Author Topic: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (GAME OVER)  (Read 70347 times)


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #375 on: June 12, 2008, 03:36:29 AM »
Tied in with my misgivings about his early day one arguments, Bard looks pretty bad right now. Why go to all that trouble to defend someone who, on day one, had done exactly that thing which half the group said would be the scummiest thing possible (smashvoting Soppy with no announcement) and killed a cooperative dayvig in the process?

Mind if I get a raincheck on answering that? Don't worry, I'll answer it this day, I just need some time to properly find the words needed to answer that.

Also, who're still alive at this point?

El Cideon

Of those nine, although El Cideon funnily enough only highlighted me, there were two others that initially didn't want to immediately vote for Captain K and were convinced alongside me.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #376 on: June 12, 2008, 03:37:29 AM »
Um, I was roleblocked as well last night. >_> So uh are there -three- roleblockers in this game? Devising bigger post but it will take very long time since well I ate something spicy and my body apparently does not approve!
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #377 on: June 12, 2008, 03:53:13 AM »
Mind if I get a raincheck on answering that? Don't worry, I'll answer it this day, I just need some time to properly find the words needed to answer that.

We don't appear to be on a timer (today), and you've been pretty consistent about replying to queries, soooo yeah, not worried about you not responding.

Of those nine, although El Cideon funnily enough only highlighted me, there were two others that initially didn't want to immediately vote for Captain K and were convinced alongside me.

One of the others being Carthrat, yes, and I believe I demonstrated that I had plenty of other reasons to call him out. The other is Ciato, who I have no strong reading on but who certainly didn't make the kind of effort you did to defend a blatantly scummy player.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #378 on: June 12, 2008, 03:55:56 AM »
H'okay, I guess I'm going to play out all my cards now. Also, I'm dead at the end of this day, or the end of the next night. Oh well. It's worth it. I just can't find a way to argue this without having to try and win your trust and at the same time not incur the Mafia's wrath.

I'm Town Cop, Jigglypuff. At night, I put people to sleep and then rifle through their pockets to see if I can find anything incriminating on him. I knew beforehand that there are two Mafia factions: One main faction, and a lone scum that operated alone, but would win with the main faction.

The reason I said "Hey, I could be scum!" was because I figured that if I pretended to be scum, then the scum would come protect me, thinking I was their ally. I surmise this is what happened when EvilTom got killed: They killed their scumbuddy. I have no idea where the night vig came from. I'm not sure whether or not they fell for the ruse, but I think it is safe to say now that there is no need for me to keep up a pretense and I fear that even without saying I am still pretty much in danger of dying before being able to reveal what I know.

Now, moving on.

Why did I defend Captain K? Remember how on Day 1 I continuously stressed that I could be paranoid for thinking Carth was scum. Truth is, I investigated them both, and Captain K turned up Innocent, while Carthrat turned up scum. I wanted to hold off and genuinely thought Captain could've done something stupid, then didn't want to risk revealing myself without confirming my sanity so hopped on Captain K bandwagon. Since he's godfather, I surmise my sanity is in order.

Ciato and Carthrat were confirmed scum according to my investigations. My minor ability, Sing, put Carthrat's role out of commission for this Day Round. I highly advise Town to take action against either Carthrat or Ciato.

I know I am asking a lot of you, but trust me on this. It sounds absurd that I investigated three Mafia in a row, but I did.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #379 on: June 12, 2008, 04:02:16 AM »
Godfather shows up as town regardless of sanity. So either you are insane or a liar. If you feel that your convictions are so strong, why doth not lay down a vote?

Of course this confirms Rat as town to me, for whatever that's worth!
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #380 on: June 12, 2008, 04:03:16 AM »
(If you aren't lying. Which I don't think you are but I'm gullible.)
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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #381 on: June 12, 2008, 04:07:08 AM »
Nice try, Ciato.

Godfather shows up as Town.

If I am Paranoid, ALL results will be Scum.
If I am Naive, ALL results will be Town.
If I am Insane, ALL results will be inverted, meaning Godfather would show as Scum.

