Author Topic: Virgil > Terra  (Read 585 times)


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Virgil > Terra
« on: June 06, 2008, 06:48:36 PM »
The Blue Testament wasn't sure what to expect when the green haired woman asked to speak with him privately, but this certainly wasn't it. "You're...serious? You'd lose, just like that?"

Terra nodded, "Yeah. I'm not liking my chances of the championship this time anyway, and there are more important things then going down in a blaze of glory."

Cautiously, Virgil nodded, "So what do you want from me?"


Albedo had no idea what was going one. One moment he was sleeping soundly in his own bed, the next he was sitting in an empty movie theatre...chained to a chair in front of the screen. With Terra smiling at him and starting the show....


Eight hours later, as a DL Reintegration Team was collecting Albedo's molecules to put him back together, Virgil approached his opponent with a bemused smile, "He atomized himself to get away from you? Ingenious trick, though it couldn't have been pleasant. I assume our bargain still stands?"

Terra smiled, "Away? Oh, we're not done yet. I haven't even gotten through half of my Sesame Street collection. And then we have Care Bears, Eureka's Castle, the Magic Shoolbus, and all sorts of other good, wholesome family fun to watch. The chair and chains you provided will hold him for as long as I need, and the healers have already agreed to reconstitute him in that chair for me."

Even Virgil had to pale a little at Terra's cheerful and pleasant tone as she talked about what amounted to horrible psychological torture to Albedo.

The half esper's smile took a hard edge for a moment, "I plan on making it very clear what will happen to him whenever I catch him sneaking around my orphanage, Virgil. Those kids are my life, and I'll put a stop to anyone who threatens them, whatever it takes. Good luck in the semifinals."

Leaving Albedo to his fate, the Blue Testament just nodded and vanished, making a quick mental note to never get within a hundred feet of that woman's orphanage. Just in case.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist