Author Topic: Suikoden: Tactics  (Read 5506 times)


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Suikoden: Tactics
« on: June 15, 2008, 05:25:29 AM »
1. Levels and Test Subject
Levels were taken at 32. There are a couple plot battles that can take you as high as level 35-36, but there is no way I'm going to level everyone in those battles. I'm not including the support characters. Tests were on an Ostrich Man, which had the best balance of PDef and MDef in the area I trained in. For the plot characters, I took the average of my stats and Gourry's stats. I know that there are likely very clear stat tiers, but two of them merge around the 30s-40s, so I didn't bother to try to remove any more RNG. Variation certainly can be strong though (Gourry's Roget had 37 Magic at L32 and mine had 45. 20% seems to be about the max range).

2. Skills
Battle Lust- 80% Physical Damage Boost
Parry- 20% (Factoring in all sides) Chance of nulling enemy’s physical after Evade Check, Unbalances Enemy if Attack is short range.
Dodge- +30% Boost to Raw Evasion.
Guard- 50% chance of halving basic physicals.
Armor Defense- 25% chance of nulling physicals w/ Heavy Armor+15% Crit Rate.
Shield Defense- 25% null to front physicals (Not worth it)
Deflect Missles- 17.5% of nulling projectile physicals (Only works from the front)
Bullseye- +60% Boost to Raw Accuracy
Counter- ~75% Chance to Counter with half damage attack(Note that Mind’s Eye is supposed to make this higher by nulling the back/side penalty…except the character who had Mind’s Eye was actually doing a little worse on those two in my tests).
Cross Counter- Adds Opponents Attack Score to Counter Power.
Critical- 17.5% Crit Rate (Crits are 2x Damage), This isn't 100% due to formula stupidity, but it fits fairly well.
Sniper- 15% Crit Rate and +25% Boost to Raw Accuracy, See Above for notes on the Crit Rate.
Smash- 20% chance to make physicals ITD and unbalance the target (Uh…no counters basically), I think Crits take priority.
Concentration- Spell Cancelling lowered to 5% chances when attacked.

3. Elements
--Standing on an elemental tile of the same element increases the damage you do by about 50% and cuts the damage you take by 33%. Standing on the elemental tile that you are weak to cuts your damage about 50% and makes you take 33% more.
--The Elemental Superiority is: Earth > Lightning > Water > Fire > Wind > Earth. So A Fire Innate is "weak" to Water and such.
--If you stand on a tile of the same element, you gain 20% MHP Regen. On an opposite tile, you lose 20% MHP a turn (Can’t kill). DL wise, elements come into play on runes, or if you let the elements of the ST opponents create tiles.
--Panels last for 5 turns (Against average speed) after the moment they are cast.

4. Effective Stats
The formula may be 100+Acc-2(Evasion)-(Luck)/2. Fit well with Gourry's old numbers, and in 9 tests of 50, all my tests were in 6% of the formula's estimate over a spread of accuracy levels. Close enough for me to just for this.
--I threw in the raw evasion too...but a character with 50% raw evasion in this time still takes more hits than average. If you are wondering why it's so high, all skills being S rank+enemies having shit for skills in both variety and rank makes the enemies fail against DL characters).
Effective Defenses
The Defense multiplier I used for PCs was 1.4 (Enemies sometimes have battle lusts/crits/attack runes, so this felt like a decent balance. If anything it's a little high). For magic, I just used Gourry's old tests for Lazlo smacking the PCs since the power of the move he used was similar to most enemy spells, and Lazlo has bad Magic (relatively, for a mage), and ST enemies...generally suck at stats.
Effective Speed
S:T doesn't use turn base speed, but rather fairly weak CTB-style (PC Speed Ranges from about 90%-115%). The major effect is the charge time of spells is quite long if they have one. A "slow" spell goes after L1 characters even with an endgame PC.

5. Damage Averages
Includes: Notable Crit Rates, Runes that inflict Unbalance on the user (Unbalance only kills counters and evasion until the affected's next turn), and OPB moves. Charge Times are considered for mages, so if possible, they are using spells without charge times. Sword of Magic Runes are also included for those that have them.
Not Considered: Any weapon runes that people don't start with. Sure, some of these only have a few users, but considering that everyone effectively has a storebought weapon rune, they feel universal (Also, then all the mages can use all the storebought magic runes, as there are only 5-6 users per rune).

6. Status Resistance
If it exists, it's not MDef. Of 10 tests against Kyril, Corselia, and a L20 Axel, Kyril was the only person it ever missed against.

7. Averages up Top (Only these two, since all others are effective averages. The rest will be at the top of the text drop post).
3 Turn Damage: 234 (Partial Accuracy Factor)
2.5 Kill Point: 585
3 Turn Damage: 229 (Full Accuracy Factor)
2.5 Kill Point: 572
HP: 276.5

Kyril [Fire]
MP: 6/2/1
HP: 334
ATK: 154
DEF: 89…(-10 Damage)
MDF: 36…(-1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98%
Effective Evade: -20%...(Raw: 51.2%)
Effective Accuracy: 84%  (-8%)
*75% Counter Rate, OPB 50% Auto-Healing if below 20% HP

Physical: 258 (205 Base, 25.8% Crit Rate)

Swallow Rune
Level 1: Flying Swallow- 164 Damage to a Line
Level 2: Flying Swallow Cut- 122 Damage to Enemies Around Kyril
Level 3: Flying Swallow Slash- 615 ST Damage

Parry*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Dodge/Critical Hit/Hidden Power

Andarc [lightning]
HP: 263
MP: 9/6/3/1
ATK: 121
MAG: 52 (57 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 76 (60 w/ M Robe)…(+7 Damage (+26 w/ M Robe))
MDF: 49…(-30 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: -57%...(Raw: 36.4%)
Effective Accuracy: +100%/+110% (+10/+21%)
*75% Chance of Counterattack

Physical: 182 (146 Base, 24.7% Crit Rate)

Lightning Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force- changes terrain to lightning,
Level 2: Thunder Runner- 158 to center hex+Marginal to Surrouding Square, 35% Stun (178 w/ M Robe).
Level 3: Berserk Blow- 235 damage, 20% charge time (255 w/ Magic Robe).
Level 4: Heavenly Thunder- damage to enemies on lightning tile, 60% charge time.

Lightning Magic/Battle Lust/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Guard/Bull's Eye

Seneca [Wind]
HP: 234
MP: 6/2/1
ATK: 135 (130 w/ Platinum Glove)
DEF: 75 (80 w/ P Glove)…(+9 Damage (+2 w/ P Glove))
MDF: 38…(-6 Damage)
Effective Speed: 108%
Effective Evade: 22%...(Raw: 68.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/151% (+10/+66%)
*OPB Auto-50% Healing if below 20% HP

Physical: 243 (230) (171 (162) Base, 42.2% Crit Rate)

Sniper*/Battle Lust/Dodge/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit/Hidden Power

Corselia [Water]
HP: 213
MP: 8/6/3/1
ATK: 82
MAG: 51 (56 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 62 (46 w/ M Robe)…(+27 Damage (+49 w/ Magic Robe))
MDF: 60…(-55 Damage)
Effective Speed: 97.3%
Effective Evade: 72%...(Raw: 88.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 57% (-37%)
*I believe she starts with Star Earrings, which give her 5% Regen every turn (Independent of any tile effects)
*OPB Auto 50% Healing if below 20% HP

Physical: 52 (42 Base, 24.4% Crit Rate)

Water Rune
Level 1: Water Force- Changes terrain to water.
Level 2: Kindness Drops- Full ST Healing.
Level 3: Breath of Ice- 142 Ice damage, 20% Charge Time (162 w/ Magic Robe).
Level 4: Kindness Rain- Heals 385 to a 3x3 areal, 40% Charge Time

Concentration*/Water Magic/Dodge/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Hidden Power

Simeon [Water]
HP: 209
MP: 8/6/3/1
ATK: 83
MAG: 51 (56 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 56 (40 w/ M Robe)…(+36 Damage (+58 w/ Magic Robe))
MDF: 59…(-53 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: 1%...(Raw: 59.9%)
Effective Accuracy: 57% (-37%)

Physical: 45 (43 Base, 5.8% Crit Rate)

Wind Rune
Level 1: Wind Force- Changes Area to Wind.
Level 2: Wind of Sleep- 95% Chance of Sleep, Cancelled by Any Damage, Otherwise Enemy Loses their turn (So the damage is irrelevant unless Simeon was going to double).
Level 3: Healing Wind- Full healing, 20% Charge Time.
Level 4: The Shredding- 175 damage to an area, medium charge time, 40% Charge Time (195 w/ M. Robe).

Flowing Rune
Level 1: Flowing Force- Changes large area to water element.
Level 2: Breath of Ice- 142 damage, fast charge time, 20% Charge Time. <162>
Level 3: Kindness Rain- Heals 385 to a 3x3 area, 40% Charge Time.
Level 4: Silent Lake- Nulls Rune magic and Rune skills for three turns (No Charge Time).

