
Author Topic: Bonus matches.  (Read 13946 times)


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2008, 06:00:07 AM »
ThePiggyman: As discussed over IRC, great minds think alike.  Let me post my version of the same bonus I've had sitting around for a bit, and we'll use both eventually, just not too close in time.

Also, as a general "idea for a Bonus Match" note, Gares joined the Double Downgrade Club last period.  That's some dubious company Gares is with now, since he's also a member of the NDF.  Anyone up for writing the latest chronicle of the DDC?  Let's see...  members would currently be Justin, Worker 8, Jet, Opera, Menardi, and possibly the booted Darkham (he downgraded just as he was expelled).  Their last match is at
which is sadly in accessible from the main log, because it doesn't seem to have a title.  An odd DB bug?

It seems like we're running a bit low on normal bonuses.  I'd kind of like to have a bonus every week, so as an easy-to-write filler, it might be good to revive the DL Team Battles.  Basically they're an extra team battle in the week like those seen in week 6, and the emphasis is more on who'd actually win rather than flavor.  While normally tossing out ideas isn't as helpful as writing them out (despite me doing just that above), for the DL Team Battles feel free to just say "this would be an amusing match."  And the write-ups aren't exactly hard, normally - intro, hype for team A, hype for team B, who will win??

Actually, might as well post one of those myself...


DL Team Battles VII

Ah, the heroes who saved the world from Metagod and Cardinal Simon. Let's see, there was Godlike Champion Yuri for damage, recent Middle Champion Alice for healing, and...  maybe some others?  Well, Shadow Hearts' "B squad" is out for respect, and the best way is to earn it in a proper Team Match.  Their opponents?  The sanity-reducing duo of Albedo and his fellow mad killer Testament Luis Virgil.

The Godlike Testaments are certainly worthy opponents, with Virgil making it to the Semifinals in Season 43.  The sidekicks will have only a choose of dooms when they decide who to attack first: Both Albedo and Virgil have powerful limit abilities that activate at low HP.  Albero can blow away all of Zhuzhen or Halley's MP - if they're even still alive, rendering their healing powerless. Virgil can unleash his mighty Victim's Hail, probably breaking the entire party and inflicting excellent icy death in the process.  The weight of inevitably is on their side as well - if the exorcists mess around too long chipping their HP, the pair will have time to build their boost gauges and slay them all in a single mess of destruction.  With Virgil using Overtaker at the start of the battle, that's not likely to be too long a time.  As a final insult, Albedo's excellent elemental resistances should definitely slow down the mostly elemental attacks of the Shadow Hearts also-rans.

Exorcist Zhuzen, long mocked, will provide some healing, and his Flames of Fudo exploits Virgil's Fire weakness.   Halley can also heal, and more importantly, revive anyone taken down by the Testaments.  Meanwhile Keith & Margarete will smash with their best damage, which is respectable enough.  Like Zhuzen, Margarete even has the multi-target Diving Bomber support for some spectacular fiery explosions to take Virgil down with.  The whole team can easily block any attempts to poison, confuse, or stop them with handy Cosmic Bracelets, too.  If nothing else, there's the sheer weight of four people smashing into a boss at once.  With their HP in the DL only so-so, it really won't take that much firepower to finish off the freaks.

So who wins?  The classic combination of vampires, spies, exorcists, and annoying psychic kids?  Or does absolute power mixed with madness take the day?

* Keith-Halley-Zhuzhen-Margarete have this one tied up.
* Albedo & Virgil drive some more foolish heroes insane.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 06:11:28 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2008, 05:03:03 PM »



Once again we at Eurocorp are pleased to bring you this entirely unaltered recording with which to sooth and cleanse your mind and body of impurities that you may be withholding from your friends, colleagues and local intellectual content inspector.  We reccomend you listen to it in your sleep while most open to its power to cleanse the mind.  Make it so.






3.  Manufacture - Conveyor Belt for Killers, Yoshitaka Hirota, Yasunori Mitsuda. Shadow Hearts OST.


4.  Kommienezuspadt, Tom Waits, Alice.


5.  The Black Angel's Death Song,  The Velvet Underground, The Velvet Underground & Nico.





 --  And everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go!
 --  Even more demonic baby noises than normal babies.
 --  Taylorism for the methodical deconstruction of victims.
 --  Black Angel's Death Song. MOST. METAL. TITLE. EVER.
 --  Ewwww revival albums are horrid.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 05:07:26 PM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2008, 03:27:29 AM »
NOTE: Style of the bonus match is written this way on purpose; I am trying to make more of a screen write format than an actual'll see why.


*Crash landing is scene, out of it pops something that you describing can only harm someone*

Giygas: Aha! After 10 years, I am happy! Now to conquor earth!

*scene shift to base, Xorn appears in a large tube*

Xorndon: FATE! Giygas has escaped! Gather several villains with self hate!


Kevin Winnicot as EMO RED!


Ritz as EMO PINK!


Seymour Guado as EMO BLUE!

Leon Magnus as EMO BLACK!

*music overture, shows all the rangers, even those yet revealed, transforming*


Sync as EMO GREEN!


Cloud Strife as EMO YELLOW!


*opening animation cuts out*

Leon: Why is he on our team?  All of us are villains, and he's hardly emo!

Sync: You clearly haven't played Kingdom Hearts, have you?

Leon: Yeah, well...prove yourself to us!

Cloud: My life is lost in darkness, I have given myself up for power, I am dead to most people.

Leon:  ...I suppose that'll do...

Seymour: Can we please finish the opening song?

*music kicks back on, animation continues*


Emelious De Pamela as EMO WHITE!


*Title Screen appears, with the word Emo Rangers, a knife shoved within the middle of the o, with what looks like blood pouring out of it, the entire title is in various shades of black and grey*

-The Emo Rangers defeat the All Powerful and Cheerful Giygas
-The Power of HAPPINESS and possibly Love is too much for our Emos
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2008, 06:56:33 PM »
Equity Friends South: The Debut
-Meeple Lard

"So its confirmed that my original Arch Nemisis is in fact busy?"

"Yes, he has other things to attend to, which make him unable to face you."

"Perfect! With Alkaiser out of the way, nothing shall stop me!" shouted Boss X from the darkness.  "Soon, my plan to take over the world using nothing but guys in jump suits and masks will come to fruition!  Come Dr. Klein, let us prepare our evil!"

"Yes, of course!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" a voice from the distance was heard. 

Appearing out of a smoke bomb was an old man dressed like a ridiculous Ninja "Behold my phenomonal stealth skills, for I am...The Septageneric Ninja!"

Then a pink bat came flying in, transforming into a young female vampire "I'm Ballerina Mask!"

"Come, my mighty stead, oh Le Stallion Magnifique, for I am Lady Lightbringer, and you shall know my wrath evil ones!" screamed L'Arachel riding form an illogical sunset.

Lastly, smashing through a glass skylight that was definitely not there 5 minutes ago "And lacking any sort of witty way to intro myself, I'll just be blunt: I am Monster Z!"

The four heroes all stood in respective poses, with random explosions and flower petals and other illogical things you'd see to make the scene even MORE corny than it already was.

"We are Equity Friends South!!!!" they all shouted, immediately followed by a large "PSYDUCK!!!", said by a peculiar duck wearing a mask.

" someone wanna explain to me why we have our mascot as a Psyduck?" Zed said to his fellow teamates.

"Well, you see, you said you wanted something cute, yellow, mysterious powers, begins with the letter P and can fit into a Pokeball as a mascot, right?" said Lady Lightbringer.

"Yeah, and unfortunately, the oldest member of our team took the liberty of looking for it himself and found him, despite all of us knowing exactly what you wanted."

"AHA! Good show Spyduck!  You do the Ninja honor proud!"

"...well, at least it has a super hero name, and its still better than what the Super Equity Friends has, so I guess we'll just have to live with it." Monster Z said, sighing "But anyway, this is our debut as a Super Hero team, we can't let our buddies back at the Quaza Dome down!  We must defeat Boss X!"


