Author Topic: GAME START Anonymous Mafia  (Read 28465 times)

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #125 on: May 31, 2008, 08:16:02 AM »
Also if there is no support for hammering Yoda I would prefer moving to Holmes rather than Megatron.

I... wouldn't. Rules state that it goes to sudden death, and I'm fairly sure on Yoda. Much more than Holmes, whose stock has risen to me post-Jack roleclaim.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #126 on: May 31, 2008, 08:18:34 AM »
Deadline has passed. You are now in sudden death. Any vote on or off of Yoda or Megatron past this point will result in hammer.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #127 on: May 31, 2008, 08:19:32 AM »
Also if there is no support for hammering Yoda I would prefer moving to Holmes rather than Megatron.

I... wouldn't. Rules state that it goes to sudden death, and I'm fairly sure on Yoda. Much more than Holmes, whose stock has risen to me post-Jack roleclaim.

This is true. It's past the &@%$#@ deadline by my clock, which means anyone removing a &@$#@% vote automatically condemns the other player sitting at three votes. And this hardly seems like the best &@$#@% time to be building a new train anyway. EDIT: Abe &@$$$# gets in a post before me. Yeah, that's what I &@$#@% thought.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #128 on: May 31, 2008, 08:20:28 AM »
The choice there is between Holmes and you, Megatron, not Yoda and you.  Looks like it's Yoda or you anyhow, though.



Tron, have you roleclaimed yet?  I don't remember seeing it and don't want to threadhunt instead of F5ing.

Ned Flanders

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #129 on: May 31, 2008, 08:21:37 AM »
No. Was gonna wait until someone called for it, since it's not particularly helpful. Vanilla town.

Jack Sparrow

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #130 on: May 31, 2008, 08:24:29 AM »
I don't really know. I suspect Mr. T and Holmes the most, but out of these two, I feel like Megatron is the better lynch.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Megatron


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #131 on: May 31, 2008, 08:38:15 AM »
Backed at the edge of a cliff, Captain Jack Sparrow produced a jar of rum and warded off his would-be lynchees. "Those tales you hear o' me, burning towns and kidnapping young maidens, my friends? All lies, spread by the navy to sour my good repute! Well... except perhaps the ladies part." He grimaced, but thankfully Franziska von Karma was no longer in sight - or with them - to give him the lashing he so richly deserved.

"But no, I am not merely a simple captain of the seas! I am a healer, a mender of wounds and souls," he nodded with enthuse, holding up the jars, "carrying magical elixirs to cure all ailments. Even stranded on this desolate boony, with the lot of ya."

The other six considered this for a moment and took it upon themselves to agree, or at least consider the possibility of rum's healing properties after having taken a swig or two.

In the less-than-sober atmosphere, Megatron found that his luck was not so good, and his situation less so as the strange meatbags, all seemingly entranced and intoxicated, took it upon themselves to show the Predacon what being drunk really felt like - perhaps a little too far.

Megatron, Vanilla Townie (TOWN), has been lynched!

Final Votecount
(0) Sherlock - Jack, Yoda
(0) Worf - Megatron, Jack, Yoda
(0) Jack - Worf, Yoda, Sherlock, Megatron, Cid
(3) Yoda - Worf, Cid, Megatron, Cid
(4) Megatron - Cid, Mr. T, Sherlock, Mr. T, Yoda, Jack
(0) Cid - n/a
(0) Mr. T - n/a

With 7 alive, it took 4 to lynch.

Day 2 has ended. Send night actions.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #132 on: May 31, 2008, 08:46:23 AM »
In the morning and sure-to-come hangover that passed, the crew awoke to see one of its members missing, the only mark of evidence left a broken bottle of rum. A message had been etched on its side.

Alcohol is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated and turn to the dark side.

Jack Sparrow (Doctor, TOWN) was killed during the night!

It is now Day 3. You are in LYLO. There is no deadline.

With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 08:49:46 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #133 on: May 31, 2008, 08:53:36 AM »
So we have reached the (hopefully not quite) final battlefield.

I do not have a helpful roleclaim to make.

Currently the only person I 'trust' is Cid.  Holmes and Yoda have been Borgy as heck and Mr. T's posts at the end of the day were BATTLE STATIONS ALL HANDS ON DECK bad to me.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #134 on: May 31, 2008, 08:59:23 AM »
I -don't- support a Yoda lynch. The case against him is too rooted in personal reactions. I, like Cid, don't see a strong evident case on Holmes, and don't feel it necessary or preferable to swing on him when there are others I'm even less sure about.

With that in mind, I'm providing a vote for competing majority - I believe this puts both Yoda and Megatron at 2 votes.

Why Holmes? Especially if you don't trust Sparrow and are trying to survive?

For reference, this is extremely Borglike. 

1.  The case against Yoda is rooted in him contributing nothing but a fixation on joq'vohts, summarily jumping on Captain Sparrow, who is now PROVEN to be a townie making himself an easy target, and an odd self defense campaign that took his vote to me instead of Sparrow.

2.  Challenging up Megatron with no arguments as to his Borgishness, only to provide "a competing majority" against Yoda.

3.  Flipping around and NOW finding Yoda Borgish for not voting Sparrow... AFTER Sparrow claims doctor?!

Mr. Miyagi

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #135 on: May 31, 2008, 09:31:15 AM »
1.  The case against Yoda is rooted in him contributing nothing but a fixation on joq'vohts, summarily jumping on Captain Sparrow, who is now PROVEN to be a townie making himself an easy target, and an odd self defense campaign that took his vote to me instead of Sparrow.

Do I even need to begin to show how Worf here is subverting the truth and outright lying about what actually occurred?

1. I did not fixate completely on joke votes. Seriously. On day one: I noted Holmes broke a pattern, voted Sparrow to encourage him to converse, voted Megatron for jumping in without giving any acknowledgement to the discussion at hand, prodded Gollum on his response to a missed bold vote, responded to reactions to me and joined in the pressure to get Karma to clarify her stance. Then, yeah, I disappeared for a bit and the day ended all of the sudden. And yes, day two I made a point to say not to dismiss a joke votes, because they can still have some weight. Wasn't fixating, though!

To put it succintly, you are exaggerating to the point of outright fabrication right here.

2. Right. I jumped on a scummy looking individual who happened to turn up town. You do remember that YOU voted him first, right? Oh yeah, and let us not forget everyone ELSE who voted him too. Again. You are exaggerating the issue with the clear intent of making me appear guilty when I really haven't done anything wrong.

3. I've already dismissed this one repeatedly. It was not a defense, it was an attack. It was not more focused on Sparrow. I had specific problems with Sparrow, yes. I ALSO had serious problems with your logic (which, like I said, felt pretty distinctly anti-scum hunting), that was only further supplemented by what I feel were incredible shoddy arguments against me (like these!) that came out over the progression of our discussions.

I'm getting sleepy, but as it is, and with the flip, I'm inclined to say that scum is split between the two trains, which means that my most likely scum candiates are Worf and Sherlock/Mr. T. However, that obviously deserves its own discussion, and up for that right now, I am not.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #136 on: May 31, 2008, 11:05:11 AM »
That was, in fact, all towards denying Mr. T's accusation that the case on you is based on nothing more but gut.  Since you care to get into it, though...

