
Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 85159 times)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #75 on: July 01, 2008, 03:28:55 PM »
Current votecount:

AndrewRogue (1): Meeplelard
Ashdla (1): Deltaflyer2k8, OblivionKnight
Bardiche (2): Deltaflyer2k8, EvilTom
Carthrat (1): Jo'ou Ranbu
Ciato (1): QuietRain
Deltaflyer2k8 (1): Shale
Elfboy (0): Ashdla
EvilTom (1): Bardiche, Corwin
Excal (1): Ciato
Laggy (1): AndrewRogue
Meeplelard (1): Elfboy
OblivionKnight (3): Laggy, Excal, Ashdla
QuietRain (0): OblivionKnight
Shale (0): OblivionKnight
Strago (0): OblivionKnight

With seventeen alive, it takes nine to lynch.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 06:48:31 PM by El Cideon »


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #76 on: July 01, 2008, 03:32:23 PM »
Pshaw, where's the sense of fun gone? Laggy why must you make the game so dry?
Don't the rest of you also have awesomely bizarre roles you want to gloat about? We are evil villains, isn't gloating what evil villains do?

Aaanyway; *plonks self down in grand throne and fills a glass of red wine*

It's going to be difficult to trust anything he's got to say.
Coming from the guy with no vote, that's rich *swirls glass of red wine*
Why should we trust you, Mr. I cannot assist town and have shown distaste towards the game thusfar, hmm?

Bardiche, I apologise for confusing you, but *sips wine* it would be no fun if it were all too simple. Don't you agree?

Corwin, tsk tsk, you didn't listen very carefully to my evil overlord announcement, did you? If town lynches me, I do not gain superpowers. If scum attempt to kill me overnight, well then, that's where things get interesting.

And Meeple/Rat, I never said I was invincible. I just said it wouldn't be very.. effective. Am I going to be more specific? No, it's more fun this way. It's not often I get such a fun role to play with, so I'm going to savor the taste and make the most of it *sips more wine*. Which is why a claim is just so much fun. Something that some of you have forgotten that Mafia is supposed to be *eyeroll*.

Can I tell you any more?

Simple answer: No.
Long answer: No, and I can't tell you why I can't tell you.

Take that as you will, but you'll hear no more from me about it.

Now, on to evil directive #1:

##Unvote: Bardiche - keep up the good work there chap. Some nice logic and reasoning. Good to see analysis etc. removing joke vote.

LAGGY! - Didn't spend much effort reading/thinking over my taunting post, instead he just went on the offensive, laying down 'eviltom is invincible? lolwat' without putting down a vote himself. Or really going into any detail. Very suspicious - definately a good way for scum to fish out public opinion before diving into the deep end. If you're so uncomfortable with my actions, why not vote? Also Laggy expertly follows it up with "why roleclaim this, now"? The clever thing about that question, is that's it's a combined role-fish attempt /and/ attack. I didn't really /claim/ anything in particular, and yet Laggy wants to know all the details. Well, too bad.

*presses the button marked "Shark-pool: Laggy"*

##Vote: Laggy

You always have to watch the quiet ones... the flamboyantly evil ones are obvious, always watch the quiet ones...

Therefore, to the shark-pool you go, Laggy! Where are your rebel friends now!?!?!
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #77 on: July 01, 2008, 03:55:01 PM »
Well guys, since i have been voted for by Shale, i am going to keep voting for Bardiche. I may be wrong but, hey, im a retard  ::) . Wow, i did not just say that...


Bard in his last statement told me to post sumthing or be a a lurker. Is that anything like a stalker? ;-)

I am just here talking about... well ill leave that up to you guys to decide.

Also, i am inactive for 18 hours at least due to school and sleep so i only have 2 hours to post etc. (a mans gotta eat)

So there you go, im going to sit back and see what you make of that. *edges towards exit*
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #78 on: July 01, 2008, 04:04:14 PM »
Dread Thomas, there are a few reasons why my actions are justified and yours are not.

Firstly, I'm indisputably funnier than you are at this shit. Also, I'm better at formatting my posts. Can you please fix that before I tear my eyeballs out?

