
Author Topic: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (GAME OVER)  (Read 69381 times)

Lord Ephraim

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #200 on: June 10, 2008, 02:21:46 AM »
Ninja edit for triple ninja posting: most of the time dayvigs can't really be roleblocked.  Just sayin'.  I mean, Alex might've screwed with the rules on that too, I guess, but normally no.

I had the assumtion that a dayvig who was roleblocked at night won't be able to preform a kill the next day.  They always have a choice on this matter, no?  This a more of a mod question and from what I read, standard Vigilantes can be roleblocked.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #201 on: June 10, 2008, 02:25:15 AM »
Considering that the word of mod was that powers would be abundant, I rather figured there'd be a roleblock-type power in the mix somewhere.  And I dearly hope that the local doc likes cute fuzzy electrified mice.  But, we'll see.

And like I said, I suck at strategy.  I wracked my brains and ALL I could remember of dayvigs was ??Carth's?? VtM outting on day 1 (I think he was the dayvig in that one).  I'll keep in mind that a later reveal might be more helpful for later games.  But now that it's out there, I'd like to get a use out of it just in case any possible docs have a raging fear of mice and this is my only shot at this.

Looking at Bardiche's numbers, #3 isn't going to happen.  Now that I made the decision to say I can dayvig, I actually can't forgo that.  If I do and I'm NKed, then this power does town NO good.  So, #1 or #2 need to be it from my point of view.  And I lean towards #1.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #202 on: June 10, 2008, 02:26:41 AM »
@Ephraim: standard vigs can be roleblocked because they do their vigging at night.  But a dayvig is different.  Roleblocks tend to only be night actions.  Although with mods having fun with roles and characters, you can bet I'm not certain about that being the case this time.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #203 on: June 10, 2008, 02:39:42 AM »
If anyone comes out now and says, "That's how Carthrat always behaves!" ... Please save yourself the trouble, because if this is just going to be a game where it'll basically be, "Hey, you're new, so you don't know how everyone plays, and so-and-so isn't being suspicious at all given how they usually act", then you don't have to count on me to cast suspicions around a lot because I am getting a bloody bit tired about how everyone seems to jump on me for being "highly suspicious" in behaviour and analyzing every bloody thing I do, while disregarding any suspicion I make to someone I feel strongly about. Seriously, stop using the argument "That's how he usually acts" and start using a bloody real argument.

Noticed this when I was scrolling down the last page of the topic and remembered that I'd intended to respond to it earlier. FYI, it was never my intent to use that as an argument against you (it was actually one of the mitigating factors that led me to unvote you despite lingering suspicion; I hope I made it clear that it was the details of your attack that I objected to, not the attack itself). I should probably explain something: when I see an argument put forth involving a multitude of exclamation marks, ALL CAPS, or excessive use of bolding/italics, I'm likely to assume that the poster is getting emotional or silly, and thus not take it 100% seriously. This is my personal inclination; I'm not stating it as a universal rule that everyone here follows, just part of an explanation as to why each of us took Rat's remark so differently. I'm aware this is an old issue, but you seem to be taking it personally so I figured I'd try and clear it up one last time.

Posting this before really digging into the business with QR's roleclaim. That said, though? EDIT: Yakko's entirely right on how dayvigs tend to function. Once someone with that power has made it known, they tend to face massive suspicion if they don't employ it as the majority of the players dictate. EDIT2: Oh god, ninja'd three more times.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #204 on: June 10, 2008, 02:40:47 AM »
Just got up.

On the flower-

1) We need to ignore the flower in terms of whether or not it actually tells us if people are scummy or not, because it tells us nothing; we don't know the source of the effect or the intent behind it.

2) However, we cannot ignore the actual game effect it has; it has effectively given us a loose timer.

I didn't actually consider that someone would use it to save themselves when I wrote that response to Bardiche, and I was getting annoyed that discussion seemed to be moving towards using it as some kind of evidence when it's actually useless for that. It is true that it would be suicidal for scum to pull that- but if they're about to get lynched anyway, they can still buy a day and get in a free NK or whatever.

