Author Topic: Movies  (Read 300074 times)


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Re: Movies
« Reply #325 on: March 22, 2009, 02:50:19 PM »
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter - Another one that is even better (worse) than expected.  Awesome movie and completely and totally ridiculous.  Watch this now.  The specially written soundtrack is so ridiculously 80's it is win.  All kinds of stuff (Phones and the like) are very 80's in general which is cool since the film was made in 2001.  Just pure win movie.

Reasons to watch this movie from the first 5 minutes.
Opening lines once the intro part is done "Where have all our Lesbians gone?"
Priest talks to a Punk who is also a priest and tell his he needs to go find Jesus to fight the vampires.
Another priest pulls up on a scooter and throws the punk a helmet with a gap cut into it for the Punk's mohawk to fit through with "Live to Live" written on either side of the gap, there is also crosses involved..
Punk and priest drive off on scooter with a Sex Pistols knock off playing.

These guys then die about 4 minutes later.  Edit - This specific scene involves lesbian vampires crushing Jesus' sandcastle and kicking him in the nuts.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #326 on: March 24, 2009, 10:49:44 PM »
So. Movie Breakdown #2.

11)The Slums of Beverly Hills:
~You ever wake up one morning and say, "Gosh, I'd like to see Marisa Tomei's tits"? If so, that is probably the only reason you should watch this film. It is otherwise not very good, and the cast is pretty well unlikable. That's not to say that it's not well-acted--the cast was damn-well GOING for unlikable. It's just.... not my type of movie, honestly.

12)Grumpy Old Men:
~For the Supers. Excellent RomCom that takes the somewhat unusual twist of making it about really old people. Ann-Margret is a complete flake in this movie, but I have to admit, I'd probably have hit it anyhow despite flakiness and despite age. Bravo to her. The best part of the movie, however, was Burgess Meredith's hilarious performance as the incredibly ancient father. Really old guys talking about sex will be a theme for part of this run-down--this probably says something about my personality. Namely, I don't think Niu wants to be my friend anymore. ;_;

13)Zombie Strippers
~Ah, yes. Putting that Film Major to work. I actually watched this because my fake-cousin forced me, my brother-in-law, and two of my real cousins to watch it with him. He also fell asleep in the middle of the movie, so nuts to him.
On the other hand, this had me in a guilty amount of hysterics. Yes, it stars Jenna Jameson. No, it is not a porno, even a softcore porno. There are no sex scenes in this movie. What there are are a lot of completely fucked up dirty jokes. When the strippers actually BECOME zombies, the audience finds them irresistible, and are all to happy to go backstage and get eaten by the Zombie Strippers. Eventually the normal strippers completely fail to keep the audience's attention. Eventually, they get more and more ridiculously undead looking, but the audience finds them hotter and hotter. It's completely grotesque, but it's so over-the-top, it's hard not to laugh.
Also, the Hispanic gentleman is the most insanely racially stereotyped character I have ever seen in anything ever.

14)Black Orpheus
~Watched this in class for our discussion of sound in cinema, and as far as that metric is concerned, this movie is quite excellent. It has an unusual soundtrack in that the entire thing is diagetic--that is, all the sound played in the movie is supposedly something the characters can hear. And it's fun bossa nova music, to boot.
Where the movie fails.... well...
It's a Brazilian take on the tale of Orpheus' journey through hell to rescue his lover Eurydice from death. Only it's a modern retelling that takes place during Carnivale in the slums of Rio.

15)The French Connection
~This movie is pretty intense, but how the fuck does that old fucker get laid just by looking at a girl on a bicycle? He's not shown as at all charming or anything during the film, and then, "Hey, this chick on a bike is cute" and then BAM. His partner trips over a bicycle when he comes over to his apartment the next morning. I call shenanigans.
I digress. The French Connection is considered a classic, and probably for good reason. It invented a scene that gets parodied to this day in other films and Geico commercials, namely the subway stalker fakeout bit, and the happy wave "bye bye" as the train takes off. I have to say, I like crime movies where it's not set up as a mystery. This focuses more on the crazed obsession that the leading character takes on his quest to put the French druglord behind bars.
Apparently, there's a sequel to this movie, and that notion kind of offends me, because the way this movie was written, there was really no setup for a sequel at all. Ridiculous. I'll probably watch it anyhow just to see if it ruins my strong opinion on this particular film.

