Okay, update time with guest LPer Snow in tow for this chapter!
After Chapter 7 and Queen Campbell's *HACK COUGH.*moving speeches *WHEEZE.*, we get a...
A DREAM AND/OR FLASHBACK SEQUENCE? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;_; - ahem. So, we get more of Queen Campbell's wise words of bitchiness and a vaguely colorblind tone scheme. Let's see what else lies ahead.
The Queen is quite bold to address her interlocutor's problems of Perverse Sexual Lust (acronym PSL. All rights reserved to the Internets) - whoever her interlocutor may be.
... oh. It's just Sauzer. It's still eerie how fitting the PSL quip is, considering the game.
Cue the sound of a ukelele twang in 3... 2... 1...
*TWANG.*I'd slap a "the bringer of a new era is actually [insert nonsensical person here]" joke right around now, but Dakota Fanning as the leading avatar of this game's equivalent to the Age of Aquarius strikes me as all kinds of wrong and then some even for BL's astounding standards.
That's the same thing Sauzer asked when he wound up entangled under the sheets with a spanish shota-bait after a massive hangover from liquored twinkies a few years ago. Tangentially, I'm actually kinda shocked Palpaleos is just beside the bed instead of bedding with Sauzer. No, really.
Sauzer's personal boytoy can sub in for an excellent recapitulating plot exposition device (amounting to stating the obvious, mostly) when he's not busy with other, less savory things.
It also might be responsible for the hickey on the left side of your neck. Nothing short of Palpaleos explains the one on the right side, however.
Much to our chagrin, she still lives. Hey, at least -some- of the jokes here should be about stuff other than yaoi.
Good riddance, I say. The Resistance will have to put up with her failure instead - ... wait, that's the player's side. Damn it. -_-
Because troublesome news always come in packages. Probably means Sauzer's dream was prophetic or something. Incredible subtlety, I know.
Don't worry, Sauzer, we still love you! Wait, that's not right.
No, they're satisfied with capturing back the bimbo and the dragon, and decided they earned a trip to Eurodisney. Well... considering the collective intelligence of Hatbot's ragtag bunch, they could -actually- do that.
Schizophrenic, bishie, boytoy, expodumper. Palpaleos is Bahamut Lagoon's Perfect Elegant Maid.
The new era will be filled with dragon lawsuits regarding invasion of privacy.
However, as Sauzer disappointedly realizes, Palpaleos has no dragon plot power hax to help him here. Even man-meidos can only go so far. (Seriously, ask what did the dragon say to someone who can't hear them, as far as BL plot lets us know! Brilliance.)
At this point, any player free of genre blindness should start giggling relentlessly. Such is the fate of all RPG videogame empires, even ones that aren't "RAR I EAT BABIES". At least, you gotta give BL points for kinda trying.
I am... emperor... William Shatner... and must... speak in... ellipses...
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they will.
Finally, on that endearing note, we leave the ominous dream-to-breakfast cuddling scene and begin what you people came here for...
Welcome to Chapter 8! And, of course, it has to begin on a high-pitched note - rather glass-shatteringly so. Such as:
Oh snap. You mean your kind can -spawn-?
At this point, all Matelite lines just blur into a "why does the crew even let you live, let alone speak" frenzy in my mind. Because, seriously. Why? He's not even usable as an anchor for the Farenheit. That... would probably be an improvement over his current situation, in fairness.
Try as he might, Taicho is just no match for Perfect Elegant Maid Palpaleos in the "stating the obvious" department.
Keep this line in mind. It'll be important for a deeper mockery of Matelite's amazing qualities sooner or later - most likely sooner.
Meeple broke suspension of disbelief by showing savestates zomg
Okay, so this is the time to explain this chapter's plot exposition gimmick! As you see, the game states several hours pass, asking you to input how many. If you say "1 hour", you'll get to watch all the scenes about to be shown. If you say "2 hours", the game will skip the first scene. If you say "3 hours", the game will just skip the entire sequence and go straight to battle. This is surprisingly convenient, but can also be a bit of a bummer, since this whole chapter has rather funny scenes and is generally pretty out there. But, of course, the entire sequence will be given here from the beginning, so don't fret.
You can see we're already up to a great start, with the Fahrenheit smelling like fish. Not only that, Taicholand fish. I'm sure they're all thrilled.
That's why I told you to keep the "Watching the sky is fun!" line in mind. The game kindly hammers another nail on Matelite's coffin. Apparently, we can never have enough demonstrations of the yellow tin can's amazing attention span. Either that or his capability to stand on dormant legs, since I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the whole time plastering his face to the Fahrenheit's front windows while making baby noises.
