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Re: Movies
« Reply #2775 on: November 18, 2016, 01:14:46 AM »
Well, Nightmare Before Christmas still holds up extremely well. But apart from that, while I enjoy Burton's imagery, there's not a lot of substance there except when he's lifting wholesale from another source.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2776 on: November 18, 2016, 02:11:14 AM »
Nightmare Before Christmas still holds up extremely well.


Also seconding Big Fish
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Re: Movies
« Reply #2777 on: November 19, 2016, 02:25:37 PM »
The Social Network: Haven't seen this one until now. An excellent film that manages to capture both the sympathetic and antagonistic side of Mark Zuckerberg, the creation of Facebook and the opponents he made during its inception. Though I'm aware that several artistic liberties were made and certain individuals took offense to them.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2778 on: November 26, 2016, 01:04:58 AM »
Moana:  Not bad, but not as good as I was expecting.  Of animation I've seen recently, I'd say it's better than Kubo but way worse than Zootopia.  Songs are poor, animation is decent.  But hey, they worked in the Conceited Reaction meme!  Also, "If you wear a dress and have an animal sidekick, you're a princess."

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2779 on: November 26, 2016, 06:37:09 PM »
Moana:  Not bad, but not as good as I was expecting.

Also, Lin-Manuel Miranda songs! I thought they were a little jarring -- they definitely don't fit with the compact, verse-chorus-verse-chorus of most Disney songs I can think of, but I'm trying to give it the benefit of a doubt. It was much more "musical" (see: LMM) and probably not just a little island-inspired.

That said, I hardly remember any of the songs now, a day after I saw the movie, so.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #2780 on: November 26, 2016, 10:34:06 PM »
Other than Maui's You're Welcome song (which was decent), every other song in the movie is variations of the same song (We Are...fill in the blank).  It was an attempt at telling a story through music but not a good one.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2781 on: November 28, 2016, 12:17:56 AM »
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: With Rogue One around the corner, I decided it was a good time for my annual rewatch of the original trilogy. This is my first time with the cinema versions of the films so I didn't have those monsters blocking the view when Obi Wan was to perform the Jedi Mind trick. I never really cared about the whole "Han Shot First" issue though, so I didn't gain anything from viewing the original version of the scene. Otherwise, the film has held up quite well asides from maybe the rare effect failure and one or two corny lines ("I noticed the foul stench" from Leia). Shame that this is the only Star Wars film George Lucas directed that was any good.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: This is one of my favourite films of all time so I can't really talk about this one without getting too gushy. The plot twist has earned its place in pop culture (though I was aware of it before I watched the film for the first time ::)) due to the build up through moments such as that fake Darth Vader fight Luke has during Yoda's training. Speaking of Yoda's training, those scenes were great as they both answered and raised questions about the Force and it helps that he is a fun and interesting character. Long story short, my favourite moments are your favourite moments and the film does an excellent job at expanding the world of the original film and putting the cast at their lowest points.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2782 on: November 28, 2016, 02:58:17 AM »
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them came out in Japan!

It was the best high-budget episode of Doctor Who I've ever watched!


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2783 on: December 04, 2016, 12:15:30 AM »
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: Time to wrap things up with the final film in the original. While it's my least favourite of the original due to the slow pacing of the Jabba's Palace scenes and each of the three climaxes vary in tone, it still has some of the best moments between the three. The Emperor in particular steals the show thanks to his performance, Ian McDiarmid does so well at the role that he's even tolerable in the prequels. Having watched all 7 Star Wars films this year as saw the prequels for the first time earlier on (Lord have mercy) and I received The Force Awakens on DVD, I suppose I could rank the movies from best to worst:


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2784 on: December 04, 2016, 12:56:17 AM »
3 last is kinda surprising. I thought it was by far the best of the prequels myself (partly because of McDiarmid, as you noted), though how much that is worth is subject to debate.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2785 on: December 04, 2016, 02:07:58 AM »
Copying surprise, I thought 3 was the only watchable one of the prequels (Clones was especially abysmal, I'd definitely shuffle that to the end). This isn't to say it's great, because there are still huge, glaring problems, but at least I felt I could walk out of it afterward and honestly be able to say, "Something actually happened in that movie." And yeah, I'm pretty sure McDiarmid was the only person on that set having any degree of fun.