"It seems some wannabe super heroes.  I guess you could say they are the second stringers?  Anyway, they should be no match for you.  After all, they aren't the real deal!"

"Ok, I can see not having a high opinion of us now, but saying we're fakes is going too far!" shouted Hilda "Now I'm going to make you pay for that insult!"


We interupt this match write up as the next 3 hours consist of the two sides exchanging words in about as immature a fashion as you can get.  We apologize for the inconvenience, and will cut straight to the end.


And so, led by the Metal Demon himself, the Equity Friends South are ready for their first fight against a classic super hero villain! Will they succeed? Will Boss X's evil plan actually work this time?  Does anyone in this write up actually tolerate Frank at all?

Find out next episode of...EQUITY FRIENDS SOUTH!!!

-The EFS wins.  Justice always triumphs over the power of idiocy.
-They aren't the real deal, Boss X actually wins somehow as a result.
-The Super Equity Friends show up could say this isn't good news for Boss X.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus Match
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2008, 07:42:38 PM »
Here is a little something that's been on my computer for a long time.  You do not want to know how long it's been there.  I guess the reason why I didn't suggest it before is there were so many better ones...

Then again, seeing a used copy of FF4DS at Gamestop yesterday kind of tells me that the time has come to get it off my hard drive.  So, without further adieu...


Team Match, Old School MegaBoss Style

The hero of his world and his closest friends stood by a Save Point within the Giant of Bab-il.  "You guys healed up?  Good.  Let's take out that Computer Core and fell this giant!"

His team cheering for his proclamation, the hero and said team hopped into a teleporter and onto a catwalk.  Ahead, was the the teleporter which led to the CPU which was said to control the Giant who was even now reigning destruction upon the hero's homeland.  I don't know how long my other friends can hold out against this thing.  I've gotta destory it!  I will not let my friends suffer in vain!

As said hero reached the middle of said catwalk, however, a darkness fell upon the entire chamber.  "Wha... what's going on?"

In front of him, a creature resembling a devil with a red and blue cape appeared and blocked his path.  "You're too late!" he proclaimed.

Then, to the hero's right, a girl nearly naked save for her LONG blond hair appeared.  "The giant will not stop." she stated.

To the hero's left, a giant blue-skinned turtle appeared.  It merely said, "you..."

Finally, blocking the way the hero came, was a grotesque creature, the skin of which was a cross between dirt and dead flesh.  It finished the turtle's sentence: "... will be laid to rest here."

The hero and his team could only gasp in astonishment.

The grotesque creature then began:  "Master Zemus,"
Then the turtle spoke:  "breathed life back into us all,"
The blond girl finished:  "to defeat you."

After this, the cloaked figure spoke.  "Glad to... wait a minute, you're not Cecil, son of Klu Ya.  Who are you?  And what are these... Animals?"

The hero responded, "I am Ash Ketchum, of Pallet Town!  And I shall defeat you for the sake of my world, my friends, and all of the Pokemon!"



"Venus saur."



"Esp, pe, peon!"

The cloaked figure merely shrugged.  "All right.  Let's introduce ourselves since our foe was so gracious to introduce himself."

"Do we have to?" moaned the girl.

At a narrow stare, the grotesque creature started.  "I am Milon, Fiend of Earth."

The turtle:  "Cagnazzo, Fiend of Water."

As the blonde girl was introducing herself, she posed in what would be considered to some to be a seductive manner.  "I'm Valvalis, the Wind Dancer.  Would you like to be my partner?"

This had young Ketchum at a loss.  "Eh?"

The cloaked figure scoffed, "Valvalis, you're too full of yourself.  As for myself, I am Rubicante, Emperor of Fire.  Long story short, if you want to get to the CPU, you'll have to get past us."

"Fine.  Let's go, Pikachu!"


"Let me go first, master."

"All right, Milon."

This will be a 6 Pokemon on 4 Fiend match 1-on-1 with no time limit!  The Four Fiends will be in the set order of Milon, Rubicante, Cagnazzo, and Valvalis.  While Pikachu must start for Ash, Ash can set his other Pokemon in any order.  However, he is NOT allowed to withdraw them unless they can no longer participate in the battle, nor can he have more than one out at a time.  Same for the fiends.  One at a time, and no switching out unless you die.

The Pikachu is set at Lv 81, the Starters at Lv 77, Snorlax at Lv 75, and Espeon at Lv 73.  Pikachu is equipped with Light Ball and Snorlax with Leftovers.  The others are set with a Gold Berry for a one-time 30 HP refill.

It should be obvious, but the Fiends are as they are in the Giant of Bab-il.

Milon, Rubicante, Cagnazzo, Valvalis vs Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Snorlax, Espeon

Ketchum's team saves the world once more!
The Fiends prevail and the world turns to ash.


Notes on the Bonus Match:

This match may be listed separately from the "DL Team Match" Cover.  (Especially since it uses 2 Not-Ranked Pokemon)

Yes, this is Red's GSC Team.  I'm using Ash here due to his propensity for cheesy heroics and the lines that go with.  I just don't see Game - Red making flowery speeches.  And this is a Bonus Match!  Items are good if the match says it's good!

In the first 2 Pokemon games, each side fought with only one Pokemon at a time.  Also, the Fiends Battle in FF4 was one at a time in that order, unless something has changed.  Regardless, it's how it was done in the original.  This is vital to the concept of this Bonus Match.

Also, the text is designed to conceal the identity of the hero and team facing the Fiends until Rubicante extends salutations to said hero.

So, Fiends in Bab-il vs Red's team at the (true) end of GSC.  Will the young Ketchum save the world once more?  Or will the world finally turn to ash?  (Gotta love the dubbers.  ;-) )


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2008, 06:39:43 AM »
Crash Master Jam

As time passes, and things that used to be lethal become not only survivable, but unlikely to leave any permanent injury no matter how little sense that makes, one's perception of them changes.  No longer do these things evoke the words accident, tragedy, or God's rightful smiting of the unheeding.  Instead, it becomes known as Extreem Sport.

Tonight, we welcome you to the newly formed, and oddly survivable, airship crashing league.  Where participants take outrageously expensive flying machines and try and crash them in the most inventive and spectacular ways possible. And here we have the finals for the first Shooting Star Cup, where the best of the best will be recognised.

Our first contestant is Yuki from Anfog Village.  This young aviator is the living example of what goes up must come down, with the Guiness Book of World Records stating there's only three types of common aerial craft that he hasn't managed to smash into the earth at some point in his short career.  However, the extraordinary part here is that he claims that he isn't actually trying to hit the ground, even as he's rapidly climbed the ranks in this league.  Well, intentional or not, this young upstart will certainly be one to watch!

And from youth we go to experience with veteran test pilot Cid Highwind.  This Ex-Shinra flier has years of experience ranging from common aircraft, to experimental models to even piloting a space launch once.  Not only does he fly, but he builds planes too, being a master engineer in his own right.  And with all of this knowledge, there shouldn't be anything stopping him from crafting the best crash that science can make.

Next up is the numan Rika, from Motavia.  She's only recently learned to fly, having a good deal more free time after saving her world, but during her adventures she crashed once and found it the kind of thrill she's been seeking.  And it's her boundless enthusiasm that gives her her edge in this competition.  Looking to find new and exciting ways to crash just for the sake of doing it, her youthful exuberance gives her an artistic edge that no one else can hope to match.

Finally, for our last entry, there's the team of Onion Knights.  Little is known about this enigmatic and silent bunch, but what is known is exciting.  It's well known that it was only hours after they got their first airship that they smashed it into a giant boulder, and they've only moved on to bigger and better stunts since then.  Their teamwork being as legendary as their ability to use whatever skill their latest exploit needs, it'll be a wonder to see what kind of a crash this foursome has in mind for today.

