
Author Topic: Return of the Twink League - Round 3  (Read 1898 times)


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Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« on: June 20, 2008, 11:20:39 PM »
And after a short delay, we're back and straight into the action of Round 3 of the Twink League!

Round #3

Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza

Despite the monolithic power they face, these two heros are here, showing the power of versatility over brute strength.  Of course, facing each other, can these two fighters find some weakness to exploit?  For his own part, Squall comes with superior stats, the ability to drain damage dealt to his foe, a killer limit, and the ability to ignore any evasion game Ramza might want to play.  Of course, ever on the defensive, Ramza brings in a host of tactics that might shut out even the fabled Gunblade, such as MP Switch, Sunken State, and the infamous Blade Grasp!  With so many options to choose from, which of these fighters will take the victory!

#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio

In a match the opposite of the one before, this time we see world destroying baddies showcasing a true battle of overwealming power.  Indy is just a pillar of godly might, with his impressive durability backed by powerful spells which he's happy to spam for an entire battle.  Sephiroth, on the other hand, is a good deal frailer, but compensates with damage that's as good as anything Indy has, as well as the ability to fly, nulling Indy's top tricks, Divine Wave and Earthquake.  Which means that Indy will have to win the day with second tier spells, which are still plenty adequate.  And so, will the one-winged Angel fly to the top, or shall the Divine Sage foresee victory?

#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms

Welcome Twink League Fans, as we present the ultimate epic battle of the ages!  The Immortal King of the Undead, Brahms, vs. a thirteen year old boy and his pets.  Of course, this isn't just any thirteen year old boy, this is Ash Ketch...  wait, what?  Right, this is Pokemon Trainer!  Who with his epic plot power is apparently the strongest destructive force in two countries in his world.  Naturally, the smart money isn't on the lord of the dead.  Of course, even overlevelled, Brahms can one shot each of the pokemon he faces.  It's just a matter of defeating six creatures, only one of which is even hampered by his epic physical defense before his equally epic HP reserve gets ground down to nothing.

#4)  Belial vs. Mog

Belial may have complete power over space and time, but Mog comes with a lesser command of space and time, and power over every other aspect of reality, with his access to every spell in FF6.  He'll have Life 3 to survive whatever is thrown at him, Quick to wear down Belial fast, and Ultima to damage her swiftly.  Of course, even if Mog can get past the Time Distortion, can he make it past the 4-D Pocket?

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret

With nothing but Guts, his love for the lady Valkyrie, and the immortality powers of the Angel Curio, Lucian does the longevity of his Einherjar bretheren proud.  Of course, now he's also facing someone who'll be more than happy to hammer him each time he gets up until he decides the pain isn't quite worth the effort anymore.  Which really raises the question, you see the Guts check coming at the end of Barret's impressive stream of counter-fire, coming at each hit in the counter-fire, or as completely pointless while he's facing someone with Hammerblow while packing merely average fire-power?

#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna

Poor Kefka, facing a fellow speedster with the kind of armour his attacks aren't going to be terribly useful against, namely, a small army of meatshields.  If Yuna goes first, or simply survive his opening shot, then it's a simple call to the Magus Three, and Kefka's odds drop drastically from there.  Of course, if he can land the Havok Wing, or better yet, kill an Aeon and then sneak in another turn in the lag that follows and land a Havok Wing there, then it'll be a simple win for the original one winged angel.

#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn

Xorn may have speed, and power, and defense, but does he have what it takes to go up against Fei Fong Wong and his God-mech, the Xenogears?  He'll need to call on the power of his despair in order to status Fei out before he can get crushed by a foe an order of magnitude tougher than any foe he's ever faced before!

#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7

Worker 7's Work command gives him the armour piercing power that anyone facing Bowman Jean wishes they had.  Of course...  it's entirely possible that he can't bust through Bowman's Bloody Armour cheese, in which case, it'll be a robot that can't heal, with no way to damage his foe, in which case this is a brutal one-sided match, that will leave the construct broken and shattered in the works possible way.  In fact, it will be so one sided you may even be tempted to feel sorry for Worker 7.  That is because you are crazy.  He is only a machine, he has no feelings!

