
Author Topic: GAME START Anonymous Mafia  (Read 28517 times)


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GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:02:22 AM »
SUDDENLY, there were nine.

Nine gathered in an abandoned building set upon an isolated location cast in a desolate region in a remote world that none would ever find themselves happening upon. Except now, as the Plot Powers That Be agreed that these nine, no more, no less, would be cast upon this rock.

They were varied indeed.

A detective sleuth, who found all things but elementary.

A lieutenant of Starfleet, battle-born of honor.

A prodigy prosecutor, whose whiplash speed arguably surpassed that of her attorney skills.

A pirate captain, familiar with castaway isolation.

A Jedi Master, of stature that belied of size mattering not.

A leader of not men but machine.

A trashtalking, cigarette chomping pilot and inspiring astronaut.

A lost and tortured prisoner to a magical ring of an overencompassing Dark Lord.

A man who pitied the fools and understood well the virtues of milk.

Their individual tales, trials and tribulations are much too lengthy to discuss, save the common feature that they all... well... somehow had ended up here. Then Abraham Lincoln rose from the grave and spoke (AK-47 nowhere in sight).

"The nine of ye gathered here. Let it be known that there are some amongst you who claim to be not who they are! Root out this evil, and ye shall be set free and allowed back to the place ye belong. Fail, and ye shall find your numbers dwindling, till none left stand but the imposters!"

Well, Abraham fucking Lincoln just gave you an order, man. Wouldn't -you- get down to it?

Rules: (full details in signup thread located at
- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread about the game, unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting under anything but your assigned account name. Be very careful that you post under your Mafia account and not your normal DL account; failing to do so, even by accident, will result in modkill.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts. Period.
- Don't directly quote your role PM. This will result in a modkill.
- Vote using ##Vote: name and ##Unvote: name (with the bold). I will ignore all other formats.
- There will be no third parties.
- There will be no extensions.
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. There will be no time limit on LYLO days.
- There are roles in this game. This is a semi-open setup. See above for more information.
- There may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that change the rules of the game and things like that.
- Town must lynch. If there is a deadlock at deadline, sudden death will occur. (Sudden death means the first relevant vote or unvote will result in hammer.)
- All modkills will result in an instant end of the day. Modkills are bad for the game and potentially for both sides. Please don't make them happen. Read signup disclaimer many times.
- Day 1 will be 48 hours, future days will last 72 hours.
- EDIT: Rat is now co-mod due to massive failure and my own possible limited availability upcoming.


Alive and anonymous:
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Worf
3. Yoda
4. Cid Highwind
5. Mr. T

Dead and unmasked:
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Franziska von Karma, Vanilla Townie (TOWN)
3. Gollum, One-shot Vigilante (TOWN)
4. Megatron, Vanilla Townie (TOWN)
5. Jack Sparrow, Doctor (TOWN)

Current day: 3
Deadline: None (LYLO)

Good luck. Be anonymous!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 09:24:55 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 09:12:07 AM »
What's that, Precious?  There be vile scumsies hunting after you?  Oh, we've gots ways of dealing with tricksie little scumsies we do, oh yes we's do.  Gollum will keep you safe Precious, yessssss!

Now....  which of you might be vile little scumsies.  Gollum wants to hears you speak, hears your words.  My Precious can tell...  can tell which of you is lying scumsies.

Franziska von Karma

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 10:58:42 AM »
What manner of fool foolishly fools with a foolish ring? The fooled? Or the fooler?

Trusting the foolishness from such an artifact is listening to voices one alone can hear. As the rest of us have little idea what, precisely, is being said, the court cannot accept this evidence, Mr. Smeagol Gollum!


Now, I believe you're due for a penalty... let us see if you are so willing to tempt my whip in the future.

##Vote: Gollum

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 04:25:48 PM »
Well, *@^!& me, but this is a $@%&# and a half, innit? There'd better be a %*)#0@ good cigar store on this %&#$$ rock, that's all I can say, 'cause I'm gonna be REALLY %&*#$ pissed when I run out of smokes.

Well, I guess it's not ALL I can say.

Trusting the foolishness from such an artifact is listening to voices one alone can hear. As the rest of us have little idea what, precisely, is being said, the court cannot accept this evidence, Mr. Smeagol Gollum!