Water Magic*/Concentration*/Dodge/Guard/Wind Magic/Mind's Eye

Roget [Wind]
HP: 266
MP: 7/4/2/1
ATK: 95
MAG: 41 (46 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 62 (46 w/ M Robe)…(+27 Damage (+48 w/ M Robe))
MDF: 47…(-26 Damage)
Effective Speed: 101.8%
Effective Evade: -11%...(Raw: 55%)
Effective Accuracy: 61% (-33%)
*75% Chance of Countering

Physical: 58 (55 Base, 4.7% Crit Rate)

Cyclone Rune
Level 1: Cyclone Force- Makes a large area wind element.
Level 2: Healing Wind- Heals 180 HP, 20% Charge Time (200 w/ Magic Robe).
Level 3: The Shredding- 135 damage to an area, 40% Charge Time (155 w/ Magic Robe).
Level 4: Shining Wind- 250 Healing Allies and 165 Damage to Enemies on Wind Tiles, 60% Charge Time.

Concentration/Wind Magic/Dodge/Mind's Eye/Counterattack

Coop [Water]
HP: 304
ATK: 161
DEF: 87 (91 w/ L Armor)…(-7 Damage (-12 w/ Lighter Armor))
MDF: 17…(+42 Damage)
Effective Speed: 90.2%
Effective Evade: -77%...(Raw: 28.3%)
Effective Accuracy: 100% (+10%)
*75% Chance of Countering, 15% Critical Resistance

Physical: 280 (218 Base, 23.6% Crit, 15.2% Chance of 290 ITD Damage)

Counterattack/Smash/Battle Lust/Armor Defense/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit

Ornela [lightning]
HP: 235
ATK: 151
DEF: 88…(-8 Damage)
MDF: 35…(+1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 107.2%
Effective Evade: -42%...(Raw: 42.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/122% (+10%/+34%)
*75% Chance of Countering, Evasion is -20% against Projectiles

Physical: 200 (217 w/ Crits, 8.6% Crit Rate)

Battle Lust/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Deflect Missiles/Dodge

Busk [Fire]
HP: 292
ATK: 152
DEF: 96…(-18 Damage)
MDF: 36…(-1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98%
Effective Evade: -25%...(Raw: 49.4%)
Effective Accuracy: 71% (-22%)
*75% Chance of Countering

Physical: 256 (202 Base, 26.6% Crit Rate)

Battle Lust/Counterattack/Deflect Missiles/Dodge/Critical Hit/Guard

Trishtan (364) > Karl (363) > Axel (360) > Rachel (337) > Kyril = Mitsuba (334) > Eugene (332) > Akaghi (334) > Dario (329) > Selma (324) > Coop (304) > Tal (301) > Reinhold (300) > Ameria (299) > Champo = Jeremy = Lino (293) > Busk (292) > Charlemagne = Nalleo = Snowe (271) > Rita (270) > Jewel = Nalkul = Wendel (267) > Flare = Roget (266) > Hervey = Keneth = Mizuki (264) > Lazlo = Pablo (262) > Gretchen (256) > Sigurd (246) > Kate (239) > Frederica = Reinbach (238) > Kika = Millay (236) > Ornela (235) > Maxine = Paula = Seneca (234) > Katarina (233) > Corselia (213) > Simeon (209) > Jeane (206)
Average: 276.5

Damage (Three Turn)
Damage (Accuracy not fully factored in)
Lazlo 520> Kika 404 > Kyril 377 > Nalleo 375 >Charlemagne 347 >  Sigurd 336 > Karl 325 > Mitsuba 307 > Dario 291 > Coop 280 > Keneth 279 > Selma 264 > Busk 256 > Flare 250 > Rachel 247 > Seneca 243 > Millay 240 > Frederica = Reinhold 239 > Jewel 236 >Kate 234 > Gretchen 231 > Eugene 229 > Snowe 227 > Wendel 224 > Rita 222 > Lino 221 > Paula 217 > Nalkul 216 > Jeremy 215 = Reinbach 215 > Ameria 213 > Mizuki 211 > Akaghi 208 > Jeane 201 > Ornela 200 > Busk 199 (Docked 22%)  > Trishtan 199 > Hervey 193 (Docked 23%) > Champo 192 > Axel 187 (Docked 23%) > Tal 183 (Docked 29%) > Andarc 182 > Katarina 153 > Maxine 144 > Simeon 117 > Corselia 95 > Roget 90 > Pablo 71
Average: 234
Kill Point: 585

Damage  (Accuracy factored in)
Lazlo 520> Kika 404 > Kyril 350 > Nalleo 375 >Charlemagne 347 > Lazlo 347 > Sigurd 336 > Karl 325 > Mitsuba 307 > Dario 291 > Coop 280 > Keneth 279 > Selma 264 > Busk 256 > Flare 250 > Seneca 243 > Rachel 241 > Millay 240 > Frederica = Reinhold 239 > Jewel 236 >Kate 234 > Gretchen 231 > Eugene 229 > Snowe 227 > Wendel 224 > Rita 222 > Lino 221 > Paula 217 > Nalkul 216 > Jeremy 215 > Mizuki 211 > Akaghi 208 > Jeane 201 > Ornela 200 > Trishtan 197 > Andarc = Busk 182 > America 181 > Reinbach 178 > Hervey 175 > Axel 170 > Tal 167 > Champo 156 > Katarina 153 > Maxine 144 > Simeon 117 > Corselia 95 > Roget 90 > Pablo 71
Average: 229
Kill Point: 573
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 04:01:51 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2008, 05:26:06 AM »
Lazlo [Wind]
HP: 262
MP: 7/5/2/1
ATK: 149
DEF: 87…(-7 Damage)
MDF: 43…(-17 Damage)
Effective Speed: 106.5%
Effective Evasion: 15% (65.2%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/126% (+10%/+39%)

Punishment Magic*/Battle Lust*/Parry*/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Dodge

Physical: 196

Rune of Punishment
Level 1: Eternal Ordeal- 122 damage.
Level 2: Double-Edged Sword- hits units in a specific 3x3 area 8 times. Since this is a duel, all 8 strikes hit the same person. 65/strike, 520 damage total. Note that high magic defense can lower the damage of each strike by quite a bit. Simeon takes 18/strike, for instance
Level 3: Voice of Death- ID. Percentage is pretty high, but depends on target's MDef (77% on freaking Simeon ***Note that the MDef is Gourry's test. I saw no indication that WoS hit MDef at all myself).
Level 4: Everlasting Mercy- Deal 200 to enemies, heals 217 for allies including Lazlo, 60% Charge time (Might be less. I didn't have Lazlo, so this is an extrapolation based on other spells with the same charge time classification).

Akaghi [Fire]
HP: 330
ATK: 133 (128 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 72 (77 w/ P. Bracers)…(+13 Damage (+6 w/ Platinum Bracers))
MDF: 39…(-8 Damage)
Effective Speed: 110%
Effective Evade: -33%...(Raw: 46%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/106% (10%/17%)

Physical: 208 (197) (167 (158) Base, 24.8% Crit Rate)

Battle Lust/Guard/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Bull's Eye/Hidden Power

Axel [Earth]
HP: 360
ATK: 144
DEF: 87 (91 w/ LArmor)…(-7 Damage (-12 w/ L Armor)
MDF: 19…(-37 Damage)
Effective Speed: 90.2%
Effective Evade: -80%...(Raw: 27.2%)
Effective Accuracy: 70% (-23%)

Physical: 243 (187 Base, 24.3% Crit Rate, 15.1% Chance of 259 ITD Damage)

Hidden Power*/Smash/Battle Lust/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Armor Defense

Dario [Earth]
 HP: 329
MP: 3/1
ATK: 148
DEF: 85 (89 w/ L Armor)…(-5 Damage (-11 w/ Lighter Armor))
MDF: 22…(+30 Damage)
Effective Speed: 88.8%
Effective Evade: -71%...(Raw: 30.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 98% (+8%)

Physical: 252 (194 Base, 24.4% Crit, 15.1% Chance of 266 ITD Damage)

Level 1: Helmet Split- 1.5x, user becomes unbalanced. [291]
Level 2: Earth Split- 0.5x to an area around user, user becomes unbalanced. [97]

Armor Defense*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Smash/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit

Flare [Water]
HP: 266
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 134 (129 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 72 (77 w/ P. Bracers)…(+13 Damage (+6 w/ Platinum Bracers))
MDF: 53…(-39 Damage)
Effective Speed: 103%
Effective Evade: 34%...(Raw: 73.4%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/146% (+10%/+60%)

Physical: 242 (229) (169 (160) Base, 43% Crit Rate)

Hawk Rune
Level 1: Shadow Weave- 50% Don’t Move.
Level 2: Strong Arm- 254 (240), user becomes unbalanced.
Level 3: Dance of the Hawk- 1.0x damage to a large area, can cause shadow weave, user becomes unbalanced. [160, 169]

Sniper/Battle Lust/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit/Guard
<Hidden Power>

Hervey [Fire]
HP: 264
MP: 4/1
ATK: 152
DEF: 88…(-8 Damage)
MDF: 30…(+12 Damage)
Effective Speed: 103.7%
Effective Evade: -1%...(Raw: 59.2%)
Effective Accuracy: 70% (-23%)

Physical: 251 (202 Base, 24.4% Crit Rate)

Counterattack/Parry/Battle Lust/Dodge/Critical Hit/Hidden Power

Rage Sword Rune
Level 1: Flame Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Fire.
Level 2: Rage Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Fire.

