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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #125 on: January 25, 2008, 04:08:01 AM »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #126 on: January 26, 2008, 06:29:34 AM »
Apologies in advance.


Okay. As tempting as it may be to kill Matelite off, we don't want the enemy knowing that we're just like thirty people going up against their vast and elaborate empire in a fairly small ship. He would doubtless spill as soon as he was looked at funny. He's out.

Sendak... intelligent enough to do it, powerful enough to blast his way out of problems, and I'd enjoy not having to worry about getting groped at random intervals, but then Palpaleos would get him pregnant somehow and oh gawd more drama. No.

Random crew guy? Send someone with no qualifications? ...better than Matelite, still, but... yeah, would rather have someone who can defend themselves.

So! Donfan! Disposable, expendable, useful, and not privy to anything since you've never looked up from your trashy boo- er, romance novels when not attempting to woo someone on board (the coat rack has decided to decline your invitation, by the way), I choose you! Maybe your horrible lines will actually impress some vapid noblewoman.

!pokemon Donfan

<Hatbot> Donfan is a a Psychic/Fire type. His base stats are: HP - 135, ATK - 58, DEF - 77, S. ATK - 107, S. DEF - 99, SPD - 93 (total stat points: 569). His special traits are No Guard and Levitate.
His moves are: Selfdestruct, Recycle, Light Screen, and Sand Tomb.

...sad how that kinda fits. Anyways.

Only so long as it's 100 high-ranking official women who you can extort secrets from. You hear me? We aren't helping you pay child support unless this is a success!

That's too bad. ...wait, shit, did I say that out loud?

..., no suspense, no nothing. I just learn Donfan, of all people, succeeded?... better than Matelite figuring out the Grand Unified Theorem in his sleep like last time, I suppose, but.

"Now, about the medical bills for all these STDs..."

"...unlike a CERTAIN wussy princess we have present..."

...Zen And The Art Of Flirting?

"Kind words". Right. Say, where's Lukia? I'm sure she has lots to say about "kind words".

"You brought back STDs for everyone, too? Gee, thanks! Matelite and Alicia first. Oh, and Sendak, prepare the fire extinguisher, I'm, uh, just gonna call Fireman in here. You know, cautionary measures."

..."Fabulous". That's... ominous word choice...

Okay, an army girl? I can approve of thi-



Donfan, Perfectly Elegant Maid Palpaleos is a -guy-. And on that note, Alicia, fetch me my brain bleach vodka. I have the feeling I'll need it.

Yeah, I honestly don't buy it. You claim you were hitting on a girl -below- the very balcony he was giving a speech on? Riiight. In front of a swarm of soldiers, with all eyes in that direction, no one noticed a random guy in armor hitting on a girl? Sure. Look, we tolerate Sendak (augh) and Matelite (sadly, idiocy is not yet treason against Hatbotonia), and Rush, Truce and Bikkebakke are all cool guys no matter what they get up to in their own free time, so you don't need to hide it, dude. Don't brag about it, please, for our sanity's sake, but...

I guess entertaining those dragons would be a tiring jo-... BRING THE BRAIN BLEACH FASTER!

Well, at least you got him to tell him the speec- no, I still don't believe you, dude. It doesn't help your case that you remember the speech that well, as a note.

GUY. That was a GUY.

Okay. From an inn outside of the castle, he got you in...

So, flirting on someone is akin to doing deadly spy work, in that both may explode in your face? You really -do- suck with women, you know that, right, Donfan? Much less gender recognition.

Well, yeah, Palpaleos got you in.

...Wait. You... told them your name? When it's probably decently known who makes up this rebellion?

...You suck at this spy stuff, too.

And you admit to being on the other side? -_- Goddamnit, Sendak would've been a better choice.

Dude. The only reason anyone you talk to feels like love is a terrible thing is becase -you're- there.

On the one hand, maybe this says something for the "drooling idiot of love" method. On the other hand, that fails to explain Matelite.

...Donfan, at this point in your narrative you make me wonder if you're some sort of double agent. Why else introduce yourself so... so... casually? -_-

I approve of hostages.

"Princess? Dear, I'm alreaaady a drag queen!"

Drat, no hostage.

...uh? I confess that now I have no clue what you're talking about.


Huh. As much as I disapprove of you giving yourself away at every opportunity, I do approve of your hostage-taking concep-

...Hornet, kill him.

...I'll help. Also, good job, even if there was another Donfan there I don't think they don't know about Beat.

...Sendak, help us kill him and you get free corpse-groping rights.

...Oooh, okay, now the story's getting good! How badly did she break you?

You're doomed. Also, uh, she walked away?