Check out that #@^$& bolding! The l'il mutant just said his name was Gollum, not this $#*&% Smeagol Gollum. How d'you know his %#*&% first name anyway, huh? I get it, you're both %*&@$ conspirators trying to throw off suspicion by shouting at each other. You made a fatal %*&@# error right there, girl.

##Vote: Franziska von Karma

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 04:29:02 PM »
Good morning, everyone. Our current situation is certainly unpleasant, but let's not give up hope - no disguise is perfect - no impostor could stand among us without leaving clues behind, and given enough time, deducing what those clues are and to whom they point should be elementary.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2008, 04:40:19 PM »
I am Worf, son of Mogh.  I now take my place as First Officer.  As First Officer, it is my duty to stand for the crew.  It is clear to me that none of you are worthy of my blood or my life, but I will stand for you.

It has become clear that there are Borg among us.  The Borg have no concept of honor.  I am a Klingon and I will destroy them.

Gollum and Sherlock Holmes have spoken without obeying the tradition of issuing a (purely ceremonial) warrior's challenge.  Gollum was the first to speak, and had no one to challenge.  Holmes, however, does not have an excuse.  Therefore, pending future events, my initial challenge goes to him.

##Vote: Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2008, 05:03:06 PM »
To accuse without knowing all the facts would be most unscientific. To accuse without knowing any of the facts seems positively foolhardy. But if tradition is so inflexible, it would be equally foolish to inflame suspicion over a point of principle.

##Vote Jack Sparrow

Piracy is most unbecoming in an age as civilized as our own. It seems as good a reason as any to cast a more careful eye in his direction, lest we lose our valuables along with our identities.

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2008, 07:11:11 PM »
I pity the fools or thugs who try to take over the world. Especially by hiding, cowards.

I got no time for the jibba-jabba 'bout who's right and wrong about -nothing-, it's time to teach fools some basic rules.

It's time to make a plan. None of this pointing fingers back and forth nonsense. There's gotta be a step 2. What're you gonna do when all this accusing stuff turns up not a thing and no body? I'm not sayin' this isn't gonna go anywhere, I just gotta know what you're gonna do when it doesn't, 'cause right now it's a whole bunch of shootin' in the dark, hoping some crazy fool comes out with his hands up.

That fool would be smart, mind you, but crazy.

So what's next?

Finding that out is -my- plan.

##VOTE Worf

Fool ain't gettin' nowhere pointing fingers just 'cause people aren't doin' it his way. Gonna have to point fingers at nearly everyone with that strategy.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2008, 07:42:41 PM »
Behind this the sith must be. To uncover the imposters use the force we must.

A marker of the dark side it is to disrupt the natural order of things. Ruined the pattern Sherlock Holmes has. Strange accusations he has made. Much turmoil I sense within him.

Strange as well is the pirate. Not yet spoken has he. A mark of wisdom his silence? Not, I think.

##Vote: Jack Sparrow

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2008, 09:20:21 PM »
The Whip, oh the whip!  It hurts us, Precious!  Nasty vile little presecutor, she wants you she does, she wants you to use as her evidence she does!  Oh, but Gollum will protect you, yes he will!  Just as he'll protect you from those nasty little scumsies!

What's that, Precious?  Yesssss, yessssss!  Gollum thinks so too he does!  That small one who thinks he is Gollum, thinks his tricksie words will hide that his reasons are bad, yes?  Only twelve hours we have had, not time enough for all to see, all to act!  And yet that is enough to act?  Right after he talks of someone with a better reason, yes?  I think his tricksie words hide a vile scumsie, so my precious shall vote, oh yes!

##Vote: Yoda

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2008, 09:51:27 PM »
Arr, after sailing the great seas, the asskicking of some creepy zombies commenced. No better time for relaxing, thievery, and women!

What a strange building this is! And what strange people! And Abe Lincoln has been murdered? What manner of madness is this?

This Yoda fellow is making some weird accusations. My accusor has been acting strange? Well, I think it's strange that you said he was strange but then said I was strange! Stranger even!

##VOTE: Yoda

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 09:55:03 PM »
And before I could slash my sword to deflect the charges of the foul beast, this strange Gollum fellow has pre-empted me!

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 11:04:18 PM »
Does not compute.

