Author Topic: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead  (Read 77065 times)


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #500 on: July 12, 2008, 02:29:25 PM »
If I were a scum, I'd have slammed the hammer the previous day and nothing you could do to stop scum from voting you then, eh? Assuming the 2-3 scum scenario, that's still a netto of 5 votes in case of 3 scum, or 4 votes in case of 2 scum.

And uh, Rat, I think you misunderstood me. Lemme rephrase.

We can use EvilTom's words as a starting lead on where to commence the investigation. Anyone could offer strong cases, and everything, but there's no saying whether that strong case is one forged by scum or by town. Scum could just as well manipulate the town's thoughts and skillfully use misplaced distrust as a method of getting us to lynch town this day.

EvilTom's words are guaranteed to be town, so it means that we will have words that are guaranteed to be in our favor. I did not mean to say that we need to wait for EvilTom to post and then lynch whoever he designates. Posting near the end of the day is dandy, but in this case I rather not he comes out again LOL DON'T LYNCH THIS PERSON like the last times, where second-guessing ourselves could occur and we'd get into shit. I rather he put out his suspicions from the start.

I'll admit I'm none too happy with this result, if only because I disagreed with both Day 2 and Day 3 lynches, made this vocal, and here we are. LYLO and not a scum down yet. I'm also rather annoyed that all people I suspected beside DHE are all dead. Beh.


Short inquiry, are there any objections if I were to vote now, or do you all still prefer I stay my hand?


I have my three main suspects, who are QR, DHE and Corwin, in that order, but I'm definitely taking a close look at everyone's full post and voting history in this entire game. I don't want to mislynch here, that'd suck.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #501 on: July 12, 2008, 02:46:12 PM »
Okay, so Laggy wrote:

This leaves Strago as the guy that, although he HAS posted a lot more lately, still has giant gaps of not being present to make it difficult to read him, and apparently is claiming Vanilla Townie when literally up to this point we have not had a single vanilla flip yet (even some useless trinket ability would be something). Metagaming like mad, yes, but that still also makes me alarmed. His votes have also been pretty much all over the freaking place, and such a record (as I look it over) raises my hackles.

Speaking of roleclaims today: Mine is not provable, nor Corwin's. If you take both QR and Rat's word, hers is believable. Strago's is also not provable. Shale has the flavor to back his up unless he made it up on the spot, but given the nature of how it was written in, I'm not seeing it, so I'm inclined to believe him. This means that both Corwin and Strago have dubious roleclaims, to me. NEB's is also unprovable, but the targets are believable enough.

Your thinking definitely has some gaps in it, here. First of all -- as I believe Corwin has said -- QR's roleclaim is only confirmable inasmuch as we know that she does have the ability to do something completely worthless. There could easily be another passive role, or simply the scum ability to make nightkills, attached to it. Second, Elfboy's claim of Tracker conveniently gives us no actual information... and also happens to be a very typical investigative townie role in a game where the mod has said these will be rare. This puts me, Corwin and Elfboy all at a wash in terms of roles that seem like they would fit well in this kooky game, I'd say. Finally, I think putting in one or two vanilla townies is -- in terms of game design -- an excellently cruel choice in any role-heavy or role-madness game, because of the confusion and paranoia they engender by the simple fact of their being unable to do anything interesting. -_-

Finally, my votes have been "all over the place"? I don't follow. You mean in that I voted for Ash on Day 2 and Excal on Day 3 (the latter of which I was hardly alone in suspecting; hell, our vig seems to have taken the guy out), instead of buying into the larger and more popular trains (Meeple and Snow, respectively)? First of all, and I don't generally like to invoke this sort of defense, but trying to find alternatives to the day's obvious lynchtrains is typical behavior for me almost any time I play. Second, what would be wrong with it, even if it weren't true? Obviously I haven't been present enough this game, but I'd like you to explain what it is about my voting record that rubs you the wrong way.

Now that I'm awake, it's time for breakfast followed by an examination of my suspects.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #502 on: July 12, 2008, 02:47:54 PM »
Bardiche raises a good point not to lynch him, Math is friendly after all. I also see what you mean, yeah, using him as a starting point is decent enough.. though I think enough cases have been tossed out there already.

LYLO it is better to take your time slightly before voting and see what people say due to threat of scumhammer. But, conversly, once it seems conversation is going in circles, you might as well lock in your opinion and throw the vote out, or we'll be here forever.

Regardless, I'd appreciate it if you dropped your case on whoever before voting and gave us time to look at it.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #503 on: July 12, 2008, 03:12:42 PM »
Quote from: Carthrat
I'm hedging my own bet on Scum and Andy both targeting Ash day 2. You're all mostly saying "Well Rat looks fine, apart from something unrelated to his posting," essentially, I like to think that speaks for itself. >_>

Yeah well, not to sound overly snarky here but that gets a "no shit" response from me. It's true that I (and most others) have found very little issue with your post content, but hey we've mislynched three times mostly on the basis of bad town play and so-called scummy behavior, and right now I'm looking for something more cold and concrete than that. When it boils down to it, "Rat got roleblocked night 2 and no kill happened" looks awful suspicious and I can't believe I just glossed over it on Day 3 and watched it somehow turn into another Dogpile on Snow case. Yes, you even brought it up yourself to him at the bewilderment of his targetting you and lack of dropping a case on you, but the fact that it conveniently got turned into Snow's so scummy, let's lynch him now... yeah.

It's LYLO, thinking of scumteams is basically the way to go. I am still suspicious of everyone and if presented with a case where there's irrefutable evidence of something fishy going on as compared to just how I simply plain feel about people, I am going to angle for the former. From that I THEN can make conclusions based on who I think is scummy in relation to that person and theorize who else I think is potential scum. My case is actually premediated a lot more on Rat being scum than anything else; if I were to drop a vote on anyone right now it would be Rat. I'm holding off on sheer account of everyone getting their word in and seeing if any other convincing cases build up.


Yes. I don't recommend you dropping the first vote, but at this point it's LYLO and in all the scenarios I detailed where you are town you *need* to drop a vote to make the hammer happen, so it's not even much of a choice. (In Scenario 3 we have three scum including Rat, which makes five townies, so we'd only have 4 votes without you. In Scenario 4, we could potentially have six townies, but you and Rat compose of two of them, so again down to 4 votes.) So it's not even a question; you will be on this lynch. If you're scum this reply is pointless anyway due to the nature of scumhammer, so I have no issues revealing it.


Quote from: Corwin
Me showing leniency to Meeple? Only in the sense that, as Shale said, scum wouldn't know Meeple wasn't one of them, and thus analysis of the push on Meeple would be useful in locating scum.

Yes and no. Yes and that you do indeed say that; no in that you do, in fact, explicitly say that you believed Meeple was trying to help town. As I said, it's not even that I particularly disagree with this line of thought - it's that I find it so out of character. See below.