I'll be blunt; it's *unlikely* we'll lynch scum on day one in raw odds. But it's virtually *impossible* if Sopko reaches 100% (unless he, himself, is scum, and the odds dictate that he's not. In any case, I don't see anyone gunning strongly for his lynch today.)


A dayvig is better used on day 1, and used as often as possible. Hands down. Two town kills to one scum kill is clearly better odds for town.

I haven't really taken the last slab of posts into account when recalculating my suspicions, just had to respond and get some stuff out there.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #205 on: June 10, 2008, 02:41:56 AM »
@Ephraim: standard vigs can be roleblocked because they do their vigging at night.  But a dayvig is different.  Roleblocks tend to only be night actions.  Although with mods having fun with roles and characters, you can bet I'm not certain about that being the case this time.

Just noting that I can recall roleblockers who stopped their target's actions that night and throughout the next day. I'm not even going to begin speculating whether that's the case in this game, though.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #206 on: June 10, 2008, 02:52:25 AM »
QR: I'm not saying a later reveal, it's just that since you were gone for the early part of the game, your claim comes out fairly deep into debate on this day when we really weren't prepared for it.  That's why I wish you had waited until tomorrow.  Now we've either got to decide on two kills, when we can't even get a good consensus on one at the moment, or ignore your claim for the day and hope you're still around to do this tomorrow. 

On that note, we really do need to get focused here.  Who and how many should we smash?  We really should try and get an answer soon.

Triple ninja again but it doesn't look like it changes anything I have to say.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #207 on: June 10, 2008, 02:52:54 AM »
*not saying a later reveal is better

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #208 on: June 10, 2008, 02:54:18 AM »
Uh, Shale is getting into modkill territory here. He hasn't posted in two days. He hasn't even been at the boards in one. I'm not sure if there's something up there because this isn't really Shale's style, but it's been a long time. Maybe he forgot about the game?
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #209 on: June 10, 2008, 02:58:23 AM »
Eph: I know very well of the Melee Pichu = Brawl Pikachu arguments.  The Melee thing was mostly being tongue and cheek, and I was pretty much just dismissing it based on "Its Alex, how can he resist Pichu?"

I'm not taking it seriously; as I said, Alex probably randomly aligned Scum to different characters the same way he gave rolepowers, unless he's lying, which...I don't see.  IN any event, I didn't mean to imply anything by it!

@Ephraim: standard vigs can be roleblocked because they do their vigging at night.  But a dayvig is different.  Roleblocks tend to only be night actions.  Although with mods having fun with roles and characters, you can bet I'm not certain about that being the case this time.

I think Eph's point was that the DOC can be Roleblocked, thereby removing your protection, thereby leaving you open for a kill.  Naturally, its hard to do for Scum since they have to figure out who the Doc is.  Trying to predict Scum kills is hard to do for a number of reasons, granted; the potential existence of a Doc will naturally keep Scum being careful to go after obvious dangerous targets like QR if she is indeed not Scum (I say "Not Scum" since she could be an ITP and Scum would still want her dead anyway.)

So yeah, while Roleblocking may not effect your powers, it can effect the powers those who'd protect you, and leave you an open target.  We don't know what Scum may have learned on Night 0, let alone what kind of powers they have.

NINJA EDIT: Generally speaking, Eph, Roleblocking stops Night Actions, from what I remember of Suikomafia.  Sei (who got lynched Day 1 -_-) could Roleblock someone, and we had it verified that he could not stop CK's Day Vigs.
...but yeah, Eph's Ninja post just proved my assumption wrong.  My point still stands though!

IN any event, I agree with Rat that QR's Dayvig power should be used as much as possible.  There's no proof she's going to stay alive by tomorrow, and if she is indeed NK'd (again, speaking the hypothetical), we've just lost a valuable power we couldn't make use of.  As a result, it'd be in our best interest to keep this day alive longer in order to make use of this.

Its true someone might try to Smashvote Soppy to save their own skin, but that'd be the same as saying "LYNCH MY TOMORROW!" frankly.  Much like how if QR tries to do anything in interest of anyone else other than majority, she herself will be pretty much dead regardless of alignment.

