
Author Topic: DRUGS  (Read 9181 times)


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« on: June 03, 2008, 05:23:06 PM » you use and why? I will answer whether I do or not after I hear from what other people have to say. Don't be shy
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« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 05:46:50 PM »
Over the counter (Asprin, Coffee etc): No, not recently.  My reasoning being that these loose effectiveness when you do lots of them, so I should reserve them for emergencies. life has been pretty calm for the past five years or so.

Perscribed by my doctor (Antibiotic creams, eye drops): Yes, but not as religiously as I should.

Harmless recreation (Alcohol, Marijuana): No, I have math problems and videogames when I want to have fun, so I don't really see the point >_>

Harmful recreation (Smoking, Meth): Hell no.


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« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 05:53:01 PM »
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
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Hunter Sopko

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« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 05:56:51 PM »
As headdesk inducing as the topic is...

Over the counter- Same as MC in terms of asperin/advil/etc. I save them for when I'm actually sick and tend to stick out normal headaches, aches and illnesses. I don't drink a coffee or tea too much, and I've drastically cut my soda intake living on my own, so caffeine is pretty minimal. Need to cut down on the sugar, though thats not a drug.

Perscription- Nope.

Harmless recreation- Alcohol sometimes. I learned my limits in high school quite painfully, so I don't overindulge. I do keep a bottle of tequila on my desk at home though that I nip at every once in a while, but mostly a social drinker at this point. I've smoked pot, mostly in high school. A few times in college (once with a professor), but not since then. It was enjoyable, but not something I went out of my way to do.

Harmful recreation- Hell no.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 06:22:34 PM by Hunter Sopko »

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« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 06:18:24 PM »
Over the counter - Caffeine, almost exclusively. I don't like taking medicine, but I'm very fond of coffee, and I can chug up to a full bottle per day. Then, there's soda. So.

Otherwise, I'm a bonafide smoker and a very light social drinker (have never gotten punch-drunk, for instance, though my alcohol premiere was funny. Chug down a whole bottle of portuguese wine! And still wake up fine! That was fun and made me realize I'm pretty tolerant to alcohol, but I know my limits beforehand, and I don't need to push 'em). Anything else goes into "holy fuck no way in fucking hell" territory. Two addictions are more than enough.
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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 08:30:54 PM »
Over the counter medications: Aye. I'll take an Advil for headaches (Kills them VERY fast) or for horrible pains I sometimes get in my shins or forearms. (This used to be way worse back when I was growing quite a bit). Another great one? Zycam tablets. They're essentially just Zinc, which is really, REALLY good against colds and just eliminates Mr. Sore throat before he takes hold. Sore throats are AWFUL for me and always have been, so Zycam is just the best thing ever. (Don't take too much Zinc at once. Too much Zinc can be very, very bad) I cut my caffeine intake down to one or two caffeinated drinks a WEEK. And chocolate. I will murder anyone who tells me to stop eating chocolate.

Prescription: I had a remarkably bad experience with these, so I tend to be fairly cautious and talk at length with my doctors about them and make sure my dosage is really, really low. That said, I take three. Fluoxetine (Prozac) for panic attacks, Ativan for panic attacks (as I have them) and a muscle relaxant (Flexeril?) every now and then because I get muscle spasms in my neck that make sleep impossible. (I'm looking into different postural exercises I can do to hopefully get off the meds for this. I'm not a big fan of meds.)

Harmless recreation: I drink whiskey like a goddamn champ, but I'm not one to overindulge in drink. It's not my scene. Pot smells nasty and I hear smoking can fuck your tastebuds, so to hell with that.

Harmful recreation: Why would anyone do this?

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« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 08:50:49 PM »
I'm pretty close to drug-free in general these days. I'll have alcohol very occasionally but I don't enjoy it too much and it's bafflingly expensive in these parts. Caffeine I enjoy well enough in a few forms but don't take any of them regularly.

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« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 08:52:10 PM »
Wow, I'm really bad off

Over the counter medications: Nothing

Prescription: I'm not prescribed anything...but I live off pain meds. I do oxycontin, percacet, vicaden, hydrocodone, and morphine. I'll explain more.

Harmless reaction: I don't smoke cigarettes cause my mom died of lung cancer. I don't smoke marijuana anymore bercause it makes me way too paranoid. I drink very seldomly now because I used to be a very bad alcoholic.

Serious Stuff: I've done everything, but all I care about is opiates. I do heroine....its my demon.

Yeah, I'm into bad shit and I'm an addict. I have problems. My mom died when I was 17 and I got kicked out of my home. My uncle who was the town's biggest drug dealer took me in at the time. He introduced me to coke and taught me how to deal drugs/firearms. He got me involved in a business I wish I never knew. When I got introduced to pain meds/opiates I was hooked ever since. Its taken everything away from me. I lost my fiancee, I've been in and out of jail since I was 18. I've been to detox time and time again. I mainly do drugs when I play video games because it feels like the game is real.....its hard to explain. I am a good person at heart, I just have problems
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« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2008, 09:07:28 PM »
Over the Counter: Almost never. Ibuprofen when I have a really, really bad headache and caffeine when I know I have a long night ahead...and that's about it.