1. I did not fixate completely on joke votes. Seriously. On day one: I noted Holmes broke a pattern
of joke votes
, voted Sparrow to encourage him to converse,
ending the joke vote phase, which you made a point of when you
voted Megatron for
"persist in jokevote does the robot", in addition to
jumping in without giving any acknowledgement to the discussion at hand,
prodded Gollum on his response to a missed bold vote, responded to reactions to me and joined in the pressure to get Karma to clarify her stance.
Early day 1 actions of little weight or importance.

2. Right. I jumped on a scummy looking individual who happened to turn up town. You do remember that YOU voted him first, right? Oh yeah, and let us not forget everyone ELSE who voted him too. Again. You are exaggerating the issue with the clear intent of making me appear guilty when I really haven't done anything wrong.

I did so at the beginning of the day, to spur discussion, and when Captain Sparrow responded I evaluated his reply, analyzed the situation and withdrew my challenge.  I certainly am attempting to convince others that you are guilty!  I failed to do so yesterday, and that is a stain on my honor.  To claim "But I really haven't done anything wrong!" is no defense - you have, in fact, done things that are Borglike, and the only defense you are now offering for them is "But other people voted for him!"  Yes, they did, but not in the same way as you.

...your logic (which, like I said, felt pretty distinctly anti-scum hunting), that was only further supplemented by what I feel were incredible shoddy arguments against me (like these!) that came out over the progression of our discussions.

I am unsure how you can persist in this argument when the flips have proven my logic more productive than yours (Ugh, I feel like a Vulcan.)  To believe that I am Borg at this point entails believing I passed up two incredibly easy lynch targets in order to risk my neck with stances that are, according to you, incredibly shoddy, and could have resulted in my imminent demise if others listened to me, lynched you, and you flipped town.  Yet you analyze this not at all, and simply kneejerk me as Borgish due to my attacks on you.  Okay.

I believe that is sufficient defense for myself, and the case on Yoda is self-evident.  The only things preventing me from voting him are waiting on roleclaims and an acute case of second-guessing myself on a possible Holmes/Mr. T Borg team.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #137 on: May 31, 2008, 06:23:31 PM »
...%@$#%$ #@&%

I've been wrong about three people so far this game, so I wanna make a full review of the &@$#@% thread before makin' a $@%$#& decision here. Brace yourselves, 'cause this post is gonna be a %@$#@& big one. Gonna try to take everything into account, though I dunno how much the &$@#%$ voting record is gonna help us in this case. Everyone who's still alive made a serious &@$#@% case against a confirmed townie yesterday and day one's abrupt ending just %@$#%& muddies the waters. But I'm not gonna say the &@$#@% voting record's completely useless even in a situation this &@$#@% crazy, so I'll try to make use of it in conjunction with other scummy behavior.

Gonna tackle one %@$#@% person at a time, just goin' down the %$%$&# list on the first page.

A) Sherlock Holmes. Got some bad press early on for posting %@$#@% words without meaning. This is a valid $#@%$& criticism and a mark against him, but he got more %#$@%& involved on the second day. It remains possible that this is %&#@$% scum responding to pressure rather than just town having more %#$@%$ material to work with, but he did have plenty of %$%&@# analysis geared against Jack and the robot--criticisms I find it &%@$#% hard to disagree with even though both of 'em flipped town. I don't agree with him on everything, but there are few specific statements I can %&^#@$ pull out to use against him.

Well, there's always %$%&#$ this:

The same goes for Cid. Choosing a lynch on the logic that one way or the other, the flip will be informative is a dangerous game, especially when a mislynch puts us in LYLO. If we lynch town and get a ton of information from it, we're still one incorrect vote from losing the game. I'd rather hit uninformative scum.

I already responded to this &%$#, but I'm trying to be %#$@%& comprehensive here so: this ignores my actual %#$%#& stance on the player in question and boils it down to %#@$#% "lynching for information." Could be a misreading, could be bad %#$#%& wording on my part, but Yoda made the same %#$%#& observation and I'll explain at length when I get to him why the argument %&$%#@ bothers me. In short, ignoring the %&%$@# specifics of someone else's post is just bad $%$&#@ logic.

But aside from that, I'm not finding a whole lot I can %$&%#@ pin on Holmes. I'm willing to ^$%^&# consider him if someone has some &%$%#@ persuasive arguments, but he takes a backseat to the &#$@%$ Jedi.

B) Worf. Looks pretty %$%&#@ much like town to me. The big &#$@%$ issue is his total reversal on the &@$#%@ pirate yesterday. Now, I voiced my &#$%@# skepticism of that move at the time but didn't consider it cause for a vote both for finding the Klingon's other points %#$@%& agreeable and for having more pressing suspects. With Jacko's cardflip in hand, I think he only looks $%#%$& better. The argument could be made that he backed off of Jacko to avoid bein' seen &%#@$% training a $%#$@% townie, but I don't see any &$@%#$ logic behind that. I'll go into that point more when I get to talking about &$#@%$ Yoda, since it's &$#@%$ hard to disentangle the two by this point, but in sum: I do not #%@$#& see it as a wise move for a scum Worf to make. It involves simultaneously passing up a %@$#%& easy townie lynch AND opening himself up to massive &%&#@$ criticism for the reversal--and he did get plenty of &#@$#% criticism for it, that's for %$&%@# sure. It's %$%&@# untenable to suggest that a scum player would take both these risks at once.

Barring some $%#$&@ major screwups on his part, I'm unlikely to consider him for lynching today.

C) Yoda. This breakdown's gonna be %$%&@# long since he was and remains my main $%#%&$ suspect. Let's start with his day one case against &#$@%# Megatron. I admit there was good cause to suspect the &#$%@# robot, and I did so myself, but Yoda's reasoning never %&$#@% worked for me. In the %&#$@% Jedi's own words:

Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

Check out those last two %#@$#& sentences. I called attention to this before, but it looks %#@$#& worse in light of Megatron being confirmed town. Ending of the &#@$#% jokevote phase isn't as %#@$&% clearcut as the Jedi makes it out to be. Now, I've admitted before that Yoda's day one vote on &#@$#% Captain Sparrow did make a valid point, but tryin' to pin a definitive %@$#@& end to the jokevote phase on one of his own posts both artificially inflates Yoda's townie cred and exaggerates a point to build a %@#$%& case against someone. It's not the last &#$@%$ time he does somethin' like that, either, and this style of argument isn't &#@%$# something I associate with a town perspective. Scum arguments have to be built from %@$#%& scratch and you can see the seams in willful generalizations like this. Yoda's posts are %$#@%& riddled with this kind of argument.

And that argument against $%#$%& Megatron is most of Yoda's day one content. Not only that, but he $%#@$& helped lynch Megatron yesterday without greatly expanding his %$%&@# case against him. Of course, Yoda himself was the other $@$#&$ candidate for lynching there, and I'll concede that even from a town perspective someone other than yourself dying is always the best course of events, so it's hard to hold that $#%$#& vote against him.