Exact quote here:
Quote from: Corwin
I'll provide it here along with another reason: a survivor is one of the less harmful TP roles; in this particular case, we even had Meeple post his list of suspects and his reasoning. I happen to believe he was being sincere and trying to help town in that pre-death post, and not spiteful as has been suggested. I believe this further suggests he was trying to survive alongside us, at least to the endgame, which clearly made him a viable target for scum.

Am I saying that you build cases heavily on the suspects he provided or at all cited him as an example? No. Am I saying that it is suspicious that, after NEB and I already had a wrangling about how Meeple's content couldn't be trusted even if you treated it as the word of a dead townie (to date, I have never seen you say ANYONE is trustable/noteworthy of town bar yourself), you still say something like this and it just so happens 2/3 of his suspect list has now been ungrounded and it just so happens the last one is the one you're gunning for now? Yes. Again, this is just massively OOC for you.

I am also kinda curious why you haven't replied to the case on Rat at all. You seem not to have voiced a strong opinion of Rat in general aside from "well I'm suspicious of anyone who plays too much like me" and, now with LYLO ticking and what certainly looks like a viable push against him, you still don't react. This really doesn't help to dispel my unease about the two of you working together.

On roleclaims (this goes particularly to both Corwin and Strago). It was massive metagaming on my part and I disclaimered as such. I'm hardly using either of these as one of my main points of contention; simply that it goes so strongly against the flow of the rest of the game seems odd to me. Yes, both QR and Shale have claimed effectively vanilla-like abilities, but unlike the two of you both have also managed to prove even those useless abilities exist before roleclaim itself. BP and actual Vanilla just seem so starkly in contrast with everyone else; and in particular I have offer a large "harumph" to the way you used it to try to justify your behavior throughout the game, Cor.

Strago: Throwing a voting record that isn't on the main trains (not necessarily the actual lynchtrain, just the major cases in general) and basically on alternative targets that have virtually no chance to be lynched doesn't look to me just like caution or presenting-other-options, it makes your record even more hard to follow and basically unable to pin you down since you keep going for outliers. They would also not bother me so much if you did not typically throw down your votes when a train is already gathering momentum, so it doesn't even look like you're seriously trying to present and build a case, just tossing a vote out there for the sake of... well, tossing a vote out there. This combined with your disappearances in general has made it seriously difficult to get a handle on you, and of QR and Shale, makes you the most unreadable to me.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #504 on: July 12, 2008, 03:37:38 PM »
Additionally: I encourage everyone to think of scumteam scenarios. Why? Because you may be dead tomorrow morning, and at this point you need to focusing not just on The One Person You Think Is Scummiest (note, not "don't do it", just "don't do ONLY this") but who the scumteam is as a whole. They work as a team, and tagging down on their interactions with each other tends to yield better results than simply taking aim at who supposedly has been acting lurkerish/scummiest/etc. Furthermore, you may glean some interesting insight by examining said interaction and finding things that may further cement or dispel your suspicions of a particular person, and you want to end up with a case that is cohesive enough that all of your suspects make sense. Yes, scum aren't perfect, scum don't always coordinate precisely with each other, but there are a few telltale signs that can easily be looked for and is hard to avoid by the nature of scum (ironically, Corwin said it best - they lie through their teeth, they have the absolute certainty of knowledge) and there are a few more classic examples - scum try to associate with each other but not overly so. Obviously this is not cast in stone and gambits happen, but for the most heated fights we've had so far this game has all resulted in town lynches. And the simple matter that if you don't voice your suspicions now, you may not get a chance later on, should this game make it past the night.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #505 on: July 12, 2008, 03:39:15 PM »
If I were a scum, I'd have slammed the hammer the previous day and nothing you could do to stop scum from voting you then, eh? Assuming the 2-3 scum scenario, that's still a netto of 5 votes in case of 3 scum, or 4 votes in case of 2 scum. a very good point, to me. If we're in LYLO now with Bardiche at two votes, then ScumBardiche with three votes wins the game, no fuss no muss. WIFOM component is that grabbing that extra vote could attract Andrew's attention before he could use it, but it does make me think better of Bard, at least a bit.

Response to Rat:

All he does here is talk about Bard's claim a lot and sort of comes down on Snow for it; no vote, doesn't appear for the rest of the day, his only contribution here doesn't look special.

Wait, wha? As I've said before, I can't say the absence doesn't make me look bad and won't try to, but the rest of that is just blatant misrepresentation of the content of that post. I talk about Bardiche's roleclaim in the first paragraph....and then go on for four or five times that length talking about other people.

On day 3, again, he has hardly any posts of note. Those he does have include the following... The quotes he have make this look bigger than it is, but it's basically a not-really invalid shot at Snow for talking too much and saying too little.

"Not-really-invalid shot" meaning "valid argument against, then?

Quote Purely defensive. A minor shot at Bardiche which isn't really followed on, with regards to following Tom. The second quote and reponse.. I don't really get it, it seems to be about the merits or lack thereof of aggressive play.. on the scum side? Yeah, no idea here.

Uh...did you miss the entire Day 2 chain of arguments I was reacting to, then? That whole reason Bardiche attacked Corwin? HE went on for a while about how hew was looking at aggressive-enough play as scummy because it would let scum define the main targets of investigation for the day/


But here's part of the kicker, it's talking about Excal after Strago and myself already have, yet he still claims to be sold enough on Snow regardless. This is a bit late, and despite saying he's not feeling a case on me and Strago, it does seem like he's having suspicious thoughts; I find it a wonder he went into this much detail. With that said, I did too, but this wouldn't be the first time someone's 'thought' the way I have and turned out scum later. I want to emphasize that the case on Excal materialized towards the end of the day, seemed fairly legitimate, and he was the last person to speak heavily on it, yet he himself never hammered, voted, or otherwise backed up a position with action.

Wait, you're going to have to walk me through that first again. I find some stuff I don't like about Excal, therefore I must be more suspicious of him than an I am of Snow? It's possible to find one person bad and another worse.

I went into that much detail because I said I would - Excal and Strago were raised as potentially suspicious types, and I said I as going to look at them to see what I thought of that. I'd rather actually run through my assessment than just say "I looked at X and didn't see much." You I wanted to look at for the same reason I thing you're the leading suspect now - somebody used a kill-stopping power on you, and a kill didn't happen.

Couple things stand out to me in general, too- he was apparently leaning heavily towards Snow early day 3, but a good deal of time passed and no vote came out, despite evidence of other posts and shopping around. Towards the end it would be somewhat forgivable that he didn't want to hammer early, but it's not like he didn't have plenty of time. In general he seems to be happy enough to present a case, but sort of pulls back from it and waits to see what others do before following through at all.
Even early in the day, "dogpile on Snow" was in full force, and Shale no likey quicklynches without hard evidence. It's not like I've been shy about tying myself to mislynch trains, so I'm not sure what benefit you see for Scum-Me here.

Still got company. Stupid social life.
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #506 on: July 12, 2008, 03:46:52 PM »
Shale is telling the truth
I got a PM last night that my computer system got wiped; reduced me to 250 words.
Shale = 100% truthful role = confirmed town most likely.
This is fact!!!!

Didn’t post till now to try & catch someone (rat) in trap.

Shale attacks Rat
Rat omgus Shale
Recommended Rat lynch?

Shale is definitely truthful, therefore town (others are lying about roles). Rat intent on discrediting me; his Shale preferred lynch = wrong.
I may be wrong about Rat, but I’m not wrong about Shale.

QR also looks sus, Strago and Laggy follow.
Bardiche still very town.

Shale = telling truth.
Higher probability of scum attacking Shale till now!

Corwin = wildcard for me right now.

I don’t like the way Laggy just stuck the boot into Rat just then (the roleblock case vs Rat was obvious), but I like the rest of his arguments. Beware Otherwise follow him Re: roleclaims (corwin and strago have shitty roleclaims, do not trust).
DHE roleclaim: I am sceptical

Dropping this out here now, Rat is giving the impression of hurrying things along and ignoring my input. :(

If I were alive, I’d probably lynch Rat.

With a high proportion of scum right now, they have a large impact on discussion.

Good luck. Lynch scum.

ps. I've given up waiting for Strago's breakfast post

Posting now! Make the most of this info, win it guys!
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day One: The Foot Is Agame!
« Reply #507 on: July 12, 2008, 03:54:09 PM »
Well, okay. In the middle of my actual post, but I feel the need to say that... while it's good to know that Shale isn't lying, once more I fail to see how the confirmation of that roles existence makes him definitely town. It doesn't! Hell, if the only power the man has results in anti-town results (i.e., shortening the length of Tom's 1/day post), how does that... mrff. I just don't think it can be considered something that fully clears Shale. Unless I'm missing something obvious, in which case someone please correct me because gods know I'd like to have someone completely above suspicion right now.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #508 on: July 12, 2008, 04:01:01 PM »
Laggy: I'm sorry my response was the only possible one I could give, it's good of you to rant on it at length. As far as concreteness goes, I fail to see how this is any more concrete than the practically-certain lynches on Jo'ou and such, especially given that this game is clearly role madness and the given possibility of exceptions exists.

Unlikely? Sure, ok. While we're talking about unlikelyness, what's the likelyhood of DHE targeting functionally useless targets each night? Including Jo'ou, who was a claimed roleblocker and would most likely have been revealed the next night regardless, hitchance aside? But no, you pretty much accept his claim as it is virtually without comment (despite then going off at Cor and Strago for claiming standard shit; Tracker is likewise pretty damn standard, y'know.)

Furthermore, you are happy enough to point out to us that 'scum make sure they fence with each other a bit' as a common gambit, but I'll point out the flip side of that for you - 'scum also like to attach themselves to nonscum in the event of their own failure'. WIFOM? Yes, but you started it, I just had to finish it.


Quote from: Shale
Wait, wha? As I've said before, I can't say the absence doesn't make me look bad and won't try to, but the rest of that is just blatant misrepresentation of the content of that post. I talk about Bardiche's roleclaim in the first paragraph....and then go on for four or five times that length talking about other people.

Shale - Right. You talk about things other than Snow and Bardiche, and they're all meaningless; a bunch of vauge 'postmores' and expression of confusion about myself. I saw nothing important there, and thus I disregarded it.

Quote from: Shale
Wait, you're going to have to walk me through that first again. I find some stuff I don't like about Excal, therefore I must be more suspicious of him than an I am of Snow? It's possible to find one person bad and another worse.

That's not entirely what I meant, I was concerned that you took virtually no votey action at all in general, though you seemed comfortable tossing around fairly strong cases on people in general; I did think the one on Jo'ou > Excal (obviously), but you seemed to be fairly heavy on both of 'em. So. Yeah. No vote.

Not liking quicklynch is kinda bleh to me, at the time of your early stuff on Snow on day 3, there was like one vote on him. Where was the pressure? That's what concerns me overall.


So Shale has a role where he pushes a button. Uh. Yes. Must be town 100% gj wait no.

I fail to see why discrediting someone who thinks this is bad. I will admit Shale looks less bad to me in light of his response, but not completely, and this is just a non-reason. I also fail to see this trap, because how is the roleblock case on me not totally convenient? I would expect someone from either side to have a decent chance of jumping on it.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #509 on: July 12, 2008, 04:21:28 PM »
Laggy: I'm sorry my response was the only possible one I could give, it's good of you to rant on it at length. As far as concreteness goes, I fail to see how this is any more concrete than the practically-certain lynches on Jo'ou and such, especially given that this game is clearly role madness and the given possibility of exceptions exists.

Unlikely? Sure, ok. While we're talking about unlikelyness, what's the likelyhood of DHE targeting functionally useless targets each night? Including Jo'ou, who was a claimed roleblocker and would most likely have been revealed the next night regardless, hitchance aside? But no, you pretty much accept his claim as it is virtually without comment (despite then going off at Cor and Strago for claiming standard shit; Tracker is likewise pretty damn standard, y'know.)

Furthermore, you are happy enough to point out to us that 'scum make sure they fence with each other a bit' as a common gambit, but I'll point out the flip side of that for you - 'scum also like to attach themselves to nonscum in the event of their own failure'. WIFOM? Yes, but you started it, I just had to finish it.

Quote from: Laggy
The more and more I think about it, NEB's analysis makes sense - whether you believe his claim as a tracker or not.

First off, I feel the need to point that I had a line directly relevant to this. Yeah, I haven't really had NEB in my crosshairs - haven't all game - and you bring up a good point in that I probably should. However, whether he's truthful or not has no bearing on your case.

Your comparison to "concreteness" being relevant to Snow's case I would find a good deal of contrast. Snow's lynch may have been inevitable but the case on him was hardly cold and absolute. He had several detractors to the lynch on him (most primarily Andrew, who threw off his vote on Snow after the Day 2 meltdown) and I myself voiced a good deal of unease about going after him after I was the one pressing him immediately post his stunt. It was Corwin more than anyone else who was absolutely, utterly convinced not to suffer Snow to live, and while Snow's questionable scummy behavior led to him going to the gallows, it's a totally different situation than you getting hit by a roleblock and a second kill not happening.

Now, this make a case easy to hop on like Snow's was? Yes, certainly. Except in this case the facts aren't in dispute, and it's a matter of whether you think it was freak occurrence (scum and vig aimed at same target) or not. Incidentally you start Day 3 off by saying that trying to figure out scum NK target is pointless discussion. Mmkay.

"Scum also like to attach themselves to nonscum in the event of their own failure." Well sure they do, would you care to point out whose been attached to who so far this game in such a manner and isn't dead yet? If I recall, damn near everyone who defended person x (Excal on QR, Meeple on Shale, Andrew on Snow, etc.) is dead; I would actually be curious to hear your thoughts on this and your proposed scumteam, given your heavy suspicions of Shale. Also highly fortunate that scum actually hasn't failed to cause a mislynch yet.

Completely ironically, Dread Thomas' post and his assertiveness on how everyone is apparently lying about their roles except Shale makes me more dubious of trying to draw anything from the ambiguous roleclaims. It's nice to know Shale's telling the truth, of course. And I still think Cor's I-acted-like-this-due-to-BPness reeks of on-the-spot justification for having some role.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #510 on: July 12, 2008, 04:35:17 PM »
I have to concur with Rat and Strago. Just because Shale was truthful about his role does not at all mean he's 100% town. Besides, according to our Lie Detector, Carth also wasn't lying about his role at all, so does that mean Carth is also 100% town? Then we have two townies fighting!

Suffice to say I am a little disappointed in EvilTom's post. Not sure what to make of it, surely I am going to disregard the part where Shale is supposedly 100% town.

I'll not place the initial vote. With three scum, likelihood of them communicating in IRC and quicklynching someone who I erroneously thought is scum is NOT pleasing. I can see victory if I were to put that vote, then write up an unvote and try to quickly weasle it in if someone suddenly agrees with my post but... Yeah, what a fantastic gambit, Bardiche.

Will really post evaluations later, but taking my sweet time. The day's just begun, and I don't see us quick lynching anything anytime soon.


As far as Corwin goes, just a quick say: If he tried to attract scum attention, he should've lynched scum and not town. It does make sense with how he says, "If JR flips, everything falls into place" or something of similar fashion, but... No, I'm just not seeing how his entire playstyle can be attributed to BP. Interesting thought: If he is a Bulletproof, chance could be either Andrew or scum hit Corwin on Day 2 and Rat's a townie.

Whatever we lynch, I propose we not lynch Rat. Lie Detector confirmed he's Voteless, meaning he cannot affect the voting process at all. If we want to get out of LYLO, we need to lynch scum with voting power. Even if Rat does turn up as being most likely scum, I'd rather get a voting scum.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #511 on: July 12, 2008, 04:39:19 PM »
Interesting thought: If he is a Bulletproof, chance could be either Andrew or scum hit Corwin on Day 2 and Rat's a townie.

Wait, apparently Corwin would get a notice if he was the target of a killing role at night. Disregard.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #512 on: July 12, 2008, 04:39:40 PM »
Quote from: Laggy
However, whether he's truthful or not has no bearing on your case.

Well, absolutely nothing has bearing on my case since you're essentially relying on role nonsense. Thus you must, as has been said, either decide, essentialy right now, whether or not you intend to believe this or not. Or you could look back at the overwhelming response that says 'rat is acting very townie' and take that or leave it. Excuse me for trying to argue my way out of this.

Anyway, I was actually OMGUSing you. Sorry if it wasn't clear! Saying 'whether you believe DHE or not' means nothing in terms of your opinion of him (well, actually, it's leaning towarsd believing him in my book, but that's just an implication I took from it). Certainly nothing groundbreaking.

Quote from: Laggy
Incidentally you start Day 3 off by saying that trying to figure out scum NK target is pointless discussion.
Yes, and if you check the context, this is because it's impossible to draw conclusions about who is scum based on their target selection. That said, I don't think this is much better.


On the side, I don't believe in searching for scumteams, even if you do. I simply am not capable of hoping to point out a number of people with even a shred of accuracy without tying myself up in my own thoughts and seeing things that aren't there, and I refuse to submit to needing to enquire along these lines.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #513 on: July 12, 2008, 04:40:09 PM »
Laggy: Just because I'm not hopping around and praising people as 'pro-town' means I can't look back at someone's last post in the game and consider it an honest attempt on their part to be helpful? The two are not related. If I had to be brutally honest, I'd say that I don't consider Meeple the best mafia player, but that doesn't quite equate to throwing away all his posts as useless or made in bad faith.

I'm sorry if you think me saying I believe someone was trying to help us is OOC. I think Tom's trying to help us, too, but I don't see much of use in his posts. I can acknowledge the sentiment without accepting the arguments presented.

On the subject of my role: I don't really intend to claim that I'm playing the way I am due to a role. I've always played aggressively; what I was trying to say was that it might have affected that a bit. I didn't hold myself back where I otherwise might have. To have it presented as the sole reason for an aggressive playstyle is to pretty much twist what I was saying. I believe I was clear enough and your attempts to paint it the way you do, repeatedly, smack of the disingenuous.

The case on Rat? Well, I believe I was the first who mentioned the possibility of Rat being blocked from making the kill. But it really is the only thing (outside him thinking much like I do, which none of you care about) that I find truly suspicious of him in our current situation.

If anything, you are coming off as more suspicious. The beginning of this day was pretty much occupied with you starting and fanning discussion about Bardiche/Rat, then the number of scum, then you move it to thinking in terms of scum teams. Let's dispense with the caveats and get down to why I find it suspicious. It bogs us down in meta stuff and we don't spend as much as we need staying focused on who is scummy. When 'he is scummy but association seems to rule it out' comes into play, it leads to badness. Scum can and will make connections, and I wouldn't put it past them to think ahead. You make your nice, comfy 'scum' team, bus one of your friends, and seal the game the next day. And I don't see anyone more active than you, while I've been largely discredited due to my mistake wrt JR and can't oppose you properly. Yeah, I'm thinking it feels off to me.

Math and scenarios look very impressive, I'm sure, but your actual cases rely in large part on metagaming (as you admit for part of your case on me) and what essentially comes down to gutfeels (with Rat).

Edit for Bardiche:
Interesting thought: If he is a Bulletproof, chance could be either Andrew or scum hit Corwin on Day 2 and Rat's a townie.

Yeah except I already said I wasn't hit and you don't seem to be following my words closely enough despite apparently finding issue with me. That's pretty lax and, yes, scummy coasting. See above for BP/playstyle, I'm not repeating it.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #514 on: July 12, 2008, 05:05:48 PM »
Quote from: Carthrat
On the side, I don't believe in searching for scumteams, even if you do. I simply am not capable of hoping to point out a number of people with even a shred of accuracy without tying myself up in my own thoughts and seeing things that aren't there, and I refuse to submit to needing to enquire along these lines.

Difference of opinion, etc. I largely disagree and think that, especially by the time LYLO hits, the game's progressed enough and it's time to look a lot harder at association and draw conclusions from it, especially when three lynches have happened on the basis of well-this-guy-is-playing-badly-he-must-be-scum. Put it more simply, it's time to think outside the box some more, because one mislynch and this game is over.