Personally? Think its best we look at the people others have been keeping an eye on.  Rat's one of the candidates I'd say for the Day Vig, but of course, that's more a kneejerk suspicion thing and I'd want to hear what others say on the position...but that's obvious.  I should clarify that I mean I'm not deadset on aiming at him, and am very open to convincing to see someone else go or something...bah, I should probably just stop while I'm making half bit of sense.

...and while I'm trying to put my words together in a manner that makes sense, I get REPEATEDLY NINJA'D WHAT THE HELL YOU PEOPLE POST TOO MUCH! <_< >_> *is not one to talk*
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #210 on: June 10, 2008, 03:02:15 AM »
There is absolutely, positively no reason for the power not to be used since it is in the open. That would be moronic. Whether or not QR is scum, third party or otherwise doesn't particularly matter at this point. What matters is that she follows our lead and fires where town tells her to fire. :p Questioning her alignment at this stage is kind of futile. Like the flower, it is better left until evidence accrues. As long as she SMASHES at town's behast, there aren't really reasons to question her. Like the flower, it is also something to be watched as LYLO starts to loom, but that should kinda be obvious.

Speaking of, we do need to come up with some way to determine who our first kill of the day is going to be though. Normally we defaulted to whoever had the most votes halfway through the day. Since that obviously doesn't work though, we need to come up with some other way where town can decide on the matter. Should we just go with whoever hits 100% first, since, as long as no one SMASHvotes, we're fine? Should we vote between Bard's options? We need to figure out a satisfactory method for determination.

Also, Bardiche. Seriously. Did you suggest we don't use the Dayvig power? Seriously?

Similarly, Meeple! Character based conjecture is BAD. Historically, it has been completely useless in Mafia. More to the point, seriously, people. Don't list conjecture that you don't think serves a purpose or that is... well... silly. It simply muddies the water of discussion and makes you look bad at the same time. Getting sidetracked on such discussions detracts from more serious matters.

Anyhow, as far as real business goes... I support that the dayvig is treated like a SMASHvote. The first person to hit 100% (through votes or openly displayed powers, mind you. No sniping Soppy because of his flower), gets vigged. Simple, clean and efficient.

For candidates... it looks like Eph, Captain K, Carth and Bardiche are all realistic candidates and I'll say I'm open on all of them. Thoughts?

Ninja Edit: ...Carth actually does raise an excellent point there. Consider him moved down significantly on my list. If a scum is going to get hammered, they have no reason not to take Soppy-kins out first. That... goes a long way towards explaining your seeming contradiction. I hadn't considered that ramification of the flower. How dumb of me.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #211 on: June 10, 2008, 03:05:40 AM »
Uh, not sure what to make of that roleclaim.  A dayvig would be better on Day 2, when you have a clearer idea of who is scum and who is not.

Let's assume three options.

A) You're town, you think you can help town, but you need some advice on how to use your power (judging from your earlier post).  Possible.

B) You're a third-party vigilante.  I... can't think of any intelligent reason for a third-party vig to declare.  So it's either a massive mistake, or you're not a third-party.

C)  You're scum, declaring a (likely false) power to smokescreen something else.  Possibly to draw a doctor to protect you, since Scum would (I think?) want to nightkill a vigilante.  Or to smokescreen one of the existing debates, which is pretty much either Ephraim or me right now.

Wait, what? How does option C make any sense? If someone fakeclaims vig and is unable to back their claim up with an actual demonstration, they're bound to die for being a liar. The second sentence there makes even less sense. 1) If she doesn't come through with a daykill after offering to do so, she's probably getting lynched for making a claim and being unable to follow up on it; 2) If she's scum (as you suggest in this scenario), why does she need to worry about drawing a doc's attention to her in the first place? Look at that sentence, man. You're suggesting she needs a doc to protect her because she has a valuable role, in the same paragraph you're hypothesizing that she's scum making a fake claim. Even if she was scum, and if she makes it to the end of the day, and if she does get a doc to protect her, what would she have actually gained? It's simple statistics that a doc is unlikely to protect the right target night one anyway, especially in a game this size; a scum player sticking her neck out just to make sure the doc wastes a night action when the doc is likely to do that anyway is just...silly. I can't think of any angle that lets this paragraph make sense.