Jeane [lightning]
HP: 206
MP: 9/6/3/1
ATK: 121
MAG: 58 (63 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 58 (40 w/ a Magic Robe) (+33 Damage (+55 w/ Magic Robe))
MDF: 56…(-46 Damage)
Effective Speed: 90.2%
Effective Evade: -20%...Raw: 51.3%
Effective Accuracy: 85% (-6%)

Physical: 146

Lightning Magic*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Concentration/Dodge/Guard
<Bull's Eye/Critical Hit/Mind's Eye>

Thunder Rune
Level 1: Thunder Force- changes large area to Thunder.
Level 2: Berserk Blow- 257 damage, fast charge time, 20% Charge Time
Level 3: Heavenly Thunder- damages units on thunder.
Level 4: Furious Blow- 347 damage, slow charge time, 60% Charge Time

Lino En Kuldes [Fire]
HP: 293
MP: 4/1
ATK: 139
DEF: 88 (92 w/ a Lighter Armor) (-8 Damage (-14 Damage w/ a Lighter Armor))
MDF: 27…(+19 Damage)
Effective Speed: 89.5%
Effective Evade: -61%...(Raw Evade: 34.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/108% (+10%/+19%)

Physical: 221 (178 Base, 24.3% Crit)

Armor Defense*/Battle Lust*/Deflect Missiles*/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit

Unicorn Rune
Level 1: First Style- 1.0x to a two square line. User becomes unbalanced. [178]
Level 2: Second Style- 1.2x to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [214]

Katarina [Fire]
HP: 233
MP: 8/6/3/1
ATK: 95
MAG: 51 (56 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 74 (58 w/ M Robe)…(+10 Damage (+30 w/ M Robe)
MDF: 49…(-30 Damage)
Effective Speed: 94.5%
Effective Evade: 4%...(Raw: 61%)
Effective Accuracy: 69% (-24%)

Physical: 55

Fire Rune
Level 1: Flame Force- makes an area fire.
Level 2: Flaming Arrows- 153 damage (173 w/ Magic Robe)
Level 3: Blazing Wall- Damage units on fire terrain, fast charge time.
Level 4: Explosion- 196 damage, 40% Charge Time (216 w/ Magic Robe)

Lightning Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force- changes terrain to lightning
Level 2: Thunder Runner- 153 damage, Crappy damage to surrounding hexes, 35% Stun (173 w/ Magic Robe)
Level 3: Berserk Blow- 229 damage, 20% Charge Time (249 w/ Magic Robe)
Level 4: Heavenly Thunder- damage to enemies on lightning tile, 60% Charge Time.

Guard/Fire Magic/Lightning Magic/Concentration/Dodge/Counterattack
<Critical Hit>

Keneth [lightning]
HP: 264
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 136
DEF: 87…(-7 Damage)
MDF: 37…(-3 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: 16%...(Raw: 66.1%)
Accuracy: 100%/114% (+10%/+26%)

Physical: 173
Thunder Sword: 209, 36 ITD Damage
Thunder Sword Physical: 314, 54 ITD Damage

Battle Lust/Parry/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Guard
<Hidden Power>

Viper Rune
Level 1: Poison Slash- 1.0x, add: poison. Poisons is 10% a turn. Not sure if it can kill. Poison Hit Rate is fairly low.
Level 2: Viper Bite- 173 Damage+50% ID.
Level 3: Hydra- 1.0x damage. Add: poison. Unsure on hit rate (50% Perhaps?)

Thunder Sword Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Lightning.
Level 2: Thunder Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Lightning.
Level 3: Thunder Sword - 1.0x attack + MAG stat Damage, Keneth & Target get thunder tiles, Lasts 2 turns.

Kika [Wind]
HP: 236
MP: 6/3/1
ATK: 136
DEF: 89…(-10 Damage)
MDF: 34…(+3 Damage)
Effective Speed: 101.5%
Effective Evade: 70%...(Raw: 88%)
Effective Accuracy: 90% (-1%)

Physical: 173

Falcon Rune
Level 1: Falcon Slash- 1.2x damage [208]
Level 2: Falcon Thrust- 2x damage [346]
Level 3: Falcon Storm Thrust- 3x damage [519]

Counterattack/Parry/Battle Lust/Dodge/Hidden Power/Mind's Eye
<Bull's Eye/Critical Hit>

Maxine [Fire]
HP: 234
MP: 8/6/2/1
ATK: 93
MAG: 49 (54 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 60 (44 w/ M Robe)…+30 Damage (+50 w/ M Robe)
MDF: 46…(-24 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98%
Effective Evade: 17%...(Raw: 66.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 71% (-22%)

Physical: 66 (53 Base, 24.8% Crit)

Fire Rune
Level 1: Flame Force- makes an area fire.
Level 2: Flaming Arrows- 144 damage (164 w/ Magic Robe).
Level 3: Blazing Wall- Damage units on fire terrain, 20% Charge Time.
Level 4: Explosion- 185 damage, 40% Charge Time (205 w/ Magic Robe).

Fire Magic/Concentration/Dodge/Mind's Eye/Counterattack/Critical Hit

Mizuki [Water]
HP: 264
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 123 (118 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 66 (71 w/ P Bracers)…(+21 Damage (+14 w/ Platinum Bracers))
MDF: 45…(-21 Damage)
Effective Speed: 111.1%
Effective Evade: 95%...(Raw: 97.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/114% (+10%/+25%)

Physical: 186 (175) (149 (140) Base, 25% Crit Rate)

Shrike Rune
Level 1: Shrike Impale - Impale one enemy for 1.0 x normal damage. [140,149]
Level 2: Skull Thrust - Deal 1.5 x normal damage to one enemy, user becomes unbalanced. [210,224]
Level 3: Pile Driver - Deal 2.0 x normal damage to one enemy. 20% dmg to user. [280, 56 recoil/298, 58 recoil)

Hidden Power/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Dodge/Critical Hit/Bull's Eye
<Mind’s Eye>

Paula [Wind]
HP: 234
ATK: 136
DEF: 80…(+2 Damage)
MDF: 54…(-42 Damage)
Effective Speed: 102.3%
Effective Evade: 24%...(Raw: 69.2%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/120% (+10%/+32%)

Physical: 217 (173 Base, 25.5% Crit Rate)

Parry*/Dodge/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Bull's Eye/Hidden Power

Reinbach [Fire]
HP: 238
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 115
DEF: 95…(-17 Damage)
MDF: 35…(+1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: 28%...(Raw Evade: 70.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 83% (-9%)

Physical: 215 (169, 27% Crit Rate)

Red Rose Rune
Level 1: Red Rose Etude- 1.0x. [169]
Level 2: Red Rose Minuet- Causes sleep to an area.
Level 3: Red Rose Rondo- 0.8x to an area around Reinbach. Allies get pissed. Can cause sleep. [135]

Narcissism*/Parry/Battle Lust/Counterattack/Dodge/Critical

Selma [Wind]
HP: 324
MP: 4/2
ATK: 153
DEF: 86 (90 w/ L Armor) (-6 Damage (-12 w/ L Armor)
MDF: 26…(+21 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: -31%...(Raw: 47.1%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/110% (+10%/+21%)

Physical: 264 (203 Base, 24.6% Crit Rate, 15.1% Chance of 275 ITD Damage)

Titan Rune
Level 1: Giant's Hand- 1.0x. 10% damage recoil. [203 damage, 20 recoil]
Level 2: Giant's Foot- 1.5x. 20% damage recoil. [305 damage, 60 recoil]

Smash*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Armor Defense/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit
<Guard/Mind's Eye>

Sigurd [Water]
HP: 246
MP: 6/2/1
MAG: 35
ATK: 134 (129 w/ Platinum Glove)
DEF: 76 (81 w/ P Glove)…(+7 Damage (Average w/ Platinum Glove))
MDF: 39…(-8 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evasion: 28%...(Raw: 70.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/149% (+10%/+64%)

Physical: 209 (197) (169 (160) Base, 23.4% Crit)
Flowing Sword: 252 (241) (43 of that is ITD) (204 (195) Base (35 of that is ITD), 23.4% Crit)_
Flowing Sword Physical: 378 (362) (65 of that is ITD)

Flowing Sword Rune
Level 1: Water Force- makes water tiles
Level 2: Flowing Force- makes more water tiles
Level 3: Flowing Sword- Normal attack + MAG, Sigurd is always under a water tile and creates water tiles when he moves.