I waffle on New Hope vs. Return of the Jedi, but Empire's clearly best. Jedi has a lot of truly outstanding moments, but the Ewok assault is tonally off with the rest of the finale. Rewatching the original trilogy myself this weekend, just because it's been a couple years. Still amazed at the stark originality of the set design and how suggestive it is of its broader universe from pretty much the first minutes of A New Hope--everything looks battered and lived-in in all its low-fi glory, in ways that the sterile CGI of the prequels never for a second managed to recapture (this is in spite or because of that great sixties/seventies sci-fi tradition of "Just put blinking lights everywhere on every console, that means science is happening.") It's still astonishing to me that the person responsible for these movies could so completely forget over time what originally made them fun.

I actually find myself vaguely interested in Rogue One, because just from trailers, it looks like more of what I'd want from a Star Wars movie than The Force Awakens was (even though it's technically a prequel, and prequels are fundamentally almost always a bad idea). Was not a fan of Force Awakens on pretty much any level, but I'm also just consistently left cold by J. J. Abrams's movies.

Actually, I guess this is related, after watching Star Trek: Beyond with the parents a couple weeks ago (it was okay I guess), I decided to finally bite the bullet and watch Into Darkness. I expected this to be hard because Wrath of Khan is one of my favorite movies and I did not relish the prospect of seeing it remade by a director that I dislike. I was actually surprised to find that it addressed one of the key points that irked me about the Star Trek reboot, though: this time, the guy who's driven entirely by gut instinct and impulsive intuition is actually allowed to be wrong. This bothered me tremendously in 2009 Star Trek--that movie went out of its way to make the logic-driven character's judgment always wrong whenever it clashed with the guy who just followed whatever course his unchecked emotions told him to at any given moment*. But Into Darkness actually built its entire plot around what can happen when we let our basest instincts of fear and revenge dictate our actions, so color me pleasantly surprised that it managed to put together a story that didn't violently clash with my sensibilities. Zachary Quinto can also be a great Spock when he wants to be. "I am a Vulcan, we believe in technicalities." "I am capable of expressing multiple attitudes at once, that is one of them." So these will probably still never be my Star Trek movies, but it at least looks like they're getting better about balancing the validity of both captain's and first officer's views. I think it also warrants some respect that this time, the reason a villain is doing something is of greater consequence to the plot than is whatever doohickey McGuffin he needs in order to do that thing.

(*In retrospect, I shouldn't have been surprised about that approach, because "Emotions will triumph over reason, and it is good and right that this should be so" is also pretty much exactly how the end of Lost went down. Beyond this mindset being entirely incompatible with my view of the world, I feel I need only point to real-life developments of this year to highlight the grievous cost of an emphasis on emotional security over facts.)

Playing Khan as totally uncharismatic was an odd choice on Cumberbatch's part, though. I guess Ricardo Montalban's performance maybe isn't the kind that would fly in a movie made in the 2010's, but man did I miss his screen presence. Nice to see Peter Weller's still working, though.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 02:15:44 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2786 on: December 04, 2016, 02:33:45 AM »
Into Darkness is so close to being a good movie.  It's got good acting and the Act 2 spaceship sequence is pretty cool.  Just...  the script and terrible, TERRIBLE Act 3 drag it down.  Argh.

As a vaguely related comment on doohickey McGuffins.  The Star Trek series is *infamous* for creating cool magical doohickeys for one episode's morality play and then forgetting about its existence afterward, which is honestly fine, don't let some overarching setting get in the way of today's episode is totally a legit way to run things, especially if the device would radically upend society via time travel / abolish death / whatever. 

