Two Towers is definitely the weak link of the movies. What possessed them to remove Shelob and the confrontation with Saruman, I'll never understand. In the case of the former, Movie 3 didn't need the help; in the case of the latter... way to go, removing one of the better psychological battles in the books, and generally the climax of the "Book 3" (the Merry/Pippin/Aragorn half of Two Towers). Idiocy.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull - Solid enough Indy goodness, I guess. Ford's still got it, and his interaction with the kid was cool. Cate Blanchett's character was fun. There are a few issues that drag the movie down, though (uh, spoilers)
-Those damn ants. That was way over-the-line stupid. I couldn't decide if I was supposed to be scared or laughing, but rest assured I was neither.
-Mac's character. Didn't need to exist past the first 15 minutes. The movie seemed to have no idea whether he was a dirty, greedy traitor, or this guy for whom redemption was in reach, and he generally came off as muddled, right down to his final scene.
-The villain's fate. EXPLODED BY KNOWLEDGE what the fuck, that was worse than Raiders' ending. After all the buildup I was expecting something much more ironic and clever.
-The fact that it takes all of 15 minutes for Indy, his ex, and his son to patch up 20 years of estrangement, and get back together as a happy family. What the fuck. I know this isn't a character work, but c'mon.
But then I pretty much always have an issues like this with Indy movies. It lacks a scene as legendary as the boulder chase and "Indy shoots flashy swordsman" from Raiders, but aside from that it's really no better or worse than the others, delivering a modestly entertaining package, mostly carried by Ford's own charisma. (Note that I have not seen Temple of Doom.)
Get Smart - Was generally more satisfied with this than the above. Pretty funny, with no real glaring flaws that I can think of. There's pretty much all levels of humour here, from the rather clever to the puerile to the very silly. Most of the characters are well-acted enough for what they had to do. The Rock, in particular, was a pleasant surpirse. Above average, but not a movie I'll remember much about a month from now, though.