Note that this analysis isn't meant to prove QR as town or scum. I'm just totally baffled at the Captain's thought process here.


Eph: Since you've stated you think you were targeted by a roleblocker last night, was there any flavor text involved in the PM that you feel might be useful?

EDIT: Ninja'd five times? Jesus christ, people.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #212 on: June 10, 2008, 03:08:07 AM »
It is now day 1.  With 18 alive, each vote is worth 12% damage.

The stage for day 1 is Battlefield.  It has no gameplay effects.

Captain Olimar (Sopko) has a beautiful flower growing out of his head!

Yakumo (Ganondorf): 0% - Ciato
Meeple (Poketrainer): 0% - , Ephraim, Sopko
Carthrat (Ike): 24% - Ciato, Taishyr, Nitori, Bardiche, Meeple
Bardiche (Jigglypuff): 24% - Strago, QR, Andrew, QuietRain, Yakumo, El Cid, Sopko
Shale (Mario): 0% - , Meeple, Captain K, Nitori, Taishyr
Excal (Marth): 0% - , Yakumo, Ciato
Taishyr (Kirby): 0% - , Bardiche, Captain K, Sopko
El Cid (Falco): 0% - , Taishyr, Strago
Strago (Wolf): 0% - Excal
Sopko (Olimar): 91% - , Carthrat, Meeple, Taishyr
Captain K (Pink Luigi): 60% - Yakumo, El Cid, Andrew, Sopko, Nitori, Carthrat, El Cid
Ephraim (MetaKnight): 72% - Fnorder, Excal, Meeple, Dread Thomas, Carthrat, Captain K, Taishyr, Bardiche
QuietRain (Pikachu): 12% - Shale, Bardiche
Andrew (Toon Link): 0% - Dread Thomas
Nitori (Snake): 0% - Andrew
EvilTom (Link): 0% - , Excal, Nitori, Carthrat, Ephraim

Under normal circumstances a ##Smashvote will KO anyone who is at or over 100% damage, no matter how they reached that amount.

Shale has indeed not posted for some time.  He also hasn't been on the boards, nor in IRC.  It is pretty evident he has had something come up IRL.  In a normal game, I would modkill for this, but this is a role heavy game and we're still on day 1 so I'm leaving it be for now.  As always contact me privately with any questions/concerns/etc.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #213 on: June 10, 2008, 03:17:17 AM »
I don't understand why people are so weird about dayvigs in these games. Can't we worry about them later, if they are going to try to be benefical to us? Why do we dwell on this stuff?

QR claiming right now I believe was very wise. I would like to see the results of any dayvigging before we decide who to lynch.

For vig candidates, I will consider who I want to propose as a lynch target (other than who my vote is for, of course) after reading over the stuff that people have posted while I was taking my nap.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #214 on: June 10, 2008, 03:26:55 AM »
Also, Bardiche. Seriously. Did you suggest we don't use the Dayvig power? Seriously?

I'm thinking you read that wrong. I was presenting the three possibilities, although I guess I should've stacked in 4) lolol go for random target as a fourth possibility even though it is not viable. I already made it clear earlier that my input on who to use it on would probably seem a bit awkward, since as you so demonstrate, there are still people that find me an eligible candidate for the ability/smashvote. So as far as your request goes:

For candidates... it looks like Eph, Captain K, Carth and Bardiche are all realistic candidates and I'll say I'm open on all of them. Thoughts?

I can only ask to stay your hand and not kill me. Between the three of them, I can't say for certain which is scummiest and which is not, because all three have their quirks and it is a matter of what you weigh to be more important. I feel like a tape recorder if I were to repeat my suspicions, and I really don't want to drag even more possibilities in for fear of never coming to a consensus and people getting fed up with the discussion that they just want to get it over with.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #215 on: June 10, 2008, 03:44:35 AM »
Yakumo, I withdraw the statement about defending after the fact.  I misread the order of your earlier posts.

