
Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10  (Read 4830 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:58:26 PM »

"Oh, you all managed to win, wonderful! Let's see if this lovely winning streak keeps up or not..."

Team Namagomi vs. Lynx, Harle and Gaffgarion, 11-0
Team Snowfire vs. Ramza and Vandalier Ash, 11-0
Team Super vs. Demi, Hahn, Kyra, Raja and Gryz

Team Namagomi's Matches

Floor 2b: New Age (Earlygame)

"So, you want to try something new? Fine then. Let's see how you like it."

Battle #6: Justin and Ryudo

Justin: "Heh! This is a real adventure!"
Ryudo: "Skye, take flight! Let's beat these guys into the ground!"

Battle #7: Cloud, Zidane and Tidus

Cloud: "Hmph. You're not Sephiroth, but you'll do."
Zidane: "Heh heh, if I take you guys out, I'll get a nice bonus."
Tidus: "THIS IS MY STORY! ...What?!"

Battle #8: Claude and Fayt

Claude: "This fight is somewhere around... 80 points."
Fayt: "What does that even mean?"

Battle #9: Ashley, Virginia and Jude

Ashley: "Well, if we have to fight... we have to fight."
Virgina: "I won't give up! Let's go!"
Jude: "I bet you guys are friends with adults. Blech!"

Boss #2: Jeremy Non (1st), Angelo, Melville and Alanis

Jeremy: "Hah hah! You didn't really think you'd only fight good guys, did you?! Idiots!"
Angelo: "I'm a bit unhappy about the situation, but I think you ought to give up, don't you?"
Melville: Let's go, Alanis! We can show up these grownups!
Alanis: Yeah!

Team Snowfire's Matches

Floor 3b: Multiples (Before Midgame)

"So you want to try multiple foes? Let's see how you like this, then!"

*All ST is MT for this floor. ALL of it.

Battle #11: Nino

Nino: I'm sorry... I just can't let you through here.

Battle #12: Alakazam and Chansey


Battle #13: Flik, Viktor and Edge (S3)

Flik: Hmph, this isn't even worthy of us.
Viktor: Ha ha! Let's go... we'll show these kids!
Edge: Umm... I don't think this is such a great idea.

Battle #14: Alma and Nils

Alma: I will protect my brother no matter what!
Nils: I'm not her brother, but she seems to think I am.

Boss Battle #3: Dhoulmagus and Tidus

Dhoulmagus: What a pity... to have to fight me!
Tidus: This STILL is MY story!

Team Super's Matches

Floor 8: Finale (Aftergame)

"Hah! You've managed to make it this far... I suppose I'll give you a bonus and see if you can use it to make it through!"

*Yuna has gained access to all Black Magic!
*Onix has become Steelix!

Battle #36: Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold

Rhapthorne: Hahahaha! You think you can destroy one such as I? Fools!
Sir Leopold: Arf!

battle #37: Guv, Angelo, Jessica and Yangus

Angelo: Hah, you can't get past us.
Jessica: That's right. We'll stop you blokes here.

*The Team has been fully healed!

Battle #38: Orlandu, Worker 8 and Meliadoul

Orlandu: You will not pass here. You'll see why I am called Thundergod!
Worker 8: Enemies detected. Destroying!
Meliadoul: The power of the sword... shall be your undoing!

Battle #39: Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune

Chaz: Come on, guys, let's go!
Rika: You're right, Chaz! We won't give up!
Wren: We have come too far to be stopped.
Rune: Hmph...

*The team has been fully healed!

Boss Battle #8: Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3, Altima

"You really think you can defeat these beings of destruction? Hah! Let's see if you can manage or not..."

Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 2b]
Team Namagomi vs. Justin and Ryudo
Team Namagomi vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)
Team Namagomi vs. Claude and Fayt
Team Namagomi vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude
Team Namagomi vs. Jeremy Non (1st Form), Angelo, Melville and Alanis

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Snowfire vs. Nino
Team Snowfire vs. Alakazam and Chansey
Team Snowfire vs. Flik, Viktor, Edge
Team Snowfire vs. Alma and Nils
Team Snowfire vs. Dhoulmagus and Tidus (w/ Caladbolg)

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 8]
*Yuna gets Black Magic
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3 and Altima
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 06:34:44 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 07:01:40 PM »
Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Snowfire vs. Nino - Assuming no level penalty for Nino?  Alex barely evades a double here.  Mia eats one, but it isn't enough to be fatal I don't think, and it doesn't particularly matter if it is thanks to Nall.  Ben has full healing (cast it ST, let it be MTed by the floor), Alex Vigors until the ITE Sword Dance OHKOs.  Which is probably after only one Vigor.
Team Snowfire vs. Alakazam and Chansey - Looking at Alakazam, his Psychic is good but not that good - certainly not a OHKO, and Mia's HP is only mildly below average anyway.
Team Snowfire vs. Flik, Viktor, Edge - Nash wins the speedoff.
Team Snowfire vs. Alma and Nils - EDIT: Forgot about the existence of Filia's Might, which makes this battle notably harder.  Assuming final Alma with the Ribbon; Lesalia Alma w/Barette can't be statused (except for Paralyze, which is only 65% and requires no equip changing), but completely lacks damage.

Okay, Alma loses the speedoff....  but she's got a Ribbon.  Looking up Nils, it seems that Nash ever so slightly beats him at speed, so I will assume Nils doesn't accelerate Alma into an extra turn prior to Nash.  Nash will make a gamely shot at statusing out Nils even if he doesn't get Alma in the process.  Actually...  the status of the day is going to be Confuse.  If it hits, Nils will be speeding up *my* team and hurting Alma before she can get going with MBarrier.  Since Nils already went, trying to break the status immediately is way too dangerous, so Alma MBarriers.  But now Nils is hasted, and Alma's going to get smashed by the remaining party, plus Nash's spells (on her high Faith, even with Magic Defend Up).  I don't think she survives that.

So, if confuse hits, my team wins.  Let's assume it doesn't (Nils is reasonably dodgy, in fairness).  Nils accelerates Alma, she MBarriers, and then...  Ultimas I guess?  The problem is that Ultima is still not stellar damage, and Alma's MP reserves are pretty bad, even when some of these are going to be Filia's Might powered Ultimas.  And Ben still has full healing, and the haste wears off quickly, and she'll probably be out of MP if she's been aggressively Ultimaing.  Alex can blow his MP on White Dragon Protect, but eh, he probably can't really afford that (without going into the next fight completely dry, at least).  Once Alma runs out of MP, the fight's over.  Of course, there's also the possibility of double-Vigored Sword Dances repeatedly knocking Nils over even through Protect (possibly with Mia support) and forcing Alma to recast MBarrier a lot.

Anyway, worst case: Nash and Mia die and enter the next battle at 1 HP, Ben's White Magic is somewhat depleted.  I don't believe that the 1 HP for Nash matters tremendously next battle.

Team Snowfire (?) vs. Dhoulmagus and Tidus - According to Nephrite, this is Caladbolg Tidus...  which actually loses the speedoff with Nash (1.13 first turn speed vs. 1.20 or so).  Sucks to be Tidus.  As for Dhoulmagus...  hmm, will 100% sleep spam followed by a physical work from his first form?  EDIT: Or better yet, rubble THEN followed by 100% MTed Sleep.  This is nearly an insta-win vs. teams that can't block sleep, as best I can tell...  Dhoulmagus's actions aren't perfectly synced, so it's not a perfect lock, but at least in game you wouldn't be able to enter new commands for the short interval in which your characters were awake.  Best talk with Nephrite, I suppose.  Without AI restrictions, that would be trouble, as that would be completely unbeatable in game.  Assuming some form of CT charge is still allowed in the in-between periods...  well, at least Dhoulmagus has to wait a turn to get this going.  Alex & Ben get some damage in, blow up the clones, wipe out the sleeping Tidus (Evade & Counter doesn't work when you're asleep, right?  So Ben's attack hits for huge damage, and Alex's Sword Dance ignores evade and finishes the job if necessary), and then Mia MT Ice Shells.  At least Ice Shell should dramatically reduce the damage from the physical Rubble attack, giving the party more time to survive once the sleep spam starts.  Round 2, Nash does his best for damage, Dhoulmagus does double Gleam...  Round 3, he starts his Rubble -> Sleep combo...  actually, never mind, Dhoulmagus wins here.  He just does Sleep->Multiheal every turn until he's at full, chips for damage with Rubble->Sleep, then goes back to Sleep->Multiheal.  But yeah, looking back at Week 7 I see that super at least was ignoring Dhoulmagus 1 there, so hopefully that form of Dhoully will be tossed for this.