16)Nine Queens
~This is a really fun caper film, although there are a few parts of the movie that aren't particularly capery. I'd get into it here, but it'd be spoiler-laden, and assuming anyone wants to watch an Argentinian movie with subtitles, they should really watch this one.
I'd summarize the movie here, but... similar reasons keep me from doing it. However, it has a really nice, intense style, and the general "feel" of the movie is quite sleek. It's fun to watch, but on the other hand, I really like this kinda film. So take my advice with that in mind.

17)Battle Royale
~Also watched this for class.
HOLY FUCK THIS MOVIE. This is... can I call it horror? If it's horror, then it's horror done right. It manages to both be campy AND psychologically thrilling. The villains in this movie are all remarkably badass and creepy as hell.
Getting into extreme detail on this movie seems silly, because it would basically make me gush and basically turn me into Otter. And I don't want to replace him while he's gone. I will say, however, that the cinematography is generally excellent, and the setting used for this ridiculous orgy of violence is beautifully shot.

18)Shaun of the Dead
~Yet another movie watched for class.
Shaun of the Dead is hilarious. Not much else to say here. It deliberately subverting various cliches of the "Zombie" flick is handled pretty well. And there are parts that I think only the British could pull off with a straight face. Also, it taught me how to use the word "Fuck-a-doodle-doo".

19)Into the Wild
~Good movie. I say that because it held my attention for two and a half hours, and it wasn't about a subject I'd have found interesting. It had fantastic camerawork. Plus it had a decidedly (in my view) unlikable lead character, but I still watched it.
Into the Wild is based on the positively true adventures of some dipshit who got sick of his life in middle class bliss and being accepted to Harvard Law, and said "Fuck it, I'm going to Alaska."
He's such an unlikable, narcissistic FUCK who basically charms everyone he meets, and then destroys their lives by abandoning them and destroying himself, because, WHOAMG SPOILARS: HE DIES.
Who couldn't see that coming? A stupid assclown throws out all of his cash and travels to the harshest places in nature just to prove some kind of ass-backward point on the condition of society. He's clearly smart, but also clearly not near as smart as he thinks he is. He takes from every person that he meets, and rarely gives anything back. He cuts a swath of desperation and crushed dreams in his wake.
He is played by Emile Hersch, who, I swear to god, is like, this exact unlikable kid in every movie he's in. Only this time he does full-frontal. You know, on my list of celebrities I want to see full frontal nudity of, I'd have to say that Emile Hersch is probably not in the top ten. Anyhow, he seems to embody that sort of impotent, useless grunge "Fuck the man" mentality that was easily the worst part of the 90s. That is, until you remember Eddie Vedder does the soundtrack.
Naw, Vedder is -ok-. But only just. And the movie is, again, still pretty good. I feel horrible for his sister, the girl who was in love with him, the old man who wanted him as a grandson, and the hippy woman who thought he was like HER son. So pretty much everyone he met except for Vince Vaughn. (Also, more movies need a drunken Vince Vaughn. Drunken Vince Vaughn makes everything better.)
Anyhow, rest in peace you godawful narcissistic bastard. I hope whoever got into Harvard Law in your place made a few million dollars and boffs Australian supermodels.

