
Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 77338 times)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #150 on: July 02, 2008, 02:51:53 AM »
To Excal:

OK: He was disruptive at first, but I think I'm beginning to get a handle on him.  Definatly some post restrictions sitting on that sucker, but I don't feel quite as bad about him now as I did before.  And, I think he's moved to the lowest of these three for my choice for lynch.  Also, given that he's done it three times, I'm now confident in assuming that none of those scum references were slips, and instead assume they are part of the role.  As well, I suspect the pills he's talking about are a limit on how often he can make serious/sane posts.

I would like to point out, again, the following lines in the signup thread:

Quote from: El Cideon
I have not included post restrictions in the setup, and while there are a few triggered events lurking about, this is the exception rather than the rule. You shouldn't have to devote any real discussion time in-game to sorting them out, but it should be fun to see them in action. Let me reiterate: this is not role-madness. The game will be filled with roles but they should impact the game only in minor ways. This is not a role-puzzle, they are there for flavor.

I have no idea how OK's role is affecting his posts, but post restrictions-esque/threat of modkill... it should not be affecting him to that degree.

Tom, do you have any defense to the scenario that has been presented in the case of a lynch on you? You haven't argued directly against its points, just said that Delta seems to be a better target than OK.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #151 on: July 02, 2008, 02:57:53 AM »
Re: Cyril

I'm glad to know that this game won't be revolving around the guy who can't vote, the crazy that gets better at hearing voices the more you vote for him, or the unkillable wonder.


Y'know what, screw it.  Let's push that big red shiny button and see how unkillable Tom really is.

##Unvote: OK, ##Vote: Dread Thomas


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #152 on: July 02, 2008, 03:02:15 AM »
It's not a good case? I tried to give town information about my role, as Rat had done, because it would come out eventually (and was fun to do so). There's nothing especially scummy or anti-town about that.

I've contributed to discussion, as I continue to do so. And my vote has been useful in getting information from players other than those under lynch trains, such as when I voted for you, Laggy.

Scum could (and probably are) hiding on these trains and not presenting new and controversial views. Lurking is how scum win!

Delta has not contributed, at all, and refused to do so when I asked him to, instead he jumped on my train and OMGUSed me.
Do I need to make the case for him better than that? The call is clear, it's best to get rid of him over someone who is contributing.

PS. I hadn't noticed the thing about posting restrictions. Odd. I still think lynching OK is a bad idea though, because he seems to have some amazing power of insight, which may or may not be a role power.

Ninja'd by Excal: would you like to explain why you're voting for me, who is contributing as shown, over Delta, who refuses to do so?
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #153 on: July 02, 2008, 03:32:57 AM »
Hmm...OK seems...role related at this point.  His latest posts are just...too weird for him to be really doing it honestly.  Eh, guess its enough to do this:

##Unvote: Oblivionknight

If something IS going on with him, or he's faking it all, I feel it'd be better to be more secure of this thought later in the game.  However, its Day 1; its impossible to be sure of anything.

And...personally? I want this day to end soon.  Its really hard ot do anything, its been noted Day 1 Lynches = Random, almost never get scum, etc.  Due to this, despite my earlier misgivings about lynching Tom...he seems like the best candidate off hand.  No reason to prolong Day 1, rather, get Day 2 here quicker where we have actual info to work off of.  As such...

##Vote: EvilTom

I'm not confident about this at all, and still think its a bit dangerous...but at the same time, I'm lacking any better targets.  OK...I'd rather get some info before we jump to conclusions about him.  Thomas' actions have been similarly lacking in help, and instead, has given us those cryptic warnings (if you can call them that), and such.  Don't feel there's any better target at the moment as such.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #154 on: July 02, 2008, 03:37:21 AM »
Bah, I'll explain for him.

It's because while he's basically a non-fixture of the game, your play is actively spiteful, misleading, continues to state that 'it's good to give information about my role' when it is clearly not. Your posts also read with typical INDIGNANCE, as well as pulling out unbased paranoid shit like 'scum are hiding on these trains and not presenting new views', well no shit, your early claim pretty much forced us all to focus on it and is going to dominate the game while you're still around.