But...  I think the absolute worst, plot holiest doohickey of them all was introduced in the ST reboot & Into Darkness, and I was glad to see it conveniently forgotten about in ST Beyond.  That being the trans-warp beacon.  You have a show about starships, and you just lightly created an invention that obsoletes starships.  W. T. F.  If people can just teleport wherever they want across the galaxy, you don't freaking need ships anymore!  Just go there and throw your comparatively slow warp engines in the trash.  This also has major implications for warfare & colonization of course, sure, whatever, but if there's one thing you absolutely don't want to get rid of, it's the excuse for your movie / TV show!  At least unless you want to make a movie about sad former starship officers who are now out of work, their education now wholly worthless, wandering the streets of San Francisco in search of a purpose.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2787 on: December 04, 2016, 02:39:38 AM »
I tend to come down pretty firmly as pro-New Hope over Jedi. Jedi has some stuff which is great but a lot of the movie is filler and boring. I have a hard time hyping a film when I think that approximately half the scenes need to be deleted or rewritten. It's not just ewoks, it's pretty much everything that happens on that forest planet and the death star assault which is a pale shadow of Ep 4's. Some of this is inevitable due to comparison with the sequence that we actually care about (Luke/Vader/Palpatine) but I certainly don't think that's all of it.

ANH is well-paced (generally), does some good setting work, and none of the characters/arcs feel wasted.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2788 on: December 04, 2016, 02:41:57 AM »
Yeah I am surprised at the prequel ordering as well, I think the general preference is 3 > 2 > 1?  Not that I have watched them since 3 came out.

Also agree with Elves yea.

Jedi could have ridden high on a super cut that is just stuff on the Desth star.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #2789 on: December 04, 2016, 03:43:40 AM »
Into Darkness is so close to being a good movie.  It's got good acting and the Act 2 spaceship sequence is pretty cool.  Just...  the script and terrible, TERRIBLE Act 3 drag it down.  Argh.

I think the moment the movie runs out of steam is when Weller exits the film, because: A) it's at least clear what he stands for and this is something terrible that it's easy to be against; B) Khan is not an engaging presence in this movie. Gun fu alone doesn't make for a compelling adversary.

That said, I do like the confession that both Kirk and Spock made about their actions during the finale: they each did what they thought the other would do. I also liked that New Kirk's obvious recklessness is exactly why the admiral would think he's both exploitable and expendable.

It's not a fantastic movie, but there were some nice touches that clearly put it a grade above its predecessor (like for example the villain not being some random dumb miner who sits around the middle of nowhere for twenty years in an inexplicably super-powered mining ship so he can beat up on a dude who did nothing but try to help him except I guess not help him hard enough or something, I don't even know, Star Trek 2009 just had the stupidest damn antagonist).


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2790 on: December 05, 2016, 11:42:11 AM »
To put it another way, ANH and ESB are ensemble movies.  Even though Luke is the nominal main character, the rest of the cast get to do important things, have their own arcs and regularly save Luke's bacon when he messes up. 

Jedi throws that away and makes it The Luke Skywalker show.  Everyone else's arcs are already done.  Every scene without Luke in it could be cut, except maybe the very opening at Jabba's (which provides some contrast for how badly the non-Luke characters now perform).  Luke can no longer do wrong, even when he's wrong he's right.  The whole Endor and space battle nonsense winds up being inconsequential, except to provide Luke with an excuse to hop off the Death Star and let everyone avoid dealing with anything messy like actually trying to get the Imperials to surrender or caring about their lives.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2791 on: December 06, 2016, 04:28:08 PM »
3 last is kinda surprising. I thought it was by far the best of the prequels myself (partly because of McDiarmid, as you noted), though how much that is worth is subject to debate.

