Well, #$@%&% %@$#, but this is a %@^&## mess. Apart from Mr. T. stealing my &@%$#@ gimmick, my main suspect's claiming &$@%#$ doc.
First things %@$#%& first: there's a streak of %&@*$# defeatism through Jack's post that bothers me, but I gotta agree with the &@$#@% T. that lynching someone claiming %&@$#@ doc isn't in our best interest. The arguments against him are still %@$#%& sound, and he not only acknowledges this but explains most of them away by confessing to &@$#@% emotional distress. Still, it's pretty clear a %$@#$& Jack lynch ins't happenin' today, so:
##Unvote: Jack Sparrow
$@%#$& hate to have to jumpstart the &@$#@% conversation this close to deadline, but most of us are %@$#%& here right now and we'll have to make the best of it. Looks like people are falling back on $@%#&$ previous cases: Worf, Yoda, Megatron, Sherlock...I disagreed with the arguments against the &@#@$% Klingon before and still do, so that one's out. Yoda and Megatron I've expressed my &@$#@% doubts about before and I'm likely to settle on one or the other. The &@$#@% limey hasn't done much to set me off except for being &@$#@% noncommittal earlier, as others pointed out. Bears watching, but I haven't got time to do a full %@$#@& review of the topic and build a case against him. There's only a &@%$#@ hour left here and I mean to focus on cases I'm %@^$@% familiar with.
I gotta reread some $@%# and sort out my thoughts, but I'll be here 'til the &@$#@% deadline if people have any specific questions. I mean to have a vote up &@$#@% soon.