
Author Topic: GAME START Anonymous Mafia  (Read 28499 times)

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2008, 09:43:13 AM »
Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

The answer for Holmes (and others) I possess. Call attention to yourself your actions did. Some lingerings of the Dark Side did I feel. Not enough to be sure it was. Guarantee had I not. Against Sparrow there was logic. Encourage him to talk we should (and we did). Mark of the dark side silence is. Even if scum you were calling out a fellow for not talking this early unreasonable was not. Early enough the game still was and feel like bad vote it did not.

The answer for the attorney I present. Act like my logic against Sherlock was strong Sparrow, Gollum and Cid did (better than non-speaker they seem to imply), yet pursue it at all they did not. A bit strange it seems to me.

Only one on the Dark Side fear putting down heavier votes and explanation would. React to Mr. T in that way, why did you? Sense much disturbance in you, do I. Wish to put you at -1 to hammer so early do I not. Explain could you?

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2008, 12:19:19 PM »
Hee, hee, hee...  A day's gone by, and already there's so many of you looking like tricksie scumsies.  Oh...  which to hunt, which to hunt?

The robot and the warrior, they both seem to think that shadows will keep them safe.  That if they hide nothing can find them.  But my Precious is better at hiding than they is.  Oh yes, silence won't save them...

But better that silence than lots of tricksie little words that say as much as a vile hobbitses riddles.  The Cid fellow loves his voice he does, but says nothing at all while trying to make it sound like he's looking ever so hard.  But don't worry, my Precious, he's not looking, but your Gollum is.

Ah, but good Mr. Yoda.  He's a nice man, wanting to looks out for us all.  He's far too nice to want to hurts us!


What?  But Smeagol likes Mr. Yoda!

No!  He's a bad little Hobbits!  He's a tricksy evil little thing out to take our Precious!  He wants to hide and not be seen when we comes lookin for those who did the killing, yes?  Doesn't want his name next to those who kill our dear little prosecutor, doesn't he. 

No, Gollum, no!  He's a good sweet little Hobbits!

Oh yes, a good sweet little Hobbits that wants to kill all the ones that haven't had time to speak before they can!  A sweet little Hobbits that says the ones he don't likes are flailing he does!  A sweet little Hobbits that wants to skip and sing and play with the nasty little layerers with the whip and the hitting and the hiding like she was as sweet and gentle as Mr. T.

But he's saying she's all kinds of evil he is!

Then where is his vote!

He wants to hear her talk before we kills her, he does!

His vote won't kill her!  Why has he not voted!

Because then the vile scumsies can kill her!

And then we know a vile scumsies so's we can kill them!

Uhhh...  Uhhh...  He's a good little Hobbits!

Quiet!  He's a vile and tricksie little hobbit!  But...  nows not the time for killing hobbits.  It's a time for making vile lawyerses talk.

##:Unvote: Cid, ##Vote: Von Karma

Franziska von Karma

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2008, 03:01:34 PM »
Hmph. I see. I see how it is. You want me up on the witness stand, fools?

You want me to defend?![/b]

Very well. In the interests of... mutual understanding... I shall lower my dialect to your level.

*Loosens shirt.


Why I voted for Mr. T.

Quote from: Mr. T
It's time to make a plan. None of this pointing fingers back and forth nonsense. There's gotta be a step 2. What're you gonna do when all this accusing stuff turns up not a thing and no body? I'm not sayin' this isn't gonna go anywhere, I just gotta know what you're gonna do when it doesn't, 'cause right now it's a whole bunch of shootin' in the dark, hoping some crazy fool comes out with his hands up.

Quote from: Mr. T
Gonna have to wait for some more time to pass before I expect plans, but I ain't gonna wait forever

Consider his wording. Plans! He wanted to see our plans. I took this to mean he wanted to know what steps we intended to take throughout the game, which is not the same as 'people need to question people' or 'people need to accuse people'. Furthermore, he appeared prepared to take the offensive against those that didn't.

Unlike everyone else, it seems, I can in fact see value in keeping your methods hidden; there's no point in having a plan that everyone is aware of in a game like this, because the scummy bastards can, y'know, be aware of it too and adjust their play accordingly. Or, in other words- don't second-guess what accusations you're going to make later in the game.

In any case, I found it a strange thing to request, and felt it needed to be called out.

I would like it if Mr. T would elaborate on what he was hoping for with this. Perhaps he is using a different definition of 'plans' to me.


*Tightens shirt.

Hmph. With that out of the way... Yoda's response is satisfactory. I have no objections... to him, at least.