Logical target: Mr. T

I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

##Vote: Mr. T


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 11:12:40 PM »
Mod note: Please bold your votes for easy reading. In the future I will discount them otherwise. Thanks!

(1) Sherlock - Worf
(1) Worf - Mr. T
(1) Franziska - Cid
(2) Jack - Sherlock, Yoda
(2) Yoda - Gollum, Jack
(0) Megatron - n/a
(0) Cid - n/a
(1) Gollum - Franziska
(1) Mr. T - Megatron

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2008, 11:16:01 PM »
What's that, little metal man?  Your vote doesn't count!  Can you see why?  Clever Smeagol can!

A vote must be bold!  Not that wretched little thing you have, looking just like any other words.

Oh, Precious, you see something?  Ahhhh, yessss Precious!  A pathetic mewling little vote he makes, but no words does he say!  Why is that I wonder?  All I sees is things which are not, and nothing of what is.  Most curious, most curious!

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 12:00:32 AM »
I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

Try it some time, it's more $@*&$3 fun that you'd expect. Not that I'd expect a talking %#*&#^ junkheap to know anything about "fun." I stick with the %*@%# cigs myself, anyhow.

What's that, little metal man?  Your vote doesn't count!  Can you see why?  Clever Smeagol can!

A vote must be bold!  Not that wretched little thing you have, looking just like any other words.

Oh, Precious, you see something?  Ahhhh, yessss Precious!  A pathetic mewling little vote he makes, but no words does he say!  Why is that I wonder?  All I sees is things which are not, and nothing of what is.  Most curious, most curious!

Everyone's entitled to one @&$#^% mistake a day. He does it again, I'll be right there in line to %#*&5 kick his $@*&#% face in, though.

So we're all here and we're all *@^#$& talking, I guess. Well, everyone's got his ^@*@^$ mouth moving, but just because some &#@^#$ joe's blabbering on doesn't mean he's &*@^#% saying a ^@*#&% thing. This %@*&$$ Mr. T., for one--guy talks like this *&#@%# terrorist I used to work with. Can't say I know what the #^$# I'm supposed to make out of that one way or another. Hey T., outta curiosity, you got a #@$#& gun arm to go with that &*#&% slang too?

's the %#$*@# midget that gets me, though. Points to the $@&#@$ limey and then votes for the #%($&* pirate instead. Sure, the %@$$#@ cap'n hadn't said a $%## word yet (prob'ly #@$#%& drunk off his &@$ on rum), but when you say one $%#%&$ thing and then do another, it looks pretty %#$*& odd.

And what's with the way the little green %#*% talks, huh? Of course, all you %#*%$ talk pretty #$@%&$ weird, in my book, so I can''t %(#@$% hold that against him.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2008, 01:09:24 AM »
Hate the votes against me I will not. Leads to the dark side it does. Correct the record though I will. Good it is to hear from the pirate.

##Unvote: Jack Sparrow

Not accuse one person alone did I. Two mentioned I in one post.

Strange the behavior of Sherlock Holmes was, unforgivable it was not. For breaking a pattern of joke voting much is to be said. Many reasons there could be. Odd it is. Definitive it is not, though reasons should be heard. Better case this is I never claimed.

If so good my claims were, why follow them do you not?

Time had passed yet. Post people must. End joke votes should. Voting the pirate both would do. Logical the course of action was. Not invalidate my post it does. Draw attention to one oddity and encourage discussion and attention I did.

Strange the one with the ring is. Point out the obvious he does.  Necessary to illustrate is it after correction by mod?

Persist in joke vote does the robot. Comment not on short discussion he does! In hurry he is?

##Vote: Megatron

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2008, 01:52:32 AM »
Mr. T ain't gonna rise to the baiting of no fools. Accusing Mr. T of sounding like a terrorist? Whether I got the gun arm to "go with that slang" don't matter 'cause it ain't gonna come to using 'em. Bein' violent ain't for gettin' answers. I'm smarter than that, and I ain't gonna fight just 'cause you called me a name. Don't go pokin' other people to a frenzy with that tactic, it ain't gonna do nothin' but give you a heap of trouble.

Comin' late to the game and forgettin' to or neglectin' to read what's come before ya, well, that's just lazy and ignorant. Then misquotin' and then usin' that against me... hey! Those're the things that make you look a little suspicious.