The one true thing you've said all day.

...Okay, clearly your second brain does all your thinking for you.

Wait... that was IRVINE? ...dude, that was a guy, too., no, don't try to be bashful. If you were really that successful over there, bully for you. Also, Sendak, you can have him, I'm going to run away now.

Yeah, I can hear the yells for Donfan, Deadbeat Dad from here.

How to kill you. I think the world shares these thoughts right now.

Fwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahaha... oh, sorry, sorry. Nothing. Just, uh. Keep going, don't mind me. I'm gonna, uh, go die laughing now.

Eh, with all the guys you hit on while you were there I'm sure Palpaleos will figure it out sooner or later.

And, like Matelite, anything that's top secret you talk about within a second of being asked. Good to know.

Yeah, fine. Just tell Fireman to, ah, clean you as you leave; new sanitary precaution, make sure filth is burned away and all.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #127 on: January 26, 2008, 06:43:09 AM »
Well, now we just need one more person to fill his end of the bargain...and if he doesn't, well, I'LL TAKE MATTERS INTO MY OWN HANDS!

Also, regarding the Irvine thing? For those who can't figure it out, no, that girl wasn't him.  Basically, for some silly reason, after those scenes, sometimes a general pops up; that was his chance to do so!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #128 on: January 26, 2008, 06:45:02 AM »
I think it was meant to be the boyfriends of the girls talked to. Not sure, tho.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #129 on: January 28, 2008, 05:40:38 PM »
So, I think Meeple is type-casting me.  First, he forces me to do this!  Then second, he makes me do the sexy old man?  Jeez.  Sooner or later, I'll be only doing write-ups for Graham Cray, Adray Lasbard and Tellah in the RPGDL

And really, I'm a perverted voyeur towards WOMEN.  I don't like little boys.  Now I know how Summer Glau feels. 

Mmm...Summer Glau...

Aaaaanyway, let's get on with the show, shall we? 

When last we left off, it was the end of the month, and time for another 28-31 days of alien hunting.  Now...



...damnit.  Wrong LP.

Ok, so now we're sending the mighty Sendak out on a spy mission.  Because no one ever suspects the old man of doing something sneaky.  Not to mention, he's obviously the best choice for this: powerful, smart, and best of all, this empire uses little girls for all their serving needs, so no risk of distractions from young squires!

As mentioned earlier, this is a sad instance for you, since the men are too old, and the only young people I've ever seen in the empire are little girls.   

Yep, as I said, perfect for the job.

You know, I can't think of anything witty to say here.  Just imagine some obscure sexual or cultural reference in this space, and we'll be good to go.

Perhaps he was sick?  Fondling little boys?  I mean, Emperors do take vacations here and there.  Summer home on the French Riviera, anyone?

That's because General Palpaleos didn't try Enzyte, the only 100% natural male enhancement!  Just a few short weeks, and General Palpealeos will be feeling firmer, stronger and more confident, perfect for speaking to the huddled masses yearning to be free!


But apparently Emperor Sauzer made that call to Enzyte! 

Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, ringing in the ears, sudden pinkening of the skin, additional appendages, penile shrinking, rectal cancer... 

...oh, and hallucinations.  Can't forget those hallucinations...

...and the delusions of grandeur. 

"Read" in the sense that alien probulation is designed to "read" human minds.

You may also experience some dizziness, postural hypotension, lack of libido, anal bleeding, burning on urination, alopecia, and complete renal failure.

But despite all that, this guy just can't get enough of them Holy Dragons.  Enzyte gives you the energy and confidence to get back up and do it all over again.

Call today for your free sample!   

...oh.  So that's why Sendak wanted to go.  Apparently, Sauzer's stepping in on his territory. 


Holy dragons and young men.  Sendak, you really do have some youthful vitality left in you.  And a hell of a lot of balls. 

Pun very obviously intended.

Though personally, I don't think Hatty would mind if you didn't come back.  I mean, he always has Alicia to fill in for your summoning roles!  I mean, that's better!  Right?  Right?!

Apparently, Palpy is the only one in the entire kingdom not using Enzyte. 

Enzyte: when you need a coup, just pop a pill and away you go!

Didn't I say delusions of grandeur?  Hallucinations?  Jesus, it seems like Palpy is the only sane one left in this country.


"Because if I can't have my way with them, then no one can!"

If I say yes, I'm a pervert who likes touching dragons in naughty places.

If I say no, I get raped in my sleep again tonight. 


"Those dragons aren't going to bend over without a fight!"

"They're hoarding all those lovely dragons for themselves!"

"For the right of all perverts everywhere to do what they want with their reproductive organs!"

