Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 77175 times)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #300 on: July 06, 2008, 02:07:30 PM »
Wow, talk about contradicting self.

... Wow, I just have no good excuse for it, it looks pretty bad. Shale's defense was mostly Meeple's, which I meant by "is pretty good" (honestly Meeple made a good case to me), and my FoS can be interpreted as a way of saying, "Shale, take over your own defense and excuse yourself".

Yeah, can't deny that post of mine looks pretty bad.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #301 on: July 06, 2008, 03:17:49 PM »
This one's going to be relatively brief, I think.

First, to Tom: Yeah, you're a confirmed townie, dude, but that doesn't mean you're always right about everything. The tone of your post seems to be trying to get people to believe the latter, which is both arrogant and frankly quite bothersome since you seem to be attempting to leverage it in order to get me lynched for reasons that I don't quite grok. Have I really been that much of an invisible parrot since Day 2 started? I'm one of the people who's trying to look past Meeplegate at other potential scum candidates, man. Now, nobody seems to agree with me on Ash -- except, I think, Andrew? -- but that's another kettle of fish.

I will say, however, that lynching Shale at this point really might not be a bad idea, because he's definitely defined coasting. This weekend is obviously a mess, but Shale's still been Lurky McLurkerson and it's hard to forgive that.

Argh, okay, even shorter than I thought. We really do need to take action on a lynch before this Day smothers us all in stultifying frustration, is what I think. As such,

##UNVOTE: Ashdla

Except now the problem is that I don't know who to vote for. Even though I'm constricted today by my schedule and don't know when my next post will be, I also don't want to rush into lynching someone I'm unsure of. Argh. On the one hand Shale looks like a very reasonable choice, and on the other I'll be damned if I don't want some kind of flip to help me make at least a little sense of this Meeple-centric situation. But in the interest of hunting scum... I'll go with the overt lurker.

##VOTE: Shale

A final question: is there anyone else who is somewhat swayed by Snow's vote for Corwin and Bardiche's parallel thoughts about him. Something in my gut says there's something there, but I'm finding it very difficult to substantiate.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #302 on: July 06, 2008, 03:25:10 PM »
Current votecount:

AndrewRogue (1): Meeple
Ashdla (0): Strago
Bardiche (0): AndrewRogue
Carthrat (0): Anonymous, Bardiche
Jo'ou Ranbu (3): Excal, Corwin, Laggy, AndrewRogue
Meeple (4): Elfboy, Ashdla, Taishyr, AndrewRogue
Shale (1): Taishyr, Strago
Strago (1): Laggy, Jo'ou Ranbu
Taishyr (0): Meeple

With fourteen alive, it takes eight to lynch.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #303 on: July 06, 2008, 04:58:52 PM »
NEB, it is kinda weird to point me out as your number three suspect... but then provide no reasoning, openly state you haven't gone back over anything I've done and then state that you're waiting on someone else to do it for you.

I think you misunderstood me. (Though reading my own post, I can see why.) When I said you were #3, I meant #3 out of the three people getting consideration right now... i.e. the least scummy. (I included you as one of the three because you essentially have multiple votes, following Excal's declaration he intends to vote for you.) As I said, I don't really have much of an opinion on you yet! And as for Excal's case on you I was waiting for, that was as much for my opinion on Excal as my opinion on you. Likely more. I readilly admit I need to go back and look at your posts. So I'll do that sometime today.

A final question: is there anyone else who is somewhat swayed by Snow's vote for Corwin and Bardiche's parallel thoughts about him. Something in my gut says there's something there, but I'm finding it very difficult to substantiate.

Corwin, I'll concede, frustrates me vaguely for his style, but Snow's vote on him... well, I've already called for clarification, which should say what I think of it in isolation. Bard accuses Corwin and QR of "narrowing down suspects = scummy!" which... there's a case for, but it's such WIFOM as always. Also ignores that several others have called this a good thing, too (Excal, you yourself).

Depending on how today shakes down I'd be willing to give Corwin a good, hard look. For now, I think attempts to bring him into the list of suspects today feels... distracting. Of course, it doesn't help that Snow and Bard are two of the higher people on my scum-o-meter at the moment. (Or possibly a TP-o-meter, but I digress.)

Excal needs the usual chide that we all need for stating: "I'll do it later!" It just leads to bad things in Mafia. Don't do it! <3

I can't speak for everyone else, but if I didn't feel able to post without finishing with a "I'll do it later!" I'd hardly ever post at all! It's pretty much part of the game, but what we have to do is keep an eye out for such posts and pressure people into delivering what they promised.