Tangentially, this is where the second hour begins.
Matelite's attempt to state the obvious like a true Perfect Elegant Maid does not impress. Even Taicho can do better. It's like Matelite didn't realize Hornet was handling the Fahrenheit for a bunch of chapters now - oh wait.
Hornet does what any sensible person would do and scolds Matelite like he would scold a child. Spare the rod, spoil the tin can. Zora would complete that with a healthy thwack on Matelite's empty noggin, but we take what we get.
Don't worry, we won't wipe the signature for posterity you engraved on the window... until you leave.
(He drooled all over the glass while watching the sky.)
This is Matelite's secret code for those special "We're gonna fantasize over Hatbot's sexiness and paint each other's nails! Tee-hee" moments. It's never a bad time to throw pajama parties in the Fahrenheit, apparently.
Non-sequitur comments about the weather: Hornet's valuable secret weapon to cope with the prospect of pajama parties thrown by grown male adults.
Says you. I'm freaking -outta here-, thanks for all the fish.
You were supposed to be discussing matters with Sendak, your point?
Oh wait, is that pink nail polish on your right hand fingers I see, Matelite? =3
That got Matelite running really damned fast.
Um. Why? No, seriously, why.
This is the beginning of the third scene of this sequence, and things start getting... um... funnier right around here.
Bahamut Lagoon: endorsing all forms of hentai one at a time. Even those that would make Transformers slashfic blush.
You've said it! You can't unsay it!
Sure, Taicho. Now, zip up your pants and take your eyes off the couple making out down there.
Only if it doesn't explode in my face.
If this explodes in my face or in my stomach, I swear you're in for it, Alicia.
There's still time, Hatbot. You can still ditch the cookies and... um, yes?
Okay, this is another sceneskip factor. You'll get a bunch of options from now on, and answering impolitely to Alicia in any of them will skip the entire scene. Doesn't really change what she says, but just makes things go faster. You will get a few items for following through the entire sequence, though.
That's a trick question, right?
If the dragons could listen to this, I'm sure they would be insulted.
I'm also glad you're such a gimp.
Sure! Also, why don't you plant your face on that wet window over there? It'll enhance your sky watching experience tenfold!
It's really a man's job. Especially when hapless couples start making out under Taicho's windows.
And I thought I was short.
Alicia teaches us a valuable lesson on flirting. Specifically, on how not to do it.
It took you this long to realize why the window was wet, I see. Kudos, Alicia.
To clean herself of the drool, Alicia wipes her face on the floor. That girl is definitely a keeper.
Don't worry, we're fine. Here, have the shattered remains of your dignity.
Uh oh. This means the pajama party is over. This is the beginning of the fourth scene. You might want to stick around for joy! And some rather... um... unique gags for the time.
I smell dejá vu. And burnt dough.
Okay, this is -yet- another sceneskip factor. It functions pretty much the same way as Alicia's - i.e. be impolite to Sendak and you'll skip the entire sequence. But, since Meeple is a brave boy, he has gone through the entirety of it for your amusement! I'm sure you're all thrilled.
"Don't mind the twitching on the chips! They don't do it that often, you can ignore them if they start moving on your mouth as well."
... I'm not sure I want to know what the hell did he use to make these monstrosities.
Man, are we sure a coma from food poisoning is worth a bunch of items?
Yes. It's not like Hatbot is a person or anything. Hell, he's a freaking silent main, he won't whimper in pain even if he wants to. Which he most likely will.
Sendak has strange sexual fetishes, that's for sure. Nevermind the yaoi, he's into friggin' squick.
Those ellipses are foreboding and ominous.
Suddenly, it's sexual harassment! Disguised by poor coughing!
Which is promptly interrupted by Hatbot's ironclad chastity belt. Handy thing to have when inside the Fahrenheit, really.
Hatbot is not amused by Sendak's naughty hands.
You wouldn't gather that from his sprite, reallwaiti'mnotsupposedtosaythatoutloudi'mgoingtobedbai
That was probably the closest thing Sendak will ever get to a date with Hatbot. I'm not sure if that's funny or sad. Although you have to give BL points for its panache at the time. You wouldn't expect that from a Squaresoft game normally. >_> It's like the game was designed by a two-headed entity composed by Niu and Captain K's brains clashing with each other.
You mean, other than Hatbot's round and firm buttocks? Well, there's also the millions he could make by suing Sendak, but that's neither here or there.
This scene also marks the beginning of scene five in this sequence, where battle preparations begin, so, let's take a pause here.
Okay, that's a wrap for this update! On the next one, we'll have a BATTLE IN THE SKY! Stay tuned, and hope you have fun.