Will Sendak get a chance to finally touch a Holy Dragon in the most naughty of places?  Will General Palpy call Enzyte and get his free sample?  And just why isn't Alicia as excited about this as she should be?

All these questions and more, next time, on X-Com: DL Defense!




Bahamut Lagoon!

P.S. Also, today was the first time I found out that you can upload more than 1 picture at a time to ImageShack.  Unfortunately, I learned this after I did all this manually.  ;_;
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #130 on: January 28, 2008, 07:06:46 PM »
Good work, OK. Now update your own damn LP!

So are there more spy updates or are we done with that now?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #131 on: January 28, 2008, 09:52:20 PM »
I gotta do the actual spy sequence I DID choose to go along with (you'll find out why too!), but right now, I JUST got my electricity back on, and don't feel up to LOOK FORWARD TO IT TOMORROW OR SOMETHING!

Also, thank you Yakko, Tai and OK for doing those...even if some of you took longer than I'd have liked (legit reasons or not <_<)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #132 on: January 29, 2008, 01:06:55 AM »
Now I can pray for actual Matelite death! Whooo!


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #133 on: January 29, 2008, 08:25:10 PM »
And now, for the exciting conclusion of...

...wait, ok, its not a conclusion, just the final spy mission and we can finally get this chapter moving or something!

...also, next person to post here gets a free duck named Jimmy.

Yes, I'm sending YOU on the dangerous mission, and no, the fact that you might get killed has little to do with it!

Well, I've driven him mad! That's a start!, insanity and stupidity aren't quite the same thing.

Whose famous now? Well, I guess your armor is awesome enough to merit some fame but...
...wait, did Matelite just volunteer Taicho to do his job?  He either was smart enough to force the position onto someone else, or he's just too damn lazy to do it himself.

About the reaction I'd expect from someone who got volunteered by Matelite.

And so, the stand in for Matelite, of whom is only slightly more intelligent, yet just as fat, heavy, slow, and wears rusty armor that makes clanking sounds as he walks, combined with a big axe, is set off to do a spy mission! HOW WILL HE FAIR? PLACE BETS NOW!


Of course, he talks to MATELITE of all people.

Why are you dressed like an imperial? ...wait, don't tell me you actually used your HEAD on this mission?

So wait, you're giving us a smelly junk armor used by the empire for...what? ZUh? just said that...


Anyway, lets hear the report, so...COMMENTARY MODE OFF, MONOLOGUE MODE ON!

Take a guess what scene comes next <_<


...yeah, we've seen that speech plenty before, and I have nothing to add, nor does Taicho it seems!

Though, makes you wonder how he managed to stand IN FRONT OF THE CROWD without being seen by anyone, despite clearly clashing with the Empire many times, and he's suppose to be a kind of well known knight and...dah! *shoots a pony*

I have a feeling you're going to tell us regardless!

See <_<?

Apparently, Sendak can mimic voices perfectly to the point where even the game's dialog thinks he's someone else!

Ya don't say?

For most people, that line would imply a "about this subject!" as following but we're talking about Taicho know what? That's just too easy.


The darkness clearly implies he's in a box, and listening into conversations while people overlook him!
...that, or its just a scene change.

Anyway, the next scene is something you've all already seen, so...MONOLOGUE MODE!

I think this scene is more amusing if you imagine Gudolf speaking like Skeletor or something.
Also, if you don't see it, Taicho is in the bed. Yeah...apparently, the Empire doesn't really do good at looking for obvious hiding places thing.

No weapons? Um, what did you think the point of those Gas Grenades and several pounds of C4 we handed you were for?

I refuse to comment on this line.

And so ends the adventures of...


Anyway, yeah, that's the spy mission I decided for this chapter.  Why?  You'll find out later; there actually is a good reason for this.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #134 on: January 29, 2008, 10:26:21 PM »
Yay, duck?


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #135 on: January 29, 2008, 11:45:24 PM »


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #137 on: January 30, 2008, 01:12:36 AM »



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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #139 on: January 30, 2008, 05:54:37 PM »
Well, shit, Matelite's too useless even to go off and get killed.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #140 on: February 02, 2008, 05:27:36 PM »
When we last left our heros, stuff happened...and stuff resulted from that stuff happening!  And now, to continue from the stuff that happens from that happening stuff!

Someone obviously wasn't taking notes.

If its why I won't go out with you, its cause I'm into young, attractive women (especially those who are rich), not Perverted Old Men.

Anyway, Sendak has a monologue, so lets see it in ALL ITS GLORY!

Summary: Sauzer can now talk to Holy Dragons, so suddenly there's actual competition in meeting them, so things just got a whole lot messier.

