Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16  (Read 5987 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:41:57 PM »

"So the cycle begins again... One cannot escape the wheel of time."

Team Tide vs. Floor 3, 6-4
Team Tonfa vs. Floor 5, 8-3
Team Rozalia vs. Floor 1, 2-8

Team Vice President's Matches

Floor 6a: What the-!? (Before Endgame)

"This time... you get to face something quite a bit different than before. Hahahaha!"

Battle #26: Fujin, Ull, Margulis and Landis

Fujin: DEFEAT.

Battle #27: Chaz, Decus, Rudy, Zoah

Chaz: Elsydeon... We can't let them pass through here.

Battle #28 Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus

Diekbeck: Eliminating enemy.

Battle #29: Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares

Gilgamesh: With the power of my Excalibur... you'll die here!

Boss Battle #6: Ryu2, Zeal, Lin, Jet Enduro

Ryu2: ...

Team Tide's Matches

Floor 4a: Reversal of Fortune (Midgame)

"Let's see what happens when your reality is turned upside down? Hahahahaha..."

*For this floor, all damage and healing is reversed. (Damage heals, heals damage) All status healing spells inflict that status at 100% (Including Life -> ID), all status-inflicting spells remove that status (ID -> Life) and all Buffs or debuffs do the opposite (Saner would reduce speed and evasion) These spells can be targetted at enemies or allies.
*All resources used for Healing are infinite, as well.

Battle #16: Fei and Bart

Fei: Let's go, Bart.
Bart: Okay, Fei!

Battle #17: Rosa and Cecil

Rosa: Cecil! Don't worry, we can defeat them!
Cecil: Of course, my love.

Battle #18: Ziggy, MOMO and KOS-MOS

Ziggy: You think you can beat us? Ha!
MOMO: Be careful everyone!
KOS-MOS: Analyzing threats...

Battle #19: Robo, Frog and Crono

Robo: Threats detected. We shall defeat them.
Frog: Certainly. Mine sword shall thrust at thee!

Boss Battle #4: Rune and Chaz

Rune: Heh... you think you can beat us? Think again. Don't mess this up, Chaz.
Chaz: S...shut up, Rune!!

Team Tranquil's Matches

Floor 1: An Introduction (The Beginning)

Battle #1: FF1 Garland and PC Bowser.

Garland: I, Garland, will knock you all down
Bowser: ...What kind of insult is that, idiot?! You should say something like 'I, Lord Garland, will steal your princess!!

Battle #2: Kwanda, Humphrey and Onix

Kwanda: You won't get past us! Iron Wall Kwanda will stop you here!
Humphrey: ............yep.

Battle #3: Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi and Kelvena

Euram: While I may not have my elite guards with me any longer... I, the great Euram Barrows, will put you out of your misery! Let us go, friends!
Ramus: I need to go back to my shop...
Kelvena: ...

Battle #4: Luna, Ricardo, SH2 Lucia and Nara

Luna: I do not wish to fight you, but I have no choice. Please, run while you still can.
Ricardo: This shall be where I sing your dirge! Adios, amigos!

Boss Battle, Battle #5: Viper Manor Lynx, PC Harle and Boss Gafgarion

Lynx: You're all fools to have entered this place. I won't let you get your grubby little hands on what awaits you at the bottom. Both of you, I expect you to help me.
Harle: Oui oui monseur Lynx.
Gafgarion: Ugh, I can't believe this... am I still getting paid?

Team Tonfa | Cloud, Chemist, Aika, FFX-2 Songstress
[Floor 6a]
[Materia: Cover(M), Revive (M), All(M)-Barrier(M), Time(M), Destruct]
Team Tonfa vs. Fujin, Ull, Margulis, Landis
Team Tonfa vs. Chaz, Decus, Rudy, Zoah
Team Tonfa vs. Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus
Team Tonfa vs. Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares
Team Tonfa vs. BoF2 Ryu, Zeal, Lin, Jet Enduro

Team Tide | Sasarai (TER), Arnaud, Ephraim, Garnet, Duran(Light)
[Floor 4a]
*For this floor, all damage and healing is reversed. All status healing spells inflict that status at 100% (Including Life -> ID), all status-inflicting spells remove that status (ID -> Life) and all Buffs or debuffs do the opposite (Saner would reduce speed and evasion) These spells can be targetted at enemies or allies.
*All resources normally used for Healing are infinite, as well.
Team Tide vs. Fei and Bart
Team Tide vs. Rosa and Cecil
Team Tide vs. Ziggy, Shion and KOS-MOS
Team Tide vs. Robo and Frog
Team Tide vs. Rune and Chaz

Team Tranquil | Yuri2, Eiko, Songstress, Lucia, Nei
[Floor 1]
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Tranquil vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)
Team Tranquil vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Tranquil vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara
Team Tranquil vs. Boss Lynx, Boss Harle and Boss Gafgarion
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 07:15:50 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 10:13:16 PM »
Team Tonfa | Cloud, Chemist, Aika, FFX-2 Songstress
[Floor 6a]
[Materia: Cover(M), Revive (M), All(M)-Barrier(M), Time(M), Destruct]
Team Tonfa vs. Fujin, Ull, Margulis, Landis: Pretty much everything here is handled by Cover. Landis and Fujin go to status land, limits take care of Ull's limit phase.
Team Tonfa vs. Chaz, Decus, Rudy, Zoah: Everyone not named Decus eats status. Cloud goes for the MT Wall, rest is academic. Chaz has fast ID should I ignore turn 1 Delta Shield for the sake of Wall I guess? Doesn't matter either way, even in the worst case scenario only Aika is IDable.
Team Tonfa vs. Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus: Hm. Think my team can slug it out, with DeBarrier taking care of Invincible nicely.
Team Tonfa vs. Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares: Delta Shield, match.
Team Tonfa vs. BoF2 Ryu, Zeal, Lin, Jet Enduro: Statusable people and Zeal. Zeal against a team isn't that great.

Team Tide vs Floor 4a: Tentative. Sas's healing spell is pretty badass and there's Slow Down (Speed Up)

Team Tranquil vs Floor 1: Songstress and competent other people? Cakewalk.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 06:34:19 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 12:54:25 AM »
Team Tide | Sasarai (TER), Arnaud, Ephraim, Garnet, Duran(Light)
[Floor 4a]
*For this floor, all damage and healing is reversed. All status healing spells inflict that status at 100% (Including Life -> ID), all status-inflicting spells remove that status (ID -> Life) and all Buffs or debuffs do the opposite (Saner would reduce speed and evasion) These spells can be targetted at enemies or allies.
*All resources normally used for Healing are infinite, as well.
Team Tide vs. Fei and Bart - Since this is midgame, Arnaud now has access to Dispel, which is not nice. Slow Down also exists to boost speed. Garnet has also three lethal status on her at this point (Stona for petrify, Pancea for lethal poison and Life for ID) and Sasarai has that MT status healing move. Anyways, as for the match itself? Fei goes first, does something but can't kill anyone. Arnaud gets a turn, Dispels the threatening target. Bart is deadweight.
Team Tide vs. Rosa and Cecil - Arnaud outspeeds both again. Dispels Rosa. Garnet outspeeds Cecil and hits him with Pancea/Stona/Life. Take your poison.
Team Tide vs. Ziggy, Shion and KOS-MOS - Arnaud/Garnet outspeed the entire team. So a one-two dose of status kills off the two most threatening targets.
Team Tide vs. Robo and Frog - Arnaud outspeeds Frog (by either average), Dispels him. Garnet casts Stona/Pancea/Life on Robo.
Team Tide vs. Rune and Chaz - Everything so far has been cake. Anyways, a bit of change since Chaz outspeeds Arnaud. Still doesn't matter because of the sole fact that my team has 3 statusers on it. First, turn order!