Mr. Smeagol Gollum! You are quite fond of changing your vote! From Mr. Highwind to myself- with neither of us taking action in between these moments! In fact, it seems your ultimate reason for voting for me... is because Yoda did not!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Foolishness. Utter foolishness. Perhaps you would care to elaborate on why you chose this moment to change? For your sake, I hope so.

Furthermore, I support the demand for our quieter members to front up and testify to the court!

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2008, 04:06:30 PM »
Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

To call what was going on at the time of my vote discussion is a fallacy.

Things such as joke votes are good starting points, but they're inferior reasons to vote on people compared to those using post facto arguments and false statements of weakness.

Suspicion... up. Vote threshold reached.

##Vote: Yoda

Scanning... Franziska von Karma.

Quote from: Franziska von Karma
Mr. Smeagol Gollum! You are quite fond of changing your vote! From Mr. Highwind to myself- with neither of us taking action in between these moments! In fact, it seems your ultimate reason for voting for me... is because Yoda did not!

A valid argument. Highly suspicious. The squishy thing that is chip short of a motherboard needs to explain.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2008, 05:14:52 PM »
Ain't gonna stand by Cid standin' there callin' other people out without justifyin' himself. Why leave your vote where it is when you clearly got somethin' to say 'bout other things?

No #%@$^& reason to change the vote when the crazy %*&#$ hadn't said anything past a jokevote at the time. Looks like she has now, so I'll drop the %#$%@# vote (unless she's made some bad $@#%&$ arguments since then, but I got plenty of #@%$ to read and I'll make up my &%*#$% mind afterwards).

##Unvote: Franziska von Karma

...And now that I've $#%&*% read all that %*&#, the crazy $#%*& makes a good $#@%$# point about &$%#@$ Gollum. All that #@$%#$ talk about Yoda and he switches his vote between two $@#$%^ people who hadn't said one &#@$%# thing in the meantime? Everyone's got a right to change his $@#$@# mind on account of thinkin' things over, yeah, but you gotta know it looks $%#@&$ strange to us if you don't tell us the %#$@$# reason you had for doing so. All he $@#%$# had to say about her earlier was this:

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

Now, I'm no #$@%$# fan of %*$#%& lawyers, but I think the %#$@# with the whip made a good %$&#@$ response to this and I want to know what this $&&#@$ schizo Gollum thinks about it.

##Vote: Gollum

I'm lookin' at the $@#%$& robot here, too. Can't say I've got any good $%#$%& history with those, and this tin-plated $#@%$# toaster ain't saying much for me to make a %@#&%$ off of. That sets off a $@#%&# alarm or two, that's for %$%&#% sure.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2008, 06:47:14 PM »
Captain Picard has sent me a message.  It reads "Posting in character is nice, but there is such a thing as taking it way too far.  I can't tell what half of you are trying to say, especially Gollum."

While the meaning of this message is obscure to me, one thing is clear - Gollum is obstructing the lines of communication, and this is at best a great irritant.  In addition to this, Von Karma makes an excellent point about his odd vote switch.  While I still do not have a good feeling about Von Karma herself, this action is not one that a Klingon can ignore, and I too will challenge him for an accounting of it.

##Unvote: Von Karma
##Vote: Gollum


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2008, 07:03:26 PM »
(0) Sherlock - Worf
(0) Worf - Mr. T
(2) Franziska - Cid, Mr. T, Worf, Gollum
(0) Jack - Sherlock, Yoda
(2) Yoda - Gollum, Jack, Megatron
(2) Megatron - Yoda, Sherlock
(0) Cid - Gollum
(2) Gollum - Franziska, Cid, Worf
(1) Mr. T - Megatron, Franziska

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2008, 07:04:28 PM »
Well. This is interesting. So soon, one of us stands on the brink of judgment. And the.. creature who put her there cast his vote after railing against one of her accusers! He said he voted for Ms. von Karma to "make her talk," but asked no questions of her, expressed no suspicion. He ruminated on Master Yoda's motives for pressing her without voting, and then apparently decided to cast the Jedi's vote for him, without making any arguments of his own for Franziska's guilt. This is most unsettling, especially given how close it pushed us to irrevocable action. and as other have said, his speech is at best unclear and at worst obfuscating. Perhaps that is why I find it so difficult to discern his motives, but in any case he needs must speak plainly from here on out.