Prescriptions: None

"Harmless": None (lol at calling those harmless)

Harmful: None

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« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2008, 09:26:43 PM »
I refrain from answering, in part because I'll start arguing rabidly on the subject (after ID's post, particularly at him), in part because I know there is no real sympathetic ear here for my take on the argument, and in part because that's not really what this topic was about, now was it?

It strikes me that this topic is not much more than a cry for help, or at least a cry for commiserating, especially after CSH's post about his heroin use.  But here's where I run into a roadblock:  Why here?  Do you want us to help?  To tell you something?  I'm not sure that we can; heroin/pain killers  is terrible, but telling you to stop is more useless than trying to read Meeple's posts in the Games topic.  If you've already been to detox several times, and I presume to rehab at least once (by the fact that you've been in and out of jail, at least), so there's not much anything we could say will do.    If all you were doing was looking for commiseration, I don't think you're going to find that here.  If this is just something you needed to get off your chest, and tell someone... well, I question your choice of audience, especially for something like this, but that's fine.

You should try to do something--not all drugs are the demonic ruin-your-life substances first-world drug education wants to make you believe they are, but opiates, amphetamines, and the like might as well be.  As useless as it is to say, you should really try to get out of the game.  It wouldn't be easy, but if it were, then these drugs wouldn't be the problem they are. 

I'll just stop there before I get preachy.  I do want you to get help, but reiterating that fact more than I already have is the least helpful thing any one of us could do.


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« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2008, 09:43:02 PM »
I didn't want it to sound like a cry for help....that wasn't my objective. I was really curious about what people did. Yeah, I know I got a problem and everything you said is true. This probably wasn't the place to say it but it is nice to get it off my chest. I wasn't asking for help, because I truly don't know anybody here and honestly nobody even cares. Its just been a living nightmare battling this shit. I've gotten clean, then something bad happened in my life and I fell off the wagon. I thought I could control it and it always got the best of me. All I want is to be drug-free, maybe one day I will. I thank you Zenthor for being compassionate about what you said.
I think......I think I want to be forgiven. Mhhm. More than anything.


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« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2008, 09:55:17 PM »
Ah, my mistake.  I misjudged and was basing my take on this topic off of this one guy... ah, nevermind, I'd rather not get into that.  But sorry for getting semi-preachy on you, and good luck in trying to get clean.

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« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2008, 10:05:10 PM »
I suppose I could just say that I love to drink. It tastes great, and it's fun. It's not really a huge change in behavior for me, I just become more loquacious. Planning on attending the Fourth Annual Drunkard Convention in Denver over Labor Day weekend.


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« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2008, 10:08:39 PM »
I think......I think I want to be forgiven. Mhhm. More than anything.


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« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2008, 10:09:42 PM »
labor day is definitely a good day/weekend to get drunk
I think......I think I want to be forgiven. Mhhm. More than anything.

Hunter Sopko

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« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2008, 10:10:54 PM »
I also held back from criticism because, while I figured where this was leading based on your post, I've always kinda wondered this about the DL too. I know some peoples' answers, but still a curiosity I had.

Of course, I don't speak of my $5,000 dollar a day habit. ::Hides his fabrege egg collection:: I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH!

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« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2008, 10:46:03 PM »
Ah, sure, why not?

Over the counter: Tylenol for the occasional headache. Well, and cold medicine, but I almost never get sick.

Prescription: Currently on antidepressants because it's pretty tough to deny that I've been one mopey motherfucker basically my whole life. They clearly do what they are intended to do, but I remain somewhat uncomfortable about using them in the first place.

Recreational: Hell no. No use for 'em. The flippant explanation is that I'm scatterbrained enough as it is, but I've had deep-set objections to mind-altering substances of any sort since some unwisely-prescribed Ritalin induced panic attacks and what I can only describe as a total nervous breakdown way back in fifth grade. I'm not as absolutist about it these days (obviously, since I'm on antidepressants right now) but still avoid anything more extreme than caffeine (which I also don't get much of because I dislike coffee, tea, and the vast majority of soda).

I haven't had as much as a beer or a cigarette in my life and don't have any intention of starting now. Drunks just look pathetic and being around them depresses me; cigarettes making every goddamn thing you own reek = no; marijuana smells vile and I totally fail to see the appeal in artificially making yourself an idiot; anything harder just gets a Fuck No for the attendant health issues. I know myself too well to start; I'm easily "addicted" to simple patterns of behavior, and adding actual chemical dependancy to the mix would be colossally stupid.

It's also funny to see people go "Wait, what?" when they discover that I've never had as much as a beer. I don't know why this is shocking to people, but it usually is.


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« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2008, 10:58:55 PM »
Probably because of certain social customs and coming of age things which typically lead most folks to at least try a glass or two at some point, El Cid.