And with all of this, we have to wonder, which wreck will wrest victory from ruin?


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2009, 08:23:06 PM »
Dissidia: Norgard Defense Force

"Damn it! Why do people still not respect me?" Vaynard shouted at the top of his lungs.  "As the great White Wolf it is my duty under the stars to earn the respect of all those who cower before my presence."

"...sir, might I ask why you are having this outburst NOW?" Guinglain responded. "I mean, its not like the situation has changed at all...for better or worse..."

"But it HAS changed!  See?  That Goddess Cosmos! She didn't pick me as one of her heroes!" Vaynard exclaimed "And nor did she choose Duran for that matter!  How can she overlook us?"

"According to my calculations" Wren responded "It seems to be chosen by Cosmos, you must be one of the 'Final Fantasy' series, and you must have proven yourself to be a noble, and strong warrior....which of course you are, make no mistake."

"Bah, semantics!  As the White Wolf of Norgard and leader of the Norgard Defense Force, I demand to be among those forces!  Duran!"

"Yes, my lord! Me and my ever tactful tactician of...tactfulness in the Fairy are here!"

"We're going to invade this 'Dissidia' world!  You, me, and our two strongest warriors will attack!"

"...sir, might I ask why you aren't just using the entire army?" Guinglain second guessed.

"Cause I said so!"

And so, Duran did exactly which I mean he got Alonso and Gares to help.  Yes, that's right; he chose Alonso and Gares over the great Black Knight of Daein, aka the only actual competent member of the NDF.  Though, the Black Kngiht was hardly complaining in the least.


*Sanctum of Order*

"So...guys..where is everyone?"  Bartz said looking around as he saw only the Onion Knight and Firion standing around, "Aren't there suppose to be 10 of us?"

"Did you forget?  The other 7 are busy preparing themselves for whatever their next duel is!  What, haven't you been visiting them there occasionally like me and Firion do?"

"So they're on another adventure and they didn't bring me?"

"...Onion Knight, you might as well stop there.  Trying to explain thing so Bartz can understand them is a dream even *I* won't chase after."  Firion responded, while staring at his Wild Rose.

At this point, Cosmos appeared spontaneously on the spot as she always does.

"We've got some serious problems, guys.  I hate to ask for help when only you three are available, but I don't really have much of a choice.  It seems as though someone is actually trying to invade and force his way into my chosen warriors of light."

" why not just reject him?" Firion responded

"Cause he's that stubborn to the point where divine magic doesn't hold him off."

"That's pretty damn stubborn..." Firion responded with a sigh

"So why not juts accept him!  The more the merrier I always say!" Onion Knight followed up

"Because not only is he a total Moron..."

"But we already have Bar-" Onion Knight was about to say, before being cut off by Cosmos continuing her line.

"And he's hardly fitting of a warrior who deserves to fight Chaos!  Though, it wouldn't shock me if Chaos rejected him to."

"So basically, we have one really stubborn freak who wants to take us all on, eh?" Bartz replied

"Oh, heavens no!  There are four of them, and they're all along the same train of thought.  I think there might be a 5th in some fairy, but you can ignore her, she's completely harmless."

"Wait, there's four of them and three of us, isn't that a little unfair?  Not that I don't mind the occasional challenge..." Firion replied.

"Oh, don't worry! I have someone on reserves to even the odds, she should be here any-..." Cosmos said before being cut off by a loud "OOOOOhohohoho!"

"Well, it seems I have to help you boys.
So why not make this filled with joy?"

"Meet Shantotto.  Yeah, she didn't exactly help you guys fight Chaos, but with the other 7 gone, and my other options being asking Chaos, whom you know I despise, if I could use one of his minions, I think she's clearly the best choice."

"...she's a little small, are you sure she can help us?" Bartz said...only to be hit by a large volcanic eruption out of nowhere.  Rising from the ashes and smoke, Bartz simply said, somewhat crisped "I take that back."

"Anyway, it seems they'll be here soon, so the four of you will have to stop those other idiots." Cosmos said.

And so, the Wild Rose Firion, the little Onion Knight, the Idiot adventurous Mime Bartz, and the Tarutaru Black Mage Shantotto set off to face what might be the hardest challenge yet...and not necessarily for reasons of strength, but only because the shear illogicalness of their opponent puts Kefka to shame.

The question remains, though:


-The NDF actually wins.  This by nature causes the entire balance of order and chaos to be completely out of whack
-The Warriors of Cosmos successfully face defeat the NDF, as one would expect.
-The few unranked Warriors of Chaos decide to join in on the fun, ONLY CAUSE THEY CAN.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2009, 10:45:15 PM »
Headline: Abuse of Illegal Substances in the Duelling League

Recent debate over high-profile dueller, Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde's performance has fans of the RPG Duelling League (DL) wondering: Is illegal item-use getting to be a problem in the DL? The event's creators and managers have gone on record as clearly stating that 'common consumable item-use' is strictly prohibited in the tournament. But should that apply to duellers even when they aren't competing? Are they in danger of losing their high-dollar duelling endorsements?

"These men and women are role models for our impressionable children," said Valmar-possessed pope of the Church of Granas and well-known item-less boss, Zera Innocentius, "...if all PCs started doing this, there would be chaos! Delicious chaos!"

One Filgaian youth we interviewed stated that she used items 'all the time.' After a lengthy monologue about flying on her wings, she added, "And of -course- I share my items with my friends. Everybody's doing it." Another young Filgaian boy commented that 'stupid, untrustworthy adults' just didn't understand how kids felt these days - before sharing a Mega Berry(TM) with three of his friends.

The mother of one of the younger duellers new to the DL voiced her concerns, "I'm afraid he might be using. He and his girlfriend especially - they always have this glazed look on their faces... And [Yuki] won't stop talking about how he wants to 'fly in the sky'... [You'd have to be] a pretty bad mother not to notice those kinds of signs."

Part of the problem may be Filgaia's domestic policy on item-use. Princess Adlehyde is a well-known proponent of its widespread use, and regulations on the sale and distribution of Berries(TM) are lax in the region. But what may be a cultural norm for Filgaians isn't always palatable to other participants of the interdimensional DL event.

And Filgaians are not the only competitors who manage to skirt the edges of the DL's strict policy against illegal substance abuse. One concerned DL father, Maxim, stated, "There's this disturbing trend of young duellers shooting themselves in the head and using Potions or what-have-you on A.I. like it was part of their god-given -skillsets-!"

Questioned about his own use of performance-enhancing substances, the DL father replied "Hey, I limit my item-use only to unique pieces in my inventory... and even then, I only ever use once or twice during an event. ...and I never -touch- consumables!" He ended his indignant interview with, "I have to set a good example for my children."

Another high-profile dueller and well-known estranged father, Shadow, had no comment when asked about his questionable use of consumables as his main offense in the League.

"Mixing a few chemicals together to get through a hard, cold night in the Dungeon... it's perfectly understandable. It's not like I'd bring a Revive Stone to a match or anything." One generic Ivalician competitor said in defense of his impugned sportsmanship.

But where will the abuse end? One underage Wingly dueller who lists her occupation ostensibly as 'dancer' stated that she wished she could use items in the tournament. "Where I'm from, Item-use is just part of daily life. And you certainly can't compete without it. As a mage... [using item-cast spells] is just how I'm built."

As a devout Spiran Blitzball athlete and recent father himself, Wakka had this to say: "We really need to have some perspective on this, y'know? Spamming Al-Bhed Potions off a washed-up summoner's stomach in a dark alley or a bad sequel somewhere... is that really the kind of future you want for your kids?"

So, loyal DL sports-fans, what are your thoughts on item-use among DL competitors? Your 'letters to the editor' can really make a difference!

I'm For it! (I want to destroy all society as we know it!)
I'm Against it! (I hate Freedom, Justice, and the Filgaian way.)
There is no third option, you're either a hippie or a tyrant.

Thoughts? Any editing errors?

