Author Topic: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1  (Read 2943 times)


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Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« on: May 24, 2008, 10:33:19 AM »
That's right, like a shambling zombie that no amount of shooting can seem to kill, the Twink League has returned from it's grave! 

Of course, because it's been so long, we're going with a smaller, quicker format.  Returning to the 16 man teams from the very first season, and leaving behind the pools you've learned to deal with and, dare I hope, to love in exchange for a quicker and sexier double elimination tournament format.

Regardless, the teams have been set, the quirks prepared, and the battles readied.  So now, without further delay, let us begin the first half of Round 1!


#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret

Barret's always made a habit of facing off against Authority, and now he's going against the biggest one he can find: Dragon God Fou-Lu.  His setup is simple, a Mystile, a Ribbon, 2 HP+ Materia, and 12 Counter-Attack Materia, all Mastered and all powering the Missing Score.  It's a setup that's the envy of any Fire Emblem Lord, and like any Lord, he's going Dragon Hunting.  Of course, Fou-Lu isn't the type to just accept this, with several dragon forms and the powerful Soul Rend.  All he has to do is survive his first attack, and he can win.

#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa

Two Final Fantasy Heroines of dubious repute face off in this battle of the ages.  Rinoa comes in ready to show off the true strength of her much maligned game as she packs every skill and command but Item as well as a full compliment of Magic, there to ensure that she has an ability for every situation.  However, Yuna's no stranger to versatility.  And while she only has healing and the potent Holy to fall back on herself, her full compliment of Aeons gives her access to a variety of elements, and skills that she lacks herself.

#3:   Kefka vs. Squall

What is it with Kefka always facing off against socially inept sword users who can't help but spout off about how they found love?  No matter, with his speed and Havok Wing, it'll be no problem to shut this one up.  Or, at least, it should be...  Then again, Squall, though he lacks commands or skills, has every spell and the Junctions to use them with, and so can drain HP with each hit, and will be hitting just as fast and just as hard as his foe, making this a quickdraw match to see just who would make the better ninja.

#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights

Three against one?  You'd think it's not fair, but it's nothing new for Yunalesca, and worse odds than the Pegasus Knights are used to having behind them.  Of course, not that it'll matter, as they'll be pulling out the dreaded Ilian Triangle Attack, capstoned with Farina wielding the one and only Uber Spear of death.  Of course, Yunalesca's durable enough that she'll likely just laugh it all off.  And she comes with her own dreaded anti-PC game of Zombification, and the dreaded Life spell.  Can the power of hope once more defeat this undead abomination?

#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu

Good old Indy, back in the day he'd be showing up with his limiter on, facing all the comers and doing his fare share.  Of course, now there's a higher grade of foe, so he's pulling out all the stops.  WIth his limiter gone, he's got a whole assortment of elemental, magical, and even a few physical attacks to slowly grind any foe he faces into a fine paste and demostrate his true might.  Of course, Baofu comes from Persona, where blanket immunities are common, and Indy isn't all that scary.  With Azazel, Lugh, and Lucifer at his command, Baofu is looking to show that Persona is more than enough to take on the Twink League.

#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight

It's Showdown time at the Twink League Corral.  Walking into town, it's the master of space herself, Belial.  With her Space Distortion and super speed, there ain't nothin that's gonna hit her ceptin it goes through that little blocking bubble first.  And her 4-D Pocket's taken down bigger men then this here hero standing gainst her.  But, stepping out of that saloon is Rudy Roughknight, a young lad, with clear eyes and head held high.  Armed only with the ARM on his belt, and the Sherrif's Star pinned to his vest.  And now, the time fer talkin's done...  It's time to draw!

#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong

It doesn't seem fair.  In one corner, you've got a girl and her floating orb of doom.  In the other, a giant mecha powered by God.  Of course, God isn't all that much in the place the girl came from, and she'll be looking to show that He's not much in other worlds as well.  With a variety of powerful magics, guaranteed survival for at least one hit, and a death counter that's sure to buy her more time, Lady has what she needs to win.  Of course, so does Fei.  He has a giant mech with a giant foot.  And when forests are waist high at best, stepping on your problems seems a lot more feasable.

#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog

Mog comes into this packing not just the fearsome Snow Muffler, destroyer of Physical attacks, but also with every single spell in FF6's arsenal, giving him a vast amount of options with which to deal with his foes, including Quick, Osmose, Ultima, and Merton, not to mention his selection of status and dances as well.  That said, TG Cid is famed across the land for his skill and experience, and he also has his fair share of tricks.  From Shellbust Stab to remove the Snow Muffler, to Dark Sword to drain Mog's MP and take away his tricks, Cidolfas Orlandu is ready to teach these hopped up rulebreakers that there's no escape from the Thunder God.

