Author Topic: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2  (Read 1646 times)


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Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« on: May 26, 2008, 08:45:28 AM »
And with the first half successfully underway, we start the second half!  Whereas the first half had thrills and power intertwined, prepare to see our defensive juggernaughts honoured in this showcase of longevity!

#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool

Normally, when you see a pink clad princess vs. a hulking metal abomination, you'd think it'd be the robot that'd be the tank, but not so here in the Twink League!  Sure, Worker 7 is no slouch in the defensive department, with his suite of elemental and status immunities coupled with high HP and Defense UP.  But Toadstool, Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, comes into this with the Lazy Shell, boosting her defenses even as it limits her offense.  Even worse, she has the Quartz Charm, protecting her from the one status that the Lazy Shell does not, Instant Death.  And all of this is backed up with a bevy of cheap full healing to make her durability nigh infinite.  Of course, with his defensive niche gone, Worker 7 is more than happy to take the offense, with his powerful Work commands ignoring defense, the Princess is up against one of her worst nightmares in her very first match!

#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza

Coming from the mountains, it's the original Pokemon master, armed with the best pokemon that Kanto has to offer, as well as trained them to levels far beyond even the Elite Four could dream of.  With Pikachu, Espeon, Snorlax, Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise at his command, he presents a battle of attrition few can hope to best.  Of course, he's now facing someone who can hope to do just that.  Liza comes into this packing immunity to Fire and Water with the Mizukagami, nulling out two STAB bonuses against her, as well as Sleep immunity with her PowerBelt, in case that matters, in addition to a full Backpack with all storebought items to keep her healed.  However, her biggest trick will be the DSC combo, which no matter what the foe, is always super effective!  All it will take is six shots for Liza to win, the only question is if she can get them.

#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena

Now, I know what you're all thinking.  Sheena isn't as fast as Sephiroth, and so the one winged angel will once more defy both physics and melee fighters by flying out of reach.  But I like to think that that argument ignores one important factor that a drier look at this fight would miss.  Namely, the Burning Passion of Youth!  Yes!  With his heart afire with the same blazing fury as the rune upon his hand, Sheena will take flight in a mighty leap, and strike home for truth, for justice, and for that really cute redhead in the first row!  Go!  Go forth Brave Sheena, and slay your dragon that your star may blaze as brightly as the sun itself!

#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz

Never before have two so very different warriors met upon the field of battle.  One, the son of a great warrior and deceased mother, who wields a greater power to defend his home and companions.  And the other, the son of a great general, who wields a god to defend his home and companions.  Of course, while their backgrounds are at odds, their fighting style is not!  Look forward to monotony as Butz' fixed setup of classlessness backed up with a Masamune, Magic Sword prowess, Mix Skills, HP +30%, Agility, and, because he looks a bit scary with all that, a Ribbon to top it off, gives hims tankiness and durability which is all one can expect for Tir McDohl and his Rune of Life and Death as well.

#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian

One is an undying force made of pure hatred.  The other is an undying force now most likely made of pure love.  Assuming the collision of these two entities doesn't simply result in the collapse of the universe or a giant explosion, we can expect a battle that will last for ages as neither is particularily suited to killing the other.  After all, while the Profound Darkness has her multiple forms and gobs of HP, Lucian comes into this with Guts and an Angel Curio such that his actual HP total matters far less than the fact that he just doesn't die.  So, the question remains.  Does Love prevail, or does spite cling stubbornly to victory?

#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean

Man, things just aren't looking up for Xorn.  I mean, sure, a bunch of annoying kids spouting off about the power of love and jabbing you with sharp things can really hurt, but when you're a giant eyeball, there's really few things that can hurt you more than the guy who knows what never to put in your eyes, and dispenses that stuff all the ruddy time.  That's right, he's facing his worst fear: a pharmacist!  And while he could just bash in most such nuicanses with his speed and power, Bowman has the Bloody Armour, making him immune to all attacks, as well as the Weird Slayer to help keep him alive.  Of course, Xorn does have a lot of HP to chew through, so he may manage to live long enough for Bowman to run out of time, but that's his only hope here.