Quote from: Corwin
If anything, you are coming off as more suspicious. The beginning of this day was pretty much occupied with you starting and fanning discussion about Bardiche/Rat, then the number of scum, then you move it to thinking in terms of scum teams. Let's dispense with the caveats and get down to why I find it suspicious. It bogs us down in meta stuff and we don't spend as much as we need staying focused on who is scummy. When 'he is scummy but association seems to rule it out' comes into play, it leads to badness. Scum can and will make connections, and I wouldn't put it past them to think ahead. You make your nice, comfy 'scum' team, bus one of your friends, and seal the game the next day. And I don't see anyone more active than you, while I've been largely discredited due to my mistake wrt JR and can't oppose you properly. Yeah, I'm thinking it feels off to me.

Math and scenarios look very impressive, I'm sure, but your actual cases rely in large part on metagaming (as you admit for part of your case on me) and what essentially comes down to gutfeels (with Rat).

First off, I find it hilarious that you think this is somehow a bus scheme when I'm basically accusing three people at once and essentially opening myself up to fire from all about. Throughout this game I have drawn oddly no scrutiny save Andy's attack on me (which few people have discredited) and, frankly, trying to bus and go at this point as a scum move seems outlandish to me when I could theoretically just not get on the offensive and basically avoid playing aggro-style you so endear... that's a stretch more than anything else, in my eyes. It is also good to know that you now consider being active a convenient sign of scummitude when you yourself basically piledrove the JR train (and are now using it as a "well now I can't do anything about it") and you disputed accusations of using said aggression to direct the day.

As to why I believe it's important to think beyond just one target, see above reply to Rat. And if you disagree, well, you do, but I'm frankly unnerved that you wouldn't at the very least draw some suspicions about who's working with who, unless you really think scum all just work independently of each other or coordinate in ways that are impossible to trace.

I don't agree that my cases relied *largely* on metagaming. I may be guilty of making too much out of it and said as much in my previous reply to Rat, but by far and large my other discomfort areas were things unrelated to that.

However, I must point out the fundamental difference in our line of thinking in LYLO. After three days of mislynches, you are still convinced that going sheerly on an individual's post content for signs of scummy behavior is enough to press on, despite the game's track record as so far on this; frankly, I'm not happy with that being the sole basis, and am presenting math/scenarios/etc. in an effort to look at things more objectively. The simple fact is, scum can play well! Really well! They can be totally protown the entire game and evade detection entirely and laugh it to the bank. This doesn't happen often, but it's totally possible and I wouldn't put it past players as good as you and Rat (see El Cid in his latest games as scum, see yourself in Composer, etc.) This thus makes attacking single persons solely on their behavior lax and far from failproof to me, and with endgame coming up and all, I'm much more inclined to look harder for other patterns (above said group interaction, things like Rat's roleblock oddity, etc.)
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #515 on: July 12, 2008, 05:07:32 PM »
Alright. To begin with, I've been taking a look at Elfboy. This got... very long, in the writing of it. Appy-polly-loggies in advance.

He began Day 1 with some role metagamery, doing a bit of analysis of potential LYLO situations based on Rat's votelessness (sort of amusing, now), and then talking about why he suspected Rat of having some other power. Okay, early Day 1, whatever. Here he lays down a justified anti-lurking vote against me on principle. Otherwise, the post sums up the day's cases thus far against Rat, Tom and OK. He takes no actual position against them aside from saying that he doesn't suspect Rat that much anymore and asking the other two to justify themselves somehow.

Next, there's this on the subject of lynching OK:

I'm less opposed to lynching him compared to you, though, because on average I'd rather operate under the assumption that the lynch (rather than a vig who may not exist) is town's best weapon and should be used against those who are being destructive to town's workings.

So Elfboy is for lynching those who appear to be against town, but of course he never actually makes that vote against OK. Or, you know, anyone at all. Then later...

Posting again to check in with the game, and... hell. Well not much has really changed since earlier today, except that OK has confirmed that he wasn't just taking the joke phase a step too far.

Lynching either of them would be cool with me; Tom's probably a better pick because if he IS telling the truth, reasons Corwin/Laggy have championed will make it not so bad an outcome. For all that I find OK more disruptive to the game.

Gives support for two possible lynches... while not actually supporting either one. Seems like a remarkably good way to contribute to mislynching without dirtying one's hands in the actual votecount. That was his last post during Day 1.

His first post of content during Day 2.

In response to Corwin/Laggy's concerns about my non-voting:

I'll admit I've historically been a bit reluctant to vote as long as I think there is still discussion to be had. Just kinda how I play; if someone wants to convince me I am horribly wrong for doing this, I'll listen and try to change my ways. Until then I'll do what's natural to me. I can still put down a vote to pressure someone, but Tom quickly got that from others anyway, so there was no need for me to jump on the train and push him closer to hammer when I didn't feel it was time for that yet.

Regardless, hopefully I was clear enough about who I was going to vote for if the day had gone on a bit longer (Tom went from 4 votes to lynched pretty quickly, so I didn't really get a chance to get involved with the lateday).

Analysis and such will come tonight, I hope. As mentioned I will be away a lot today.

Now, I understand what Laggy's said about my vote record making me "unreadable" to him, but come on. I tend to go for outliers because I am extremely uneasy with the idea that once somebody's lynch train has gained a certain amount of momentum it's impossible to save them. That way lies madness and easy scumtrains, but there's only a certain amount I can do to convince people that my secondary option is better or at least worth considering seriously. Elfboy, on the other hand, plays things so incredibly safe and "reasonable" that there's no paper trail whatsoever. His behind was thoroughly covered by everything he did, Day 1. And yes, sure, it was Day 1, but at the very least this characterizes an attitude and playstyle that I find pretty troubling when I look back upon it.

This is followed by a post discussing Bard's role and general game theory:

His next post is quite long ( and does the thing I (and he as well, apparently) hate, where one lists every player in the game and gives a couple sentences of pretty surface analysis of each one. Yaaay commitment.

Now, the thing of note here is that he does finally put down a vote; on Meeple, no less, against whom nobody had yet voted. So that's well worth keeping in mind, as it's his first shift in something resembling a townie direction.

In his next big post (, quite a bit later, he discusses Meeple and Snow. What I find especially notable, here, is that just as heat is starting to pull back from Snow and be added to Meeple's train instead... Elfboy says this about Meeple:

Meeple stuff:

Yeah, the Shale defence is a bit odd, but not unreasonable. It was also a pretty quick reversal, but I have no idea what that means either. I'm having a pretty hard time pinning Meeple down now, but he definitely still bothers me.