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Illegal Substance Scandal Editing and Comments
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2009, 01:33:53 AM »
First up, two sections where I think you got reference style wrong.  Corrections in Bold.  Also, in common copy, Brackets are used to denote capitalization changes.  Due to IBCode designating brackets as activators, "{}" are used instead.   

First up, Pope Innocentius:

"These men and women are role models for our impressionable children," said Valmar-possessed pope of the Church of Granas and well-known item-less boss, Zera Innocentius. "{I}f all PCs started doing this, there would be chaos! Delicious chaos!"

(Personally, I think it makes more sense as two separate sentences, in which case, drop the brackets.)

Now, for Maxim (I think you left out a word in one sentence...):

Questioned about his own use of performance-enhancing substances, the DL father replied, "Hey, I limit my item-use only to unique pieces in my inventory... and even then, I only ever use {them} once or twice during an event. ...{A}nd I never -touch- consumables!" He ended his indignant interview with, "I have to set a good example for my children."

Next up, from Ivalice:

"Mixing a few chemicals together to get through a hard, cold night in the Dungeon... it's perfectly understandable. It's not like I'd bring a Revive Stone to a match or anything," one generic Ivalician competitor said in defense of his impugned sportsmanship.

If the quote ends in a period, but there is descriptive text afterward, use a comma and act as if the sentence continued.  Personally, I would further rewrite the quote thus:

"Mixing a few chemicals together to get through a hard, cold night in the Dungeon... it's perfectly understandable," one generic Ivalician competitor said in defense of his impugned sportsmanship.  "It's not like I'd bring a Revive Stone to a match or anything."

Now for some generic comments not related to grammer:

Well, as far as Maxim goes, technically, he's a Great-Grandfather, at least if you go by Terran age conventions.  (Even still, I doubt you would be just a Young Adult after 90 Years.)  Either way, at the end of his 2nd paragraph, please consider changing "children" to "descendants".  (This would also make it right by unranked Lufia games...)

Also, you made reference to the "cultural norm{s}" of Filgaia vs the DL, but you never expanded on it in the story.  I would like to see a quote or paraphrase in reference to this difference.

In fact, this could be a good place for the President of Esthar, himself a father of a PC who is restricted severely by game mechanics, to voice his lament referring it a 'Double Standard':  "My son and his teammates aren't allowed to even adopt elemental or status defenses because they're linked to GFs, and these guys want to use Items in Battle?  How fair and balanced is that?"  Alternately, have Kiros, as Laguna's spokesman release a statement:  "President Loire is deeply troubled by what he considers to be an apparent double-standard wherein the DL imposes severe restrictions on characters from our game-verse due to customization yet allows these illicit substances to be used right under their noses."

(Heck, FF8's Magic System is Consumable and its Item Command is GF-Restricted!  Yes, I know the latter is not what you're talking about, but the former comes close enough.  Never mind the fact that the issue in FF8 is customization and non-Uniqueness; Political Hacks will always make a hubris when it can be portrayed as tangentially related.  Whaddaya mean I'm mixing my metaphors?!)

Some MMXCM Stuff below.  Omit if A: You haven't played the game or B: it doesn't get in.

On the other side of the argument, if Mega Man X Command Mission makes it in, the characters from that game can testify that while the PCs are clean, many of the (unranked) bosses use attacks and healing that have items/subtanks equivalents.  (FF8 Bosses may have a similar problem due to the aforementioned Consumable-by-PCs Magic System.)  "Where would we draw the line?"  This testimony would come from either Axl or (preferably) one of the (surviving) Resistance NPCs.  (Or perhaps X can sign a sworn affidavit.  Also note that I only said the PCs.  Boss analysis is still ongoing.) 

Heck, if this scandal involves outside-of-tournament Item use, Cinnamon's creator, Professor Gaudile (an NPC), can comment on that as well:  "If it wasn't for the subtanks X brought, his team would be solely reliant on exploiting my poor, precious Cinnamon.  She says she doesn't mind being used that way, but that kid's too innocent to understand..."  (Cinnamon is a newly created Reploid whose Action Trigger heals the party, and, again is one of the few DL-Legal ways to restore LE (HP).  In this testimony, I want to skirt the edge of Double-Entendre as much as possible, while looking like completely innocent concerns from an overprotective father.)


Finally, regarding the "I'm Against It!" Option:

OBJECTION!  *points finger at "Option 2*  The use of the term "Justice" in the second option makes an implication that is this august body's charge to determine and is therefore prejudicial!

Good stuff all around, though.  Nice.


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Re: Illegal Substance Scandal Editing and Comments
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2009, 06:44:36 AM »
First up, two sections where I think you got reference style wrong. 

First up, Pope Innocentius:

"These men and women are role models for our impressionable children," said Valmar-possessed pope of the Church of Granas and well-known item-less boss, Zera Innocentius. "{I}f all PCs started doing this, there would be chaos! Delicious chaos!"
I originally used an elipsis here as if the reporter had only quoted part of another sentence. But it looks cleaner like this.

Personally, I would further rewrite the quote thus:

"Mixing a few chemicals together to get through a hard, cold night in the Dungeon... it's perfectly understandable," one generic Ivalician competitor said in defense of his impugned sportsmanship.  "It's not like I'd bring a Revive Stone to a match or anything."
Sure, sounds a little better. I think I only had such a long quote in the first place because I was just mixing around sentence structures a bit to not sound so repetitive.

Side note: What is the FFT name for the consumable auto-revive item that you equip?

Now for some generic comments not related to grammer:

Well, as far as Maxim goes, technically, he's a Great-Grandfather, at least if you go by Terran age conventions.  (Even still, I doubt you would be just a Young Adult after 90 Years.)  Either way, at the end of his 2nd paragraph, please consider changing "children" to "descendants".  (This would also make it right by unranked Lufia games...)
I was looking at Maxim as his Lufia2 endgame self, where he's just had a kid... since he doesn't exactly live to see any of his other descendants.
Also, I'm mildly amused that you mispelled 'grammar' in an editing post, but that's unimportant.

Also, you made reference to the "cultural norm{s}" of Filgaia vs the DL, but you never expanded on it in the story.  I would like to see a quote or paraphrase in reference to this difference.
Filgaian cultural norms... well... there's a lot of WA characters that can use Mystic, which is one of the very few legal-ish ways to use items in the DL. The extension to that is that Filgaia is obviously a hippie state where people are cracked out on Items all day long. At least, that's the view this alarmist article farce is trying to present.

In fact, this could be a good place for the President of Esthar, himself a father of a PC who is restricted severely by game mechanics, to voice his lament referring it a 'Double Standard':  "My son and his teammates aren't allowed to even adopt elemental or status defenses because they're linked to GFs, and these guys want to use Items in Battle?  How fair and balanced is that?"  Alternately, have Kiros, as Laguna's spokesman release a statement:  "President Loire is deeply troubled by what he considers to be an apparent double-standard wherein the DL imposes severe restrictions on characters from our game-verse due to customization yet allows these illicit substances to be used right under their noses."

(Heck, FF8's Magic System is Consumable and its Item Command is GF-Restricted!  Yes, I know the latter is not what you're talking about, but the former comes close enough.  Never mind the fact that the issue in FF8 is customization and non-Uniqueness; Political Hacks will always make a hubris when it can be portrayed as tangentially related.  Whaddaya mean I'm mixing my metaphors?!)

While it's a bit off-theme (why would the Alamist Reporter want to present a view where someone credible is arguing that -more- people should be abusing Items?), I really like the idea. Any suggestions on where in the article you would squeeze this bit?
I actually wouldn't mind using both parts - with Kiros' detached reporting followed by a more personally-written statement from Laguna himself.

Some MMXCM Stuff below.  Omit if A: You haven't played the game or B: it doesn't get in.
Unfortunately, I haven't played it. The idea sounds amusing. And perfectly fitting the article as it is.