Secondly, it was completely necessary for me to claim my role. It was completely unecessary for you to claim what you have and inherently suspicious to do so, whereas- if I may be so bold- all the speculation Meeple and others have done on me is circular and noninformative. (The people going "we might be able to lynch rat later just for this" are particularly worrying, as my claim is actually neutral on town or scum vibes and should not be used as the basis for a case.) Comparing me to you early in your post is pretty stupid and displays ignorance (most likely willful) of the details.

Thirdly, what you HAVE claimed is, BP or no, "Hahaha, you guys shouldn't kill me, doing so is a waste of time." Um yeah good job, me too, in fact, that'll totally fly.


As far as 'laggy didn't read my post properly!' - the specifics of your claim actually don't matter much, since it all amounts to my prior statement. Also your strategy is retarded. Trapping Laggy into fishing for a role here? No, in this case it was the right thing to do and you cannot have expected to be able to pull this strategy without running into that.

##FoS: Dread Thomas for the reasons above. I would also like to note that I find his posts farcical; it is actually like he's trying to dig his hole deeper (ironic, as usually he does this by accident.) I point to his comments about 'the point of the game is PLAYING FOR FUN' which is about as rilesome a comment as you can toss at me in particular (and Laggy, for that matter, and probably a couple of others around. At least, I hope.). There's also everything else he has said.

As a result of this, I would rather let him live through today and hope he gets NK'd; call it paranoia, but there's no rule stating that 'there are no parties that can win on day one or night one', and although there hasn't been a Jester yet, this is the kind of game in which I'd expect one to appear. If there is a vig, there's no need to claim; let him be the target.

If not, well, I'll be going for the lynch as our only recourse.


The irony of my post content here is not lost on me.

Ninja'd by Delta. Wow. I have absolutely nothing to say to that post.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #79 on: July 01, 2008, 04:14:51 PM »
I think everyone is a little too hung up on Rat right now and mulling over what his role may or may not be; he's said what he's willing to say, and unless you believe the case is solid enough on him on account of his role wonkery alone, I can see perfectly reasonable explanations as to why he doesn't want to tip the hat further (if he is town, obviously).

Re, EvilTom:

I hate day 1. Frankly, the joke phase drives me batty insane. I jump straight to seriousness because it was clear no one else was really doing it at the time and furthermore the posturing and snarkiness that you do so seem to love are excellent ways to hide ulterior motives and a good way to bait without being entirely clear. I for the life of me cannot see why town would want to do this. Being concise and clear (including saying you can't reveal something-- but doing so in a concise and clear manner!) is, in general, advantageous for town; when you're vague about your communication, miscommunication happens, debates happen, arguments happen over a dumb point that derail the entire thread and play right into scum's hands.

I did not lay down a vote at the time because it was an instinct, quick response to your claim-but-not-really (right after Rat had just gone over and I had basically said the same thing: if you're going to lay something down, do it clearly. Rat, for his part, did this quite well without so-called "revealing his role." The fact that you think similar scrutiny on your side is scummish smacks me as nonsense, especially when what you're claiming is far more convoluted. Not laying down a vote is a valid point, but on my part, Excal's post right after that more or less reminding me the potential dangers of just going ahead and pushing the big red button swayed me away from doing so at the moment.

I really don't at all accept your claim that it's merely fun and keeps the game from being dry as sufficient justification with the risks noted above; your counterattack on me with "oh noes, Laggy be's rolefishin' again!" is basically an exact mirror of what I explained with Rat, and you seemed to merrily ignore what unfolded there and go on anyway.

Quote from: Corwin
Let's examine the scenarios I'm seeing here:

-Tom is entirely, 100% truthful! He's town, and town lynching him gives him superpowers beyond measure! (or doesn't harm him, thus proving his claims to a point, I'm not certain which is supposed to happen)

Okay. How is this a bad option, then?

-Tom is lying scum. Tom dies.


-Tom is lying town/TP/a muppet. Lynching Tom... eliminates a third party player, a lying town or a muppet.

It's hard, it really is, to see the cons of this approach.

I can't help but find myself in full agreement here.

##Unvote: OblivionKnight
##Vote: EvilTom
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #80 on: July 01, 2008, 04:29:45 PM »
I don't have much to contribute to the debate at hand yet. I want to see how it plays out before I can decide where I stand on the matter.

