Author Topic: GAME START Anonymous Mafia  (Read 28527 times)


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #75 on: May 30, 2008, 06:01:57 PM »
(0) Sherlock - n/a
(2) Worf - Megatron, Jack, Yoda
(2) Jack - Worf, Yoda, Sherlock, Megatron
(2) Yoda - Worf, Cid
(1) Megatron - Cid, Mr. T
(0) Cid - n/a
(0) Mr. T - n/a

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #76 on: May 30, 2008, 08:59:01 PM »
Worf I'm pretty convinced isn't scum just because of the way he jumped off my case and onto someone who before this time was getting very little heat. That doesn't seem like something a zombie would do.

I mentioned this already, of course.

##Unvote: Worf

Yoda I have already made my statements on about OMGUS. I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it's not a good thing either way. My personal view on the situation is that he's trying to get rid of a target who is on his case and who is a stronger player than I am in the game.

Not that you guys will care, but since I know my alignment, I can say things regarding the voters on me with confidence, knowing that they are voting for someone who isn't part of the dark side. At least I can leave my imprint in the event of my death.

Holmes vs. Megatron

A lot of press has gone to both for lurking. Megatron makes an argument on Worf which makes sense, but pulling things out of very little is the name of the Day 1 game. The robot has pleased me with his latest posts. They make sense to even a dizty captain such as myself, and his data has been consistent and accurate. There is no reason for me to take offense with him at present. Next.

Sherlock has Long Ass Posts that say very little. His Day 2 content basically consists of hounding me and hounding me and that seems to be all at present. His discussion of Yoda's comments of the Dark Side is stiff and feels like fluff.

Robots are logical. Investigators are suspicious. Would I tie either in with something little and green? Now that I'm not sure. Regardless, I think Mr. Holmes deserves a vote, and the little green thing already has two!

##Vote: Sherlock Holmes

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #77 on: May 30, 2008, 09:23:43 PM »
One vote alone, have I. Forced to pitch it between two equal candidates, I am. With most of my continued argumentation facing Worf, feel it best to keep my vote situated there.

Overstate my stance on joke votes, I feel you do. Suggest that joke votes are important I do not, merely suggest that they have relevance. Dwell not on joke votes day one, I did. Focus on patterns and timing I did. Question why Sherlock broke patterns, I did. Ask why Megatron came in late with decidedly late joke vote and did not acknowledge the arguments of the time. Merely suggest that such things can be used as indicators, I do.

Furthermore, overemphasize my lurking, I feel you do. Examine the first few posts of the day, you should. Fall off at the end of day one, admittedly I did. Start off day two on the same par as everyone else, I did however. Just not seeing this deficit that you site, I am.

Accept your statement about your hunting method, I shall.

Importance of the flip-flop revolves around it being a backpedal, it does! Go from "Worf is bad because he is trying to get people to post more regularly" to "I cannot follow this game because people are speaking in these odd ways!" Really been any explication on this point, there hasn't been.

Final point which concerns me. Split desires, many people have. Falling back to "suspicious" vs "what we will learn from the lynch," many people are. Think suspicions should take precedent, I do. If think one target more suspicious, vote them you should. Let lurking scum slip by does lynching based on information.

Jedi Edit

Dislike self pity, I do Mr. Sparrow. Lead to the dark side, it does. Ask you to clarify a statement you made, I must.

Yoda I have already made my statements on about OMGUS. I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it's not a good thing either way. My personal view on the situation is that he's trying to get rid of a target who is on his case and who is a stronger player than I am in the game.

Also ask additional question, I must. In your earlier post, made comment that Worf was earning your trust you did. Why wait so long to change your vote, did you?

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #78 on: May 30, 2008, 10:00:19 PM »
There are roughly 12 hours remaining to deadline, and the current battle is split into many skirmishes.  I strongly encourage everyone else to try to get a lynch together - this really isn't the time for "Well X and Y are suspicious but guy X has two votes so I'll put one on guy Y just because."  I myself will support the lynch of either Yoda or Holmes today, as I feel both are about equally likely to be Borg, but we must come to a decision soon.  I seek input and assistance from the rest of the crew in this.