Lot's been made of him dropping off the %@#$%& radar near the end of the day. He claims he didn't see the end of the day coming so %@#$%& soon, and I gotta admit that there's no $@%#$& way someone could. But he did have nineteen %@#$&% hours between his last day one post and the time the %@#$%& lawyer got herself killed. I don't know the Jedi's %&$@#% schedule, but that seems like a lotta time. This isn't %@$#&% grounds for condemnation by itself, but it's something to consider in conjunction with his other mistakes.

Moving on to day two, there's the %&#@$% infamous argument about jokevotes. What $%#@%& set people off is right here:

Matter not does reason for voting, for even joke votes may serve the Dark Side.

I admit more's been made of this &#@$#% point than is probably warranted, but it's &$@#%$ easy to see why Worf reacted to it. It's %&#@$% phrased generally enough that I find it %&#@$% easy to see it as a calculated scum attempt to drum up suspicion of someone else, at least in light of similar arguments the %#$@$& Jedi's made. Again, not &#@$%# damning by itself, but it's characteristic of the way Yoda's been arguing throughout the %&#@$% game.

Next up's the $%$#@& debate over Jacko's misreadin' of Worf--and it's pretty &#$@%# clear now that that's what it was, since the &#$@%# pirate's now confirmed as town--and how people reacted to it. Most of this %@$#$& mess involved people questioning Worf's %&#@$% reasoning and I admit to sharing some skepticism there. I'm not one to put a lot of stock in %&#@$% "gut feelings." The fact that Sparrow's now %@$#%& confirmed as town casts this whole argument in a new light, though. There are a couple ways to look at the whole %&@$#% mess: 1) Worf's motivation for switching his vote was $@%$#& exactly what he said it was; 2) Worf, if $%$#@% scum in this scenario, didn't wish to be seen building a train against a townie and took a %#$@%& opportunity to back off. The second $#%$#& explanation's pretty &%^&$# hard for me to believe just for it bein' such an obvious &$#@$% blunder. No, I'm not saying scum can't make %#$%#& mistakes, I just can't see how it woulda been advantageous for Worf to make a reversal that so clearly exposes him to criticism if he was $#%$#& scum.

A deciding factor here is that while %@$#&% everyone called Jacko out on his infamous misreading, most did it in the context of $#%$#@ correcting a simple error. Yoda's the one who &@$#%# jumped on it and used it as the reason for a vote. There were plenty of %@$#%& good reasons to suspect the pirate at the time and plenty of people did, but only Yoda seized on what we now know was a %@$#@& townie making an honest mistake.

Moving on, here's another one of those %&#@$% generalizations I %&#@$% dislike so much:

Final point which concerns me. Split desires, many people have. Falling back to "suspicious" vs "what we will learn from the lynch," many people are. Think suspicions should take precedent, I do. If think one target more suspicious, vote them you should. Let lurking scum slip by does lynching based on information.

He didn't $%#$%& address this to anyone specifically, but both Megatron and myself noted that a point in favor of &@$#%$ lynching Yoda was that we'd get plenty of &$#@$% information out of it so I gotta assume he at least had me in mind. I never %@#$%& said I was for lynching Yoda JUST for the sake of &#@$#% getting information. Said I suspected both him and %@$#%& Sparrow, about equal for the %@$#@& record, and that I chose Yoda at the time because he'd give us more to work with the next %&#@$% day. It was never about %&#@$% ignoring lurking scum, it was about setting &#$@$# priorities. The %&#$@% Jedi has a habit of ignoring the specifics of a situation and this is just one %@$#@& example. Sherlock made the same %$#%&# comment but I feel he lacks Yoda's other tells.

In sum? Yoda's got a #@$#%& wide variety of nagging scumtells, none of which is %@$#%& damning on its own but which collectively make up a &@$#@% pattern of behavior which is far more reminiscent of scum constructing arguments than it is of a %@$#@& townie. The fact that he's spent most of the last %&#@$% day goin' after someone who reads town to me--not to mention that Yoda's %$&@$# case against Worf only started when the Klingon voted for him, which looks odd even if he genuinely disagreed with Worf's logic--only &#@$#% adds to this impression. I feel very $%@$#& strongly that lynching him is our best bet right now and I will continue to press for this. One of the $@#$%& Sith, I think he is.

D) Mr. T.'s in the same boat as the $%#%$& limey, only without the liability of $#%$#& low presence early in the game. This makes him look a little %&@$#@ better, but they're &#@$#% close to second place in line for getting &#@$#% booted off the Highwind. Still a $#@% sight passed Yoda, of course. I admit to having somethin' of a %$%&@# blind spot in regards to the T., and that if there's anyone I need to look at more closely it's him, but I just can't recall anything specific that raises $#%$#& warning flags here.

Now, this post took way too &#@%$# long and I need a %@$#@& drink, but I'll be around as much today as I can $%#%$& afford to be. As a final %#$@%$ word, I got nothing helpful to add in the way of %$%&@# roleclaims. Just %$%#&@ vanilla, an airship pilot without a &%#@$% airship. Could be I don't have to %$%&@# claim since there's no votes on me, but the &#@$%# Klingon did say he was waiting on claims. I figure, hey, it's LYLO, may as well put all cards on the %&#@$% table. Shame I haven't got any &#@$%# useful ones.

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #138 on: June 01, 2008, 03:23:01 AM »
I've been dreading writing this post. When no one's even going to bother to -read- carefully... argh. Anyway.

See the ending posts last night with Worf. An off-handed accusation ( - last line), then backing it up with a 'vibe' ( even though he admits the text doesn't support it, and then he doesn't respond to my final defense of it.

Then today.

I -don't- support a Yoda lynch. The case against him is too rooted in personal reactions. I, like Cid, don't see a strong evident case on Holmes, and don't feel it necessary or preferable to swing on him when there are others I'm even less sure about.

With that in mind, I'm providing a vote for competing majority - I believe this puts both Yoda and Megatron at 2 votes.

Why Holmes? Especially if you don't trust Sparrow and are trying to survive?

For reference, this is extremely Borglike. 

1.  The case against Yoda is rooted in him contributing nothing but a fixation on joq'vohts, summarily jumping on Captain Sparrow, who is now PROVEN to be a townie making himself an easy target, and an odd self defense campaign that took his vote to me instead of Sparrow.

2.  Challenging up Megatron with no arguments as to his Borgishness, only to provide "a competing majority" against Yoda.

3.  Flipping around and NOW finding Yoda Borgish for not voting Sparrow... AFTER Sparrow claims doctor?!

1. To summarize the movement as "summarily jumping on someone who has been PROVEN to be townie" is misleading - no one -knew- he was a townie prior to the flip except for scum. Plenty suspected that he might not be. Plenty suspected that his doc claim could be a scum ploy to save his life. And as I've said before ( - second paragraph of the Yoda points), your interpretation of what he did in votin' for you looks a little weird to me. I don't think the green guy's been fixated on joke votes any more than the consistent misreadin' of his posts warrants defense.

I particularly love how you attempt to rebut Yoda's defense of this one, indicatin' all the things he did wrong in Day 1 and then dismissing what he did "right" with the exact same thing that should invalidate the things he did wrong -- "Early day 1 actions of little weight or importance." Nice way to pick and choose what's important without explainin' why one is moreso than another.