I'm posting, however, to respond to Deltaflyer...

A lurker is someone who is playing, but only reads what others write and provides little to no input of their own. Often times this alarms suspicion among the town as it is a useful way of avoiding saying anything that might incriminate yourself or unduly make people suspect you of being scum. Generally a strategy that is adviced against. It doesn't work in games with no time limit.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #81 on: July 01, 2008, 04:39:07 PM »
Ok thanks bardiche. :)
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #82 on: July 01, 2008, 05:05:44 PM »
...If town lynches me, I do not gain superpowers.
Merely quoting Corwin's post and saying "so there" does not help things, because Corwin's post had incorrect reasoning.

I suppose I can be a little more clear on my 'power' without risking dire consequences. But I can't just say everything. This is a key point! Rat was probably under no preconditions, when it comes to his role (or lack thereof). I'm not at the same liberty.
Town lynching me will waste the town's lynch. I will no longer be able to vote, but I'll still be here. So I'm partially unkillable, in that respect. But that would be a waste of an opportunity for town to kill scum, no? Scum killing me... will be fun and exciting. I promise.

Why did I come out and say this rather than keep it a secret? Because I'm enjoying myself here! This is loads of fun.
Is it hurting town? God no. Playing mind games with the scum and putting them on the back foot is great. I want to see whether or not they kill me tonight.. it's a kind of personal challenge to them; will they rise to it?

///- Time for tea -\\\

Anyway. Laggy has now posted more than "eviltom is suspicious", so he's looking less scummy. So!
##Unvote: Laggy


Deltaflyer2k8 - I'm not sure whether a vote here would be useful at this stage, since he's going to be stalking for 18 hours, or whatnot. I find his last post extremely odd. And full of poor grammar & punctuation. The urge to lynch is rising, but my vote can do other things in the meantime.
No, he just posted again. So probe time!
Delta, don't you have anything to offer about... anything? Here's a reason to talk: ##Vote: Deltaflyer2k8

Rat: what's wrong with my formatting :\ or editing

Meta-game strategy talk:
I think, meta-game wise, the best possible person to lynch is Carthrat. Reasoning (entirely objective)

1. Rat is town and telling the truth:
- As he himself said, he has no functional use, as he cannot vote. Scum won't even bother to kill him.

2. Rat is scum

3. Rat is town and lieing - well.. I'll leave that one out. See option 2 if in doubt.

In case of option 1, we haven't made any real loss if we lynch him. Statistically, as we all know, the chance of hitting town on day 1 is very high. At least a Rat lynch (if he is telling the truth) means we lose 0 town votes at worst, and we kill scum at best.

If option 1 is correct, I feel sorry for Rat, he's the victim of statistics and metagame & poor role balance. Then again, my role is quite powerful, so maybe that's the balance? Town has other powerful roles? *shrug*
If option 2 is correct, well, it's a bold (but clever) move for scum, and lynching him nets us scum.

The worst case scenario of lynching Rat is a possible net sum loss of 0 for town. Lynching anyone else provides the chance of the loss of a town vote.
So unless hard evidence other than vibes comes up against anyone else, he's the best target to lynch statistically.

+Yes, Rat is a thoughtful player etc., but if he's scum (as he often is), then that will absolutely kill us because he /never has to vote/, so he never has to give himself away. We could find ourselves at endgame where Rat comes in leaving us all looking dumb because nobody considered him a threat. On the other hand, lynching him is a great start to day 1 because we rid ourselves of uncertainty, rather than lynching someone based on more uncertainty.

Anyone else got thoughts on that? I'd like to hear other people's opinions weigh in.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #83 on: July 01, 2008, 05:15:12 PM »
First things first,

##Unvote: Meeple
##Vote: Strago

If you don't know why, you haven't been paying attention. Hopefully this vote won't stand for long.

Okay, so. The three people most attracting attention so far are Rat, EvilTom, and OK. Rat has been discussed. While I don't really care for the attitude he initially brought (which has since improved), I can see why it was there, and I think he is trying to contribute to the game. He's cool for now.