Yoda makes an excellent point regarding where challenges should be issued, which I find ironic because that is a large part of the suspicion I now bear towards the green one himself.  The content and tone of his arguments are all based around Captain Sparrow being Borg, yet his challenge falls on me, saying by his own latest admission that he thinks I am more likely to be Borg than Sparrow is.  This does not make sense to me and is the reason why I am characterizing his vote as possibly Omg'yus - the arguments he has made do not seem to support a challenge on me rather than Sparrow.

To the continued issue of the flipflop, I did not interpret Captain Sparrow as saying "Worf is bad because he is trying to get people to post more regularly".  My interpretation of his argument was "Worf is suspicious because he's attacking people for posting in character, which is a bad reason since it's something we're supposed to do."  This does not seem to preclude Sparrow himself being confused by the game - what it does indicate is his belief that the confusion was justified in the sake of greater anonymity, an obviously flawed stance which he then recanted. 

While I still believe Captain Sparrow to be town, I do not find his attitude very constructive.  "Well I know anyone voting me is voting for a townie SO THERE" is a deeply, deeply flawed position to fight from and leads quickly into the dance of Omg'yus. 

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #79 on: May 30, 2008, 10:57:02 PM »
Agree on at least one point, we do. Encourage to vote on the most suspicious, we both do. Heed that advice, I recommend to all others.

Indeed play a part in my deliberations, Sparrow does. See nothing that says Borg he must be though. His alignment matters, it does not. Two gambits could be played, by scum. Save an ally, scum could attempt by relieving Sparrow. Gain townie cred, scum could by defending hapless townie. Rest on the fact that your behavior does not make sense to me, it does. Manner in which you have given pass to Sparrow bothers me, it does. Continued argumentation does little to alleviate my concerns, it does.

Continue to feel Worf or Sparrow are the best lynches for today, I do. While raise my hackles most, Worf has, continue to do nothing, Sparrow does. Need to hear more thoughts from others, I do.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #80 on: May 31, 2008, 01:39:30 AM »
Okay, time to discuss Megatron. Sorry this didn't go up sooner, but real-life responsibilities have kicked my ass left and right today. I didn't get a chance to do half the things I was planning on, and Mafia was one of them.

Like myself, the only person he's voted for today is Jack Sparrow. unlike myself, he's said very little about what the captain has actually said and done.
Scanning through his posts, I find this, almost 48 hours ago:
I do agree with peoples' view on Mr. Sparrow. Another one who is vague, with a worse reputation of lurking. Care to make an actual argument today, Mr. Sparrow? One not laced with confusion about peoples' play this game, perhaps?

And this, more recently:

On the flipside of today's arguments, HOL-MES sums up the case against Sparrow a bit better. There is always risk in thinking of behaviors like that being predominantly town or scum sided. I would agree that mistakes are things to seize on more than anything in looking at evidence.

There's also this, which is vaaaaaaague but still counts, I suppose:

recall that letting the lurker live has come back to bite us in the ass many, many times in this game. He has the stronger case against him, and it's not as if his lynch would tell us nothing. So...

Three times he refers to the case others have made against Sparrow, at no time does he share his own view - it's just a lot of "what everybody else said." "Bandwagon jumping" is the term that springs to mind. Plus, with his musings on a Yoda-Jack axis of scumminess, he's focusing an argument on Yoda that relies a great deal on his suspicion of Jack, and he still hasn't given an actual assessment on Jack. The axis itself...well, it would explain some things if it's true, but that alone isn't enough to sell it - you could probably take five or six random pairs of players and see some patterns that it would explain. It takes more than that to make them true.