Sniper*/Battle Lust/Mind's Eye/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Guard

Snowe [Water]
HP: 271
ATK: 141
MDF: 24…(+26 Damage)
DEF: 92…(-13 Damage)
Effective Speed: 100.1%
Effective Evade: -46%...(Raw: 40.8%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/126% (+10%/+38%)

Physical: 227 (182 Base, 24.8% Crit Rate)

Battle Lust/Parry/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit

Tal [Earth]
HP: 301
ATK: 155
DEF: 85 (89 w/ L Armor)…(-7 Damage (-12 w/ L Armor)
MDF: 22…(+30 Damage)
Effective Speed: 97.3%
Effective Evade: 10%...(Raw: 63.4%)
Effective Accuracy: 65% (-29%)

Physical: 257 (207 Base, 24.3% Crit Rate)

Critical Hit/Dodge/Armor Defense/Battle Lust/Parry/Counterattack
<Hidden Power>

Ameria [Wind]
HP: 299
ATK: 134
DEF: 87…(-7 Damage)
MDF: 27…(+19 Damage)
Effective Speed: 109.4%
Effective Evade: 18%...(Raw Evade: 67.9%)
Effective Accuracy: 85% (-7%)

Physical: 213 (169 Base, 25.8% Crit Rate)

Parry*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Dodge/Critical Hit/Guard

Champo [Earth]
HP: 293
ATK: 125
DEF: 82…(-1 Damage)
MDF: 21…(-33 Damage)
Effective Speed: 106.5%
Effective Evade: 49%...(Raw 79.3%)
Effective Accuracy: 81% (-11%)

Physical: 192 (153 Base, 25.8% Crit Rate, Chance of Attaching Balloon to Enemy, 3 Balloons=ID)

Guard/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Dodge/Critical Hit /Mind's Eye

Charlemagne [Earth]
HP: 271
MP: 4/2/1
ATK: 116
DEF: 93…(-14 Damage)
MDF: 34…(+3 Damage)
Effective Speed: 96.6%
Effective Evade: -37%...(Raw: 45.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/111% (+10%/+22%)

Physical: 213 (171 Base, 24.8% Crit)
Mother Earth Sword: 260 (213 Normal+46 ITD, 171+37 ITD Base, 24.8% Crit)
Physical w/Earth Panels & ME Sword: 390 (320 Normal+69 ITD, 257+56 Base, 24.8% Crit)

Mother Earth Sword Rune
Level 1: Earth Force- Earth tiles yes.
Level 2: Mother Earth Force- same bigger.
Level 3: Mother Earth Sword- 1.0x attack + MAG stat Damage, Charlemagne and target get earth tiles, Lasts 2 turns.

Narcissism*/Parry/Battle Lust/Bull’s Eye/Critical Hit/Mind's Eye

Eugene [Water]
HP: 332
ATK: 143
DEF: 93…(-14 Damage)
MDF: 37…(-3 Damage)
Effective Speed: 91.6%
Effective Evade: -1%...(Raw: 59.1%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/121% (+10%/+33%)

Physical: 229 (185 Base, 23.8% Crit Rate)

Guard/Battle Lust/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Dodge/Bull's Eye
<Deflect Missiles>

Frederica [Earth]
HP: 238
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 134 (129 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 66 (71 w/ Platinum Bracers)
MDF: 28…(+17 Damage)
Effective Speed: 106.5%
Effective Evade: -10%...(Raw: 55.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/142% (+10%/+56%)

Physical: 209 (198) (169 (160) Base, 23.6% Crit Rate)

Sniper/Battle Lust/Dodge/Bull's Eye/Hidden Power

Hawk Rune
Level 1: Shadow Weave- Causes Shadow Weave (DON'T MOVE) status. 40-60%.
Level 2: Strong Arm- 1.5x damage, user becomes unbalanced. [240, 254]
Level 3: Dance of the Hawk- 1.0x damage to a large area, can cause shadow weave, user becomes unbalanced. [160, 169]

Gretchen [Earth]
HP: 256
ATK: 143
DEF: 108…(-32 Damage)
MDF: 24…(+26 Damage)
Effective Speed: 97.3%
Effective Evade: -71%...(Raw: 30.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/110% (+10%/+21%)

Physical: 231 (185 Base, 24.6% Crit Rate)

Guard/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Mind's Eye/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit

Jeremy [lightning]
HP: 293
ATK: 135
DEF: 91…(-12 Damage)
MDF: 23…(+28 Damage)
Effective Speed: 99.4%
Effective Evade: -13%...(Raw: 54.4%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/124% (+10%/+36%)

Physical: 215 (171 Base, 26% Crit Rate)

Counterattack/Battle Lust/Parry/Critical Hit/Bull's Eye/Dodge

Karl [lightning]
HP: 363
MP: 4/2/1
ATK: 141
DEF: 69…(+17 Damage)
MDF: 13…(+51 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98%
Effective Evade: 38% (Raw: 74.9%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/111% (+10%/+22%)
Resists Unbalance

Physical: 248 (182 Base, ~36% Crit Rate)

Killer Rune- Ups Critical hit rate.

White Tiger Rune
Level 1: Gather Strength- Doubles power for the next attack.
Level 2: Steel Curtain- Increases PDF by 50% until unit's next turn. Not sure if this will ever be useful.
Level 3: Air Shot- 2x damage to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [364]

Cross Counter*/Battle Lust/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit/Mind's Eye

Kate [lightning]
HP: 239
ATK: 132 (127 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 74 (79 w/ P Bracers)…(+10 Damage (+3 Damage w/  P Bracers)
MDF: 29…(+15 Damage)
Effective Speed: 111.1%
Effective Evade: 60%...(Raw: 83.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/165% (+10%/+81%)

Physical: 203 (192) (166 (157 Base), 22.2% Crit Rate)

Eagle Rune
Level 1: Clairvoyance- Normal attack with 3x range. [157, 166]
Level 2: Piercing Shot- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [234, 249]
Level 3: Smoking Shot- 1.0x damage to an area around user, user becomes unbalanced. [157, 166]

Sniper*/Battle Lust/Dodge/Mind's Eye/Guard/Bull's Eye
<Hidden Power>

Millay [Fire]
HP: 236
ATK: 145
DEF: 91…(-12 Damage)
MDF: 36…(-1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 105.1%
Effective Evade: 18%...(Raw: 67.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/120% (+10%/+32%)

Physical: 240 (189, 27.1% Crit Rate)

Counterattack/Parry/Battle Lust/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit

Mitsuba [Varies]
HP: 334
ATK: 171
DEF: 91…(-12 Damage)
MDF: 37…(-3 Damage)
Effective Speed: 95.9%
Effective Evade: -16%...(Raw: 53%)
Effective Accuracy: 100% (+10%)

Physical: 307 (236, 25.4% Crit Rate, 14.9% Chance of 308 ITD Damage)

Chameleon Rune- Mitsuba's elemental affinity changes depending on the day

Titan Rune
Level 1: Giant's Hand- 1.0x. 10% damage recoil. [236, Mitsuba takes 23]
Level 2: Giant's Foot- 1.5x. 20% damage recoil. [354, Mitsuba takes 70]

Smash*/Counterattack/Lust/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit

Nalkul [Fire]
HP: 267
MP: 6/3/1
ATK: 120
DEF: 80…(+2 Damage)
MDF: 41…(-12 Damage)
Effective Speed: 108%
Effective Evade: 86%...(Raw: 94.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/126% (+10%/+39%)

Physical: 144

Lion Rune
Level 1: Piercing Claw- 1.0x damage to target, user moves past the target unless there's an obstacle. [144]
Level 2: Shredding Claw- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [216]
Level 3: Beast King Claw- 2x damage, 20% recoil. [288, 56 recoil]

Battle Lust*/Counterattack/Dodge/Mind's Eye/Hidden Power/Bull's Eye

Nalleo [Wind]
HP: 271
MP: 5/2/1  
ATK: 142
MDF: 28…(+17 Damage)
DEF: 84 (88 w/ L Armor)…(-3 Damage (-9 w/ Lighter Armor))
Effective Speed: 103%
Effective Evade: -5%...(Raw: 57.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/122% (+10%/+33%)

Physical: 245 (184 Base, 27.2% Crit, 14.6% Chance of 256 ITD Damage)
Cyclone Sword: 281 (Various Math)
Cyclone Sword Physical: 422

Cyclone Sword Rune
Level 1: Wind Force- makes wind tiles
Level 2: Cyclone Force- makes more wind tiles
Level 3: Cyclone Sword- Normal attack + MAG, Sigurd is always under a water tile and creates water tiles when he moves.