OK and EvilTom have both been pretty counter-productive for town so far. OK's just generally carried the joke phase for much too long, even with multiple votes on him. To a certain degree I was willing to ignore this, because lack of seriousness on Day 1 shouldn't be taken too seriously, and because, let's face it, it's OK. But it is a bit alarming, to the point where it almost seemed like he was having too much fun stirring up trouble. I don't think his slip was in fact a slip (though I don't dismiss the possibility), rather that it was chosen on purpose as a joke. OK, if you could make a serious post next, it would allay a lot of my fears.

EvilTom is just... yeah. In two posts he has come off as militantly anti-town. Dude, don't do this. It makes arguments against you like Corwin's pretty reasonable to me. Day 1 lynch candidates shouldn't have such strong arguments against them.

It seems possible to me that at least one of the two might be a jester. (Which, if so, sucks.) Now, I'm not entirely clear on how Jesters are played, since I don't think we've seen one here yet, but... how bad is it for town to lynch them? Aside from losing a townie (a townie too unproductive to live, anyway), does it somehow lessen the town's "victory"?

Of course, both are just one good explanation away from making this a moot question. C'mon, guys. EvilTom in particular, can you justify how your posts so far help town?

Corwin: What is a muppet?

Ninja'd: And EvilTom comes in and makes a post with decent content. Yay! Leaving the rest of my thoughts pre-his post here anyway.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #84 on: July 01, 2008, 05:30:16 PM »
The same reason that people yell at you sometimes for not voting quickly and complaining about the joke vote phase - there's no vote record.  The town can't follow him, and as Carth is always a dirty bastard, why would we want to have one less bit of information to follow?  At least when you vote, there's a bit of information to glean from potential motive.  With Rat, it's just his text and, if he can only vote as a killing vote, then he's doing what the scum ask him to do, so we can't actually say that he voted badly, because he was told to do that.

Bolding is mine.  I disagree.  Especially after Carth's post where he specifically FOS-ed you.  He may not be able to vote (that's just a really freaking weird restriction if true), but posting FOS-es instead will at least allow us to see a voting pattern, it just will have no weight behind it.

Now, having said that, I still find the restriction rather hard to fathom.  I don't think he makes anything close to a good Day 1 lynch target, though (as if there is such a thing considering our usual luck with it).  Just a really weird restriction.

Oh, out of jokephase, so ##Unvote Ciato

I'm going to continue the way of the Rat, and break this out in my first post too!
I am so evil, I warn you all now, that it is meaningless to try and kill me! Town will waste their votes trying to kill me, and by murdering me then scum will only make me more powerful in the process!

You do realize Tom that after the game where you claimed to be a doc day 1 but lied through your teeth that the chances of my believing a day 1 claim out of you are non-existant, right?  Just wanted to be sure you realized that.  Personally, that makes me more likely to want you dead than not.  And I agree with Carth that it screams third party to me. And with the craziness that seems to be lurking with people's comments and half-said abilities, I think a third party role with some ability where the longer they live the better they are makes sense in this game set up.

Putting my money where my mouth is: ##Vote EvilTom
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #85 on: July 01, 2008, 05:32:04 PM »
##UNVOTE: Bardiche
##VOTE: EvilTom.

Something for you to talk about my freind...
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #86 on: July 01, 2008, 05:34:15 PM »
##UNVOTE: Bardiche
##VOTE: EvilTom.

Something for you to talk about my freind...
That's not talking :\
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #87 on: July 01, 2008, 05:37:20 PM »
Merely quoting Corwin's post and saying "so there" does not help things, because Corwin's post had incorrect reasoning.

Incorrect. Corwin's first point noted the possibility of you gaining superpowers or, at the worst, doing nothing and leaving you as confirmed town. This was because he reasoned this saliently before your recent admission of...

Quote from: EvilTom
Town lynching me will waste the town's lynch. I will no longer be able to vote, but I'll still be here. So I'm partially unkillable, in that respect.

So before you continue to be under the impression that somehow Corwin was jumping the gun, let me assure you that was not the case, and all of this crap could have been cleared up if you had not been so insistent on making vague, thoroughly anti-town-sentiment posts in the first place.