I have a couple people to review myself, then I'll try and make sense of this day.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #304 on: July 06, 2008, 05:58:17 PM »
Andrew, I don't mind you bringing up more people to look over.  After all, it is possible for some people to slip under my radar.  However, with your comment about people promising to do something and then not doing it, and chiding me over that, you're missing the core of the reason why that's bad.  It's bad because you say you'll look, and then it's dropped, hoping no one will remember that you never actually followed through on it as events sweep them away in a different direction.  However, I feel that if you actually cannot follow up at a certain point, then it is perfectly acceptable to post and say why not.  That way, you aren't banking on people forgetting you never did it while still getting the credit for having done it.  You are, officially and on the record, giving up credit for doing it, but making sure that there will be no misconceptions as to whether or not you have, in fact, looked at the people in question.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #305 on: July 06, 2008, 06:14:47 PM »
Yeah, gotta say I agree with Excal on that one. In fact, that much should be clear from my own posts on the subject, but here it is again.

On the subject of... me. Guys, seriously, what is this crap? "Corwin is being himself and I am SUSPICIOUS." I'm sorry, what would you have me do, lurk or be out of character? This is to JR, mostly, but it seems he's not the only one who cites stuff like gut feelings about some offness. Mafia doesn't actually work that way; you use gut, sure, but to decide between several lynch candidates or to follow up on a hunch (by studying a given person's posts or hounding them with questions). Seriously, how do you expect me to defend myself from this? With pepto?

DHE, specifically. I don't believe I was narrowing down our field of lynch candidates. In fact, I did not even speak out for (or against) it as yet. It is troubling to see you group me with QR who is doing this. Before you go give people long, hard looks, what's up with that, man?

On JR. I think he looks the scummiest, his play is sloppy, and yet he went into self-destruct and recovered so swiftly and completely I don't believe it holds any water.

On some others. Andrew. He has been on the lurkerish side, the way I consider Strago. And Shale has been even less prominent, and while having things that actually bother me about him. So why am I not doing my traditional lurker hunt? Yes, going after lurkers is a way to win the game, and we should do that. HOWEVER, 4th of July weekend and all that. I would feel better if we delayed to day 3 with that, to gain a more accurate picture of actual lurkers. Also, JR. Did I mention I think he's been acting incredibly scummy and we should lynch him?

On Excal, Laggy and QR. Neutral read. Decent enough participation. Tom's words on QR are troubling, but other than watching there's not much to do here. Bardiche's participation is equally satisfying, and he is making every effort to be supportive and helpful. I don't think it's too much, either, and a way of buttering us up.

On Ashdla. I don't know. Didn't have a good opinion originally, and... nothing actually changed there. Ditto with Meeple, except my bad opinion of him started later, and recently moved up slightly, as documented.

That leaves Tai and Rat, who... really need to participate more. Rat has a decent presence, sure, but his claimed lack of a vote means he should make up for it with content to be of use and help us, y'know, win.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #306 on: July 06, 2008, 06:43:13 PM »
Bard accuses Corwin and QR of "narrowing down suspects = scummy!" which... there's a case for, but it's such WIFOM as always. Also ignores that several others have called this a good thing, too (Excal, you yourself).

Interesting. Okay, first of all... I think I can safely say I haven't directly said, "Hey, they are scummy for doing this", but clearly cited EvilTom's post as an inspiration to keep this possibility in mind. Like I said, I don't know if such a ploy is in effect, and I don't think we should lynch either of the two based on such a theory alone.

Thinking something is good and then later on seeing the merits of the strategy being used in favor of scum seems like human oversight to me. I don't think re-evaluating one's original opinion and shifting from it after a guaranteed town presents a theory isn't all that scummish.

Try to keep the things I say in proper context, what I actually say, and not what you can twist them into.

Though it could be misreading on your part, be wary of stating what people say, because it doesn't really make me feel better about you.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #307 on: July 06, 2008, 07:39:00 PM »
Furthermore, if you were going to use 'unhelpful and uninsighful and parroting' as a basis, there's always... SHALE, who, as Dread Thomas pointed out, has done fuckall for most of the game. His last post was a while ago and did not bring out any case on anyone; whatever suspicion he had seemed light at best. He didn't do much on day one either, except parrot and go through obvious stuff. Picking Andy over Shale here is a weird, weird choice.

Actually, Shale is one of the people I wanted to speak up.  The fact that I KNOW he's been around to some extent (I've seen him in chat, for example) has been making me wary.  I also noticed that since my defense on him...he hasn't said anything.  He hasn't even commented on it.  You'd think he'd at least respond to a defense made for him in some manner.

Elfboy was another person in Shale's fact, felt he was worse to some extent, cause he was MORE active in chat, thus by extension, more available to post.  He had at least made a more recent post than Shale before a decently large inactivity phase, so he wasn't gone for quite as long.  Granted, he started posting again, so that's good.

Anyway, regarding Andrew...

My issue with Andrew was that I genuinely felt he's not being helpful.  His reasons for jumping on Snow were...actually the same as 2 other people, and not too different from why Rat FoS'd him.
Also...Andrew posted once soon after Snow's comment, and even commented on it (in a neutral manner).  He didn't vote there.  He came in and votes again later, when nothing new regarding Snow had transpired.  Suppose this could be seen looking too into it, but also felt that if he genuinely felt that way, he'd have made his vote first.  The fact that it came after Laggy and Cor, and is very similar reasoning, and much later, felt a bit off.

