My teams going into the fight! Ignore the message about Background being enabled and such; that was me accidentally disabling it then enabling it, and being trigger happy with screen capping, not waiting for the message to disappear <_<;
Also swapped my Dragons around a bit, mostly so Bombman was with Mages and such.
If you say so!
Was hoping to make this another "Matelite shows us more BL Gameplay quirks by screwing them up!" thing, but...well, his team lacked a Poison attack.
Basically, that pool above is a Poison Swamp. Moving on it decreases your move dramatically, and it hurts the unit standing on it at the beginning of each turn (even Dragons are hurt.) I wanna say there's a good chance that each PC will get poisoned as well (this part doesn't hurt Dragons, since they're immune to Status). Using a healing ability (like White Drug in the shot) turns the area into that Light Blue; this makes it a normal Swamp, where same movement penalty exists, but no hazard damage.
This is also one of the more lame terrain altering abilities in BL cause its so rare <_<
Take a guess what kind of monster this is!
Bet you didn't see that coming <_<
That skull symbol is what I mentioned before, as a side note; it means they're Undead. So Parasitic Healing moves (like Drug Hit) would backfire, Healing hurts them, they are healed by Instant Death, can be IDed by Return know the drill.
Also, as a fun fact, Recovery is its own element when it comes to killing things! Sad part? It only kicks in against Undead. Yeah, despite being based off the Dragon's Recovery stat, moves like Drug Hit and Energy Drain are actually Non Elemental (Non Elemental being Fail when it comes to drops.)
Dunno about you, but that is one freaky looking flower!
Also kind of resembles a duck if you look at it the right way <_<
And this is what is effectively the boss! Mind, we have to kill all enemies, so all being the boss means is that he's the strongest guy on the map or something.
And being a generic monster, he lacks a Deathquote, hence why I can't be bothered to show you him in battle <_<
Not only is it time for MORE Drugs, but a new kind of one as well!
(High Drugs heal 1000 HP, compared to a Drug which heals only 100. yeah, basically, its the Hi Potion equivalent of BL)
Well, the battle is over...but the chapter is not! So lets move on with the plot!
Yes, we're looking for her, please stop saying her name.
Well, good to confirm that you aren't completely useless, as your theory WAS correct, I guess?
Wait, who is suppose to be Sauzer? Cause really, all I see is you, me, a dirty old man, the idiotic predecessor of Adelbert Steiner, a random Light Armor chick who thinks she's actually plot relevant and my 3 friends!
WHERE? Seriously, can someone tell me where you guys are seeing all this?
Oh, a camera change that actually shows us what we're seeing. Much better!
You know, she does have a point...
You're planning on bum rushing the enemies head on again without any hint of a strategy again, aren't you?
Given the odds, I personally think its best we fall back for now, think about the situation RATIONALLY, and come up with a plan that might actually help us win!'d I know you wouldn't comprehend what I was saying?
In any event, yes, its YOUR duty to rescue Alicia; my duty is to tell our reptilian friends not to eat the Mini Devils...and deal with anything important in this army cause you'd just screw it up anyway.
But you're the one rushing us...
...I thought you had nothing to say?
And frankly, to answer your question? ITS CAUSE HE'S EVIL AND THE VILLAIN. Kidnapping Princesses is what they do. Haven't you played Mario?
I'm sure if we ask him nicely, he'll give us a nice villainous monologue that explains his evil plans in full detail. That, or all James Bond movies have taught me wrong.
Well, that's good to'd also be nice if someone would remind our viewers just WHAT that power was too...
Ah, good, so we are on the same train of thought!
Basically, he's evil, he wants power, and Alicia is the key due to mystic powers, sounds like it makes sense to me! its ok to take over the world and use the princess for the purposes of evil, yet it WASN'T ok for me to take Alicia on a pleasure cruise on Fireman? God damn it Matelite!
I don't see any worrying, just this little thing called "Rational thought about the situation at hand", something you might want to practice one of these days.
Yeah, I mean, its just the fate of the entire world, right?
But you're the one know, why do I even bother anymore?
Welcome to my world!
So you say you AGREE with Matelite's suicide strategy? You know, its times like these I wish I wasn't related to you...
Yeah, we should probably round up the rest of the crew or something...
Couldn't get a screen cap of it, but at this point, Truce drags Bikkebakke with him and follows Idiot Supreme, his Foreigner Sidekick, He Who Shares a name with a robotic Canine.
And on that note, with most people having gone to get themselves killed at the hands of Emperor Sauzer, and his best general Palpaleos, THE POST ENDS!