Your cases in general are also suspect, as you seem to base your lynch criteria on 'lynching this person is likely to do the least damage to town', as opposed to 'lynching this person is the most likely to nab scum', which is our actual goal here. Any mislynch is bad for town, and just trying to minimize the damage is a weak way of playing; a mindset that will lead to defeat. Let's all keep in mind that not lynching to find scum in day one will leave us with a more difficult day 2 and not fall into this trap of laziness.

With OK behaving like a frigging idiot as well, of course, there is no way I can make sense or trust anything of what he's saying without seeing a flip. Suffice to say that by him claiming lynching you is a bad idea, he's tied himself to your flip, whatever it might be.

Whatever your plan was, if it wasn't based on getting lynched, it was bad. If getting lynched is your goal, well, gj, easiest thing to do in the game, grats.

Ultimately, ##FoSAgain: OK because by stating "killing Dread Thomas is a bad idea" (paraphrased), he's tied himself to DT. I can't really conceive of where his intel is from (which has lead me to think it's most likely made up.) Laggy's point about the post restrictions (or rather, the lack of them) holds merit as well.

To nobody's surprise, I am going to dismiss DT's desire to not-lynch OK due to the obvious bias involved.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #155 on: July 02, 2008, 04:40:31 AM »
argh, connection ate post. Anyway to sum it up I don't see anything particularly all-relevating about Tom's case and still feel the same way, so my vote goes back, it does. I am not convinced role madness should screw town over THAT badly after rereading Cid's guidelines on the game in the worst possible case.

##Vote: EvilTom
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #156 on: July 02, 2008, 05:26:41 AM »

AndrewRogue (0): Meeplelard
Ashdla (0): Deltaflyer2k8, OblivionKnight
Bardiche (1): Deltaflyer2k8, EvilTom, OblivionKnight
Carthrat (0): Jo'ou Ranbu
Ciato (0): QuietRain
Deltaflyer2k8 (3): Shale, EvilTom, Andrew
Elfboy (0): Ashdla
EvilTom (6): Corwin, QuietRain, Deltaflyer2k8, Excal, Meeple, Laggy, Bardiche, Laggy
Excal (1): Ciato
Laggy (0): Oblivionknight, AndrewRogue, EvilTom
Meeplelard (0): Elfboy
OblivionKnight (2): Ashdla, Bardiche, Excal, Laggy, Meeple
QuietRain (0): OblivionKnight
Shale (0): OblivionKnight
Strago (0): OblivionKnight, Elfboy,

With seventeen alive, it takes nine to lynch.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #157 on: July 02, 2008, 06:28:54 AM »
Okay, so. Still tired, but head's more together now.


Of the three people currently painting targets on themselves, I like Tom's lynch the most, followed by OK and Delta somewhere below that.

1) Tom. He's actively created confusion with the roleclaim, for which there was no good townie reason, even compared to, say, his Touhou Mafia antics. His claimed power is all kinds of weird, and the rationale for claiming it - especially the anti-nightkill portion - incomprehensible to me. He's also going on the offensive against a pretty darned weak target, but that's not really useful information; when you're the leading vote-getter, it's good strategy to go after the runner-up regardless of what side you're on.


Can I tell you any more?

Simple answer: No.
Long answer: No, and I can't tell you why I can't tell you.

Does not inspire trust in a game where we have been explicitly told there are no post restrictions.

2) OK. Likewise thrashing about, but the desired effect seems to be not so much to confuse as to draw attention directly to himself. Tons of jokevotes, incredible and varied amounts of weird and sometimes disruptive posting with no clear purpose. "Don't lynch Tom and I'm not going to say why" may be the most suspicious thing he could possibly have said, which, like much of his posting, makes me wonder if anyone could be that suspicious without it being deliberate. Like I said before, I'm feeling an ulterior motive here, and I don't like playing to it.

3) Delta. Is doing the same sort of things we've mislynched Smodge and Tom for god-only-knows how many times in the past. Definition of insanity, same thing, expecting different result, etc. Someone to keep an eye on, but not to kill.