2. Are you serious? "No arguments"? How about, oh, I don't know, the rest of the game prior to that moment? I don't think it's a secret that Mr. T had some serious reservations about the robot that never got resolved. I don't think I was alone in it, either, or else he never would have made it to the lynch table. The bit about "competing majority" was regardin' puttin' down any vote at all - I commented that I was unsure about several candidates other people had in mind, that I did not want a Yoda lynch, and felt strongly about Megatron. The "competing majority" was to put my current #1 as viable opposition to a candidate I didn't want to see lynched.

3. Uh. No. Yoda was one of the people up for lynch. His vote on Holmes seemed outta left field, since Megatron and himself were the ones bein' seriously discussed since Jack's claim put him off the table. I wasn't askin' questions 'cause he didn't vote Jack, I asked questions 'cause of who he did vote for with the options I saw.

And then in another post:

To believe that I am Borg at this point entails believing I passed up two incredibly easy lynch targets in order to risk my neck with stances that are, according to you, incredibly shoddy, and could have resulted in my imminent demise if others listened to me, lynched you, and you flipped town.

No. No, no, no, no. This is "scum would have done X, but I did Y so how can you say I'm scum?" and I don't think I need to point out how very WRONG this line of argument is. ... actually, given the misreadin' that's been runnin' rampant this entire game, maybe I'd better. You definin' what scum would have done and then you definin' what you did and then comparin' the two does not make for a solid argument about your non-scumminess. Tryin' to make such an argument is misleadin' to the nth degree. I wary of my logic on this, admittedly, 'cause it seems like Cid supports that argument when he says "I do not #%@$#& see it as a wise move for a scum Worf to make." But honestly, that makes me look at Cid sideways more'n justifies Worf's point. Someone seriously needs to explain to me how this discussion about what wise scum would do is not classic WIFOM, and endlessly circular and non-productive except where you draw an arbitrary line.


I'm not happy to be spendin' my time callin' B.S. on some of the arguments bein' bandied about. Inflated this, exaggerated that, and - the thing that really gets Mr. T - the townie mistake vs. scum slip comparison.

You know how you tell the difference? After the flip. So why the hell does these keep comin' up as a reason to lynch? It is -important- to notice mistakes. But to decide that some mistakes are scum tells and some are simple townie blunders takes more than what supports these arguments. Decidin' to lynch someone 'cause you decided their errors have a scum feel instead of a townie feel with no more explanation than that is not wise. You might get lucky, but even if you do, you're foolin' yourself if you think you can attribute that success to your oh-so-masterful deductions. Usin' the results to say "Oh, this was a townie mistake" is one thing. But to draw that out and say "This was a townie mistake and X and Y were attackin' him for it, they must be scum" is somethin' else entirely.


I've scanned Cid's post, but I honestly don't have the energy right now to detail it. Nor do I have the energy to detail things that occurred BEFORE Jack's claim. I do want to point out one thing, though:

Are y'all noticin' how often you write "I admit this makes perfect sense, BUT" in your arguments? 'Cause it keeps strikin' me that there's no way I can argue against "I gotta admit that there's no way someone could" and "I'll concede that even from a town perspective someone other than yourself dying is always the best course of events" and agreein' that it's hard to hold that against someone, but you're going to add it in your list of things you're holdin' against him.


I will be readin' more over tonight. I would really like to hear from Cid what happened to turn his opinion on me so much that I'm really close to #2 on his list for lynch, especially when he doesn't actually seem to have anythin' to say about me. I would like to hear Worf's response to what I've said above. And I'd like to hear from Holmes, period.

I've clearly been wrong in a very big way with the people who were raisin' my hackles the most.  I don't feel comfortable even proposin' a main target or even a vague target without careful review.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #139 on: June 01, 2008, 04:10:35 AM »
Someone seriously needs to explain to me how this discussion about what wise scum would do is not classic WIFOM, and endlessly circular and non-productive except where you draw an arbitrary line.

Certainly.  The dance of Wi'phom takes place when there is a choice between two equal options, with no obvious benefit one way or the other.  The bloodwine could be in either cup, with nothing but "would he/wouldn't he" psychology influencing the odds.  Obviously, arguing those situations is unreliable and should be avoided.  When there IS an obvious difference in benefits to a faction from behaving in a certain way, however, it makes perfect sense to point out "Borg would be less likely to do this because it hurts their chances of winning." 

As the facts of this situation are easily observable, I did not consider it bad form for me to point them out in my own defense.  It is a proven fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town, it is a fact that I did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches, it is a fact that it would have been more beneficial for the Borg to simply sit back and accept their easy town lynches. 

The point of this battle is to figure out who Borg are by their behavior, by what Borg would and would not do. 

You know how you tell the difference? After the flip. So why the hell does these keep comin' up as a reason to lynch? It is -important- to notice mistakes. But to decide that some mistakes are scum tells and some are simple townie blunders takes more than what supports these arguments. Decidin' to lynch someone 'cause you decided their errors have a scum feel instead of a townie feel with no more explanation than that is not wise. You might get lucky, but even if you do, you're foolin' yourself if you think you can attribute that success to your oh-so-masterful deductions. Usin' the results to say "Oh, this was a townie mistake" is one thing. But to draw that out and say "This was a townie mistake and X and Y were attackin' him for it, they must be scum" is somethin' else entirely.

I entirely disagree.  The Book of Borg will take one only so far - it is easy for Borg to avoid giving most hard Borgtells, and then claim "I haven't done anything wrong!" as Yoda has.  In order to beat them it is necessary to think beyond this.

The Dude

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #140 on: June 01, 2008, 04:50:46 AM »
Someone seriously needs to explain to me how this discussion about what wise scum would do is not classic WIFOM, and endlessly circular and non-productive except where you draw an arbitrary line.

Certainly.  The dance of Wi'phom takes place when there is a choice between two equal options, with no obvious benefit one way or the other.  The bloodwine could be in either cup, with nothing but "would he/wouldn't he" psychology influencing the odds.  Obviously, arguing those situations is unreliable and should be avoided.  When there IS an obvious difference in benefits to a faction from behaving in a certain way, however, it makes perfect sense to point out "Borg would be less likely to do this because it hurts their chances of winning." 

As the facts of this situation are easily observable, I did not consider it bad form for me to point them out in my own defense.  It is a proven fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town, it is a fact that I did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches, it is a fact that it would have been more beneficial for the Borg to simply sit back and accept their easy town lynches. 

The point of this battle is to figure out who Borg are by their behavior, by what Borg would and would not do. 

But determinin' what would be smart for scum to do and what would be unwise for scum to do leads directly into a WIFOM: if we know it would be unwise for scum to do X, we know that this person havin' done X can't be scum because it would be unwise. But if scum knows that this is unwise, wouldn't it be wise for him to do somethin' unwise and thus make him look less likely to be scum because why would scum put themselves in that position? And so on. How is this different from the argument you're proposin' so that your version isn't WIFOM?