I felt ROTS was the worst of prequels as the Obi Wan vs Anakin sequence took forever for a secne which could've gotten the point accross in 5 minutes. Anakin's turn to the Dark side was rushed and his reasons for doing so prevent the viewer from taking Darth Vader seriously when rewatching the original trilogy. I also felt that ending was a hasty attempt at trying to tie the prequels to A New Hope which caused it to take forever as well. I know AOTC is probably the worst objectively though (excluding the Holiday Special). Believe it or not; The Phantom Menace is actually my favourite of the prequels as I find it facinating how no one was willing to question George Lucas during the film's development, therefore causing the film to be an absolute train wreck in terms of writing and direction.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2792 on: December 06, 2016, 06:12:56 PM »
Yeah I pretty much have the reverse order of the prequels myself. I won't go to bat too hard on TPM vs. AotC, I just prefer the one without the interminable pod racing sequence.

I dug Anakin's turn to the dark side though. I don't agree it makes the character difficult to take seriously. It illustrated well that people who turn to evil don't do so for reasons which are cool or admirable, but for reasons which are selfish and short-sighted. Watching Palpatine nurture and exploit Anakin's paranoia related to Padme hit home as something that could absolutely happen, which made it rather chilling. My own main criticism of the movie is that most of the non-Anakin/Palpatine related things end up feeling like a waste of time, especially the drawn-out conflict with General Grievous (and did Padme actually do anything notable in that film?). In some ways it's a lot like Return of the Jedi (or its dark mirror), which makes sense.

Related article about a film reviewer watching the film with his kids, kinda sums up what I like about RotS and why I think it's a good movie despite its George Lucas-related flaws.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2793 on: December 06, 2016, 06:32:32 PM »
Yeah I pretty much have the reverse order of the prequels myself. I won't go to bat too hard on TPM vs. AotC, I just prefer the one without the interminable pod racing sequence.

I dug Anakin's turn to the dark side though. I don't agree it makes the character difficult to take seriously. It illustrated well that people who turn to evil don't do so for reasons which are cool or admirable, but for reasons which are selfish and short-sighted. Watching Palpatine nurture and exploit Anakin's paranoia related to Padme hit home as something that could absolutely happen, which made it rather chilling. My own main criticism of the movie is that most of the non-Anakin/Palpatine related things end up feeling like a waste of time, especially the drawn-out conflict with General Grievous (and did Padme actually do anything notable in that film?). In some ways it's a lot like Return of the Jedi (or its dark mirror), which makes sense.

Related article about a film reviewer watching the film with his kids, kinda sums up what I like about RotS and why I think it's a good movie despite its George Lucas-related flaws.

That's an interesting way off looking at things. Also, yeah, the pod racing can die.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2794 on: December 06, 2016, 06:33:09 PM »
I kinda see what you mean about Anakin's turn, but mostly I feel like I wish I could watch the version of the movie they made in a universe where Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman have romantic chemistry.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #2795 on: December 06, 2016, 07:02:03 PM »
I kinda see what you mean about Anakin's turn, but mostly I feel like I wish I could watch the version of the movie they made in a universe where Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman have romantic chemistry.

What are you talking about Shale? "I don't like sand" is great romantic dialogue <_<


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Re: Movies
« Reply #2796 on: December 06, 2016, 07:48:01 PM »
As the local Tatooine equivalent resident, he isn't wrong.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #2797 on: December 06, 2016, 09:05:26 PM »
The Grievous thing made a ton more sense if you watched the Gedde Tartovsky Clone Wars cartoon, which was literally the best thing to come out of the prequel trilogy and of course was replaced in the canon by the CGI Clone Wars cartoon. Granted, a movie should be able to stand alone without having to watch it. Such wasted potential, since Grievous was actually pretty awesome in the cartoon.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2798 on: December 07, 2016, 12:29:59 AM »
I kinda see what you mean about Anakin's turn, but mostly I feel like I wish I could watch the version of the movie they made in a universe where Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman have romantic chemistry.

You can file that under "George Lucas-related flaws", yes.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #2799 on: December 07, 2016, 12:51:23 AM »
Yeah I agree with the assessment that they should have Vaderfied him off screen between movies so we could have had Natalie Portman making out with a tall guy in a Vader mask you so strongly desire Elves.
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