Author Topic: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (GAME OVER)  (Read 70346 times)


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #175 on: June 09, 2008, 07:18:46 PM »
##UNVOTE: Ephraim

Okay, it seems Yakumo's... calling me out in a subtle way to explain who I rather else vote. I'm terribly curious to enter the next day to see if any better suspicions arise, or if anything happens the next day that gives us a better shot at pinning the scum.

I've been reading Ephraim's posts a few times over again, and it still doesn't sit me entirely right to lynch him, even though he's acting hella suspicious and I still want that explanation from him why he said it was better to vote EvilTom off. I'm rescinding my vote for now to avoid someone from pushing him over the edge and KO'ing him, then, despite my anxiety to get this day over with. Scummy? I don't think so, but fact of the matter is that we're running in circles, analyzing every bit of anyone who's posted.

As far as the other people who I suspect.


Carthrat: No matter what you say that he normally acts like this, I still feel very suspicious about Carthrat. I don't care I'm a newcomer, and I don't care whether I know how he plays or not. If my lack of knowing him is a serious issue for being able to suspect him, then the fault lies with you and not with me. I find his behaviour suspicious, starting with what the bad ring I got from the initial stage where everyone focused on me instead, and continuing on even now.
I will clarify my vote, at least; Ephraim's stance on deliberately attaching more suspicious to 'better' players, the ranting over how day 1 is a bad time to do anything, the encouragement over waiting for roles and day2 instead. In his latest post, too, the whole "I'll kill myself, don't worry," thing... do not like at all.

It is a given that one must be more wary of the craftiest players than the dimwitted players, (although I don't think the latter group is present in this game, unless I place myself in it). Are you, yourself though, not advocating precisely the same? At least when everyone piled on me, the accusations against me were better grounded than lynching someone on account that he wants to move onward to a stage where we have a better overview.
This does not mean I am against your idea to lynch him; In fact, I still find his actions I previously highlighted and requested him on to be suspicious, and he's done nothing to alleviate that suspicion. But you attack him for a wholly different reason, and this I find suspicious.

If anyone comes out now and says, "That's how Carthrat always behaves!" ... Please save yourself the trouble, because if this is just going to be a game where it'll basically be, "Hey, you're new, so you don't know how everyone plays, and so-and-so isn't being suspicious at all given how they usually act", then you don't have to count on me to cast suspicions around a lot because I am getting a bloody bit tired about how everyone seems to jump on me for being "highly suspicious" in behaviour and analyzing every bloody thing I do, while disregarding any suspicion I make to someone I feel strongly about. Seriously, stop using the argument "That's how he usually acts" and start using a bloody real argument.

Right, had to get that out for a moment. Next suspect.


EvilTom: Voted on Carthrat for basically the same reasons I did, but skillfully remained under the radar. At first he says, "Hey, that looks scummy to me... And it looks scummy to Bardiche, too!" And then the next second he accuses me of being scummy after first sharing a suspicion with me. We both saw the same thing, we both felt the same way about Carthrat's actions at that point, why then suddenly do you find my accusation of Carthrat to be scum and yours to be free of it?
And as I type that, I remember that Bardiche hasn't actually said anything since the debate began. I find the sudden absence a bit disconcerting, so I'd like to hear from Bardiche on this. Come on Bardiche, your thoughts and opinions?
I was asleep, yet when everyone was busy trying to get you to explain yourself, you tried to get the discussion off on me, and succeeded. How is it disconcerting that someone goes away and doesn't even sign up to the boards? Moreover, if you recall, EvilTom never really withdrew his vote on Carthrat, either; He simply failed to unvote before voting Carthrat.


Strago: Yes, you too. Your entire vote on me (In before "OMGUS") is based on two things: 1) The fact I remarked that I could be scum because I have no way to proof I am not and 2) My personality in which I am simply not that strong in defending myself in excess. That seems like a wholly weak basis to vote, to me, and you didn't even mention anything about my admittedly badly construed suspicion against Carthrat. At first you say you don't want to vote me, and then cite Otacon's "pressure" of saying that terrorists grow stronger over time as being the deciding factor to vote me.
When questioned on it, you stick to your guns by citing, again, that I said "I could be scum", whereupon your entire vote on me seems to be justified by.
Miraculously, no one found this any bit suspicious. Seriously. What?


Posting more in a sec, don't want to make posts that are tl;dr all at once.