Also, its not until Andrew's LAST POST that he finally responded to me, and tried to justify himself.  Two posts ago, he takes his vote off Snow (in improper format! So officially, one post ago <.<; ), and in both, all he says is "Snow's defense doesn't work" and "I didn't come back to the 5 people for this reason!"

Like Excal said, if you looked at the 5 people you singled out, and came back with nothing, it would have been nice to actually have made some indicator of some sorts.  Instead, feels like you just dropped the issue, and hoped no one would notice.  I know Cor was going after some people for not doing what they promised, to some extent anyway, and well, he hasn't mentioned you, which strikes me as odd, cause you fall in nicely with that.  Possible Cor/Andrew linkage? Perhaps, but unless one of them flips, there's no way of knowing, so not going to look at stuff like that yet.

It wasn't til his last post that I actually felt real content.   The fact that he was participating but not saying a whole lot (like I'm one to talk ._.) felt worse than not appearing at all.  The latter can be RL issues, which I'll grant, while fair, can only be used so much (the amount Andrew didn't post for it? I'll let slide.  Shale at this point though, its a lot less forgivable.)  The latter, though...I believe Smoke Screening is the term?  Andrew's been posting, not saying a lot.  Yes, I'm bringing the RL thing up again, but I talk about why I bring it up later.

He also made that point earlier of how "just cause Scum know scum doesn't mean they aren't prone to not making mistakes!" comment.  That struck me as an odd thing to say; scum making mistakes is the one of the main way people can catch them, outside of Power Roles or dumb luck.

Also, where did I say that my vote on you and the removal were connected? I didn't.  I was merely reminding the order of events, so people don't come out and say "he removed his vote though!"  Granted...the wording wasn't the greatest, so I can't fault you for thinking that.

And your reason for removing the vote felt weird too.  you say Snow's defense doesn't work, and...then you go "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt!" I dunno, just kind of felt weird.

He says I'm lying out of my, what? No, I'm not.  That's just an accusation and a bit of an over aggressive attack.  People said the same thing in Clue Mafia due to a mis-interpretation, two people (both towns) WOULDN'T GIVE UP ABOUT THAT with me...and it cost them the game cause they were blinded on this.  I'm not lying at all.  Your reasons for Snow's vote weren't very firm to me; again, the main thing is it felt very much training.  You say you brought forth reasons...reasons that were more or less the same as that Cor had, who voted long before you did, and your post before Cor indicated you saw what he did.

Also, here's a case where you bold faced lie in your last post:

Beyond that, you keep bringing up the idea that I'm using RL as an excuse for my posting content.

I didn't say that.  What I said was THIS:

You're still talking about game theory more than anything else, I feel.  Again, you can blame RL issues as a reason to not post, but its not an excuse to post stuff with minimal content.

Read what it says.  The actual meaning is that while you can, and others have, used RL excuses to say "I can't post much", that's fair.  However, it was to note that people who post and with little content have no excuse.

I mention the RL thing once earlier, and say you use it to explain lack of presence (which I noted many people did as well, I can't fault you for that, nor do I there),  but when you are present, you still aren't doing a lot.  THIS is what I meant.  You're completely mincing words.  You're rehashing the fact that I rehashed something, AND are twisting the words to say something that I didn't say.

So this is why I went after Andrew, and his recent post makes me look more weary at him.  He actually is posting, but saying little.  This is worse than barely posting at all.   For the record, given how long he's been gone, I'd not be opposed to changing my vote to Shale somewhere along the way, but for now, it stays on Andrew, who I feel is worse.

Next off, regarding why I didn't look at Ashe?
She didn't stand out to me as much at the time, and she did post something not long after my vote for you that was filled with content.  You...didn't.

I'll admit, she's not quite in the clearing, but she hasn't done some of the other stuff you did like, as I've noted many times, bring up a case, and then nearly drop it almost as though you had completely forgotten its existence, for example (as Excal is quick to point out.)

The last thing I have to say, and I apologize for the post size...

And his vote on me feels OMGUS!  Lets look at it!

In case its not clear. First and foremost, I feel that you are exaggerating and purposefully misreading my posts to interpret them in a decidedly unfavorable manner, especially in regards to my votes and unvotes. Further, you continue to rehash something that I'm not actually doing (which is to say, blaming RL for my content, when I simply provided for my day one and correct Laggy regarding what I was saying).

This statement alone, he's talking nothing about my actions against him.  Nowhere does he give another reason.  That followed by...

Combine this with my earlier misgivings about you and the day one rolefishing, and I've seen enough to finally feel justified in really going after you.

