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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #325 on: April 13, 2012, 08:48:10 PM »
The Cid is going on a trip to Japan with his brother. Forgets his luggage, doesn't notice this until they land in Tokyo. Also forgets to wear pants but no one comments on this because Japan I guess. So he flies back to get his luggage (and pants). Crowd of people hanging around hotel room in wherever we visited before this, some army guys asking people questions. Whatever dudes, I just want my pants back. Annoyed, decide to go back home for some reason, have to take a bus back to car because the airport is also this humungous strip mall that's like a city, wind up sitting next to this whiny brat who won't shut up about how he's just going to kill himself because he has to take PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.

Get in car, apparently I drive a fifties convertible now, hit the road. It is raining. Very shortly I am lost amidst country roads with mansions lurking behind rolling green hills. Don't know where I am, figure I'll make a U-turn at the next intersection. Get to one, start to make the turn, notice the road before me has been completely cut through by a river, stop. Okay, I'll just hit reverse. Look back, I'm on an island now, a little strip of road just big enough for the car. Well this day gets worse and worse.

It's night now. Headlights show up at either bank of the river, army guys pop up, speak on megaphone. Hands away from any weapons, no sudden moves, etc. Such is the impression, anyway--it's rare for distinct words and phrases to be spoken in my dreams, it's more the idea of certain things being said usually. Very belligerent, though! I attempt to convey that I don't know what the fuck is going on, I'm not in a secure area, this should be the suburbs. Army dude angles his car headlights down to the river, "Then what the hell is that?" Cid looks down, there's something underwat--GIANT ALIEN FACE scream wake up.

Just so sudden. Like the dream equivalent of one of those troll webpages that's just a still image until ghostface appears and makes you crap your pants.

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #326 on: April 14, 2012, 08:55:47 PM »
I remember shooting a yard full of people who were trying to attack me with electrified Power Gloves.

It was so bad.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #327 on: July 04, 2012, 12:05:29 PM »
I was getting ready to leave home (not an actual place I've lived at. It was home in the dream), and was packing up all of my stuff, and I decided to get some old games/toys together. I went into the back room, and Uncle (no idea. Not an actual uncle), a great and powerful wizard, told me that he didn't want to see me go until he had finished making a couple of figurines for me. They were about knee high, expertly sculpted, and depicted two of his greatest foes, The Dark Witch (cannot remember her name, but she had one in the dream) and her servant, Aiden (pronounced "Eye-den" in the dream, instead of "Ay-den"). The Witch's figurine was the one that was unfinished. I began conversing with the Aiden figurine, asking some question about the figurines. Uncle offhandedly made a comment then panicked! He had chosen his words carelessly, and the unfinished figurine came to life! To Uncle and my surprise, the figurines were the characters transposed, and Aiden was in the Witch's. He freed his mistress who vanished, then Uncle and I began fighting Aiden. Uncle, of course, was a great and powerful wizard, Aiden was a lesser wizard of no small skill, and I, well, I was several generations removed from magic, so I just had my armaments and my fists.

Eventually Uncle trapped Aiden and he pleaded with us, proclaiming himself an unwilling slave to the Dark Witch, and Uncle, being merciful, told me that he would stay behind with Aiden and try to find a way to free him, but the fight had drained him, and the ritual would similarly be of damage to his old constitution. We briefly flashbacked to the last battle with Uncle and the Witch and I could tell after watching this that he was still recovering from that fray. It was up to me to find her and stop her.

Eventually I did find her, she was in a small town, not terrorizing it, but clearly plotting her next move. I gave her the option to come quietly, but she refused, saying that she nearly beat Uncle, and that I had no chance without his magics. Then I explained to her that my clothes and jewelry were forged from the bowels of the earth, and were runed with old magic to boost my physical capabilities. I could still access these runes, being of uncle's bloodline. I beat the witch with my own two hands and returned her to Uncle.

I was leaving home (the same home in the other dream, but no home I'd ever been to) but could not leave because I needed three keys, only they were locked beyond each other's doors. Eventually I got two of them, but the third key was locked behind its own door. Or rather, a bizarre mechanism inside of a box. Sopko was there and was attempting to open the box, and I attempted it, brute forcing the box to get at the third key. Brute force also did not work.