Also, got ninja'd by three people. Reading after this.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #176 on: June 09, 2008, 08:07:47 PM »
Delaying the "posting in a sec" as in hindsight, it seems best to me that I not throw out all my suspicions at once to avoid focusing on one out of five rather than first discussing the first three (if anyone finds discussion to be useful on it).


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #177 on: June 09, 2008, 08:14:42 PM »
Just posting to say that I'm trying to catch up and will post something with content later this evening. I've started a new job today, and have orientation meetings and a big staff get-together tonight. So I'm alive and paying attention.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #178 on: June 09, 2008, 08:31:51 PM »
Lurking's bad and all, but I think we are, in fact, running out of time, as evidenced by Sopko's ever-rising damage.

This is what I was referring to, El-Cid. It just seems like he's trying to pressure us to get moving when it would be... a very strange strategy for a lynchee to do unless they wanted to die in short order on Day 2. I could see this argument if it was later in the game when a day might mean potential LYLO, but Day 1?
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #179 on: June 09, 2008, 08:43:30 PM »
It is now day 1.  With 18 alive, each vote is worth 12% damage.

The stage for day 1 is Battlefield.  It has no gameplay effects.

Captain Olimar (Sopko) has a beautiful flower growing out of his head!

Yakumo (Ganondorf): 0% - Ciato
Meeple (Poketrainer): 0% - , Ephraim, Sopko
Carthrat (Ike): 12% - Ciato, Nitori, Bardiche, Meeple
Bardiche (Jigglypuff): 24% - Strago, QR, Andrew, QuietRain, Yakumo, El Cid, Sopko
Shale (Mario): 24% - Nitori, Taishyr, Meeple, Captain K
Excal (Marth): 0% - , Yakumo, Ciato
Taishyr (Kirby): 0% - , Bardiche, Captain K, Sopko
El Cid (Falco): 0% - , Taishyr, Strago
Strago (Wolf): 0% - Excal
Sopko (Olimar): 81% - , Carthrat, Meeple, Taishyr
Captain K (Pink Luigi): 48% - Yakumo, El Cid, Andrew, Sopko, Carthrat, El Cid
Ephraim (MetaKnight): 72% - Fnorder, Excal, Meeple, Dread Thomas, Carthrat, Captain K, Taishyr, Bardiche
QuietRain (Pikachu): 12% - Shale, Bardiche
Andrew (Toon Link): 0% - Dread Thomas
Nitori (Snake): 0% - Andrew
EvilTom (Link): 0% - , Excal, Nitori, Carthrat, Ephraim

Under normal circumstances a ##Smashvote will KO anyone who is at or over 100% damage, no matter how they reached that amount.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #180 on: June 09, 2008, 08:48:37 PM »
Yay, sleep is good for the brain~

So, what's going on seems that today has pretty much come down to Eph vs. Captain K. I still stand by the fact that Shale needs to say something, but it seems unlikely that much will come of keeping my vote on him today. much as I dislike his argument of inherently attacking the "stronger" players, he has at least tried to provide analysis on day 1, and tried to justify his vote. Capt. K...chimed in a bit on Bard/Rat/Tom, but otherwise hasn't really said much on non-ability related effects. Also, even if he was going only after simply "Minor Abilities", it...seems like a really insignficant thing to do after a point. He also hopped on the Eph train with basically no other reasoning than to end the day, which looks really bad.

EDIT: I was wondering where Rat said anything about us having to do things quickly due to the flower. Now that I think about it...that line looks really strange combined with an earlier statement the Rat made.

Quit the role speculation. Really. The flower could win the game for soppy if it ever reaches 100% or do other crazy things. We don't know, we won't know, we can't know until someone digs up new information from somewhere or we get more evidence. Since it has little game impact (anyone ballsy enough to hammer Soppy for this has my respect, and almost my vote, by the way) we may as well disregard it for the time being.

Rat says to completely disregard the flower and Soppy's growing % in an earlier post, since we don't know anything about it (and we don't). And then, in Ciato's quote, he says that the damage caused the flower is causing us to run out of time, and basically goes from ignoring the flower to not ignoring it. I'd like to hear an explanation for why we're suddenly running out of time, Rat~.

Actually, thinking on it, this makes both the Rat and Captain look badly. I'll shift my vote to the Captain for now, but I want an explanation from Rat about this, since it seems very contradictory.