#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza

What's with all of these demonic entities hellbent on trying to take over reality after escaping from their sealed hellholes?  Regardless, Altima wasn't that hard, and Zophar shouldn't be either.  With the full selection of skills and abilities from FFT, as well as anything he can find in a store, Ramza's got options in this fight.  And that is a good thing because Zophar has a few options of its own, as well as lots of power to go along with it.  It'll be an uphill fight, but if there's a way to win, Ramza will find it.

#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts

And, for our final match, we have, by popular demand (One man, one vote.  Of course, Hatbot is the Man, so he's got the vote) a rematch between Brahms and the Seraphic Gate super bos...  what?  The hamsters declined?  Well, roll in the jogurts!  The epic battle between the Lord of the Undead and the former Overlord of the DL, and his vast army of robotic duplicates/easily duped clones, all the equal of their creator in battle!  Watch as their 1 damage is actually average damage!  Watch as Brahms picks them off one by painstaking one!  And watch as they try and run him out of his monstrous HP total by sheer attrition and numbers before their own numbers are cut down to nothing!

Bonus Match!

Usually, matches for the ages are such because that's how long they last, and there's only really one at a time.  But here we've got two going on side by side!  But, as any Highlander knows, there can be only one!  So, vote for which match will manage to drag on the longest!  Will Profound Darknesses defense and HP against Lucian's cheese manage to stand the test of time?  Or will the monotony of the unstoppable Jogurt horde against the unmovable wall that is Brahms manage to reign as the height of mind numbing longevity!  Only your votes can determine the answer!

Quick Voting List!

#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts
Bonus Match! - Match #13 vs. Match #16

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 09:13:42 AM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool: EDIT: Actually changed my mind, Toadstool would beat Worker 8. Buuut this is Worker 7, and he has low OHKO damage, ITD. Good enough here.
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza: Hmm, are we voting on GSC boss Ash? If so, Psychic is OHKO damage pretty cleanly in my eyes, and it doesn't sound like Liza has anything special on durability. Blah blah I've only played four hours of Saga so please, argue me on this one.
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena: <_< Nice writeup. Sounds like Sheena doesn't have a Gale Rune, so that's that.
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Bartz: Man. Bartz is pretty close to a free win here, with Kiss of Blessing first strike. Problem is Hasted Tir then proceeds to instantly TRIPLE him and he dies. Anything else he does can't kill in one turn, then Tir instantly doubles him, uses Judgement twice, and he dies. That is, if Bartz is limited to storebought mixes. If he gets Turtle Shells/Dragon Fangs, then he also gains Shell+Regen, which is enough to survive double Judgement and win from there. I dunno if those would be considered legal here. I'm not inclined to assume them in a standard DL setting, but twink? Hmm. EDIT: Then the stat topic proceeds to miss the incredibly important Lamia's Kiss, which means Bartz just confuse-locks. Tir may get one turn if he's lucky but that's not enough.
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian: Think he holds out just long enough, but it's close.
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean: This setup always annoyed me.
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza: Hmm, wonder what I see as evadable here, and what isn't. Aegis Shield Abandon owns, but... yeah, inclined to view Fate Storm as ITE based on the fact that most high-end FFT stuff (besides Flare) is. Which leaves Ramza pretty dead since there's no real stopping that that I can think of. ... wait MP Switch! So Zophar uses Blue Pillar instead and tries to double. Granted, even when he doubles it... doesn't mean anything since he doesn't OHKO, all he does is make Ramza heal. ... and Ramza's "healing" will involve calculated Holy with a Chameleon Robe or some shit like that. Yeah, MP Switch / Move-MP Up claims a victim just fine. Status Ball... is 1/4 for useful statuses it can apply. He goes for that anyway. But I'm inclined to see -that- subject to MEvade, so uh Aegis Shield does help here. Thinking Ramza can pull it off.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts: VP1 Brahms has perfect evade. You can hype them Guard Crushing him I guess, which... actually would totally own him. Hmm. Yep, it's a clear weakness of VP perfect evade in-game, I'll let it carry over here.

