility: 58
Wisdom: 181
Resist: 97


Shadow Mist: Increase evasion. One target. 4 MP.
Lecture: Inflict sleep. Multitarget, about 33% accuracy. 5 MP.
Binder: Inflict Paralysis. Single Target, high accuracy (~75%). 6 MP.
Time Trap: Decrease agility. One target. 6 MP.
Dispel: Dispel positive magic effects. One target. 7 MP.
Quickster: Increase agility. One target. 8 MP.
Mindduster: Inflict confusion. One target, unknown accuracy (no confirmation is given for the effect). 7 MP.
Magic Shell: "Moderate magic" is the description, but I have no clue what this spell does. One target, 9 MP.
Starduster: Shooting stars damage all enemies. 30 MP.


Starduster: 820
Physical attack: 200

Comments: Good damage, a few nice statuses, fairly quick, and non-failure defense. Pity about that HP. [/b]Low Middle[/b], eternal domain of the frail PC mage.

And now, averages!

1. Gryzz (3152)
2. Amon (2711)
3. Pike (2576)
4. Eka (2210)
5. Kia (1802)

Average: 2490


1. Pike with Karma Blade (1300)
2. Kia (820)
3. Gryzz (750)
4. Pike without Karma Blade (650)
5. Eka post-Force Blade (600)
6. Amon (475)

Average with Karma Blade: 789
Average without Karma Blade: 659

1. Gryzz (235)
2. Pike (211)
3. Kia (205)
4. Eka (192, optional 15% physical damage reduction)
5. Amon (190)

Average: 206


1. Amon (66)
2. Pike (58)
2. Kia (58)
4. Eka (56)
5. Gryzz (50)

Average: 57.6

Magic Defense:

Because I don't know how magic defense is calculated, I'm using instead average damage taken from the final boss's Starduster spell (which, believe me, I saw often enough to get averages for)

1. Kia (650)
2. Eka (800, optional 15% reduction)
2. Pike (800)
4. Amon (850)
5. Gryzz (900)

Average: 800


1. Kia (181)
2. Eka (118)
3. Pike (57)
4. Amon (55)
5. Gryzz (10)


1. Gryzz (179)
2. Amon (176)
3. Pike (166)
4. Kia (165)
5. Eka (159)

Average: 169


1. Amon (71)
2. Pike (62)
2. Kia (62)
2. Eka (62)
5. Gryzz (58)

Average: 63


1. Gryzz (200)
2. Kia (97)
3. Amon (76)
4. Pike (71)
5. Eka (64)

Average: 101
Average without Gryzz: 77
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 07:41:01 PM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.