Despite that, though, the prosecutor's response to Mister T.'s mention of a "plan" seems to me greatly disproportionate. Perhaps I am unique in this, but I consider the idea of going into an investigation with a detailed "plan" to be rather silly, especially before there is any hard evidence on the table. I personally attached no great significance to the term, and wonder what about it made Ms. von Karma lash out so.

Captain Highwind and Megatron have both spoken in my absence. Excellent, although the automaton's contributions are still quite thin on the ground, consisting of a repeated accusation of a post-facto argument on Yoda's part, with no quotes to support it and only a two-line assessment of Gollum to fill out his offering. For now, this is where my vote will remain.

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2008, 07:18:27 PM »
Arr! While sailing the seven seas, many things have happened. Trains, trains, trains! (I think I'd rather be Selphie...) I don't really like trains, myself! Boats are so much more relaxing!

Anyway, the kinky lady with the whip, and now the one who calls for hammertime on said kinky lady? This is a strange prediciment indeed! Suspicions grow, yes they do!

My young friend Megatron has not spoke much. A scurvy, radar slipping sailor if I've ever seen one!

*scratches head* At this moment I'm finding this Worf feller to be highly suspicious! First of all, he is really freaking ugly! He says that trying to conceal your identity is a bad thing? At the risk of a looming mod? Ii tell you one thing for sure, this one's a train hopper...

##UNVOTE: Yoda
##VOTE: Worf

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2008, 07:21:01 PM »
Rest assured, HOL-MES that if I had eyeballs, I would be rolling them.

My supporting quote for my accusation is in this post:

Recalling memory... loaded. Click to access...

Even a human such as you should be able to deduce how the argument is being made there. Leave elementalism to us non-carbon based life forms.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2008, 07:30:38 PM »
Captain Sparrow, I believe you have missed my point.  While that is an excellent thing to do in combat, it is not nearly as desirable in discussion.  Concealing our identities can be very easily done without obfuscating posts to the point of unreadability.  As to the accusation of trainhopping, I can but say with honor that I am challenging those who seem like Borg as the battle progresses.  We are only on the second p'aj, and new events are coming to light constantly.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2008, 09:08:55 PM »
#@$&%$ tin can does have a point about Yoda. Calling someone out on sticking with a $#%$&@ joke vote when the 'bot hadn't made a #$@%$& post since after the jokevote phase ended? $#%@$& Jedi says he'd stopped the %$%&%# jokevote phase himself by the time the $#%$#& toaster first voted, but did he? Yoda had only $#$@%& voted Sparrow for not posting yet, that's all. Valid #$@%$# observation, sure. More grounded than a $#%$&@ jokevote, sure, but you can't tell me a single #@$#%& post marks the official start of a new "This are serious $#&%$# Mafia" stage. #$&&%@ if I can't be skeptical when at someone trumpeting his own $%#%$& achievements; plenty $#%$&@ cause to think the #%$#@& robot's hanging back, yeah, but %$&%@# Yoda gives himself too much $%#%$& credit and then accuses someone else just for not realizing the $#$$%@ "serious" phase had started? That's not %$%&%@ sitting right.

Not changing my $#$@%& vote until that creepy $#%$#& weirdo Gollum gives us a #@$@#$ response to the pressure against him, though.

Queen Elizabeth I

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2008, 09:42:35 PM »
Honest and plain words you want?  Very well.  I voted for the lawyerser for three reasons.  First, we needs to choose someone, and when we're ones away from killing them, then we alls know that their close to death they is.  And this means that she's time to claim and defend, even if she is a vile and tricksie little lawyerser, it gives her time to speak, and to claim, so's that we can see what she says, and choose someone else if she's gots herself a role.  Hiding away from that fact, delaying and avoiding, theys only helps the vile scumsies because when we do be acting, it means we'll have less time to thinks on it we will, and have less times to react.  Yoda was, by nots voting, helping the vile scumsies.

Next, wells...  we've alls gots to have our votes on someone.  And the tricksie lawyersers reasons for voting and attacking seemed most strange.  And I noticed that before I voted for hers I did!  Didn't I, Precious?  That's right, leering at her I was.  And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.  Youse just divides the vote, and lets the scumsies win.  All you nasty little hobbitses don't seem to wants to vote for Mr. Cid...  wants to votes for your lawyerser, well, Gollum can vote for hers too, makes sure wes get our vote.

But...  that time is gone.  The Lawyersers has answered, and while I'm not happy, there's others that looks worse now.

##Unvote: Von Karma

Mr. Holmes, speaks so many pretty words, but what has he said that's his own?  He speaks so much, and much of it is simply explaining what has happened, or agreeing with others!  Does he have no ideas of his own, for being such a great detective?