Chaz (1.14. Tiebreak to Chaz in his favor + faster depending on average) <-- Arnaud (1.14) <-- Garnet (1.08) <-- Rune (1.04) <-- Ephraim/Duran (1.00) <-- Sasarai (Below average).

Scenario 1: Chaz kills Arnaud. Garnet now gets a turn, casts Life on Rune instantly killing him. Sasarai starts charging his MT status healing spell which has a fast charge time and wipes out Chaz before he gets another turn.

Scenario 2: Chaz kills Garnet. Arnaud gets a turn, Dispels Rune. Same thing happens as Sasarai casts his MT status healing move and picks off Chaz.

Scenario 3: Chaz kills Sasarai. Arnaud casts Dispel on Rune. Garnet casts Life on Chaz.

Thanks to the fact that the status hit rates when they come off healing spells have 100% accuracy on this floor, Psyshields can't save either (although flip side of course, I can't argue that I will dodge them. Not that this matters though since most of the fights are basically Arnaud outspeeds = game). Not seeing any group ID spells the enemy team possesses, so unless I'm missing something, that basically covers everything Chaz can do.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 12:32:10 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 02:31:34 AM »
Team Tide | Sasarai (TER), Arnaud, Ephraim, Garnet, Duran(Light)
[Floor 4a]
*For this floor, all damage and healing is reversed. All status healing spells inflict that status at 100% (Including Life -> ID), all status-inflicting spells remove that status (ID -> Life) and all Buffs or debuffs do the opposite (Saner would reduce speed and evasion) These spells can be targetted at enemies or allies.
*All resources normally used for Healing are infinite, as well.
Team Tide vs. Fei and Bart
Team Tide vs. Rosa and Cecil
Team Tide vs. Ziggy, Shion and KOS-MOS
Team Tide vs. Robo and Frog
Team Tide vs. Rune and Chaz

I think I know enough to be sure about this.  Fei and Bart aren't really threatening.  Garnet being above average speed and the other enemies save for Chaz and Frog (I think) being less so also helps, as does the team not being sunk if she gets offed on the last room.

Abstain on the other two teams for now.  I have no idea what Team Tranquil is capable of offensively at this point due to being absolutely clueless on Yuri, and I don't know half of what Team Tonfa is up against.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 02:06:31 PM »
Team Tonfa Passes

Team Tide - Tide's arguments look solid so a pass for him.

Voting on my own team feels weird (is that even legal? *eyes Tide* >_>) but I will say Eiko also has Fenrir for offense (I think she starts with it) and Songstress has status (I'm not sure exactly which one she starts with but it probably works), Lucia HP regens everyone but herself, Eiko can heal everyone including Lucia, Yuri can go offensive with a Dark or Fire fusion or heal with the Light one I think. There isn't a lot of offense but there's enough potential healing that it'd probably be possible for everyone to just chip away whilst keeping health topped up. I can't remember if Lucia gets MP Regen to start with but if so there's also that for extended durability.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 05:48:42 PM »
The problem is that Eiko's resources aren't really stellar at this point, so she probably only has one shot of Fenrir here and not much left for healing if she uses it.  It can probably handle the tanks or the bosses, though.  Topic lists Songstress as having Silence at this point, so that can handle the buffers before things get dangerous.

Hmm... now that I think about it, the SH2 people only have to be competent here.  Eiko Fenrirs the tanks, and Lynx is the only one in the fifth room who's vaguely threatening, so Team Tranquil passes.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 06:14:23 PM »
Team Tide passes.  Arnaud speeds up his team enough to win the important tiebreaks.

Team Tranquil does too.  Even early game Yuri is pretty awesome.