You're not getting out of this. Even if I die, my role will be confirmed, and you can't talk your way out of anything once they can confirm I am Town-aligned Cop. I'm exposing myself at the cost of taking down two Scum, and perhaps I'll be lucky and we have some sort of Bodyguard or otherwise protective role left that can defend me.

Why not lay a vote down? Because frankly I am aware you are both Scum, but not aware of your roles. Conveniently, you are both Role Blocked, meaning neither of you two can act in our disfavor: And if any other Mafia has any roles that could be your saving grace, they'll be consigning themselves to death by protecting you.

But if it's a vote you want, here you go:
##VOTE: Ciato


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Night 2, 11 brawling)
« Reply #382 on: June 12, 2008, 04:09:14 AM »
It is now Day 3.  With 9 alive, each vote is worth 25%.

The stage for Day 3 is Hyrule Temple!  While fun, it's hard to actually KO people here.  Under otherwise normal circumstances, a Smashvote will not KO anyone on Temple unless they are at or above 125% first, instead of 100%.

Carthrat (Ike): 25% - El Cid
Taishyr (Kirby): 1% - No one
Ciato (Dedede): 25% - Bardiche


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #383 on: June 12, 2008, 04:09:25 AM »
A quick post before I myself head off to class for a long time period, but I am currently in support of a push on Cap'n K for reasons stated by Meeple and Carthrat for reasons stated by Nitori. Since Carthrat has the lesser of the two votes, combined with my hopes that I'll be able to return in ten hours and reply with far greater detail,

Off to another soul-consuming day, weeee.

06:28:10, the 10th of June.

Well now, I'm confused.  I'm the town Dayvig, so is QR really Scum trying to get support?

##PinkLuigiSmashVote: QuietRain

And since that doesn't end the day,

##Smashvote: Sopko(Olimar)

because this day needs to fucking end.


16:02:47, the 10th of June.

16-6=10, 02:47 is before 28:10, so effectively 9 hours, 30 minutes passed between my post saying I would be gone and the hammer.

Night time! I obviously can't post then, can I?

Then, day 2!

Regarding what happened yesterday pretty much all right before I got back:

a. s. d. f.

I now have classes again! Content in three+ hours (likely no less than six or so).

And at least something good has happened thus far.

10:05:23, 11th of June.


It is now Night 2.   Get those night actions in... again.

11:18:24, 11th of June.

The day effectively ended in a little under an hour. I said I would be gone again. I was gone again! Surprise, enter fugging goddamn screen right.

Today I was going to be gone four hours but a screaming migraine brought me back to my room whimpering! So for some reason I'm working on Mafia because people keep expecting me to be magnetically glued to this bloody keyboard and prepared to comment every single time someone friggin' well says something.

Am I a bit short-tempered right now?! MAYBE. (>_>) Just... asdf. I don't blame you guys for ending day 2 quickly, we did not need Cap'n K living, I decided that after I went to class and thought it over. Day one being ended by Cap'n K also took that day out of my hands, but please don't for the love of the bloody hells blame me for the tornado mess that Cap'n K's made, even indirectly as it bloody well reads to me you guys are doing here.

I'm seriously looking through all this but I'm not getting much traction. Main suspicions lie on Carthrat (this is slightly OMGUS, but I'm wondering now about how this is working; for some reason I doubt we have a swarm of roleblockers, though with two doctors and two daykillers I'm not sure of anything anymore) and Bardiche (Cap'n K defense, day 1 issues) on a preliminary read, I'm going to go through this a bit slowly and flesh out my reasons.

(Either three roleblockers, one of whom is dead (EvilTom), two roleblockers (one dead) and one of Rat/Ciato is lying, or MASS ROLEBLOCKER PANIC, in which case my migraine gets worse. Of Rat/Ciato tiebreaker is that I'm not sure why a roleblocker would stick on one person. Out of curiousity, Ciato/Rat, what flavor did you guys get if any?)

EDIT: ...Bardiche is town Cop? Mmm. This... this is incredibly... hm.