How do you summarize all that in one word?
That does it, Sendak, next time go ask advice from Rukia Kuchiki on how to explain stuff.  I'm sure that style would certainly be on Matelite's level!

Yes, we've established that.

I'm sure this line isn't far from the truth if taken completely literally.

Yes, we figured out the "What", Matelite, what matters now is the "How."

And with that, Matelite jumps out the window of the Beat the same way Hatbot did back in Chap 2 to follow the Dragon Keeper!  Unfortunately, as was shown back in Chap 2, said jump isn't remotely fatal.

Apparently, Gutsman is our Reconnaissance Dragon...which is quite amusing when you think about it.

and yes, it really is a giant Sky Monster.  And no, you won't see what it looks like cause I failed to screen cap it when they finally show it.  Its just a giant tentacle snail monster thingy...yeah...

Hornet proves he is indeed one of the more intelligent and rational people on the ship.  Why would jumping out the window be considered rational?
Well, considering he just witnessed it several times and everytime, the person survived without merely a scratch, he  is aware that its not really THAT dangerous.  Why he doesn't want Hatbot doing it? Mostly cause there's still a risk factor of killing defenseless pigeons.

And Dragon Keeper proves he is still the most awesome person on this ship by giving us the most helpful information in this chapter!

Anyway, at this point, you have some control, so I'm going back into the ship, cause there are shops and stuff there!

Unfortunately, we can't go beyond this room due to THIS guy.  Apparently, this is the random Crew Member we could have sent on the mission, so my guess is if you sent him, its a different guy and he says something else.  Maybe I'll find out what he says in the future, just for kicks or something, but for now...
...I think its safe to say his "Dream" is a bit farfetched.  Also, its pretty sad when his only friend is a Dragon whose nothing more than a floating eyeball on wings.

This line is amusing enough on its own! And yes, he still sells you weapons.

The Armor Saleswoman doesn't say anything worth noting.  The Battlefield salesman meanwhile...

Naturally, Hatbot loves to pry into personal affairs, so of course he does!

Yes, this will play an "important" role later in the game! Of course, I won't spoil anything for you <_<

Starting to get into why I chose Matelite as the spy <_<

More Foreshadowing!

...look, if you're planning on a threesome, you can forget it!  Alicia and I do things alone, we don't need fat emo scottish men who are widowers of women who sacrifice themselves for no good reason WHILE PREGNANT in the mix.

And now we go off TO BATTLE!!! ...after feeding Dragons.

Our teams for the upcoming chapter and such! Again, by now you should be able to analyze these on your own!

But first, a side quest, to try out something new!

Namely that! You might have forgotten, but we DID just meet a new Holy Dragon last chapter, so naturally, a new summon!  Yeah, this will be a recurring thing in this game; meet Holy Dragon, get new summon.  As you can see, Leviathan is a Water elemental attack and hits *4* Panels (Valitora hit only 3.)  Simply put, it is freaking awesome.

Even though I showed it from Alicia's menu, I forgot to screen cap her summoning, so I'll just show Sendak doing it instead!  And yes, Leviathan has a "Cute" version but I'll show that later (along with other cute summons.)

Anyway, Leviathan is a slight bit stronger than Valitora, and being Water elemental, it also freezes all water near bye.  Its is, to be frank, the best attack in the game for a while for all of the above reasons.  Granted, Ice is not an element we need to farm at the moment, but Ice Stuff > Non Elemental stuff, if only cause it sells for more, so yeah.  Basically, its at this point that you realize Summoners are awesome in this game <_<

God damn it! He thinks we're playing Mafia too!  What the hell is with these Granbelos Generals anyway?

Clearly, Hatbot, Matelite and the others are not a fan of SMTs.

yeah, bunch of new stuff.  I'll be doing this from now on, as a way to make gameplay sessions look longer; whenever new enemies appear, I'll show them!

Anyway, I discovered a new game play feature on this map that I didn't know existed until this playthrough.  It seems that other people in chat found it odd too, those that played this game.

First off, note that this dungeon is filled with poisonous swamps as is, so yeah, same old "Cast Healing spell, purify swamp, now it doesn't poison you" thing.

Weird object and all that, it even returns as ". . ."  So what am I getting at?

Yeah, casting a Water/Ice Spell on that thing makes it spew out Poison!  I guess it was meant as a counter measure to Leviathan spamming given this is the first plot map with it.  Yes, I only discovered this due to Leviathan as well, go figure.

Anyway, we're going to the boss, Matelite, you take the front lines and divert enemy fire!