Also, and maybe this is just how my mind works, it always makes me leery when people talk about how lynching X will tell us more than lynching Y without saying what they think it would show. "he's been more aggressive and thus the threads to other players would be stronger..." well, what connections do you see? How would Yoda being scum or town affect your views of the rest of us?

The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

Finally, Jack still hasn't followed up on his own comments about unintelligible discussion. He has obliged my push to talk about more people, but he's still only making cases on his attackers - it's just that that includes me now. I agree with Worf on the intrinsic badness of "Well I know anyone voting me is voting for a townie." All that looks like from here is justified OMGUS.

As for myself.

Thoughtful commentary he does provide, but hard stances and conclusions from it he lacks.

I wasn't particularly coy about my feelings on Gollum and Megatron yesterday, and if you're saying I lack a "hard stance" on Jack Sparrow you've succeeded in confusing me. I admit I've had tunnel vision today, but most of the discussion in general has spiraled off from Sparrow in some form or another. Every time I had the time to post, he's seemed to be the most pressing issue.

I started to add a review of Yoda's content to this list, but just writing all that took so long that I felt it better to post what I have instead of holding back the post for another ungodly length of time while I compile more data.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #81 on: May 31, 2008, 01:40:36 AM »
Well, next will be a post on Yoda, first a correction. I noticed as soon as that went up that I forgot to remove the line about Megatron only voting for Sparrow today, since that's not true. Apologies.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #82 on: May 31, 2008, 02:45:24 AM »
The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

I wouldn't %@$#&$ vote to kill anyone if I didn't think there was a %@$#$& good chance of him bein' scum. Never been a %@$#@& gambler and I don't &@$#@% advocate lynching town "just for information." My $@#%$& point was that given two people I think might be &@$#@% vile scum, I'd rather go for the one that gives us more %@$#&$ connections to work off of the next day. Given how &@$#@% much of the recent talk's been geared toward the &@$#@% pirate, about him if not &@$#@% directed at him, I think him and Yoda are about even right now on that account. Jacko's latest post is a step in the right &@$#@% direction, but there's not a lot there hasn't been said by others. We're running outta #@$%#& time here and someone has to tip the &@$#@% balance one way or another, so:

##Unvote: Yoda
##Vote: Jack Sparrow

I've given my %@$#@& reasons for suspecting him before, and if someone doesn't know then they're not &@$#%@ paying attention. I'm not too $@#%$& happy about my other main suspect also bein' on Jacko's case, lemme tell you, but that in itself doesn't do anything to clear the %@$#@& pirate. It's somethin' to think about in the %@$#&$ morning, that's for %$#@#& sure. This puts the pirate one vote below the %@$#@& threshhold unless I'm %@$#@& worse with &@%$#@ numbers than I thought.

I &@$#%$ wish Mr. T. would show up. A fresh perspective on the current discussion would be %@$#@% nice right about now.

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #83 on: May 31, 2008, 02:50:30 AM »
Since it's -1 to lynch, I'm going to be cautious and call to hold off on any hammer while I make my post.

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #84 on: May 31, 2008, 02:52:16 AM »
Mr. T is here and is gonna weigh in as soon as he gets the chance. Figgers that stuff goes down while Mr. T is takin' care of other business.

Post forthcoming.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #85 on: May 31, 2008, 02:54:29 AM »
Well, Yoda. I still don't like his long absence towards the end of day 1, or how he phrased the comment on joke votes - it seemed like fishing for somebody to make a serious case out of "A voted for X and Y," which thankfully never developed. That's been sort of a pattern, actually - he's stated his arguments in overly broad terms, but when you get to the core of them I agree more often than not. I do think that his argument against Worf has a hint of reactionism - I see the point's he's making about the Klingon's anti-Jedi arguments, but I don't think they add up to scum, just disagreement.

...and Megatron and Mr. T both show up while I'm trying to post this. T's contribution in particular would be very welcome.