Wait...when did you have misgivings about my role fishing?  You don't mention this once in the entire topic (at least, I didn't see it).  Feels like you needed another reason to help secure your vote as something not just OMGUS, and you pull that out.  It just happens to be very similar to the reason Tai voted against me, so really feels like a forced reason that you didn't actually have until you conveniently needed it.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #308 on: July 06, 2008, 07:56:10 PM »
And today is the last day of light posting from me. Gate's feeling better which means I get to dive nose first into housework that has accumulated.  So, things to chat about:

Tom's comments on me.  Well, I certainly won't deny that I'm the one that said both days that we need to start focusing in on a lynch.  I would also like to point out that we're 4 days into Day 2 so trying to get where we're going seems like a good idea to me.  This weekend had pretty much crawled to a slow almost stop at that point.  Without definitive day ends, I think trying to get a serious feel for actual cases makes sense.  I saw the arguments for Snow and Meeple which is why I laid my thoughts out on them, but I also asked for other cases because frankly trying to find them mixed into Walls of Words was somewhat hard.  I'm glad to see a few more cases laid out for review since then.  We need to get cases out at this point and start seriously debating.  We only lynch by majority so letting things trail off helps scum and scum alone by leading to confusion and apathy.  Should I stay in the background and hope someone else does it so I don't seem pushy?  Maybe.  But I'm not the fading flower type.  I can take a little heat if it means kick starting the posts and getting some serious discussion going again.

The case on Andrew: I don't really see it, I'll be honest.  Going back and re-reading his posts, Andy's been providing content and making good comments, not just 'me too's.  His case on Meeple is solid and just re-inforces my own confidence on my vote on him from earlier.

Tom's comments on being a confirmed townie.  I couldn't have said it better than Strago did.  Confirmed town does not mean you are right.  Good gravy there are how many tonwies playing right now and we're all over the board for the most part.  But, yes, unlike the others, I do look to your words as actually being what you believe and not something you're trying to mislead us all with.  THAT is what confirmed townie grants you: everyone's belief that what you say is what you really think and not a scum/third party ploy.  But that's all it gives you.

Bardiche's thoughts that my speculating that his role might be a third party one was 'paranoia inducing'.  Seriously?  Even assuming for a moment that you are a townie, can you not see how that ability could be a third party role?  And I have never pushed a case against you.  I have mentioned the possibility of your role being third party a couple of times, yes.  I hope that should I be lynched or NKed in future Days that looking back over my posts will be helpful to town so I make comments as they come to mind on issues that stick out and seem like they're possible.  To date, you've been providing decent content and have stated that you are willing to not go hog wild with your vote weight as per the popular consensus of town being that it would make us uncomfortable.  Those are all actions that are a lot closer to townie/helpful third party than it is to scum.  I would really like to see where I'm trying to incite paranoia about you.

As for why I thought it was good to lose Delta despite his role?  Were you gone Day 1?  Did you miss the purely apathetic and town-harmful posts?  Someone like that did NOTHING to help us.  I'm not going to retract being glad he's gone.  Am I sad he was a townie?  Hell yeah.  But whether scum/TP/townie, he was about as useless as could be.  I've seen these games implode from the inside out by lesser drama queens than he.  The last thing I want to see is it happen again.  I am not glad the ROLE is gone.  I am not glad a TOWNIE is gone.  I am glad HE is gone.  Let's just be clear here.  It's venting and I may get some flack for it, but frankly, I don't mind people taking issue with what I say (that's part of the game), I take issue with people making up meaning to my words.

Moving along now, Shale has been somewhat lurkerish, but I think we're past LAL frankly.  We do have cases on people that are based on more than 'not posting much'.  I wouldn't raise a serious fuss if that was where the final lynch went as LAL is important, but it's not important enough to me to move my vote off Meeple.

So, keeping my vote where it is for now.  New cases definately bring up suspects that I consider good to keep an eye on, but nothing has changed my own mind about who I believe most likely to be scum.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #309 on: July 06, 2008, 08:33:53 PM »
Interesting. Okay, first of all... I think I can safely say I haven't directly said, "Hey, they are scummy for doing this"

Uh? Okay, I'm just going to quote the line in question since it's important here.

Given this, it suddenly doesn't look so odd there might be a QuietRain + Corwin combination or something, the two who've most been attributing to narrowing down who we want to lynch. Is this the ploy they are doing?

Now yes, you acknowledge there isn't enough to go on a lynch here, but you implied the possibility. Which is cool; possibilities are what we address here after all. Strago raised the subject of Corwin, making reference to you in doing so. Why? Because of that line of yours I just quoted. Clearly he thought the same way I did upon seeing your line, so I don't see how I could be twisting your words.

Though it could be misreading on your part, be wary of stating what people say, because it doesn't really make me feel better about you.

If you feel you are misrepresented, then explain yourself! Don't get all defensive about it. However, don't pretend you can throw out possibilities, then run away from them with "I didn't actually SAY that! You are misrepresenting me, I can't trust you! ;_; ;_;" If you're not accountable for your words, there's really no reason for you to be posting at all.

Speaking of Corwin,

DHE, specifically. I don't believe I was narrowing down our field of lynch candidates. In fact, I did not even speak out for (or against) it as yet. It is troubling to see you group me with QR who is doing this. Before you go give people long, hard looks, what's up with that, man?