So Matelite charges into this narrow path that clearly isn't ominous!  I mean, bottlenecking the enemy is a good idea and the empire clearly is stupid enough to make a massive flaw in their secret weapon for assaults like that!  Hey, it almost worked in 300!

The following turn, the walls close in on Matelite! IOWs, he fell right into the enemies trap, and Elecman fell with him!

Ok, what happens in this map is this; there are 2 corridors like that (I already past the first, cause you can walk around it.) They start open, then they close the next turn, then they open the next turn, and keep following that pattern.  When open, its normal terrain.  When Closed, its like a wall.  If someone is stuck in the area when its closed, they lose their movement for that turn completely (Dragons I think can bypass this) though they can still use field actions.  Yeah, its an annoying quirk map and all that.

Basically, because of that stupid corridor is long enough to not go through it in one turn for most of my team, I decided to put all my Dragons on "Go!" command, meaning now they'll just charge the enemy rather than stay within proximity of their base unit.  Yes, Dragons apparently can defy physics and fly *THROUGH* walls attached to ceilings <_<

Looks like this plan worked well too as Bombman saves the day or something!
Also, looks like Odin has just lost a rival.

Anyway, I declare this update COMPLETE! The Conclusion of Chap 12 to come...

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #141 on: February 02, 2008, 06:20:23 PM »
I guess suicide demon summoning is no match for the power of Matelite and old person yaoi.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #142 on: February 07, 2008, 04:37:52 AM »
Ok, time to finally end this chapter that overstayed its welcome for a variety of reasons! Anyway, note this next scene *ONLY* occurs if you choose Matelite as the spy.  Naturally, this extra scene is completely worth going out of my way to not see something as awesome as Donfan as a spy, or saving time with the random crew member, right, RIGHT???

...oh screw it, you'll find out!

Time indicator powers activate!

Do I really need to say how many wrong ways this statement can be analyzed?

Isn't easier to rape the girl while she's sleeping though?

Not sure what the "it" the game is referring to here <_<

Um, ok.

Damn! She found me! Taicho, I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!

This time of night? Its only 8:30 PM! Its not my fault you still think that those curfews you had at 8 years old still apply now!

Well, ok, but you don't know what you're missing or something...also, I need to kick Taicho in the face.

You're being Wishy Washy again! Damn it, where's Zora when I need her?

Remember, folks: Orelus is a world where you can ALWAYS see the sky, in 360 directions!

Why would I tell anyone about this? Matelite's too stupid to understand, Rush would get jealous and try to kill me in my sleep, Sendak would die of a heart attack from learning there is someone else in my life that isn't him, and the last thing we need is a dead old man on our ship (especially since he's actually useful), Bikkebakke would fart sometime while talking to him, Truce...bah, there just HAD to be an exception, didn't there?

He told you this cause your mind hasn't developed beyond an 8 year old, clearly.  Of course, being a blonde ditzy princess who likely grew up in some rich part of LA, its to be expected.

You're only helping me prove my last point, you realize.

Well, I do remember ONE thing:
Looking at the sky is really freaking boring.

That's nice to know.  Unfortunately, I'm forced to pay attention, given we're inevitably going to be paired together at the end of the game, and 30 years from now, you're going to make me remember this too.

Can you please mentally evolve beyond 8 years old or something?

Laws of RPGs state that we will save the world, get married, and we will be remembered as ruling for a Golden Age.  But hey, what do THEY know?

Are you questioning my ability to break the 4th wall now?

Please stop trying at philosophy.  There's a reason only people who are mentally adults with no free time on their hands and who are so self absorbed that they feel a need to portray their own sick train of thoughts on everyone else actually try it.

You, maybe not. Me? I was leading my own dragon force and fighting skirmishes with the other neighboring countries after they stole my klondike bar! So yeah, speak for yourself, please <_<

Um, why did we have to come into Alicia's room if you needed to tell ME this then? Wouldn't it have made more sense to tell me like some place that didn't require me to go through all that sappy Squall/Rinoa BS?

Ok, why would I care about that, and also, you still haven't answered my question as to why we needed to bother Alicia for it.

Well, that answers THAT wait, why should *I* care about that then?

Um, thanks, but I still wanna know why I should care about it.

Wait, you mean you were actually mustering up this thing called "courage" to go the extra distance, for possibly more helpful information?  Wow, I might have to give you a slight bit more credit for your actions in the future now...again, a slight bit only.

*drum roll*

*Gasp* *shock* *awe* ::psyduck::


Perfect Elegant Maid Palpaleos does not like being disturbed while cleaning vacant rooms, it seems.

Damn it, why does the Empire get all the INTELLIGENT people who ask LOGICAL questions?