Battle Lust/Counterattack/Smash/Armor Defense/Bull's Eye/Critical Hit

Pablo [Earth]
HP: 262
MP: 8/5/2/1
ATK: 82
MAG: 45 (50 w/ Magic Robe)
DEF: 62 (46 w/ M Robe)…+27 Damage (+49 Damage w/ M Robe)
MDF: 42…(-15 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98%
Effective Evade: -31%...(Raw: 47.1%)
Effective Accuracy: 99% (+9%)

Physical: 53 (42 Base, 25.2% Crit Rate)

Earth Rune
Level 1: Earth Force- Changes terrain to Earth.
Level 2: Clay Guardian- Increases physical and magic defense.
Level 3: Vengeful Child- Protects from magic/skills once.
Level 4: Earthquake- 10 Hits of 191 randomly on a 12 hex area. Average: 159, 60% Charge Time (176 Average w/ Magic Robe)

Earth Magic/Guard/Concentration/Dodge/Critical/Bull's Eye

Rachel [Fire]
HP: 337
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 143
DEF: 89…(-10 Damage)
MDF: 25…(+24 Damage)
Effective Speed: 104.4%
Effective Evade: -5%...(Raw: 57.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 77% (-15%)

Physical: 232 (185, 25.2% Crit Rate)

Unicorn Rune
Level 1: First Style- 1.0x to a two square line. User becomes unbalanced. [185]
Level 2: Second Style- 1.2x to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [222]
Level 3: Third Style- 1.5x to a four square line. User becomes unbalanced. [278]

Deflect Missiles*/Counterattack/Dodge/Battle Lust/Critical Hit/Guard

Reinhold [Fire]
HP: 300
ATK: 147
DEF: 79 (83 w/ L Armor)…(+3 Damage (-3 w/ L Armor)
MDF: 38…(-6 Damage)
Effective Speed: 94.5%
Effective Evade: -10%...(Raw: 55.6%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/110% (+10%/+21%)

Physical: 239 (193 Base, 23.9% Crit Rate)

Battle Lust*/Counterattack/Critical Hit/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Armor Defense
<Hidden Power/Guard/Deflect Missiles>

Rita [lightning]
HP: 270
ATK: 132
DEF: 86 (90 w/ L Armor)…(-6 Damage (-12 w/ a Lighter Armor))
MDF: 33…(+6 Damage)
Effective Speed: 98.7%
Effective Evade: 35%...(Raw: 73.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/120% (+10%/+32%)

Physical: 222 (166 Base, 27.6% Crit, 14.5% Chance of 238 ITD Damage)

Smash/Battle Lust/Counterattack/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit
<Armor Defense/Mind's Eye>

Trishtan [Earth]
HP: 364
ATK: 135
DEF: 96…(-18 Damage)
MDF: 21…(+33 Damage)
Effective Speed: 100.1%
Effective Evade: -21%...(Raw: 50.9%)
Effective Accuracy: 99% (9%)

Physical: 199 (162, 22.6% Crit Rate)

Guard*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Bull's Eye/Dodge/Critical Hit
<Hidden Power>

Wendel [Water]
HP: 267
MP: 5/2/1
ATK: 128 (123 w/ Platinum Bracers)
DEF: 72 (77 w/ P Bracers)…(+13 Damage (+6 w/ P Bracers)
MDF: 36…(-1 Damage)
Effective Speed: 114.3%
Effective Evade: 74%...(Raw Evade: 89.5%)
Effective Accuracy: 100%/121% (+10%/+33%)

Physical: 199 (188) (158 (149) Base, 26.2% Crit Rate)

Lion Rune
Level 1: Piercing Claw- 1.0x damage to target, user moves past the target unless there's an obstacle. [148, 158]
Level 2: Shredding Claw- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [224, 237]
Level 3: Beast King Claw- 2x damage, 20% recoil. [298, 29 recoil/316, 62 recoil]

Critical Hit*/Counterattack/Battle Lust/Dodge/Mind's Eye/Bull's Eye
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 03:44:28 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2008, 05:26:38 AM »
Text Drop

--Massive Note: My laziness is striking here, and I'm not going to replace Gourry's stats with my mix of his and my stats for the major characters. Obviously, the different is pretty small, but it's there.
--Also, I should note that the only other stat I bothered to change was Mizuki's evasion, as mine had 55 at L32.

Kika (55) > Lazlo = Nalkul (53) > Snowe (52) > Jeane = Jeremy (51) > Ameria = Seneca = Sigurd (50) > Ornela (49) > Eugene = Kate = Nalleo = Reinbach = Wendel (48) > Flare = Kyril (47) > Champo (46) > Millay = Paula (45) > Frederica (43) > Rachel (42) > Keneth (41) > Mizuki (40) > Charlemagne = Karl = Rita (37) > Busk = Gretchen = Maxine = Reinhold = Selma (36) > Andarc = Axel = Hervey = Jewel (35) > Katarina = Lino (34) > Akaghi (33) > Tal (30) > Coop = Mitsuba (28) > Pablo = Roget = Trishtan (26) > Dario (25) > Simeon (22) > Corselia (19)
Average: 39.8

Mizuki (61) > Corselia (56) > Nalkul (54) > Jewel = Kika = Wendel (49) > Kate = Seneca (48) > Paula (47) > Lazlo (46) > Reinbach (45) > Akaghi = Eugene = Katarina (44) > Champo = Flare = Frederica = Karl = Millay (42) > Hervey (41) > Ameria (40) > Maxine = Reinhold (39) > Jeremy = Keneth = Mitsuba = Rachel (38) > Charlegmagne = Nalleo = Ornela = Rita = Sigurd (37) > Andarc = Kyril = Lino = Roget = Selma = Trishtan (36) > Tal (35) > Jeane = Snowe (34) > Dario (30) > Busk (29) > Coop = Simeon (28) > Pablo (27) > Axel = Gretchen (25)
Average: 39.6

Corsela = Simeon (57) > Jeane (56) > Paula (54) > Flare (53) > Andarc = Katarina (49) > Roget (47) > Maxine (46) > Mizuki (45) > Lazlo (43) > Pablo (42) > Nalkul (41) > Akaghi = Sigurd (39) > Jewel = Reinhold (38) > Axel = Eugene = Keneth = Mistuba (37) > Busk = Millay = Wendel (36) > Kyril = Ornela = Reinbach = Seneca (35) > Charlemagne = Kika (34) > Rita (33) > Hervey (30) > Kate (29) > Frederica = Nalleo (28) > Ameria = Lino (27) > Selma (26) > Rachel (25) > Gretchen = Snowe (24) > Jeremy (23) > Dario = Tal (22) > Champo = Trishtan (21) > Coop (17) > Karl (13)
Average: 35.4

Wendel (61) > Kate = Mizuki (57) > Akaghi (55) > Ameria (54) > Nalkul = Seneca (52) > Champo = Frederica = Lazlo = Ornela (50) > Millay (48) > Rachel (47) > Hervey (46) > Flare = Nalleo (45) > Paula (44) > Kika (43) > Roget (42) > Jewel = Snowe = Trishtan (41) > Jeremy (40) > Kyril = Rita (39) > Busk = Karl = Maxine = Pablo (38) > Corselia = Gretchen = Tal (37) > Charlemagne (36) > Andarc = Keneth = Mitsuba = Reinbach = Selma = Sigurd = Simeon (35) > Katarina = Reinhold (33) > Eugene (29) > Axel = Coop = Jeane (27) > Lino (26) > Dario (25)
Average: 40.8

Gretchen (108) > Busk = Trishtan (96) > Reinbach (95) > Charlemagne = Eugene (93) > Jewel = Snowe (92) > Jeremy = Millay = Mitsuba (91) > Kika = Kyril = Rachel (89) > Hervey = Lino = Ornela (88) > Ameria = Axel = Coop = Keneth = Lazlo (87) > Rita = Selma (86) > Dario = Tal (85) > Nalleo (84) > Champo (82) > Sigurd (81) > Nalkul = Paula (80) > Kate = Reinhold (79) > Seneca (78) > Akaghi = Flare = Wendel (77) > Andarc (76) > Katarina (74) > Frederica = Mizuki (71) > Karl (69) > Corselia (65) > Pablo (62) > Roget (61) > Maxine (60) > Jeane (58) > Simeon (55)
Average: 82.1

Platinum Mail: +36 DEF
Platinum Gauntlets: +18 DEF

Everyone not listed.

Heavy Armor
General Armor: +32 DEF
Selma, Reinhold, Rita, Coop, Dario, Nalleo, Tal, Axel, Lino

Wing Shield: +3 DEF, +5 SPD
Dario, Nalleo, Keneth, Millay

Light Armor
Dragon Scale Armor: +30 DEF
Platinum Gloves: +13 DEF

Power Glove: +5 STR, +8 DEF
Kate, Seneca, Sigurd, Flare, Akaghi, Mizuki, Frederica, Wendel

Shimmering Robe: +24 DEF
Sage's Bracelet: +12 DEF


Nay-Kobold Armor: +35 DEF
Paw Gloves: +10 DEF

Nalkul, Champo

Shirtless Karl
Master's Vest: +24 DEF, resists unbalance.
Master's Wristbands: +12 DEF Characters

Kyril [Fire]
MP: 6/2/1
HP: 334
STR: 48
SKL: 49
MAG: 25
EVA: 36
PDF: 35
MDF: 35
SPD: 38
LUC: 35
ATK: 154
DEF: 89

Physical: 205

Swallow Rune
Level 1: Flying Swallow- Deals 0.8x damage to a line. [164]
Level 2: Flying Swallow Cut- Deals 0.5x to enemes around Kyril. [122]
Level 3: Flying Swallow Slash- 3x. [615]

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Hidden Power

Lazlo/Dennis/Mr. Personality [Wind]
HP: 262
MP: 7/5/2/1
STR: 52
SKL: 53
MAG: 40
EVA: 46
PDF: 33
MDF: 43
SPD: 50
LUC: 29
ATK: 149
DEF: 87

Physical: 196

Punishment Magic*
Battle Lust*
Bull's Eye

Hidden Power

Rune of Punishment
Level 1: Eternal Ordeal- 122 damage.
Level 2: Double-Edged Sword- hits units in a specific 3x3 area 8 times. Since this is a duel, all 8 strikes hit the same person. 65/strike, 520 damage total. Note that high magic defense can lower the damage of each strike by quite a bit. Simeon takes 18/strike, for instance.
Level 3: Voice of Death- ID. Percentage is pretty high, but depends on target's MDef (77% on freaking Simeon).
Level 4: Everlasting Mercy- Deal 200 to enemies, heals 217 for allies (this actually includes Dennis. Hooray).