Cid, that seems like possible reasons for scum to claim dayvig to me.  Maybe not the best reasons, but ones that occurred to me while I was writing.  What do you think are possible reasons a scum would claim vig?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #216 on: June 10, 2008, 03:55:14 AM »
Scum would not claim a Day Vig unless, perhaps, at best, they see themselves dying this round, and something like the Flower is pushing someone to a limit, and they could buy a slight bit of time to get that other person to 100% so they can Smashvote.

This, at best, would buy them all of a Day (though, possible Scum Power Role which could be important and every day that can stay alive helps), though, and they'd pretty much require to back it up the next Day or they'd be most assuredly killed. 

This is obviously not the case; QR has little to no case built on her, and is not a primary suspect at all.  So if she was scum that couldn't back up the Day Vig, she just did a very *psyduck* inducing stunt.

Really, there's no reason to Role Claim a Day Power as open as a Day Vig if you can't back it up.  It is possible QR is not telling us EVERYTHING about the power, like there might be some restriction (one even she doesn't know about!), but most likely, she can at very least back up her claim to some degree.

Scum role claiming Day Vigs is about the stupidest thing they can do, since once they do, they WILL be tested (which is one of the main reasons a Day power of that magnitude should be used once its revealed, if only so it can be tested), and if they don't deliver, they'll be dead soon.  Unless of a course, this is a scum with a Day Vig, which...would make things really cracked out. 

Either way, regardless of Alignment, QR's power should be used in order to help gain the 2 to 1 edge.  The question, naturally, is who to go after.  Any of the main Lynch Candidates would work, frankly (I know I said Rat before, but I also said I wasn't locked on that idea alone, open to convincing, etc.)

NOTE: I'm aware I brought the Flower Up again, but it was for purposes of a hypothetical situation; I don't mean to stress its importance, I apologize if I accidentally gave that.
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #217 on: June 10, 2008, 03:59:34 AM »
Captain K., I see it being basically suicidal to do so without the ability to back up the claim. Hence my bafflement at at your conjecture. Comparing risk and reward, it simply does not seem worth it. That's the fakeclaiming scenario, at least. Now, a daykilling scum role isn't something I can remember seeing before. This is a strange game, so perhaps I shouldn't rule it out, but I do think it unlikely. In any event, I'll be convinced when I see QR's claim in action.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #218 on: June 10, 2008, 04:03:23 AM »
Okay, so. I feel pretty massively behind, and I'm having a tough time finding some kind of way into these arguments. Mrff. Obviously I have to give it a shot, though.

Strago: Yes, you too. Your entire vote on me (In before "OMGUS") is based on two things: 1) The fact I remarked that I could be scum because I have no way to proof I am not and 2) My personality in which I am simply not that strong in defending myself in excess. That seems like a wholly weak basis to vote, to me, and you didn't even mention anything about my admittedly badly construed suspicion against Carthrat. At first you say you don't want to vote me, and then cite Otacon's "pressure" of saying that terrorists grow stronger over time as being the deciding factor to vote me.
When questioned on it, you stick to your guns by citing, again, that I said "I could be scum", whereupon your entire vote on me seems to be justified by.
Miraculously, no one found this any bit suspicious. Seriously. What?

What? No. Argh, I am clearly bad at expressing myself and for that I apologize. My problem with what you said oh-so-long-ago was that it could be interpreted as a Freudian slip. I understand the intellectual exercise behind that portion of the argument, but syntactically it made it seem like you were accidentally saying in actual fact - albeit in an indirect way - that you were scum. At any rate, I don't think my point bears any more repeating; I acknowledged it as tenuous to begin with. I only want to make clear what my point actually was in the first place.

As far as my not citing your suspicions of Carthrat, that's a fair enough point. I refer back to the fact that the actual details of what you two were arguing over struck me as general Day 1 Town v. Town stuff. I needled you in the more specific ways I did because, at the time, they were really all I could pinpoint as scummy.