~Surfwise is a documentary about some crazy bastard who decided to quit his life as a stanford educated doctor, and said "Fuck it, I'm going surfing." And surf he did. He also got married and had 9 kids who he forcibly kept out of school and forced every single one to be a surfer, like their old man.
There's some ridiculously fucked up stuff in this documentary. It shows the family as both happy and seriously emotionally scarred from their adventures. Most of them say the good times outweigh the bad, but a few are notably fucked up from, among other things, their parents fucking in the same room as them pretty much every night.
There's this one INCREDIBLY DISTURBING scene where one of the eight sons is sharing a song he wrote. The song is about how his crazy-ass dad fucked up his life. He turns it on in the background and starts speaking it out loud so you can understand the lyrics.
Something comes over him and he starts singing the lyrics. And I was all, "OK. He just likes the song." or "He has special feelings for this because it is an artistic part of his soul." or whatever. Except he gets more and more intense. The Camera zooms in on his face showing that full-bodied madness has taken over him. His eyes are completely unblinking as he spits out this song that damns his father and all of his crazy ass shit. It ends with a zoom on his eye, so you can see just how batshit the guy has become. An unblinking bloodshot eye while the man in possession of it is still spewing out this string of curses about his dad. And then he just STOPS suddenly. And he says "I'm sorry. I just can't listen to anymore of this"

It was really funny, but eventually I realized "Holy fuck, this guy has serious problems" and I couldn't laugh anymore.
All in all, I was glad I watched it, but I'm still not sure what the fuck I watched or why. Hooray for documentaries.

Best movie of the bunch? Battle Royale. You should watch it today.
Worst? The Slums of Beverly Hills. You should watch it never, unless you like Marisa Tomei's tits. Then you should watch only until her shower scene and on MUTE.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #327 on: March 25, 2009, 01:53:33 AM »

17)Battle Royale
~Also watched this for class.

People let people watch BATTLE ROYALE for class?  I thought that was against the law.  Hoo ah!

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Re: Movies
« Reply #328 on: March 29, 2009, 06:16:51 AM »
I love you man:

The best movie I've seen in a long time.  Very solid romantic comedy.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #329 on: March 29, 2009, 05:41:21 PM »
Princess Mononoke:

Insane Mind Trip from HELL!

I own this movie, granted it's been like four years since I have seen it last, but I read somewhere that this movie was out of control if one watches it high.

So I couldn't resist. I went to my friends house and threw the dvd at him. Told him we were going to watch this blitzed out fo our mind and good things would happen. For some reason I reminded myself of John Stewart's character from Half Baked who thinks everything is better when you are high.

Dear Jesus. The Demon Zombie Monkeys were horrifying as shit! Also, the main character Ashitaka has not one once of fear in his entire being. That man is the most bad ass bold, brave, calm, collected main character ever. He never backs down ever. him and Bilyl Bob thorton's character were both pretty daring and fearless.

Overall I still love this movie and yes the Dear God freaks me the hell out to this day. he looks like Rafiki from the Lion King on acid.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #330 on: May 04, 2009, 06:33:29 AM »
Has this topic been dead for that long? Huh.

Watched DC's latest series of DTV movies. Short review: The New Frontier >>>> Wonder Woman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Superman: Doomsday.

The New Frontier - The story is superb, but you should know that coming in because seriously, read DC: The New Frontier. It rules. Anyway, it's a freaking work of art visually, has a great cast, and manages to be both the best and the most faithful adaptation of a specific superhero comic (as opposed to just using the same characters) that I've ever seen. My only complaint is that the graphic novel (which is also awesome) had enough material for another hour of movie at least. Really good ending sequence.

Wonder Woman- The simplest of the lot. It's a straight action movie, pretty generic in every substantial way, but the fight scenes are done well and the animation budget is immense. Nathan Fillion is an awesome Steve Trevor, too. NOBODY MESSES WITH LINCOLN!