The use of the term "Justice" in the second option makes an implication that is this august body's charge to determine and is therefore prejudicial!

I'm glad you think so!



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Re: Illegal Substance Scandal Editing and Comments
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2009, 08:06:02 PM »
Side note: What is the FFT name for the consumable auto-revive item that you equip?

There isn't one.  Angel Ring has Start: Reraise and Chantage has Always: Reraise, but neither are consumable.  Valkyrie Profile has... Angel Curios? that are auto-revive, if you want something well known that fits.

Filgaian cultural norms... well... there's a lot of WA characters that can use Mystic, which is one of the very few legal-ish ways to use items in the DL. The extension to that is that Filgaia is obviously a hippie state where people are cracked out on Items all day long. At least, that's the view this alarmist article farce is trying to present.

Well, Mystic being a skill that gives multiple people the effect of one item does kind of imply that!

Some MMXCM Stuff below.  Omit if A: You haven't played the game or B: it doesn't get in.
Unfortunately, I haven't played it. The idea sounds amusing. And perfectly fitting the article as it is.

Mana Khemia would be a better idea anyways, since the entire game is about making items, many of which are consumable.  Jess and Nikki even use up items in some of their more DL-relevant skills.

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Illegal Substance Scandal Editing and Comments
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2009, 08:31:15 PM »
"These men and women are role models for our impressionable children," said Valmar-possessed pope of the Church of Granas and well-known item-less boss, Zera Innocentius. "{I}f all PCs started doing this, there would be chaos! Delicious chaos!"
I originally used an elipsis (sic) here as if the reporter had only quoted part of another sentence. But it looks cleaner like this.

Which is the point of having a Capital I within Brackets.  It was originally part of another sentence, yet makes sense and is in context, both within itself and within the article, on its own.

BTW, is Pope supposed to be lower-cased in the Grandia world?  Because I know it's Capitalized IRL.

I was looking at Maxim as his Lufia2 endgame self, where he's just had a kid... since he doesn't exactly live to see any of his other descendants.

Yeah.  I just wanted his comment to extend to a certain other ranked fighter from his series, since the story refers to DL-related activity.  It's kind of, while his in-game persona would only know of his baby boy (literally a baby), wouldn't his DL persona know about his later descendant of 90 years later?  

Also, I'm mildly amused that you mispelled 'grammar' in an editing post, but that's unimportant.

Well, the grammar checker in Firefox says misspelled is spelled with 2 s, so we're even.  ;-)

Filgaian cultural norms... well... there's a lot of WA characters that can use Mystic, which is one of the very few legal-ish ways to use items in the DL. The extension to that is that Filgaia is obviously a hippie state where people are cracked out on Items all day long. At least, that's the view this alarmist article farce is trying to present.

All right.  I'm just a little bit off put by the sudden shift from referencing Filgaian Policy vs DL Policy to the use by other Duelers.

In fact, this could be a good place for the President of Esthar, himself a father of a PC who is restricted severely by game mechanics, to voice his lament referring it a 'Double Standard':  "My son and his teammates aren't allowed to even adopt elemental or status defenses because they're linked to GFs, and these guys want to use Items in Battle?  How fair and balanced is that?"  Alternately, have Kiros, as Laguna's spokesman release a statement:  "President Loire is deeply troubled by what he considers to be an apparent double-standard wherein the DL imposes severe restrictions on characters from our game-verse due to customization yet allows these illicit substances to be used right under their noses."

While it's a bit off-theme (why would the Alamist Reporter want to present a view where someone credible is arguing that -more- people should be abusing Items?), I really like the idea. Any suggestions on where in the article you would squeeze this bit?
I actually wouldn't mind using both parts - with Kiros' detached reporting followed by a more personally-written statement from Laguna himself.

My intent was to have Laguna decry the use of items as "Unfair" especially given that the FF8 Characters are limited to Attacks and Limits by Customization rules.  While it is true that he wants those restrictions lifted, (one of many platforms that allows him to stay in office for as long as he has,) his point is that Item-Users have an unfair advantage in the DL, which is the point of the article if I read it right, especially over those restricted to nothing.  He's hostile towards these Item "Abusers", mainly due to the aforementioned restriction on his game.

Perhaps we can write it like this:

The Loire Administration in Esthar issued a Press Release citing the President Laguna Loire's "deep concern" over an "apparent double-standard" caused by the "lack of disciplinary action" against these item users.  When called for clarification, the President expressed outrage:  "We're expected to 'play by the rules' imposed upon us by the DL authorities due to 'customization concerns', stringently enforced by the way, and expect to sit back as these outlaws defame the spirit of the DL with their 'Item Use'?  How fair and balanced is that?"  The President seemed about to comment further, but his aide Kiros ended the call.  Further calls were returned only with requests to refer only to the original presser.

Unfortunately, I haven't played {MMXCM}. The idea sounds amusing. And perfectly fitting the article as it is.

Forgot that from the Ranking Topic.

Mana Khemia would be a better idea anyways, since the entire game is about making items, many of which are consumable.  Jess and Nikki even use up items in some of their more DL-relevant skills.

If this is the case, then it might be better to cut my MMXCM-related suggestions in favor of reporting on the applicable MK aspects.   (Then again, it could also mean we're heading into multi-part expose territory.  Not necessarily a bad thing for Season 50.)

Though I would also like to note that between the accessory system and an aspect of the plot therein, it could be said that the cast of MMXCM recognizes the dangers of substance abuse.  But, again, it's probably best if I expand on that in a response to the actual Bonus Match.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2009, 09:11:00 PM »
Random suggestion. I think it is fair to have Mariel came in and accuse them of having her healthy organic berries now labled as dangerous drug......

Or, if items got banned in this bonus, have a follow up bonus having MAriel sue the DL authorities for unlawfully discrediting her products.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2009, 03:55:18 AM »
Random suggestion. I think it is fair to have Mariel came in and accuse them of having her healthy organic berries now labled as dangerous drug......

Or, if items got banned in this bonus, have a follow up bonus having MAriel sue the DL authorities for unlawfully discrediting her products.

In response to the recent decisions concerning illegal item abuse in the RPG Duelling, one Filgaian businesswoman took a stand. Once a subsistance farmer, as the Elw population in the area dwindled, Mariel stepped up her production of Heal Berries(TM), a household word amoung Filgaian residents. The young Elw entrepeneur decried the DL authorities' decision to label her health-promoting products as harmful substances, in particular the protests from the state of Esthar.

"These big-city Esthar folks don't know anything about consumables! Do you think they spend their days enriching the earth and harvesting the harmonious power of nature for the good of all? [ I]t's hardly fair to compare my life-giving Heal Berries(TM) and related products to their Para-magic [consumables]. Have you seen the warning labels on those things - 'May cause amnesia with prolonged use'. Is it any wonder that they aren't allowed in the League?"

Taking this statement, Mariel has begun a long court battle with the DL authorities, seeking reparations of approximately 350 million Gella (20 million Potch).

Or something like that? I absolutely love this idea.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2009, 04:27:45 AM »
With official changes! (Side note: Japanese Firefox doesn't have auto-spell check for English words...)

Headline: Abuse of Illegal Substances in the Duelling League

Recent debate over high-profile dueller, Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde's performance has fans of the RPG Duelling League (DL) wondering: Is illegal item-use getting to be a problem in the DL? The event's creators and managers have gone on record as clearly stating that 'common consumable item-use' is strictly prohibited in the tournament. But should that apply to duellers even when they aren't competing? Are they in danger of losing their high-dollar duelling endorsements?

"These men and women are role models for our impressionable children," said Valmar-possessed Pope of the Church of Granas and well-known item-less boss, Zera Innocentius, "[ I]f all PCs started doing this, there would be chaos! Delicious chaos!"

One Filgaian youth we interviewed stated that she used items 'all the time.' After a lengthy monologue about flying on her wings, she added, "And of -course- I share my items with my friends. Everybody's doing it." Another young Filgaian boy commented that 'stupid, untrustworthy adults' just didn't understand how kids felt these days - before sharing a Mega Berry(TM) with three of his friends.

