Transgendered DL Tales swordsman with a sordid history of tolerating Zidane.. versus a giant walking suit of evil armor who has a large army of fans who insist he belongs in Godlike and a just as large group of detractors who insist he belongs in Light. There can only be one winner here.
"I... what... WHO GAVE JUSTIN DUAL BLADE?!?!?"
The heroic Zelos took one look at the hero of New Parm with a weapon strong enough to level the arena and ran screaming towards the exit, and to hell with the match result. Gades.. well, Gades did what Gades does best. He challenged the red haired hero with the Dual Blade to a battle to the death.
And much like the last three times he picked that fight, Gades got his ass whipped in front of pretty much the entire universe. At least it wasn't Wain beating on him again.