Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 77179 times)

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #225 on: July 04, 2008, 05:34:45 AM »
Laggy, right. I was more emphasizing that I was uncomfortable with it being regarded as universally something that has to be... I dunno, noted in some sort of scum book is all. NEB being active and helpful (and explaining why he didn't vote even in Day 1!) says to me that he is paying attention to the game, and he cares, but he felt that the situation wasn't right for voting (which it wasn't!).

Meeple. I said you were being unhelpful because you have not contributed any sort of the content to the game. Stop hiding behind this excuse that I AM MEEPLE!! because, yes, you can ramble on forever about roles if you want but you need to actually add something else. Which you didn't! And uh I voted like five-ten minutes after I posted? You say EVENTUALLY like it was some sort of massive delay when it wasn't. (I actually got summoned away as I was finishing up the post since I was posting on the job and all... <_<)

 I simply listed the people I thought were being least helpful to town, and I believed you were one of those people. I still believe you are one of those people! I would be willing to bet that you are scum because pattern style is similar to FE Mafia but I will not partake in the OMGUS for the present, will analyze situation later.

I'd like to see some more QR action around in general as well as Strago (and while Ii write, there is Strago. Yay! ^_^)

Andy, dear, that's why I said it was baseless conjuncture. Your general posting style in most games ... sets off my alarms and I feel that noting it but admitting its lack of credibility is fair. <_< Just mostly a mental note really.

Strago, honestly, there are only three times I can recall that Andrew and I have really gotten into it in Mafia, and he was scum all three times. I wasn't trying to start anything with him this time at all! If noting someone's behavior as ringing bells is picking a fight then well *shrug*.

Laggy is love. Why don't you play Mafia more? ;_;
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #226 on: July 04, 2008, 05:41:16 AM »
Fair enough, Ciato. You're a reasonable enough sort (generally >_>) for that kind of thing not to get in the way of your better judgment, I suspect. Just thought I'd note it, as it set off my own bells a bit.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #227 on: July 04, 2008, 06:41:11 AM »
That said, rough thoughts on everyone so far. If people think I am harder to read because I lacked a vote last round, might as well make up for it with this!

Andrew: Barely around day 1, didn't contribute much worth noting. Has come out much stronger today. Not quite sure what to make of the change, but for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and blame it on him being actually around.

Ashdla: Was one of the first people on OK, but backed up her reasons solidly. Jumped to Tom, but I'm not faulting her there, either. Has posted substance today. Reasonably townie read here, I think.

Bardiche: Was certainly active, yet I have almost no real read on him. His day 1 contributions consisted of some obsessing over Rat at first, then trying to reason with OK. Also trying to make sure his friend's experience with the game didn't suck, which tells nothing naturally. His hammer (I'd better do this to increase my vote weight!) does not sit well with me. As mentioned I am glad he admits his power. Still, not comfortable here. Not enough for a FoS, though.

Carthrat: Has done his best to be active, and generally coming across as a pretty good townie to me. He's been heavilly involved in discussion. If he is scum he is even a relatively undangerous one, as he can't bring about LYLO any sooner. Metagaming -> I still think he has a role -> he needs to stick around, and I definitely do not think highly of him as a lynch candidate.

Ciato: The only thing that really stands out about her was her dogged worry about Meeple yesterday. I can understand why, mind (more later!). She posts a decent defence of herself today, but I'd still like it if she laid back less. EDIT: Latest posts continue to help. She's definitely getting more involved today. And I'm not going to fault anyone for being less excited about Day 1. (blech)

Corwin: Hardly ever posts. When he does he is pretty accusatory. His logic against Tom was of course very sound, not that this proves anything one way or another. He's playing an aggressive style as town and is kinda lurkerish otherwise. He's taken a shot at me and I'm not nearly the person he's come after hardest! But he can back up his arguments, so that's something.

Excal: Got involved and talked with all the lynch candidates. Has attacked Snow today, but with solid arguments. This is mostly my thoughts on reviewing his posts; for some reason he made little impression on me during the day.

Jo'ou Ranbu: Wasn't around much, though has some excuse. He's obviously tried to be a bit more involved today. How I ultimately judge him will depend a LOT on how he behaves today. I'm not willing to get on the train for him yet, though. He's not the worst offender.

Laggy: Indeed, needs to play mafia more. Thinks along way too similar lines to me. And since I know I have townie thoughts, that means he has townie thoughts too! 100% cleared as town to me! Seriously, he's been hella involved, has been helpful, and has explained himself well whether agreeing with me or not.

Meeple: Has been one of the lurkiest folks around, and unlike the others, does not have an excuse. Ciato starts laying into him, and he comes out all defensive and OMGUSy.

I dunno; Ciato's been laying low if anything.  She has said...practically nothing, posting mostly 1 to 2 line posts, even if its day 1, you can still contribute more than that (my posts are overkill, admittedly, but people were still able to form paragraphs.) She finally posts something and goes after me for being myself.  Even now, she's doing it on Day 1! Combined with what feels like hypocracy I pointed out earlier...I feel she's off.

He's obsessed with post length rather unhealthily; the section I quoted it is not the only time he mentions it. He completely disregards that even those one line posts she actually uses to get involved, and has gotten moreso on Day 2, and not just out of pure defence. He calls it hypocrisy but I can't see it at all. In general he comes off as pretty inflammatory. Lurk -> that style of behaviour is not especially cool. Lurking with the worst reason for doing so is even worse. He hasn't really let us see his opinions on people much, though he has flung some more random suspicion around. He attacks Andrew, which I can kinda understand, for all that he admits he's attacking him for similar reasons that he himself is under fire. And then there is Shale.

I'll need to look over Shale's posts, to see if I actually find something off about him. However, the point fingers at people, talk about lynching, and then not casting a vote...yeah, that doesn't look too good.

That's it? Back it up more.

I admit I'm probably biased against Meeple because I -know- how much he was around yesterday, but yeah. To make as few posts as he does is not normal for him, and to be as aggressive as he is in those posts is similarly eyebrow-raising.

Bleh, ranted on him more than I wanted. Maybe I am Meeple myself!

QuietRain: Posts have not been especially common, but reasonably insightful, and she's put herself out there. Went after EvilTom for reasons that certainly feel townie. Helped focus town yesterday to boot. Only negative is not much contribution so far Day 2, but that's excusable enough thus far.

Shale: In the background, but he's taken strong enough stances when called upon. Calling on the Rat test was good, as does picking out the specific complaint he did with Tom. Defended himself adequately today. That said, the background attracted suspicion for a reason.

Strago: Well hell, there's a reason I voted for him. Posts the least, period, more or less, in terms of total number. On the other hand, I remember each and every one of his posts, so he's putting content into them. I actually don't find myself agreeing with many of his opinions day 2 (defence of Meeple obviously not something I am down with, especially since he doesn't say WHY - could you elaborate, Strago?) but I'm glad he's put them on the table.

Whew. That took way too long. I remember why I basically didn't ever do this in FFT.