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #86 on: May 31, 2008, 03:35:14 AM »
Three times he refers to the case others have made against Sparrow, at no time does he share his own view - it's just a lot of "what everybody else said." "Bandwagon jumping" is the term that springs to mind. Plus, with his musings on a Yoda-Jack axis of scumminess, he's focusing an argument on Yoda that relies a great deal on his suspicion of Jack, and he still hasn't given an actual assessment on Jack. The axis itself...well, it would explain some things if it's true, but that alone isn't enough to sell it - you could probably take five or six random pairs of players and see some patterns that it would explain. It takes more than that to make them true.

Also, and maybe this is just how my mind works, it always makes me leery when people talk about how lynching X will tell us more than lynching Y without saying what they think it would show. "he's been more aggressive and thus the threads to other players would be stronger..." well, what connections do you see? How would Yoda being scum or town affect your views of the rest of us?

The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

Finally, Jack still hasn't followed up on his own comments about unintelligible discussion. He has obliged my push to talk about more people, but he's still only making cases on his attackers - it's just that that includes me now. I agree with Worf on the intrinsic badness of "Well I know anyone voting me is voting for a townie." All that looks like from here is justified OMGUS.

I'll admit that when I called for people to ponder what Jack's lynch would tell us, I really should have included Yoda in that as well. First we'll look at town. A town flip would make Sparrow look quite a bit worse. It would also make us go back and look at his case against Worf in greater detail. It would also make people reevalutate me, Holmes and a few others who've put forward cases against Yoda.

If scum,  In a case like Yoda's, you look for whats missing. He's been fairly active a scum flip would also make us ask who he actually left alone. A reading of his posts reveals Mr. T and Holmes. From this we would ask why? These blind spots of scum usually lead to more scum.

I said it before, but I'll go into greater detail, we don't particularly get as much out of Sparrow's lynch. We get the answer to Worf's feeling about him, which tells us a bit more about Worf. If town, we get a cluster of arguments to sift through that'll probably end up splintering. Not that it's a bad thing, mind, as it would also generate discussion. We also have his vote against Holmes to consider. If scum, well, we get to look at Mr. Worf again, since it could be a case of scum defending a known townie for cred. My mind is blanking on what else it tells us at the moment. Would someone mind picking up the slack on this part?

Like I said before, it's not as if Jack's lynch tells us nothing, but it does give us less focus compared to Yoda. He just hasn't given us enough to go in many directions. 

As for an argument against Jack, we've all hit upon it. He's been the sort of player that everyone has mentioned is unhelpful, vague, and shifty, but despite this, we haven't really had a dedicated movement against him until the latter half of today. Sure, we had mentioned him, but always tangential to any other argument we had on hand. This laid back, almost cowardly way of playing just isn't very helpful at all. His latest post gives a cursory attempt to seem like he's giving opinions on others, but it doesn't actually say much, and accomplishes very little when he chooses to put a vote on Holmes. What exactly does that do? While it somewhat puts his money where his mouth is, it's a bit late to start a case on Mr. Holmes with so little to go on. This actually speaks slightly better of him, as it does nothing today unless he flips town, but I can't give him full credit as he really doesn't give us much to go on if that is the case.

In the end, it comes down to a few things.

Yoda has been slightly vague, Jack has been worse.
Yoda has been active, Jack has been non-existant.
Yoda has reached for arguments slightly, but has been relatively consistant. Jack reaches more and flips a lot.

I'm sticking with my vote on Jack.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #87 on: May 31, 2008, 03:48:11 AM »
(1) Sherlock - Jack
(1) Worf - Megatron, Jack, Yoda
(3) Jack - Worf, Yoda, Sherlock, Megatron, Cid
(1) Yoda - Worf, Cid
(1) Megatron - Cid, Mr. T
(0) Cid - n/a
(0) Mr. T - n/a

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. Jack Sparrow is at -1 to hammer.