Anyway, assuming that Dhoulmagus uses Form 2, Dhouly's damage just isn't good enough to get past Ben here.  If the previous fight was unlucky (Mia & Nash died) AND if Dhoulmagus beats Ben to the punch, then Nash & Mia go down again (but not before Tidus is statused out!), but it doesn't really matter, as Alex & Ben can handle him alone.  He needs to use his "frighten" move and hope he gets lucky on Alex & Ben repeatedly missing their turns, then attack when he gets lucky and scared both Alex & Ben on his first try.  Every time Ben does get a turn, he resets all his work, and every time Alex gets a turn he gets closer to being dead.  Which isn't really that far off - maybe two Sword Dances + Nash/Mia harrasment, or three-four without them?  So even if Ben's reserves were depleted from bad luck in the previous fight, it shouldn't take more than two or three Cures to win this one.  And according to the stat topic, his frighten works only 40% of the time, so yeah, Dhoulmagus 2 isn't winning this one without amazing luck.

As for Team Super: Ack, looks like a mess.  Can't say for most of the battles, but if Super survives to the final battle...
* full heal *
Boss Battle #8: Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3, Altima - This looks like the easiest battle here.  Altima doesn't have the HP to survive long at all with Holies from Yuna incoming, and even if Grand Cross hit there are two Esunaers.  The only reason PS3 Dark Force would be mildly challenging in-game is because you're low on resources from the end of the dungeon - his damage is awful and his arms go down way too fast; the only thing he's got is durability, IIRC (and checking the stat topic backs that up).  I never got at all far in PS4, but from discussions from when the Profound Darkness gets in, it sounds like having Porom cast a big team healing spell every turn to deal with PD's large MT damage should be enough to stop her.  Even if Orlandu & Meliadoul broke a ton of the team's equipment earlier, they probably can handle this one.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 06:34:54 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 01:41:14 AM »
Team Namagomi EPIC ALPHONSE | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 2b]

--Commentary on others will wait until I can look over it in more detail.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2008, 04:17:04 PM »
Snowfire, I think Nephrite meant form three of Dark Force from PS4, not PS3 Dark force.

I don't think anybody makes it this week.

Snowfire's team struggles on the Nino fight. On her turn she targets Mia and the whole team is doubled. The Alakazam fight probably takes out the weaker memebers. I think that the boss takes them out.

Super's floor is nasty. Orlandu nukes Yuna's mp and Worker 8 and Meliadoul take out Porom. The team is out of revivers. They mey get past this floor, but the PS4 PCs fight defeats them.

Team EPIC ALPHONSE has a bunch of frail characters against a physical floor. I think the boss finishes them.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2008, 04:30:31 PM »
Snowfire, I think Nephrite meant form three of Dark Force from PS4, not PS3 Dark force.