##Vote: Meeple

With that much of a look at everyone, it'd be wrong not to toss a vote in the direction of the most suspicious. Too early to say what I hope will come of this vote, largely because I am not sure what sort of explanation I expect from Meeple. Certainly this vote is not cast in stone, even if he does look the worst so far to me.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #228 on: July 04, 2008, 07:00:03 AM »
Pre-Comments Note - I haven't been on much today because, while I did get out of work early, I've been spending much time with the better half who cracked a wisdom tooth recently and is in mucho pain.  I will prolly be somewhat scarce over the weekend in keeping with that.  I will endeavor to maintain high post quality, even if I am going to be spending a lot of time with Gate instead of online and thus expect my quantity to suffer accordingly.


I am going to put my thoughts out on the issue of Bardiche's role reveal.  Of everything that's currently being talked about, I think it is the issue stayed in the forefront of my thoughts when I read through the posts I had missed.  After waking up tomorrow morning and doing my start-of-the-day Mafia check, I'll be posting more about people in specific.  Wanted to get some thoughts down now though before I go to sleep and potentially lose them in dreamland.

Bardiche's reveal: I actually think this is a good idea.  Much like Carth, I think anytime you have a vote-based power it's always something to seriously consider just handing over up front.  It's not like an investigative role that you have to worry about yourself under the scum's radar.  This is not always a wise move, mind you, but the current game situation makes it make sense to me to reveal when he did.

And I agree with the Elf about watching how high that voting weight gets.  Additional votes are great, but nothing that marks him as a confirmed townie.  In fact, I can easily see it being a winning senario for a third party: You win when you have accumulated enough votes to make a lynch by yourself.  Or a scum ability tempered by something else perhaps.  It could be a town role, though, so I am not writing him off as non-town just yet.  I think his reveal makes me feel a bit better about him, but not necessarily feel all warm and fuzzy.

Also, in reading over the above, it seems to be a tad hard to follow.  If it is, just ask me clarifying questions and I'll try to answer them tomorrow morning when I wake up.  My unisom is kicking in and the pillow and my better half beckon.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #229 on: July 04, 2008, 07:18:13 AM »
Okay, first off I'll come down on the side that has no problem with Bardiche's roleclaim (i.e. "not Snow"). That's not a power you can hide for long anyway, and this means we're not distracted trying to work out what's causing the anonyvotes. At worst it's a null read to me (getting out in front of an obviously necessary claim), and at best it's a lot more helpful to town than letting us get confused when the doublevotes start coming in. That said, speaking as the one who led the charge against ID way back in that FFT game, I also don't think he should be deliberately trying to increase his vote weight for its own sake. At best, that's a double-edged sword, since even if you end up absolutely double-plus confirmed town somehow, you can't be sure you're using your votes against scum.

Since Andrew brought it up: My original vote on Delta was a jokevote. I unvoted because I wanted to make sure any vote I placed was based on actually wanting the person gone more than any other, not "well, he's on my list, and I've got a jokevote on him already, so I'll just leave it."

So, people.

Rat: Rubbed me the wrong way with how he played his roleclaim. Posts a partial claim and then jumps on the first person to ask for more information, because he'd decided (but didn't say!) that he didn't want to give up any more specifics. Has done better since then, and verified the no-voting claim - which goes a long way toward explaining why he might be a bit testy about this setup.

Bardiche has made some decent contributions, but anybody who says we should lynch "safe targets" instead of going for scummy people gets my hackles up. Lynching town hurts town, and you do what you can to avoid it. Especially when there's no deadline. This should be self-evident.

Meeple: There's a reason Ciato's on you about your posting style. We know it's how you are normally, but writing lengthy rants about relatively simple topics is also a good way to couch high-word-count lurking. "I'm always like this" isn't a great defense there.

I'm hardly one to talk, but Ashdla needs to post more. She hasn't been that bad as far as post count goes, but most of her posts have been really, really brief and single-target (today's megapost obviously to the contrary, but I tend to take megaposts with a grain of salt; observations about people are good, active discussion with them is better). I'm not as inclined as NEB to look past her switch from OK to Tom - I can't fult people for thinking Tom was supicious, but the ease with which she switched, just because she was resigned to a Tom lynch was...diconcerting, I guess is the best word? Especially after she jumped on the nascent OK bandwagon with nary a word.

Corwin: Where in the heck are you? Again I'm not one to talk, but still. Good contributions when you talk, but post more.

Snow: Is very definitely coming off as wishy-washy today, and the one real stand he's taken seems deliberately obtuse. You can't think of any reason Bardiche would roleclaim preemptively, when it's become rote behavior for town to sniff out the source of any anonymous votes? Hiding your own vote record from town is never going to work, and trying to do so can easily smokescreen actual discussion. How is "hey, I've got two votes today, so when you see an anonyvote you know it's me" smokescreening anything?

Other people: nothing jumps out at me at this point.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #230 on: July 04, 2008, 07:53:07 AM »
Alrighty then, I suppose I should post a pre-sleep post.

Mainly, wanting to discuss Bardichie, (what else is new!) and his roleclaim.

When he first posted, I do admit, I was a bit concerned as to why he would do this, and I still disagree that it would have been a difficult thing to hide for long. Easy enough to stick his vote in with a bunch of others, so there could still be speculation as to who exactly was the cause of the anony-vote. At the same time, however, having heard others' arguments on the subject, I've seen that should he have tried to keep it secret, it would have blown up in his face eventually, and (providing he is town) would have been bad for town as a whole.

That said it still doesn't really sit well with me for a person to be able to hold the power to lynch whomever they please, especially later in the game (which is when that would take effect due to lower vote numbers, ect).

He has said that he will refrain from using this power, which seems alright, but doesn't that also mean he can't help town lynch anyone until much later game? Unless there's something I missed in his post about it... which isn't unlikely, to not use this power would mean not to vote on anyone who got lynched. A side effect of this, would be him either not voting, or voting randomly or at lesser targets for the sake of it, both leaving no voting trail to look back on, which could end up badly, should he not be town. In either event, I'll be keeping a close watch on how many votes he actually accumulates, so I don't wake up one morning and see he can now lynch whomever he pleases.

Oh yea! Also a thanks to Strago for setting the record straight about his voting for Tom toward the very end of Day 1, I apologize for missing that, admittedly I was sort of skimming at the time.

Those are the only things jumping out at me right at the moment, I'll probably have more once I get up tomorrow and catch up on everyone else's posts.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #231 on: July 04, 2008, 09:53:09 AM »
Okay, then! At a read through the pages that accumulated, Bardiche claims an 'extra voting' power that is supposed to even out Rat's proven inability to vote, as we've seen with helpful votecounts both times. That doesn't mean they're town, of course, though I would certain hope scum wouldn't have doublevoters in this game. And then, JR takes issue with Bardiche.

This post was originally going to reflect my thoughts on the people I wanted to watch ( as stated in this post here: ), as well as note anything I thought worth of mentioning that hadn't been picked up by others. HOWEVER. I saw JR's posts and decided this would be about him. Why? Because I'm voting for him.

##Vote: JR

JR on Bardiche. I don't see a problem with his reveal, especially given that he has said only what would have become apparent soon enough, if he is being truthful, and would have ended up casting him under suspicion. We have not seen a full role claim from him, so JR's concerns there feel unwarranted.