The mother of one of the younger duellers new to the DL voiced her concerns, "I'm afraid he might be using. He and his girlfriend especially - they always have this glazed look on their faces... And [Yuki] won't stop talking about how he wants to 'fly in the sky'... [You'd have to be] a pretty bad mother not to notice those kinds of signs."

Part of the problem may be Filgaia's domestic policy on item-use. Princess Adlehyde is a well-known proponent of its widespread use, and regulations on the sale and distribution of Berries(TM) are lax in the region. But while recreational item use may be a cultural norm for Filgaians, it isn't always palatable to other participants of the interdimensional DL event.

And Filgaians are not the only competitors who manage to skirt the edges of the DL's strict policy against illegal substance abuse. One concerned DL father, Maxim, stated, "There's this disturbing trend of young duellers shooting themselves in the head and using Potions or what-have-you on A.I. like it was part of their god-given -skillsets-!"

Questioned about his own use of performance-enhancing substances, the DL father replied "Hey, I limit my item-use only to unique pieces in my inventory... and even then, I only ever use once or twice during an event. ...and I never -touch- consumables!" He ended his indignant interview with, "I have to set a good example for my descendants."

Another high-profile dueller and well-known estranged father, Shadow, had no comment when asked about his questionable use of consumables as his main offense in the League.

"Mixing a few chemicals together to get through a hard, cold night in the Dungeon... it's perfectly understandable," one generic Ivalician competitor said in defense of his impugned sportsmanship. "It's not like I'd bring an Angel Curio to a match or anything."

The Loire Administration in Esthar issued a Press Release citing the President Laguna Loire's "deep concern" over an "apparent double-standard" caused by the "lack of disciplinary action" against these item users.  When called for clarification, the President expressed outrage:  "We're expected to 'play by the rules' imposed upon us by the DL authorities due to 'customization concerns', stringently enforced by the way, and expected to sit back as these outlaws defame the spirit of the DL with their 'Item Use'?  How fair and balanced is that?"  The President seemed about to comment further, but his aide Kiros ended the call.  Further calls were returned only with requests to refer only to the original presser.

But where will the abuse end? One underage Wingly dueller who lists her occupation ostensibly as 'dancer' stated that she wished she could use items in the tournament. "Where I'm from, Item-use is just part of daily life. And you certainly can't compete without it. As a mage... [using item-cast spells] is just how I'm built."

As a devout Spiran Blitzball athlete and recent father himself, Wakka had this to say: "We really need to have some perspective on this, y'know? Spamming Al-Bhed Potions off a washed-up summoner's stomach in a dark alley or a bad sequel somewhere... is that really the kind of future you want for your kids?"

So, loyal DL sports-fans, what are your thoughts on item-use among DL competitors? Your 'letters to the editor' can really make a difference!

I'm For it! (I want to destroy all society as we know it!)
I'm Against it! (I hate Freedom, Justice, and the Filgaian way.)
There is no third option, you're either a hippie or a tyrant.

I don't know much about Mana Khemia either, as I've only played some of it in passing, but it sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to turn this into a multi-part expose for grand ol' season 50.

Someone else I was talking to mentioned that the article could also touch on issues likened to 'steroid abuse', Jude's Accelerator ability might be a good place to start to branch into this DL 'concern'. Likewise, FF8's Para-magic segues nicely into this.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2009, 02:40:40 AM »
[size=16]The Wild Rose: Isn't it ROMANTIC!?[/size][/b]

It was a nice day at which I mean the place was still a complete wreck but that's an aside!  However, this tranquil moment of a peacefulness in a ruined city of nothing but kids...ok, that makes no sense, lets just say Seifer and Raijin decided to come and cause trouble.

"Yo, Seifer, why are we here again?  I mean, there's nothing but kids here, ya know?"

"Cause I'm pissed, that's why!  Finally get a break from that damn job, and I need to take my anger out on something, why not take candy from some kids?"

"Yeah, but Fuijin's not here, ya know? I mean, wouldn't it have made more sense to wait for her to finish the season, ya know?"  Raijin responded.

"Shut up! Besides, if I stick around too much longer, that Norgard Defense Force might actually recruit me, and they don't take no for an answer!"

(Actually, they do, just the consequences involve Vaynard declaring war on you right after.  Nevermind that being forced to oppose the NDF is not exactly a threat, but that's neither here nor there.)

"Besides...hey, there's a kid, lets go pick on him!" Seifer said, fixing his skull cap.  Yes, he's wearing that outfit, and no one is gonna question this either.  "Raijin, you're first!"

Its best we not go into depth in the next scene, not so much cause its painful to watch Raijin act as a bully as much as its just involves lots of painful stupidity, such like Raijin getting owned mentally by a 6 year old NPC.  Yeah, you read that right...

"Damn it kid! Give me your lunch money or something ya know!"

"I don't have any! I told you this!  If you keep bothering me, I'll tell mama on you!"

"HA!" Seifer said "kid, I know who your 'mama' is, and she's not gonna be here for a while!"

"...really?" said Raijin

"Yeah, same reasons as Fuijin.  Why do you think of all the orphanages, I chose THIS dump?"

"I thought it was the location, ya know."

Given the lack of Fuijin to kick Raijin in the shins, Seifer decided to take the abuse into his hands for once, and donning a blue foam bat, smacked Raijin over the head, knocking him down.  Seifer then turned to the kid "Let that be undeniable proof of how much I can own you, kid!"

Seifer started laughing...only to get interuppted by a shining arrow flying across his face (which happened to hit Raijin as he was standing up, pinning him into a nearbye tree.)

"You who would pick on poor defenseless children, you have no justice! No dreams of beauty!" said a shadowy figure standing on the rooftop "for you will know that so long as there are dreams, I will always stand tall."  The shadows pasted revealing a white haired man dressed in blue armor, a bandana and what looked like 6 different weapons "For I am Firion, the Wild Rose of Fynn!"

"Dreams? Beauty! HA! Isn't THAT ROMANTIC!  I have my own beautiful dreams and you won't stop them!" Seifer responded as Firion jumped off the roof top. "Besides, what the hell are you doing here anyway? I don't remember hearing any Wild Rose in this place!"

"Oh, see, I'm a good friend of Cloud's, who happens to be a good friend of the girl who runs this place, so..."

"...god damn cross overs.  BAH! I'll totally own you in this next fight!" Seifer said, fixing his skull cap, throwing away his struggle bat and actually pulling out his Gunblade "For I am the Sorceress' Knight! You can't beat me!"

And so, an epic duel of ROMANTIC DREAMS shall transpire!  Who will win between the symbolic WILD ROSE and...uh...THE SKULL CAP OF LOUDMOUTHNESS.

-A Wild Rose always blooms brighter; that, and 7 weapons are better than one.
-Seifer pulls an upset!  Well, he has a better chance than the entire NDF combined!

NOTE: If someone wants to totally rewrite this, feel free, I just wanted to get the concept down or something.  Its just Firion vs. Seifer, two freaks over ROMANTIC DREAMS and what not, just one actually doesn't fail at the allusions and the Seifer.

And yes, its suppose to be some sort of unholy splicing of KH2 Seifer and FF8 Seifer <_<
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 02:43:53 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2009, 02:15:25 PM »
Equity Friends South: More Intelligent than Red Hair and Goggles Combo

It was a...usually villainry scenery in the utterly generic villains secret hideout...which wasn't a secret cause there were big flashing letters saying "Evil Villain Hide Out Here.  Open House ever Tuesday at 6!"  but that's not the point!  In his comfortably EVIL chair sat the EVIL leader of a most EVIL army whose name no one actually remembers cause it was EVILY generic, Baal!

Planning his next EVIL scheme, as his original one was thwarted by an adventurous brat who wasn't EVIL with red hair, he was at a loss of ideas, cause most weren't EVIL enough.  Until he struck upon one...