It is four and a half hours until deadline (Saturday 12:15am PST).
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #88 on: May 31, 2008, 04:08:47 AM »
Alright then. First things first:

##Unvote: Megatron

I'm still NONE too happy with the robot and his contributions, but my focus is necessarily going to rest on today's two big cases, Yoda and Jack. I will conclude my post (or post again) with my thoughts on Megatron. My previous arguments would lead me directly to Jack. However! Mr. T ain't gonna go makin' any rash decisions or recommendations. Onto commentary.

Yoda: The only vote sitting on him today is from Mr. Worf. From the way the pilot phrases his post, he seems to be resignin' to "well there are only two people on Yoda, I want a lynch and I'm okay with Jack, so let's make it -1 and get this going." (I say resignin' 'cause the entire sentence leadin' in to his vote swap consists of all the reasons why Yoda and Jack are the same to him for lynchability. That ain't the kind of confidence I like to see, but he has had a regular case 'gainst Jack that I ain't findin' fault with, so it ain't like he's tossin' a vote in for a lynch he don't agree with or nothin'. )

The argument 'gainst Yoda from Worf doesn't sit right. It states that Yoda's argument stands against Jack, but his vote is against Worf, implyin' that no case is stated as strongly that warrants a vote being placed there. I find this a li'l ironic since it seems to me that Yoda is on Worf's case 'cause Yoda doesn't think the reasons Worf is votin' for him make any sense. Part of Worf's argument seems to rely on the OMGUS nature of Yoda's own vote, and the fact that Yoda is against someone who Worf has deduced looks more town-like. That is not a sound place to stand; it makes Worf himself look like his vote is OMGUS, drawin' weight into the argument with the mention of this or that reason that just doesn't stand. 

I agree with Holmes that the absence for a great length of time on day 1 is not workin' in Yoda's favor, but I disagree that the way he phrased his comment was fishin'. I certainly didn't see it that way. I find it odd that this should gain so much weight in Holmes's argument considering that it is -he- who picked up on that one line in Yoda's first Day 2 post, infusing it with a sense that Yoda suggested joke votes were just as important as votes not made in jest, which is not a meanin' I picked up, 'specially since the phrase that caused this ruckus was "Matter not does reason for voting, for even joke votes may serve the Dark Side" (bold added). Maybe a bit of a phrasin' mis-step, but I ain't seein' malicious intent and "let's use joke votes against the voter!" inherent in it.

I think the case against Yoda has been far over-inflated. I'm not inclined to paint him a solid town read, not Mr. T! But I ain't as convinced that he's scum as some of y'all, and I think people need to really consider their arguments 'gainst him. "He was absent toward the end of Day 1, votin' for a guy I don't think is scum, and said some things awkwardly" don't really say 'scum' to me; says more 'bout the guys votin' for him, actually.

Jack: I made my case 'gainst him before. He's been absent, he's been primarily concerned with gettin' flustered and emotional when he is 'round, his arguments seem to -heavily- rely on what people've said before him, and there's little detail to his arguments when they do appear. He's also set up that he's been solid on targets while pointin' out others' hoppin', whether it was backed by actual hoppin' or not, his attitude as pointed out by Worf -- "Well I know anyone voting me is voting for a townie SO THERE" -- is as unhelpful as stated, and I really disagree with his analysis on Megatron and see his comment about Sherlock Holmes as being suspiciously close to justifying OMGUS.

There really ain't much I -am- happy with Jack about.

Megatron: I feel he still rates pretty high up on Mr. T's list of candidates. The things I've said before still hold for me, but his latest post weighin' the information givin' of a lynch of Yoda versus a lynch on Sparrow rings all sorts of nasty bells for me. Characterizing what scum would do and how they link themselves up (pro Yoda lynch), sayin' a town flip would make other-lynch-candidate look like a better lynch target (pro Yoda lynch), and the diffusion of the info Jack's lynch would give us ("if town, an argument that would probably splinter," "if scum, look at Worf 'cause Worf might've been scum tryin' for townie cred"). Despite all of this "Yoda would give us more to go on if we lynch him" talk, I -still- fail to see any cohesive argument for why we should lynch Yoda over Jack. It's been a smatterin' of comments over several posts, all of which go on to focus on some other target entirely. This looks dangerously close to an ill-advised gamble that a lynch of possible-town would give us more information than the lynch of a likely-scum. Unwise.


