
Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 77302 times)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #250 on: July 04, 2008, 11:18:31 PM »
Current votecount:

Ashdla (1): Strago
Bardiche (0): AndrewRogue
Carthrat (0): Anonymous, Bardiche
Ciato (1): Meeple
Jo'ou Ranbu (4): Excal, Corwin, Laggy, AndrewRogue
Meeple (1): Elfboy
Shale (1): Ciato
Strago (1): Laggy, Jo'ou Ranbu

With fourteen alive, it takes eight to lynch.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #251 on: July 04, 2008, 11:32:28 PM »
Popping in for just a minute as Gate's feeling a bit better.

QR, do you mean by this that Meeple actually strikes you as townish, due to the fact that going out on his Shale limb doesn't seem all lurky-scummy? For some reason I'm having a hard time reading your exact conclusion here. That being said, if I've understood you correctly your read on the situation strikes me as having some WIFOM problems. As in, Meeple's putting himself into the spotlight could be genuinely counter to a lurking-type scum strategy, but why couldn't scum use that tac for exactly those reasons? We could go back and forth like that for a while. Ultimately, the weirdest thing about Meeple's behavior is so vehemently defending someone whose alignment he would have no way of knowing, as a townie.

Does Meeple strike me as townish?  Not really.  Let me try to explain a bit better.  I think the way he gets defensive of his posting style looks townish to me.  But on the opposite claw, his support of Shale and trying to make poeple look at those who looked at Shale suspiciously as possible scum, THAT seems off.  Between the two I'm having a hard time getting a read.  If I absolutely had to lean a direction or other, I'd prolly lean towards scum as defensiveness is far outweighted by defense of others in my book.  But I think we've got enough room to go it a bit slow as everyone here in the States has the holiday to content with.

And I can totally understand Bardiche's calling Meeple a gal.  Avatars will get me all the time. :)
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #252 on: July 05, 2008, 01:29:45 AM »
Mod announcement: Ciato is dropping out of the game due to real life concerns. Taishyr will be taking over her role. Any votes by or for Ciato will be negated. An updated vote count will be edited into this post momentarily.


Current votecount:

Ashdla (1): Strago
Bardiche (0): AndrewRogue
Carthrat (0): Anonymous, Bardiche
Taishyr/Ciato (0): Meeple
Jo'ou Ranbu (4): Excal, Corwin, Laggy, AndrewRogue
Meeple (1): Elfboy
Shale (0): Taishyr/Ciato
Strago (1): Laggy, Jo'ou Ranbu

With fourteen alive, it takes eight to lynch.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 01:31:34 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #253 on: July 05, 2008, 01:34:40 AM »
... Well dang, so now we have someone completely new to work with and see if Ciato held scum or town role.

Welcome aboard, Taishyr. We'll probably want to hear your opinion on the current recent cases.

Going through Ciato's posts now.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #254 on: July 05, 2008, 01:38:30 AM »

Currently reading through stuff again, since I was mainly just skimming beforehand. You people get far too wordy too fast and for what at a glance seems to be fairly odd stuff, but hey, pot kettle soot-colored.

Gonna take me a while, asking for patience.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #255 on: July 05, 2008, 01:40:42 AM »
To Cor:

You are obsessed with this concept of Agreeing and outweighing one another, and being proven wrong, etc..  Well, not obsessed, but you keep falling back to it.  I said something about Ciato, you claim to agree, thus outweighs the situation.  You later bring up how I did something like that with Laggy to disprove you.  That's not my intent at all; my point is that you going after something that was pretty much minor at best, and then I was showing I wasn't alone in seeing things that way.

My Shale defense? Simple.  People are jumping on him a bit harder than I think he deserves.  He is one of the people at hand, so I figured I'd get my own personal thoughts out there.  If I didn't do that, I'd be called out EVENTUALLY for not talking about Shale.  Actually, I said something about Shale earlier (negative even!), Elfboy called me out on it saying "That's it? Come up with actual support!" or something along those lines.  Fair, my line said practically nothing other than "I need to look at Shale, what others have said, he looks bad."  But when I looked back and went over his posts, and saw the flak he was getting...I dunno, struck me someone was trying to label him something.  Admittedly, I'm not 100% certain he's not scum, but I don't think the cases on him are particularly convincing at all.

Also, Cor, you still haven't answered my question.  You claimed I haven't made good on what I claimed I would.  Care to, you know, point out specific examples?  Simple taking a post, and saying "Meeple didn't do what he claimed later!" doesn't help.  I looked at the specific post and saw something that I did actually follow up on.  Maybe not in the way you wanted, but I did.
Also...where did I call you out on saying you didn't do what you claimed you would? You basically answered the converse of what I was saying.  I said I did something you claimed I didn't, and you go and act like I claimed that you didn't say something you said you would.