But I do have many problems with the following:

JR's trying to cast suspicion on Bardiche's logic, while the only issue at hand here is apparent playstyle differences between the two of them. Rat happened to mention the other thing I felt was suspect about JR's drive here: oh noes LYLO scum tricks etcetc. It feels like a way to drive paranoia up, culminating in eliminating Bardiche 'for our own good' or so that he 'wouldn't be taken advantage of by scum'. He's also voting Strago for lurking, essentially, with a throwaway oneliner excuse, while keeping occupied full-time on Bardiche. That reads to me as an attempt to keep his hands clean there, while fanning the flames and hoping someone else would pick up the crusade for him. And that's... yeah, it looks pretty bad.
Rat: Jo'ou bothers me somewhat more, though, because his line of attack is originally based on how scum can exploit things, and not a far more potentially deadly concern, which is 'what if Bardiche is scum?'
JR in response: I need to shout out loud "HEY BARDY LOOKS SCUMMY" to make my perspective shown? If I find someone suspicious enough to raise my eyebrows, it's because I find the behavior detractive to town.
JR in response, redux: And, to me, both threats are equal in danger - i.e. they get us fucking killed and lose town the game.

First, he admits that he's casting Bardiche in a bad light in hopes of people taking notice without taking the proper responsibility for it. Second, he rewrites our goal from FINDING SCUM above all else to finding scum AND killing random people who might detract from town's win in some way, a nebulous definition we are not privy to. And hey, I wonder if arguing against it and against JR would label me as a dangerous person to town?

So that's the reason for my vote.

Incidentally, I think that Bardiche should just use a FoS (and unvote/only keep one as intention to vote) and end up hammering our choices if he happens to believe in the lynch train gathered. A bit more effort on his part (and on ours not to hammer before he had the chance, if he so wishes), but the rewards should be clear enough.

* Yesterday was filled with work (during which I posted, but sadly, the people I asked things of weren't all around to answer), then gaming which ate my concentration and followed by a company event. Posting drunk after all that seemed like a swell idea, but I ultimately decided to hold on that till I woke up. Just an explanation, not really trying to excuse a lack of participation here.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #232 on: July 04, 2008, 10:06:02 AM »
Current votecount:

Bardiche (1): AndrewRogue
Carthrat (0): Anonymous, Bardiche
Ciato (1): Meeple
Jo'ou Ranbu (2): Excal, Corwin
Meeple (1): Elfboy
Shale (1): Ciato
Strago (2): Laggy, Jo'ou Ranbu

With fourteen alive, it takes eight to lynch.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #233 on: July 04, 2008, 02:40:03 PM »
Looking back to the beginning of day 2 and onwards, some thirty plus hours prior to this: Shale (, Meeple (, Excal ( and Ashdla ( pretty much promise to analyze day 1 stuff/voting records. DHE follows up later with a promise of his own (

Of those, it is interesting to see who actually delivered, and who thought they got away with the promise of future content voiding the need for said content to come.

Excal posts about JR with a clear reference to day 1 postage, culminating with a prodding vote to have JR talk more and explain himself.

Ashdla also posts about the other players; as an aside, while the information presented is helpful, I tend to be more suspicious of large analysis posts that don't actually draw any conclusions -- if you yourself don't think anyone as suspicious enough to warrant even a prodding vote, or a vote to encourage explanations for things you find strange, just how helpful can the information truly be? It makes me doubt its usefulness.

Meeple's comments don't actually do what he promised, as he seems to be focusing on day 2 discussions instead. On top of this undelivered promise, his actual content is not too informative. Looking back at things after the flips to justify his stance is easy (and it would have been even easier for him to manufacture this evidence of 'being right from the start' if he is scum and knew the players being discussed weren't).

There's also:

"Next off...Ciato's obssessed with my posting style it seems.  Um, ok, you know how I am, you know I tend to do this EVERY GAME I'M IN, and you're holding it against" followed up with

"No, I'm not saying this excuses my actions."

Well. Yes you are. That's exactly what you're doing, and I boggle at the defense of 'I make large posts with little content all the time and it's the way I play, you can't call me out on this scummy playing method that conceals my true thoughts and obfuscates them.'

"What I'm saying is you know very well you have to have more of a basis than "He's posting large posts with little content!"  Laggy noted that, but at the same time, he basically stated it says nothing one way or another."

Ciato has to have more than that? At the beginning of the game, no less? Really?

I also don't believe using another player's thoughts on playstyle is a viable defense. I'm saying I agree with Ciato on this, so what does it mean? Are we in a democracy, where we now outvote Laggy's opinion?

All in all, not a very favorable view of Meeple, here. His later vote on her here ( reeks of a delayed OMGUS; or a preemptive one, if he feels her points against him will result in a vote eventually. In that post, Meeple also defends Shale by claiming I misrepresented Shale's comments, where he meant 'attackers' and not 'voters'. Fair enough. However, my argument was based on Shale's apparent hypocrisy of seeking out people... let's say 'attacking' Tom & Co. while himself saying he found Tom the most suspicious and would've supported the lynch. It baffles how Shale is saying he's going to go after people who thought along the same lines he did (because it's such an obvious sign of scumminess), and Meeple buys this wholesale. A note to Laggy: it is this superposition that troubles, not Shale saying he'll look over 'attackers' or Shale saying Tom looked the scummiest. I just don't see how a townie could go 'This guy seemed very scummy to me, but all of you who were vocal about it are scrutinized for suspicion of being scum'. What. So that raises doubts about Shale's towniness, as far as I'm concerned.

As a side-note, I don't attack you on the grammar front due to your ability to write "I'm" without fail.

DHE. Better late than never with that promised analysis, I suppose. Interesting, in that it contrasts with Ashdla's own large summary post by following it up with a vote. Mmm. I find the Meeple case viable, as I've covered myself above, but DHE's evidence feels a bit on the thin side. That it seems more of a prodding vote than an attempt to train Meeple does help.

"And since I know I have townie thoughts," -- yeah, that fragment in your post made me pause, the same way your lack of day 1 voting had, excuse/reason or not.

Shale. I'm of two minds on this. What I feel is suspicious about him has been amply documented. That we don't really get him to deliver on his promise is another strike against him. On the other hand, he does post thoughts on people. I actually prefer when people single out only a few of the players, clearly those that elicit the most controversy/thoughts from them, over megaposts covering everything (yes, I used to do those myself in some past games, but I've changed my mind on their usefulness since). And back again, I find it troubling he doesn't use his vote to prod people; if you have concerns, you tend to go after those that concern you and get them to respond to your satisfaction. That is achieved with a vote, which could later be withdrawn if you are satisfied with their answers, or kept there if you aren't. I don't like how you keep to the background by not doing this along with your analysis.

Summary for the tl;dr crowd: Meeple and Shale don't deliver, in what seems to be an attempt to have the cake and eat it, too. A cursory reading would show them participating and promising insightful analysis of what had occurred previously... and that simply does not happen. However, I have no doubt they would look better to a casual observer than myself, when I made no such promises during my absence. They also rub me the wrong way for reasons I detailed, mostly in this post. Ashdla needs to show more aggression and actually narrow the field down some. Opinion on my own vote remains unchanged: I still view JR as the scummiest around for his questionable tactics and suspect logic.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #234 on: July 04, 2008, 04:19:43 PM »
"And since I know I have townie thoughts," -- yeah, that fragment in your post made me pause, the same way your lack of day 1 voting had, excuse/reason or not.