I think at this point I'm still for hammerin' Captain Jack. I will be around this evenin' to watch how things progress from here, since I still wish to hear from Jack himself and I keep expectin' Holmes to come in with a little somethin' more.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #89 on: May 31, 2008, 04:33:34 AM »
[qyote]I agree with Holmes that the absence for a great length of time on day 1 is not workin' in Yoda's favor, but I disagree that the way he phrased his comment was fishin'. I certainly didn't see it that way. I find it odd that this should gain so much weight in Holmes's argument considering that it is -he- who picked up on that one line in Yoda's first Day 2 post, infusing it with a sense that Yoda suggested joke votes were just as important as votes not made in jest, which is not a meanin' I picked up, 'specially since the phrase that caused this ruckus was "Matter not does reason for voting, for even joke votes may serve the Dark Side" (bold added). Maybe a bit of a phrasin' mis-step, but I ain't seein' malicious intent and "let's use joke votes against the voter!" inherent in it.[/quote]

I'm not sure where we disagree here, then. What I meant to say, and maybe it came out poorly, is that Yoda's come off worse than he might deserve to because of some overly general phrasing. It seemed like he was fishing with that remark - in hindsight, I don't believe he actually was.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2008, 04:53:04 AM »
Reading over that again, yes, I was unclear. I meant for that to be lumped with the "has said overly general things that get misunderstood" part, not the "lurked on day 1 which is not good" part.

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2008, 05:04:32 AM »

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2008, 06:17:32 AM »
A pirate's life is not easy, my friends! Why, just last night I spent my time with a lady on each arm, trying to lure them back to my ship! A good time was had, and you can't fault a man for a good time, can ye?

You can?

That's not my fault! Lurking? Lurking you say?! Lurking is for... demon creatures. For zombies, you could say! Not for captains. Captains are just busy, busy, busy with all the work that goes into being a real pirate!




Doctor Sparrow. Could you imagine it, friends? I couldn't. And as much as the Captain wanted to be involved in y'alls witchhunt, he simply couldn't bring himseld to hunt evil zombies like one should!

Now, I could proclaim that I was trying to give you all the runaround and stay under the radar cause that's what a good doctor should do, but the reality of the matter is that sometimes, sometimes a man ain't in any condition to be huntin' zombies for reasons that can only be reviewed in the afterlife. I'm sorry about that.

The heart of the matter is that I don't want to die. But if my death is inevitable, I want it to be now. I don't want to screw over the town in LYLO, and given how little I've talked, that will happen.

I'm not claiming doctor because I want everyone to just stop voting for me. Considering how confused I am, I honestly couldn't pick who the heck to protect anyway. I picked Sherlock Holmes yesterday because he had long posts.

But I don't want you guys to be surprised when you lynch me and I'm a doctor.

I debated whether a man should tell the world such things. There are reasons that I won't elaborate on for the sake of personal strategy, but honesty is the best policy, as they say.

Mr. T is mischaracterizing me. He said I am trying to act like my cases have solid evidence. I really have not done such a thing. As poorly as this looks upon me as a player, I said in my post against Worf that it was just a gut feeling and that it wasn't solid.

Trying to disguise OMGUS? Wait, you mean people usually just go oh my god, you suck! and then go on with their lives? Last I heard people try to at least dabble in justification of their votes.

Once I looked at voting evidence, I think that my case against Worf was fallicious, so I turned to the people in front of my eyes. In my thinking, knowing my own alignment, I believed that one zombie would vote for me and the other in another direction. Zombies are sly creatures at times, you could say. Voting on someone who has been unhelpful is just logical for a zombie to do.

As I may or may not have mentioned in my earlier post, the reason I was posting something regarding my own alignment is because I wanted to leave footprints of my feelings for others to follow in the event of my death.