He even shows some recognition skills as well! Its no wonder Granbelos rules the world...

Oh, phew, Taicho actually had enough brains not to shout out "I AM TAICHO, A KNIGHT SQUAD CAPTAIN!"
I need to remember that he is at least one tier in intellect above Matelite in the future...

Apparently, Taicho's smart when he's in danger!

And apparently, Palpaleos doesn't fall for such tricks so easily either!

...ok, you were doing well but then suddenly you screw up the Metal Gear Taicho act by saying his name? You better pray he's a famous bachelor who appears in Granbelos' Sexiest Men Magazines all the damn time in order to make him recognizable like that! got lucky, Taicho.

Wait, what? Is Palpaleos implying he's *STRAIGHT*?  I think somewhere far aware, Sauzer just died a little inside.

I think Taicho's too busy thinking about bunnies right now.  Short Attention Span does that.

...I stand corrected.

Of course not! He only goes emo over her every other night! Do you not see the scars on his left arm?

Personally, if my wife was so stupid as to sacrifice herself...while pregnant...and said sacrifice being totally well as killing my unborn child...yes, I WOULD want to forget her, and move on.

*Passes out*

Ah, to be as ignorant of the situation as Palpaleos is, such bliss that would be!

Apparently, he's heard enough.  Probably good for us or something.

...or not.

I suppose this is going to be what's actually IMPORTANT about this scene, cause the rest of this scene was just Palpaleos angst + you being stupid after making me second guess that fact.

Hey, isn't that damned convenient that you ran into our spy like this!

I smell a love triangle!

And now to see the thing that's finally important, I guess?

...well, good to know THAT love triangle fear is nipped in the bud!  Also, Palpaleos is apparently just insuring his own sexual security and that his one true lover is Sauzer.

Awww, Taicho's keeping his promise he made to an enemy!

...wait, doesn't something here?  Maybe its just the fact that Taicho farted again, but...ah screw it, MEGA MAN PLOT!!!

$5 says you will!

Dude! You just told him you were a Battlefield salesman! Don't go hinting that you're ACTUALLY ONE OF THE ENEMY!  Argh, how the hell did you get out of there alive again?

...apparently, they leave on positive terms.

Let me guess: SERIOUS BUSINESS!!! and all that too?

Also, couldn't screen cap it, but at this point, Alicia bolts out of the room and runs up to the balcony where the heartfelt little chat she had with Hatbot was.  If you try to chase her however...

Taicho is just does that instead, ARGH!

I also failed to get a screen cap, but once we leave this room, thus thereby finishing the chapter, you see...pretty much the entire crew of the Beat standing and listening into our conversation...yeah, let you imagine that.


Actually, no, all of that was just BS.  *THIS* is the real reason I went down this route.  See, there are only 5 of these in the game, and this is one of those 5, and only way to get into Alicia's room in this chapter is to activate this scene, so...yeah...
All things considered, I'd say its worth it!  Also, I'll explain why those are important later, I SWEAR!  But I should get all 5 first <_<

« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 09:21:27 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #143 on: February 07, 2008, 04:45:51 AM »
That was pretty creepy of you just to sneak into Alicia's room like that. Also loooove triangle here comes the dramabombs.

Next couple of chatpers are going to be pretty short, aren't they?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #144 on: February 07, 2008, 04:50:38 AM »
No, the next chapter actually involves us going into a town with NPCs and all that jazz.  I think the one after is similar to the one you Daravonesed in length, and then we have the desert section?

...yeah, the next couple of chapters are going to see-saw, if I remember them correctly <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #145 on: February 09, 2008, 04:16:46 PM »
Ok, I'm wrong! The next chapter is actually ludicrously short.  See, I initially thought the chapter pulled something like Chap 7 did a while back, where you finish the chapter, then the game decides do a bunch of stuff after the fight, THEN the chapter ends...

seems that bunch of stuff is actually how Chapter 14 begins, which is to say, Chapter 13 is REALLY DAMNED SHORT.  As in, 54 pictures, which is small enough to be a one post update.  So yeah, think I'll let someone else volunteer to do this chapter, since its short and might as well relieve you guys of Meeple Commentary a bit longer!

If no one volunteers after some time, naturally, I'll just update myself <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #146 on: February 11, 2008, 04:57:24 AM »
Ok, decided to do this chapter myself!  Anyway, its short, and I wanted to do something special with it!
...and nothing came to mind.  BLAST! So yeah, behold, a one post chapter update of BL done in normal Meeple Style or something.

Straight to the point, we get the Chapter name with no precursor nonsense this time!

...didn't you just...bah, whatever.

