Author Topic: Mafia Mod Signups  (Read 93289 times)


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #100 on: March 11, 2009, 04:48:52 PM »
Yoshiken: How much mafia experience do you have?  I think everybody when introduced to mafia has their own crazy go nuts roles game they'd like to run (including me!), but as Yakumo notes those are very, very, very easy to get unbalanced.  Even if balanced, lots of roles can make mafia even swingier than it already is.  Plus, lots of potential crazy roles are, frankly, unfun and mess up the ability of the players to recognize correct strategies.
Hmm, it's true that I don't have much experience with mafia, but I did honestly consider whether I'd be able to make & run a game myself. I've been using this to help me quite a bit, and I've got a few friends who've played mafia games before. And the idea is to make the game quite different to how it already is, although not so much that it becomes a new game completely. (And I'll note that all abilities would be the same as or similar to more familiar roles, just with different names to fit the theme.)

That said role-madness games are obviously potentially awesome, just that they tend to be fraught with landmines and people shrugging at the end saying "Well, that was random, I didn't feel like I had much control over what happened."  I just looked back in the archives at the games Yakumo mentioned, and yikes!  The Vampire game apparently had 3 vigilantes for the scum to deal with backed by other town roles.  (2nd edit: Apologies of course if you knew this already.  Also, found a good quote from LadyDoor on the risks of role madness games while trolling the archives: "It [the game] was almost entirely dependent on what happened during the night. And I was vanilla. I played no part in 90% of the game. What's worse, I didn't even know that enough to prevent myself from spending hours constructing posts that ultimately contributed ... I'm not even sure what it contributed."  From Incompetent Mafia, which actually looks like an awesome idea...  but could have used two more vanilla townies in the game.)

First section there - ahh, that's true.
Of course, I've tried to limit power roles where possible though, so that -should- be avoided... On the interest topic I started up, I did request anyone not wanting to play to check over the roles for me, though. :)
Unless everyone wanted to play, of course. ;)
Next point - there's no risk of role-less players not having much to do, because there'd be none. :P That said, the non-power roles are designed to work particularly with the other roles involved, and the least useful would be the first ones dropped if there weren't enough players.
Doesn't seem too bad, right~? ^_^

Into the newer topic... I like the idea of in-character restrictions - I was looking over some of the older threads, and I couldn't help but laugh at Alex's haikus. Although... I'd say that the restrictions shouldn't be too major, or it will just cause an insane amount of suspicion.
There's always the possibility of subtle restrictions, though... Look at Xanth's topics in the Simpsons mafia for the perfect example of this. (Or, this post, where I added in a subtle message at the end, just for the fun of it. :P) It's be something only the mod would understand (and any other players they're able to talk to, if applicable) but just a little more interesting. :D
?  ;)


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #101 on: March 12, 2009, 01:09:33 AM »
I really, really, really want to see less role-dependant Mafia games. ;c Too much craziness in one game will kill the mood and make you all ZOAMG with possibilities. Assuming only minimal roles and getting flabbergasted by appearances by all others makes you feel tons better about your play.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #102 on: March 12, 2009, 09:05:02 AM »
I think a quick mafia game could be played on something like mIRC or Messenger, and could potentially be really fun. Succinct-ness would be a virtue there.
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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #103 on: March 12, 2009, 05:13:13 PM »
There should be a roleless mafia at some point. I mean, have we ever actually done that?


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #104 on: March 12, 2009, 08:37:55 PM »
Clue Mafia did, I think.  And one of OK's games was close, only had a doc(though said doc ended up very important, so).  Other than that I can't think of any offhand.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #105 on: March 14, 2009, 09:47:42 PM »
I think you've accidentally described the evolution of DL mafia, at least in part. I know a number of older mafia games had power roles pretty clearly inspired by the flavor. People start to find it too obvious, we shift away from it. As fun as it is to think up what role would suit what character, I think totally randomizing the alignment/roles is the best way to go. That way, people can't make inferences based on flavor, folks with villainous characters needn't get autolynched just for being said character, people can put up avatars to announce their character right from the start, etc.