And all this about Snow:

Snow stuff:

The breakdown nonsense had me considering a votechange pretty strongly. For all that there's a decent chance he did it as town, I just... can not give him a pass over it. It's frustrating, as intuitively I don't think he's scum, and lynching town is the worst thing we can do. But that kind of defence can't be accepted. Yeah, I'm well aware others have said this, but it's worth restating. Fortunately, Snow seems to have recovered a bit. Not that this makes me unsuspicious of him, but it means I won't be calling for him to quit the game at least.

One thing I would like to see from Snow is an explanation for the Corwin vote (well it's not a vote yet but it's the thought that counts). He comes up with a conspiracy theory for Meeple/Shale being Corwin's creation. I go back and read his post and I... do not see it. Didn't notice it at the time, don't get it now. Definitely would like to see this elaborated on.

So as popular opinion tends toward one, he starts to seem a lot more suspicious -- at the very least ways he can qualify -- of the other. But then he goes ahead and leaves his vote on Meeple, keeping the vote deadlocked as opposed to being the one to make it shift in either direction. Huh. And then there's this:

Vote, for now at least, stays on Meeple. I'm not wholly comfortable with lynching him, nor Snow, but I feel a jump to someone else this late in the day would be to grasp at straws. I've seen nothing to make anyone else look notably scummy since my big post, today.

Nice example of a philosophy for which I've described my lack of enthusiasm. They were deadlocked at three votes each when it took eight to lynch. That's seriously too far-gone for anything else to happen?

Here ( and here ( the Elf is mostly going back and forth with Bardiche over a weird issue of his having twisted the latter's words in some fashion. This is harmless -- and unproductive -- enough, I suppose. In the second post, I find this notable:

And Corwin, as for giving you a good look, it may be simply due to the fact that I'm uncomfortable with you. I find the aggressive sniping to put me off balance a bit, and I'm far from the most emotional one in this group. It does feel like you've stirred up trouble today, but whether as town or scum, well... I dunno. People as active and aggressive as you deserve a good look. They can be very helpful as town, but as scum... well, I don't need to finish that thought.

Now, the first three sentences of this I actually rather like. I agree that being antagonistic towards other people is counter to the desires of the town, since it's all about emotional manipulation whereas town only survives on its reason and logic. The part of the quotation I've put in bold, however, is the gateway to Elfboy's later opinions about "aggressiveness" being bad because, well, scum who lead debate might hurt town! Which he seems to see as far outweighing the possibility of town leading debate to hunt scum, for some reason. It just seems like both a specious argument and a tacit defense for his own tendency not to take strong stands.

Then there's my accidental Meeple hammer, and Day 2 is over. -_-

Day 3 starts, he makes this post (, pretty much just taking a look at the flips and night actions, not much of note and my own post here is getting too long. This post is on page 15...

... and his next is the very beginning of page 17, here: He reiterates some of his early comments about not actually finding Andy scummy despite having put him third in a lineup with Snow and Meeple. But what really gets me is:

The rest of your accusations spanning the next few paragraphs all stem from this misunderstanding and thus, thankfully, I have no need to defend myself from them.

That combined with his early Day 3 m.o. seeming to be to defend himself constantly against Meeple's parting shots just makes Elfboy seem more defensive and worried about public perception than ever. More of such defending himself in this back-and-forth with Bardiche:

Aside from that, he also had a post almost entirely about the game mechanics and non-specific worth of Roleblockers to Town (, and then he really starts hitting the debate about "aggressiveness" that I've mentioned previously (

This post ( is another rundown of everyone currently in the game, and to no great surprise Elfboy doesn't feel like voting for the person he apparently suspects the most of being scum. The fact that Bardiche strikes me as a likely town player (for reasons that are, yes, largely metagamey, but they're what I've got) just adds to my distaste for this post.

We're getting so close to the end of this post! Yeah alright!

Next is Elfboy's whole "I'm going to hammer Snow!" song and dance which has been covered by others. He's just playing everything so dang safe it's darn near impossible to peg him with any scummy action either than that of... not taking any action and playing things close to his chest. Maybe if he were a Doc or a Cop this would make slightly more sense to me, but he's apparently got a Tracker role that by his own admission he considered to be vaguely useless all game. It's not as if he was playing carefully to preserve his power role's use to the town, then.

Yeah. Wow. I honestly didn't expect to be this convinced of Elfboy's scumminess, but once I started taking a careful look at him he just struck me as worse and worse. LYLO means that I'm not going to drop a vote until some more discussion of my own post has been had, but this has become a very strong suspicion for me.

Ninja'd by a couple posts, but I just need to get this out there because it is too effing long. -_- I'll read the other stuff and catch up.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #516 on: July 12, 2008, 05:31:45 PM »
Okay, about to run out, don't have time to review everything said, but I want to follow up on my prior comment about Bardiche.

If Bardiche is scum, had added another vote to his total yesterday, and then survived the night, this game would be over. If anybody can find a way in which that is not true, please speak up, but I can't think of one. That means that if Bardiche is scum, yesterday would have been potential LYLO. It wasn't. That doesn't make him confirmed town - he could still be third party - but I can't see how the math works out if he's scum.
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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #517 on: July 12, 2008, 05:49:04 PM »
Shale: On inspection, if there were 3 scum, bardiche among them, then... today they'd have 5 votes between them if he got that extra vote. They'd be able to win the game right now. Doesn't work if there are only two. I messed up on this math myself earlier, as well, since if there are only two scum then bardiche could still fit in. I still don't think that's likely.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #518 on: July 12, 2008, 06:13:35 PM »

Including Jo'ou, who was a claimed roleblocker and would most likely have been revealed the next night regardless, hitchance aside?

Bit confused here. Yes, he was a claimed roleblocker. Which gave me reason to test this. In particular, were he scum, I was suspicious that he would do something, then claim inaction next day due to his alleged 50% fail rate (remember this was before Tai cleared that). I wanted to catch that. And if he were town, I might be able to confirm his actions.

Things that bother me about Rat:

-Day 1... well, I remember finding it odd at the time just how upset he seemed by his role. How he'd snap into anger about it, and out, at the drop of a pin. At first, I thought it was a joke, that he was hamming it up for fun. Now, I think it was an act. Maybe he knew that he'd be angry as town, so pretended to be, and that's why it doesn't look natural?
-Defends Strago as not-lurking Day 2, and attacks Shale instead. Hmm. Defends him from EVILTOM, at that. Why go to the trouble of defending someone who is pretty lurkerish from a confirmed town?
-Feels like he's fanning the flames on Corwin/Tai a bit
Being an aggro whore is the superior playstyle, which should neatly sum up my opinion on most of Tai's posts.
Even setting aside differing playstyle concerns here, that's a rough-handed dismissal if I ever saw one. Trying to get him off-balance and go down in flames?
-As initially active he has been, he has faded. Not the direction you want to go in. Day 3 posts, aside from his "yay I can vote!" opener and a closer about making sure we know he is vanilla, total up at three. In all three, discussion of aggression, Corwin, and Tai figure in. He does have... some other stuff, including a case on Bard that feels token-ish, a lookover of Excal which paints him as "You're next!", while going after Snow (like most everyone else).

