I thought Logan was okay and am really unsure why it didn't land for me like it did for so many others. There are so many disparate things about it that I should fucking love like the setting, the road trip idea, the influence from classic westerns, the personalized stakes, the Children of Men vibes, themes about parenting and caring for someone who is infirm, but for some reason it didn't come together for me. It is very true that it handles heavier themes in a much better way than most superhero movies but I feel like that's grading things on a curve. There isn't anything special with the way that it's written and most of what makes things work is based on your previous attachment to Patrick Stewart and obviously Hugh Jackman over the past 15+ years (like, it's genuinely upsetting to see Jackman hobbled and Stewart not his usual sharp self). Their performances are really good, and they always have been, and the girl does a lot of strongly expressive nonverbal acting.
A lot of things that happen in the interim years between movies that are mentioned that are hugely consequential but didn't really have the impact that they should. I think I wanted the pace to be slower, to live in this world that they establish a little longer, to have more of a road trip, and more time for these characters to be together ("let's just take a moment"). The story is constrained and that's definitely a good thing, but I can't help but feel like this is a story that didn't need villains (at least these villains, who are shitty and boring) when the main conflict is with time, aging, and a world that has left you behind.
Again I think every part of this that involves superhero-like conflicts just bored me and I don't think Mangold does interesting action. The movie earns its R rating but the way the action is shot is very same-y, so even though things can be brutal, they're brutal in the same sort of ways. Life is also really strangely cheap in this and that comes into weird juxtaposition with the main characters self examining their life decisions.
I think it'd be good if they made more movies with superheroes that were more like this and not dumb world saving bullshit but I still didn't think this was a standout in the grander scheme of things.
There are some other points here:
*So the Deadpool 2 trailer came before this and holy shit did it not fit the tenor of this movie.
*Wholesale lifting from Shane is a bit on the nose but I won't complain because Shane.
*Initially I thought Xavier's death was a dream, and the following scene of Logan saying that it wasn't him was probably the best of the film.
*When talking about Eden, I liked the point about how even though both Logan and Xavier don't believe it's real, it's real to the girl and that kind of lie is worth something. Keeping up a known lie for the sake of a kid is a compelling idea to me for whatever reason ... of course Eden is and it was a real idea to the other kids as well. The comics being in universe was kind of cute
*The kids using their dumb powers and making goofy faces to kill the shitty villain was really funny to me and I don't know why.
*The ending was good and turning over the cross to an X made a lot of the nerds in my theater sob. It didn't have a huge impact on me but one thing coursing throughout these movies is that Logan has been through a ton of shit and never finds any peace and this in its way is a good way to send him off ("so this is what it feels like").
*I wouldn't care if they never made another X-Men movie again.
John Wick 2: This wasn't as good as the first but it's everything I wanted.