So who do I think looks bad? I'm not entirely sure. I've got a handful of suspicions, but frankly they still aren't based on very much (not nearly enough to get them lynched, I mean) and I'm not entirely sure I want to let people know I find them skeezy. Since all that does if they're scum is alert them to my doubts, ja? Grargh. I don't know, of the people who are on the block right now the one who looks the worst to me is probably Captain K. He's got an unhealthy combo of sketchy behavior (rolefishing) and the pity-plea sort of attitude I don't find constructive.

To Andrew I say this: you say there's no reason not to use QR's Dayvig power (which I assume must exist, since what the hell kind of bluff is that to make?). I disagree. While I don't think Soppy's flower poses any real imminent threat, I do still worry about Otacon's initial warning and wonder if our stalling isn't helping scum in some way that we cannot discern. If so, waiting around until we had gotten consensus on two lynch candidates could be a very bad thing for us. For this reason I'm leaning towards voting Captain K and moving him towards smashtown right about now. But I'm still not sure.

That being said... if we want to use 100% as a margin for first using QR's Dayvig, and then go on to the next highest in a fairly expedient fashion I guess that would work well enough. To that end, or something like it, I suppose I'll put my vote somewhere more useful.

##UNVOTE: Bardiche
##VOTE: Captain K

Because he still seems more likely scum than Eph, at the moment.

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #219 on: June 10, 2008, 04:04:09 AM »
1) Both Captain K and Ephraim bite the dust today.

That sounds like a bad idea.  The worst cast scenario is that we both turn up town, then we really got nothing to go on except two people who played bad Mafia and two dead townies, plus the nightkill. That's a too strong of a risk even for day 1.  Now say you got town/scum from this ordeal, and I'd say that's a fair deal. Striking scum early is always a good thing regards of some casualties.[/quote]

2) We stay tied between Captain K and Ephraim, let QuietRain kill either Carthrat or me to see if those suspicions are grounded.

This I think is a better idea.  I was going to suggest Rat, but he finally cleared up the issue about the flower.  Yeah, it's not overly important nor really related to Soppy at all (although I don't like it when he goes "avoid the smash on Soppy").  However, it is an issue to look forward to, which is what I was trying to explain about in the first place before people tried using my arguement as "deflecting my reasoning towards my vote towards Tom" (I already explained it was more of a anti-mafiacrab vote than serious one and I forgot to detract my vote).  So my suspisions towards Rat is on hold.  This leaves Bardiche, who already suggested that he would gladly take the vigkill.  That sounds more like a sympathetic  reason for QR to NOT kill you.  Plus your quote of "I should vote for this guy, even though there's better scum targets right now" still stirs me (not exactly quoted but you get the point) Right now, I heavly suggest Bardiche right now.

3) Call bluffs and ignore the possibility.

I thought of this too but there's real no way of finding out unless we try.  At worst, we can sic some rolecops if possible at QR to find out her true nature.  I just think of it as a waste to not use dayvig powers if it's possible.

El Cideon:  Something about my vision was obstructed by smoke.  I'm trying not to quote exactly what the PM said, but it was clear that I was blocked Night 0.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #220 on: June 10, 2008, 04:05:46 AM »
Ciato sez I'm happy to lynch whoever (all my votes had a reason behind them, please attach context to voting record next time).

Ciato- and, regrettably, a whole bunch of people, managed to miss the implications of Sopko's rising percentage.

Finally, the whole "People are jumping on the usual suspects" thing? That's paranoia fuel at it's highest, really.

So I'm not really happy with Ciato, no. OMGUSish, I guess. Don't really want to see her lynched today, though.


I am not really impressed with Cap'n K. I just can't handle people saying "I have nothing much to say really." How do you engage with this? How can you draw anything but a negative conclusion?

About Eph claiming he was roleblocked; thing is, that is in fact information I feel is better distributed early in the day than late (as it doesn't actually out a town role, unlike claiming.) Why did you wait until now to disclose this?


I'm hoping for a dayvig on Eph or Cap'n today, most likely followed by a *brief* (and it'll have to be brief) discussion and another lynch. I'm seriously hoping for this to happen soon. QR, are you around?

