
Author Topic: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!  (Read 1633 times)


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Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:23:07 PM »
And now, we have the last fight between the undefeated as teammate faces teammate.  Who will head into the final rounds undefeated? Only you can decide!

Round 5

Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio

Having managed to defeat their pesky heros, these two bosses have shown that victory in the Twink League shouldn't belong to any mere PC.  But now these two fighters are going toe to toe in a megaboss showdown to see who is truly the mightiest of all!  Belial, from the ruined land in Filgaia, can create universes!  Indalecio, from Energy Nede, can destroy them!  And both of them can throw fits of rage that leave cities destroyed in their wake.  So, which of these two titans will manage to take the victory!

Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms

Having taken down a God-Mech, it should be no problem for Sephiroth to take this match as well.  After all, he only needs to take to the skies and then Brahms won't be able to do a thing to him as the lord of the undead is a melee only fighter.  Of course, quasi divine beings in the Valkyrie Profile world are known for their ability to fly, teleport, or otherwise jump absurdly high, and so even that added distance may not be enough to keep the frail one-winged angel from being bashed in.

#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret

One Man, One Gun, Too many targets to count.  However, know this, against this many targets, his gun arm will be blazing, playing the same game the Pegasus Knights did except with three main exceptions.  A) His evade is better.  B) His Gun Arm won't break down.  And C) he's got a level 4 limit that those pesky Jogurts can't stop him from getting.  And really, what else can make this match more awesome than a credible threat that can't chip its way past a Level 4 Limit?  Well, how about a threat that can take that punishment and still have more remaining to take a go, as this is actually the first fight where the view restricting them to 4 Jogurts at a time will actually work in favour of the Jogurts, wasting Barret's counters AND his impressive Limit on only a fraction of his foe's strength, leaving the Jogurts alive to win an impressive battle of attrition.

#3)  Mog vs. Ramza

If this battle were to be summed up in one word, that word would be: Options.  Mog, in the one corner, not only has his dances and his physical nulling Snow Muffler.  He also has every single spell in FF6, including Ultima, Life 3, Osmose, Quick, Vanish, and Doom.  This is a fearsome arsenal, and one that most folks can't ever hope to beat.  However, in the other corner is Ramza, and he might just have the right mix of tricks to take on this foe with every skill and storebought item in the game to help him against Mog.  From a two-hit KO through Lich, to debilitating status through YIn-Yang Magic, or even just busting all of Mog's MP, Ramza has no shortage of ways in order to try and take this match.

#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna

Having mastered Kanto and Johto, now Ash is ready to show he's the greatest Pokemaster in Spira too!  Facing off in a traditional Summoner's Duel, these two fighters will let their meatshields do the fighting, and woe betide the one who's flunkies perish first as for the first time ever, Ifrit meets Charizard, Valefor meets Blastoise, and Ixion meets Pikachu.  Will Ash and his bond with his loyal friends prove superior, or will Yuna's Fayth sustain her through yet another trial?

Quick Voting Form:

Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio

Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 08:26:00 PM »
Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio - Ramza should have won that match. Good god Indy splatters Belial, though.

Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 08:55:25 PM »
Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio: dohohoho

Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret: Grenade bomb FTW I guess
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza: Aegia + Abandon. Evidently he can still heal with this setup.
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna: Gut is that 6 powerful summons > 1 powerful summon + 6 mediocre ones. Could be argued.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 02:17:01 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 01:46:21 AM »
#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms - The duh match really.
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret - Unless I am missing something, each Jogurt only attacks for 1 damage a piece. If Barret has more than 1337 HP, doesn't he just theoretically survive all the attacks and kill them off one by one each time they attack?
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza - Gut shot is to say he can twink for speed and shut down Mog's magic options with a fatal status of some sort. Silence/Innocent/Berserk all work.
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna - Argh. Pain in the ass to think through. I think Yuna pulls through due to three of her aeons being able to heal themselves and enough of Ash's pokemon have weakness or respective counters that makes it difficult for him to gain a sturdier lead. (Pika's deadweight, Snorlax gets infinite turn hax'd by Valefor, Venusaur can't safely switch to many of Yuna's aeons.) Not to mention after all aeons die, Ash STILL has to kill Yuna who immunes three elements, has Shell/Holy/Curaga and other junk.

Monkey: Barret has Grenade Bomb which is a Level 2 MT limit.
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 08:38:27 AM »
#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms- There are a couple of arguement which could see Brahms winning. I'm not buying them because it just opens an arguement on range and the like.
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret- Counter > 1337 Jogurts.
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna- Yuna could proberly handle all of them by herself. In terms of aeons verses pokemon its a simple match because Yuna can switch without wasting a turn, Ash can't from what I remember. She'll just keep targeting his pokemons weaknesses.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2008, 09:31:36 PM »
Alright...  just four votes which is slightly underwhealming.  So, here is the official notice, Round 6 starts tomorrow, if you want to vote, please do so before then.


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2008, 11:35:36 PM »
Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio

Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2008, 11:45:20 PM »
Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza
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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2008, 12:09:18 AM »
Quick Voting Form:

Winners Match: Belial vs. Unlimited Indalecio - slaughter-y good time.
Losers Pool:

#1)  Sephiroth vs Brahms
#2)  1337 Jogurts vs. Barret - Even if I were to scale Jogurt's 1 damage to SF1 HP ranges, I'm still not sure 1337 of them can kill Barret. Also, Counter >>>> Jogurt.
#3)  Mog vs. Ramza - Yah, an easy status-whore match.
#4)  Ash Ketchum vs. Yuna - This is the coolest matchup I think I've seen here so far. Yuna just barely edges out Ash, I'd say. The real clincher here is that once Ash manages to take out all of Yuna's summons (and I'd say he does), he still has to take out Yuna. Get a dueling form, Ash! Perhaps it can be argued that he hits her in the face with a high-end pokeball for massive damage?


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Re: Return of the Twink League - Round 5!
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2008, 07:36:27 AM »
Indy, Sephy, Mr. T, Male Clarissa.

Last match is actually worth thinking about. I think Ash could take it if he didn't start with Pikachu. As is... best he can do is paralyse Yuna, that doesn't stop her from summoning, and I think I see the Magus Three carving through everything from there. Granted, no Magus Three would make me vote the other way.

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