To Laggy:
Cor's clarification does not, in fact, satisfy me is the thing.  It feels like he worded something some way, then needs to back himself up.  Go back and see what he said.  They don't really match.
I don't even agree with his logic.  Again, what's Shale suppose to do? Ignore those who voted against a townie...let alone three...just cause he was intending on doing the same?  His logic just doesn't sit well with me.  He's saying "How can a town say he looked scummy then, and now say others look scummy for saying he looked scummy?"

Well, my thought? Simple; scum will make bigger of a situation on another town in order to get others to look at it.  Now, I don't think going back and looking over Tom's points in and of themselves will make him seem less scummy; the fact is, his antics (if you can call them that) were pretty bizarre, and did nothing to help us, especially with that stunt of "I can't explain why!"  On Day 1, everyone but Scum is blind; on Day 2, when there are flips, perceptions can change.  Tom will still probably look scummy in a vacuum; I'm not denying that.
But...those still related to his lynching (me included, sad to say), and possibly those related to dealings with the other now confirmed towns does merit looking at.
Cor's saying that he can't see it as at all townie to go back and look at those dealing with Tom as a starting point...I'm not sure I follow this logic.  Its just bizarre.

To Andrew:
I reacted cause I felt it was odd that Ciato would attack my posting style.  There are some people I'd expect this from...but she's one of the people who knows exactly how I act, game's be damned.  Even back in FE Mafia where we were both scum, I explicitly told her I have problems keeping my posts concise.  When I have something to say, I say it, and then I get this urge that I'm not being clear enough and then have to go into detail.  Its just how I operate; I really wish I could so something about this, but paranoaia that something will be read the wrong way + mild cases of OCD make it so I just have to get things this way.  I've explained that in the past; even in nonMafia games.  Any argument I'm in, I'm like that.  Attacking my style just irks me, especially when the person at hand knows about it.

...though, I will admit I was probably angry in hindsight, and my case on Ciato isn't as firm as it use to be.  Eh...guess I don't really have much of a case anymore, but I figured I might as well toss SOMETHING else on the table, even if it did garner me suspicion.  I wanted to avoid the same trap I fell into once back in Clue Mafia where people were attacking me for not bringing anything new to the table, Me-tooing, etc. where i was town...and it led to several tunnel visioning, forced me onto the defensive the entire game, people ignoring actual important part of my posts, what have you.  IT was at a point where everything I said was used against me.  I wanted to avoid that...seems like I might be back into the situation, though, at least this time, I'll admit I did something more grabbing of attentions.  Do I like this position I'm in? Of course not, but well fuck, I gotta deal with it anyway, so I'm doing my best to get out of it.


##Unvote: Ciato

In any event...

Some more clarification regarding some things I'm done, not geared towards anyone specifically...

My Defense on Shale?  Again, people were calling him out on something.  Naturally, I didn't just want to jump on the train by word of mouth of others; very easy for scum to embellish something, cloud vision of the person and they read things the wrong way.  So I went back and thoroughly looked at Shale's posts.  I wanted an in depth analysis of him, and all I came up with...was a weak case at best.  Does this clear Shale? No.

However, I suppose saying "someone on Shale is probably scum" is a bad idea.  *HOWEVER*, I do believe that someone related to the Shale attacks (if you can call it that), himself included, is probably scum.  It was an easy thing to take, be it cause:
A. Shale himself is scum, and people got him properly
B. Cor said something the wrong way, someone saw it as an opportunity to put a stronger case on Shale, and went with it.
C. Cor himself is scum, trying to put blame on others.

Why am I bringing up Cor? Cause I feel like he's a good deal responsible for the Shale situation.  Now, if you notice in B, it COULD be a simple case of a Townie trying to find something odd, attacking someone, and then some other 3rd party (in the sense that its not Cor or Shale, I mean) taking advantage of it.
Of course, there's no way of telling what's going on unless we get more role flips, so speculating like this is just going around in circles, and I know, being unhelpful.  Still, I think someone is scum related to the Shale aspects.

Again, I don't mean to say "Shale's not scum, don't go after him!" What I mean to say is the arguments on him feel...lackluster.  He hasn't done anything to make me think of him as something one way or another.

I will ask for clarification from one person though...
Excal!!! I'm having problems understanding what you mean about Shale's first two posts not linking up on Day 2.
If I'm reading it right, are you saying its typically better to look at those who didn't attack the three Day 1 deaths, but rather, go after the people who were clearly training?
Just trying to see if I understand your statement before I make any sort of assessment on the point.

(Additionally, Excal, lots of people here only refer to others via nicknames/shorthand.  You could just Ctlr+F their full name and find out posts that way!  Its what I do after all, seems to work fine.  Doesn't work for everyone, naturally, since some people like Shale and Ciato lack such shorthands.)

*phew* Ok, think I'm done defending my actions...

Anyway, thoughts on others?