Team Tonfa | Cloud, Chemist, Aika, FFX-2 Songstress
[Floor 6a]
[Materia: Cover(M), Revive (M), All(M)-Barrier(M), Time(M), Destruct]
Team Tonfa vs. Fujin, Ull, Margulis, Landis - I'm not sure on this one.  Fujin's status defenses are (from stat topic): 60% blind, 50% sleep, 60% slow, 30% drain, 0% gravity resistance. Immune to all other statuses.   Unless Songstress auto-hits everyone not completely immune?  Anyway, relying on Sleep seems chancy.  So, let's assume it doesn't hit turn 1...  Aika Delta Shields.  Margulis taps Cloud and builds boost.  Cloud Walls his team.  Ull hits Cloud as well.  Landis does something irrelevant if he's sleep immune or is statused otherwise.  Fujin Sais Cloud, triggering a limit....  are FF7 characters allowed to walk into battle Hyper?  If so, Cloud Meteorains and wins from there.  Otherwise, uh, Blade Beam I guess?  Probably aims it at Fujin and takes her out so she can't continue to be a pest if she evades sleep again.  Problem is, Margulis knocks Cloud down at the start of the next round.  Chemist can Phoenix Down, sure...  but, aside from waiting for his next turn, only Aika can heal Cloud, and she's (in this case) annoyingly faster than the Chemist and has trouble having the turns line up in her favor.  Plus, XS2 Margulis is getting turns all the time (~1.25-1.3 avg. speed) and Ull can probably use Heal and keep knocking Cloud down with the teensy HP recovered by PD with his Wall disspelled.  Meanwhile offense is not really happening (unless Songstress can provide it?).  And the team really needs to make offense happen, because Margulis is building boost and will eventually have a multi-hit combo to kill someone outright.

Now that I think of it, Cloud may not want to uselessly Barrier-All when there's Sai to deal with - maybe Hasting the Chemist will do better?  Of course, now Cloud's anemic HP with all that materia and no HP-plus is more in play, but I get the impression that Songstress has some status that can consistently pre-empt Landis's turn which would be used rather than attempting to Sleep Fujin in that case.  (Landis can block Sleep, right?)  Anyway, if a combo of Phoenix Down -> (Hasted) X-Potion can ever be pulled off, the team is probably safe.  But lots of variables, so withholding vote for now.

Though as a flavor note, I'd like to point out that Albert Simon's Holy Chest reduces SP.  And Captain clutch-head-in-hands is teamed up with the foul spawn from beyond the stars known as "FFX-2."  If there's ever an argument for non-Shadow Hearts characters to go insane, this is the kind of case it applies in.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 06:20:59 PM »
Though as a flavor note, I'd like to point out that Albert Simon's Holy Chest reduces SP.  And Captain clutch-head-in-hands is teamed up with the foul spawn from beyond the stars known as "FFX-2."  If there's ever an argument for non-Shadow Hearts characters to go insane, this is the kind of case it applies in.

The real problem with the SP-busting move is that it's a cSP-reducing move. It takes him forever to bust the SP down to the point of driving SH characters insane, and I certainly wouldn't see non-SH characters as having their theoretical SP reduced every time they get a turn. Considering Simon durability and the fact his SP-busting move is ST (although I could be wrong!), trying for Berserk gets him killed so often and so fast it's not even amusing.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 06:27:50 PM »
Team Tonfa | Cloud, Chemist, Aika, FFX-2 Songstress
[Floor 6a]
[Materia: Cover(M), Revive (M), All(M)-Barrier(M), Time(M), Destruct]
Team Tonfa vs. Fujin, Ull, Margulis, Landis
Team Tonfa vs. Chaz, Decus, Rudy, Zoah
Team Tonfa vs. Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus
Team Tonfa vs. Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares
Team Tonfa vs. BoF2 Ryu, Zeal, Lin, Jet Enduro - EDIT: TONFA, YOU WHORE.

