Saying Sims and other simulation/minigame centric games are not female targetted but are casual gamer targetted doesn't preclude your stock FPS (Not all are, but lets go with your UTs and your Quakes here) is targetted at males. Simulations and mini games still are not inherently (or predominantly even) targetted at females, it is going for a casual gamer market that just happens to have a larger portion of females in it (beecauuuuuuuse there are more male hardcore gamers than there is casual! SHOCK, with the more even mix up of male:female gamer ratio these days they have to go somewhere). Sure there might be some, but something like Bejeweled? You seriously want to put something as generic as that in a targets females column? No. Where as on the other hand a game chock full of the ultraviolence is pretty blatantly pandering to a (young) male audience.
Thing is, I get the impression you are being insanely restrictive on what counts as a game that is 'female-targetted' while being much more liberal on what counts as 'male-targetted'. Traditional marketerspeak with movies is that movies focused on violence are targetted at males and movies focused on relationships are targetted at females - which you'll notice I never refuted, because it's not an unreasonable position. But you refuse to label the games that actually are focused on building relationships as female-centric unless there are princesses and lollipops and frilly dresses involved, while seemingly happy to label entire genres 'male-targetted' simply having their gameplay focus on violence of some sort.
This strikes me as a double-standard, blindly swallowing half of Hollywood's demographic stereotyping while rejecting the other half. Is it
really inherently masculine to enjoy a videogame built on violent but not gratuitous gameplay mechanics? Does this mean we should shun females who
do enjoy violent gameplay as freaks? Or should we instead assume that traditionally 'masculine' virtues are the most desirable ones and that the most desirable females in fiction are basically male action heroes with breasts like Xena?
Quite frankly the labels that you are using and implying in this topic make it
impossible by definition for the gaming industry to not have more games that are male-targetted. Any game that tries to build on more traditionally 'feminine' goals like relationship building are casual and thus not targetting females, but anything built on action and adrenaline is inherently male-targetted. At this point any company that tries to develop anything but casual games, RPGs, or Nintendo-style family friendly aesthetics is inherently doomed to be labelled as male-centric in a condescending voice.
The game might not be meant to be saying shit about gender relations. It doesn't have to mean to say shit to be a flaming pile of it either. Ar Tonelico might not mean to be about as many rape allegories as you can fit into a 20 hour game, doesn't stop the game from being creepy as fuck and packed full of it by association with the number of LOL COCKS GO IN VAGINA jokes it has in it.
Considering Ar Tonelico is based on harem anime tropes, I wouldn't be so quick to say that the rape allegories aren't intentional!
The fact that it is a shitty trope that they can't even be fucked to flesh out into a decent character as a parody is what is insulting . It is as if this stupid idea of women can't progress any further than the already insulting 2 dimensional shit that it started with. If it is a parody it is an incredibly shallow one that is a worthless waste of time.
Thing is, when it's shitty trope usage that's annoying you, you shouldn't be biting peoples' heads off about sexism. That sort of attitude doesn't cause people to stop using shitty tropes, it causes them to not female characters unless they're Mary Sue style perfect - after all, the
male shitty tropes aren't causing such outrage, so clearly the gender is the problem here.