Rat. I ask you right here, right now. Did you receive any other message of any sort night 1, other than the one saying you had been roleblocked?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #384 on: June 12, 2008, 04:11:55 AM »
Also, Bardiche:

Here, Godfather/Miller roles tend to override sanities.

So Ciato poses a valid point. Fortunately, we need only kill one to test you. I still bet on the Rat.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #385 on: June 12, 2008, 04:13:22 AM »
Triplepost, because something occurred to me:

Bardiche, also please provide the order which you investigated people in.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #386 on: June 12, 2008, 04:15:22 AM »
Night 0: Carthrat.
Night 1: Captain K.
Night 2: Ciato.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #387 on: June 12, 2008, 04:17:19 AM »
... huh. That is definitely interesting. Bardiche's Cop claim, I mean. I... huh. Yeah, that is pretty damning indeed. Especially since I had been nodding in agreement with Bard and El Cid's talkings about those two before I read Bardiche's claim.

Tai, can you cite any actual precedent for Miller roles overriding sanities? I can't recall any.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #388 on: June 12, 2008, 04:22:42 AM »
Grmf. Of course with our Watcher and Tracker both dead we're not likely to find out if a Framer got to either Carth or Ciato, so it's important to keep in mind that even lynching one doesn't necessarily clear or implicate the other. Just tossing that out there.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #389 on: June 12, 2008, 04:23:17 AM »
Taishyr: No! I did not, I received no message of any kind apart from that I was roleblocked.

I don't believe Bardiche is lying and think he's an insane cop, and have in fact thought he was town since roughly halfway through day one.

Kill Ciato tomorrow if you kill me today. I believe I am a miller but don't know it, or I was framed. I have consistantly attempted to mobilize discussion, whereas I feel Ciato was deliberately trying to extend day 1 in an attempt to allow Cap'n K to get in the extra kill; she and Taishyr both pulled this by dropping votes on neither train when things were getting dicey. My plan today was to slam Taishyr and get him lynched for this to see if it confirms my suspicions, but there's no getting around this copclaim.
I'm a busdriver. Every night, I must switch two people. I cannot choose to switch nobody. It is ironic that roleblocking me is actually a neutral move and town is likely to lose little from doing so.

On night zero I switched Yakumo and Sopko- which is one of the major reasons I felt more strongly than I normally would over whether or not to use that flower as evidence. I had considered that someone may have intel on it that I don't, but said intel wouldn't be helpful in this case. I breadcrumbed this at the start of the day; Yak and Sopko were the first two people I mentioned. I intended to repeat this on later days and hope someone got a clue.

I planned to switch Yakumo and pretty much anyone on night 1. He killed himself, however, and QR died soon after, meaning I couldn't rely on him to protect her while I protected him from the inevitable scum reprisal, nor could I actually protect her the following night (by swapping her with some target I think is mildly scummy and town is better off without.)

I tried to switch Cap'n K and Taishyr on night 1; this was a test to see if Cap'n K was scum or not. If Taishyr died, I would've assumed Cap'n K was being a total moron- but telling the truth. It was for this reason I was slightly hesitant to vote him out on day 2; I felt I would be able to get a 100% clear picture of his identity. However I decided later that really, there was no excuse for killing QR.

I intended to switch Bardiche and Ciato on night 2, more to see what happened than anything else, as I expected Ciato to be the type that gets targeted with many effects, and Bardiche to not. I planned to fish around today on that, and then roleclaim what I'd done and see what happens. However, I was blocked by Bardiche.

##Vote: Ciato for justice etc.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #390 on: June 12, 2008, 04:26:35 AM »
Alright. Good to know, I wanted all the cards on the table. (Also a minor trap to make sure you had a valid order; doesn't mean you're innocent but it's good to see the info regardless.)