One last thing, a bit of paranoia talking: Rat, what happens if you try to vote? It's not counted, you're modkilled, giant space lemurs descend from the heavens and ravage the land?

Sleep now. Will look over the cases again in the morning and vote. My judgment on Tom/OK is rooted enough in gut reaction to OK that I want to look it over again when I'm not exhausted.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #158 on: July 02, 2008, 07:00:47 AM »
You want my contribution. Well scanning the pages quite smiply, there is nothing that i can think that has already been said so I am just going with the flow, I wasn't active for the last two pages simply because, i was asleep.

In the light of recent events, the Joke Vote phase is over, correct? So why are we still worrying about shooting in the dark and hitting innocents? I'm not saying that we want to kill innocents but maybe, if we have no real evidence then why are we throwing votes around randomly?

Ok, so a did an OMGUS. So did OK but no-one seemed to notice even when he stated it.

I think, however that OK is a jester or other special role that wins when lynched? If that is the case then we are in a little bit of bother, arent we?

(Also, This is how our mafia is over there, we say short, funny oneliners all the time. It works even though it shouldn't but it does!)

I say that we vote for either me or ET. I'd prefer it if you lynched him but if you start a train against me, you start a train against an innocent.

Do I really look like I have a clue?

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #159 on: July 02, 2008, 07:10:06 AM »
Okay. Tom, the main reason people are voting for you is that you are acting really bizarre and you are being extremely arrogant for no reason. I don't see how this is especially hard to see. As much as Delta is not contributing, your behavior is simply poisonous to town. Rat's roleclaim was fine because he chose to give the information he wanted to give and didn't really imply anything, which is discreet and makes sense. Your flaunting of your role and mystery is highly irritating and I feel that voting for you is a natural reaction. Your randomly inflammatory remarks do not serve us well at all.

With that said, despite my discomfort with your overarching tone of everything you have said, I do agree that Delta's just... uncooperativeness is highly obnoxious.

I, once again, do not like Strago's delving into tongue slips on Day 1 and his contribution is tentative at best, although it is Day 1.

In general Meeple is laying very low and this worries me a little bit and I think Tom has enough pressure until he returns, so...

##UNVOTE: Excal
##VOTE: Meeple
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #160 on: July 02, 2008, 07:18:41 AM »
I just co-operated and gave you my view...
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #161 on: July 02, 2008, 07:33:42 AM »
Quote from: Delta
I say that we vote for either me or ET. I'd prefer it if you lynched him but if you start a train against me, you start a train against an innocent.

My brain hurts. "Guys, vote for me or the other guy. But vote for him, not me, because I'm innocent." Yeah, that's a pretty funny one-liner, actually. Also OK has plenty of suspicion on him, with one of points against him being the way he's voting (haphazardly and all over the place.) Also we are not throwing votes around randomly because we DO have some evidence, but even if we didn't, not voting at all will lead us to PARALYZING INDECISION. That's not a good place to be. Also, just going "What I wanted to say has already been said" is weak. Really weak. Say it again if you must.

Ciato is sort of right on Meeple. He's playing like he always does, by his own admission, which means lots of rampant speculation on things that aren't really deserving of heavy analysis- not because they're not important, but because it doesn't take a frigging essay to note certain things. An awful lot of talk with very little meaningful stuff in it, in other words.

That said I don't see him as lynchworthy today because of the other extremely lynchworthy things happening.


Shale, I was told I can't contribute to the votecount and that my votes do nothing. I don't think the world will explode or anything if I try to vote, but nor do I suspect anything interesting will occur. For the sake of science, ##Vote: OK, but yeah, zero expectations here.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #162 on: July 02, 2008, 07:39:24 AM »