Bonus: Match 13 is longer, since Guard Crush strategy means Match 16 is over in one turn!
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 05:54:44 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 10:14:31 AM »
Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
Ash Ketchum vs. Liza
Sephiroth vs. Sheena
Tir McDohl vs. Butz
Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
Xorn vs. Bowman Jean
Zophar vs. Ramza: Seeing Aegis + Abandon as owning Zophar completely. Elfboy: One of Ranza's classes is Mediator, which means he doubt faithed himself a billion times beforehand. Even if Fate Storm can hit, it doesn't do much. Forget blue pillar.
Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts: Right now I'm inclined to say only 8 jogurts can attack at once. That means guard crushes are quite rare and pretty much irrelevant when they happen.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 08:49:55 PM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza- Thinking
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza- Thinking
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts- In game, Brahms can be attacked by 4 PCs. In SF, only 4 melee characters (like Jogurt!) could attack the same man-sized target the same turn. So yeah, I only see it as possible for 4 Jogurts to attack Brahms a turn.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 08:55:02 PM »
Quick Voting List!

#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza- Elfboy: Liza has no defensive tricks here, just straight up mega blitz. It's not enough.
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean- Bowman should be able to beat anything but physical immunes with the Weird slayer setup.
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza- 0 faith.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts
Bonus Match! - Match #13 vs. Match #16
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 12:12:00 PM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool - Yep. ITD damage beats Toadstool's game.
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza - Ash is the new Yuna? Only less targetable?
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena - Sheena could be twinked better than this...
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz - Tir's speed game works.
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian - Only one Angel Curio? Guts always fails me when I need it, no respect.
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean - Twinked Bowman is champ-powered.
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza - Boom.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts - EDIT: Party limits make sense but 1337 Jogurts do not, they break him and they break him good.
Bonus Match! - Match #13 vs. Match #16 - Still a pretty close bonus!

EDIT: Tonfa's logic (or anti-logic) convinces me that Jogurts > Brahms.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 10:46:15 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2008, 03:10:05 PM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool: Guess so.
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena: >_>
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Bartz: Mix Death Potion. Oh hey Tir is beaten at his own game. Alternately, as a storebought-friendly version, mix Lamia's Kiss.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts: It's 1337 Jogurts, they throw all party size and sanity limits out the window.
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2008, 07:37:53 AM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts- The Jogurts not being able to fully swarm enough to guard break sounds good.
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2008, 09:27:53 AM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool - Survives a hit, so that's that. People that get OHKO'd by Worker 7 fail at FFT.
#10:  Ash Ketchum vs. Liza
#11:  Sephiroth vs. Sheena - *"Insert lol Sephiroth in godlike" comment here*
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz - Been said. Status Potion = Win.
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian - ...yeah.
#14:  Xorn vs. Bowman Jean
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza - This is pretty clear cut. MP Draining makes an MP Switch/Move MP Up strategy worthless, on top of having 5 actions per round to begin with. Writeup says that Ramza has all abilities, not that he twinked his stats out beforehand, so 03 Faith doesn't fly (otherwise there's no point in stopping from taking the next step and saying Ramza levelled up/down for 99999999 hours). As usual, general scoffing at allowing non-evadable magic from one game being hit by MEVD from a different game.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts - Both VP1 and SF1 limit the number of attackers per round at 4. That seals the 1337 Jogurts' fate.
Bonus Match! - Match #13 vs. Match #16 - Yup.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 1 - 2
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2008, 09:31:34 AM »
#9:   Worker 7 vs. Toadstool
#12:  Tir McDohl vs. Butz
#13:  Profound Darkness vs. Lucian
#15:  Zophar vs. Ramza - close, but no, not that much respect for Zophar and his setup.
#16:  Brahms vs. 1337 Jogurts - I'm claiming ability to vote on Jogurts here. I'd let all 1337 hit at once, but at cost of a shared HP bar... which I think Brahms clears out easily? Might be wrong, but mmm. Cute match, either way.

Bonus Match! - Match #13 vs. Match #16 - No clue.