And Mr. Sparrow, speaks so little, hiding still in the shadows trying not to be noticed?  Is that all you have to say, that clears words are better than hiding?  Mr. Worf was right to be mean to poor little Smeagol he was!  But, you speaks your mind clear and plain, and that's no reason to fear.

As for that mean, nasty airship captain, wells...  I stills don't likes him, but he's saying words with meanings now.  Not just hiding in words that don't mean things now, is he.  So's, I can back off him for now too...

What's that Precious?  Yesssss, Megatron and Yoda, their points seem poor, but...  they don't seem quite like vile scumsies, do they.  Not quite.  No help, certainly, but not vile little scumsies.

So, it's the great detective we's got to watch, is it?  The one who can see so much, but says nothing that others have not said before.  Yes, I think he's the one to go for.

##Vote: Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2008, 11:41:44 PM »
Mmm. First, I owe Megatron an apology. He (it?) is right and I was wrong. #Unvote, though suspicion remains.

New business. I can't say I find that post of Gollum's very comforting at all.

Honest and plain words you want?  Very well.  I voted for the lawyerser for three reasons.  First, we needs to choose someone, and when we're ones away from killing them, then we alls know that their close to death they is.  And this means that she's time to claim and defend, even if she is a vile and tricksie little lawyerser, it gives her time to speak, and to claim, so's that we can see what she says, and choose someone else if she's gots herself a role.  Hiding away from that fact, delaying and avoiding, theys only helps the vile scumsies because when we do be acting, it means we'll have less time to thinks on it we will, and have less times to react.  Yoda was, by nots voting, helping the vile scumsies.

So you're willing to cast your vote in proxy for someone whose motives you impugn, and with no reasoning related to the actual conduct of the one you're voting for? Following through on the suspicions of others, rather than one's own, strikes me as a very poor way to conduct an investigation. Your other reasons are little better - you say now she seemed strangest, but that sentiment was nowhere in your original missive, and now that you've stated it, it's precious vague. What did you find strange - strange enough to push her so close to doom?

I am, of course, disappointed that you next turn your eye to me, but at least you give a reason when you do. In my defense, I can only say that I was the first one to specifically call out Captain Highwind for high-word-count lurking, the first one to specifically note that you hadn't said anything about Franziska when you voted for her, and now the first to respond to this post. I regret I haven't had more free time in which to speak, but I have to work in the windows of time allotted to me, and while I wait for those windows others are able to take their turns to speak. Regrettable but true.

I would like to hear Megatron's thoughts on more persons, and Mr. T.'s on the events of the previous day. Mr. T. in particular has been noticeably absent, so I think a vote in that direction might not go amiss.

##Vote: Mr. T


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2008, 12:01:45 AM »
(1) Sherlock - Worf, Gollum
(1) Worf - Mr. T, Jack
(1) Franziska - Cid, Mr. T, Worf, Gollum
(0) Jack - Sherlock, Yoda
(1) Yoda - Gollum, Jack, Megatron
(1) Megatron - Yoda, Sherlock
(0) Cid - Gollum
(2) Gollum - Franziska, Cid, Worf
(2) Mr. T - Megatron, Franziska, Sherlock

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

There are 9 hours until deadline at Wednesday, 1am PST.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2008, 02:30:35 AM »
I'm not really sure where asking for plans means wanting to know what steps you intended to take throughout the game. I said I wanted to know what step 2 was, what was gonna happen if all the jokey finger-pointin' didn't turn up anythin'. I said myself that I wasn't gonna expect people to get to 'em so soon -- that second quote there, Miss Attorney -- but it wasn't gonna do to let people spend too much time with jibba-jabba that wasn't goin' to go places.

I ain't expectin' anyone to lay out their intentions for every move they're gonna make the whole game. All I wanted was for people to start thinkin' about what happens after what they were doin' at the time. Consider it a way to suggest that joke votes ain't gonna hold water any longer.

I gotta feelin' that her and I had a misunderstandin', and I ain't too sure that it was anythin' more than that.

##Unvote: Franziska

Cid is movin' on to other things, now, so I ain't too worried about him hidin' at the moment. The robot, though, still concerns me.

I agree character should not get in the way of the things people say. To that end, the little green man might want to tone down his anastrophe (what? Mr. T left college, fool, he didn't fail to go!). The robot, likewise, ought not hide behind character.