Superman: Doomsday - Judging from the title, I was hoping this was just going to be a series of fights between Superman and Doomsday until one or the other exploded. Sadly, it turned out to be the entire Death & Return of Superman arc, and I don't think I have to tell you how that goes. (HINT: It sucks.) Plus Superman's design looks like he's going on 50 for some reason.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 06:52:13 AM by Shale »
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Re: Movies
« Reply #331 on: May 15, 2009, 05:57:43 PM »
In Bruges - This was recommended to me.  It is very good.  Funny and very good bleak humor.  If you like good things then you should watch this.  If you like shit then don't bother.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #332 on: May 15, 2009, 10:34:40 PM »
Wolverine Origins:  Umm not very good.  It was mildly entertaining I suppose, and the fighting was pretty solid, but the story had so many plotholes/stupid moments that I spent half of the movie when my head on my hand.

Not in a rant mood for once, so I'll leave it at that!

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Re: Movies
« Reply #333 on: May 17, 2009, 05:21:05 AM »
Monsters vs Aliens:  Disappointing.  All the funny jokes were used up in the trailers.  About the quality of writing of television cartoons.

Fighting:  Extemely low budget.  You can see the boom mikes if you look for them.  And the fight scenes aren't particularly good, which is pretty much the only reason you would see this kind of movie.  Terrance Howard is apparently slumming after Iron Man.

Taken:  Damned good.  Liam Neeson kicks a lot of ass, and somehow makes it look believable.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #334 on: May 17, 2009, 08:49:48 PM »
Went out and watched Star Trek recently.  It has a few really large plot holes, and the main premise is pretty laughable.  But, it's pretty clear that those things are there pretty much entirely so that you can get to the good stuff, and it works.  I enjoyed the movie far too much to want to pick it apart, and so long as all you want is a fun action movie starring James T Kirk, it'll get the job done.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #335 on: May 17, 2009, 08:52:55 PM »
Went out and watched Star Trek recently.  It has a few really large plot holes, and the main premise is pretty laughable.  But, it's pretty clear that those things are there pretty much entirely so that you can get to the good stuff, and it works.  I enjoyed the movie far too much to want to pick it apart, and so long as all you want is a fun action movie starring James T Kirk, it'll get the job done.

Works pretty well for someone who's not a fan of the series too. :D  Simon Pegg as Scotty works scarily well, and I didn't even recognise Karl Urban until I saw his name in the credits. ._.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #336 on: May 18, 2009, 02:28:20 AM »
Angels and Demons:  Entertaining, but not as good as Davinci Code.  They changed quite a bit from the book.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #337 on: May 18, 2009, 02:37:09 AM »
Went out and watched Star Trek recently.  It has a few really large plot holes, and the main premise is pretty laughable.

Truly, it is a Star Trek movie.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #338 on: May 19, 2009, 03:42:13 AM »
Angels and Demons:  Entertaining, but not as good as Davinci Code.  They changed quite a bit from the book.

I liked Angels and Demons more than Davinci Code.  However, I had read Davinci Code before seeing this movie.  This is not so with Angels and Demons.  Probably kept a lot of the plot issues in A&D from annoying me like they did in DVC.

Either way, much much better than the Wolverine Movie.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #339 on: May 19, 2009, 07:22:40 AM »
Choke- Great movie. Funny as hell and the Palanuck roots show.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #340 on: May 19, 2009, 10:51:27 AM »
Either way, much much better than the Wolverine Movie.

Most things would've been. Saw this yesterday and... ugh. It completely sidetracks from... well, pretty much anything and everything. There's no relevance to the comics, cartoons or even the other films, and the whole film was just... meh. It wasn't especially bad, but there was nothing that really kept me interested for more than a minute or two.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #341 on: May 19, 2009, 01:59:33 PM »
Saw "Lady in the Water".

This director keeps getting more WTF with every movie of his I see. It gets points for... absurdity in a humorless situation? I got a Dr. Seuss vibe a bit... but it was overwhelmed by how horrible all the dialogue, pacing, characters, and actors were. And the music sucked too. Damn, if you're going to fail at story, at least hire a decent composer to sell the emotion and hope your audience isn't paying much attention.