Bard...I'm having problems seeing him as scum.  The Anonyvote feels a bit too...powerful as a role for Scum.  On the other hand, I believe El-Cid stated roles in this game would NOT be used logically in all cases, so perhaps giving Scum an extra vote falls under this.  So given the weirdness of the game in general, I'm inclined to say that Bard's role power being known doesn't do us any good as far as telling us his actual role, but I do think that his telling us about it was the right thing to do regardless.

Bard using FoS' the same way as Rat, if for different reasons, seems like a just compromise on that note.  He's definitely someone I can't fault for wanting to hold back on his votes, given the double vote weight.

For Snow...he said he wasn't going to be much available this week, no?  I think his point on Bard was more him over thinking the situation rather than anything else.  Stuff like this happens; you think about something a bit TOO hard, come up with something that's worse than it really is, and you fear it (if that makes sense.)
Going over the cases on him, however...

So far, I...have to say they do seem sound.
Snow's concern of overthinking the situation I'm ready to pass.  However, in his post, he doesn't consider that Bard himself COULD be scum, which is far more dangerous than his situation.  Rat is quick to point this out.  Snow responds by basically taking offense to Rat's call out.  Seems a bit weird, frankly.  He also seems to have his priorities not set straight either; Cor points this out in that he's, possibly unwillingly, implying that not only go after scum, but be concerned with anything scum to take to their advantage!

Though, Snow does point one thing out that I didn't see the others noting, which doesn't sit well with me:
He tries to defend himself with "Everyone looks scummy! Of course Bard looks scummy to me!", I'm not sure I agree with that.  Obviously, some people are going to look better than others (be it truthful or not), and feels like a bit of a slip.

If Snow actually felt suspicious of Bard...he'd have done something more along the lines of indicating it.  No, I don't mean the full caps thing he tries to use as a hyperbole, but being subtle about feelings doesn't help.  At least using a line at the end like "This is assuming you yourself aren't scum" or something indicates you at least are aware that Bard himself might be scum.  He doesn't do anything like that; he just questions the reveal.

Andrew's vote on Snow does bother me a bit.  He pretty much gives little explanation, just says "There are reasons to reveal without being provoked!"
He basically says "whole thing with Bardiche" and does little to elaborate.  I feel like he's jumping on a train here. fact, Andrew himself is causing me some concern in general beyond that!  Will go and look over his posts, but for now, this should suffice.

But regardless, Snow's looking weird.  However, I want to go back and look over a few people (Andrew in particular), *AND* let Snow at least get a chance to defend himself, before actually voting.

Ninja'd by Bard and...Tai? Wtf? When did Tai get into this-...
*reads vote count message from mod*
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #256 on: July 05, 2008, 02:00:44 AM »
Ok, another post and such!  Anyway, about Andrew like I said...

I'm...not seeing a lot of info from him.  Vote on Bard based on...killing Tom when not letting him roleclaim?  We already saw that Tom was basically under the gun, and seemed like he wasn't going to say anything new, I can't fault Bard for that.  Sounds like Shale was gonna do the same thing anyway, but was beaten to the punch.

His vote on Snow feels very "Me-too."  Brings up no reason other than some game mechanics.  That's what I feel a good part of his posts have been; mechanic discussions.  Talks about how Scum can still do stupid things, why its a good idea to reveal even when not provoked, etc.

Sums it up as "The whole thing with Bardiche."  He doesn't really explain WHY it feels wrong, just that it does.

Andrew also brings up the 5 People to look at for voting thing (and Excal says there was a 6th person who FoSed both worth considering.)  And, as Excal notes, he does indeed never once bring it up again EXCEPT in two cases.
A. When responding to a point I made about it specifically.
B. When he votes Snow, he says "not the original 5, but he feels the worst still."

So he proposes a strategy and doesn't really even go back to mention it at all.  Feels weird, no?

He also states while not huge, its important.  Well, if its important, then why aren't you following up on it?  Feels like he's bringing it up, dropping the point, only bringing it up again to pretend he's actually still focusing on it (might be reading too into it.)

Like Excal says, Andrew feels like he's trying to show effort in a scum hunt while not actually being helpful himself.  In general, something about him overall.  Hasn't been really helpful, goes after Snow without so much as giving a decent reason why other than "the Bard thing feels wrong", bringing up something and not following up on it in any sort of useful way, and general lack of presence (which, like many people, he's hiding behind a RL excuse.  This could be true, but these excuses can only go so far.)

As a result...
##Vote: Andrewrogue
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #257 on: July 05, 2008, 02:11:02 AM »
Yay, I get back from the last day of training to meet impenetrable walls of text. Let me recompose myself before tackling the reading and forming opinions, because I'm sure I'm going to end up having to heavily defend myself.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #258 on: July 05, 2008, 02:50:31 AM »
... actually, no. I'm not going to bother defending myself extensively, or even attempt to. The overall timing I had with this game was just too crippling, and I've been as helpful as a brick, so I'll simply go the easy way out and whatever you guys make of it, I'll comply. I'm just about a pile of mush right now.