Oh for the love of...

That was humour. Sorry, I forgot this are serious mafia.

Besides that, probably will not be around much today. Should be around a fair deal on the weekend, though.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #235 on: July 04, 2008, 04:51:30 PM »
I'll just say first and foremost that I am a bit confused by the people that think I should've pretended my nose bled and just hide my anonymous votes in a mass of votes. Uh, yeah, okay, so how is it better if I willingly let people engage in speculations of "Anonymous" votes, and what would I do if people'd find out?

"Hey guys, the reason I withheld all this information and made you needlessly speculate on end about the anonymous votes is because uuuuh... Hi."

Yeah, no, I can't agree with you people. Withholding this information would hurt Town. I apologize for my desire to accrue votes from Day 1, though now it does prove that I am speaking truth at least about my multivoting ability.


Moving on, I can consent to using ##FoS to appoint people I am suspicious of. If my vote isn't necessary to weight down a hammer, I'm also willing to abstain from that vote if it makes you uneasy to think I could accrue enough votes to hammer by myself.


To give a short response to Ashdla, who seems to take problem with this power I have as well: Yeah, it doesn't sit well with me either that there are roles that can kill at day (dayVig), or kill at night (nightVig), stop a lynch (governor) or otherwise affect the entire process. But that's the game!


The personal attacks from Jo'ou don't sit well with me, nor does his apparent belief that he knows why I did what I did:
it just feels something just didn't went through properly in the logic train here.
deliberately blow your cover for the sake of blowing it (which is what you did)
I'm... Not sure why you're telling me I should've kept this a secret. Would much appreciate your belief of why it would've been beneficial to town had I not immediately thrown everything out precisely to avoid smokescreening everything with conjecture about my role and having others probably try to fish what my role exactly does. (which'd make them easy targets. really, if I wanted to draw bullseyes on others here, I would've taken a wholly different approach)

Moving on, I'm more suspicious of Meeple at the moment. The entire assault on Ciato seems uncalled for. It also doesn't sit well with me how you defend Shale. I mean, sure, I defended Deltaflyer, but I think I was much less zealous on it to the point of attempting to null suspicions on him by saying things he should've done himself. So yeah, at the moment, I'm going to

##FoS: Meeple

Because unless he somehow has reason to stand at Shale's side, I think it's a course of action that is very... blargh.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #236 on: July 04, 2008, 04:59:39 PM »
Regarding my post style aspect, Shale...
Its more that EVERY SINGLE GAME someone uses it as a case against me.  Its like how Alex feels about whenever he does something slightly different, someone screams "This is not the Alex I know, SCUM!" when as I've seen in the past, its not the Alex we know cause Alex plays differently each game, alignment be damned.
The point I'm making is...warn me about it if you want. Fair.  But don't try making a case out of it.  That was what Ciato was doing on Day 1, or so I felt; voting on me based solely on that.

Elfboy, the reason I didn't post much while being active?
Well, if you remember, I was playing other games and such while conversing in chat.  I learned that its best to not play Mafia AND play something else at the same time.
That, and given how I post, I figured it'd be easier on everyone's brains if I didn't post as often as I do.  I found that if I get too serious about Mafia, it just makes me too stressed and such.  I'm trying for a more laid back approach for my own sake for nonMafia reasons, if that makes sense.

Regarding the Ciato post size thing?
Its cause her posts say next to nothing in addition to being small.  There was actual discussion going on, she barely said anything in it to contribute.  Mostly a "I agree!" or "I disagree" thing and doesn't really do much to support it.  

Something I learned the hard way in Clue Mafia, where I got too into it, and well...yeah, you saw what happened.

Next off, Cor's post on me...

First off, I did follow up on what I said.  I did go back and analyze.  Not immediately, but you know very well it takes time.  I wanted to get something down at the time, hence the focusing on Day 2 discussion at first.  Don't try to mince things.  What, just cause i didn't do it immediately is bad? Please, that's a pretty shallow argument.

Also, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying about my "This is how I am" thing.
It doesn't excuse me in the sense that I should keep doing it; its bad, I agree, I hate myself for it, etc.  But calling me out as a good enough reason to vote = no.  I explained earlier; people do this every god damn game, and it proves completely flawed and goes nowhere.  Yes, its bad, no, you're not going to get anything out of it.

Ciato has to have more than that? At the beginning of the game, no less? Really?

Considering there were cases on *3* people and it was nearing the end of Day 1, I don't consider that largely the "beginning of the game."  So yes, she does.  She basically said Tom had enough pressure...when its clear we were past a point where pressure wasn't going to do a damned thing.  There were two other targets she could have gone after.
In fact, she acknowledges that both Strago and Delta are even good targets (admittedly, Strago wasn't the other main one, OK was) and then based entirely on "He's been laying low", she goes after me.  She admits Delta's being uncooperative and highly obnoxious and says she doesn't like Strago...then just goes I'm laying low and places a vote.  It comes out of nowhere.

So yes, you need more of a reason on Day 1 when there's actual discussion present.  It'd be one thing if it was to get the ball rolling, but why put a vote on someone who had no move against him, and there were 3 pretty obvious targets going down at that point (which ironically, all 3 did by the end of the night?)  I'd give a reason, but its WIFOM (if you really must know, I'd say "put vote on someone else, avoid a train, look better that way when person she didn't vote for flips town"; as I said, this reason is a total WIFOM.  I'm merely mentioning it cause if I didn't, I'd be called out for having something to hide, see Smodge in Random Mafia.)

Cor, you don't know me as well as Ciato and Laggy do.  Ciato saying something like that against me seems off cause I KNOW she knows I act like that.  This is what boggled me; I think she even defended my posting style like this once.  So now she uses it as an attack against me?  Its...just weird and strikes me as something is up.

Next off, wanna make something clear...
I wasn't so much as defending Shale, but rather, I was defending the current claim against him.  People were saying he was bad for going after people attacking, and translating attacking = votes.  There's a difference; you can vote on someone and not attack them, and vice versa.  Shale's line did NOT seem hypocritical as a result.  Its true, he doesn't vote on the people who he said he was...but for starters, there were 3 people, so its not like "I am confident to vote on *x* person specifically" and then doesn't vote, its 3 people.  Makes things a bit harder.  Next off, RL concerns didn't let him get a chance to, is his claim.

Anyway...will go and look at SHale's posts more closely RIGHT NOW.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #237 on: July 04, 2008, 05:47:50 PM »
Ok, analysis on Shale posts!

Until the post I quote below, Shale says...little, joke phase, etc.  He does give insight on his role...or at least, the name of his role, though, does it in a manner that you'd have to be familiar with the character to actually know it.  Sounds like it was tongue and cheek given the "we're all villains!" claim thing.  Nothing informative here, unless someone has explicitly figured out WHO Shale is, though, that says little about his actual role and/or alignment/

Count me in as looking askance at OK. Rapid-fire jokevote switching plus the "us scum" slip of the tongue....neither looks great, both together make this either a giant gift or an equally-giant distraction. ##FoS for now, maybe I should vote here but I don't like jumping onto Day 1 dogpiles, this is not new.

Says he thinks something is up with OK, but refrains from voting due to the point I just bolded.  Seems pretty fair.  Also, keep in mind that bolded part for later.