Quote from: EvilTom
Why did I come out and say this rather than keep it a secret? Because I'm enjoying myself here! This is loads of fun.
Is it hurting town? God no. Playing mind games with the scum and putting them on the back foot is great. I want to see whether or not they kill me tonight.. it's a kind of personal challenge to them; will they rise to it?


1. Rat is town and telling the truth:
- As he himself said, he has no functional use, as he cannot vote. Scum won't even bother to kill him.

First off, any argument that involves "scum will react like this! Scum will do this" will innately set off alarms in my head unless they are backed up by an obvious logical train of thought not originated in WIFOM. As it happens, this appears to be the case.

Rat has not revealed the entirety of his role - whether he truly is just a weightless non-voter townie or if he has other powers to counterbalance that out. Understandably so, because if he did, he would paint a bull's-eye target on himself for scum (assuming, again, that he's telling the truth). This leads to a WIFOM situation where scum may or may not kill him, which is why any assumption is dangerous.

That said, I am not entirely averse to the idea due to horrible lack of Day 1 leads, but I remain unconvinced that he's the best lynch target. (namely, that remains you, for reasons already stated; in fact, you losing your vote power and holding confirmed bulletproof townie, if you are indeed telling the truth, to me seems a far safer bet than lynching Rat.) Your scenario outlining him also misses out on the possibility that he is town, is not lying and cannot vote, but has other powers that he has pointedly left undisclosed - as I have said above, this is his discretion.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #88 on: July 01, 2008, 05:39:08 PM »
Also, so I don't seem single-minded: Delta, your posts are completely lacking in content, half of them are irrelevant to the game and your single-liner votes aren't helping in that regard either. Please improve in these regards; I know you are new to the game, but we can't let that be a freebie pass for every single occasion.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #89 on: July 01, 2008, 06:00:20 PM »
Delta: I am a proponent of lynching people who don't bother to use proper capitalization, not to mention punctuation. Not actually having much to show for yourself either in volume or content will make your playing experience a short one, if I have anything to do about this, so do shape up.

(And Laggy posts the same thing, pretty much, as Tom did earlier. Goes to show it's quite noticeable.)

EvilTom: Option 1 of those I suggested doesn't look as harmless with your clarifications, but even in our worst case scenario, we get you to contribute and be essentially unkillable. We lose a vote on our side, then, true. But the same would happen with any mislynch day 1, as you yourself have acknowledged. Therefore, to have the insight of a confirmed townie as the game goes on and you can adjust your opinions based on recent developments (unlike, say, the words of dead confirmed townies pre-death), giving town a unique benefit.

Or you could be scum/third party/etc. Either way, I'm still comfortable with your lynch. I disagree with your case on Rat, since FoS allows for a record and I usually get a better hang on Rat's alignment after a couple of days anyway.

DHE: Uhh, what? That was so bizarre.


Everyone not really participating: I'd like to see people contribute, pick a suspect, detail their case or lack of one, the works. Day 1 cases are often weak (there are notable exceptions; usually with Tom) but they do generate discussion.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #90 on: July 01, 2008, 06:08:16 PM »
Ok, now that its earlier and I've had sleep, I can look at things a little easier!

...maybe, I'll probably just end up rambling as I always do anyway...

...silly preliminary lead in aside...

Eviltom looks really weird at the moment. Though, another thing sparked up that occurred to me:
Tom is a bomb.  He's trying to dissuade lynching as much as possible cause dying means not only does he die, but the Hammerer dies too (that's how Bombs work, right?  They take out the person who killed them?)  Given the game like this, I so expect a bomb to be SOMEWHERE, though, OOC, do Bombs know they're bombs, or is it usually a hidden a role?

For this reason, I'm a bit worried about Lynching Tom.  Think I agree with Rat that I'd rather go after someone else, and if there's a Vig, request that they go after Tom tonight.  If he's a Jester, he'll not have won.  If he's a Bombs work on NKs? I'd like someone to help elaborate that cause I know a role of "you die, lyncher dies too" exists as something we've used before (Monkey in WoT Mafia at least, I think it was?), but unsure of the specifics of how that role usually works.