Translation: This is the Bahamut Lagoon equivalent of Mysidia, except Sauzer isn't as big a douche as Cagnazzo.

Also, you have to admit, Godland is a pretty courageous name for a country <_<

I think Melodia's excited.  Just a guess.

...MORE Mini Devils? OH GOD! 2 was already more than enough, PLEASE! WE DON'T NEED MORE!

...well, no, they're actually not that bad, thinking on it.  Now if you said "More Matelites"...

I...have no words.  Well, I guess the best response to this would be "Pika?"

Hornet laying down the rules and such!
I think he doesn't like Mini Devils.

And suddenly, the image of Melodia throwing a Pokeball and Mini Devils popping out pops into my mind! I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one who got that image too.


Mini Devils: 1. Hornet: 0.

And suddenly, the game makes a random shift!

Awww, did Rush have a nightmare and can't sleep?

I guess its time for a MANLY conversation across beds or something?

No, its not that weird; its only 8:30 PM.  I don't know why Matelite has such a strict curfew either.

Oh, yes, they just HAD to choose the useless fat geek into this.

...thankfully, he's asleep, so we're spared the talk about mushrooms, growing up, and generally being a loser.

Good call.

3 useless text boxes, yay!

They're all complete morons and worthless bastards?
...ok, no, I'm sorry; Lukia and Jeanne actually have worth being Light Armors, and they're smart enough to ignore Donfan, at least.


Simple, just say they're morons and move on.  Its not that hard, really!

Well, it is a rather predictable statement, all things considered.

...wait, what,, not going there.

I...think they lost me somewhere.

Yeah; they have these thick Scottish accents and such.  I mean, how else do you think Donfan can think he's so suave?  The only logical explanation would be that his voice is similar to that of your average James Bond!

I hope this shorthand for "Taicho, who fights cause he's an emo bastard who can't realize that it wasn't his fault for his wife's death, and was married to someone whose intelligence is probably lower than your average RPG Female Lead."

Ok, this comment has some value, I guess.

I don't know what's more pathetic...
The actual accuracy of this statement, or the fact that they are treating it like its a GOOD thing here...

Yeah, that's a great consolation for her.  "Hi there, Jeanne!  You're rather manly for a girl, you know that! But you're still cool!"

...that'd probably explain why I saw Rush's face stuffed in the garbage can outside of the female quarters on the Beat.  Though, I do question why that garbage can wasn't already occupied by Donfan...

You already established that, and I already explained why!

...wait, this contradicts Bikkebakke's statement about being raised on the streets!  Maybe he was speaking for himself and Rush truly was a soldier and...bah, guess Hatbot isn't quite as neglectful of his brother as Bikkebakke made it out to seem.

If that Elipse was replaced with a triple explanation mark, we could have the image of Rush screaming like Mel Gibson.

Could this be an insightful statement of how Freedom implies lack of security, and thus there are downsides to it?  Or could it just be Rush being completely confused and not knowing what the hell he's saying again.  YOU DECIDE!

See above!

That's the most intelligent thing that's been said this entire conversation!

You're asking a sleeping person a question with potential philosophical meaning, that's not the brightest of ideas.

Ok, before I move on...I'm going to say one thing:
If you haven't noticed already, pay attention to the lower 3 beds.  You might notice something...interesting (and potentially disturbing) about them.  Also, yes, apparently Zora's Son likes to sweep WHILE SLEEPING! I call that dedication!

Its also more proof that he is indeed a worthy adversary to Odin for Janitor of the Year.

Yeah, we're forced outside now.  He sells the usual stuff, to continue playing, Sendak's at the far end of the ship, saying a generic 'Hatbot, shall we go?" or some such (and no, there's no innuendo.)  ANYWAY, ONTO THE GAMEPLAY SECTION!

Our teams for this chapter.  I hate you Tonfa, on that note.

I failed to take the screen shot fast enough (cause I figured the name would be longer and...yeah...)
But anyway, our starting positions!  There's a total of like 6 enemies on this map...yeah, that's not what we call a lot.  The Victory Condition is "Defeat of Radia."

Which is her right here!  Ok, I believe Radia is the first to do this (that or I've been really absent minded/killing bosses before their support), but that support she has?  She'll actually resummon it instantly if you kill both of them.  This does not take up a turn, so its actually somewhat abusable for items and such.  However, of course, to attack them without harming her, you'd need to initiate a battle, which is to say, she'd be attacking you as well.  Furthermore, she can only respawn her support when you actually activate a battle with her, so...yeah, this can't be abused as easily as it sounds.
Ok, you CAN attack her by casting White Drug on her, and not do damage, since they are undead (she won't get healed, mind; BL Healing, if I didn't tell you already, as well as damage, has a fail safe intelligence feature, which turns off friendly fire or enemy healing, etc, barring a few specific moves which are pretty much all Dance related.)