He then doesn't post for nearly another 24 hours, where he says...

Here again. Hungry. Tired. Overworked, as I just bitched about in chat. Catching up. On first glance, OK and Tom both seem to be looking bad on purpose, for hell-if-I-know-what reason, but if they are, I don't want to play into that. More when my brain works.

Which sounds like "RL sucks, these characters look bad, but don't wanna go after them cause I'm tired."  Nothing odd about that frankly.  Guessing he posts this just so he indicate he's still alive.  After what happened in SSBB Mafia, I really can't blame him either!

Next post, he goes over all the lynch targets.  He says the following:

Of the three people currently painting targets on themselves, I like Tom's lynch the most, followed by OK and Delta somewhere below that.

Is this the line where people say he's ready to go after anyone?  Cause...uhh...that's not what he's saying.  He follows up by summarizing the cases against him and why he sees Tom > OK > Delta.

He ends the post stating this:

Sleep now. Will look over the cases again in the morning and vote. My judgment on Tom/OK is rooted enough in gut reaction to OK that I want to look it over again when I'm not exhausted.

Says he's going to vote in the morning, and if I'm reading this right, he's not sure who to go after between Tom and OK.  Indecisiveness, sure.

By the time he posts again...Hammer was fallen.  He says he would have gone after Tom so the result wouldn't have changed much.
That followed by...

Anyway, that's...well. All three of the Day 1 targets are gone, so it's time to look at the people who were attacking those three yesterday. Fun, fun.

The famous line that people are calling him hypocritical on.  Ok, is this hypocritical?

FIRST OFF, if you look back at the summary of 3 lynch targets post...he basically states Delta was not a good option at the time.  He qualifies this with "We've mislynched TOm and Smodge too many times for this reason alone in the past."  He does state this doesn't totally disqualify Delta's action as being scummy by saying to keep an eye on him, but is more or less admitting Delta is not a good lynch target.  So if anything, he did NOT attack Delta.

So what about OK and Tom?

OK he doesn't actually attack either, if you look at the post.  Observe!

2) OK. Likewise thrashing about, but the desired effect seems to be not so much to confuse as to draw attention directly to himself. Tons of jokevotes, incredible and varied amounts of weird and sometimes disruptive posting with no clear purpose. "Don't lynch Tom and I'm not going to say why" may be the most suspicious thing he could possibly have said, which, like much of his posting, makes me wonder if anyone could be that suspicious without it being deliberate. Like I said before, I'm feeling an ulterior motive here, and I don't like playing to it.

Bolded Parts are Shale's speculation.  He's being objective regarding what OK was actually doing; I don't see this as an attack at all, its summarizing what happened.  The bolded parts are subjective, where Shale's putting his own input.  He generally says that OK was doing everything purposely to draw attention.  Now, Shale was pretty much 100% correct since OK flipped Jester.  This...says little about Shale's alignment, of course; Jester being 3rd Party and all, not even Scum would know about it, for starters, among other obvious reasons (the ever famous WIFOM situation of Scum Defends a nonScum to look better!)

Lastly, there's the Tom part.  Here, he...mostly just summarizes what Tom was doing, input involves around "I can't fathom why he would do that" though, pretty much indicates he finds Tom most suspicious due to Tom's whole "I can't say anything about what I know!"

Now, why he didn't vote Tom there...I dunno.  Tom was getting close to Hammer; -3 at point.  Putting him at -2 would be dangerous.  GRANTED, going off close to hammers on Towns are hard to read, but still worth noting.
That and he actually stated earlier he doesn't like jumping on Trains.  Granted, he gave a reason here, so it could be considered not Training, but that point still deserves some mentioning.


At the same time, Shale is trying to direct attention towards the people who DID vote for either of the three targets of day 1. Presumably, it means Tom's voters, as Delta and OK had two votes between the two of them; the same Tom, whose innocence Shale now knows and says he would have gone for, but it was apparently suspicious to pursue while his claims were still very much in doubt.

From Cor! This sticks out to me.  First off, OK and Delta had more than two votes, garnered outside of the Joke Phase, throughout the day.  That's a key thing to note here; someone jumping from one of them to Tom is worth noting.  Notice how everyone on OK eventually went to Tom anyway?  Yeah; I'm also assuming when that point that everyone raised Red Flags for, Shale didn't look at the vote count at the time.

Shale responds to it directly, defending himself.  I dunno; that statement felt pretty logical to me.  feels like you're jumping on him for hypocrisy and false implications.  He said something, you took it to mean something else, and then twisted it to prove what you mean.  This...I dunno, going back and reading Shale's posts, this definitely feels like a case of "look hard enough, you'll find anything."  I know someone's going to say "That's the point of mafia!"

And again, as Alex likes to emphasize many times in the past, SCUM LIKE TO STAY ON SMALL FICKLE FACTS for arguments.  They thrive on watching Town argue about a minor slip that doesn't say a lot.  Shale's actions don't really seem suspicious, and it feels like someone on him is scum.

Also worth noting that Cor's starting the whole "These people didn't have votes!" thing.  We've debunked that not voting, especially on Day 1, in and of itself isn't really a big deal.
However, Shale did state he was actually going to vote, and even gave an explanation as to why; Cor acknowledges this, but still holds it against him some.  That's...kind of awkward...

Afterwords same time, Ciato more or less Me-too's Cor, and votes on Shale for that reason alone.

Next off, Laggy's point on Shale...

Shale does feel rather backgroundish and this is a strike against him, but the specific arguments some people have made against him seem blown out of proportion(why the heck is him saying that he would have voted for Tom anyway somehow scummy? The entirety of Day 1 supports this). That said, the lack of activity and posts, as well as the lack of votes, does bother me. If he doesn't improve in this regard he will be suspect, much as I feel Strago is right now.

Bolded part is important.  Laggy states Shale might be suspicious for OTHER reasons, but the other main reason which Cor attacked him for doesn't really fly.

The rest on the Shale issue seems to have moved on from here but...well...
The attacks on him for what he did?  Being backgroundish does hurt some, admittedly, but the whole "Doesn't vote, go after those who voted on who he said was intending on voting for" was definitely blown out of proportion.

Though, Cor's still attacking him for...not using Votes to prod people?  And for not delivering?  Um, I don't see him making promises and then not delivering.  He has been defending himself, looking over posts, what have you.

Basically, I feel someone who was on Shale's case is scum.  Whether...Shale himself is scum or not, dunno.  I have my eyes looking at Cor at the moment, for all that my vote stays on Ciato (Cor brought up the point initially, Ciato me-toos it, more or less.)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #238 on: July 04, 2008, 06:13:22 PM »
Saying you don't agree does not constitute debunking.

I have utter disbelief for what I'm seeing in your posts. People shouldn't judge others for acting scummy, if they did it before. Or if it's something 'minor'. Or if you think what they said meant a different thing than myself or others you disagree with.

Huh? What's up with that, Meeple?

It really annoys that you take certain things as utmost proof of your case. You bold out a part of Laggy's post, for example, and instantly I am proven wrong. How? How is Laggy's opinion overriding my own with such ease that my entire case suddenly doesn't fly and crumble?

Your strong defense of Shale reads bizarre to me. You seem to dedicate more effort to it than to actual offense or even your own defense.