Yes, that's correct! Sorry I didn't make it more clear. I apparently had a lot of mistakes with this week's update. ><

I also slightly modified Super's team bonus, Yuna now has all black magic as opposed to just Lulu's.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 06:11:20 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 05:27:36 PM »
All three teams make it, I think.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2008, 06:46:55 PM »
Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 2b]
Team Namagomi vs. Justin and Ryudo
Team Namagomi vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)
Team Namagomi vs. Claude and Fayt
Team Namagomi vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude
Team Namagomi vs. Jeremy Non (1st Form), Angelo, Melville and Alanis - The MT physicals, they fucking hurt. The team lacks revival at this point and both Nina2 and Yulie fail horribly at taking hits. Jeremy is going to rip the team a new one if they miraculously make it to this point, and I don't think they do. 

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Snowfire vs. Nino
Team Snowfire vs. Alakazam and Chansey
Team Snowfire vs. Flik, Viktor, Edge
Team Snowfire vs. Alma and Nils
Team Snowfire vs. Dhoulmagus and Tidus (w/ Caladbolg) - Benjamin and Alex get cheap MT? Well, spank my ass and call me Judy. He'll be pretty busy when he's not busting out Life ID, but otherwise they're good to go.

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 8]
*Yuna gets Black Magic
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3 and Altima - The second batch of matches is way too problematic. Orlandu/Worker/Meli crack a big dent on the team, since Cidolfas goes first, and the PS4 mains team finishes off the work with the mass MT physical ITE and ID whoring. Super's team is good, but just... yeah.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 06:49:10 PM »
Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 7]
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold- Gimme. Rhapthorne's not too scary in a team setting.
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus-  Nublaze handles Magic Burst, MT status handles the rest.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul- Orlandu nukes Porom's MP. (Yuna has Osmose). Yuna says fuck the speed loss and Ultimas the enemy team. Rika finishes off Cid with Doubleslash, Palom torches Meliadoul. Worker can't kill anyone else. Heal up, prepare for boss.
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune- My Rika IDs Rune. Rika.. I don't think she can ID Yuna turn one offhand?  She is fast/evasive. She IDs Palom. Yuna Deaths Chaz. Wren Posis the team. Steelix attacks Rika. My Rika saners. EvilRika.. the question is, can she kill Yuna with damage? Survey says no, Posi was magic damage. I.. think I'm in the clear at this point? Yuna can revive Palom or heal at this point, and while I'm heal locked in theory Steelix can keep damaging even if Yuna and Rika are busy keeping me alive. Yes. Steelix offense is keeping me afloat here. This fight is really brutal though, can definitely see voting the other way.
Team Super vs. Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3 and Altima- This on the other hand isn't bad. Altima gets statused out (She can be frogged, I shit you not), and PD's not.. horrible in the first form. DF3's lack of MT doesn't mean the pressure gets put on till PD's later forms, and DF3/Altima should be dead by then.

Team Nama dies horribly. I don't see how he can stop Justin/Ryudo from kicking his team's ass around the block. Even if he can the floor has too many MT physicals and his team is awful at dealing with damage in general.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 06:51:49 PM by superaielman »
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2008, 07:41:11 PM »
Namagomi and SnowFire fall. Super...cliffhanger until I can wrap my head around it.

Edit: Super FALLS. Cid MP busts Yuna, doesn't matter that Yuna has Osmose since it takes a turn. This leaves Super's team with fail for offense and the FFT team can sufficiently soften them up for the next fight.

The executioner hath spoken.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 05:31:12 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2008, 07:59:59 PM »
Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 2b]
Team Namagomi vs. Justin and Ryudo
Team Namagomi vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)
Team Namagomi vs. Claude and Fayt
Team Namagomi vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude
Team Namagomi vs. Jeremy Non (1st Form), Angelo, Melville and Alanis - The MT physicals, they fucking hurt. The team lacks revival at this point and both Nina2 and Yulie fail horribly at taking hits. Jeremy is going to rip the team a new one if they miraculously make it to this point, and I don't think they do. 

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Snowfire vs. Nino
Team Snowfire vs. Alakazam and Chansey
Team Snowfire vs. Flik, Viktor, Edge
Team Snowfire vs. Alma and Nils
Team Snowfire vs. Dhoulmagus and Tidus (w/ Caladbolg) - Benjamin and Alex get cheap MT? Well, spank my ass and call me Judy. He'll be pretty busy when he's not busting out Life ID, but otherwise they're good to go.

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 8]
*Yuna gets Black Magic
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3 and Altima - The second batch of matches is way too problematic. Orlandu/Worker/Meli crack a big dent on the team, since Cidolfas goes first, and the PS4 mains team finishes off the work with the mass MT physical ITE and ID whoring. Super's team is good, but just... yeah.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2008, 08:21:53 PM »
Not PS3 Dark Force?  Ah.  Shows what I know about PS4, I suppose, since didn't realize that name could refer to another.

Snowfire's team struggles on the Nino fight. On her turn she targets Mia and the whole team is doubled. The Alakazam fight probably takes out the weaker memebers. I think that the boss takes them out.

Eh, don't really agree.  First, I was assuming that doubles would be calculated individually; but even if they're not, it doesn't actually matter.  Mia has above average Magic Resist and her HP is pretty close to average; nobody is getting KOed by Nino's magic.  And furthermore, Ben is faster than Alex, so he's going to heal the party before Alex finishes the job.  When this fight ends, the team will be completely healed for the next fight.  And Nino's CT double of Ben isn't happening for a good long while (turn 5 at absolute earliest?), so even if you have high Nino respect and Alex needs to Vigor twice to OHKO her, the team is still pretty much guaranteed to be fully healed for Alakazam.

Furthermore, even if Nash & Mia are somehow dead after the Alakazam fight (Alex & Ben can take it themselves), Nall will just bring them back to life for the fight against the Suikoden characters, which is a joke.  I think Ben goes before them anyway and can 100% MT heal the mages back, and even if he didn't, they're going to be statused out by Nash and unable to do anything if more healing is required at the end of the fight (maybe one of them got lucky and evaded the status).

The tough fight is the one vs. Alma & Nils.  I think that, given luck and the turns lining up right for Filia's Mighted Ultima -> Ultima with no healing inbetween, they might take it, but I think my team wins that one on average.  (...and healer Ben is very tanky and has a very good Defend command on top of that.) Furthermore..  now that I think about it, Alma doesn't have healing (outside her regen).  Alex & Ben might well have a solid shot at killing Alma anyway through the MBarrier.  So yeah.  (And obviously, if you let Ben's Life be the evil ID version of Life, then that's also an instant win.  Assuming no here, because I don't think it's needed.)

As for Team Super...
Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 8]
*Yuna gets Black Magic
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold - This should be handleable because of P&P's disgusting elemental resistances, since Sir Leopold will be reduced to using Freezing Breath probably and Rhapthorne is only getting one turn due to having to spend his other turn Ice Waving every turn.  There's still a vague chance for the two - Sir Leopold has his frighten move too, but he can't spam it, so the chances of getting both Yuna & Porom to miss their turns too often is remote.
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus - Uh, Nulblaze doesn't handle Magic Burst because Jessica goes before Yuna (1.3 speed vs. 1.19 apparently).  That said, Rika is going first, so I guess she IDs Jessica?  Though Jessica is fast, so apparently Rika's ID isn't guaranteed.   Hmm.  Also, even if Jessica dies, Angelo is probably surviving whatever Yuna does and casting Kathwack.  EDIT: Never mind, Angelo can't block ID?  Then Yuna casts Death, I guess.  So a firmer pass after all, Guv can't take this one himself.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul - Psych costs 1 MP to use, IIRC, so one of Porom or Palom's MP is going to get nuked here.  Hmmm.  Not sure how this fight and the next proceed.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 09:59:06 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2008, 08:59:22 PM »
Snowfire's team struggles on the Nino fight. On her turn she targets Mia and the whole team is doubled. The Alakazam fight probably takes out the weaker memebers. I think that the boss takes them out.

