My dreams alter between inane and absurd.
For instance, last night:
The first dream I recall had me standing at an assembly line, and it was my job to roll cigarettes and pass them on so someone else could put them into packs, to sell pre-rolled rollies. This was about as interesting as it sounds. Anyway, it went on for a while (hard to tell in a dream, I know, but it felt like a long time), and I guess my subconscious decided this was boring. I look up from my work and I realize that something is amiss. I am not in a factory, as I once thought, but on a ferry at night. There was still a conveyor belt in front of me, and I continued to work. But now as I rolled the cigarettes they groaned, like a support structure taking on too much weight. The cigarettes changed, too; the rice paper became metallic, the tobacco became marijuana. As I licked closed one and passed it, it began to bark like a chihuahua.
The continuity kind of breaks up there.
One of the ferry staffers came by and asked me to shut my dog up, and I tried to explain to it that it was a cigarette but all that came out of my mouth was a purple rainbow. The staff member go offended and stabbed me with the cigarette, screaming about how unappreciated he was and how unfair it was that Oppenhiemer got to build a bomb while he was stuck selling oranges on a street corner. I screamed at him my technicolor pleas to stop jabbing me but it was to no avail, the little leprechaun on top of his hat pulling the levers was wearing iPod headphones and watching porn, there was no way he would listen to me. We were now in Paris, on top of L'Arc du Triumph, and the tourists were applauding politely and tossing loose change at our feet. The staff/leprechaunman stopped and we bowed. We had to move on, because the dwarves needed the space to reenact the crucifixion of Jesus, and I stayed a while to watch that. It was different, though, because as they're nailing Jesus up Buddha bursts in and saves him with his nudity. They all ran off to Japan, and bought prostitutes to pee in bottles so they can drink the urine and hallucinate. Dwarf Jesus turns to Dwarf Buddha and I and speaks green with an electronic buzz. Dwarf Buddha replies with a Karaoke rendition of Around the World, and Dwarf Daft Punk nods in agreement. Well, how can you argue with THAT? I offer up my services and begin rolling a joint. The dwarves eat it from my hand like puppies, and sure enough they all bleed from the mouths shortly afterwards, never suspecting that I had put razor wire in it.
I see myself from the third person and Zenny is cackling, his eyes rolling in his head before they land on Bar/Cherry/Bar. They stop and roll again. 777 Jackpot.
It gets fuzzy from there (likely, I came out of REM and what I remember afterwards is from a new REM session). Anyway, what I remember next was I was sitting in a desk, shuffling papers and trying to look busy. And then I woke up.