##UNVOTE: Shale
##VOTE: Captain K
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #181 on: June 09, 2008, 09:01:40 PM »
Regarding Rat's whole shift in tone thing...that does seem odd.  Saying "Flower doesn't matter much, we don't know enough about it!" and then saying "we're running out of time!"

...yeah, that's kind of odd.  However, at the same time, its possible he's just being paranoid that when Soppy hits 100%, someone would be bold enough to Smashvote Soppy to end the day.  Granted, at the same time, he says he'd be voting to lynch them if that was the case.

...blech, I can't see it as a good thing, in any event.  Rat's definitely gone up some in my book.  Care to explain why you suddenly shifted in such a way, Rat?

I will note that I am willing to shift to Captain K if he doesn't actually say anything worth noting.  He's been...ah...dodgey the entire game?  Been posting, but not saying much, I believe Excal called this tactic Smokescreening.  He's cared more about the mechanics than the actual game, and tried rolefishing for all that I didn't think it was a big deal BY ITSELF, it is something that matters when summed together...yeah.  Vote stays on Eph for now, since yes, he did calm down, but I don't get the impression he has actually done anything to remove suspicion; Eph's posts still aren't much on content, he still hasn't answered questions brought forth, and I still got this hint that he isn't paying attention as shown by a comment that summed up as "Meeple voted against me for no reason other than punctuation!"

(I'll admit that maybe I'm making more of the situation than I should, since I'm jaded and the comment was directed at me, but still hit me the wrong way.)

So yeah, him and Captain K I agree are the two big ones, but Rat's little act of hypocrisy (if you can call it that?) certainly doesn't bold well either.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #182 on: June 09, 2008, 09:14:45 PM »
Arghlefuck I spent my entire lunch typing a post detailing my case against Captain K and it got eaten with five minutes left.  No time to quote stuff this time, the basic idea is that I wasn't all that suspicious of him at first, like the part about Meeple in that post where I poked him about the rolefishing it was more of a friendly warning before it could turn ugly.  Then he denies that he was doing anything wrong, and his eventual defense is that we shouldn't call it a scumtell because he doesn't play by a certain set of Mafia rules.  Later, he puts a vote on Eph with no case whatsoever, just says he wants the day over with.  In addition, the rare times he's commented on anything other than himself at all, it has been one or two line comments without really any substance to them.  If you all want me to dig that stuff up later when I get home I'll try to reconstruct the post, but for now, I gotta run.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #183 on: June 09, 2008, 09:22:09 PM »
Lurking's bad and all, but I think we are, in fact, running out of time, as evidenced by Sopko's ever-rising damage.

This is what I was referring to, El-Cid. It just seems like he's trying to pressure us to get moving when it would be... a very strange strategy for a lynchee to do unless they wanted to die in short order on Day 2. I could see this argument if it was later in the game when a day might mean potential LYLO, but Day 1?

Agreed. And...Nitori makes a very good point in bringing up Carthrat's total 180 on the flower. Going from "it's irrelevant" to "we should lynch before Soppy hits 100%" with no explanation and no gradual shift in between is pretty strange. Got an exaplantion for this, Rat?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #184 on: June 09, 2008, 09:23:05 PM »
*sigh*  Read the new posts and the ones that came after mine as well.  I REALLY suck at strategy games.  I mean BIG TIME.  Knowing when to play my cards is always a problem.  I sat here and debated back and forth on the issue.  And it really came down to: I have no idea if it's a good idea or not, so F It and do it anyway.  If I shot myself in the foot, I'll know not to do that next time.  If I didn't, then perhaps I'll be helping the rest of town out.  Anyway, I don't believe all roles are things that should be used as measures of last resort.  Sometimes they need to put put on the plate from the get go.  Let's see if I'm right that mine is of the latter variety.

Is a 2 for 1 sale good for town?  Meaning, is it better to have 2 lynches a day to their single NK?  Because town DOES have that option.

Trying to put things together right now, but this jumped out at me immediately.

Generally speaking, yes, two lynches can be advantageous to town, considering that is their only option to actually hunt scum. Especially in a game without time limits, getting two kills a day is a big help. Of course, in return, if town sucks it up, the game ends a lot faster. Personally, I feel best waiting until day two on this sort of power, since you're running with a bit more information and the extra kills have a higher chance of mattering more before the source gets whacked.