AndrewRogue (0): Meeplelard
Ashdla (0): Deltaflyer2k8, OblivionKnight
Bardiche (1): Deltaflyer2k8, EvilTom, OblivionKnight
Carthrat (0): Jo'ou Ranbu
Ciato (0): QuietRain
Deltaflyer2k8 (2): EvilTom, Andrew, Shale
Elfboy (0): Ashdla
EvilTom (6): Corwin, QuietRain, Deltaflyer2k8, Excal, Meeple, Laggy, Bardiche, Laggy
Excal (0): Ciato
Laggy (0): Oblivionknight, AndrewRogue, EvilTom
Meeplelard (1): Ciato, Elfboy
OblivionKnight (2): Ashdla, Bardiche, Excal, Laggy, Meeple
QuietRain (0): OblivionKnight
Shale (0): OblivionKnight
Strago (0): OblivionKnight, Elfboy,

With seventeen alive, it takes nine to lynch.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #163 on: July 02, 2008, 07:39:58 AM »
We have a negative, sir.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #164 on: July 02, 2008, 07:40:08 AM »
And there you go. Say thank you to the mod for his timely update, everyone.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #165 on: July 02, 2008, 07:44:19 AM »
##Unvote: OK
##Vote: Evil Tom

Seems the town has made their decision, and I'm not opposed to a lynch for Evil Tom. Likely a more detailed post in the morning. Night for now, everyone.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #166 on: July 02, 2008, 07:50:19 AM »
can i just ask, who is this Dread thomas you all talk about??
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #167 on: July 02, 2008, 07:56:29 AM »
Dread Thomas = Evil Tom.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #168 on: July 02, 2008, 08:00:46 AM »
Oh. Ok thanks.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #169 on: July 02, 2008, 08:41:44 AM »
I say that we vote for either me or ET.

Oh for the love of--

You people say mean and hurtful things! I'll be doing my passive-aggressive act to avoid actually contributing. I'm innocent, but I suppose you could go ahead and kill me anyway.

That pretty much sums up your play.

I was this close to voting you. But I won't do that. If you really don't want to play, bow out. I'm not going to waste our lynch on someone playing like that.

On Tom and OK: I agree with Rat that OK's pretty much tied his fate to Tom. I also think they're having a bit too much fun with their roles/characters, and the rest of us suffer as a result.

I happen to think Tom is lying, somehow, about something. Maybe about everything. Every time before I thought he was lying in mafia I turned out to be right, so I'll trust my instincts (you guys don't have to, etc).

I don't think we should lynch OK. Tom is... weird and looks like he misstepped (whether as lying town or scum is a mystery, sadly, though I favor the latter option). OK... whatever he's doing, it's hard for me to see it as anything but intentional. He has to be aware of the consequences in light of what's happening with Tom. Therefore, I don't see his actions as 'slips' the same way I do with Tom, and would prefer not to lynch someone whose alignment we don't know and who asks to be lynched by openly referring to himself as scum repeatedly, in various forms.

I also find it weird how he both says Tom lies and that what Tom says will come to pass in two different posts, but I'm not sure what that suggests.

On Rat: I'll second that request for you to "un"-FoS to maintain a proper voting record to the best of your ability. Or just go ahead and use the voting format as you just did in that post you made. As your votes aren't counted but you're allowed to do this, that would give us a clear idea of whom you'd like to see hang.

On Ciato: Your contribution is lighter than I expected, I realize as I see another brief post. Day 1, etc, hope to see more from you to get a read on you.

On Shale: His contributions are reasonable, if sparse. (one more appeared as I was typing all this, so I hope it's a sign for things to come)

JR: Actually vote on someone? Using FoS on our two top lynch candidates is... not informative in the slightest.

QR: What actually makes you think there's role madness afoot? There has been literally no proof of it as yet. It reads to me as a convenient excuse to use later if your choice of a target ends up being town. Mind explaining why you said that?

Bardiche: "We can always opt for a Delta lynch later." -- that... rarely works in mafia. And even if it did, choosing someone with a day 1 case over information based on flips and further inference is foolish to the extreme, if not self-defeating. Why are you suggesting this?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #170 on: July 02, 2008, 03:40:40 PM »
Well not using my vote certainly doesn't do me any dang good, does it? Blech.