"I got it! My next EVIL idea!  I will set up the biggest telemarketing scam ever!  Mwahahah! Everyone will be so annoyed that I can easily take over the world with my EVIL ambitions from there!!!" There was EVIL laughter for a good 5 minutes from here on in...but the EVIL laughter was interrupted by an unexpected opponent...

"Your days are done, EVIL ruler of..." the voice paused followed by a softer voice seem to be speaking to something else "...wait, just what does he rule over again?"

"I dunno, does it matter?  Lets just bust in with our entrances and beat the crap out of him like we always do."  followed another, more feminine voice.


"Anywho...EVIL DOER BEWARE!  For you have met your match!  Team assemble!!"

"From the mysterious and secretive arts of Brazil, it is, THE SEPTA GENERIC NINJA!" said Frank as he revealed himself from another very obvious american flag towel that was meant to blend in but didn't.

"In the name of the Tepes, it is I, BALLERINA MASK!" said Hilda as she appeared in Batform, transforming instantly into her slim state.

"Wielder of the sacred light, come forth, Le Stallion Magnifique, for I am...LADY LIGHTBRINGER!" said L'Arachel, coming in from yet ANOTHER illogical (but still breathtaking) sunset.

"And of course, leader of our little band of...uhh..." said Zed checking the script "Oh, right, HEROES! I am...MONSTER Z!!!!"


"Alright, well done everyone!" said Zed to the rest of his crew...

"Wait! We're missing one member! Our newest one! Where could he be?" L'Arachel said...

"AHAHAHAHA! The right arm of JUSTICE is never late! It always appears when you least expect it!  Behold, for I am...THE DEFENDER OF JUSTICE!" shouted Flay, who was standing behind Baal, even though there was absolutely no way he could have snuck behind him without being noticed, appearing spontaneously...and of course, wearing a sill mask.

"...well, I guess that answers that.  Though, Defender of Justice, for our routine, you think you could time it a little closer to ours?" said Ballerina Mask.

"Justice has many faces! How it chooses to show itself matters not!" Flay responded.

"...yeah, I'll buy that logic."


"STOP IGNORING ME YOU SIMPLETONS! Do you not know who stand before? I am the EVIL!!! Baal!" Baal shouted, with a big EVIL explosion behind him.  This was followed by what appeared to be a tumbleweed blow across the floor.

"So...uhh...yeah, you have an EVIL plan, right?"  Zed said.

"Of course I do! It is the most EVIL plan ever!"

"And what might that EVIL plan be?"  responded the heroic princess.

"HA! The power of Telemarketting will be used to my advantage!  With the power of the phone system on my side, NOTHING SHALL STOP ME!" Baal responded.

"Truly, that is an EVIL deed, and it must be stopped!  I cannot stand for such actions!" Frank said, posing in something that very much not fitting.

"Using means of communication to do your evil doing? The power of JUSTICE shall strike you down, or I am not the DEFENDER JUSTICE!!!" Flay stated.

"...yeah, what those two guys said.  Besides, there's one last thing we haven't told you!" Monster Z said to Baal.

"And what EVIL thing might that be!?"

In unison they all shouted "We are...EQUITY FRIENDS SOUTH!!!!" followed immediately by a "PSYDUCK!!!"


At the Al Revis Academy, a certain young white haired alchemist was met by a scantily dressed girl and a robot.

"So wait, you guys are part of a super hero organization?" Vayne said, somewhat shocked.


"And you've been selected to become an honorary member of our secnod branch!" responded Jennifer.

"...this isn't something I take much pride in, did you guys know about me anyway?"


"...I see..." Vayne said, looking towards his shoulder, holding his arm, in his usual embarrassed stance.  Sighing, he knew there was no real point in declining the offer, as Flay would find some other way to make him join.  "I suppose it beats being an actual member..."


Will the Equity Friends South stop the EVIL plan concocted by Baal?  Will Baal's most nefarious of all deeds help him take over the world?  Will Flay ever agree to get the routine right for the sake of justice?  And just what does being an "Honorary' member of these oustanding heroes mean anyway?

Tune in next time for...EQUITY FRIENDS SOUTH!!!!

-The Equity Friends South crush the opposition, proving that Justice Prevails once again!
-Baal's scheme is too EVIL!!!! to be stopped, the EFS are forced to retreat
-Reinforcements are called which we mean Flay forces Vayne to help despite being on the opposite side of the world
-Super Equity Friends make a surprise appearance, and Baal sort of just loses...miserably...


If someone wants to expand upon this as usual, find more silly jokes to work in, etc. feel free.  The general idea is, of course, Baal from Grandia is trying to take over the world through Telemarketing, and the Equity Friends South (with Flay as the newest member) need to stop him.  And yes, the Vayne thing is required; come on, its Flay in a super hero related bonus match, how can we NOT have him forcing something upon Vayne (though if you want to make it more creative in that scene, feel free, just make sure Vayne is forced into being an honorary member.)

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Lezard Valeth

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2009, 07:51:46 AM »
It had to happen sometime. A new arena is build to accommodate the first official unranked duellists match. Due to the amount of firepower the contestant possesses the management decides to construct the stadion from some of the strongest material in the universe such as Adamantin and Mythril.

Basically instead of steel as the skeleton they use Mythril and instead of concrete they use Adamantin. Somewhat unorthodox but when one considers the reason this arena is meant for contestants who can't be judged due to their strength its understandable.

The first Match is also best describe as 'destructive.' The two contestants are Ryu 5 from Breath of Fire 5 and Ethereal/ Iseria Queen from Tri-aces games.

Both are known for their power. Ryu 5 is known for as a PC with an invincibility and powering up skill whereas Ethereal Queen is known as the super powered optional bosses of SO and VP series. Needless to say both are eager to proof which one of them is superior to the other.

At the stadium.

"So why have you decided to host this now, Nate?"

"Well, Chisato when you have some of them suddenly appearing at your office demanding this kind of match you can see how this match will generate a very handsome profit", Nate replied.

To this Chisato replied, "You mean threatening to de-atomize you?"
"Oh, hush."

"And we won't get even a cent of it right?"

"Well, your a janitor Odin. Why should I pay you even a dime? Enough of this just go cover the match will you, Chisato? Oh, and Odin," asked Nate?

"Yes boss."

"Use Gungnir instead of the usual mop. I have a feeling it will be a very bloody mess."


  • Ryu 5 wins.
  • Ethereal/ Iseria Queen wins.
  • Draw.

Hmm you do have a point. Don't worry, I'll edit her out and replace her with the fifth Ryu  ;D .

Update: I've edited my submission. Hiro have been replaced with the fifth Ryu. A bit overkill I know but this is the unranked division.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 01:41:17 AM by Lezard Valeth »
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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2009, 06:11:53 AM »
Lezard.  Thanks for submitting the bonus match.  As a warning, though, I don't think we can use it just yet.  As it stands the two main problems are:

A) Hiro / Hillo is really obscure.  Obscurity is fine... Phantom Brave has come up in a bunch of bonus matches, as has other weird stuff...  but you have to provide some characterization / explanation then.  I don't know anything more about her, so I can't really help here.
B) Even if people knew who Hiro was...  I checked with some others in the DL who did play Spectral Souls (as well as Chaos Wars), and they say that she's a Middle, possibly a Heavy depending on form.  She has some plot hype as the daughter of a superpowerful demon, but since the Iserian Queen kinda lacks much plot beyond "a match for aftergame heroes," she probably falls back on how she is gameplay wise, which is likely going to be a slaughter in the Queen's favor.  And that's before the obscurity factor even kicks in.

Also, as a minor nitpick, non-ranked duelers get into fights all the time. ;-)  That's what the old "Not Ranked" arena was for, and pretty huge proportion of bonus matches, too.