It was Bard who threw you into this group, not I. Though tracing back through the day... you're right. You haven't really done much "narrowing down". Which, while I'm not too happy with you making aggressive toss-outs at a significant number of players (including myself), I'm now finding Bard's comments more unsettling still.

Bard, can you explain why you grouped those two together?

And Corwin, as for giving you a good look, it may be simply due to the fact that I'm uncomfortable with you. I find the aggressive sniping to put me off balance a bit, and I'm far from the most emotional one in this group. It does feel like you've stirred up trouble today, but whether as town or scum, well... I dunno. People as active and aggressive as you deserve a good look. They can be very helpful as town, but as scum... well, I don't need to finish that thought.

Regardless, don't get too defensive about it. You have no requirement to defend yourself from "I'm going to pay attention to you!" If anything, you should welcome it, it means you are participating in the game, and, if you are town, you should have no problem defending yourself from any ACTUAL concerns if looks turn them up.


Reviewing his content for today... yeah, I'm satisfied with it. He's clearly examined multiple cases (Snow and Meeple in particular), defends his own arguments well enough. The Snow-is-town argument of his is... unorthodox, and I'm not sure how willing I am to buy it. But I can follow his logic and good for him for getting it out there. He's defended himself solidly from attacks too. For someone whose biggest black mark so far was some lurking... he's not even the first person who should be lynched for that. Looks like the promised cases on him have largely fallen through, too, besides Meeple's.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #310 on: July 06, 2008, 09:08:59 PM »
Fallen through?  Not so much, just what I've seen of him doesn't promote him as a lynching target for today.  I can't help but feel that his original reasoning for going after Snow feels a little weak, a little off.  But, looking through everything he's said, yeah.  I'm fine with leaving him be.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #311 on: July 06, 2008, 09:44:17 PM »
Bardiche's thoughts that my speculating that his role might be a third party one was 'paranoia inducing'.  etc

Yes, I feel that it was a-plenty to mention it a single time. Mentioning it twice in consecutive posts, however, is trying to stress it a bit too hard, I feel. As far as I am personally concerned, getting rid of an ITP player is as good as getting rid of scum, but it may be that I feel it more as paranoia because I find both equally good lynches. I'll concede to that then that I place more priority to the lynching of ITPs than you do, and re-evaluate your posts taking into mind that an ITP is of lesser importance than scum.

Strago raised the subject of Corwin, making reference to you in doing so. Why? Because of that line of yours I just quoted. Clearly he thought the same way I did upon seeing your line, so I don't see how I could be twisting your words.

Strago said:

A final question: is there anyone else who is somewhat swayed by Snow's vote for Corwin and Bardiche's parallel thoughts about him. Something in my gut says there's something there, but I'm finding it very difficult to substantiate.

He mentioned my "parallel thoughts", didn't say, "Hey Bard is saying Corwin is scum, do you agree?" You implied I said Corwin is scum because of doing something. This is the difference I draw.

If you feel you are misrepresented, then explain yourself! Don't get all defensive about it. However, don't pretend you can throw out possibilities, then run away from them with "I didn't actually SAY that! You are misrepresenting me, I can't trust you! ;_; ;_;" If you're not accountable for your words, there's really no reason for you to be posting at all.

;_; ;_; ;_; y u do diz ;_; ;_; ;_;

So... I don't see what the deal is with, "explain yourself", "don't get all defensive!", "pretend you throw out possibilities then run away with" when you were saying:
Bard accuses Corwin and QR of "narrowing down suspects = scummy!"
And I can't recall saying, "Narrowing down suspects = scummy!". Evidently, if you got it out of my words that I was suggesting they are both scum for their actions, then that is a problem on my syntax. I was pretty convinced I implied I was going to watch them closer because of the possibility presented by EvilTom and threw the possibility out to the rest of the group as well, but it seems I unwillingly also implied I think that they are both scum based on that theory alone. It begs me to pay closer attention to avoid such a scenario from slipping under the eyes while being aware of its possibility, but in no way does it suddenly make their general stance "scum", although the possibility did make me examine QR's posts and, yes, look for content that could be questionable.

The findings on her make me more wary of her, but still aren't enough to convince myself (or probably any of you) that she is a good candidate for a lynch train.

Bard, can you explain why you grouped those two together?

I grouped the two of them together because QR said, explicitly, that we should narrow down the list of suspects and... IDK, but to me, Corwin really seems to be sniping people and being generally rather aggressive in play. Being aggressive is a good way of shifting points on people that make some ambiguous statements, thus clearing the stage for aggression on a few choice targets and allowing QR to close the train by getting the town to eventually zone in on two. Obviously you can disagree with this, but that's why I put the link between the two of them.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #312 on: July 06, 2008, 10:59:01 PM »
Mrghle. Okay, so the weekend's wound down, and no lie: I was not exactly thrilled with motivation to wade back into the pool here whatnot with walls of text and all that over the last day. With that in mind, I plan to keep to post as lean and to the point as possible.