#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts

Finally, something the Pegasus Knights are a little bit more used to facing, three elite units against a swarm of faceless mooks that they one-shot.  Of course, there's a few more than usual this time, but it's nothing they can't handle, right?  As for the Jogurts, each time they attack and don't kill, one of their number does fall.  But they are expendable, and they can afford the losses if it means they manage to drag down the Peg Knights in a bloody war of attrition.  Of course, if you move away from the serious battle to the interp battle, you've got the inevitable battle of "One damage vs. Subtraction defense?  Ha!" vs. "5 Iron Lances = 200 attacks, = 600 Dead Jogurts = the Peg Knights can't even kill half of them before their weapons all break"  So, whether you see this as the epic battle between flying knights vs. landbound rodent swarms, or a rules battle of insta wins, there's something for everyone!

#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu

Poor Rinoa, her mastery of all things magical is now facing off against someone who can null all magic!  However, all hope isn't lost yet, as with her Recover command she can heal forever, and she can still buff herself as much as she likes.  More over, with access to Aura, she might even get off a limit, allowing her to show her Persona foe the stellar Shooting Star!  Of course, Baofu is unlikely to just let then happen, and unfortunatly for Rinoa, Squall has the status defense, and Baofu has the Gougasha, with a 90% chance of freezing his foe.  Will Rinoa find a way to win?  Or will Baofu put this budding sorceress on ice?

#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool

Having managed to avoid this battle once, by sending poor Tir to his early demise, Butz now faces off against Toadstool in an epic defensive match.  Butz's original tricks of status will prove powerless before Toadstool's defensive might, but his acess to Magic Sword and Mix will give him some options.  Notably, a good amount of healing and defensive buffs to stay alive, while at the same time using Osmose Sword to whittle away at Toadstools massive MP pool.  Meanwhile, Toadstool will simply whack away.  After all, Butz still needs to actually kill her after he deals with her MP, and like her MP, his items are also finite.

#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu

For the second time in as many rounds, Yunalesca has the poor luck to face a fellow boss in battle.  But, she has the dubious honour of actually having more HP than her BoF rival, giving her the durability edge in this battle to stay in the competition.  Of course, Fou-Lu is unlikely to simply roll over and accept defeat either, and while he may not have as much lasting power, he does come with two things that Yunalesca hates.  Status immunity, and good damage.  And so, this dragon will do its best to show why he's more than a merely forgotten memory.

Quick Vote Form

Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 11:45:00 PM »
Squall vs. Ramza - Better defenses.
Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio - Horrible slaughter.
Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
Belial vs. Mog - Almost as bad as Sephiroth against Indy.

Losers Pool:

Lucian vs. Barret - I think I'd see each counter as an individual attack; Lucian gets overwhelmed.
Kefka vs. Yuna - I guess. This match fails.
Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn
Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7 - Bluelike vs. Middle.
Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts - They break all their weapons. Fail.
Rinoa vs. Baofu - lol smt freeze hype
Butz vs. Toadstool - Dunno. Fuck Alchemist and its lameness.
Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu - Yunalesca vs. a boss. Splat.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 11:53:01 PM »
Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza - Uhh... I'll get back to you on this.
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio - Pretty sure Indy on this one?
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms - Ash... I think?
#4)  Belial vs. Mog - I don't allow 4D Pocket, but... I'm not sure if that matters. Actually, Mog can probably survive Tank Drops until his turn... I'll think about this.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret - Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna - Hmm... does Kefka kill if he hits with a Havok Wing? Does he go first? Hmm...
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7 - Bowman in a slaughter.
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts - This is sad.
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu - Baofu
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool - Seymour Butts
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu - Fou