I am Count Werner Vertigo, town-aligned bipolar assassin trained by the KGB and roleblocker with an annoying quirk. My power is, obviously, to roleblock someone at night. However, I have a 50% chance to be too damned depressed to even use my nightpower - i.e half the time, I can't roleblock anyone. As you can see, it's not exactly a terribly exciting reveal.

Whether you decide to believe me or not is not even my concern other than the fact you'll be lynching town knowingly, which is just about the stupidest someone can be. I've had a fun, but stupidly exhausting week and I'd rather just let things slide out at some direction this day than try to sort out the trainwreck I've gotten myself into for overthinking Bard's roleclaim and not being around enough - and the parallel trainwrecks that are moving around. I'm not expecting to make it out of Day 2 alive, anyway.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #259 on: July 05, 2008, 03:06:40 AM »

-Posts are too long, you know it, we know it, why can't you fix it, or even appear to make an effort to fix it? You say you're trying and I'm just not seeing it. This isn't just idle whining, it actually makes the game harder to play. If you spend like 5 extra minutes editing stuff out your post, you save all of *us* 5 minutes rereading it to figure out what you're actually saying. As Cor and others have said, "I'm always like this" is not an excuse, and you are indeed trying to use it as one.


-I think Meeple's case on Ciato was decent enough. Not saying all that much? Check. Hypocrisy on speculation? Check. He OMGUS'd her? Um.. no.. she voted for him on day 1, it's day 2, now, and he didn't actually vote for her until well into his posting. Dismissing this as OMGUS is pretty short-sighted, especially when he hasn't focused alone on her reasons for voting him.

Furthermore, his detractors have dropped in a few weird shots as well; it seems like Meeple HAS in fact gone over day one stuff to me (mainly on the Ciato front, but I appreciate a straight case rather than rampant discussion of everything). Don't get where Cor is coming from on that. Also Laggy.. just... see the bottom of my post. Yeah. That was uncool.

-I am, however, rather unhappy with him pulling out this "you don't know me like those guys do!" line. That's freaking weird, since I'm pretty sure you've been a fixture in mafia enough that we all have a rough idea how you post. It's right on the money that he is trying to defend himself while claiming his defense isn't a defense. Defensively.

What I find most surprising and kinda clinches it for me is that Meeple just dropped his case on Ciato when it seemed decent enough to me. I would suppose he was in the face of some opposition and couldn't take the heat. He also doesn't really give much reason to drop it other than 'eh it's somehow not good anymore', so I'm ultimately more suspicious of him than anyone else at the moment... except for Snow.


-Laggy had a brilliant line which I must quote, it's hilarious, I'm sure you'll all agree-

Quote from: Laggy
In particular, where you attack her for speculating on why OK was acting the way he was, she wasn't saying that such speculation was pointless - she was saying that you can't really read alignment from that.

I'm sorry, what was the whole point in analysis again? I must have missed the memo on the real reason we're bothering with any of this, but I'm pretty sure the reason to speculate and consider anything is to, indeed, try and read alignment from it. That he flipped Jester doesn't change that (and actually validates it in my mind, since hey, he WAS nontown after all.) I'd rather not just toss around "oh you can act weird, it's cool, we won't infer anything alignment-related from it", yeah.

Another some less silly line-

Quote from: Laggy
when this game isn't supposed to be about role madness, but his attitude still merits worry.

Yes, well, mods seem to take a perverse joy in lying to us about this, in my experience.


Annnnnnd Snow claims with a good ol' "I can't be fucked" post with a 'you guys are retarded' thrown in for good measure. Does nobody even try to establish credibility anymore? Do people always have to accompany their foolish actions with "You guys will suck if you lynch me! Why do you not have psychic powers of know-my-alignment?" Is everyone too lazy to even try and establish credibility or defend themselves? Do you know that if we let shit like this through, it opens the gates for it to be used again?

Apparently not. I have a feeling your prediction will come to pass.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #260 on: July 05, 2008, 03:14:42 AM »
As I said, I can't give a damn tonight. Feel free. ^_^
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #261 on: July 05, 2008, 03:20:00 AM »
Mang, Snow. I mean, I get the impulse, mafia can be annoying and time-consuming, but man why you gotta be all disdainful of us and the game at the same time. Oy.

Mrfff. Seconding Carth's feelings about how Meep has just sort of dropped his case against Ciato. But part of me's tempted to just vote the crap out of him because obviously he isn't going to be helping us out much. Even his dang ol' power role is basically useless. Grargh.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #262 on: July 05, 2008, 03:29:14 AM »
Quote from: Carthrat
I'm sorry, what was the whole point in analysis again? I must have missed the memo on the real reason we're bothering with any of this, but I'm pretty sure the reason to speculate and consider anything is to, indeed, try and read alignment from it. That he flipped Jester doesn't change that (and actually validates it in my mind, since hey, he WAS nontown after all.) I'd rather not just toss around "oh you can act weird, it's cool, we won't infer anything alignment-related from it", yeah.