First off, QR already said it, but it's worth repeating: it's been four days into Day 2. Soon to be five. I don't think we'll actually get a lynch around until Monday at the earliest (to allow for people who are busy on the holiday weekend to come back and weigh in), but this is ridiculously long. Don't abuse no deadline like this; it's time to get our act together and settle on a case.

1. Case on Meeple. Well, I bit the bullet and went to read his posts more carefully, and I can definitely see some of the points of contention that make him look bad... I tend not to see his content so much as a scumtell as his behavior when confronted. The cases he's made and suddenly quickly dropped and his lack of defending himself adequately as compared to others, bothers me much more than his actual arguing. On the other hand, the way it feels it's been all overblown... WALL OF TEXT does not help here (on any side) and Dread Thomas does make me reconsider it a bit more, but at the same time I don't think the points raised against Meeple are minor or somehow derailing. The only other cases right now are pretty much Snow and Shale to me, with Shale only taking it due to unresponsive lurkerdom. Strago has satisfied me enough for the time being as far as content goes, as has Andrew.

2. Case on Snow. Currently on this one, as is my vote; may or may not change by the time I finish this post. It's hard and WIFOMey to see whether the sudden blowup and retraction was a scumploy act or genuine, but I find myself leaning more towards Andy's feelings on the matter. I obviously pressed very hard on Snow when he did his meltdown and I also just as obviously still believe what I said in that regard is perfectly valid; at the same time, that infuriating nagging feeling that he's a townie who did a poorly thought play and is trying to scrape back up and shape his thoughts, even if not in the most concise of ways, persists. I would still like to hear more on him, as last I heard he said he was not feeling up to going through all previous posts to build his case against Corwin or hyperaggro play in general (which, while I can understand giving him some leniency, I do not agree with).

3. Case on Shale. I actually don't think LAL is all that bad a plan to go with when I look back and see how many freakin' scum were guilty of this in all our past games, but following up with what was said first, it feels much more like a Day 3 route than now. Definitely going to follow up on it if he does not show some radical change.

Finally, I beg a question which oddly seems to have been overlooked: whose flip will tell us the most? Well, Snow's already made a roleclaim (to be believed or not), and if he gets lynched... so we'll have the answer to a WIFOMey solution and could possibly draw a bead on Tai (who defended him quickly and vehemently). Meeple may shed some light on Shale, there's his original press for Ciato to consider, evokes feelings from everyone in general... yeah, I think I've made my decision.

##Unvote: Jo'ou Ranbu
##Vote: Meeple

P.S. Bardiche, if at all possible, I recommend you do NOT try to be on the majority lynchtrain if it can be helped. As stated before, you really don't want that vote power to swell out of proportions, and you're just going to look worse to town if you try to pull that route.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #313 on: July 06, 2008, 11:13:15 PM »
Alright, spent the morning going over people, so here are my present thoughts heading into a hopeful Day 2 endgame.

Andrew I already summed up, and do not consider him a viable target.

Ciato/Tai comes from my initial look.  Ciato came away as clean to me, and Tai has been generally looking good since then, I'm happy with ignoring him for the time being.

Bard was my third target of the six I've looked over.  He seems to feel like an overly inquisitive town who's not entirely sure what's going on.  Late to the trains, and his insta-hammer was a bit dubious, but there's nothing in his posts that makes me feel like devising a lynch case for him.

Shale I was able to give a good deal more thought to.  Mostly because he was sitting a bit higher in my list of suspicions, and also because not only is his writing more terse and better contained, but also because he's posted a good deal less than Bard has.  Simply put, he has as many posts in the first three pages as he does in the following ten.  This is worrying because scum typically like to pad numbers and a sense of being here by posting frequently to start, and then hoping to coast on that.  However, part of that is to avoid having to get involved in exchanges where their faulty logic can be exposed.  In Shale's case, whenever he does post, he usually comes along with some decently detailed thoughts and attempts to be helpful.  He also announced intention to vote for Tom before the hammer fell, which likewise inclines me to trust that he was telling the truth when he announced his proposed vote.  For now, the only reason I can think of to vote for him would be LAL, and I'm not keen on using that as a default when we have other criteria that could work.

Snow comes next.  My original vote on him was as much a mark to get attention tossed his way as anything else, and as he continued to look bad, I felt better and better about leaving that vote there.  However, to be honest, by the time I left on Friday, I was getting iffy about leaving that vote there, and the only thing that's kept it there so far is his explosion.  Given that that has resolved in a way I can accept, I'm happy with moving away from him for the time being.

Which means, Meeple.  His speech, is well, Meeple-style.  However, his arguments have been all over the place, as Cyril noted.  Not only that, but he's not only been delving far too much into roles (Rat was a consistant focus on Day one and early Day 2) but he also seems to be trying to find reasons to get Andy lynched.  Andy was his joke vote, the first serious target he went after, and he came straight back to Andy the moment there was the slightest excuse to do so (and he's been attaching my name to his arguments there, almost as if to attach me to a crusade I had never had time to properly choose to persue, and now that I have, have decided there's little to actually hunt).  This means that I can feel quite comfortable siding with the current majority.