Phil Helmuth Jr. Showed up and sparked up a huge joint, which Sopko and I declined, then the three of us got drunk together. I don't even know what the fuck, man.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #328 on: July 04, 2012, 12:20:22 PM »
You think Sopko is a wizard who wants to get into your box.
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #329 on: July 29, 2012, 10:51:40 PM »
There was this thing attacking a mall.  It looked like the original King Kong puppet combined with a giant rat.  End result was sort of like a ferocious gray ALF.  Anyway, I popped Wolverine claws and threw down, but someone called me to wake me up so I don't know how it ended.  It seemed like it would have been really cool.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #330 on: July 29, 2012, 11:59:02 PM »
Waiting to die in the vegetable apocalypse while the mold invaders terraformed my planet, I updated my facebook status.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #331 on: October 02, 2012, 09:38:58 PM »
Last night I dreamed they put Elvis on Mount Rushmore.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #332 on: October 07, 2012, 07:03:22 PM »

So it was apparently Halloween, because I was wearing my costume of "Shirtless Cowboy with a Bowtie", and my friends and I were hanging out at some kind of mall or grocery-store-like establishment. We wanted to go to a Halloween party, but there was just one big issue - we had to get VSM laid or else he was in danger because of VAMPIRES (shut up, these are scary ones). So I think we were staying in crowded areas to keep him from getting attacked. I remember we had to go through a school to even -get- to the grocery? store and we had found vampires that had been hiding out from the sunlight in the locker rooms there and they almost ate VSM.

So stuck at the crowded grocery store in our costumes (VSM had a gigantic sombrero and a pencil mustache, so some kind of racist stereotype costume, I assume), we decided to volunteer with the local Bring Christmas to Unfortunate Children drive. It was being headed up by an Asian girl in a Santa Skirt and cap named Natsuki. She asked VSM and I to help her carry some of the packages down to the storehouse area in another part of the mall? place. Along the way, we got to meet some of the children (who weren't at all weirded out by our terribly inappropriate costumes).

And just as we were rounding a corner, some asshole slams into VSM and all of the stuff they were both carrying goes flying everywhere - toys, stuffed animals, expensive jewelry... and the asshole goes running off without his stuff. Apparently he had been stealing something from a nearby jewelry store in the mall? VSM, Natsuki, and I go to return the jewelry and deliver the christmas packages. Natsuki is so impressed with us that she calls up her friend Katharine and finds out if it's okay to invite us to her Christmas party. Katharine is like "Oh yeah, I know those guys, of course they can go!" So now we're sure that VSM will be safe from Vampires I guess? On the way back, we run into the children again, and they have made a cute little scene for us out of Duplo Legoblocks of a shirtless legodude in a cowboy hat and a legodude in a mexican getup with a mustache on the back of a lego version of Santa's Sleigh, with a little sign reading "How the Dirty Cowboy and the Dirty Mexican Saved Christmas".

It is at this point that I'm overwhelmed by cheesiness and wake up.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #333 on: October 10, 2012, 09:38:53 AM »
I found Gin flavored chocolate chip cookies.

They were just as good as they sound.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #334 on: July 11, 2013, 11:08:07 AM »
Last night I dreamed that Spiderman's archnemesis was a cybernetic chimpanzee.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #335 on: July 22, 2013, 06:52:28 PM »
Weeeeeeeeird dream last night.

It was a DLcon of sorts, up in some unknown spot in "the mountains" somewhere. I was a girl for some reason, and VSM and I were exploring the area. Usual con shenanigans were going on, but we also found Andy keeping a hidden shrine where he worshiped creepy mannequin things. Ashley apparently didn't care that he was doing this because it meant she didn't have to drive(not...sure why it meant that, but okay).

A bunch of shit that I no longer remember clearly happened. Then Andy attempted to use the power of creepy mannequin artifact to become the final boss. VSM broke the thing, disrupting the ritual. Andy got mad and flipped a nearby table to congratulate us on our victory...and then someone else became the final boss. I...still haven't figured out who it was, though.