Quick Voting Form!

#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog

You have one week until voting closes!  May the best contenders win!

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 10:41:52 AM »
*glomps Excal*

#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret - I'll bite
#2:  Yuna  vs. Rinoa- Edit - Gwaahhh
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall- What.
#4:  Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights
#6:   Beliall vs. Rudy Roughknight - Knee jerk.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 11:16:44 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 10:46:54 AM »
Fou-Lu vs. Barret: I see him as around 16x physical durability. If Barret's physicals even OHKO average, they probably don't do so by enough here.
Yunavs. Rinoa: EDIT: Innitiative Doomtrain
Kefka vs. Squall: Meltdown to VIT, some high end white magic to HP = survives Havoc Wing. Triple to speed probably makes him faster, and at least lets him keep up. Draining physicals rape. Pleased to not be hyping Kefka's limits, because Squall has all the damage manipulation he could want between strength junctions slightly weaker than Ultima and intentionally not critting.
Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights: Megadeath
Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight:
Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong: Faster, so the gear steps on Lady.
T.G. Cid vs. Mog: Quick vanish doom. Don't see aegis blocking Vanish on turn 1, and unless I'm crazy it's impossible for Doom to miss a vanished target.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 11:07:13 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2008, 10:58:53 AM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret - Unsure.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa - No clue in hell.
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall - Inclined to say he can kill first. I think.
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights - Cute, but I think that the status+durability down the squad? Depends on just how much damage the three can do each round.

#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu - Can't block both the physicals and the magic at the same time. If Divine Wave is elemental, this vote reverses; Baofu can slug him out at that point, but not without that, and Laggy's pretty sure it's not the case so I'm willing to trust him. (It's like the Attack element in Persona 2, running off Int doesn't matter.)

This match gets cuter if you let Baofu wait until Indy attacks; it pretty much lets Baofu win because he can switch to Lugh to reflect Indy's Divine Wave back at him, which would be... brutal damage. If one of his own reflected hits would kill him, I'd consider re-switching vote, but... heh, this is interp clusterfuck. Good match. ^_^; Will think about it more later.

#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog - Lands a lethal status first. Alternatively, Vanish?


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 08:08:26 PM »
Fou-Lu vs. Barret - Uh. Seems to me that, since Barret's durable enough to withstand anything outside of Soul Rend+poke, Soul Rend is going to *guarantee* a limit. Fou-Lu needs to survive 13 physicals + Ungermax/Catastrophe in that case. Does he do this? Not sure.
Yuna vs. Rinoa - Don't think I see initiative Doomtrain going first, my GF charge respect is not awfully high.
Kefka vs. Squall - See Monkey. Tentative unless someone can remind me something that Kefka has that can tip this.
Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights - Too hard to chip around her troubling phases, has too many counters herself that can screw over the knights and TA isn't going to be a factor.
T.G. Cid vs. Mog - Monkey reminded me Dark Sword is physical. Ow! So much for that first turn. If Mog gets a turn he puts up Vanish and that's that.
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 09:33:46 PM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret I think?
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa Pretty sure.
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall Totally sure.
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu Not so sure, but leaning.
#7:   Lady  vs. Fei Fong Wong - Thinking on this one.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog Sorry, Cid.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2008, 09:57:16 PM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret- Barret. Leaning. I guess this depends a lot on what maxed Missing Score does damage wise (It's like 8000 damage?). If so, Fou Lu is about 7.5 PDur to me, so that+Limit takes care of him.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa- Rinoa
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall- Squall
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights- Yunalesca. I guess.
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu- Indy. Yeah, if Baofu can't get magic and physicals at the same time, he'd have issues here.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight- Belial
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong- Fei. I mean...unless Fei has to start on foot and then call his gear then this match isn't at all close. Gear Fei has like 40 PC HP or something.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog- Mog
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2008, 12:08:44 AM »
I mean...unless Fei has to start on foot and then call his gear

Pretty sure he does. However, he's above average speed and Lady's not.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2008, 03:49:45 AM »
Quick Voting Form!