However, since it seems that you've basically fessed up to having a vig like ability (unless I'm horribly misreading you) I advise you say it flat out (because other people seemed to miss the subtle and delicate manner in which you said it >_> ) and we use it. Admitting something like that and then not taking advantage is a bad idea.

So, clarification QR?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #185 on: June 09, 2008, 09:51:12 PM »
Forgot to mention that Rat's switch looks even weirder given that he was quick to point out earlier in the game why scum would be suicidal to smashvote Soppy. Ack. And...QR poses an interesting situation. I'll wait for her to respond to Andy before getting into that.

In the meantime, wanted to say that I'm most comfortable with Captain K. as our lynch target. Yakko's summed this up nicely, but I have to put everything in my own words, so: I don't think an open request to divulge night zero results is something that helps us. It's been observed (outside of this game) that many role-heavy games could've been easily won by town with day one roleclaims, but this is very easy to say in hindsight. In practice, it gives scum just as much a chance to coordinate as it does town. The captain's repeated his position on this, generally couching his stance in benign tones. This isn't damning by itself, but he hasn't really given us anything else to work with.

If the distinction had been made between power roles and minor abilities (I.E., my Shoot command), I'd feel better about him. Minor abilities are pretty trivial and I doubt they'll make a significant difference in the long run. Asking about them wouldn't exactly be productive, but nor would I consider it something to find suspicious. This distinction was never made, though, and it's a little late to do so. By now it would just seem like retconning.

My vote stays where it is right now. I have some lingering doubts about Bard and Tom and would be comfortable opting for one or the other if no CK lynch is forthcoming, and Rat's peculiar manner of pressing for a lynch definitely places him in the list of suspects. As I've noted, I'm not down with joining the Eph train; barring the threat of adverse consequences from the mod for inaction, I'm unlikely to vote for him.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #186 on: June 09, 2008, 11:28:10 PM »
A quick post before I myself head off to class for a long time period, but I am currently in support of a push on Cap'n K for reasons stated by Meeple and Carthrat for reasons stated by Nitori. Since Carthrat has the lesser of the two votes, combined with my hopes that I'll be able to return in ten hours and reply with far greater detail,

##Unvote: Shale Post!
##Vote: Carthrat Explain thyself!

Off to another soul-consuming day, weeee.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #187 on: June 09, 2008, 11:56:29 PM »
Between the lynch of Eph and Captain K if you guys think these two are the best lynches, I think Captain K is definitely wiser. Eph has at least discussed things with other people, tried to put things out there, and even if much of his stuff is odd, I think Captain K's lack of discussion regarding his vote or about... anything ... else... is just alarming to me.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #188 on: June 10, 2008, 12:08:39 AM »
It is now day 1.  With 18 alive, each vote is worth 12% damage.

The stage for day 1 is Battlefield.  It has no gameplay effects.

Captain Olimar (Sopko) has a beautiful flower growing out of his head!

Yakumo (Ganondorf): 0% - Ciato
Meeple (Poketrainer): 0% - , Ephraim, Sopko
Carthrat (Ike): 24% - Ciato, Taishyr, Nitori, Bardiche, Meeple
Bardiche (Jigglypuff): 24% - Strago, QR, Andrew, QuietRain, Yakumo, El Cid, Sopko
Shale (Mario): 0% - , Meeple, Captain K, Nitori, Taishyr
Excal (Marth): 0% - , Yakumo, Ciato
Taishyr (Kirby): 0% - , Bardiche, Captain K, Sopko
El Cid (Falco): 0% - , Taishyr, Strago
Strago (Wolf): 0% - Excal
Sopko (Olimar): 86% - , Carthrat, Meeple, Taishyr
Captain K (Pink Luigi): 60% - Yakumo, El Cid, Andrew, Sopko, Nitori, Carthrat, El Cid
Ephraim (MetaKnight): 72% - Fnorder, Excal, Meeple, Dread Thomas, Carthrat, Captain K, Taishyr, Bardiche
QuietRain (Pikachu): 12% - Shale, Bardiche
Andrew (Toon Link): 0% - Dread Thomas
Nitori (Snake): 0% - Andrew
EvilTom (Link): 0% - , Excal, Nitori, Carthrat, Ephraim

Under normal circumstances a ##Smashvote will KO anyone who is at or over 100% damage, no matter how they reached that amount.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #189 on: June 10, 2008, 12:58:03 AM »
OK, back from taking the rugrat to his checkup.