See, I don't see it this way. For me, all attacks on this floor are either targetted at The Enemy Team, or The Allied Team. Don't get to pick and choose targets when it's all MT. ALSO, with an FE attack being MT'd...I'd have to see it doubling the entire enemy team to be doubled. Nash isn't doubled by Nino, thus Nino doesn't double anyone. This just seems like the fairest way to do this to me.

That said, team Snowfire passes. I'm voting on Dhoully 2 for this, and my high Ben/Alex respect in general carry this.

Team Super...passes. Just frikkin barely. Unless Neph wants to correct me, Full Heal means Get Broken Equips Back for me, so that lets him go into the boss with enough to win it. Now making it too the boss...I coinfliped the speedbreak between Super's Rika and Enemy Rika, and Super's got to go first. That lets him just barely squeeze through that fight. Really, really close floor, but my interps/tiebreak coin were coming up Super today.

Team Epic Alphonse fries. Everyone else has covered why.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2008, 09:28:00 PM »
Team Super...passes. Just frikkin barely. Unless Neph wants to correct me, Full Heal means Get Broken Equips Back for me, so that lets him go into the boss with enough to win it. Now making it too the boss...I coinfliped the speedbreak between Super's Rika and Enemy Rika, and Super's got to go first. That lets him just barely squeeze through that fight. Really, really close floor, but my interps/tiebreak coin were coming up Super today.

I had not thought about this. I don't think equips should get restored from the fullheals, but most don't allow unique items to be broken. If you do, however, then I would not see them as getting restored. That's just my opinion though.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2008, 11:14:00 PM »
Team Namagomi | Ursula, Nina2, Rutee, Yulie, White Rose
[Floor 2b]
Team Namagomi vs. Justin and Ryudo
Team Namagomi vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)
Team Namagomi vs. Claude and Fayt
Team Namagomi vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude
Team Namagomi vs. Jeremy Non (1st Form), Angelo, Melville and Alanis - He can get here (Yulie MP, Virginia can be left alive). He doesn't get past here; even assuming the full team is standing, Jeremy init kills Yulie, Angelo Kathwacks and someone gets hit? Alternately he Kabuffs to give Jeremy a vaguely more competent way to handle damage. The rest of the team can't stop a Jeremy second turn, which pretty much ends this. Melville and Alanis getting turns doesn't help.

Team Snowfire | Benjamin, Alex, Nash, Mia, Nall
[Floor 3b]
*All ST is MT
Team Snowfire vs. Nino - For FE averaging I'd hold it against the entire team. Alex/Nash speed is enough.
Team Snowfire vs. Alakazam and Chansey - Ala can't OHKO Benjamin, gets killed. Ben heals up here.
Team Snowfire vs. Flik, Viktor, Edge - 6 MP Sword Dance MT? Sure, works.
Team Snowfire vs. Alma and Nils - This is an odd match, but... Nils doesn't get a turn soon enough, and the team can handle Alma. Heal here once Alma's given up.
Team Snowfire vs. Dhoulmagus and Tidus (w/ Caladbolg) - Nash can status Tidus. The team has enough from there to handle Dhoulmagus. At worst, in debatable fights, Benjamin should have Cat Claw for paralysis at this point (Ice World's final dungeon sounds right for Floor 3b.) So.

Team Super| Rika, Aeonless Yuna, Palom, Porom, Steelix
[Floor 8]
*Yuna gets Black Magic
Team Super vs. Rhapthorne and Sir Leopold
Team Super vs. Guv (No Call Team), Angelo, Jessica, Yangus - Yep.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul - Okay. The main thing done here is Orlandu drains the healing twin of MP, so he's all but dead...
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune - ...and then we have here. Okay. As usual tiebreak for team, so Super's Rika goes first, which... mmmmmmmmmm.