You are also taking issues with my belief that people should use their votes, to pressure if they have to, instead of sitting on them?

And finally, I've done exactly what I said I would. Some people haven't, which I took note of. You dismiss it out of hand and attack me; whatever. Everything is laid out clearly in my previous posts, which I'd suggest to reread to understand my intentions. For someone who attacked me for misreading and misrepresenting Shale, you're certainly guilty of it yourself.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #239 on: July 04, 2008, 06:44:11 PM »
Good grief, I don't like having my lines be used as such a point of contention in an argument I'm not actually actively in. Meeple, if you missed it, Corwin clarified as to what he actually meant in a reply to me in his post:

Quote from: Corwin
A note to Laggy: it is this superposition that troubles, not Shale saying he'll look over 'attackers' or Shale saying Tom looked the scummiest. I just don't see how a townie could go 'This guy seemed very scummy to me, but all of you who were vocal about it are scrutinized for suspicion of being scum'. What. So that raises doubts about Shale's towniness, as far as I'm concerned.

The fact that Shale went ahead and did he say he would have voted Tom anyway had RL issues not prevented him from making it back in time kind of solidifies this. Now, I still my original opinion to what Corwin LOOKED like he was saying (You would have voted for a confirmed townie!! Scum!!) but he's clarified that this isn't the case, so yeah.

Corwin, on the megapost vs few suspicions thing - yeah, I agree with that stance as the day winds down, but I find that collective analysis of everyone makes sure we aren't forgetting certain people exist, especially in a game this size. While I'm sure plenty of people who are citing their absences due to RL reasons are valid, it is still greatly troubling in that it simply eliminates chances to, well, root out scum from that crowd. >_> Since Day 1's flips weren't terribly good in relevating things, the whole "well, everyone seems suspicious by default" comes into play at first; then we narrow down the field from there.

*deflates while reading through walls of Meeple posts*

Both Snow and Meeple look pretty bad to me right now about being the uber-overly defensive/reactive. Snow's reaction to Bardiche I already noted in my past observations; it just seems off-the-wall and flawed terribly in logic. Meeple seems not to be so much defending Shale as he is trying to accuse Corwin of being hyperaggressive (from his offense ON Shale), which... well, I can see it from above, but Corwin's been defending his arguments and explaining when necessary, while Meeple comes off a lot more flailing. Still, I feel some of it comes off from taking the attacks on his style too personally. Argh. Even so, though, I can't help but shake the feeling that Meeple is coming off more like a giant townie spat than anything else.

HOWEVER, that is not to say that Bardiche still concerns me. I am admittedly somewhat giving him the benefit of the doubt because I still find it hard to think scum would have such a powerful anonyvoter on their side when this game isn't supposed to be about role madness, but his attitude still merits worry. Particularly this:

Quote from: Bardiche
To give a short response to Ashdla, who seems to take problem with this power I have as well: Yeah, it doesn't sit well with me either that there are roles that can kill at day (dayVig), or kill at night (nightVig), stop a lynch (governor) or otherwise affect the entire process. But that's the game!

One of the most important things to realize about all of those roles is that they all have the choice not to exercise their power, and often times this is the wise thing to do. It's a double-edged role, as NEB and I both stated as of previous, and your attitude that "well, other people can go independent and do things themselves, so deal!" is rubbing me in the wrong way even as you say in the same post you'll be discretionary about your power. Uh, okay. Getting a little defensive there, bro; plus no one but Snow is accusing you of using your role revealment as a smokescreen, and he's gotten plenty of flak for it.

Strago, Shale, Andrew, Snow et al all saying they'll be somewhat absent for the next few days bothers me as stated above, but there's not a whole lot to be done about it at this point. Given that the last one on that list is also well-deservedly garnering criticism in my eyes and others' on top of that, plus I'm still feeling uneasy about Meeple's case,

##Unvote: Strago
##Vote: Joe Rambo
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #240 on: July 04, 2008, 06:46:34 PM »
*that is not to say that Bardiche still doesn't concern me, kurse the lack of ability to edit.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #241 on: July 04, 2008, 06:53:01 PM »
Alright, just a heads up so I don't get attacked for lurking, I'm going to be gone for a large chunk of today and almost all of tomorrow.  Sunday looks good though, so let's try not to gum most of that up with nightphase, please.

Now, moving on to some actual thoughts to leave you people with before I go, I'm watching this Meep/Corwin fight with curiosity, and it inspired me to read over Ciato's posts.  And while she does seem a bit more mellow than usual, I think this is partly also because the people who got the attention on Day 1 were begging for it, instead of the usual almost defaulting that happens.  Aside from that, her posts read very much in her usual style, and while I do need to do a specific meeplesearch, I'm inclined to listen to her.  Her initial vote reads less as a "I think Meeple is scum, let's train him" but more of a "I still have things I want to talk about and I want to put the focus on that."  A viable option considering how close Tom was to death by that point.  Her larger post after that goes into deeper reasonings, and generally feels sound.

Which reminds me of someone else who may be worthy of watching.  Andrew started off today by pointing out the five people who voted for both OK and Tom.  I pointed out a sixth person who FoSed them both without actually voting.  Now, pointing out things like that is a good thing.  I think it also suggests that the person who points it out should take some time to look into it, especially if no one else is.  After all, if you don't look at the whys of the votes and the switches, then all you're doing is ramping up paranoia.  Especially in a case where there's five people, at least one of them is bound to be town.  And yet, when Andrew posts again, there's no mention of them at all aside from him wrangling with Meep over why he felt they should be mentioned.  Which feels like he wants to look like he's helping with the scum hunt without actually helping.

Finally, as for Shale, looking at his day 2 posts.  I'll admit that Meep has pointed out that Shale has mentioned who he would vote for ahead of time, and stayed consistant about that when he posted on Day 2.  However, his Day 2 posts feel a little off.  Well, lets clarify.  His third post feels fine, but his first two don't quite feel like they connect.  There is a difference between the concept of those who attacked the three targets yesterday, and those who avoided attention.  Attacking someone garners attention, just sliding over onto a well formed train when it's lynching time, tends to attract less attention. 

Also, I'd be worried about any argument that says Scum would be eagre to be on a mislynch.  They do need it to happen, but they also want to not be associated with it.  And there's just four people who didn't have their names attached to the big three.  Three of those four are, oddly enough, coming under flak today for one reason or another.

Anyways, as much as I'd love to continue piecing through this puzzle, I'm going to be late for work if I don't head off, so this'll be the end of my post.  Best of hunting to all of you, and hope these humble thoughts assist.

PS: Corwin, could you be so kind as to get a picture title or a sig containing a unique word?  I find tags like that assist a great deal when trying to hunt down just one person's posts. 


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #242 on: July 04, 2008, 07:19:35 PM »
Mostly to Laggy: Yeah, it does rather suck that this weekend will be a bit of a dead zone for a lot of players' activity. But, you know... 4th of July weekend and all. This sort of thing's fairly likely to happen. I think the best thing we can do, honestly, is to try and not let players' absence this weekend influence our judgment too greatly in either direction. I suppose I might be inclined to think otherwise if I myself was going to be more present, but at the moment I feel like a fairly neutral stance will be the most productive.

Hmm. Maybe even call for a bit of a pause on the game? That might be too hasty, I suppose we aren't losing that many people's voices.