Andrew: Sorry, wasn't trying to be subtle.  You're right, that seemed to slip right under everyone.  *blink*  I didn't think I was being obtuse.  Just wanted to get something out quick before I had meetings for the day. 

To be blunt, yes, I can dayvig.  No, I don't expect to still be around in later days to use such now that I've fessed.  You see, I'm not REALLY Pikachu.  I'm not that evolved yet.  I'm Pichu and phear my dance of death.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #190 on: June 10, 2008, 01:05:40 AM »
Hmm... DayTime Vigilante, eh? Uuuuh, I'm not really familiar with Vigilantes. Are these guaranteed towns?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #191 on: June 10, 2008, 01:32:11 AM »
To be fair, I don't there's such a thing as a role that is guaranteed to be town.  A dayvig isn't a likely scum power (then they'd have 2 kills a day).  It could be a third party role or a town role with equal likelyhood. 
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #192 on: June 10, 2008, 01:38:24 AM »
Ah, I see.

Sorry for the interjection, carry on.

Seeing as (some) people suspect me of being scum, I don't think I'm much in a position to request you to use your role. I'll just have to hope for a result for the best. Who knows, mayhap I'll be lucky.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #193 on: June 10, 2008, 01:48:52 AM »
Dayvigs are meant to be a way to give Towns extra kills, but at the same time, it leaves them open to Scum.  Of course, they could be ITPs just to fuck around with everyone.  In any event, if QR indeed has Dayvig Powers, we should probably discuss how to use it before we lynch someone.

I mean, in Suiko Mafia, I recall Cmdr just popped up out of nowhere and Day Vigged Soppy cause everyone was going after him anyway...and he flipped up Town, not even letting Soppy have a chance to really defend himself.  Nice that you actually came out and told us rather than randomly vigging someone though!

I'd like to hear other's peoples thoughts on QR's power.

Though, one thing does stand out to me...
QR is Pichu, who is not in Brawl, but instead Melee!  I'd say "perhaps scum are all really Melee characters who got the boot and are posing as Brawl characters!" but that feels too elaborate for a game like this, combined with a variety of other weird factors (Roles do not match up with abilities, alignment, etc. as Alex seemed pretty clear on.)  So yeah, I'm just going to say "She's Pichu cause the mod said so!" given its Alex, which alone should explain everything!

But yeah, at the moment, thinking its best we discuss the use of QR's Dayvig (if she indeed truly has one) rather than waste it, before we lynch someone.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #194 on: June 10, 2008, 01:52:21 AM »
OK, back from taking the rugrat to his checkup.

Andrew: Sorry, wasn't trying to be subtle.  You're right, that seemed to slip right under everyone.  *blink*  I didn't think I was being obtuse.  Just wanted to get something out quick before I had meetings for the day. 

To be blunt, yes, I can dayvig.  No, I don't expect to still be around in later days to use such now that I've fessed.  You see, I'm not REALLY Pikachu.  I'm not that evolved yet.  I'm Pichu and phear my dance of death.

If can prove to be town, dayvig can be pretty powerful if you can convince other town Docs, or whatever they call people that can protect townies at night, on your side.  But I do know right now there is a potential Roleblocker, as I was roleblocked Night 0, if any chance it could be a Mafia Roleblocker. Just a heads up.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #195 on: June 10, 2008, 01:53:13 AM »
Uh, not sure what to make of that roleclaim.  A dayvig would be better on Day 2, when you have a clearer idea of who is scum and who is not.

Let's assume three options.

A) You're town, you think you can help town, but you need some advice on how to use your power (judging from your earlier post).  Possible.

B) You're a third-party vigilante.  I... can't think of any intelligent reason for a third-party vig to declare.  So it's either a massive mistake, or you're not a third-party.

C)  You're scum, declaring a (likely false) power to smokescreen something else.  Possibly to draw a doctor to protect you, since Scum would (I think?) want to nightkill a vigilante.  Or to smokescreen one of the existing debates, which is pretty much either Ephraim or me right now.

Speaking of existing debates!

Yakumo is the primary person who is jumping on me, due to the "rolefishing" I did earlier.  He states that I am only defending my action after the fact.  Well duh.  Of course I'm defending myself after the fact.  If I were to defend myself beforehand, I would know that I am doing something that is generally considered a bad move.