REGARDLESS, I do feel lynching Tom this early is a bit...dangerous.  Though, his posts don't leave a very good taste in my mouth, and his attempt to explain his "Lynching me is useless" claim...well, if that was your logic, that would be moronic.  EVERYONE has something like that implied around them, the question is...or alternatively, anyone would be willing to say that, since its basically the same as saying "Don't Lynch me, I'm town!"

OK needs to to say something, you know, of actual credit.  However, at the same time...

While my original joke on Andrew is a Joke Vote...I'm keeping it.  Why?  He hasn't said a damned thing since the joke phase!  So at least to keep some pressure on him to start posting, its staying here.
For all that I don't agree with lynching Lurkers, especially on Day 1, I highly doubt my lone vote is enough to actually provoke a Lynch, but I would like him to speak up a bit.

Deltaflyer...yeah, agreeing with Laggy.  I understand you're new to the game, but at least try to put forth a bit more effort.  Even if your analysis is wrong (and frankly, more often than not, it will be!  How else can it be explained why Scum often wins <.<?), at least showing effort and trying to form your own original ideas looks a lot better than short, irrelevant points with just voting.
Even if you feel you have to pull something out of nowhere, or just speak your mind, do it; showing at least some effort is a big step up.

Back to Rat...I stand by my 4 AM rant.  The most likely scenario at the moment is Rat has some sort of power, but at the same time, can't vote.  What that power is, who knows?  Possible he doesn't know either!

If its scumploy...its a very risky strategy.  Scum have only so many votes they can use to screw around with Town.  By making a claim of "I can't vote!" means you more or less have to follow through the entire game, or else the instant you vote, red flags go off, and as such, scum lose one of their limited votes, giving Town better odds.  For this reason, I'm thinking Rat's either Town with some sort of special, SIGNIFICANT role power, OR a 3rd Party with some weird Win condition like "Win if you are NK'd!"
So at the moment, not seeing any logical move for Rat to do that if he's scum.

Looking back at other things...Elfboy's vote on Strago seems to be similar to my vote on Andrew, albeit, its a case of "He hasn't posted at all" compared to mine "he hasn't posted since the joke phase."  Says little one way or another to me, etc.

So end result is Tom's looking bad...but I get the feeling Lynching him is a bad move too.  I propose letting him live the day, and if any Vigs are around, Nightkill him.  Similarly, Docs, don't protect him!

So at this point, I'm left with basically "OK, Andrew, and Strago need to say stuff."


...and Ninja'd by Cor!

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #91 on: July 01, 2008, 06:10:36 PM »
I do punctuate my sentences properly. Don't skit for the simple fact that im a school kid. I am not an idiot. Simple thing is: I have no real intel, beliefs or otherwise so I am going along with the game. He voted for me so I voted for him. It's as simple as that. If you do not like the fact that i am new, get over it. I won't be new for long.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #92 on: July 01, 2008, 06:24:31 PM »

<_<;;; I meant, "what's a muppet" in the context of mafia. Or more specifically in the context you used it in your earlier post.


I guess that's a fair argument, and there's a reason I asked about how jester works. (Hadn't considered bomb, that seems worth inquiring about too!) I'm less opposed to lynching him compared to you, though, because on average I'd rather operate under the assumption that the lynch (rather than a vig who may not exist) is town's best weapon and should be used against those who are being destructive to town's workings.

Still, not voting for Tom yet because it's way too early to get a large train on him. As you observed, several people haven't been involved in the day yet.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #93 on: July 01, 2008, 06:38:46 PM »
Now that the EvilTom wagon has progressed a little, I feel a bit more confident to voice my opinions about it, especially since Tom has given new information to ponder on.

A role that allows him to communicate with us beyond the grave, with the addendum that if scum were to NK him, the scum would empower him. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I concur that a lynch on EvilTom is in my DO NOT WANT range at the moment. I hold no support for lynching EvilTom given the present defense. (Also Meeple's point of a bomb is plausible, but uuuh, yeah, I have no reason yet to conclude this is the case.)

We seem to keep falling back to Carthrat. It's pretty simple; Either we decide that him having no vote is enough of a reason to lynch him, or we decide to keep him due to the possibility of some sort of compensation for his inability to vote. As it stands, lynching someone because of a supposed role he has isn't exactly a good motive, unless said role is Godfather or some other scum-aligned role.