Point taken and noted. The context of the quote was different in that I don't believe her being unsure on OK's alignment just from his post style alone was at all a sure indicator of where he fell (crazy town role, scum trying to throw us off, third party jester, etc.), and I felt that was fair enough stance to take - indeed, people weren't going for OK's lynch on Day 1 primarily because of THAT, but because of his disruptance to the game in general (Tom being such a more obvious case superceding it). Stretching that into a general statement not to read people's tones for alignment is pushing it and not at all what I meant to word.

Quote from: Carthrat
Yes, well, mods seem to take a perverse joy in lying to us about this, in my experience.

Yeah, well, if that's the case I'm not going to be a happy camper, that's all I'll say.

To Snow: I'll be uncharacteristically blunt. What the fuck, you don't sign up for Mafia if that's how you're going to decide to play and ruin the game for everyone else with an aura of apathy. Vote stays on you obviously, since you've given damn little choice at this point.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #263 on: July 05, 2008, 03:30:32 AM »
It's less being disdainful of you people than being disdainful of thinking at all. I've halfway dug my own grave by a sum of negligence, bad thinking and bad timing, so I may as well man up and finish the job. I don't fight fights where I think I have any chance at all of staying alive, and the lynchtrain might as well prove a bit more constructive to town later on. The little arguing I did was actually fun, but I'm not putting up with it tonight.

And Laggy: fair enough. I didn't expect to end up in this bad a situation, but I'm being as blunt as you just were tonight. I'm going down in flames and I'm going to like it.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #264 on: July 05, 2008, 03:47:33 AM »
Well, Rat, though I'm still reading, I do feel compelled to reply on your comment to Snow:

No, there never seems a point to bothering anymore because it's never enough to satisfy anyone, and in the grips of exhaustion such efforts look even more pointless than normal. Wish he had held back, sure, but eh. With the 99HITCOMBOWALLOFTEXTS we tend to churn out? Yeah. It's why I tend to be rather annoyed about the sort of attitude you have, as much as I can understand it; it'll be used every time someone's tired and pissed whether you like or not because this is human nature; we can only dream of being as perfectly expressionless and emotionless as some of you, of course, you stolid flaming ratbird wind beneath our wings. ^_^ And lynching every time gives scum opening to push for it every time, just as lynching it none of the time gives scum the ability to slip under the radar using it. As such that argument kinda ends up void in the air, to me. Arguably the latter is less preferable, but I suppose this is a discussion to undertake after the game or in general discussion. To me the two are equally advantageous for scum and bad for us, but.

Frankly I'm not inclined to go after him for this, I've not had a negative read of him so far and that post changes little either way, suicidal attitude be damned for now. If he's scum, egg on my own face here, but mrf. From my reading this is frustration. Complaints are perfectly damn valid re: it, but... eh.

Since I've yet to plant my suspicions in solid earth yet, and with the editing I'm working on for DL, for now just bear with this sliver of commentary; I'll be back with some more loose-leaf collections of notes later.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #265 on: July 05, 2008, 03:50:02 AM »
When he first posted, I do admit, I was a bit concerned as to why he would do this, and I still disagree that it would have been a difficult thing to hide for long. Easy enough to stick his vote in with a bunch of others, so there could still be speculation as to who exactly was the cause of the anony-vote. At the same time, however, having heard others' arguments on the subject, I've seen that should he have tried to keep it secret, it would have blown up in his face eventually, and (providing he is town) would have been bad for town as a whole.

Ashdla, to touch on why I, and most of the people who think it was prolly a good idea for him to claim when he did, if he did that (sticking his vote in the middle of a bunch so it would be hard to tell whose vote it was) we would have lost precious time arguing about whose vote it was/why they voted/why they tried to hide it (is he scum?  third party?  why hide if TOWN!?) etc.  Having him say up front that it was him shaved off lost time trying to logic out the culprit.  I think it has been explained a few times in mafia games before (and has played out in many) which is why I thought I'd mention it since this is your first game.

Yep, thanks QR, like I said in that post, I understand why he did it, since reading people's opinions on why they thought it was a good thing.

Something else I'd like to touch on here are people's comments on my posts lacking content. I'll admit, I'm new to this. While this isn't an excuse by any means, it has taken me a bit to really see how the game is played, and what my posts should contain in terms of opinions and theories. I apologize for having a bit of a slow start, but I think this post, and any following it, should fit the flow of Mafia better.

Now more to the meat of this post.

So apparently, a couple major things happened while I was at work, or at least, they seem major to me and will be what this post is mainly about.

First off, Ciato poofing and Tai taking her place.
I... really feel odd about this. By that I mean, brand new person added is kind of... ugh, hurting my brain. I'm not sure how this'll pan out, and I'd like to see how the game progresses a bit, see Tai's play ect, in order to draw a more conclusive opinion.