Snowe [Water]
HP: 271
MP: 6/3/1
STR: 41
SKL: 52
MAG: 22
EVA: 34
PDF: 38
MDF: 24
SPD: 41
LUC: 16
ATK: 141
DEF: 92

Physical: 182

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Seneca [Wind]
HP: 234
MP: 6/2/1
STR: 38 (43)
SKL: 52
MAG: 35
EVA: 47
PDF: 37
MDF: 38
SPD: 52
LUC: 46
ATK: 130 (135)
DEF: 80 (75)

Physical: 160 (169)

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit
Hidden Power

Andarc [lightning]
HP: 263
MP: 9/6/3/1
STR: 35
SKL: 36
MAG: 53
EVA: 36
PDF: 38
MDF: 49
SPD: 35
LUC: 35
ATK: 121
DEF: 76

Physical: 146

Lightning Magic
Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye

Fire/Water/Wind Magic

Lightning Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force- changes terrain to lightning
Level 2: Thunder Runner- 162 damage to one hex, crappy damage to area around hex.
Level 3: Berserk Blow- 239 damage, fast charge time.
Level 4: Heavenly Thunder- damage to enemies on lightning tile, slow charge time.

Rita [lightning]
HP: 270
MP: 4/2/1
STR: 37
SKL: 37
MAG: 41
EVA: 37
PDF: 36
MDF: 33
SPD: 39
LUC: 59
ATK: 132
DEF: 90 (86 with General's Armor)

Physical: 166
SMASH Physical: 238?

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Armor Defense
Mind's Eye
Hidden Power

Hervey [Fire]
HP: 264
MP: 4/1
STR: 52
SKL: 35
MAG: 18
EVA: 41
PDF: 34
MDF: 30
SPD: 46
LUC: 34
ATK: 152
DEF: 88

Physical: 202

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Hidden Power

Rage Sword Rune
Level 1: Flame Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Fire.
Level 2: Rage Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Fire.

Sigurd [Water]
HP: 246
MP: 6/2/1
STR: 37 (42)
SKL: 50
MAG: 35
EVA: 37
PDF: 43
MDF: 39
SPD: 35
LUC: 34
ATK: 129 (134)
DEF: 81 (76)

Physical: 160 (169)
Flowing Sword: 195 (204)
Flowing Sword Physical: 259 (271)

Battle Lust
Mind's Eye
Bull's Eye

Hidden Power

Flowing Sword Rune
Level 1: Water Force- makes water tiles
Level 2: Flowing Force- makes more water tiles
Level 3: Flowing Sword- Normal attack + MAG, Sigurd is always under a water tile and creates water tiles when he moves.

Dario [Earth]
HP: 329
MP: 3/1
STR: 53
SKL: 25
MAG: 10
EVA: 30
PDF: 35
MDF: 22
SPD: 25
LUC: 44
ATK: 148
DEF: 89 (85 with General's Armor, 79 with Dragon Shield and General's Armor)

Physical: 194

Armor Defense*
Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Shield Defense

Level 1: Helmet Split- 1.5x, user becomes unbalanced. [291]
Level 2: Earth Split- 0.5x to an area around user, user becomes unbalanced. [97]

Nalleo [Wind]
HP: 271
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 47
SKL: 48
MAG: 28
EVA: 37
PDF: 34
MDF: 28
SPD: 45
LUC: 49
ATK: 142
DEF: 88 (84 with General's Armor, 78 with General's Armor and Dragon Shield)

Physical: 184
Cyclone Sword: 212
Cyclone Sword Physical: 281

Battle Lust
Armor Defense
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Cyclone Sword Rune

Pablo [Earth]
HP: 262
MP: 8/5/2/1
STR: 14
SKL: 26
MAG: 45
EVA: 27
PDF: 26
MDF: 42
SPD: 38
LUC: 51
ATK: 82
DEF: 62

Physical: 42

Earth Magic
Bull's Eye

Critical Hit
Fire Magic
Water Magic
Lightning Magic

Earth Rune
Level 1: Earth Force- Changes terrain to Earth.
Level 2: Clay Guardian- Increases physical and magic defense.
Level 3: Vengeful Child- Protects from magic/skills once.
Level 4: Earthquake- It's the return of Malak and Rafa! Hits an 12 square area 10 times. 191 if it hits. 1910 if all of them hit!!!1

Maxine [Fire]
HP: 234
MP: 8/6/2/1
STR: 25
SKL: 36
MAG: 49
EVA: 39
PDF: 24
MDF: 46
SPD: 38
LUC: 37
ATK: 93
DEF: 60

Physical: 53

Fire Rune

Fire Magic
Mind's Eye
Critical Hit

Other Skills
Wind Magic
Lightning Magic
Earth Magic
Hidden Power

Fire Rune
Level 1: Flame Force- makes an area fire.
Level 2: Flaming Arrows- 144 damage.
Level 3: Blazing Wall- Damage units on fire terrain.
Level 4: Explosion- 185 damage.

Kika [Wind]
HP: 236
MP: 6/3/1
STR: 39
SKL: 55
MAG: 26
EVA: 49
PDF: 35
MDF: 34
SPD: 43
LUC: 34
ATK: 136
DEF: 89

Physical: 173

Falcon Rune
Level 1: Falcon Slash- 1.2x damage [208]
Level 2: Falcon Thrust- 2x damage [346]
Level 3: Falcon Storm Thrust- 3x damage [519]

Falcon Storm Thrust can exceed 999 in game since it's multiple hits and the damage it does slightly varies. Hooray.

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Mind's Eye

Bull's Eye
Hidden Power

Flare [Water]
HP: 266
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 37 (42)
SKL: 47
MAG: 50
EVA: 42
PDF: 34
MDF: 53
SPD: 45
LUC: 59
ATK: 129 (134)
DEF: 77 (72)

Physical: 160 (169)

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Hawk Rune
Level 2: Strong Arm- 1.5x damage, user becomes unbalanced. [240, 254]
Level 3: Dance of the Hawk- 1.0x damage to a large area, can cause shadow weave, user becomes unbalanced. [160, 169]

Akaghi [Fire]
HP: 330
MP: 4/1
STR: 44
SKL: 33
MAG: 20
EVA: 44
PDF: 34
MDF: 39
SPD: 55
LUC: 40
ATK: 128 (133)
DEF: 77 (72)

Physical: 158 (167)

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye
Hidden Power

Mizuki [Water]
HP: 264
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 34 (39)
SKL: 40
MAG: 26
EVA: 58
PDF: 28
MDF: 45
SPD: 57
LUC: 35
ATK: 118 (123)
DEF: 71 (66)

Physical: 140 (149)

Mind's Eye
Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye

Hidden Power

Shrike Rune
Level 1: Shrike Impale - Impale one enemy for 1.0 x normal damage. [140,149]
Level 2: Skull Thrust - Deal 1.5 x normal damage to one enemy, user becomes unbalanced. [210,224]
Level 3: Pile Driver - Deal 2.0 x normal damage to one enemy. 20% dmg to user. [280, 56 recoil/298, 58 recoil)

Eugene [Water]
HP: 332
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 37
SKL: 48
MAG: 42
EVA: 44
PDF: 39
MDF: 37
SPD: 29
LUC: 15
ATK: 143
DEF: 93

Physical: 185

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye

Deflect Missiles
Hidden Power

Firefly Rune*: Har har.