Rika goes first. Assuming IDing ERika turn 1 is a no go, she speed debuffs the enemy team. ERika acts immediately afterward, pretty much needs to Saner to counter this. Aeonless Yuna... Deaths Rune? Inclined to say that works. Chaz next, who... Megids, followed by Wren who... ... Burst Rockets, since Positron Bolt won't kill Yuna yet. Unfortunately, Megid is magic, so I think the twins can just eke by without getting KOd. Healertwin is useless, Statustwin... ... knocks out Chaz with a relevant status? Rika/ERika follow the same song? Yuna fullheals, Wren Barriers here since I can't see anything else going down here. It stalls Statustwin's damage out, at least. Rika/ERika do the same thing one more time, Yuna nukes ERika somehow, battle's over. Huh. Cute match.
*Full Heal
Team Super vs. Profound Darkness, Dark Force 3 and Altima - Close, but not as dangerous as the previous fight.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 02:07:02 AM by Taishyr »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2008, 02:13:41 AM »
...yeah.  Nevermind that first-form Jeremy has something around 380% average speed.  He kills Yulie and seriously injures someone else before anyone can act.  To be honest, I knew TEAM EPIC ALPHONSE was screwed either way.

But you have to give it up for EPIC ALPHONSE for trying so hard.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2008, 07:32:10 PM »
Team Nama falls. It's been said.

Team Snowfire... definitely seems like it passes. Dunno if I really want to vote here due to no Ben and he's by far the most important, but yeah, think I will anyway? Dhouly sucks and Nash can neutralise Tidus.

Team Super... Orlandu MP-nukes Porom, Rika IDs Yuna. MT barrage takes out the rest of the team. This seems... just incredibly simple, and I can't imagine why you'd see Yuna not being hit by Elim short of Meeple's interp on the move which I don't take.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2008, 01:42:35 AM »
Hmm.  Now that I look as super's fights more, the idea of Rika not assuredly IDing Yuna has some merit... except that Rika absolutely must ID Jessica in fight 2.  And if Evil Rika auto-IDing Yuna doesn't work, good Rika auto-IDing Jess doesn't either, as Jessica is even faster than Yuna.  Since enemy Rika & Jessica is pretty ridiculously cruel, I'm inclined to at least let super roll it out to see if he can get lucky and have his Rika go first (and maybe ID their Rika?).

Checking with Dark Holy Elf, it seems that Jessica's chances of dying are around 60% and Yuna's around 68%.  Rolling it out on a trusty d100...  Rika gets 58, just baaaaaaarely IDing Jessica.  On IDing Yuna, Evil Rika gets...  78?  Super is in luck.  On IDing Rune, Good Rika gets....  94?!  Back up the failboat, as Rune is getting a turn now.  Yuna casts Death on Rune to prevent that, rolling an 80 on a base 80% hit rate.  Is this affected by anything?  Who knows, if we give it to her, there's still Chaz's explode to deal with...  or actually, looking now, I see that Chaz & Wren just blow stuff up instead, taking out Porom/Palom/Steelix and quite possibly Yuna as well.  And Evil Rika is still around to deal with next turn, and she'll have another shot at IDing Yuna who can only Arise one person at a time. In fact, even given an optimal turn 2 (Good Rika goes first, IDs Evil Rika, Yuna Deaths Chaz), Good Rika & Yuna are still horribly wounded, so Wren would finish them off with another burst of damage.

So I suppose I vote no, but that's a horribly evil floor that I'm not sure if any legal team would be able to take on.   Jessica in the dungeon?!  Yikes, have somebody faster than Jessica who can deal with her (i.e. Tir, Orlandu, or Rika) or have your team be horribly overkilled.  I didn't know Magic Burst was MT until I looked it up... 

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2008, 11:39:54 AM »
I agree with Dune.

Passes to all.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2008, 11:32:40 PM »
Nama loses
Snowfire wins
Super... wins.  But yeah, he's definitely working for it.  Fullheals save him.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2008, 11:40:07 PM »
Nama loses, twin H&E Slashes are too much for him to take.