Besides. It is a fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town. It is a fact that you did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches. It is -debatable- that it would be more beneficial for scum to sit back and accept their easy town lynches. (Highly debatable, in fact, since some people havin' taken those "easy town lynches" is now bein' used 'gainst them, when there's no way to tell whether it appeared an "easy town lynch" or a "secure scum lynch" to them.) None of those are related sequentially as your commas suggest. As I reasoned 'fore, the only reason Captain Sparrow and Megatron being town would say anything about you not pursuing them is if you knew that -before- they flipped, which is somethin' only scum can know for certain. Other people, myself included, had arguments on them that seemed plenty reasonable at the time. It is impossible for everyone with an argument against a post-lynch confirmed townie to be scum. It is possible that some were. It is also possible that some scum were -not- voting for the lynched.  What in that alone says who's who other than your assertion that you, of course, are town?

I agree with you on the fundamentals about the point of the game. But I don't agree that the way to determine this is to reason what you would and wouldn't do as scum without considering all the possibilities, and there are precious few situations where you can do this without pulling yourself into a WIFOM situation. My frustration with the game rests on this dilemma at the moment, so if you could help me get through my apparent misunderstandin' about the WIFOM situation, I'd appreciate it. At the moment, I can't see how it's anythin' but, and tryin' to portray it as somethin' more solid makes me think it's a purposeful misleadin'.

You know how you tell the difference? After the flip. So why the hell does these keep comin' up as a reason to lynch? It is -important- to notice mistakes. But to decide that some mistakes are scum tells and some are simple townie blunders takes more than what supports these arguments. Decidin' to lynch someone 'cause you decided their errors have a scum feel instead of a townie feel with no more explanation than that is not wise. You might get lucky, but even if you do, you're foolin' yourself if you think you can attribute that success to your oh-so-masterful deductions. Usin' the results to say "Oh, this was a townie mistake" is one thing. But to draw that out and say "This was a townie mistake and X and Y were attackin' him for it, they must be scum" is somethin' else entirely.

I entirely disagree.  The Book of Borg will take one only so far - it is easy for Borg to avoid giving most hard Borgtells, and then claim "I haven't done anything wrong!" as Yoda has.  In order to beat them it is necessary to think beyond this.

And to think beyond "this" - what is "this" and what is "beyond" in your opinion?

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #141 on: June 01, 2008, 05:20:12 AM »
Because even the Borg cannot entirely predict what will happen.  The argument in question here is Yoda's accusations against me.  In order for me to be Borg, not only would I have passed up two solid, easy town lynches, but I also pressed directly against them and towards Yoda and Holmes.  What actually happened was that town ignored both sides and lynched Megatron, but if I was Borg I would have no guarantee whatsoever that this would be the outcome of the day!  Town could just as easily have listened to me and lynched Yoda - casting massive suspicion on me if he flipped town - or listened to Yoda and lynched me.  Both of these possibilities would have been absolutely disastrous for Borg-me, if I was Borg and Yoda was town.  (If Yoda and I were Borgbuddies, it would make even less sense to go to such lengths to attempt to kill each other, given again the two easy town lynches and the chance that a Starfleet Investigator would be present to endanger risk any credibility the survivor would obtain.)

I am certainly considering all the possibilities, but not every possibility is as likely as another.  There is, for example, the possibility that Captain Highwind is Borg and laughing his way to the bank.  I am dismissing this entirely, as I have no reason to believe it is true compared to all the competing possibilities - he is the person who looks most town to me, and I am not going to waste time right now pursuing improbable conspiracy theories about him. 

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #142 on: June 01, 2008, 08:49:06 AM »
I will actually go ahead and admit that I wasn't fully considering the case of the easy lynch vs the more difficult lynch and more focusing in on the quality of your argumentation, which has actually gotten me to step back and reexamine things.

Of course, in return, the problem is that that this entire line of reasoning descends into logical back and forth. As scum, you could have indeed gone for easy lynches. Of course, if the easy lynches went your way, then the same sort of suspicion could indeed apply, Worf. As you do so pointedly illustrate, young Klingon, scum aren't capable of predicting exactly what would happen. It is possible that in avoiding the easy lynches, you could have been attempting to reinforce a good townie vibe: you were a good player who didn't go after guys just tripping over themselves and honestly thought I looked scummy! Whoops. In fact, the nature of the suspicions you reference (you'd look bad for going after me and me flipping town) cast the issue even further into doubt! Why would intelligent scum avoid easy lynches and press hard like that? And this isn't even getting into the fact that there are two scum, which leaves plenty of room for some sort of gambit to reinforce the position of an allied scum buddy.

So. In the end, the problem is we can't get anywhere with that sort of thinking. Scum can't predict what will happen, and town can't predict how scum will play.

As is, I really want to hear Holmes pitch in so we have everyone's voice out there at least once.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #143 on: June 01, 2008, 09:33:56 AM »
I will be readin' more over tonight. I would really like to hear from Cid what happened to turn his opinion on me so much that I'm really close to #2 on his list for lynch, especially when he doesn't actually seem to have anythin' to say about me. I would like to hear Worf's response to what I've said above. And I'd like to hear from Holmes, period.

I said you and #%$@&% Holmes were the distant next candidates. Neither of you has done much that raises &@$#%@ warning flags, apart from the %&#@$% limey's earlygame high-content lurking, but it's a $%#$&@ fact that I've been wrong about my past suspects and I will now have to look elsewhere for scum. It's not a sudden %^$%@# reversal of opinion. It's a &$@%#$ acknowledgement that I have to start considering people who haven't seemed &#%$@# suspicious to me before just by virtue of there still being two &#$@%# scum left. I got more to read and more to %&#@$# say, but I wanted to get this out first.

I do agree that $@#%$& Holmes needs to speak up. I'm not happy throwing down a %#@$#& vote until everyone's had a chance to talk.

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #144 on: June 01, 2008, 09:44:23 AM »
Aaaaaaargh. I've put this off for long enough. I've been wrong about every goddamn suspicion I've had so far in this game (which is part of the reason it's taken so long for me to get off my ass and post; sucking this much is depressing), and now that every person I've seriously suspected has turned up town, there's no line of argument for me to pick up where I left off with. I've reread the first two days, spent a lot of time compiling my post, and finally read over the half-formed monstrosity and realized that it was nothing but summaries of events and restatements of analysis I'd already done, with a few exceptions I've kept in what is now mainly a reaction to the Day 3 talk.

On day 1, Yoda's "Fixation" on joke votes. I agree with what T said that Yoda was drawing a bright line between "joke vote phase" and "non-joke-vote phase" where none can clearly exist, but there's more to the idea than just "you joke-voted too late." It looks a lot like using a joke vote to dodge discussion when you joke-vote late and then -don't take part in the actual discussion-, which is what Megatron did for a good part of Day 1.

Also, something caught my eye about Cid.

And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.

Now that's a %$%&@# weird thing to say. I mean, how do you *&#@$% know no one else'll $%#%$& join you if you don't %$%#&@ try? You see something $$@%&$ scummy, you ##@%$& point it out; a %&$%@# vote always adds weight to an argument, and people will %$&@$# follow if you $@!$@# do it right. Try throwin' in some gratuitous $#&!@# profanity, that always gets some !%#*&# attention.