The movie seems to be making up a fairy tale and trying to pass it off as real by having the 'strange old Korean tenant' re-tell the 'old bedtime story her grandmother used to tell her'. Ugh.

Points for the grass-wolf thing, though. I want one. It's kind of how I imagine Pokemon should look.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #342 on: May 19, 2009, 05:58:41 PM »
Star Trek


You know, I can see the arguments that it's not really the essence of Star Trek because that had a lot more social commentary (first interracial kiss on TV, much more interesting view of torture, etc).  On the other hand, it is basically the essence of Star Wars (father, noooo.  Mother noooo. *insert 10 action sequences, and some swordfighting*).  And hey, I like Star Wars.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #343 on: May 19, 2009, 06:06:10 PM »
I don't often check this topic, but on reading your post, MC, I'm imagining your avatar staring me straight in the face and saying in the horribly deadpan voice "Father. Noooooooo. Mother. Nooooooo." and it's just awesome.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #344 on: May 19, 2009, 06:29:10 PM »

You know, I can see the arguments that it's not really the essence of Star Trek because that had a lot more social commentary (first interracial kiss on TV, much more interesting view of torture, etc). 

Interracial kiss schminterracial kiss. Star Trek has gotten too much light for something they didn't do first. Besides, that scene was ridiculously hilarious and offensive at the same time. :]

I've been holding off on watching it. My mom saw it - of course ( ^-^ )V. Said it was better than the other Star Wars movies, and I don't believe I can take that with a grain of salt. 'Cos the others were pretty shitty. Instead I saw X-Men, which was entertaining ..... at least. And funny. My mom saw that too. Totally geeked her out on mother's day - wait, wait. She already is a geek :D . I get it from my momma~


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Re: Movies
« Reply #345 on: May 19, 2009, 07:56:12 PM »
Either way, much much better than the Wolverine Movie.

Most things would've been. Saw this yesterday and... ugh. It completely sidetracks from... well, pretty much anything and everything. There's no relevance to the comics, cartoons or even the other films, and the whole film was just... meh. It wasn't especially bad, but there was nothing that really kept me interested for more than a minute or two.

If it was a standalone movie it would be a passable action movie I suppose.  The fact that it comes before X-men though and still manages to fuck up so many aspects of the plot is astounding.

It'd be like if Star Wars Episode 1 decided to make the bad guy Mace Windu and never introduced Palpatine.  If you know how shit is supposed to end, you should be able to make the beginning work?  And yeah, a total butchery of everything else Wolverine didn't help.  Nor did a severe lack of Ryan Reynolds!


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Re: Movies
« Reply #346 on: May 19, 2009, 07:58:23 PM »
So yeah, liked Star Trek movie. Dad probably enjoyed it more since he watched the series back in the day, but a pretty fun movie even if it has a few moments that don't quite make sense.
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Re: Movies
« Reply #347 on: May 19, 2009, 08:46:48 PM »
Y'know, I know Wolverine didn't have a coherent plot, but it never strayed into outright plot hole territory, and was still fun to watch.  How does that compare unfavorably to The DaVinci Code exactly?

Note that I basically consider DaVinci Code "last Crusade, but with all the good parts like Nazis, having a sense of humor, Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, direction, music... and so forth removed."
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: Movies
« Reply #348 on: May 19, 2009, 10:13:20 PM »
See, and I think Last Crusade is the worst Indy movie by a fair margin.  Why must individuals have opinions about things?  We need a hive mind mentality so that we can all follow Grefter's opinion of what is good and not.


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Re: Movies
« Reply #349 on: May 20, 2009, 03:31:10 AM »
I just figured I'd spare people the effort of asking why I didn't like DaVinci Code.  Come to think of it I STILL haven't gotten around to giving Last Crusade a good rewatching since that movie made me really want to.

'sides.  I was actually asking him to back up his statements for the purposes of conversation, as I find reading actual reasoning more interesting to read than "lolthissucks".
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.