The sum of his contributions: post 1) joke vote; post 2) erroneous analysis (see below); post 3) votin' someone using circular logic to justify that vote; post 4) points out his previous post without addin' anythin'.

Yoda did not make a post facto argument. When he said "By my own action had joke voting begun to fade," he didn't mean that post that the robot keeps quotin', he meant the fact that he added a second vote to the pirate for not havin' shown up yet. As the foul-mouthed pilot says, it ain't the definitive end of the joke votin', no, nothin' is, but that it COULD be - and several things before the first Megatron post could be - means it ain't a post facto argument. Since that's the only thing the robot said for votin' Yoda, the robot needs to figure out what he's actually doin', say more 'bout other things that aren't so flimsy.

##Vote: Megatron

I ain't too fond of how Mr. Holmes backed off just 'cause the robot pointed out that he had indeed quoted to back up his argument. So what if he did? Don't mean his argument makes sense, now does it? I ain't too happy that the detective goes on to excuse his own absence by sayin' he's got limited time, and then layin' his vote on me 'cause I ain't had a chance to speak in a time frame which would allow for sleep and work to happen.

He's also makin' false claims that make him look better if you don't test 'em. First to call out Cid for high-word-count lurking? Reiterating a reiteration that Mr. T had made about his own post! First to point out that Gollum hadn't said anything about why he voted Franziska? Well, he -had- so you would have to be the one to point out otherwise. I ain't sayin' I agree with the way he did it, but Gollum said

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

Leer of Suspicion: Von Karma

and then

Quiet!  He's a vile and tricksie little hobbit!  But...  nows not the time for killing hobbits.  It's a time for making vile lawyerses talk.

Again, I ain't sayin' I agree with the way he did it, but he did do somethin' you're sayin' he ain't done, and that ain't fair or right, 'specially not when you go and claim that you havin' made that claim is supposed to make you look good. Ain't normal for you to claim a point for being the first to respond to his post, either, when yours is the first post after his regardless of content.

FoS: Sherlock Holmes

Jack ain't makin' me too happy, neither. Fool's jumpin' all over 'bout somethin' non-important. Mod ain't gonna mod-kill us for failin' to speak in character. Character ain't even in the rules. It is a means to prevent meta-gamin', not the only way to game. If it starts gettin' in the way of understandin' like it has, then it ain't doin' any good for anyone but the guy's who're tryin' to hide that they ain't who they say they are. He's bein' pretty reactionary, too, and real thin on speakin' his own.

It's time to make a decision and move past this part! A little over 6 hours until night falls and we ain't gonna get the guys we're huntin' for by standin' around pointin' fingers for no reason. Lookin' 'specially at Captain Sparrow on that one.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2008, 03:24:11 AM »
And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.

Now that's a %$%&@# weird thing to say. I mean, how do you *&#@$% know no one else'll $%#%$& join you if you don't %$%#&@ try? You see something $$@%&$ scummy, you ##@%$& point it out; a %&$%@# vote always adds weight to an argument, and people will %$&@$# follow if you $@!$@# do it right. Try throwin' in some gratuitous $#&!@# profanity, that always gets some !%#*&# attention.

That's speakin' &@#$%! generally, though. In these #$@$!& circumstances, I've gotta concede that you have a %#$&!@ point, given how few @$#@%! hours we've got left. We ain't got all !@#$%& night here to make a &!#@$% decision. As for the rest of your $#!@&# post, I can see some %$%#%& sense there. 'specially calling out the $#%#&@ pirate. Where the %$%& is he, anyhow? I'm not agreein' with every $#%$&@ thing you say, but there's enough $#%$&# reason for me to $#$@#$

##Unvote: Gollum

As you $#%#&@ put it, others look #$@$#% worse right now.

And now our $%#@#& jive-talking friend has something to say, coming in with a vote for $%#%$@ Megatron. I'd counter with the fact that $#%$&@ Cap'n Jack's said even less than the %$#$&@# robot. Three $#$@$& posts! Check this $#@% out:

1) one part joke-vote, part $%#$%& OMGUS on the first page (;quote=20157;topic=1111.0;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3);
2) one $#%$&@ one-liner that says "Oops, someone $#$@%& posted while I was typing" (;quote=20158;topic=1111.0;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3, use the $#$@%& Preview button, Cap'n);
3) and one post that's half %$%&#$ summary with what looks like a misunderstanding of the %$%#&# Klingon tacked on at the end (;quote=20256;topic=1111.25;num_replies=40;sesc=24d224160f6d920db574d560b24c25e3). If that's not $#$@$& lurking, I don't know what $#%@$^ is.