I'd be happy to run the bonus, but can you add some characterization to Hiro?  You might also want to give her some kind of edge if you're sticking her against the Iserian / Ethereal Queen, or possibly just switch her opponent altogether.

Lezard Valeth

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2010, 01:43:06 AM »
New bonus match

'Notice: Due to the success of the previous Unranked match, the RPGDL management have decided to host the second unranked match.

Unlike the previous one where a super PC is pitted against a super boss, this match will be between super PC Vs super PC. This time Cloud Strife with the cheap (and infamous) KOTR and Mime combo will be pitted against Squall with fully Junctioned stats.

We feel that the stadium needs to be repaired and strengthen to withstand the possible damage done by these two duellers, in particular, the mimed KOTR.'


Cloud shows that KOTR and Mime is superior to Junction.

Squall shows how powerful a Junctioned Character can be.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:52:57 AM by Lezard Valeth »
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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2010, 06:50:26 AM »
Apologies on the slow response, Lezard.  Didn't notice you'd edited in the Bonus Match until a week or so ago, and been slow at looking into it.

Anyway...  huh.  On the bright side, since the DL is to some extent "Cloud vs. Squall who would win?!" sometimes the obvious match absolutely needs to be done.  Good to get back to roots.  Problem is that from a crunchy mechanical perspective...  that match you describe is weird.  Does Final Attack get credit for a Cloud win? If not, there's not much point in mentioning it, but if so, absolutely nothing is surviving KotR, so the only *theoretical* way for Squall to win is something like "Poison Cloud, let Cloud die while summoning a GF, have GF eat KotR."  And it sounds like Squall only has legal access to junctions anyway, not GFs.

That said, since the DL is likely turning over a new leaf next week, I'll definitely look into making this work somehow.  We do need a Cloud vs. Squall match, on reflection.  Might just be better to do it in a narrative / style way, or use a mechanics setup that doesn't involve Final Attack.

Lezard Valeth

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2010, 10:53:54 AM »
I edit out the final attack if that'll make you happy....  ::)
No ilah/ God but Allah/ The God, Muhammad/ The Praised One is Allah's Slave and Messenger.

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2010, 03:52:46 AM »
Back for a limited time (Summer).  Anyway, a Bonus Series idea:

The Puny Cup   A series of Bonus Duels with Forum Tourney backing:

The setup is from ESPN's World Cup adverts:

It's not about Kings, Queens, or Emperors, Dark Gods, or gil or mithril.

It's not about Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Ogres, Imps, or Robots.

It's not about Swords, Shields, Staves, Spears, or Sidearms.

It's not about Earth, Fire, Ice, Wind, Water, Heart, Nature, Earthquakes, or Lightning.

It's not about Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, Blue Mage, One Mage, Two Mages, Sages, Rages, or Summoners.

It's not about Eidolons, ESPers, Psychic-Types, Dark-Types, Dark-Knights, Magic Knights, Starry Nights, or Knights of the Round.

It's not about Oriental or Occidental.  Medieval or Modern or Post-Modern.  War or Peace.  Love freaks or embodyments of hate.  Magic or Science or just plain Fisticuffs.

This is about the one season!  Where we All! Agree! On one Thing!

*record scratch* "Man these guys suck."

*music resumes* Twelve Punies!  One League Watching!  (And jeering.)

The 2010 Puny Cup. 

One match changes... not much.  But it makes the winners feel good.  And the losers, well... not.

Phase 1:  A List Tourney with 11 Groups.  Winners go to the Winner's Tourney, Losers go to the ... (except for the "Already Proven" which only advances the Winner's Tourney as the Final Challenge)

Phase 2
Winner's Tourney:  A single Elim structure (the two pairs of mini-pools get to face each other in play-in rounds before we start the tourney in earnest) with the winner facing the winner of the "Already Proven" pool.

Loser's Tourney:  As Winner's Tourney but the 1st Round Losers are sent to a "Bottom of the Barrel" "Consolation" round.  At the end of each of these, the "winner" gets to face off with either Jogurt or Cinna (BotB gets the loser of those 2...)

Phase 1 will be on the forums in the form of List Tournies.  Phase 2 is intended for the site.  The 6 main pools and the "Already Proven" pool have 9-12 people each.  There are also 4 half-pools which have 6 each.  The ratings of the half pools range from 1.0 to 1.7.  The main pools are 1.70 to 2.25.  Jogurt and Cinna are their own special kind of Fail, so they get their own 2-person pool.  On the site.

Now, I acknowledge that we don't have much room (or patience).  So I'll be cool with having only one set of tournies on the site itself with the rest being on the boards.  Probably the Winner's side of the Loser's bracket.  Probably 2 matches a week:  Play-Ins, Side 1, Side 2, Special Kind of Fail, Semis, Finals, "Winner" vs. Fail "Winner"

As for writeups, probably just 1-2 lines per person.  I'll see if I can't draw from the record descripts on that.

If we can do this, then I'll want to start on the Lists around the Weekend.


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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #48 on: May 22, 2010, 08:32:34 PM »
For what it's worth, Donald, since you mentioned something about Bonus Matches not happening much lately...  the Puny Cup sounds like a great idea for a Bonus Match, but holding off 'till the actual matches come up, obviously.  If you want to do some kind of preliminary set-the-stage thing before the matches start, that's fine too, of course.

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2010, 03:51:10 AM »
EDIT:  Modified the completely irrelevant intro somewhat.

The Field Pool Polls in the Tournament Forum have been completed!

From these... I threw darts.  Then I shot pool.  Then I just chilled in front of the tube until I dozed off.

I'm still not sure what Flonne was trying to prove with Lucca's gate key, a grenade, and a roll of duct tape.  Or why Bowser was doing wearing a beret.

So somehow... out of all of that... I came up with my draws for The Puny Cup!

Plus some general gibberish that could, if you squint and hum real loudly, pass for writeups:


Quote from: Week 1
It's not about Kings, Queens, or Emperors, Dark Gods, or gil or mithril.

It's not about Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Ogres, Imps, or Robots.

It's not about Swords, Shields, Staves, Spears, or Sidearms.

It's not about Earth, Fire, Ice, Wind, Water, Heart, Nature, Earthquakes, or Lightning.

It's not about Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, Blue Mage, One Mage, Two Mages, Sages, Rages, or Summoners.

It's not about Eidolons, ESPers, Psychic-Types, Dark-Types, Dark-Knights, Magic Knights, Starry Nights, or Knights of the Round.

It's not about Oriental or Occidental.  Medieval or Modern or Post-Modern.  War or Peace.  Love freaks or embodyments of hate.  Magic or Science or just plain Fisticuffs.

This is about the one season!  Where we All! Agree! On one Thing!

*record scratch* "Man these guys suck."

Preliminary Match #1
Under most circumstances, the sight of an extremely cute dog should move any person away from violence.

Of course, when we're talking about Augst, that's not saying much.

Still, things could be worse.  He could be facing a certain Hamster instead of a Suikodog.

Preliminary Match #2
One a Gypsy, the other a Songstress.  Otherwise quite similar:  supporters who don't seem to do anything.

But enough about Nara and Luna.  This is the Puny Cup!

Both Lucia and Shiho have been in 3 Seasons.  Yes, that Shiho.  The Shiho who turned a tub of lard... ok, so Palmer was a laughingstock already.  But she just made him even worse in that regard.

Lucia... well, we can say she smells good at least.

Writeup Close
Twelve Punies!  One League Watching!  (And jeering.)

Welcome!  To the 2010 Puny Cup!  

One match changes... not much.  But it makes the winners feel good.  And the losers, well... not.

WA4 Augst vs S3 Connie

SH2 Lucia vs VP1 Shiho

Yeah, I know, not the best.  But hopefully, adequate.  I've got Week 2 ready as well.  It'll be 7 weeks in total with 12 matches.  2 per week for Weeks 1-5.  So the above is best intended for Season 60 Week 1.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 03:58:00 AM by Sir Donald 3.2 »