Off to a (hopefully quite brief) job interview, after which I'll be back with more comments.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #243 on: July 04, 2008, 07:28:32 PM »
Oi, alrighty, now that I've caught up...

Bardichie using FoS consistently seems like an alright option to me, prevents most of the problems I had detailed in my earlier post. I do agree with Laggy however that he got a bit jumpy on people discussing his claim 'all the people who think I could have used it as a smokescreen' when in fact, only one person thinks he should have kept this power hidden.

As to Corwin giving me flack for posting about everyone earlier on... At that point, I didn't have anyone in my mind who stood out to me more than the others especially, so I didn't feel the need to throw a vote out there for the hell of it. I posted all my thoughts at the time on each person, I promised a post with content, and I believe that qualifies as content. Though yes, votes are helpful, I didn't then (and still don't) know who I should sure cast my vote for, as yet.

Now I've got to head off to work, I'll think more about those under suspicion then, likely casting my vote when I get home tonight.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #244 on: July 04, 2008, 07:46:52 PM »
Picture/appropriate picture tag get. Hope that helps and all that.

Ashdla: Let me put it a different way. Do you have people whom you find more suspicious than others? Do you have people whom have acted strange and you would like to see explain themselves over it? Those are just two broad examples for when I believe one should use their vote even though no prime suspect is in appearance. It is somewhat disconcerting that the guy who claims he has no voting power (and that votecount pretty much confirmed that) has been more vocal with whom he would like to vote for using the FoS format than players who don't have such issues.

Quite simply, if you don't do it, who would? And if you, assured of your alignment, don't promote your cases, are you taking on faith the words of someone whose allegiance you are not certain of? Scum have trouble making cases on people, because they know without the shadow of a doubt that they're lying through their teeth. It's not by accident that too-passive play straying into lurker territory content-wise and abstinence from voting to create a voting record are considered scum tells. It is my belief that by acting this way, someone would be either scum or is allowing scum to lay low the same way by providing them with a buffer.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #245 on: July 04, 2008, 07:54:59 PM »
Do you have people whom you find more suspicious than others? Do you have people whom have acted strange and you would like to see explain themselves over it?

To the first, not at yet, as I just explained in my post.

To the second, yes, as I explained in my post about Bardichie.

Sorry for this being such a short explanation, but I've gotta head off to work now.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #246 on: July 04, 2008, 08:10:00 PM »
When he first posted, I do admit, I was a bit concerned as to why he would do this, and I still disagree that it would have been a difficult thing to hide for long. Easy enough to stick his vote in with a bunch of others, so there could still be speculation as to who exactly was the cause of the anony-vote. At the same time, however, having heard others' arguments on the subject, I've seen that should he have tried to keep it secret, it would have blown up in his face eventually, and (providing he is town) would have been bad for town as a whole.

Ashdla, to touch on why I, and most of the people who think it was prolly a good idea for him to claim when he did, if he did that (sticking his vote in the middle of a bunch so it would be hard to tell whose vote it was) we would have lost precious time arguing about whose vote it was/why they voted/why they tried to hide it (is he scum?  third party?  why hide if TOWN!?) etc.  Having him say up front that it was him shaved off lost time trying to logic out the culprit.  I think it has been explained a few times in mafia games before (and has played out in many) which is why I thought I'd mention it since this is your first game.


As promised, thoughts on people:

Bardiche: I do agree with Cor's suggestion about Bardiche using FOS so his vote weight doesn't gain too much momentum and we're potentially stuck in a situation where he can just take people out indesciminately.  He seems willing to do so as well which goes a very long way to bringing my hackles down even further.  Right now for Bardiche I'm leaning townie/3rd party>scum.

The whole Meeple post thing.  I'm not seeing anything really off there.  It IS how Meeple always posts and when you take that into consideration and read the post for what it's worth, there's content there.  I find for myself that I always just discount the whole post-size thing from him.  No sense in always saying the same thing.  Meple posts as Meeple posts.  What I DO take into consideration is the content of those posts.  And I do see content there.  Right now, I'm thinking with his defensiveness, it reads a bit more defensive townie than it does in scum trying to distract out of a bad situation.

I type that and then continue to read.  In Meeple's last post I can see a bit more of what looks worrisome.  I can sort of see where people can say his defense of Shale looks odd.  I admit it does to me too, but less so for his defense of someone not proven to be town than for his ascertion that someone on Shale's case MUST be scum.  Frankly, anyone on ANYONE'S case has a good chance of being scum.  Let's be honest if no one is really wearing the Red Tiara of Scumhood for all to see, they're obviously not doing too bad of a job of blending in.  It could be anyone.  But that makes me stop and think.  I think that it's likely to be true that since scum is raising no real red flags that it might be best to look at those people who are putting forth the smallest amount of oomph for town.  If scum really is doing a good job of blending in, I'm going to bet at least one of them is doing so by laying low.  And Meeple trying to focus attention to people on someone else's tail without any good indication that said person is any more town than anyone else...yeah.

Ciato: Since she's got a vote on her, I went back and read through her posts.  I'm not seeing anything really that far off.  The only thing that did draw my attention was the fact that she did not vote for any of the 3 people who were front runners yesterday although she did mention all of them as being odd.  She places a joke vote on Shale and then a pressure vote on Meeple to post more.  I don't know that I'm getting much off her.

Strago ticks the edge of my radar just for low posting.  He has been good about providing content when he's here though so I'm not pegging him hard at the moment, but I'd like to see more when time allows.

Everyone else, I'm not really feeling one way or another.

So, Bardiche is still worrisome to me.  I can't shake the feeling it's a third party ability.  I'd rather take out a scum, though, if I can find one.  Third parties are always good to eliminate, but right now I can see it as a town ability too and the risk of losing more town on the off chance I'm reading a role right is foolish.  Trying to discern alignment based on roles will prove disasterous as often as not.  And Meeple's defense of Shale and general defensiveness has my hackles rising.  I'll look forward to more posts tonight when I log back on so I can discern a bit more.

Now it's the 4th so I will be around very little today.  I will make at least 1 more post today and prolly 2-3 tomorrow.  Yay long weekends where I don't get to rest and enjoy because I have too much to do.  *sigh*  And personally anyone not tied to their comp today and tommorrow isn't going  to read lurker to me for obvious holiday reasons. (ninja'd by Strago who says the same thing :) )
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #247 on: July 04, 2008, 08:57:03 PM »
Laggy: Er... I never said I wasn't going to be around. I'm around. I just have other things to do during the day, so I'm trying to space out my posts into chunkier bits. Be around, but not devote the whole of my time, you know.

As it stands right now, the two worst looking people to me are Snow and Meeple.

Snow... his movement on Bardiche makes me incredibly uncomfortable. There are actually many, many good reasons to claim before a dire, life threatening situation. Its just a matter of what the role is, how useful it is in town's control and whether it is worth pointing it out to scum. In Bardiche's case... I'd say this is a pretty big case where he should share. Scaling votes would get out of hand pretty quick and I can't see anyway it wouldn't end in a panic/reactionary lynch.