No %$%&*# time to collect votes against him, though, and I gotta concede that lynching the %$%&^@ pirate tells us #@%$#&%$ anyway since no one #$@#$&! talks to him. So, I gotta agree with the $#$@%$ mohawk man when he chooses Megatron as the best $%#%$& option. Mr. T. &%&$#% broke it down already: %$%$&@ toaster hasn't done much past %$%*&@ talk in defense when someone #@$#%$ pokes it, but at least several people have $#$@$% talked about him and we might be able to learn something in the %$#@#& morning if we scrap the %$@#$& rust heap. Maybe I'll %$#@&$ think again if the bucket of bolts has something &%#@$# interesting to say, but I'm %$%&@# happier lynching him than most others right now.

##Vote: Megatron

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2008, 03:41:52 AM »
I moderated my accusation of Megatron because it had been in part based on a mistake of fact, and once that mistake was revealed it seemed only right to re-assess the degree of suspicion he deserved. Moreover, your own absence - from a debate that you had helped begin, and where your input, therefore, would be most welcome - was being rather keenly felt at that point, but none other had seen fit to call attention to it. I imagined my vote might do some good prompting you to speak.

In addition, I must say I would not be upset if someone had voted for me for similar reasons, during one of my regrettable absences from the field of play. And while it's true that your circumstances could well be the same as my own, I think it better never to assume such things. Too much pressure where it is not deserved can be apologized for, and attention refocused elsewhere; too little is not so easily remedied. And indeed, now that you are speaking again I see little in your post to attribute to malice or duplicity, and therefore can conclude that my vote has served its purpose.


On to Gollum, and my response to him. He made the claim that I had said nothing original. It might be self-evident that the first response to his post would have nothing to copy from, but it is true nonetheless. In any case, I disagree that Gollum's prior statements regarding Ms. von Karma are in any way an explanation of the vote he cast in her direction. As I mentioned previously, this may say more about his use of the Queen's English than his thought processes, but no matter how many times I read

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

I cannot see what he suddenly found so seriously wrong with the lawyer as to push her within a vote of doom without an intervening post from her direction.

Moreover, you quote his remark about "making vile lawyerses talk" as if I had not acknowledged it. But I did:
He said he voted for Ms. von Karma to "make her talk," but asked no questions of her, expressed no suspicion. He ruminated on Master Yoda's motives for pressing her without voting, and then apparently decided to cast the Jedi's vote for him, without making any arguments of his own for Franziska's guilt.

I still find this disturbing, perhaps even more so in hindsight now that I have had some time to let his argument play back in my mind. Review again the three reasons he eventually gave for his vote.

1) To force her to understand the seriousness of her situation, and specifically to claim her role if such she has. So he was trying to force a roleclaim with barely one-half of the day expended (but never explicitly mentioned when he voted), and then backed off without getting it. I suppose I should be grateful he declined to follow through on such a dangerous strategy, but it makes me wonder if that reason was truly in his head when he cast the vote.

2) A vote not cast is a vote wasted, and Franziska seemed "strange" enough to merit one. Elaboration on that point would be much appreciated, as "seemed strange" is thin justification to place one so close to death, and I still find it unsettling that he would throw his full weight behind the accusation without substantial discussion to balance it out.

3) Better to vote for a target around whom a consensus might form than for one whose metaphorical train is gathering no steam. A touch more crowd-following than I'd like, but logical enough I suppose. But then he withdrew that vote and placed one on me, joining exactly no one in that effort. When there were almost 24 hours left to us, he was reluctant to cast his lot for any of the suspects with just one vote, but with 12 remaining on the clock he was content to strike out on his own. Inconsistent in the extreme, I think.

Hm. And now Captain Highwind...speaks, I suppose one could call that. He speaks truth about Captain Sparrow, but the pirate's conduct seems to me no worse than Megatron's very limited contributions, nearly all in defense of a single vote cast on the first page, including an accusation that might be termed by the vernacular "OMGUS," even in the face of direct calls for more breadth - or Gollum's spotty, specious argument against Ms. von Karma.

I should be content with a formal accusation against either of them this evening, and must confess that I feel some conflict as to whom to cast a vote for now. Megatron's condemnation would be acceptable, as I said, but to bring his total to four votes against Gollum's one would give the conclusion a veneer of inevitability that I would rather avoid, when there is still some hope of answers from our formerly hobbitty friend. Therefore I will cast a vote for Gollum, and watch the next few hours carefully to make sure that I do not assist a stalemate in the process.