So then there was a boss fight. And I remember DLer skillsets more clearly then the rest of the dream.

Gate: Literally no skillset, not even a basic physical. All I could do was tank, toss items, and switch out party members. But I was the only one who could switch out party members, so I had to stay alive or else things would get bad.

VSM: Standard "protagonist" powers. Healing magic, lightning attacks, and sword techs. Only we had no swords. At some point, he found a tire iron, proclaimed it to be close enough, and used tire iron techs. This ended up working out well enough.

Andy: Still had the power to summon creepy mannequins, and used this power to summon them on the boss's side because if he couldn't be the final boss, he'd at least make sure we wiped to it. ;_;

Ashley: was not present for the battle. She may have been the true final boss. Not sure.

CK: was a ninja. Only being a very large ninja, he threw things like chairs, tables, grills and motorcycles. Took out Andy by throwing the very table Andy had flipped at him. Was ridiculously OP and responsible for most of the damage done to the boss.

Djinn: Had an awesome skillset, tons of damage, full team stat buffing, deep resources to use them with....and got OHKOd before getting an action.

Snow: Had full field status moves. Hit the party too. The boss was of course immune to status. This turned out to be a terrible idea. He got switched back out immediately.

CT: Not sure why she was there, but she was. MT healing and status curing, brought her in to fix the damage Snow had done to the party.

Soppy: Revived Andy because that's what bros are for. Then CK took out both Soppy AND Andy(again) with a thrown motorcycle.

Grefter: Was there, but didn't participate in the battle. May have been the final boss.

Elf and Ciato: Were there, but didn't participate in the battle. May have been the final boss.

Tonfa: I tried to swap him in, but he took one look at how stupid everything was and said "fuck this shit, I'm out" and left.

Super: Summoned other DLers. His summons were: Dhyer(rammed his car into the boss), Nephrite(granted the party a presidential pardon. Not...sure what that actually did), and Shale(so Super summons Shale, Shale summons Abraham Lincoln, and Lincoln summons a demonic toaster. The toaster goes apeshit and does tons of damage to the boss while Super, Shale and Lincoln all stand there nodding in unison, quite pleased with their work. )

Other people were there, but i don't remember what they did. The boss fight was ridiculously drawn out, though.

I don't normally dream about people I know, but apparently when I do it gets wonky as all hell.
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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #336 on: August 15, 2013, 10:15:52 AM »
Bowling with Voltaire.

Tom Hanks is an unreliable building contractor.

I go back to school and there is now a McDonald's on campus. Internal speakers blare the Imperial March 24/7. Mickey D's finally dropping the facade.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #337 on: August 20, 2013, 11:02:35 AM »
An eight-year-old's book report erroneously states that VTOL aircraft are inoperable on the surface of Tatooine. This is later amended to K'shngfth'fnorh, which is probably not a canon Star Wars name but just as well could be.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #338 on: August 21, 2013, 03:32:44 AM »
So I'm at some party with my mother and she sees someone she knew from her young adult days who is the father of some dude that I know. I introduce the two of them so that they can catch up and go back to the party.

Weird dream shit happens and it's the next day. Apparently Father Of Some Dude That I Know killed himself that night and I spend the rest of the day trying to console my mother because she is convinced that he killed himself because of a joke that she made about hating him.

I wake up and step in cat vomit. Not part of the dream, but just a good start to the day.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #339 on: August 21, 2013, 04:05:14 AM »

I had a dream last night. I was talking to her in person and made a :-* face and told her to play VPDS, Ciato laughed at it and made fun of me. : Even my subconscious plots against me.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #340 on: August 21, 2013, 04:08:17 AM »
Are we sure that is a dream and not a memory.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #341 on: September 12, 2013, 07:56:37 PM »
This set of dreams occurred over a two-day period. The first one was just unusual, but the second one ended up scaring me awake.