Trishtan [Earth]
HP: 364
MP: 3/1
STR: 35
SKL: 26
MAG: 17
EVA: 36
PDF: 42
MDF: 21
SPD: 41
LUC: 25
ATK: 135
DEF: 96

Physical: 162

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Jeremy [lightning]
HP: 293
MP: 6/2/1
STR: 35
SKL: 51
MAG: 22
EVA: 38
PDF: 37
MDF: 23
SPD: 40
LUC: 34
ATK: 135
DEF: 91

Physical: 171

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye


Gretchen [Earth]
HP: 256
MP: 4/2
STR: 43
SKL: 36
MAG: 22
EVA: 25
PDF: 54
MDF: 24
SPD: 37
LUC: 35
ATK: 143
DEF: 108

Physical: 185

Battle Lust
Mind's Eye
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Axel [Earth]
HP: 360
MP: 4/1
STR: 34
SKL: 35
MAG: 23
EVA: 25
PDF: 37
MDF: 19
SPD: 27
LUC: 33
ATK: 144
DEF: 91 (87 with General's Armor)

Physical: 187

Hidden Power*
Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Armor Defense

Millay [Fire]
HP: 236
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 45
SKL: 45
MAG: 34
EVA: 42
PDF: 37
MDF: 36
SPD: 48
LUC: 51
ATK: 145
DEF: 91 (85 with Dragon Shield)

Physical: 189

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Shield Defense (a possibility)
Hidden Power

Wendel [Water]
HP: 267
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 39 (44)
SKL: 48
MAG: 56
EVA: 49
PDF: 34
MDF: 36
SPD: 61
LUC: 39
ATK: 123 (128)
DEF: 77 (72)

Physical: 149 (158)

Lion Rune
Level 1: Piercing Claw- 1.0x damage to target, user moves past the target unless there's an obstacle. [148, 158]
Level 2: Shredding Claw- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [224, 237]
Level 3: Beast King Claw- 2x damage, 20% recoil. [298, 29 recoil/316, 62 recoil]

Critical Hit*
Battle Lust
Mind's Eye
Bull's Eye


Ameria [Wind]
HP: 299
MP: 6/2/1
STR: 34
SKL: 50
MAG: 51
EVA: 40
PDF: 33
MDF: 27
SPD: 54
LUC: 33
ATK: 134
DEF: 87

Physical: 169

Battle Lust
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Corselia [Water]
HP: 213
MP: 8/6/3/1
STR: 14
SKL: 22
MAG: 51
EVA: 57
PDF: 26
MDF: 60
SPD: 37
LUC: 50
ATK: 86
DEF: 62

Physical: 44

Water Magic
Critical Hit
Hidden Power

Fire/Wind/Earth Magic

Water Rune
Level 1: Water Force- Changes terrain to water.
Level 2: Kindness Drops- Full healing, single target.
Level 3: Breath of Ice- 142 damage.
Level 4: Kindness Rain- Heals 385 to a 3x3 area.

Simeon [Water]
HP: 209
MP: 8/6/3/1
STR: 15
SKL: 22
MAG: 51
EVA: 29
PDF: 20
MDF: 59
SPD: 35
LUC: 38
ATK: 83
DEF: 56

Physical: 43

Water Magic*
Wind Magic
Mind's Eye

Earth Magic
Lightning Magic
Fire Magic
Hidden Power

Wind Rune
Level 1: Wind Force- changes area to wind.
Level 2: Wind of Sleep. Very high success rate. Physicals cancel sleep, not sure about magic.
Level 3: Healing Wind- Full healing, fast charge time.,
Level 4: The Shredding- 175 damage to an area, medium charge time.

Flowing Rune
Level 1: Flowing Force- changes large area to water element
Level 2: Breath of Ice- 142 damage, fast charge time.
Level 3: Kindness Rain- Heals 385 to a 3x3 area, medium charge time.
Level 4: Silent Lake- Shut up. Lasts three? turns. Instant.

Rachel [Fire]
HP: 337
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 37
SKL: 42
MAG: 25
EVA: 38
PDF: 35
MDF: 25
SPD: 47
LUC: 35
ATK: 143
DEF: 89

Physical: 185

Deflect Missiles*
Battle Lust
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Unicorn Rune
Level 1: First Style- 1.0x to a two square line. User becomes unbalanced. [185]
Level 2: Second Style- 1.2x to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [222]
Level 3: Third Style- 1.5x to a four square line. User becomes unbalanced. [278]

Coop [Water]
HP: 304
MP: 3/1
STR: 51
SKL: 28
MAG: 12
EVA: 28
PDF: 37
MDF: 17
SPD: 27
LUC: 33
ATK: 161
DEF: 91 (87 with General's Armor)

Physical: 218

Battle Lust
Armor Defense
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Katarina [Fire]
HP: 233
MP: 8/6/2/1
STR: 27
SKL: 34
MAG: 51
EVA: 44
PDF: 38
MDF: 49
SPD: 33
LUC: 20
ATK: 95
DEF: 74

Physical: 55

Fire Magic
Lightning Magic

Wind/Earth Magic
Critical Hit

Fire Rune
Lightning Rune

Fire Rune
Level 1: Flame Force- makes an area fire.
Level 2: Flaming Arrows- 153 damage.
Level 3: Blazing Wall- Damage units on fire terrain, fast charge time.
Level 4: Explosion- 196 damage, medium charge time.

Lightning Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force- changes terrain to lightning
Level 2: Thunder Runner- 153 damage to one hex, crappy damage to area around hex.
Level 3: Berserk Blow- 229 damage, fast charge time, fast charge time.
Level 4: Heavenly Thunder- damage to enemies on lightning tile, slow charge time.

Keneth [lightning]
HP: 264
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 36
SKL: 41
MAG: 36
EVA: 38
PDF: 33
MDF: 37
SPD: 35
LUC: 35
ATK: 136
DEF: 87 (81 with Dragon Shield)

Physical: 173

Thunder Sword: 209
Thunder Sword Physical: 278

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye

Shield Defense
Hidden Power

Viper Rune
Level 1: Poison Slash- 1.0x, add: poison. Poisons is 10% a turn. Not sure if it can kill.
Level 2: Viper Bite- 1.0x, add: DEATH.
Level 3: Hydra- 1.0x damage. Add: poison.

Thunder Sword Rune
Level 1: Lightning Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Lightning.
Level 2: Thunder Force - Change terrain element in affected areas to Lightning.
Level 3: Thunder Sword - Enter magic Thunder sword state after attacking the enemy. Chance to cause stun. Lasts 2 turns after attack. Magic dmg equal to user's MAG.

Tal [Earth]
HP: 301
MP: 4/1
STR: 55
SKL: 30
MAG: 20
EVA: 35
PDF: 35
MDF: 22
SPD: 37
LUC: 38
ATK: 155
DEF: 89 (85 with General's Armor)

Physical: 207

Critical Hit
Hidden Power
Armor Defense
Battle Lust


Reinbach [Fire]
HP: 238
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 35
SKL: 48
MAG: 43
EVA: 45
PDF: 39
MDF: 35
SPD: 35
LUC: 47
ATK: 115
DEF: 95

Physical: 169

Battle Lust

Hidden Power

Red Rose Rune
Level 1: Red Rose Etude- 1.0x. [169]
Level 2: Red Rose Minuet- Causes sleep to an area.
Level 3: Red Rose Rondo- 0.8x to an area around Reinbach. Allies get pissed. Can cause sleep. [135]

Rose Crest: +2 DEF

Charlemagne [Earth]
HP: 271
MP: 4/2/1
STR: 36
SKL: 37
MAG: 37
EVA: 37
PDF: 39
MDF: 34
SPD: 36
LUC: 36
ATK: 116
DEF: 93

Physical: 171
Mother Earth Sword: 208
Mother Earth Sword Physical: 277

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Mind's Eye

Bull's Eye

Mother Earth Sword Rune
Level 1: Earth Force- Earth tiles yes.
Level 2: Mother Earth Force- same bigger.
Level 3: 1.0x attack + MAG stat, Charlemagne gets earth tiles and creates earth tiles when he moves. Lasts 2 turns.

Mitsuba [Varies]
HP: 334
MP: 3/1
STR: 61
SKL: 28
MAG: 22
EVA: 38
PDF: 37
MDF: 37
SPD: 35
LUC: 54
ATK: 171
DEF: 91

Physical: 236

Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Chameleon Rune- Mitsuba's elemental affinity changes depending on the day

Titan Rune
Level 1: Giant's Hand- 1.0x. 10% damage recoil. [236, Mitsuba takes 23]
Level 2: Giant's Foot- 1.5x. 20% damage recoil. [354, Mitsuba takes 70]

Reinhold [Fire]
HP: 300
MP: 4/2
STR: 41
SKL: 36
MAG: 29
EVA: 39
PDF: 29
MDF: 38
SPD: 33
LUC: 28
ATK: 147
DEF: 83 (79 with General's Armor)

Physical: 193

Battle Lust*
Critical Hit
Bull's Eye
Armor Defense

Hidden Power
Deflect Missiles

Kate [lightning]
HP: 239
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 35 (40)
SKL: 48
MAG: 22
EVA: 48
PDF: 36
MDF: 29
SPD: 57
LUC: 24
ATK: 127 (132)
DEF: 79 (74)

Physical: 157 (166)

Battle Lust
Mind's Eye
Bull's Eye

Hidden Power

Eagle Rune
Level 1: Clairvoyance- Normal attack with 3x range. [157, 166]
Level 2: Piercing Shot- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [234, 249]
Level 3: Smoking Shot- 1.0x damage to an area around user, user becomes unbalanced. [157, 166]

Nalkul [Fire]
HP: 267
MP: 6/3/1
STR: 36
SKL: 53
MAG: 10
EVA: 54
PDF: 35
MDF: 41
SPD: 52
LUC: 33
ATK: 120
DEF: 80

Physical: 144

Battle Lust*
Mind's Eye
Bull's Eye

Hidden Power

Lion Rune
Level 1: Piercing Claw- 1.0x damage to target, user moves past the target unless there's an obstacle. [144]
Level 2: Shredding Claw- 1.5x damage to an area in front of user, user becomes unbalanced. [216]
Level 3: Beast King Claw- 2x damage, 20% recoil. [288, 56 recoil]

Champo [Earth]
HP: 293
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 41
SKL: 46
MAG: 24
EVA: 42
PDF: 37
MDF: 21
SPD: 50
LUC: 37
ATK: 125
DEF: 82

Physical: 153

Battle Lust
Critical Hit
Mind's Eye

Balloon Rune- characters Champo hit have a chance of getting the Balloon status. Three Balloons make the character fly away.