For my own part, the strongest stuff I've ever done was a stream of Anti-Dpressents I took around 2001-2003.  Unlike Cid, I don't respond to anti-depressants, and so I dropped them fairly quickly after someone pointed out I was starting to use them as a crutch and face the fact that pills weren't helping.  Since then I've been facing with those particular issues by simply muscling through them, trying to build better habits, and when I can, trying to figure out the underlying cause for why I cause myself such problems, though I think I've hit a bit of a stalling point on that last one recently.

As for currently?  Caffeine is a big one, as the Elf could attest to.  I also typically carry on me a small bottle of aspirin for when I have a migraine that I cannot think through (small headaches are a given though, as having a head that is not in mild pain or feels as though it's stuffed full of wood is a glorious exception.  Though, this too is getting better as I deal with the underlying stuff)  That said, even caffeine hasn't been that big an issue, as while I'm fairly frivolous about coke, I do treat energy drinks like a drug, and haven't touched Red Bull (my energy drink of choice because it both works, and tastes hideously unhealthy with an aftertaste that is utterly vile) since I was doing full time work, full time classes.

As for recreational stuff?  I've never smoked anything, period.  Both my parents did growing up, and I've gotten to see first hand what that does.  No thanks.  And that's not even touching marijuana.  But, I am a recreational drinker.  Gotten drunk a few times, but that's infrequent and never accidental, and for the most part it's just a beer or two at most.  Typically enough to assist in sleeping, or just ease myself a bit so I'm not so tightly wound.

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« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 11:20:43 PM »
My childhood was made less pleasant by both alcohol and various degrees of drugs, so I tend to steer away from them. I take allergy medicine! And pain reliever when pain exists, but that's it. Cigs are also really disgusting, both of my parents were smokers.
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« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2008, 11:26:17 PM »
Caffine is the only thing I have regularly, but even then not as much as I used to. Mostly I drink decaf sodas/coffee/tea these days, though I do get the regular stuff when out and about.

Headache meds and such...i should be a bit more willing to take them then I am. I'm one of those people that balks at taking so much as a couple advil when in pain.

As far as anything else goes, the only thing I drink is the occasional shot of irish cream in my coffee. And that's all for everything else. I'm veeeeeery much opposed to letting my mental state be altered in the slightest, so I avoid everything else, and even more then just a shot of alchohol in coffee, like the plague. Oh, and I'm horribly, horribly allergic to something in cigarettes, as even the smallest amount of smoke is enough to make me really nauseous. So needless to say, I don't touch the things.
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« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2008, 11:47:56 PM »
Don't take drugs of any kind as a kind of rule. Exceptions for silly things like that extreme pain in my right shoulder that kept me up for many hours on a weeknight. I sometimes get a soda when I go out to eat, but I don't keep any in my apartment and I've never consumed anything alcoholic. The idea of me taking a controlled substance is laughable. So yeah, not much on drugs with me.

This is kind of funny as my mother is a pharmacist.

Also: I jog fairly regularly, but I derive no pleasure from it whatsoever. Kurse you, ID.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 11:50:50 PM by Cryo »

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« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2008, 12:44:38 AM »
I have never used any non-prescription drug.  And, like Cid, I have never had an alcoholic beverage in my life.

I am, however, quite addicted to videogames.  I consider it a problem, in the same way that people can be addicted to gambling.  It has caused me to make poor choices at various times in my life.  But it's something I'm not willing (or able?) to kick.

Sorry to hear about your own problems, CSH.  Wish I could give you some of my usual UOM advice, but this is not my area of expertise.


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« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2008, 01:30:36 AM »
The only drugs I take, if it counts, is stuff like Pain Killers when I have headaches and such (I think that's what MC means by Over the counter?)  Use to take prescription like Ritalin and such, but have since gotten off that.

Occasionally, I'll have some alcohol, but such minor amounts and its so sparse between that I don't think this really counts.

Yeah, I'm generally clean <_<
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« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2008, 01:42:37 AM »
No drugs here -- prescription or otherwise.  I don't even take aspirin.  Whenever I get a headache, I just tell myself to stop being a little bitch and get over it.  It works.

I've tried all of the following one time and one time only: beer, wine, champagne, tequila, sangria, rum, and gin.  Did not like any of them; have not touched any of them since that initial taste.

I drink coffee...I dunno, once a week, maybe?  If that?  I like iced coffee, and I think of it more as a dessert than a pick-me-up.  I've even cut back on my soda intake over the years.

I don't smoke and I have no desire to try anything harmful.  I rather like my brain cells just the way they are, thank you very much.


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« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 01:45:20 AM »
I'm on one percr
I'm pretty close to drug-free in general these days. I'll have alcohol very occasionally but I don't enjoy it too much and it's bafflingly expensive in these parts. Caffeine I enjoy well enough in a few forms but don't take any of them regularly.

Yep. Never used any illegal drugs.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 01:47:29 AM by superaielman »
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