People who were uber-speculative about Carth's "hidden power role" because they didn't think a voteless townie was believable: Ashdla, Bardiche, OK, Laggy. Role-fishing always bad this early, that's a given. Moreover, it's freaking Carthrat. If he was working on some crazy gambit that involved him hiding another power I think it's safe to say that we all respect him enough to assume that he'd be better off keeping it to himself for now. Ja? I know that's a bit of old news, but on re-reading the topic those folk stood out to me.

OK's behavior is utterly bizarre. I didn't even realize that this game apparently didn't have post restrictions until it was pointed out, and to me it just makes half of OK's content completely inexplicable. I really, really want to know what the deuce is going on there. Also also, I almost feel as if not enough has been made of his claims that he knows things about Tom's role. My refusal to lynch OK today is pretty contingent on him actually being helpful tomorrow.

That being said I also despise Day 1 and have no real desire to drag this out much farther, especially when a Tom lynch strikes me as just fine for all the reasons that have been discussed. Not to mention that I find his attitude of "I'm having fun with my reckless pointless role-claim, losers, what are you doing?" to be extremely irritating and incendiary. I see no reason for anything he's done thus far, pretty much.

##VOTE: EvilTom


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #171 on: July 02, 2008, 03:43:11 PM »
I gave you guys my contribution and now its being tossed away. Go on then, vote for me I dont even care any more. Go on then! Hurry up and kill me, you always say that I am one of the most likely scum. Hurry up so I prove you wrong in death you idiots.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #172 on: July 02, 2008, 03:58:34 PM »
Bardiche: "We can always opt for a Delta lynch later." -- that... rarely works in mafia. And even if it did, choosing someone with a day 1 case over information based on flips and further inference is foolish to the extreme, if not self-defeating. Why are you suggesting this?

I'm not getting a scum reading from Delta based on his current actions. It seems, though, as he proves with his latest post above mine that I made somewhat of an err in inviting him. The way we play Mafia here is significantly heavier from what he is used to. I apologize whole-heartedly.

##UNVOTE: OblivionKnight
##VOTE: EvilTom

As I said, I am fine with a lynch of either of the two. Since our decision seems to have fallen on EvilTom, I'll put my support where I promised it would be. I concur with most of the thoughts against EvilTom, and if what he says will come to pass, we will at least have a guaranteed town voice among us.

In response to Strago about my "role-fishing": Yes, I admit I speculated about the possibility Rat has more powers than just that, since it seems like a really mean role to give someone, as well that El Cid promised any regular Mafia role will be modificated if it appears. I see no reason to be ashamed of lending a few words to it, especially when it was in the stages we were still discussing who we wanted to lynch: At that point the two "revealed roles" were pertinent enough.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #173 on: July 02, 2008, 04:01:03 PM »
For the benefit of the mods,

That is hammer stop talking.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #174 on: July 02, 2008, 04:08:58 PM »
Daggon man don' be goin with tha night and th stop talkin man whachu think mod gonna do man you donno if it's hammer or not man

Dread Thomas, aka Evil Tom, aka Mindboggler, aka Leah Wasserman, aka Town Aligned Zombie, was lynched day 1.
It is now night, stop talking and send Cid your night actions!


AndrewRogue (0): Meeplelard
Ashdla (0): Deltaflyer2k8, OblivionKnight
Bardiche (1): Deltaflyer2k8, EvilTom, OblivionKnight
Carthrat (0): Jo'ou Ranbu
Ciato (0): QuietRain
Deltaflyer2k8 (2): EvilTom, Andrew, Shale
Elfboy (0): Ashdla
EvilTom (9): Corwin, QuietRain, Deltaflyer2k8, Excal, Meeple, Laggy, Ashdla, Strago, Bardiche, Bardiche, Laggy
Excal (0): Ciato
Laggy (0): Oblivionknight, AndrewRogue, EvilTom
Meeplelard (1): Ciato, Elfboy
OblivionKnight (0): Bardiche, Excal, Laggy, Meeple, Ashdla
QuietRain (0): OblivionKnight
Shale (0): OblivionKnight
Strago (0): OblivionKnight, Elfboy,

With seventeen alive, it takes nine to lynch.