##Vote Gollum


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2008, 04:29:57 AM »
If Mr. T's statement is to be believed, then it seems he wished to put an end to the foolish antics in this court in a timely fashion. It seems most can read things in his words that I could not. I can only attribute this to the general level of foolishness present, yet if this man pities fools, as he has said, it is not illogical that he would speak their langauge.

Perhaps he is not as guilty as I thought. This court seems rife with misinterpretations.


Mr. Smeagol Gollum... I understand some lawyers have an urge to press, press, and press some more; although I never expected to be on the receiving end of such treatment, I have seen the results of such work in the past. The curious factor is his deriding of Yoda for most of said post, speaking of the creature as if his only intent was to save his own skin (for example, the comment about not wanting to be associated with my previously-imminent death.) Furthermore, he has not addressed my own words in any fashion- there were no questions asked, and no comment on my response to his own vote. His point about 'dividing the vote' also seems like it could engender foolishness to me; one should not simply go along with a crowd without being accompanied by their own reason.

I wish for Gollum to outline his thoughts on Yoda; what is it that denotes his arguments and play as flawed, and yet seems to exclude criminal intent? From your posts, I can't tell, and yet you devoted some time to his error.


Captain Sparrow's accusation of Worf seems strange. At the time Worf changed his vote, I was still in the lead, yet he states Worf is a train-jumper. What would his motivation to jump trains be at such a time? Or is this simply a trumped-up charge that makes an offense out of changing one's vote?

Furthermore, Worf had not said anything with regard to concealing or not concealing our identities- merely about speaking in a clearer fashion. I cannot disagree with this. I wholeheartedly demand more detailed testimony; even excluding his erroneous voting, he has spoken hardly at all!

The same has been said for Megatron. I do not really agree with Mr. Highwind that Megatron will provide a significantly greater amount of information upon his lynch; I believe little will be gleaned from either of them. However, lynching the silent is not a crime.


The one I would most prefer to be sent to the chair...

##Vote: Jack Sparrow I cannot ignore this man's fragment of a case against Worf holding such foolishness, and ill-conceived tangents such as that may well be dangerous in the future.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2008, 04:53:21 AM »
The sound of an AK-47 discharging through the air pierced through the heated discussion as Franziska von Karma, no stranger to bullets, nevertheless shrieked as they hit home and caused her body to topple over into the endless abyss below.

Franziska von Karma (Vanilla Townie, TOWN) has been modkilled!

Day 1 comes to an immediate end. Send in night actions via PM.

Final Votecount
(1) Sherlock - Worf, Gollum
(1) Worf - Mr. T, Jack
(0, DEAD) Franziska - Cid, Mr. T, Worf, Gollum
(0) Jack - Sherlock, Yoda
(1) Yoda - Gollum, Jack, Megatron
(3) Megatron - Yoda, Sherlock, Mr. T, Cid
(0) Cid - Gollum
(2) Gollum - Franziska, Cid, Worf, Sherlock
(1) Mr. T - Megatron, Franziska, Sherlock

With 9 alive, it would have taken 5 to lynch.

Further mod note: To remaining players - please don't make this mistake. Please. ;_;
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 05:04:00 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2008, 08:16:11 AM »
And so with the abrupt death of the local prosecutor, the remaining eight at the remote undisclosed locale decided unanimously to confer amongst themselves and found shelter for the night to puzzle over this oddity.

The morning was broken by a loud shriek that resonated all across the sky, abruptly stirring those not already up - those who were not up to nefarious deeds the night past...


The thud of a body impacting what had to be solid-to-the-point-of-unhealthy ground could be heard later.

Now only seven, they convened, a grim and dark future upon them...

Gollum (One-shot Vigilante, TOWN) was killed during the night!

Day 2 begins. Deadline on May 31, Saturday, 12:15am.

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2008, 08:56:36 AM »
Scanning list of suspects... Worf found.

Commander Worf has a bit of explaining to do. While I will agree that the squishy Gollum creature made himself very noticable and suspicious indeed, the vote on the lawyer does not compute. You claim that her challenge felt wrong. Is not the discussion such a thing causes the goal? Her arguments even at that point were adequate. You conceded this when Gollum made himself a target, however, your vote stands out as you are the only one with a vote on both. I will pressure you on this.

Preparing countermeasures... loaded.

##Vote: Worf

Scanning list of suspects... Jack Sparrow not found.

Jack Sparrow needs to make himself known quickly, lest we move against him.