Secondly, Snow's roleclaim.
Well I... this seems odd to me. Though my experience is limited, having only half the votes on you needed to lynch isn't really the give up point, is it? Honestly, this is reeking of third party to me, and wanting to get lynched. I say, if he wants to quit anyway, he should do so, and then we can not waste our votes on him. He's perfectly capable of telling Cid he wants out of the game, isn't he? (if that's not the case, I stand corrected) In my opinion, that means we should go for someone who would actually be worthwhile to lynch. Moreover, if he's town like he says he is, then we'd be wasting a lynch on a town when we could be going after scum. Frankly, I'd like to call your bluff, Snow.

Thirdly, 'this is how *insert person here* always plays!'
I don't really care who this is directed toward, but since I haven't played Mafia before, personally, I'm not going to be taking into consideration who normally plays what way. For me, it wont be an excuse to act any given way. More specifically, yes Meeple, the way you post makes it difficult to understand the main thoughts you're trying to get across. I think something like that was said in Ciato's direction also, but I didn't find it overly distracting in her case. Just wanted to put that disclaimer out there.

Lastly, who I'm voting and why.
For the reasons I've listed above, I'm not going to be jumping in the dog pile to vote for Snow. It seems off to me, as I said. What I do agree with, though, is that the passionate defense Meeple gave Shale, and his jumpy defensiveness in general seems off to me. The way he continued to support Shale and divert attention to those who had targeted him doesn't look very good. Putting such a tangible link between yourself and another player generally isn't a good idea, from what I've gathered. Also, I'd really like him to try is best to format his posts in a way that is easier to read. People easily get put off by huge walls of text, and it might encourage them to skim posts instead of reading them thoroughly as they should. Not wanting people to look too closely at what you're posting also seems scummish, and for those reasons, my vote goes here.

##Vote: Meeple
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #266 on: July 05, 2008, 03:53:49 AM »
Tai, the issue with letting someone go like this is pretty simple. Snow is under fire and is willing to offer no defense. He has stated quite clearly he is willing to offer no defense. The response consists mainly of "oh yeah, I screwed up, I know I did, I'm gonna die now and it was gonna happen anyway, have fun guys." Genuine or not, if you let someone off because of these reasons, then -where's the boundary?- When someone makes a slipup or screwup of ANY kind and then refuses to steadfastly defend that viewpoint and flails and becomes suicidal, it's okay to let them go, we're being too hard on them? Heck no, that is a barrier that anyone can hide under, scum included.

These are aside from the huge issues with anyone who's willing to be that unproductive and uncontributive to the game as a whole. That kinda defeats the point of the game, hence the "why are you playing/signed up in the first place". It is Mafia, you are going to come under fire, argue, defend and attack points. If you can't do that... yeah.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #267 on: July 05, 2008, 04:02:27 AM »
Bleh. I really didn't want to post anymore, after doing all this show. But I read posts and the stupid bug still bites me. I guess I owe people an apology, now that I'm actually concocting thoughts together instead of going on full auto trainwreck lover. So, I will apologize right here and now. You're not really forgetting this happened, but I shouldn't have gone suicidal like that.

First, I guess you could call it a bluff, yes, as Melsa said. In a sense, I almost vaguely hoped I could confuse the overaggro people enough, but I obviously gave this as thought as I'd give to a Die Hard movie. But the roleclaim is 100% true. What annoys me isn't the accusations (they all hold water, and they have all the right to hold them against me), but the fact that there are giant trees of text that say next to nothing other than proving activity and aggro accusations in order to get a train going against whoever the poster wants to be guilty instead of being actually suspicious. (Corwin, I'm looking at you.)

I overthought the implications of Bardiche's role, that's that. That's mainly because roleclaiming without being in an at least vaguely concrete threat bothers me, since I don't believe in roleclaiming out of heartfelt goodness in a game of manipulation and strings attached. This claim, obviously, makes my attitude right now even dumber and less credible, but so be it. At this point, I just wanted to headdesk because I couldn't make sense of anything.

So, in short, I apologize for lashing out and being childish like I was, and I don't feel suicidal anymore. But this is moot, by this point. As I said, I dug my own grave, may as well lie, right? Bleh, real life affects me more than it should.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #268 on: July 05, 2008, 04:05:34 AM »
He's giving in because he knows the wolves of the group here will chew him out no matter what. As I said, I wish he hadn't, but frankly you're doing precisely what he said, which doesn't help. Frankly I'd just be eyeing him until day 3, and if he's still limp body then I'd support the lynch. But since it's likely that he could start contributing, assuming he's town and left alive? Uh, yeah. I see no reason to kill him. He's only given up bec... wait, already said this part.

If I'm not mistaken, multiple people here even knew of his absence/time crunch here; had it been a sudden drop from existence, no excuse, then the same re-entry, I'd be on your side here. As is, though? Uh. I can't find a good reason to use the lynch on him, frankly, on anything other than what, in the end, feels like iffy grounds to do so. >_> As it stands, the Meeple role speculation day 1 is what's standing out most to me here, though I've not read day 2 yet.