Ain't nobody here who talks normal, but it ain't so much the talkin' that goes with it that matters as it is the actin'. Everybody's got a vote, so it ain't that people are afraid to act, no! That's good. It ain't right that the votes are being bandied about without substance. Time for jokin' is over now, so there ain't no reason for people to sit there pretendin' like their baseless vote's got weight.

Gonna have to wait for some more time to pass before I expect plans, but I ain't gonna wait forever -- time is tickin', and silence and fluff ain't makin' you look like you're too secure with yourself. Make it look like you're pretendin' to be somethin' you ain't. For now, Worf keeps my eye 'cause I wanna see if he's got somethin' better than "that's my tradition," which is somethin' you say when you ain't got anythin' for yourself.

Ain't gonna stand by Cid standin' there callin' other people out without justifyin' himself. Why leave your vote where it is when you clearly got somethin' to say 'bout other things?

Franziska von Karma

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2008, 03:18:50 AM »
One who pities fools is acting foolishly, for a fool brings his foolishness upon his foolish self.

MR. T! Demanding plans from the court, are we? Only a foolish attorney would reveal all her evidence- and how she plans to use it- before the time is right, lest her opponents falsify their own 'evidence' well in advance. Yet, I see you encouraging this strange behaviour! Demanding plans when your only plan is to single out those who do not offer you their plans? It is your plan that is suspect.


Perhaps you should refine it.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Mr. T

Furthermore, I cannot imagine why these disgusting creatures have been permitted to attend. And a pirate! Is nothing sacred?

But... their words, some resound. This 'Yoda', who so deftly speaks of foolishness such as 'the dark side'... listen to his defence and compare to his earlier words! He ruminates on the possibility of Mr. Sherlock Holmes being part of this dark side, and yet offers a vote for the same person Mr. Holmes had put forth! He speaks of mentioning two people as if it absolves him, when that is in fact the reason he is suspect!

This is quite concerning, as Mr. Cid Highwind has pointed out. (Mr. Cid Highwind must moderate his langauge for the court, lest I moderate his tounge with my whip.) Furthermore, I cannot tell whom he addresses when stating 'why follow them do you not?'

FoS: Yoda! It is past time this court renewed a tradition of pointing accusing fingers, and I shall be the first to do so!

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2008, 05:51:25 AM »
An honest man ain't got nothin' to hide, Miss Attorney. Secrets are for the ones who've got things to hide. Are you one of 'em?

My plan ain't unusual. I wanna out the guys who're tryin' to hide behind fancy words, ceremony and empty talk.

##Unvote: Worf, ##Vote: Franziska

My plan ain't to sit back and wait for others to act. My plan's to keep everyone on their toes, and I ain't gonna let people just hide and pretend like they're stewin' some plot that needs a "perfect moment" 'fore it gets shown. Ain't gonna -be- no perfect moment if nobody's askin' questions. If the fools don't wanna be pitied, they better stop actin' like fools.

I ain't seein' the reason why a man can't suspect a guy but agree with his logic about somethin'. Guy's got a good reason to lie and mislead, but he ain't gonna last long if all his votes point in the complete opposite direction of logic. It don't clear the guy from being suspicious, but it don't mean the guy who thinks he's suspicious can't vote the first guy's target too. 'Specially since they both voted for separate and shallow reasons, one 'cause the pirate hadn't shown his face and the other simply 'cause he was a pirate.

Mr. T thinks Miss von Karma needs to put that whip down, drink more milk and eat more vegetables. Might help the logic go more than halfway.

Mr. T also still has his eye on Worf, 'cause he can't keep sittin' on a vote that ain't got more reason than tradition says he oughta challenge -someone-. Mr. T ain't too happy lettin' the robot sit without any substance, either. Or with Cid, same reasons as before.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2008, 06:13:11 AM »


I find it hard to say that Master Yoda should have mistrusted me, since I find the reasoning behind Commander Worf's vote specious enough; I had no solid basis on which to make an accusation, and insufficient time had passed from President Lincoln's announcement for me to accuse anyone of suspicious silence in good conscience. Nevertheless, the esteemed officer of the law (and the rather indecorous airship's captain) make a respectable point. If I have called suspicion to myself, then why follow my lead? Surely Mr. Sparrow had done nothing to pique your interest, since he had done nothing at all (and was not the only one to whom that statement could apply). And if I have not drawn serious suspicion from you, then why speak of me in such tones?