Yeah, I'm in total agreement with that.  The best thing is open characters, and perhaps having character minor abilities selected for flavor reasons, but have power roles (cop, doctor) and mafianess selected totally randomly (so that a person's character isn't "helpful").  If scumminess is selected by flavor, then either people get lynched too early or you have to let people not character claim (which...  to me defeats the point of having characters in the first place).  I'd far prefer people to be in-character the whole game, rather than at the end of the game anti-climatically saying "I guess those roles made sense for those characters, but too bad it never felt like this game had anything to do with this setting/characters."  If this means that in, say, a Castlevania mafia, Dracula is Vanilla Town while the humble Bat knocks all the vampires / vampire hunters into bottomless pits as the mafia, well, it just makes things weird but still fun.

The other exception for when linking characters and roles are when the role is declared public anyway.  Nothing wrong with saying at the start of the game "Obama is a Governor, Putin is a doublevoter, and George W. Bush is voteless.  No guarantees on their alignment, though."  Not terribly common, but especially with required vote restrictions, those tend to become public early anyway, so you might as well link it to flavor while you're at it.

Then again, I'm coming at this as someone who strongly enjoys role-playing, so there you go.  As for the other forum I played at - to be clear, scumminess was selected randomly there, just that Day1 votes tended to end up being flavor-based anyway.  At least there was less bitterness than many of the Day1s I've read here (it was pretty much acknowledged to be a crapshoot, vote however you like and have fun), though also less useful information for later.  (That said, as mentioned in EvilTom's "Investigative Role in Mafia" thread, some of these games had no detectives with the expected way of finding the scum being reading the flavor for each new day, which would have subtle clues as to who's innocent / guilty in it.  So some degree of flavor voting makes sense, just not the kind based on character alone.  And...  that type of game is pretty different than a "real" Mafia game anyway.)


Also, continuing somewhat in the "roles which are actively anti-fun...."  just for what it's worth, I think that Naive Cop would have to be my least favorite.  It perversely punishes town based on how good the cop is - it actually mildly helps if the cop guesses wrong and incorrectly "clears" some actual townies, but if the cop does a good job and investigates actual scum, then scum are going to start getting incorrectly cleared left and right, possibly turning the game into a blowout.  Best case scenario, flips reveal to the cop that his investigations have been worthless, but it's quite possible to get into the worst case scenario where that doesn't happen, and the scum functionally have an extra member declaring them town.  Any role where the better you play, the worse it actually is gets a meh from me.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #106 on: March 14, 2009, 10:43:35 PM »
I dunno. I'm mostly in agreement with Snowfire, but there's a part of me that still likes the challenge. The main reason closed setups went out of style in the DL was because people kept coming up with horribly unbalanced ones. In the end, it's not really a guarantee that an open setup will result in a fair game. It's not so much we should be pushing for open setups, it's we should be pushing for good or clever setups. Stuff like Naive Cop can be a bit unbalancing, but thats why you don't just throw it in there. You have to adequately build the scenario to cover for it, and indeed there are only about 1 out of 100 games you'd actually want to use it in. It's more something to balance things for scum more than it is to help town. And a good player will come to realize he's Naive as well eventually.

As for flavor, people usually fall out of character by the second or third day. Most usually just drop after the first. Even Alex could only keep up with Kohaku in Tsukihime mafia for so long. Hell, even Anonymafia usually ends up with people just dropping characters.

I dunno, maybe I've just started rambling.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2009, 03:05:36 AM »
Yeah, I'm in total agreement with that.  The best thing is open characters, and perhaps having character minor abilities selected for flavor reasons, but have power roles (cop, doctor) and mafianess selected totally randomly (so that a person's character isn't "helpful").