Still editing. Shouldn't be too much longer.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #269 on: July 05, 2008, 04:13:38 AM »
He is contributing now. That attitude that he put up two posts back was one that basically screamed that he was not going to bother putting effort into playing the game further and that was unacceptable to me no matter what.

Now that he's actually posted something that explains how he felt more clearly and also his current suspicions, I am otherwise inclined to agree with you.

Frankly, "wolves or not", Mafia's a game where people are going to agree or disagree with you, and if it is a sizable number, then you get lynched. That is the mechanics of the game; saying that you're not going to bother because everyone is going to jump on you anyway is basically admitting guilt (or apathy, arguably just as bad if not worse, see what I said above). Using this as an excuse to react as such = no, you have to fight back! That IS the game, after all. In fact, you did so by making some valid enough points on Corwin; that's exactly the kind of thing you should be citing rather than flailing.

Furthermore, (and to Strago as well as Snow on this) attacking people for their absences was never the sole reason I cited for things. It's one of those areas where we all realize that yeah, things happen sometimes and you can't be around enough, but at the same time for those playing they can't kind of just give you a free pass on it all as well. Particularly for you, Snow, it was the combination of that AND your odd reaction to Bardiche which let me to press on you (and for Strago, how I felt his previous posts were lacking in original thought, etc.) Not sayin' you have to make the game your life, dude. Just that you need to take that into consideration from the perspective of other players, as well.

That said, I'm going to accept Snow's explanation for now, while I mull over things further. The roleclaim basically ... yeah doesn't say much, but well, it's a roleclaim.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #270 on: July 05, 2008, 04:20:04 AM »
The attitude I got was "I don't have any energy or momentum to contribute now. Roleclaim'd. Do as you will, I've got nothing now."

Usage of the two nows intentional, I can see where you're coming from more now, and sure, yeah, that is infinitely more infuriating, but I suppose I was still looking at it from my view and going "uhhh okay, see your point somewhat but this is vicious prophecy fulfillment on both sides, why is this going on, if he manages to re-sort himself then we likely benefit."

Editing done, going back to reading beginning of day 2 so I can see what else drew Laggy's attention to Snow, since apparently that was where some of the spike was and not just this incident which is good to know. >_>

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #271 on: July 05, 2008, 04:21:54 AM »
Well, the roleclaim itself was just... uh, yeah, can't justify it other than what I said above, but this is simply what happens when I stop thinking. Don't do that, Snow.

If you care, I can throw the rosary of why I felt Bardiche offshoot, but it was said before best: I don't trust gratuitous roleclaims normally. The direction I took towards the roleclaim, though, was iffy, and I'll admit it. My mind just works like that, making roundabout and often nonsensical connections with ease and going with them, instead of simply going for the most obvious possibility: what if the roleclaim hides scum. Rat did have a point back then.

But that's neither here or there. I'm still not really very lucid, and I kinda want to refrain on talking more until my thoughts settle down.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #272 on: July 05, 2008, 06:36:49 AM »
Notes as I read, mainly attempting to keep eyes open. This being said, I've not paid much attention to timing of posts so if I'm poking someone to post more it's just a general thing.

Meeple: Feels like the most blatant case of digging at Rat's role without directly digging at it, looking the posts over. Does similar speculation on EvilTom's role. Day 2... have to agree on the general dig of the people eyeing him currently, and the vote drop from Ciato/me to Andrew is both interesting, nice of you, and somewhat rather odd, but to evaluate it more would mean a serious read of your posts again and my brain is just not going to do that right now.

Rat: Currently I'm taking the claim at full face value. Doesn't mean he's not scum, doesn't mean he is, but.

Corwin: Took Tom at face value. I'd think you'd know better by now. Assuming he's not lying town at this point seems to be completely pointless based on track record, while it's worth keeping in mind, eh. This being said I see nothing actually questionable about your play on a looksee, so.

Bardiche: Mmm...Only main issue I'm seeing here currently is second post page 6, where Bardiche always does what's a headache inducing move of saying "We won't be able to get scum most likely, so we should try to remove the one we think is least likely to aid us in discerning who's scum.", which to me reads "I know these guys aren't scum, let's decide who's most dead-weight anyway and go from there." This being said it may just be a syntax issue and isn't enough to lean on right now to make me actually think he's scum. Just interesting to note

Laggy: Have to agree with EvilTom's breakdown - the reply post to EvilTom's roleclaim was... off, especially sans vote on him, reaction post or no. Granted, second post in reply was far better about it. From there, no problems, so this is just me noting, same as Bardiche. Also find early comment re: Carthrat being voteless interesting, but eh, laggyxrat slash can only result from idle speculation of what feels like snark and none of us want to go there.

Excal: Main thing that caught my attention, leafing through, was an attack on EvilTom for, amongst other things, "flowery language". Granted, you had a list of other points against him, but EvilTom was being rather lucid this time, in all except that first post. So eh, just noting this.