In general, the more I look over things, the more Rat and Corwin have generally banded together, shooting down anyone that agrees with their aggressive playstyle and trying to make each other look unassailable.

Corwin I need to look at more closely, but he also bothers me. Extremely aggressive. Feels like he has been trying to get under my skin personally all game, and I know he's done it with others (Tai!). Even now he persists with bitching about my reluctance to hammer, as if both Bard and Shale didn't SPECIFICALLY ASK ME to wait. And this is his only listed reason for my being his top suspect besides the playstyle whining? Okay, apparently, "something about my defences is off". Specifics, please.

So Rat and Corwin are definitely my top two. I'll admit I have no idea who the third is. Strago is the leading suspect due to lurkerdom and Rat's defence of him from Tom, but neither of those are nearly solid by themselves to build a case out of. Shale is probably second. Bard, cleared by math as he says. QR and Laggy... well, I have to take a look at everyone.

Ninja'd a lot, naturally! Getting this up here for now.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #519 on: July 12, 2008, 06:18:39 PM »
Wait a tick, does Bard's math check out? Scum Bard + Scum Rat. He buffs his vote count yesterday. Today he has 3, his one scumbuddy has one. Four votes Town has five votes today, in this case, with 5 to lynch. Game is still in play.

Am I missing something? Since both Bard/Shale seem to be figuring otherwise.

Now, it does mean that Scum Bard implies Scum Rat, and therefore Town Rat implies Town Bard. So Bard is cleared... in the mind of Rat. If Rat is town. Which of course I don't think he is. <_<

Guess next is a response to Strago.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #520 on: July 12, 2008, 06:19:31 PM »
Editing the first paragraph for clarity:

"Wait a tick, does Bard's math check out? Scum Bard + Scum Rat. He buffs his vote count yesterday. Today he has 3, his one scumbuddy besides Rat has one. Four votes. Town has five votes today, in this case, with 5 to lynch. Game is still in play."

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #521 on: July 12, 2008, 06:29:23 PM »
Yeah except I already said I wasn't hit and you don't seem to be following my words closely enough despite apparently finding issue with me. That's pretty lax and, yes, scummy coasting.

Insert something about irony, since I corrected myself before that. That's pretty lax of yourself.

Words on Corwin now.


His first post in the game, where he immediately starts the EvilTom lynchtrain. Since it's Day 1 this is a forgivable act, but I am referencing to this post because I find it noteworthy his Day 1 action is in strong collision with his other actions. Why? Because so far, he's been stressing that Jo'ou is extremely and obviously scummy, and that's the basis for his lynch on him. He acts in that manner pretty much throughout Day 2 and Day 3, but like I said, it collides with his Day 1 behaviour.

Quote from: Corwin
Okay. How is this a bad option, then?

-Tom is lying scum. Tom dies.


-Tom is lying town/TP/a muppet. Lynching Tom... eliminates a third party player, a lying town or a muppet.

Day 1 lying town. Day. Freaking. One.[/u] We were at the end of the jokevote phase, Rat had just roleclaimed, OK was doing his jester shit and Tom made a dubious roleclaim and jokevote. And that one, single post of EvilTom is, according to Corwin at the moment, immediate reason to lynch him. It just feels a bit too quick, to me. Because it is Day 1, it is the lesser of my concerns, but I'm putting it out here because even if it is lesser, it is important to keep it in mind, imo. Might be fun to read his entire Day 1 interactions, where he dismisses EvilTom's case on Rat on accounts that, "I usually get a better read on his alignment after a couple of days anyway". Not a great argument.

Here's his next post, actually, because here he warns Deltaflyer he's a proponent of lynching people based on their writing style. Referencing to this later, it's important when examining his Jo'ou case and justifications.

Day 2 time. Opening post. Jo'ou was among the list of three people he lashed out on in his first post on Day 2. More notably, he's attacking the people that disagreed with a freaking Day 1 lynch, especially after EvilTom said scum killing him would empower him. Logically, from my viewpoint, scum would especially want to lynch the one claiming to never lose even if he got lynched, and especially if they claim a scum kill will empower 'em. So why is it so bad those people didn't want him dead?

Quote from: Corwin
Second, he rewrites our goal from FINDING SCUM above all else to finding scum AND killing random people who might detract from town's win in some way, a nebulous definition we are not privy to.

Referencing back to his "proponent of lynching people that don't write correctly", as well as his case on EvilTom that, "even if it is a townie, it won't matter because he can give insights". Even if it is a sentiment I can concur with, it contradicts his later words. At least, that's how it feels to me. Feel free to disagree, this isn't exactly something I can say is OMG SO STRONG an argument either.

Referencing to this post, I'll quote what struck me:
Quote from: Corwin
I believed that the likeliest possibility was of Tom lying about something, if you'll go over my posts. It just didn't mean much with regards to his alignment, and he seemed scummy enough to push the lynch ahead.
Later on he hammers we should lynch scum and not lying town, even though he clearly says in his first post that lynching Tom is okay because in the worst case we lynch a lying town/TP/muppet. Apparently he found EvilTom far more scummy than Jo'ou, whom he attacks on that day for not voting on Day 1. His entire Day 1 participation is almost exclusively to promote an EvilTom train, with reasoning that, "If we mislynch on Day 1, at least we have a guaranteed town voice on our side." I'm mostly a bit lost on how he thinks EvilTom was scummiest on Day 1 based on a single post of EvilTom where he basically says "if I die I will still be able to talk".

By only paying passing attention to the game. By coasting. Which is what scum do.

He uses this argument later on as well, against me. (see last post) Except he seems to totally rule out the possibility that townies could, idk, also over-read stuff? Acting overly aggressive and attacking minor things is also something scum could be doing, and it's probably a bit better than "coasting" and "paying passing attention" to the game in itself.

QR because she's pretty much been central in making two lynches that mislynched in a row take place.

Also, this. This. He's saying QR is getting a look from him for this action, even though he's the one that started the EvilTom train with his, "We can't go wrong with an EvilTom lynch" (That's what it boiled down to, don't deny it.) and then later on Jo'ou. Well, guess we have to be extra scrutinous of Corwin now for leading two mislynches! (I daresay Corwin was more central to the first mislynch than QR, which he apparently gives her credit for)

Attribute that to luck or accident if you wish, but I won't because QR is a very good mafia player and so I'm wary of someone like her doing it twice in a row without any guarantee that she's doing it for the good of town.