Dream #1 (This was Wednesday morning’s dream)-
I was going to play a game in the living room and was looking for the remotes. Mom said to look in the kitchen. In the kitchen, mom had literally washed all the remotes and batteries (separately) and placed some in the dish drainer. Frustrated, I went to go turn on the TV as normal, only to find the TV itself was re-wired completely. The AC adapter could be removed and twisted out of the socket while there was miles upon miles of wire needed to be fixed in order for the TV to work.

Dream #2 (This was Thursday morning’s dream)-
Mom, my aunt, and my cousins were going shopping and they dragged me along. I was grouped with one of my cousins who currently lives in Houston. As we drove around, she made comments about how she was able to walk to Bellaire as well as the fact that bridges made her nervous because they could collapse at any time. She even talked about sitting in the waiting room in Manhattan. Eventually, we ran into a kid that kept crossing the road and rushing after us, him mistaking my cousin for Carmen Santiago. I was confused and asked the kid where he was from. He said from around the place. He told us his name (Andy) and he had been orphaned since the hurricane. I took pity on him and said we would adopt him. He was overjoyed and that is when things took a surreal turn. My cousin kept driving…into what appeared to be a blue-screened snake hospital. Only thing was there was a big poisonous snake poised to strike at Andy and I, which made me tell my cousin to backpedal away. It worked, but another snake appeared on my chest and shoulder, close to striking me down. I gripped the snake, trying to pull it away but it resisted, and that was when I woke up in a cold sweat.

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #342 on: September 12, 2013, 08:53:45 PM »
I've had a few DL! dreams starring Djinn lately, other people as well but yeah, I blame the avatar!~

Stuff with Snow as well, the usual disagreeing over capabilities of CT baits (yes this carries over into dreams) >.>
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 11:36:21 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #343 on: September 13, 2013, 02:31:13 AM »
There was an alien invasion and the spaceship looked like snow globes and binary code. I was happy to wake up from this one because their chief weapon was horrifying radiation poisoning and humanity did not seem inclined to stage a heroic act III counterattack.

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #344 on: September 13, 2013, 05:39:45 AM »
Then take a fucking Rad-Away and chase it with Rad-X in an hour.  In fact, you should probably be doing as many drugs as possible if everything is highly irradiated.  It will up your stats a lot.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #345 on: September 13, 2013, 05:57:52 AM »
Fallout jokes? Is it sad I only got that because my boyfriend "attempted" to play FO3 recently?

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #346 on: September 16, 2013, 06:16:43 PM »
Andrew and I were back in college for some reason. We were taking a few classes (separately), and for some reason -- like I always do in dreams -- I just... stopped going to a couple of them. But that wasn't the relevant part of the dream.

In one of our shared classes, we had to take a grammar test. I'm talking 5th-grade-American level grammar, the kind we wish the citizens of the internet would pay attention to: they're/their/there, its/it's, when to use affect and effect, definitely/defiantly, etc.

On the way to school the next day, Andrew and I broke up. We walked over to the class separately, wondering how we would tell everyone. And apparently our class was huge, because there was a GIANT group of people outside the classroom waiting for the teacher to open the doors.

DJ was sitting outside with a stack of papers, shaking his head while he was grading.

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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #347 on: October 02, 2013, 10:57:17 AM »
Horde of giant telekinetic spiders ravages America, Cid's subconscious combats sense of creeping horror with lesbians, DL unshocked.


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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #348 on: October 08, 2013, 07:26:58 PM »
My life became a musical of some sort. The problem was that the soundtrack to it was a pandora station, so nobody had any idea what music was coming up next. Everyone had to improv the song and dance numbers on the spot. This was every bit as awkward and uncoordinated as you would expect. Not even in an amusing fashion, just a terrible one.

This ended up with everyone doing their damndest to stay away from me, since it was just my life doing it and not the whole world. -_-;
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Re: DL Also Stands for Dream Log
« Reply #349 on: October 29, 2013, 10:10:49 AM »
I basically just dreamed my way through The World's End, except with AC/DC instead of the Sisters of Mercy.

Also there was a giant robot constructed from King of the Hill scenery.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 10:25:10 AM by El Cideon »