
Author Topic: FAQ: Writing/Editing questions  (Read 1753 times)


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FAQ: Writing/Editing questions
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:36:22 AM »
Q: How long should a writeup be? What are other writeup standards?

Five to seven long sentences. They should cover the fighter and be a mix of battle and plot information however you see fit. Make sure it's typo free and that you looked it over for grammar and spelling. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it's so much easier on our editors if they only have to correct length and a typo or two instead of matching up.

If the person you're writing for has an opposite writeup up already, check that writeup and try to roughly match for length if possible.

Post them in this format:

Name of the person you're writing for (Vs Name of the person they're fighting against) IE:

Soma Cruz (vs Odio)

Makes it easier to edit and keep track of writeups this way.

Q: How many should I claim?

Start with one or two favorites. If you feel more comfortable, grab them. You can always claim more if you really enjoy writing, but claiming a bunch then being able to only do a few means that other people have to scramble to cover those fights. It's especially troublesome in NR, which has a much weaker draw of games to work with.

Q: Can I write for a person if I don't know their opponent?

Yes, in NR. Due to the aforementioned drawing issues, most everyone has to write for a favorite when they can't vote on the person they're against. In that case peruse the stat topics for information about the other fighters, and ask people who do know. Either PM/IM any of the writers, or come into chat and ask for assistance.

Q: When are writeups due?

Depends on the update. For Weeks 1-4, we don't have a set date. Try to get them all done as quickly as possible, but generally it's fine as long as you do it within a week or so unless almost everything else is ready.

For the other weeks, you'll need to claim and do writeups in less than a day for the arena page. Results page writeups need to be done that night or day. I usually try to update NR with roughly a 20 hour downtime or so. (midnight Sunday to 8pm sunday, Eastern time).

Q: Any standards for content in writeups?

Arena page? Your writeup shouldn't be insulting (IE 'lololol zidane sux and can't win ever') and should generally be a positive writeup in favor of the fighter for whom you are writing. Generally, try to keep it fairly clean in terms of content and swearing as well.

Results page? PG-13 basically. Be as insulting as you want here.

Q: Any tips for results page writing?

Just practice at it. Creative writing's the same as anything else, you get better the more often you do it. Every writeup you do is one less the staff has to cover, and NR in general has issues getting results page writeups. Even if you think you're bad, well, so what? Everyone has to start somewhere.

Q: I want to help edit? What are the standards there?

Correct grammar/spelling/typos. Make sure the information is accurate. If something looks off, ask chat or PM me. Also make sure the writeups are roughly equal in length within a half line of each other or so. (We edit writeups in pairs.)

Q: I've finished the writeup, now what do I do with it?

Make a new topic in this forum and post it there.  One topic per writeup please.