That's speakin' &@#$%! generally, though. In these #$@$!& circumstances, I've gotta concede that you have a %#$&!@ point, given how few @$#@%! hours we've got left. We ain't got all !@#$%& night here to make a &!#@$% decision. As for the rest of your $#!@&# post, I can see some %$%#%& sense there. 'specially calling out the $#%#&@ pirate. Where the %$%& is he, anyhow? I'm not agreein' with every $#%$&@ thing you say, but there's enough $#%$&# reason for me to $#$@#$

##Unvote: Gollum

When he wrote that, Gollum had just voted for me, with no other votes on me. His own actions contradicted the argument that you praised and used as partial justification to unvote him, but you don't say word one about them? I was too focused on Gollum himself at the time for your response to register before, but it made me sit up and take notice on the reread. 

The end of Day 2 makes me look much harder at Worf. I still agree with the arguments made against Megatron and Jack Sparrow. Townies they were, we know now, but they were still the scummiest-looking players active, and I'll be damned if I ever come out against lynching the scummiest player. I also agree strongly with the people saying that not supporting those arguments isn't enough to clear anyone. Saying that X helps get townies lynched, therefore someone who didn't do X yesterday isn't scum, is not only WIFOM (you're saying that scum will sacrifice townie cred to get an easy lynch, instead of not supporting a given day's mislynch in order to look better in the future) but ignores the presence of multiple scum, which makes it possible for one Borg to further the group's objectives while another keeps his hands clean. I have to echo Mr. T here - this line of argument makes Worf look worse to me. And just to be clear - I'm not saying that Worf's not voting for Megatron or Sparrow makes him look bad. I'm saying the emphasis he places on it in his defense, as if it was something scum would never ever do, does.

It also rankles a bit with me that he floated the "I'd rather lynch Holmes than Megatron" idea six minutes from deadline, for two reasons. One, it was six minutes from deadline. That's pretty late to have any reasonable chance of convincing people to switch. Two, he's still barely made an actual argument about me! Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit late to begin a serious push?

Megatron, and to a lesser extent Investigator Holmes, also make my instincts twitch.

Holmes' statements continually trigger my instincts, for reasons I cannot fully pin down myself.

I am particularly wary of Sherlock Holmes, since his behavior otherwise has very much fit with the "comment on everything but take no sides" style I would expect from Borg.  His tone otherwise leaves nothing to be desired - but where is the warrior's edge, the challenges, the aggression?  My order of preferred lynches today is Yoda-Holmes (nearly tied, for all that I have spoken little on Holmes to date) and following that Megatron.

Yoda has, however, very nicely summarized my case against Holmes.  Thoughtful commentary he does provide, but hard stances and conclusions from it he lacks.  This is a strong sign of the Borg to me.

Obviously I strongly disagree with my own lynch and continue to support lynching Yoda or Holmes.

That's all the suspicion he's expressed about me, and it's instincts and vagaries, and minimal or no attempt to convince anyone else that they might be true.

Also, Mr. T has pointed this out already, but it bears a more detailed rebuttal.

2.  Challenging up Megatron with no arguments as to his Borgishness, only to provide "a competing majority" against Yoda.

Alright then. First things first:

##Unvote: Megatron

I'm still NONE too happy with the robot and his contributions, but my focus is necessarily going to rest on today's two big cases, Yoda and Jack.


Megatron: I feel he still rates pretty high up on Mr. T's list of candidates. The things I've said before still hold for me, but his latest post weighin' the information givin' of a lynch of Yoda versus a lynch on Sparrow rings all sorts of nasty bells for me. Characterizing what scum would do and how they link themselves up (pro Yoda lynch), sayin' a town flip would make other-lynch-candidate look like a better lynch target (pro Yoda lynch), and the diffusion of the info Jack's lynch would give us ("if town, an argument that would probably splinter," "if scum, look at Worf 'cause Worf might've been scum tryin' for townie cred"). Despite all of this "Yoda would give us more to go on if we lynch him" talk, I -still- fail to see any cohesive argument for why we should lynch Yoda over Jack. It's been a smatterin' of comments over several posts, all of which go on to focus on some other target entirely. This looks dangerously close to an ill-advised gamble that a lynch of possible-town would give us more information than the lynch of a likely-scum. Unwise.

The end of the day and the events at night didn't do much of anything for my suspicions.

Megatron: Ain't said a single word about the votes pilin' up 'gainst him from yesterday. Odd, considering he was -2 from hammer before the night was unexpectedly ended by somethin' irrelevant. Comin' out of the gate with a new argument helps defray the suspicion 'round his bein' passive, but it don't do nothin' 'bout what people were sayin' the day before. What happened to the argumen' 'gainst Yoda if it was so strong for you? If you were convinced otherwise, why not say so? Looks a helluva lot like ya got caught in an argument goin' nowhere and you thought you could get a get-out-of-jail-free card by startin' somethin' new right out the gate.

I ain't seein' what was so opaque to the robot 'bout why the Klingon voted for the lawyer, as Sherlock Holmes also pointed out. With this in mind, it looks like Megatron simply manufactured an argument without consideration of the context, rather than having somethin' that looked weird enough to warrant such a vote out of the gate. It's 'specially wrong-feelin' since the vote was weighted with the idea that Worf happened to vote for two who were confirmed town. So what? It's Day 1. Votin' records are certainly important, but when there are arguments about contributions, presence, logic and so forth going on, jumpin' someone 'cause of somethin' like that just feels like a poor attempt to control the day. The captain said it: evil is indiscriminate with its votes, even if it means votin' on one another.
Though I'm torn between the two, I see Megatron has only 1 vote to Jack's 2. In the interest of making pressure pressurin', I'm gonna

##Vote: Megatron

I agree character should not get in the way of the things people say. To that end, the little green man might want to tone down his anastrophe (what? Mr. T left college, fool, he didn't fail to go!). The robot, likewise, ought not hide behind character.

The sum of his contributions: post 1) joke vote; post 2) erroneous analysis (see below); post 3) votin' someone using circular logic to justify that vote; post 4) points out his previous post without addin' anythin'.

Yoda did not make a post facto argument. When he said "By my own action had joke voting begun to fade," he didn't mean that post that the robot keeps quotin', he meant the fact that he added a second vote to the pirate for not havin' shown up yet. As the foul-mouthed pilot says, it ain't the definitive end of the joke votin', no, nothin' is, but that it COULD be - and several things before the first Megatron post could be - means it ain't a post facto argument. Since that's the only thing the robot said for votin' Yoda, the robot needs to figure out what he's actually doin', say more 'bout other things that aren't so flimsy.

##Vote: Megatron

In short, saying T moved onto Megatron with no justification isn't true, and it isn't true in a fairly obvious way. The most you can say about that vote is that he didn't take the time to restate his case on the 'bot, which is a far cry from being a scumtell in my book. Saying that it is one doesn't sit with me at all.

And now I fall into unconsciousness because Jesus God it's late.

Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #145 on: June 01, 2008, 10:29:55 AM »
Dunno when you'll $%#@$& see this, Holmes, but I saw your $#%$#& post while working on somethin' else and had a couple things to say about it.

Also, something caught my eye about Cid.

And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.