Meeple... there are two things to be considered here. The obvious is, yes, that in the end, it gets hard to pressure him for a style of writing he uses everywhere. Of course, this is complex when said style is somewhat inherently scummy. The difference here, methinks, is that it is even more pronounced this game. Last game, he actually did have quite a bit of content hidden within his long and winding posts. Here though, the general content of his posting feels... slimmer? His post about Shale is pretty good, but otherwise, it seems less thorough than normal.  His reaction against Ciato is also somewhat uncharacteristic, and that bothers me. This sort of response from him really does feel off.

Outside of them... Ashdla looks particularly noteworhty to me as well. The posts she has are rather... vague. Not a lot of actual analysis, just vague finger pointing and general... ambivilance towards everyone. At some level, I can understand this. After all, I'm having problems picking out targets as well. But, ultimately, the fact is that you need to decide. So, hop to!

##Unvote: Bardiche
##Vote: Snow

Despite him not being one of my five original candidates, Snow... definitively feels the worst to me at this point. The whole thing with Bardiche just stikes me as wrong.

Meeple, I still have a question for you though! Why did you react to Ciato in that manner? Inquiring minds need insight to settle internal disputes!


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #248 on: July 04, 2008, 09:05:13 PM »
Okay, so I'll be honest and say I'm feeling really urgggggh now with walls of text, and that I don't really feel like writing one myself at the moment. Bear with me a little if I am a bit more concise and shorter than normally, and if my view isn't as broad as it should be.

To whoever said I was erroneous in thinking that more people thought I should've delayed my claim: Yeah, okay, I admit I should've read everyone's posts more rather than skimming and thinking more were uneasy with my claim and found it scummy/thought I should hide it. My mistake.

I still find that Meeple has been performing unsatisfactorily: Latest gem of a post was mostly in Shale's defense, even after I called him out on defending Shale. It's almost as if Meeple is convinced Shale is on his side (being either Town or Scum), but at the moment I cannot say for certain that I am buying that myself. It seems horribly opaque for Scum move, but then again no one's ever said Scum won't sometimes make mistakes and slip up.

Keeping my FoS on Meeple for the above reason. Additionally, her case that people that are suspicious of Shale are suspicious people... Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of it, but it doesn't sit right with me. Can't quite place my finger on it, but something about Meeple feels very off.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #249 on: July 04, 2008, 09:30:23 PM »
I actually don't find myself agreeing with many of his opinions day 2 (defence of Meeple obviously not something I am down with, especially since he doesn't say WHY - could you elaborate, Strago?) but I'm glad he's put them on the table.

I only found myself particularly defensive of Meeple because it was Ciato attacking him at the time, and I had some issues with her. They both, however, were doing some things that rubbed me the wrong way, as I believe I mentioned, both having to do more with general play style than any specific action they'd taken, but I suppose that's an aside.

Except for the fact that now Meeple's made the odd choice of going out on a limb to defend Shale, which I don't fully grok. And... here I'm ninja'd by QR, who... hmm.

I can sort of see where people can say his defense of Shale looks odd.  I admit it does to me too, but less so for his defense of someone not proven to be town than for his ascertion that someone on Shale's case MUST be scum.  Frankly, anyone on ANYONE'S case has a good chance of being scum.  Let's be honest if no one is really wearing the Red Tiara of Scumhood for all to see, they're obviously not doing too bad of a job of blending in.  It could be anyone.  But that makes me stop and think.  I think that it's likely to be true that since scum is raising no real red flags that it might be best to look at those people who are putting forth the smallest amount of oomph for town.  If scum really is doing a good job of blending in, I'm going to bet at least one of them is doing so by laying low.  And Meeple trying to focus attention to people on someone else's tail without any good indication that said person is any more town than anyone else...yeah.

QR, do you mean by this that Meeple actually strikes you as townish, due to the fact that going out on his Shale limb doesn't seem all lurky-scummy? For some reason I'm having a hard time reading your exact conclusion here. That being said, if I've understood you correctly your read on the situation strikes me as having some WIFOM problems. As in, Meeple's putting himself into the spotlight could be genuinely counter to a lurking-type scum strategy, but why couldn't scum use that tac for exactly those reasons? We could go back and forth like that for a while. Ultimately, the weirdest thing about Meeple's behavior is so vehemently defending someone whose alignment he would have no way of knowing, as a townie.

On to bigger and better things. Well, other things, at least.

What I somehow managed to miss about Snow in his post where he first voted against me was the way in which he characterized his suspicions of Bardiche. Specifically:

And then, there's the fact that we have Bard's role reveal, which, quite frankly, feels a bit hurried to me, since he's just being pressured by a few people, there's not even a train going yet. On the other hand, this could well mean he is just a desperate townie. He proved his power is true, at least, but I'd still like to see a better defense.

Now, my immediate response to Bard's roleclaim was, "Oh, that was considerate," since I've seen games get bogged down in the "Anonymous Vote Hunt" mini-game before. FFT comes to mind, in which Snow also participated. Snow seems to have attempted to turn this roleclaim into... Bard scrambling to look like a townie? It just seems like overreaching and suspicion-mongering, especially when he capped off that post with what was a pretty "safe" vote against me. I also find a lot of sense in what Rat said during that Bard/Snow exchange:

Jo'ou bothers me somewhat more, though, because his line of attack is originally based on how scum can exploit things, and not a far more potentially deadly concern, which is 'what if Bardiche is scum?' EVEN THOUGH he is finding the man suspicious based on role, it doesn't seem as though he's considered the most obvious and dangerous of ramifications; as a result, his attitude doesn't seem to be coming from a townie perspective.

The reasoning's somewhat esoteric, but it rings true to me.

One of Corwin's comments bothers me:

However, my argument was based on Shale's apparent hypocrisy of seeking out people... let's say 'attacking' Tom & Co. while himself saying he found Tom the most suspicious and would've supported the lynch. It baffles how Shale is saying he's going to go after people who thought along the same lines he did (because it's such an obvious sign of scumminess), and Meeple buys this wholesale.

You've never been a townie and accidentally ended up on a mislynch train? I feel like investigating mis-lynchers is pretty typical in this sort of situation, and to go on the offensive against Shale for wanting to do that despite his own involvement in the train seems bizarre, to me. If anything, wouldn't it mean sticking his own neck out to investigate others he thought might be scum? Then again, Shale never did pursue that angle very much, so I wouldn't read this as a particular hearty defense of him either. Mrrff. 

Finally there's Ashdla, whom I just find vague and noncommital in a threatening way as described perfectly by Andrew who just ninja'd me. Stupid ninja Andrew. AIAS LYNCH HIM. But seriously, the fact that Ash's post late last night before he (she? I realized I don't actually know) was just a re-tread of Bard's roleclaim with no real new content doesn't sit that well with me, nor does the long rundown on every player with no real conclusion drawn anywhere. And since then Ash hasn't added much either.

Yeah, I'm going to toss my vote Ash's way, for now. Snow's already got enough votes sitting on him (halfway to lynch, if I can count) that I don't feel like I need to rush his train at the moment, despite my suspicions of his scummitude. My doubts about Meeple and Shale aren't quite as strong as my doubts about the others, either. This is partially a gut thing, but we're also getting into either a slight rut or Snow-lynch-tunnel-vision, neither of which seem like the best things for us.

##VOTE: Ashdla

Ninja'd by Bardiche: Meeple's a dude. ^_^