So I either genuinely didn't realize I was doing something wrong, or I have an (duh duh duh!) ulterior motive.  While it's not unusual for Captain K. to have an ulterior motive, I'll go ahead and tell you it's the first option.  You're entitled not to believe me.  I made a mistake, and I cannot go back in time and erase it.

I went through and reread the whole topic to try and find something useful to say, since there are complaints that I haven't posted content (nevermind the other people that have posted less than I have).  But there's really not a lot to say.  It's a lot of bickering over the intent behind wording, a lot of jumping on me (somewhat justified), and one roleclaim, which almost everyone ignored when it happened.

I'm leaving my vote where it is.  I see no hard evidence to lynch this person, but I see no better candidates.  And we have to lynch someone.  You'll excuse me if I prefer it not be myself.

Ninja'd 3 times, I'll put this up first and then read them.

Captain K.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #196 on: June 10, 2008, 02:01:09 AM »
So Eph, what is QR supposed to do with that information?  There can be Town or Scum roleblockers - that's a pretty common role to appear in games.  She doesn't know the identity of the person she is supposed to use her vig on.  Or do you?

And yes, I do realize I'm complaining about Eph's Night Zero info, when that is the kind of thing I asked for earlier.  I'm a hypocrite!

Lord Ephraim

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #197 on: June 10, 2008, 02:08:52 AM »
Though, one thing does stand out to me...
QR is Pichu, who is not in Brawl, but instead Melee!  I'd say "perhaps scum are all really Melee characters who got the boot and are posing as Brawl characters!" but that feels too elaborate for a game like this, combined with a variety of other weird factors (Roles do not match up with abilities, alignment, etc. as Alex seemed pretty clear on.)  So yeah, I'm just going to say "She's Pichu cause the mod said so!" given its Alex, which alone should explain everything!

I think a while back someone made a convincing arguement about Brawl Pikachu is the same as Melee Pichu.  First is the obious absence of Pichu in Brawl, then the fact that Pikachus can't use Volt Tackle unless they were a Pichu at one point in their lives.  Lastly,  if you notice that some of pikachu's alternate outfit are the same as Pichus in Melee.  Also,  people love Pichu and the Pichu dance, which probably explains how pichu evolved in the first place.

Sorry, I had to bring that up when Meeple said that.  I just had point that out if Meeple believes that all scum are Melee related characters, then my point debunks (Since it's really Brawl pichu after all) that but you can feel to bring up your own conjecture.

CK:  I only mention that there's a POSSIBLITY of a Mafia Roleblocker.  You certainly know a town roleblocker isn't going to want to block a dayvig confirmed as town.  Not to say I completely believe QR's alignment more than her actual role.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #198 on: June 10, 2008, 02:12:53 AM »
I think there are three options we can follow here:

1) Both Captain K and Ephraim bite the dust today.
2) We stay tied between Captain K and Ephraim, let QuietRain kill either Carthrat or me to see if those suspicions are grounded.
3) Call bluffs and ignore the possibility.

Unless there are other ideas of what we can use a daytime killing role for...?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #199 on: June 10, 2008, 02:16:24 AM »
Alright, where did I say that I'm suspicious of you because of you defending your actions after the fact?  I'm suspicious of you because what you call defending your actions is telling us to ignore them just because you don't play Mafia the same way we do.  That's not a defense, that's avoiding the question.  Also, even on this (quick edit: second to) last post, you don't really participate.  Tell us why you think people are overreacting!  Tell us who you see avoiding content and not getting called for it!  Comment on somebody, anybody, other than yourself and the person attacking you!  The little bit on QR is a decent start, but you have to have -some- sort of opinion.

Speaking of QR, while there is no guarantee that a dayvig is a town role, there is a guarantee that while it's exposed like this it's a town weapon.  Once a dayvig has shown themselves, if they don't do what the majority of players wants, their necks are on the block no matter whose side they're on.  That said, it's a little late in day one to start putting together a second "lynch", but... well, right now, the only deadline we have is a soft line created by that annoying plant.  I guess I'm open to using it either way, but I wish you had waited until tomorrow to say something.  Oh well, can't be helped now.

Ninja edit for triple ninja posting: most of the time dayvigs can't really be roleblocked.  Just sayin'.  I mean, Alex might've screwed with the rules on that too, I guess, but normally no.