Now that's a %$%&@# weird thing to say. I mean, how do you *&#@$% know no one else'll $%#%$& join you if you don't %$%#&@ try? You see something $$@%&$ scummy, you ##@%$& point it out; a %&$%@# vote always adds weight to an argument, and people will %$&@$# follow if you $@!$@# do it right. Try throwin' in some gratuitous $#&!@# profanity, that always gets some !%#*&# attention.

That's speakin' &@#$%! generally, though. In these #$@$!& circumstances, I've gotta concede that you have a %#$&!@ point, given how few @$#@%! hours we've got left. We ain't got all !@#$%& night here to make a &!#@$% decision. As for the rest of your $#!@&# post, I can see some %$%#%& sense there. 'specially calling out the $#%#&@ pirate. Where the %$%& is he, anyhow? I'm not agreein' with every $#%$&@ thing you say, but there's enough $#%$&# reason for me to $#$@#$

##Unvote: Gollum

When he wrote that, Gollum had just voted for me, with no other votes on me. His own actions contradicted the argument that you praised and used as partial justification to unvote him, but you don't say word one about them? I was too focused on Gollum himself at the time for your response to register before, but it made me sit up and take notice on the reread.

Wasn't as much praise as it was a simple %#$@#& observation: if you think you're right about who's scum, you $%#%$& owe it to yourself to try and convince others, coupled with the disclaimer that right before deadline is not the %$&#@# to start a new case. As for why I didn't follow up on his $#%$#& argument against you? I can only say, like you, that I was $#%$@# focused on somethin' else at the time. Jacko and $%#$%& Megatron weren't being very helpful and I thought putting some $#%$#& pressure on them was a better option--which I $@%#$& pointed out in the rest of the post, right after that quote you pulled out.

It also rankles a bit with me that he floated the "I'd rather lynch Holmes than Megatron" idea six minutes from deadline, for two reasons. One, it was six minutes from deadline. That's pretty late to have any reasonable chance of convincing people to switch. Two, he's still barely made an actual argument about me! Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit late to begin a serious push?

You're not &#$@%# alone there, no. I thought it was a $%#$@# weird move at the time and noted it, but there was too much other &#@$ going on for me to focus on this. $%#@$# somethin' to think about, yeah. A %@$#%& blink before deadline is not the right &#@$#% time to be starting a new train, but I don't think this alone is enough to condemn the &$@#$% Klingon in my eyes. The $#@%$& lack of Holmes-related content in conjunction with that is a more valid point but I think it's gonna take a lot to %&#@$# sway me by now.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #146 on: June 01, 2008, 10:41:28 AM »
Again, I disagree entirely that Megatron and Sparrow were the scummiest players alive.  Yoda and Holmes were, and still more or less are, with the possible addition of T.

On Holmes: - Exception, does contain a case on Gollum (but only after three other people were voting him (and one unvoted), should be mentioned. - and next post. etc

Words-to-votes ratio is gigantic.  On day 1, his Megatron case is little more than "where is he?" and the serious case against Gollum comes in very late in the day.  20419 as his sole contribution for day 2 until he was called out on not voting especially rankles, and he goes for Sparrow and Megatron.  Again on day 3 he is the last to chime in, despite the day having gone on for 24 hours previously. 

That's all three days he's been last or next to last to the table with an actual case, despite tossing out heaps of commentary to the tune of "well this sure is happening."  The commentary makes it look as though he is contributing, but he does not take stances until late in the day, and even then they are only very safe ones (with the possible exception of the 'case' on me now).  This is an extremely Borglike pattern.  That is my argument against him. 

I did, in fact, state it before, in quotes 3 and 4 of the block of 5 Holmes posted.  It is a one sentence argument!  That does not make it any less compelling to me.

It should be noted that I cited the fallacious nature of Yoda's attacks on me not in my own defense, but as an attack on him, pointing out that he had not even considered these things when he labeled me Borglike today.  He has since admitted the very same.  I shouldn't have HAD to be the one to bring the argument up myself, it is common sense. 

Holmes and T are correct in asserting that T made a case on Megatron earlier.  I did not mean to imply that he had not, but not restating it and saying he wanted a competing majority against Yoda is what does not sit well with me, given my high suspicions of Yoda. 

My comment that I would rather lynch Holmes than Megatron was in response to Yoda switching his vote from Holmes to Tron, which dissatisfied me.  If he had remained or gone back to Holmes only one more person would have been necessary to go in that direction.


Cid Highwind

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #147 on: June 01, 2008, 11:11:42 AM »
As the facts of this situation are easily observable, I did not consider it bad form for me to point them out in my own defense.  It is a proven fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town, it is a fact that I did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches, it is a fact that it would have been more beneficial for the Borg to simply sit back and accept their easy town lynches. 

The point of this battle is to figure out who Borg are by their behavior, by what Borg would and would not do.

$%#$@& seconding this for the benefit of Mr. T. and Yoda since they insist on calling the entire %#$@%$ train of though WIFOM. Mainly for T., since I'm pretty $%#$%& sure Yoda is scum--but hey, wasn't it Mr. T. who had an issue when $%#%$& Megatron used terms like this to describe someone else's arguments? %#$%#& interesting.

The thing that %&$%$# gets me about you guys is that, once you remove all consideration of what's "town behavior" and what's $%$#$& "scum behavior," what's left of the %#%$#& game? Having stated criteria for "scum behavior" gives $#%$#& scum something to exploit, yeah. But it's a fact that certain things are $%#%$& advantageous for scum players. They $#%$#& have to lynch town to win, and they have to avoid $#%$#& criticism so that they don't get lynched themselves. Worf's reversal on Jacko totally contradicts both $%#$%& goals. Part of the case against him now seems to come down to him looking %#@$#& scummy for not helping to lynch townies, and this is just $#%$#& baffling to me.

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #148 on: June 01, 2008, 08:39:39 PM »
Still readin' over the whole thread and puttin' together a cohesive analysis, but I wanted to respond to the latest things 'fore I have to get to them in my increasingly long post about that.

Worf's reply <link>: Borg indeed cannot entirely predict what will happen. Borg can manipulate it, though. You set up the duality as being you versus Yoda, and I agree - but there's still a second half to this equation. It is SAFER for you as scum to go for a third-party case, exactly so you can set up the argument that you can't be scum because you're stayin' away from the safe bets, because you have a scum buddy who CAN go for that easy case. It's safe for scum-team because even if - and it's a slim if, given the overwhelmin' focus of everyone on the easy cases - it loses one member in the scenario you present, it ONLY loses one member, and in the process sets the stage for the other to hide remarkably well amongst the rest of the people who followed the "easy case."

You are -not- considerin' all the possibilities. I do not like that you keep insistin' you do. Your token example of "another possibility, but an unlikely one" makes Mr. T roll his eyes. If you're town, why are you discountin' the idea of ANYONE bein' scum? If you're town, why do you keep focusin' your arguments on manipulatin' the "if I were scum" scenarios? Your entire posts are a defense. You are bein' attacked, so I ain't gonna fault you for defendin' yourself, but you're basically sayin' "these are the reasons I can't be scum, so the person callin' me scum must be scum" with nothin' but hypotheticals to back you up.