Snowfire, while he does have issues does manage to pull it out.  Snowfire Wins

Super loses.  That stretch where he'll have just one healer against an incredibly offensive stretch of dungeon will be just too much for him to handle.  Especially since Chaz and Rika can both ID and take out key members of his team with Porom not having MP after Cid nukes her.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2008, 01:39:08 AM »
Post Full Heal
Team Super vs. Orlandu, Worker 8, Meliadoul- Orlandu could one-off anyone, kill MP or break Rika's weapon. Well, one-off Yuna (making the team lose 2 turns), MP-kill Porom (disable for the rest of time), or kill Rika's weapons are the best bet. He either offs Yuna, buying Meliadoul the turn to kill Rika's weapon, or he kills Porom's MP. Well, probably Porom's MP, since Rika still has the buffing without her weapon. Otherwise, this match is pretty easy, since Rika and Yuna take out Meliadoul, and Palom disables Orlandu.
Team Super vs. Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune-
Rika's Weapon is Broken: If Rika's weapon is broken, she casts Saner (and tiebreaks enemy Rika here by virtue of being technically aftergame while enemy Rika is endgame). Now...would Saner on turn 1 affect Eliminat in game? I wouldn't allow the speed buff to kick immediately, but it could kick in for the resistance check? If so, Rika doesn't kill Yuna. She instead probably chooses to take out Porom or slow Super's team.
-If she takes out Porom, Yuna takes out Chaz, Wren and Rune combine to MT (killing all but Rika and Yuna), Rika heals both her and Yuna, Yuna Shells to protect herself from MDef checking status (Does Shell do that?), Wren Flare Shots and Rune Legeon's (or could kill Rika) again (Assuming Rika and Yuna don't double this turn). If Rika is dead, Yuna doubles the next turn. She takes out either one on the double, and with her Mdur...takes it.
-If she slows Super's team, Yuna takes out Chaz...Wren and Rune combine to MT (all but Rika and Yuna dead)...and I think Super's team is screwed here.
Porom's MP is gone:-->Actually, Rika breaks the enemy speed. Based on how Eliminat's hit rate appears to work, this protects everyone from enemy Rika's ID. Enemy Rika can then counter by boosting her allies speed, although that is less effective. Yuna wishes she could off Rune on her turn, but she can't if her ID checks Mdef. So Chaz dies instead.
-At this point, Wren can MT and then Rune can MT, or Wren can MT, and Rune can kill Yuna. Now...double MT strategy...barely fails to kill Rika by my views, and Yuna lives easily. Coming up on the next turn, PC Rika kills Rune, and Yuna kills off Rune. Wren...wins for the team if he ignores evade. Don't think he does, so Yuna lives through the MT. Of course. So...right, Super gets through this if Porom's MP is gone.

Super passes. Was pointed out that Rika can go for 2 claws, and if Rika has a weapon, Super's team wins to me.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 05:36:38 AM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 10
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2008, 04:03:42 AM »
Team Nama falls and Team Snowfire makes it in fairly straightforward sets.

Team super...first two fights are easy enough.

Last fight is...fairly simple if he makes it there. Every enemy there is, I believe, Holy weak. It's a mess of a match(Thinking they need to off Altima fast, then lose the twins, Rika heals while Yuna eventually kills DF, revive from there.) but I think it works. Equipment breaking doesn't matter; Yuna's not running out of resources, and if they nuke Rika's armor(the only other thing that matters), the middle fights become irrelevant(Though, as an attrition strategy...hmmmmmmmm....)

The two matches in the middle are what matters, and...

...mmm, Rika should be pretty borderline for IDing Rika, shouldn't she? (That is, super's vs the enemy one.) Aftergame speed spread(due to making equipment boosts a more minor factor) should be higher for Rika than the enemy Rika...

And then there's the issue of how many shields/claws Rika has...

And if equipment restores between battles(Sounds like it wasn't meant to, though.)...


Oh, the hell with this, I could be mathing out the twenty branching frigging pathways until I'm blue in the face. Abstaining. >_>
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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