##Unvote: Snow, ##Vote: Meeple

I would also like to back Cyril's request that you not lynch Meeple, Bard.  The bigger that vote of yours get, the scarier it will look to everyone who isn't you.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #314 on: July 06, 2008, 11:18:16 PM »
(for the oblivious, i.e. Bardiche, Cyril = me, and expect Excal to keep referring to me as such.)
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #315 on: July 06, 2008, 11:22:59 PM »
Alright, back from a weekend of work and family outings and I am... overwhelmed with all the information and arguments that have been posted since I last got a chance to seriously look this over.

Ok, I'm going to start from the beginning...

First, I guess you could call it a bluff, yes, as Melsa said. In a sense, I almost vaguely hoped I could confuse the overaggro people enough, but I obviously gave this as thought as I'd give to a Die Hard movie. But the roleclaim is 100% true.

Seriously Snow, you admit you roleclaimed to get people to lynch you, and then expect us to believe your claim is 100% true. I really don't know why you expect us to trust that claim, in all honesty. That's pretty much all I have to say on him at this point. I don't trust Snow, if for no other reason than he apparently can let stupidity overtake him so much that he would find the need to roleclaim, and ask for a pity party afterward.

He clearly isn't going back to look over what was posted, but promising he would, just as on page 8.

Thanks to Corwin to pointing this out, in regard to Meeple. I admittedly didn't notice this, but you're right, he never does go back and do the analysis he promises. This only strengthens my feelings toward his lynch, and my vote is staying where it is, in case anyone was wondering.

As for Tom's post... I know I'm repeating here, but no, you being town does not make you right. I really don't know what to think of the rest of his post at the moment, my brain is still a bit mushy. 

In terms of this whole 'saying lynching someone needs to happen is scummy!' thing that's come up recently... Isn't... that the point of the game? To lynch people who seem scummy, in the end? I could understand this case on QR and Corwin pushing for a lynch if it was the beginning or middle of a day, but I'm pretty sure that point has long since passed. I see nothing wrong with promoting a little speed when it's been Day 2 for so long now, and to be entirely honest, I agree with them. At some point, you've learned as much as you're going to from general debate, and it seems that you really need some type of new information to get the ball rolling again.

Just a couple ending questions.

Meeple, for the love of god, at least attempt to thin out your posts, please?

Also, what does 'LAL' mean?
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #316 on: July 06, 2008, 11:24:05 PM »
Quote from: Ashdla
Also, what does 'LAL' mean?

Lynch All Lurkers (i.e. go after people who aren't contributing/posting much content, easy scum shields.)
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #317 on: July 06, 2008, 11:25:25 PM »
Lynch All Lurkers.

Also, I wasn't going to post A-OK! to the request because it seemed kinda silly, but just so no one else seconds it, don't worry, I won't place a vote at all today, but be sure to keep track of who I FoS every so often.

(also, thanks Laggy. <_< It already took me days figuring out who "Snow" was)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #318 on: July 06, 2008, 11:25:57 PM »
Ah, oki doke. Thanks.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #319 on: July 06, 2008, 11:26:53 PM »
Oh yea, something else I forgot to mention earlier.

For all those who are confused, I am, in fact, a she. >.>
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #320 on: July 07, 2008, 03:00:34 AM »
Being an aggro whore is the superior playstyle, which should neatly sum up my opinion on most of Tai's posts.

Oh, I see.

So since I have the inferior playstyle, I clearly won't be able to contribute anything new anyways, what with my faulty, idiotic, dense, and banal methodology, and thus should just go play Dragon Warrior 7 for the rest of the day as it's clearly all a person like me, so hopelessly mired in a different mindset, could ever hope to accomplish! Why thank you, Rat, for opening my eyes to this brilliant revelation!

Now I remember why I quit playing for a while in there. A nice reminder, that. I'll be back in the late evening after I've finished cooling my jets.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #321 on: July 07, 2008, 03:32:29 AM »
argh walls of text make me tireds

My main thing right now is that, as with everyone else, I'm sick to death of Day 2 not being over. As such, I'm doing this.

##UNVOTE: Shale
##VOTE: Meeple

Frankly I've got nothing to add to the case against Meeple, and I probably wouldn't have been comfortable switching to him now were it not for his recent backpedaling attempt to pin a case on Andrew. Granted, I've been getting at best a null read on Andrew and at worst a vaguely scummy one, but... mrff. It just needs to be Meeple at this point, if this effing Day is ever going to end.

The best thing about lynching Meeple, to me, is that his flip should be fairly revealing either way. Dude's been pretty polarizing and almost everyone's expressed an opinion, so ideally this will help us learn something or other.

Aside from that, right now? I'm uncomfortable with people who seem to think that Lynch All Lurkers becomes a less valid strategy later in the game. Hell, we aren't even that late in the game right now. How the deuce is Shale's prolonged absence -- combined with fairly spotty contributions when he has been around -- not cause for alarm and potentially a very solid lynch case?