Yoda's reply <link>: He says much that I just said above, only with a much more Yoda-centric vibe. Understandable, since he's person 2 in this back-and-forth. I do wish that Yoda had more to say than that, though, and I do want him to contribute more on the other persons involved. It's LYLO. Targeting one individual is not wise without considering your other options; the blindered approach is what got us to LYLO in the first place, since everyone had their pet cases and didn't bother to consider the others, myself included.

Cid's reply <link>: Fair enough. I caught mostly on the "but they're &#@$#% close to second place in line for getting &#@$#% booted off the Highwind" part of your post.

Sherlock's reply <link>: I'm not exactly sure what you're sayin' with this:

On day 1, Yoda's "Fixation" on joke votes. I agree with what T said that Yoda was drawing a bright line between "joke vote phase" and "non-joke-vote phase" where none can clearly exist, but there's more to the idea than just "you joke-voted too late." It looks a lot like using a joke vote to dodge discussion when you joke-vote late and then -don't take part in the actual discussion-, which is what Megatron did for a good part of Day 1.

Can you clarify?

The rest of the post makes me look at Holmes kind of sideways 'cause the guy's basically sayin' what I'm sayin'. To have someone agree that completely with me is more'n a little weird. Of course I think I'm right, so I have to say "good man" for bein' on the same page as me. However, it still makes me wonder.

Cid's second reply <link>: How do these two thoughts go together?

"if you think you're right about who's scum, you $%#%$& owe it to yourself to try and convince others, coupled with the disclaimer that right before deadline is not the %$&#@# to start a new case."

"A %@$#%& blink before deadline is not the right &#@$#% time to be starting a new train, but I don't think this alone is enough to condemn the &$@#$% Klingon in my eyes. The $#@%$& lack of Holmes-related content in conjunction with that is a more valid point but I think it's gonna take a lot to %&#@$# sway me by now."

Worf's second reply <link>: I can understand making a distinction on this - "Again, I disagree entirely that Megatron and Sparrow were the scummiest players alive." - because you repeatedly use "easiest" rather than "scummiest" - which makes more sense 'cause you're not going to vote for them for this reason. But let me ask you this: how is it the "easiest" case if it is not also the most scummy-lookin'? It has to be easy because somethin' they've done warrants a lynch. It may not be the case to -you-, but that's one thing.  We know you disagree. You've said so many times, and pointed out how it's to your benefit as lookin' like town many times.

"It is a one sentence argument!  That does not make it any less compelling to me." - It sure as hell makes it less compellin' to me, especially if you're gonna front the guy for lynch. Your defense of that point now seems better supported, but it wasn't there when you made the accusation.

"I did not mean to imply that he had not, but not restating it and saying he wanted a competing majority against Yoda is what does not sit well with me, given my high suspicions of Yoda." - Okay, fine, you didn't like the person who didn't agree with you. You're suspicious of me because I didn't vote Yoda and furthermore thought my candidate was better for lynch than yours?

"My comment that I would rather lynch Holmes than Megatron was in response to Yoda switching his vote from Holmes to Tron, which dissatisfied me.  If he had remained or gone back to Holmes only one more person would have been necessary to go in that direction." - But there was no real case against Holmes at the time that had any real support, and there was definitely no time for buildin' a new one. Certainly your one sentence wasn't enough to cause me to look that way.

Cid's third reply <link>:

I already responded to the block of Worf quote you posted, here <link>. Second paragraph after the quote block, in fact.

I am not sayin' you disregard "town behavior" versus "scum behavior" because the whole point is to single out scum based on these little things we pick up that make no sense for town's interests. I disagree that Worf havin' done things which are not directly related to scum goals means he can't be scum. So he didn't vote on town! Funny thing is, a lot of town voted on town. It's kind of got to happen. Both scum aren't always going to vote for town. Not voting for town does not mean you are not scum. Avoidin' criticism is important for -everyone-, town and scum alike. It's more dangerous to scum to be the target because they are -legitimate- targets and it's harder to defend yourself when you know you're lyin' about your own behavior, but it's dangerous to town as well because then they have to defend themselves so that the people who are suspicious of them can go back to lookin' for scum instead of lynchin' town. Avoidin' criticism isn't exactly a scum-only thing, it's just that bein the subject of criticism means you're bein' targeted as possible scum, meanin' it's a position that scum wants to avoid even more than town. for the above-stated reasons.

The argument is WIFOM because it is in the interests of both town and scum to do what Worf did, and the only way to tell the difference is NOT with the hypothetical "well scum would have done X and I didn't."

What exactly are you referrin' to with this?: "but hey, wasn't it Mr. T. who had an issue when $%#%$& Megatron used terms like this to describe someone else's arguments? %#$%#& interesting."


You know how you tell the difference? After the flip. So why the hell does these keep comin' up as a reason to lynch? It is -important- to notice mistakes. But to decide that some mistakes are scum tells and some are simple townie blunders takes more than what supports these arguments. Decidin' to lynch someone 'cause you decided their errors have a scum feel instead of a townie feel with no more explanation than that is not wise. You might get lucky, but even if you do, you're foolin' yourself if you think you can attribute that success to your oh-so-masterful deductions. Usin' the results to say "Oh, this was a townie mistake" is one thing. But to draw that out and say "This was a townie mistake and X and Y were attackin' him for it, they must be scum" is somethin' else entirely.

I entirely disagree.  The Book of Borg will take one only so far - it is easy for Borg to avoid giving most hard Borgtells, and then claim "I haven't done anything wrong!" as Yoda has.  In order to beat them it is necessary to think beyond this.

And to think beyond "this" - what is "this" and what is "beyond" in your opinion?

I don't see a response to this.

The White Witch

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Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« Reply #149 on: June 01, 2008, 09:12:15 PM »
You know what, no.  I'm not going to get sucked into this.  I was not being attacked (at least not seriously), I was attacking Yoda.  I have yet to hear any sort of coherent case stated on me, yet it feels like we're turned around to everyone fixating on my comments and... nothing more. 

As for thinking beyond, an example:  Sparrow's misreading of me, alone, was 'Borgy' because hey, he was misrepresenting me and his argument was incoherent.  His further actions on day 2 were Borgy taken by themselves.

Was Sparrow therefore Borgy?


Why not?

Because when you put it all together and think about it instead of just kneejerking against Sparrow, it really wasn't likely that real Borg would put out such an obviously bad argument and then collapse when called on it.

As for today, I will restate:

- Last in with serious thoughts all three days (especially day 2), takes only easy positions, mixes it with positionless commentary on everything else to make it look like he's contributing.  Borg-o-meter 90%.

- Vanished second half of day 1, came in day 2 with the easy chip-in on Sparrow, started illogically OMGUSing me when called on it and has yet to stop.  (I don't see how you can call it anything else at this point, even he's forced to admit he didn't think it through.)  Borg-o-meter 75%.

Mr. T:
- Has been fine most of the game, playing a very aggressive strategy, but that turns out to have been against townie targets.  Started saying weird stuff close to deadline day 2, has been heavily defending Yoda and Holmes then and today, is dismissing case on Holmes and buying into Yoda's (il)logic.  Borg-o-meter 50%, could easily see him as partner to one of the above and am becoming less convinced Yoda/Holmes are Borg together.