Seems like we're stuck in the same Day 1 Dilemma as inadvertably any Mafia game will be without a Night 0.

As it stands I have no case against anyone other than our Main 3 (Carthrat, OblivionKnight and EvilTom), and I'd like to hear more from OK. I'm not sure what I want to hear yet: Our offense on him is pretty fragile as is, and based solely on him carrying the joke phase a bit too far.

The others... I'm guessing they don't have the time we do in replying to this all. Would like to hear of them regardless and hear their thoughts on matters, although I understand it is a bit difficult to say things that haven't already been said.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #94 on: July 01, 2008, 06:43:29 PM »
Ask and ye shall receive:

AndrewRogue (1): Meeplelard
Ashdla (1): Deltaflyer2k8, OblivionKnight
Bardiche (0): Deltaflyer2k8, EvilTom
Carthrat (1): Jo'ou Ranbu
Ciato (0): QuietRain
Deltaflyer2k8 (2): Shale, EvilTom
Elfboy (0): Ashdla
EvilTom (4): Bardiche, Corwin, Laggy, QuietRain, Deltaflyer2k8
Excal (1): Ciato
Laggy (1): AndrewRogue, EvilTom
Meeplelard (0): Elfboy
OblivionKnight (2): Laggy, Excal, Ashdla
QuietRain (0): OblivionKnight
Shale (0): OblivionKnight
Strago (1): OblivionKnight, Elfboy

With seventeen alive, it takes nine to lynch.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #95 on: July 01, 2008, 06:48:10 PM »
The train of logic that Tom is a bomb doesn't really sit well with me because a Bomb would innately try to attract nightkills, not lynches, and he mentioned that he would be alive even if he died. So I am not terribly keen on this particular possibility since the chances of hitting scum are pretty slim, whereas just claiming a significant role and then getting NKed is much easier.

However, a Jester? He certainly SOUNDS like one right now. DF2K8 looks like he just did a good old-fashioned OMGUS vote which rings bells with me.

Meeple. Why are you dwelling so hard on Rat? The heart of the matter is that scum like their votes existing, and I'm not sure outside of a very weird gambit (i.e. I will not vote until the last day and HAMMER! MWAHAHA!) that a scum would willingly withhold their vote for no discernable reason. I think reading into the role too hard is useless and Rat telling us early was a very smart move on his part.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #96 on: July 01, 2008, 06:52:51 PM »
Oh, for frak's sake. Day 1 is so stupid.

On the subject of Carthrat, this has mostly already died down but stop the blustering useless role-speculation. As has been said, his reasons for claiming were good and if we get our knickers in a twist about the seventeen-billion potential LYLO combinations we may one day find ourselves in then scum will just smack us around while we aren't paying attention to important things.

On the subject of Tom, arghwhat. Oh what a frustrating and unnecessary WIFOM web we weave when we practice to... deceive? Tell the truth? Doesn't really matter, because all you've done is paint a bullseye on your chest with no real tangible benefit to the town.

On the subject of OK, yeah. He's my favorite for lynching right now. Granted, I tend to put more weight behind perceived syntactical slips than others, but that's just me. Can't help it. Not ready to put a full vote behind him, though.

Aside from those three matters, to which I unfortunately have little else to add, I'm having a hard time getting a real bead on anyone else. Uber-typical for Day 1. Hrrmph. Delta's OMGUS is indeed bad, as Ciato says. As far as Meeple's obsession with the minutiae of possibilities regarding Rat... well, I hate to say, "It's Meeple," but it very much is. And thus far it's been harmless enough. I think.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #97 on: July 01, 2008, 06:55:08 PM »
What's an OMGUS?
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #98 on: July 01, 2008, 06:56:26 PM »
He voted for me so I voted for him.

That is OMGUS, aka "oh my god you suck" aka "oh my god you voted for me so I will vote for you".
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #99 on: July 01, 2008, 07:01:30 PM »
This post was going to contain an explanation of OMGUS, but ninja'd by Laggy. Revenge for earlier? Maybe.

Nothing else to add since my previous post, except the requisite

##Unvote: Strago

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.