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2008, 12:19:36 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza - Blade Grasp to stop any direct attacks, and he should be able to come up with something to stop Squall from putting himself in Limit range.
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms -  Yeah... Ash has enough Special attacks amongst his group.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret - Lucian gets overwhemed and is probably eating a L2, to boot.
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts - ACIDIC LAVA WINS. And... uh... hell. 'However may lances the trio gets > *TINKTINKTINKTINKTOINFINITYANDBEYOND*'  works for me, even if the match never ends.
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool - Uh... I guess
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 07:05:02 AM by Smashy »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2008, 04:36:07 AM »
Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza - Ack, talk about a fast draw match.  Ramza probably wants to be a ninja with a Thief Hat here, but Squall will be junctioning Ultima to Speed.  I'm not sure I buy Blade Grasp here, because while it's ridiculous in FFT, a game with 100% hit by default modified down by evasion, Squall has 255% hit (and his companions don't).  However, on second thought, I will buy Hamedo hype, since when that triggers it quite clearly cancels the other guy's attack completely (even if accuracy existed in FFT).  Too bad for Squall, he has a lot of status attack options.  Even if Renzokuken gets around Hamedo...  Ramza opens with Haste or something to make sure Squall never gets two turns in a row for attack self->Renzokuken.
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog - If there's any place that 4D Pocket is legal, it's the Twink League.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna - Yuna goes first, not buying Havok Wing as a OHKO anyway.
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn - Gears.
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts - Maps in which there are no shops end in draws and cause another random map to be drawn.  So, fight until an arena with a shop shows up.  If there's even one shop on the map, the Pegasi get there first and buy enough Lances to stem the Jogurt horde.
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2008, 06:41:05 AM »
Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza: Heh, opposite of Snowfire here. Blade Grasp isn't all that much in-game, but damn does it own Squall. For the record, it's not evasion, as FFT does have ITE attacks (Concentrate, guns) and Blade Grasp (and Hamedo) nail them just fine. Yeah, either works. Scream or whatever from there.
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio: Probably.
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms: Five of Ash's six deal magic damage. Brahms can't change targets mid-attack. Uhhh yeah. He's not getting past Espeon.
#4)  Belial vs. Mog: Uhhh yeah, part two.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret: Hmm, Lucian 3HKOs, which means... yeah, each counter would trigger its own Guts nonsense. Thinking that's enough to get through. There's a chance I'm wrong and need to check the math more closely.
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna: Think I ended up deciding she won this. Close though.
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn: Xorn wants gravity.
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7: Pretty easy.
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts: They don't have 1337 weapon uses!
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool: Mixes were ITD in general I'm pretty sure. Also, FF5 now has TWO official translations, and both say he's Bartz, damnit!
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu: EDIT: Monkey reminds me Fou-Lu isn't gravity immune. Halves it, I'd argue (the only gravity you can use against him is Breath which he halves), but that means 'lesca 4HKOs and isn't 3HKOed.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2008, 07:01:17 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2008, 07:02:33 AM »
#1)  Squall vs. Ramza
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna: See him hitting on the first try. Any less respect I have for FF6 hit is countered by less respect for FFX evade.
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool: Don't know the mixes well enough.
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu: Fou-Lu is provably NOT immune to gravity. Ryu's one-shot gravity summon works on him. Regardless of how you normally view absorb against bosses, it should work literally on Fou-Lu. Apparently he does halve gravity, making absorb a 4HKO instead of a 2HKO, but Yunalesca is much faster and quite durable, so that's easily enough.

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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 07:14:02 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 06:12:17 AM »

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna
#3)  Fei Fong Wong vs. Xorn
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 3
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 06:26:51 AM »
Winners Pool:

#1)  Squall vs. Ramza
#2)  Sephiroth vs. Unlimited Indalecio
#3)  Ash Ketchum vs. Brahms
#4)  Belial vs. Mog - Damnit.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Lucian vs. Barret - Abstain.
#2)  Kefka vs. Yuna
#4)  Bowman Jean vs. Worker 7
#5)  Ilia Pegasus Squad vs. 1337 Jogurts
#6)  Rinoa vs. Baofu - Gougasha's freeze doesn't last long, but it keeps Rinoa locked down, I'm inclined to say? Alternately, hits with ID turn 2 at worst, Rinoa can't prevent it. Azazel is mean. This could be debated, I don't remember FF8 commands well, but this seems right for now.
#7)  Butz vs. Toadstool
#8)  Yunalesca vs. Fou-Lu - Yep.