For that matter, the son of Mogh would do well to speak again now that the situation has developed somewhat.

In any case, while I await the Jedi Master's answer on that score, I find myself agreeing with his remark as regards our scaly, metal friend. He has had nearly a full day to speak but spoken a very small amount indeed, and said even less of substance. This is worrying, and I will do what I can to change the situation. Hypocritical though it feels to join forces with the Jedi so soon after asking why he echoed my vote, now there is objective logic to agree with, whereas before there was none.

##Vote: Megatron

Finally, Mister T. makes I point I wish to reiterate - Captain Highwind spoke much in his most recent statement to us, but a mere paragraph of it was relevant to our regrettable situation. To speak not at all is supicious, but to talk much without saying anything is not the mark of a respectable citizen either.

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2008, 07:38:58 AM »
I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

Try it some time, it's more $@*&$3 fun that you'd expect. Not that I'd expect a talking %#*&#^ junkheap to know anything about "fun." I stick with the %*@%# cigs myself, anyhow.

What's that, little metal man?  Your vote doesn't count!  Can you see why?  Clever Smeagol can!

A vote must be bold!  Not that wretched little thing you have, looking just like any other words.

Oh, Precious, you see something?  Ahhhh, yessss Precious!  A pathetic mewling little vote he makes, but no words does he say!  Why is that I wonder?  All I sees is things which are not, and nothing of what is.  Most curious, most curious!

Everyone's entitled to one @&$#^% mistake a day. He does it again, I'll be right there in line to %#*&5 kick his $@*&#% face in, though.

Oh yesssssss, he likes the sound of his voice, don't he Precious.  So much air, so little thought!  He's like a greedy, grasping little hobbitses he is!  Trying to sound like he's so very helpful, but not doing a thing that's good, he is!  Why, the day's almost half done, but 'ere he is, holding onto his joke vote like a good little scumsie would.  What do we thinks of that, Precious?

##Unvote: Yoda,  ##Vote: Cid

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

Leer of Suspicion: Von Karma

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2008, 07:39:42 AM »
Time had passed yet. Post people must. End joke votes should. Voting the pirate both would do. Logical the course of action was. Not invalidate my post it does. Draw attention to one oddity and encourage discussion and attention I did.

Strange the one with the ring is. Point out the obvious he does.  Necessary to illustrate is it after correction by mod?

Persist in joke vote does the robot. Comment not on short discussion he does! In hurry he is?

##Vote: Megatron

Subject calls for end of joke votes, then calls someone on a joke vote made before the call to end them.

Logic...... not found. Error... post facto argument.

##Unvote: Mr. T

Insufficient data for vote. Target to be observed.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2008, 07:47:04 AM »
My duties to the ship limit the amount of active investigation I can do.  However, I will loyally pursue the Borg.

This situation is strange, and deciphering some of the participants' speech is difficult.  (Is that green being of Ferengi heritage?)  The initial warrior's challenge phase is now past, and we may begin battle in earnest.  At this time, I find myself in great agreement with Mr. T, both in his suspicion of Von Karma and his statements about why he does so.  Her justifications for issuing a challenge against Mr. T are unwise.  They are a direct statement that she does not wish to stand tall and speak of her plans.  The Borg are deceptive.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Von Karma

Naturally, my warrior's instinct is resounding towards Megatron.  This being must post more.  However, failure to do so on Memorial Day Weekend is insufficient reason alone for a challenge.

In the review process before delivering these remarks, I note that Megatron has spoken further.  Its remarks are still insufficient to decide on a course of action, but the brevity displayed is unsettling.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2008, 09:24:51 AM »
(0) Sherlock - Worf
(0) Worf - Mr. T
(3) Franziska - Cid, Mr. T, Worf
(0) Jack - Sherlock, Yoda
(1) Yoda - Gollum, Jack
(2) Megatron - Yoda, Sherlock
(1) Cid - Gollum
(0) Gollum - Franziska
(1) Mr. T - Megatron, Franziska

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.