Snow: Yeah, getting neutral read in general, hate me for not jumping on the lynch the suicidal instinct people but hey. His read-in of Bardiche's move... he had a train of worry going about that and it seems decently valid? Laggy's main point against him as far as I can tell is the omission of "what if he's scum", but the penalties for that seem obv. anyway and so I can't see bringing that up for discussion. May just be me. Is hardly confirmed town lawl in my eyes for anything, but I'm not sitting here singing for his death knell currently.

Shale: See Andrew. Had the same thing pretty much said for both.

Andrew: Kinda no vibe from him in general currently, but would like to see more if possible.

QR: Felt like she had the most... solid? argument against ET day 1 from my memory, which is admittedly Swiss. Would want to see more from her as well, but is 4th of july, not too worried about it just yet. Seems pretty solid to me, here.

NEB: See QR. Both these two currently feel rather solid to me, though after SSBB I'm going to try and not let that be a blinder for me. Bloody vampire.

Strago: Keep forgetting he's playing. Counterpoint, day 1 he wasn't around day 2 he seems to be semi-active and doing some poking at people for explanations, which I approve of.

Ashdla: Oddly, despite content which I just reread, no real impression. Note to self to reread and see if I get anything more.

For now, this is a tenuous vote, as I plan on sleeping and then looking it over, but for now, most suspicious is...

##Vote: Meeple.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #273 on: July 05, 2008, 08:00:01 AM »
##Unvote: Snow

Just got back from fireworks, and I want to put this out right now.

As it stands, his sort of defense? Never has worked. Ever. In fact, every time its been brought up, its resulted in near immediate lynching. It has never been an effective defense in the DL before. Thus, if scum were indeed attempting to use this as a defense, they'd be taking an incredible risk and counting on a ploy that has NEVER worked before to suddenly work now.

To be frank, I'm tired of this, because there is always a nagging voice to me that says "this guy must be town" but I go ahead and do it anyway. So. At this point, I'm really inclined to, just this once, let it slide. As it stands, this is about the only time it would be "safe" to let it slide. If it passes, it'll be a reasonable scum gambit again, but, for right now, I don't want to waste this lynch on Snow.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #274 on: July 05, 2008, 08:19:35 AM »
Ok, guess I'll get in a post before I go to bed.

Snow's back and speaking!  His earlier posts upon returning made me head desk a bit, though, he has since started to actually recover in a sense (I suck at wording).  The cases on him were fair, but I'm not sure they're enough, is the thing.  That is, except for Andrew which I laid out and explained as one of my reasons for voting him.

For Snow's, can't get much out of it.  Sounds legit, but he doesn't really have any way to back it up, and there's no one here to debunk it, so...for now, I'll believe it I guess.

Regarding the swap from Ciato to Andrew...well, yes, I know I swapped off Ciato long before I posted Andrew, that point, figured there was more on the table than what I had with Ciato.  That combined with the heat I was getting from the case I had on her, it felt like a lose lose situation.  Either I abruptly move my vote, and look bad cause of it, or I keep it, lack the support to hold onto it, and look bad for that.  At the time, I idiotically didn't consider option 3 of "look for someone who might be more suspicious first, THEN change vote" which I ultimately did find in Andrew.

So far, Tai's done...nothing worth noting one way or another, beyond a vote for me. 
He says I'm most suspicious for...reasons he doesn't really lay out. 
I don't get why you say I'm digging at Rat's role when not directly digging, and then say I do the same with Eviltom.  Care to elaborate on that, Tai?

My case on Andrew stays regardless.  As I said, so far, he's not really said a whole lot beyond some playstyle and general mafia discussion, putting a vote down on someone with barely a reason why, and saying something is important but hardly doing anything about it.  Doesn't excuse my abrupt Ciato pullback, but again, I will admit that was a bad move on my part and I should have held onto it until I was actually confident I was going to change my vote.

Next off...
Why is it really THAT weird that I defended Shale?  If I don't see a case on someone being that big, and people are looking at him as a whole, I felt that I should throw in my (overly emphasized) two cents.  Given the position I was in, I felt that if I didn't give a full out explanation (this is mostly paranoia, admittedly), I'd be called out.  I am NOT confident Shale is town; I want to make that clear.
What I was, however, is disagreeing with the cases made on Shale.  They were being overemphasized, felt like they were twisting some words to mean something, claiming things that he actually defended against later, etc.  I just felt the case on him was weak, and wanted to explain why. Admittedly, I got out of hand.

Given I explained I wanted to look back at Shale and see the cases made, I felt I was obliged to actually go back and do so, especially since Elfboy called me out on saying he sounds suspicious for what others have said.  However, when I went back, I felt he didn't really seem all that bad like some were saying.

Ninja'd by Andrew!  Removes his vote on Snow...except in improper format *hint hint*

HIs recent post has said...nothing but "Snow's defense never works!"  Again, he's doing general mafia discussion, not really adding much.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A