Lord Ephraim

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #221 on: June 10, 2008, 04:07:40 AM »
I was going through the votes and I noticed that Madfnorder has a vote on me for no particular reason other than "stop lurking" and I'm not really happy be this close to the KO mark with a vote on me like this.  Where are you~


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #222 on: June 10, 2008, 04:14:43 AM »
I'm thinking we use the 100% Mark through votes (meaning Soppy's Flower is a nonfactor for this; going after him at this stage doesn't really give us much), and have QR Dayvig that person, then discuss who our lynch will be.

Feels like the best way to gauge who we want gone at the moment.  If someone has 100% through votes, it stands to reason most people agree that he should be lynched, and only reason he's not is cause of the altered voting system.

Though, regardless who it is, we do need to definitely have SOME discussion as to who to Lynch should we abide by this strategy.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #223 on: June 10, 2008, 04:18:17 AM »
Oh yeah, forgot to bring up another point in favor of Day Vigging.

Look at it this way:
Its not necessarily a Vig, but another Lynch.

One that causes an automatic Roleblocked Night to occur whereby all Night Actions are cancelled.

What does that mean?  It means that even if we do get a Town...that's still a role flip that we can work with for the next lynch.  Day 1 Lynches are random, yes, but with someone Vigged, we can at least have SOME info on who to work with for the actual Lynch, and Scum can't do jack (hopefully, anyway; its possible they have wonky roles that kick in Day Time) for our next move.

At the risk of sacrificing one more townie for the sake of at least SOME information, the Day Vig seems worth it.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 1, 18 brawling)
« Reply #224 on: June 10, 2008, 04:23:06 AM »
2) We stay tied between Captain K and Ephraim, let QuietRain kill either Carthrat or me to see if those suspicions are grounded.

This I think is a better idea.  I was going to suggest Rat, but he finally cleared up the issue about the flower.  Yeah, it's not overly important nor really related to Soppy at all (although I don't like it when he goes "avoid the smash on Soppy").  However, it is an issue to look forward to, which is what I was trying to explain about in the first place before people tried using my arguement as "deflecting my reasoning towards my vote towards Tom" (I already explained it was more of a anti-mafiacrab vote than serious one and I forgot to detract my vote).  So my suspisions towards Rat is on hold.  This leaves Bardiche, who already suggested that he would gladly take the vigkill.  That sounds more like a sympathetic  reason for QR to NOT kill you.  Plus your quote of "I should vote for this guy, even though there's better scum targets right now" still stirs me (not exactly quoted but you get the point) Right now, I heavly suggest Bardiche right now.

Wait a moment, I stated I'd gladly take the vigkill? Or even suggested so? I think I clearly stated that I prefer you stay your hand and not kill me - If you must kill me for being suspicious, I rather would survive through the first day because frankly, dying on the first day sucks. Hard. Balls.

Moreover, you were the one I voted on despite feeling you weren't entirely scummy, because the only thing I have to go on is still left in the open and unanswered. (That one being, jumping on the Tom bandwagon with an argument that could be interpreted in multiple ways due to a lack of proper punctuation/clarity whether it is properly construed) Unless you went back about that and I missed it, I don't really have any lead to go on to accuse you of being scum. The reason I voted on you?

And I said I'd still get back on Ephraim. As I said before, his... Outbursts made me seriously feel as if we are ganging up on someone and deterring them from having fun. His arguments are rather bad, he's been avoiding the matter which I think four of us questioned him about (his argument for voting on Tom, rather), and I dunno. To me, there are a few other people that seem all the more better of a choice, but I'm aware that I have nothing to really get them lynched on, as Ephraim's actions overshadow theirs. At the cost of maybe sounding OMGUS due to his latest post, I'm going to put my vote on him as well so that we can move past day 1 and start getting a better overview of the situation.

I want to move on so I can get a better construed case on the people I am still suspicious of, in hopes that the light of a lack of people to immediately jump on might force them to talk out. Right now, all anyone really has to do is squabble back and forth between "Lynch Carthrat, Lynch Bardiche, Lynch Captain K, Lynch Ephraim".

If QR feels the same way you do, and that I am the best choice, I'd like her to speak up and say it before doing it so that I may have a chance to react.