#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret- Don't think I scale FF7 limit gaining at all any more. Couple questions: Is the missing score 9999 damage? Is it ITD?
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa- Magus three one round Rinoa.
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall- Triple to speed gives Squall stupid speed.
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights- Hahahahaha no.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight- 4-D pocket.
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog- Mog is stupidly tanky.
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2008, 04:09:36 AM »
Missing Score isn't ITD nor does it break 9999 (it's a 5x multiplier when you do the math with the 8 mastered Counterattack materia).
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2008, 06:04:17 AM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret: Don't usually consider Soul Rend/Astral in the DL, but I think I'll vote within the flavour of the twink league. Okay. 12 counters at 5x are 60x multiplier. Catastrophe tacks on another 12.5x. Then he attacks once at battle's start and once right before he dies, 10x more is 82.5x total. About 156750 damage. If I use a 12500 kill point (arbitrary!) that's 12.54x PCHP. Now, where do I see Fou-Lu for physical durability? Hmm. DL-legal damage average is 2500 or so, but in-game that's probably higher... which leaves him a bit below 3PCHP. I'd buy that. Then he quarters physicals, so he's probably in the 11x PCHP range. Finally he has above average defence. Is it enough? Eh... I don't think it is, quite. Very, very close, wow. Tiebreaker is Fou-Lu's finishing move might miss, since I'm not inclined to see anything he has except Soul Rend as ITE.

#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa: Initiative is First Strike? Good enough here, some FF8 status or other kicks Yuna's ass.

#3:   Kefka vs. Squall: Don't most bosses immune drain in FF8? Bah, not sure how much I respect that. Oh well, he's probably good enough to beat Kefka anyway since I guess I'd see an Ultima-twinked crit doing some shade of OHKO damage, and Monkey explained his damage control nicely.

#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights: I think.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight: 4D Pocket doesn't care about Sheriff Stars in WA4, so I'm not giving Rudy any more credit.
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong: Steps on her. MALICE DIRGE FINAL COUNTER yeah no, Fei's HP is too good.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog: Gets a turn with MP. Vanish on himself, or Vanish-Doom on Cid, take your pick. (And for the Monkeys: Vanish is ITE.)

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 06:32:01 AM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret- Hurray, NEB math.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights- Hm.  Well, unfortunately for 'lesca, Hellbiter is a counter so no "Mega Death, win".  Thaaattt said... hm.  Strikes me that Curaga can OHKO Farina even with the uberspear, so... yeah.  Still crazy-close.
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu- I'll trust Tai on obsessive Persona 2 knowledge.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 11:07:18 AM »

#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2008, 06:40:04 AM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret - Barret.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa - Rinoa [ew]
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall - Squall.
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights - Yunalesca
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu - Indy. Baofu is good, but.... U. Indy is too much.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight - Belial. Poor Rudy.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog - Mog, easily.

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2008, 11:56:52 AM »
Awesome tourney. Full of win, Excel.

#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret - very close, but Fou-lu's too much for a FFVII character by my views.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa - Twinked Rinoa MIGHT have even had a shot at powering through the Aeons?
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall - Nicely done, Squall.
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights - FE characters, even 3 vs. 1 just don't have the options necessary to handle the Twink League.
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu - Will defer to Tai's P2 knowledge.
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight - Ha, poor Rudy, wants Finest Arts and quickly.
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong - Broken mech HP is Broken.
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog - Tanks everything?!?

Fun to think about all of these.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 02:58:17 PM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret: Lessee. He can have 8 Mastered Counter Attack on the weapon. 800,000 AP. This means his weapon has a 5x mult so it should be doing around ~10000 against normal defense(remember, more base attack than Max Ray). 13 physicals and GRENADE BOMB are around 165,000 damage. Quartered, 40kish...nope, Fou-Lu doesn't have nearly enough HP here.
EDIT: Monkey has a good point. >_>

#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa: I suppose.

#3:   Kefka vs. Squall: Bwah.

#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights: Uh I guess.

#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog: Easy enough.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 07:16:30 PM by Tonfa »
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1-1
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2008, 02:28:04 AM »
#1:   Fou-Lu vs. Barret- Fou just dies painfully. No one can survive such an assualt.
#2:   Yuna vs. Rinoa- Instant Dommtrain ends the fight. That is if Doomtrain has 1000 points C with Rinoa which I allow.
#3:   Kefka vs. Squall- Squalls whole junction thing makes this fight troublesome so I just won't vote on either of them.
#4:   Yunalesca vs. Ilian Pegasus Knights
#5:   Unlimited Indalecio vs.  Baofu
#6:   Belial vs. Rudy Roughknight - Doesn't the Sheriff Star negate all negative status
changes? I think I'll take that as him being immune from the eject status. He still loses though because the speed edge is far to large even with the Sheriff Star stat ups. He'll keep Belial on the defence until she double turns and then he'll get a tank drop to the head. Repeat until dead.
#7:   Lady vs. Fei Fong Wong
#8:   T.G. Cid vs. Mog