Karl [lightning]
HP: 363
MP: 4/2/1
STR: 59
SKL: 37
MAG: 14
EVA: 42
PDF: 33
MDF: 13
SPD: 38
LUC: 25
ATK: 141
DEF: 69

Physical: 182

Cross Counter*
Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit
Mind's Eye


Killer Rune- Ups Critical hit rate.

White Tiger Rune
Level 1: Gather Strength- Doubles power of the unit's next attack.
Level 2: Steel Curtain- Increases PDF by 50% until unit's next turn. Not sure if this will ever be useful.
Level 3: Air Shot- 2x damage to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [364]

Karl's equipment makes him resist unbalance. I'm not sure what his unbalance rate is.

Paula [Wind]
HP: 234
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 36
SKL: 45
MAG: 46
EVA: 47
PDF: 26
MDF: 54
SPD: 44
LUC: 35
ATK: 136
DEF: 80

Physical: 173

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Hidden Power

Giant Owl Rune

Jewel [Water]
HP: 267
MP: 4/1
STR: 45
SKL: 35
MAG: 30
EVA: 49
PDF: 38
MDF: 38
SPD: 41
LUC: 37
ATK: 145
DEF: 92

Physical: 189

Critical Hit
Bull's Eye
Battle Lust

Flowing Sword Rune
Level 1: Water Force- Changes terrain to water.
Level 2: Flowing Force- Ditto, bigger area.

Selma [Wind]
HP: 324
MP: 4/2
STR: 43
SKL: 36
MAG: 29
EVA: 36
PDF: 36
MDF: 26
SPD: 35
LUC: 35
ATK: 153
DEF: 90 (86 with General's Armor)

Physical: 203

Battle Lust
Armor Defense
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Mind's Eye

Titan Rune
Level 1: Giant's Hand- 1.0x. 10% damage recoil. [203 damage, 20 recoil]
Level 2: Giant's Foot- 1.5x. 20% damage recoil. [305 damage, 60 recoil]

Frederica [Earth]
HP: 238
MP: 5/2/1
STR: 37 (42)
SKL: 43
MAG: 36
EVA: 42
PDF: 28
MDF: 28
SPD: 50
LUC: 43
ATK: 129 (134)
DEF: 71 (66)

Physical: 160 (169)

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Hidden Power

Hawk Rune
Level 2: Strong Arm- 1.5x damage, user becomes unbalanced. [240, 254]
Level 3: Dance of the Hawk- 1.0x damage to a large area, can cause shadow weave, user becomes unbalanced. [160, 169]

Roget [Wind]
HP: 266
MP: 7/4/2/1
STR: 27
SKL: 26
MAG: 41
EVA: 36
PDF: 26
MDF: 47
SPD: 42
LUC: 22
ATK: 95
DEF: 62

Physical: 58

Wind Magic
Mind's Eye

Lightning Magic
Water Magic
Earth Magic

Cyclone Rune
Level 1: Cyclone Force- makes a large area wind element.
Level 2: Healing Wind- Heals 162.
Level 3: The Shredding- 122 damage to an area.
Level 4: Shining Wind- Heals allies and hurts enemies on wind tiles.

Ornela [lightning]
HP: 235
MP: 6/2/1
STR: 45
SKL: 49
MAG: 35
EVA: 37
PDF: 34
MDF: 35
SPD: 51
LUC: 37
ATK: 151
DEF: 88

Physical: 198

Battle Lust
Bull's Eye
Deflect Missiles
Something Else

Busk [Fire]
HP: 292
MP: 4/2
STR: 46
SKL: 36
MAG: 21
EVA: 29
PDF: 42
MDF: 36
SPD: 38
LUC: 44
ATK: 152
DEF: 96

Physical: 200

Battle Lust
Deflect Missiles
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Lino En Kuldes [Fire]
HP: 293
MP: 4/1
STR: 53
SKL: 34
MAG: 17
EVA: 36
PDF: 38
MDF: 27
SPD: 26
LUC: 34
ATK: 139
DEF: 92 (88 with General's Armor)

Physical: 178

Armor Defense*
Battle Lust*
Deflect Missiles*
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit

Hidden Power

Unicorn Rune
Level 1: First Style- 1.0x to a two square line. User becomes unbalanced. [178]
Level 2: Second Style- 1.2x to a three square line. User becomes unbalanced. [214]
Level 3: Third Style- 1.5x to a four square line. User becomes unbalanced. [267]

Jeane [lightning]
HP: 206
MP: 9/6/3/1
STR: 35
SKL: 51
MAG: 58
EVA: 34
PDF: 22
MDF: 56
SPD: 27
LUC: 34
ATK: 121
DEF: 58

Physical: 146

Lightning Magic*
Battle Lust

Fire/Water/Wind Magic
Bull's Eye
Critical Hit
Mind's Eye
Hidden Power

Charm Rune- gets allies to defend Jeane.

Thunder Rune
Level 1: Thunder Force- changes large area to Thunder.
Level 2: Berserk Blow- 257 damage, fast charge time.
Level 3: Heavenly Thunder- damages units on thunder.
Level 4: Furious Blow- 347 damage, slow charge time.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 08:12:36 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 05:22:10 PM »
hey! this is a really old topic, but I'm dabbing into getting more info on the battle system in this game. last time i looked into it, i found a modifier that is applied based on the ratio between the attacker's STR and enemy's PDF (or DEF - usually the same because they rarely wear armor). i posted info here:


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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 11:44:26 PM »
That's pretty useful info.  Does that modifier also apply when enemies attack player characters?


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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2012, 03:17:39 PM »
I haven't looked into enemies, but I think it's safe to assume yes. As far as I've seen, the battle system rules apply to everyone; the only exceptions are abilities that the enemy never receives--Switch, Mount, Co-op.

BTW I figured out how the side/front/back attacks affect damage and accuracy. The game has different numbers for hitting from diagonal directions too!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 04:02:00 PM by kfcrispy »

Random Consonant

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Re: Suikoden: Tactics
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2017, 10:22:29 PM »
Was bored and the claim that MDF apparently didn't matter for status rates didn't jive with my observations (for magic-based status anyways, pretty sure phys status is just skl vs luck) so I ran some idle tests with hovering over random things with WoD/WoS/Thunder Runner.  Subjects involved were Lazlo/Andarc/Corselia at Lv20, Katarina at Lv19, and a random Lv17 squirrel:

C: 34/39 MGC, 34 MDF, 31 LCK
L: 22/25 MGC, 40 MGC w/WR, 30 MDF, 19 LCK
A: 28/36/41 MGC, 34 MDF, 23 LCK
K: 28 MGC, 25 MDF, 9 LCK
Blue Rodent: 13 MDF, 14 LCK

VoD, no Tome of Black Arts - 78% C, 86% L, 82% A, 94% K
VoD, ToBA - 79% C, 87% L, 83% A, 95% K, 88% BR
VoD, ToBA+Wizard Rune - 87% C, 100% L w/WR, 81% A w/AR, 100% K, 94% BR w/14 MDF and 16 LCK

WoS, no Magic Robe - 80% C, 88% L, 96% L w/WR, 84% A, 96% K, 89% BR
WoS, w/MR - 82% C, 90% L, 86% A, 98% K, 91% BR

TR, A - 7% C, 15% L, 11% A, 23% K, 26% BR
TR, A w/MR - 9% C, 25% L w/WR, 13% A, 25% K, 26% BR w/14 MDF and 16 LCK
TR, A, no Archmage Glasses/ToBA - 3% C, 19% L w/WR, 19% K
TR, K - 0% C, 4% L, 0% A, 12% K, 15% BR

K w/Archmage Robe - 85% VoD, 86% WoS 13% TR A, 2% TR K

Some oddities I can't account for like the squrriel seemingly having some slight resistance to sleep/ID (seems to be subtractive in nature, adding 10 there puts it in line with everything else), but it seems like base accuracy+((mgc/2)+(lck/2))-((mdf/2 + (lck/2)) composes at least part of the magic status formula, mdef anf luck aren't very potent there regardless, you might notice on someone with a high mdf/luck combo but that's about it.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2017, 11:06:19 PM by Random Consonant »