New kind of enemies this chapter!  They were also the boss of Granbelos Fortress side quest this chapter.  Anyway, Blade Guards and Magic Guards are among some of the most annoying enemies in the game.  Why is that?  If its not obvious by the name, Blade Guards are immune to physicals and Magic Guards are immune to Magic.  Mind, Magic also counts for Physicals that use Rods (so any physical used by a Summoner, Wizard or Priest, basically.)  What makes this FURTHER annoying is that Dragons can't notice this immunity either.  See, at high Wisdom, Dragons are intelligent enough to not use elemental attacks that won't work, such like Fire vs. a Fire random (furthermore, if they're Wisdom is high enough, they'll use an attack that hits a weakness, or even try something as complex like Heal Allies while hurting undead enemies at the same time!)  However, this little hidden feature is not something the Dragon AI will notice ever.  So, naturally, they do a good job of killing those Blade Guards...but they'll constantly try to kill those Magic Guards with Magic, unless they have not enough MP (at which point, they'll finally start using physicals.)
So basically, yes, total quirk enemy and all that.

Ok, see that Odd Flower there?  Well, that's your standard terrain feature of BL again!  These flowers can be destroyed with Lightning Magic.  Now why bother?  Well, destroying said flowers yields interesting results, like...

That!  Yeah, you can get items from these things. 
If you're curious, Nimbus Robe is something we have a few of already, being a non-store bought Robe, and is better than just about everything we can get at this point for Mages,...barring maybe that Aurora I picked up from killing a stronger Presenter (yeah, same name and sprite, but different palette!!!), but that's an aside (actually didn't check what's stronger, I gave it to someone who wasn't using a Nimbus Robe).  That Maximillian is a store bought Armor somewhat later in the game, think its available around chapter 18 or so?
...even then, however, its inferior to the stuff we have.  Yes, Matelite Armor is that damned good, despite baring the name "Matelite."

However, you can also get...

Something like that ghost enemy popping out of them.  Yeah, that's why there are few enemies.  If you try to get treasures and such, you end up often unleashing these guys.  Mind, if you memorize exactly what flowers have goodies and what flowers have items, you can avoid it entirely, barring Dragons being morons, but there's a lot of flowers, so either you're using a FAQ, or frankly, its just easier to destroy them all and kill enemies that pop up.

What's this? Priests doing something that can be considered damage? Yeah, it kind of shocked me too; I really never expected Starfall to do that much damage.
Then again, been a while since I used level 40 Starfall.  Typically, by this point, I've stopped using 4 Priests, or have already had Holy/Dark Dragon forms, and thus been casting their superior Holy/Dark spell.

If you're wondering, regarding Dragon development, all 6 Dragons have 100 in Fire, Ice, and Lightning, and thus, level 10 of those elements and Earth is available.  Fireman also has about 235 Strength, and maxed out healing, as has Cutman with the Healing thing.

No, I'm not showing favoritism with them!  Just Fireman I've been raising towards a specific build, while the others I've been kind of randomly feeding stuff I have along the way (so they have higher Vit, Mind and Dex, I believe).  Cutman maxing Recovery is a result of him having natural growth in that stat.

Anyway, back to flower smashing!  After destroying a few more flowers, something...interesting popped up...

Namely that thing!  See, this guy is basically a boss in and of himself if you can't tell by his stats (well, the HP anyway.)  He's annoying cause he has a field attack *AND* MT damage in battles, and takes a while to kill.  He's probably immune to instant Death too, so you can't really cheese him out with Return Life either.  Simply put, he's a bit of a surprise.  Mind, I think he's a level 3 random at least, so he has a good chance of dropping some really awesome items.

Boss Death Quote away!
Don't really have much to say about it; frankly, Persona's was better <_<

"Different from the other Lagoons!"

So basically, are you saying people are INTELLIGENT on this lagoon?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #147 on: February 11, 2008, 05:35:55 AM »
I'm beginning to think finding intelligence on these lagoons is about as likely as finding intelligent life on Mars.  But hey, you never know!


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #148 on: February 11, 2008, 06:16:55 PM »
Why are there two people in that bed in the bottom left corner?

...Magic City of Godland? Really?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Bahamut Lagoon!
« Reply #149 on: February 11, 2008, 06:50:20 PM »
Why are there two people in that bed in the bottom left corner?

...Magic City of Godland? Really?

We will never know.  Only speculate.