Shale I was able to give a good deal more thought to.  Mostly because he was sitting a bit higher in my list of suspicions, and also because not only is his writing more terse and better contained, but also because he's posted a good deal less than Bard has.  Simply put, he has as many posts in the first three pages as he does in the following ten.  This is worrying because scum typically like to pad numbers and a sense of being here by posting frequently to start, and then hoping to coast on that.  However, part of that is to avoid having to get involved in exchanges where their faulty logic can be exposed.  In Shale's case, whenever he does post, he usually comes along with some decently detailed thoughts and attempts to be helpful.  He also announced intention to vote for Tom before the hammer fell, which likewise inclines me to trust that he was telling the truth when he announced his proposed vote.  For now, the only reason I can think of to vote for him would be LAL, and I'm not keen on using that as a default when we have other criteria that could work.

This in particular is a bit baffling to me. The LAL stuff I've mentioned, but... the bolded bit... how is that townie? It's the definition of null read to me, and I see no way in which it negates his lack of contribution. Laggy, for instance, says he'd rather wait on LAL until Day 3, which I understand -- we've had more than enough conversation about other suspects that we don't need to default to it just yet, but Excal both disregards it as a course of action and presents a further defense of Shale that I find odd.

QR also disregards LAL as a course of action. Seriously, why do people see this as only a Day 1 thing? At any point during the game someone can use inactivity to their scummy advantage. Any time. Hell, if we set a precedent of not caring whether or not players contribute, it'll be even more advantageous for scum to lie low in the lategame than early.

Yeah. I think that's all I've got for now. By the way, this puts Meep at -1 to Hammer, I do believe. So let's wait for some defense before we twist the screws, ja?

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #322 on: July 07, 2008, 03:38:11 AM »
Okay, leaving the discussions about what's the superior playstyle to a later moment, I guess I collected myself enough to actually try to mingle coherently yesterday's and today's info and posts. And I'll concede that Shale's absence has reached the point of being truly worrying, and I take back my defense over him. At this point, he really needs to give a signal of life (and justify beyond RL his prolonged absence, since it's been... two? days since his last post? Yeah).

Now, for Meeple, I... still don't see it the way Corwin or others do. It seems to, as Laggy said, to be an attack more against his posting style and behavior than his actual content. I've seen him get lots of flak for it more than once in Mafia and get picked apart for it, which is why it bothers me. It's pretty much metagaming at this point, but analysing playstyle and patterns isn't too bad a lead in the DL Mafia environment, or at least so I find.

Which leads me to the explanation on why Corwin bothers me: yes, it's because you act like your usual self the reason you nag at me. I'm being as blunt as you characteristically are. In fairness, I OMGUSed against you, and I'll be ready to admit it. It's not even because you attacked -me- (I deserve the flak), but because your typical aggro style sets me off due to pregress DL Mafia history showing that the aggro serves scum far better than it serves town. Aggressiveness in Mafia is a fine strategy! Just not when used with reckless abandon in this kind of environment, since it breaks town down more easily than scum, and the engagement into Aristotelic (or was it Platonic? Regardless, greek logic) logic of "he broke down, he MUST BE SCUM" ends up nailing townies instead. And the insistence also serves as a smokescreening device, which ends up configuring a trap to fall into. I'm not one to talk, of course, but it's food for thought as a general idea. Regardless, you're hardly the worst offender for it this game, and your current history has far less precedents for a vote (and, regardless of what I think of your style, you have been productive and insightful, for better or worse), so I think this needs to be done. I was unfair and I lashed out at the closest target when I voted, so:

##UNVOTE: Corwin

For Andrew, I do believe others' concerns about him are fairly valid, but he actually provided comprehensive defense about them. I admit I kinda raised an eyebrow when he defended me so abruptly, but the follow-up responses feel explanatory and clear.

Now, the one person that still consistently bothers me for the general sum is the rodent. I can't shake off the feeling that he is hiding something under his sleeve with the no-voting issue, and I can't help but feel he's getting too comfortable with the sudden freedom he seems to get with it. Call it metagaming, but his situation is pretty oddball in and out of itself, and the idea of a role only having this sudden, crippling drawback and no sort of compensation, either on alignment or underlying power, doesn't seem right. Coupled with his usual aggroness -and- the knowledge on how poorly it works for town in the DL Mafia environment, this sets me off particularly badly.

But this is just food for thought. I guess that I'll just go with what seems more immediately worrying now. Since unwanted roles have managed to get under the radar for excess lurking time and again, and I think his absence has reached the point of insufferable by now...

##VOTE: Shale
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #323 on: July 07, 2008, 03:54:50 AM »
Quote from: Strago
Yeah. I think that's all I've got for now. By the way, this puts Meep at -1 to Hammer, I do believe. So let's wait for some defense before we twist the screws, ja?

Quoting for emphasis so no accidental hammers happen this time. *cough*
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Two: Pobody's Nerfect (In Louisiana)
« Reply #324 on: July 07, 2008, 03:58:59 AM »
Disregard this!
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 04:07:03 AM by Sir Alex »