Yoda also fell off near the end of the day. Granted, there is no way the little creature could have known that would happen, coming on strongly and then disappearing bears noting.

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2008, 01:51:59 PM »
As I have previously said to Captain Sparrow, I have challenged those who seem most like Borg to me.   This is no dishonor.  While it is true I have been mistaken twice, I have explained my challenges, and even you, Mega of house Tron, agree that one of them was warranted.  As for the diplomat, I do not agree that her arguments were adequate, and I found her obsession over plans and reluctance to discuss them troubling at that time. 

The Borg's choice to assimilate Gollum, whom many found weak and suspicious, leaves me wary of traps.  Since he is gone, however, I must agree with our deceased diplomat that Captain Sparrow's attack on me was bizzare, stiff, perhaps mechanical.  Borglike.  Megatron, and to a lesser extent Investigator Holmes, also make my instincts twitch. 

##Vote: Jack Sparrow

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2008, 03:04:01 PM »
Well, #@%$. First things $#%@#$ first: the three people I'm %$%#&@ lookin' at right now are Jack, Yoda, and the #@$#%$ robot.

1: Jack for bein' $#%&@# MIA most of day one and not sayin' much of anything when he was $@#$#@ here past an attack on Worf that looks more like a %$%&@# misreading the more I look at it. I agree he needs some %#%$#& pressure to get him active, but our #@$#@$ warrior friend's already on that one. It's $@#$%& early in the day still and I'll follow my own $%#%$& course for now.

2: Yoda needs to get his #@$#%& green #@$ in here and weigh on recent $%#&$# developments too. Him claimin' to have ended the %#@$%# jokevote phase yesterday and putting pressure on someone for violatin' the "new phase" still seems $@#$%& odd to me. Sure, he made a serious %@#$&# argument, and he gets some %#@$#% credit for that, but I think he made too %$%&@# much out of it later in order to magn'fy a case against someone. He also dropped off the %@#$$# radar late in the day, and I dunno what the %#$# to make of that. Long story short, I'm willin' to vote for him if he doesn't get us a $#%$#@ reaction to the first day's $#%@#$ deaths soon.

3: But right now, I'm lookin' at $#%$#@ Megatron for him having $#!@%& little to say yesterday. Sure, he's $#%$#@ back now and with a new $%#$@# argument against the Klingon. Good $%%$&# effort, but the actual &%$@#$ words leave somethin' to be desired. Causin' %@@#$% discussion isn't an end in itself if the &@$#%$ discussion's misguided or empty, and the $%#%$@ robot seems like he's tryin' to paint the %@#$%$ Klingon as against *&@%$# discussion just 'cause he questioned the $@#$%& lawyer. That and my impression that he hasn't much else to say makes me $#%@#$ happy to

##Vote: Megatron

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2008, 03:15:50 PM »
I am sorry, but that still does not compute. Your argument in this post...

My duties to the ship limit the amount of active investigation I can do.  However, I will loyally pursue the Borg.

This situation is strange, and deciphering some of the participants' speech is difficult.  (Is that green being of Ferengi heritage?)  The initial warrior's challenge phase is now past, and we may begin battle in earnest.  At this time, I find myself in great agreement with Mr. T, both in his suspicion of Von Karma and his statements about why he does so.  Her justifications for issuing a challenge against Mr. T are unwise.  They are a direct statement that she does not wish to stand tall and speak of her plans.  The Borg are deceptive.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Von Karma

Naturally, my warrior's instinct is resounding towards Megatron.  This being must post more.  However, failure to do so on Memorial Day Weekend is insufficient reason alone for a challenge.

In the review process before delivering these remarks, I note that Megatron has spoken further.  Its remarks are still insufficient to decide on a course of action, but the brevity displayed is unsettling.

is incredibly vague. As is your defense of the charges. The fact that I agreed ONE of your arguments was warrented and adequate does not mean I support all of them. This is deflection. You also continually attach a vague pointing finger to most of your posts towards someone on "instinct". Explain these "instincts" for I know not of which you speak. Please input more data.

Scanning previous post... correction noted.

Noting my mistake that Worf was NOT the only person to vote on both Gollum and Franziska. Cid did as well. However, I believe his vote on the lawyer was a joke vote. The fact remains, however.

Updating system files... new post noted.

Your concern is noted, Cid Highwind. However, I am not trying to paint him as against discussion, per say. That was one of a few reasons I chose to question him, for reasons in this post and my previous. He has yet to answer adequately.

I also appreciate lending your own point of view to our thoughts on Jack, and my recent note about Yoda.