Edit for Strago: Touhou is a notable one; the truecop, QR (who saw through everything, even millerness) got killed by me due to investigating me and getting Town, when I was Miller, and I think the lazycop got Scum on me? God I tried to forget that game. But yeah. I... was about to say Discworld but that actually wasn't the case, all the cops were sane and it was the roles that were deterrents. So mmm. I know it's how I always set up games: supercop > appearances > normal cops. I suppose there haven't been many if any other games sanities have been brought into play, though... so my statement was erroneous. My apologies, I went off personal experience instead of general DL setup. Then again, masoned doctors. I suppose neither of the two is reliable anymore. woob woob woob.

Edit 2: Interesting, Rat. And so you do admit to wanting to slam me down. I thought that move was way too aggressive.

Thinking on who I want to vote for here, still leaning Carthrat.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #391 on: June 12, 2008, 04:27:32 AM »
Tai: I don't hold lack of participation on day two against you. It ran seventy-five minutes and I myself was asleep the whole damn time. It's more day one, which I do think you could've been more active for. Nevertheless, good to have you back now.

As for Bardiche, the cop...interesting. If you are a sane cop, the Captain certainly would've read as town. If we're contemplating lynching one of your investigation targets, I think it's clear that I'd rather go with Carthrat. Now, we've killed two scum, so barring multiple-family insanity, I think we can afford to take a risk on this. I don't entirely trust you, Bard, but...between two people I'm suspicious of, I'd rather not axe the one kaking a cop claim. Testing a claim and hitting someone I'm already suspicious of does not sound like a bad bargain to me. If Bard is wrong, and lives through the night, he is obviously highly suspect himself tomorrow. If he's right, we get scum and have a good shot at another tomorrow.

Of course, I want Rat to speak up in his defense before we do anything.

EDIT: Speak of the rodent, and he posts. Gimme a minute here.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #392 on: June 12, 2008, 04:31:23 AM »


Who were your roleblock targets previously?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #393 on: June 12, 2008, 04:34:26 AM »
I can only roleblock once. My Minor Ability is Sing, which can roleblock a target only once in the game.

I'm a regular Cop now.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #394 on: June 12, 2008, 04:35:35 AM »
Mrrfff. I want a roleclaim from Ciato right about now.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #395 on: June 12, 2008, 04:38:17 AM »
Just read El Cid's post again.

I'll re-state it.

I was informed alongside my role that there is one main scum faction with one lone scum operating seperate from the scum faction. The main scum don't know the name of lone scum, but know there is one. The lone scum knows all main mafia scum names and was to get in touch with them.

So I think it is safe to say that there is only one scum faction. Still, someone killed EvilTom in the night with no other kills, so I'm tempted to believe he was the lone scum.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #396 on: June 12, 2008, 04:41:43 AM »
Kill Ciato tomorrow if you kill me today. I believe I am a miller but don't know it, or I was framed.

Aw, hellfire. Rat...I'm a miller. I'm not saying you can't also be one, since we've had plenty of bizarre duplicate roles already, but I felt I had to claim this now. If I'm still around for the endgame, the inevitable question would be "Why didn't you counterclaim Rat?" So here's my claim.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #397 on: June 12, 2008, 04:42:45 AM »
I thought the guy killing Dread Thomas was Shale, actually. Remember? SK? I think he was forced to kill each night, and lucked upon Dread Thomas (he wasn't here to pick a target, I presume, and one was rolled up randomly.)

I guess I also want a roleclaim from Ciato, but I've been pretty sold on Bardiche's towniness for a while. I can't see scum playing like he has.


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #398 on: June 12, 2008, 04:43:43 AM »
Then why did the Mafia not act?

Alex, can you give us insights on this theory? Did you random kill someone for Shale or did you skip him out?


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Re: Super Mafia Bros Brawl - Game Topic (Day 3, 9 brawling)
« Reply #399 on: June 12, 2008, 04:45:15 AM »
Wait, why would it be expected that you counterclaim me?

Claiming miller is literally inviting suspicion on you, if you can go the whole game without needing to claim it you're in a good spot.

I'm not actually explicitly claiming miller- I am stating that somehow the investigation on me is flawed, presuming Bardiche is telling the truth, which I think he is. That was.. weird, Cid.


Bardiche: Beats me. Maybe they tried and couldn't for some reason. I don't know what's up with all these killing roles.