Megaman 2- Wily Stage 1 and 2 v Megaman 2- Crash Man’s Theme - not close
Ar Tonelico - EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. v Parasite Eve: U.B. - not close
Wild Arms 3: Advanced Wind (English) v Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song- A Challenge to God -Four Guardian Kings Battle - Neither one's pinging much to me.
Ogre Battle – Chaotic Island v Mountain of Faith - Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's Kappa ~ Candid Friend - Ehhh. Closer than expected.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - The Tragic Prince v Legend of Mana- City of flickering destruction - Ouch. This hurts. Both are good.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Raging Emperor's Banquet v Ar Tonelico 2 - EXEC_SPHILIA/. - Ow, geez, One of the worst BoF4 tracks vs earbleeding chirpsingers. Oh well.
Dragon Quest 8 - Overworld v Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Battle 3 - Hm, very nice. Very, very nice. String bias vs oldschool bias. Oldschool wins?!
Xenogears – “Shevat – The Wind is Calling” v Kingdom Hearts - Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version- - another very close fight. In the end Hikari is just a little too generic for me.