Ah, another excuse for me to point you to the archives. This is exactly how Super SMash Brothers Mafia worked. That was a pretty cool game all around.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #108 on: July 25, 2009, 07:08:32 PM »
I wonder if we can get a game rolling again sometime.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #109 on: August 05, 2009, 09:16:48 PM »
It sure has been a while

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #110 on: August 05, 2009, 09:17:54 PM »
I'm slowly working on a Wild Arms mafia


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #111 on: August 05, 2009, 09:25:54 PM »
Quite honestly I don't really mind what the setup or theme is, I'd just like to play again sometime. :-D


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2009, 01:46:07 PM »
Same here. is just not right for me somehow.
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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #113 on: August 29, 2009, 03:29:35 AM »
So, as a random comment, since it seems likely Worms mafia will wrap up soon...  with there not enough interest in the French Revolution theme I posted earlier, I'd still be down for doing a Cthulu-esque game now that Arkham Horror has shown that at least some people are into that.  Can't tell if the lack of interest before was due to the wrong theme (fixable) or distrust of a new mod screwing things up (not really), though, so unsure if it's worth posting.

I will say that I find it strange that, as best I can tell, a Final Fantasy mafia was never ran?  I'd think that, say, the FF6 Imperial Peace Conference would make a fun setting for mafia if someone's looking for inspiration.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #114 on: August 29, 2009, 03:41:03 AM »
I would like to run another large, fun, chaotic, role heavy, closed setup game in the near future.  Someone always seems to put up signups for something else right when I'm about to post, though...  so.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #115 on: August 29, 2009, 03:43:40 AM »
Yeah, what Alex said. I've been looking to try my hand at running a forum Mafia, now that I've had some experience running some IRL Mafia games.
Was considering something that's a very different form of role madness, although would have to talk to someone to make sure it'd run smoothly and to balance things out.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #116 on: August 29, 2009, 03:51:02 AM »
Anonymous AniMafia in the works. Signups will be posted soon.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #117 on: August 30, 2009, 01:07:41 AM »
After I recover from illness and uni lets up a bit (hah!), I want ton DUNGEON MAFIA!, where there are in fact two tightly interweaved games being played; the players are a team of dudes spelunking into some typically unfair dungeon, and they must choose where to move the party and/or who to lynch.

Some rooms hold good things, some bad; scum are given a map of the dungeon beforehand and attempt to shepherd players into danger spots, but players can also find useful items that simulate role powers if they're lucky.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #118 on: August 30, 2009, 01:11:23 AM »
After I recover from illness and uni lets up a bit (hah!), I want ton DUNGEON MAFIA!, where there are in fact two tightly interweaved games being played; the players are a team of dudes spelunking into some typically unfair dungeon, and they must choose where to move the party and/or who to lynch.

Some rooms hold good things, some bad; scum are given a map of the dungeon beforehand and attempt to shepherd players into danger spots, but players can also find useful items that simulate role powers if they're lucky.

This. Please run this. As soon as possible. That sounds freaking awesome.

Anyways, I'm gonna sit out of the Mafia games for a bit, so I'll probably be planning one while the TF2 one is running. I'm currently thinking I'll go with a SMT/P4 theme, so... which would people rather see? Persona 4 characters or SMT demons? (and y/n to roles fitting to demons if the latter)


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #119 on: August 30, 2009, 01:14:37 AM »
Rat's idea is pretty cool.  And gives inspiration for something else.

Betrayal at the House on the Hill Mafia.

Soppy.  Make this happen.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #120 on: August 30, 2009, 03:47:52 AM »
while the TF2 one is running.
Not gonna happen unless people join. We have like 4 people.
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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #121 on: September 07, 2009, 02:55:51 PM »
Man, reading Animafia and seeing these ideas really does make me want to play.

Then I realize, as much as I do like it, I never have the time to play.  *sigh* 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2009, 10:21:37 PM »
Mafia interest has died again?

As a curious question, what are people's deciding factors on whether or not they play Mafia?

Theme? Anonymity? Amount of roles? Time constraints are an obvious one.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #123 on: September 19, 2009, 10:23:37 PM »
Mainly who's modding and playing in it.


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Re: Mafia Mod Signups
« Reply #124 on: September 19, 2009, 10:40:40 PM »
Time constraints and theme for me.

Alex, judging by who's modding is a really, REALLY horrible idea. You're essentially limiting it to the same few mods repeatedly, 'cause I'm assuming you won't play a game with an 'untested' mod.
Unless I've misunderstood what you mean, you're basically screwing over anyone who you don't know, whether they're new to modding or not, based on whether or not they're new to modding -here-.