For all that he's wary of QR, I haven't seen him produce a case on her yet. For ironic sake:
Another thing that jumps at me is that Shale mentioned Bardiche as one of the people of interest to him, but we've heard nothing on Bardiche from him yet. Did he change his mind? Is he working on a post to address that? Mystery. Noteworthy because I believe his day 2 criticism of Bardiche were justified, and not following up on them is strange.

Where he contradicts himself, especially considering I am wary of QR as well.

QR made the Tom train prominent, even if he provided the most solid of reasoning to justify the lynch in that we'd have a win/win situation regardless, as he presented it.

He makes an... odd statement:
Don't think there's anything too scummy about Bardiche, aside from his confrontational attitude,
Considering the aggressiveness he's attacked people with, and his... General attitude, that's a very thing to say I'm scummy for. You follow up with, "Which I don't really care about", but why mention my 'confrontational attitude' when I've been mostly passive this game?


In conclusion, though his Day 1 actions of lynching Tom, the reasoning he used and everything following that... I'm not convinced he's scum. Sure, Corwin has some things that don't add up (for me, anyway), but I don't feel this is a particularly strong case. While I dislike his playstyle of being aggressive and sometimes offensive, I can't say I'm going to support a Corwin train, unless someone else presents some sort of case that is pretty strong on him. This means that Corwin, to me, is off the hook based on post observation.

That dispels one of my three suspects, to me, so I'm going to go over DHE and see what else can be said that I haven't already. Currently, with other's suspicions and attacks on DHE, I'm somewhat more concerned about him. Things I didn't see before have been raised, and they make me incredibly wary.


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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #522 on: July 12, 2008, 06:32:57 PM »
Also, yes, I'm bloody aware it looks weird to first build a case on someone and then dismiss them as scum, but right now... I'm not seeing it. Maybe once I have looked everything over he looks worse by comparison, but this in itself... I wouldn't lynch him for it, and the case feels too weak to me to provide a basis for a LYLO lynch.

Reason I built the case: For peer review.
Reason I dismiss my own case: Though the actions might not add up entirely, I still don't get an OMG SCUM feeling from him that is so secure I want to pursue it.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #523 on: July 12, 2008, 06:51:50 PM »

Elfboy, on the other hand, plays things so incredibly safe and "reasonable" that there's no paper trail whatsoever. His behind was thoroughly covered by everything he did, Day 1. And yes, sure, it was Day 1, but at the very least this characterizes an attitude and playstyle that I find pretty troubling when I look back upon it.

Mrrf. I didn't vote Day 1, yes. I really don't see why this is such a crime. I feel I got my opinions out there. Yes, I didn't leave a trail on the shiny vote record, for reasons I already gave. I am sorry. But I don't see how this is a significant scumtell at all. After all, people here aren't completely braindead. They remember not voting just as well as voting. Apparently more, in some cases. If I was trying to slip under the radar, I -would- have voted for one of Tom or OK or Delta... who were all non-scum anyway! It would be easy! My not voting attracted more attention than voting for any of them would have done. If not voting was a mistake, it was not one that indicates my allignment, since it is a mistake for both town and scum, apparently.

Quoting my own posts, now! Or rather the parts Strago found most concerning.

but I feel a jump to someone else this late in the day would be to grasp at straws

Remember my standpoint. My vote was on Meeple, for reasons I gave. Snow, meanwhile, had done his Snow-thing, and certainly had crept up my suspicion list (to the point were I tracked him the next night).

Day by this point was stalling a bit, and it looked like serious cases were not being made on anyone but those two. I had already made mine, and I had seen nothing to convince me I should make another. The Meeple case giving me some doubts did not mean I saw any better cases. Thus, jumping ship made no sense to me.

People as active and aggressive as you deserve a good look. They can be very helpful as town, but as scum... well, I don't need to finish that thought.

It's pretty clear which side of the aggressiveness debate I am on. It's cool and all that you disagree, but I'd hope you don't think this makes me inherently scummy.

That combined with his early Day 3 m.o. seeming to be to defend himself constantly against Meeple's parting shots just makes Elfboy seem more defensive and worried about public perception than ever.

Worried about my perception? What?

Bard had just made a case on me. So I defended myself! It's the right thing to do as town - same thing I'm doing now. I explained why I was uppity at the Meeple thing already - people were taking the words of a Dead Third Party as basis for attacking me, which is GRAAAH.

Back to another Strago post.

This post ( is another rundown of everyone currently in the game, and to no great surprise Elfboy doesn't feel like voting for the person he apparently suspects the most of being scum.

You mean Snow? Snow was -1 to hammer.

If you mean Bard, maybe you missed

Overall? Yeah, there's a few unsettling things about [Bardiche] to me. But this review of his posts has convinced me there is not enough for him to earn my vote.

He was not my leading candidate. I had looked at him because I thought he might be, but after that look (and hence, at the time of that post), he was not. If he were, I'd have thrown a vote his way for sure. Not sure how you missed this, as finely combing my posts as you seem to be.

Next is Elfboy's whole "I'm going to hammer Snow!" song and dance which has been covered by others.

"Others" being Corwin, and I remain baffled about that people are complaining. Shale and Bard asked me not to hammer. You yourself, said you would be willing to hammer Snow. Why'd you do that "song and dance"?

Maybe because there's nothing scummy about it.

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Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Day Four: Don't Try Suicide (Just Gonna Hate It)
« Reply #524 on: July 12, 2008, 07:22:27 PM »
The entire 'pie' stuff... Who'd you toss it at the last night and the first night, QR?

The first night I threw a prozac-laced pecan pie at OK because I had to.  Last night I hit Andy with a rhubarb pie for sng because it's one of my fave pies.  For the pie thing, I have to throw it at someone who votes for me unless no one does in which case I can throw it at whomever I please or choose to not throw it.


GAH that's a freaking lot of bloody WoT to have to sift through first thing in the morning people.  

Anyway, after going back through everyone's logic on the case on Carth and then going back to re-read his posts in entirety, I have to agree that he looks very suspicious.  Day 1 was entirely reduced to 'woe is me'.  It's not until Tom pokes him towards the end of the day that he actually gets his act together and does something.  Frankly, whether your role/ability is helpful to town or not, the fact that he spent more time making sarcastic comments and scathing remarks rather than participate is certainly not helping town.

I'm not prepared to say I fully think he's scum, but I think of his far less as a townie than I did yesterday after the full review.

Also, Elf's logic on why yesterday was not potential LYLO if you look at the possibility of both Bard and Carth being scum makes sense to me.  I admit I don't see any scumminess out of Bard really except his holding onto Tom's Words of Wisdom with more security than he really should in this game.  But I'm hardly infallable (as evidenced by my flipping vote record).  Them both being on the same side does worry me.

Now sifting through the posts took me far longer than I wanted as I was supposed to leave for my mom's half an hour ago.  I'm leaving now and will be back this evening.
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