Originally, the first half of this post and that post were one and the same, because I was going to be out for several hours. I then figured out that there was like 36 hours left in the game so I didn't need to worry. However when I came back home I discovered that it is indeed Friday and not Thursday. An idiotic blunder on my part!

Anyway, I am still convinced that what I said earlier is correct, but I find Mr. T's argument on me pretty shaky, as well as rather condescending which I don't particularly appreciate.

Sherlock, what do you want me to say about unintelligable discussion? What can I possibly say when the only thing I really said in the first place was "it annoys me and makes me not want to read posts", which is the truth. Then ask for them to stop! You yourself said it - it's fun for you to play that way.

It's not even one particular post; it was the entire thing that made me drop the topic and stop reading about halfway through page 1. I simply wasn't anticipating the level of hardcoreness that was going to be put out there, and I guess maybe I should have, but I wasn't.

If for some reason saying this makes you think I am scum (...) then uh I'm sorry? I didn't mean to come off as this throughly unhelpful person, I just didn't know what to say because I just lost track of what was going on really quickly, and I've been trying to catch up. And failing because my mind is scrambled like a scrambled egg.

This post is taking too goddamn long.

Whatever all of you feel is the best decision for the town, I implore you do that. If you think keeping a potential doctor alive is worth it, then do it. If you think I am a zombie and I'm just lying about being a doctor, then I hope that whatever information you get from my death is worth it.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #93 on: May 31, 2008, 06:35:35 AM »
Uncomfortable, I am with this. Unsure of what to do, I am. Seriously unhappy that you took this long to claim doctor, I really am. With equal candidates, more inclined to push the lynch Worf lines, I am. Believe doctor claim, I am not sure I do. Want to push it when I have another candidate, I do not.

Who is around still, I need to ask!

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2008, 06:36:07 AM »
Oh, well that's just awesome.

##Unvote. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I know we don't need a hammer coming in right now.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2008, 06:43:27 AM »
I apologize for not being around more this evening, although fortunately I seem to have come back in time.  Unanticipated ship's duties.

Nothing really new to say, however.  A capable field medic is rare enough that the claim should be let go, for now - but as I feel Captain Sparrow is town even without that, it is not helpful for me to say.  Obviously I strongly disagree with my own lynch and continue to support lynching Yoda or Holmes.

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2008, 06:52:58 AM »
Argh, my brains.

A spurious and convenient claim, to be sure. But... what can we really do? I don't really want to switch so easily, so I'm going to keep my vote on there for the time being. As with the others, I'm at a loss, but leaning on Yoda more strongly than ever.

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2008, 06:54:29 AM »
A reason, do you have?

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #98 on: May 31, 2008, 06:55:20 AM »

A doc claim Day 2 is not something I feel comfortable lynching, regardless of how I feel about the person makin' said claim. It is one of those things that will sort itself out - either doc gets NK'd or he does not and, depending on the actions of scum overnight, new conclusions can be drawn on the following day. Lynching him right now, without a counterclaim (which would be suicide, of course), seems unwise.


I don't think anyone agrees on a current #2, do they?

I know I'm all for Megatron. I'm not comfortable enough with anyone else.

How does everyone who's left feel about our lynch options at this point? As loath as I am to follow a hunch with less support, there are some cases I don't feel are complete bunk. As my preferences really are for one of Megatron or Jack, though, I am curious where those who are left actually stand.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #99 on: May 31, 2008, 07:04:30 AM »
Well. Megatron has to be my first choice now. If this roleclaim is to be believed, the robot's bandwagoning looks that much worse, and lumped in with the lurking early on that's enough for me. I won't support a Yoda lynch. Worf is somewhat more suspicious to me but still not to the point where I'd be comfortable sending him to the gallows. Mr. T and Cid are not on the menu, and I'm certainly not voting for myself.

##Vote Megatron

It's the only one I find palatable, so I might as well cast the vote now.