Team Tide | Sasarai (TER), Arnaud, Ephraim, Garnet, Duran(Light)
[Floor 4a]
*For this floor, all damage and healing is reversed. All status healing spells inflict that status at 100% (Including Life -> ID), all status-inflicting spells remove that status (ID -> Life) and all Buffs or debuffs do the opposite (Saner would reduce speed and evasion) These spells can be targetted at enemies or allies.
*All resources normally used for Healing are infinite, as well.
Team Tide vs. Fei and Bart
Team Tide vs. Rosa and Cecil
Team Tide vs. Ziggy, Shion and KOS-MOS
Team Tide vs. Robo and Frog
Team Tide vs. Rune and Chaz - Not sure I buy Dispel being the awesome hyped by Tide, but Arnaud turning into Yulie with actual stats certainly doesn't hurt his case. Speed-buff Garnet will solve many, many threats, and Arnaud's 1/8 ID WEAPON WILL ACTUALLY SEE USE IF SOMEONE DIES BEFORE. Which is just bizarre.

Team Tranquil | Yuri2, Eiko, Songstress, Lucia, Nei
[Floor 1]
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Tranquil vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)
Team Tranquil vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Tranquil vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara
Team Tranquil vs. Boss Lynx, Boss Harle and Boss Gafgarion - All Harmonixers start out with acceptable magical damage, and Yuri2 shouldn't be any different. With Eiko healing, the team may manage. Floor 2 will be problematic, though.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 06:14:02 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 06:45:26 PM »
Team Tonfa | Cloud, Chemist, Aika, FFX-2 Songstress
[Floor 6a]
[Materia: Cover(M), Revive (M), All(M)-Barrier(M), Time(M), Destruct]
Team Tonfa vs. Fujin, Ull, Margulis, Landis
Team Tonfa vs. Chaz, Decus, Rudy, Zoah
Team Tonfa vs. Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus
Team Tonfa vs. Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares
Team Tonfa vs. BoF2 Ryu, Zeal, Lin, Jet Enduro- Tonfa is taking big damage before even getting to this last fight and thats if its even reached. Gilgamesh tears the team up good in the second to last round in whatever form he takes.

Team Tranquil | Yuri2, Eiko, Songstress, Lucia, Nei
[Floor 1]
Team Tranquil vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Tranquil vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey and Leo (S3)
Team Tranquil vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Tranquil vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia (SH2), Nara
Team Tranquil vs. Boss Lynx, Boss Harle and Boss Gafgarion- A bit shaky but easy enough.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 09:42:09 PM »
Songstress status has one check: Either you're immune or you're not. Resistances play no role. Also, even should Fujin get a turn, Sai is a fantastically bad plan due to it ramming into Cover. Hello instant limit!


Something else to consider: Cloud can defend to halve all incoming physical damage from enemy teams.


Oh, every single status Gilgy has is magical. This leaves him with...his physicals. Which are not exactly Godlike worthy.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 10:00:26 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 10:02:54 PM »
Jo'ou: As mentioned above, that was more for flavor, not really analysis.  Though now that got brought up... even if Cloud has a mere 12 SP at end game and drains 1 SP a turn, 12->6->5->2->1 means that Cloud would still have 2 turns to act, which is generally plenty.

Tonfa: Yes, but Cloud Limiting doesn't necessarily mean the fight's over...  I don't really respect Ull's offense at all, but his durability is okay.  And Margulis has excellent HP.  So they'll likely both survive a Blade Beam, then kill Cloud.

As for Songstress...  are there enemies in FFX-2 that have partial resistances, or is it only immunities & vulnerabilities there?  If no enemies exist that have "cancel sleep 50% of the time" or whatever, I'd be inclined to let  people with partial resistances use them.  Though...  looking over Songstress, I see that she's got a Haste dance, so after Landis/Fujin are dealt with, I think a Hasted Aika focusing a lot and the Hasted Chemist fast on the Phoenix Downs will eventually get Cloud back on his feet.  So it looks like Team Tonfa takes the first fight after all.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2008, 12:27:06 AM »
Tonfa.. dies?I'll read this more in depth later. Pass to the other two.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2008, 12:29:16 AM »
Not sure I buy Dispel being the awesome hyped by Tide

Let me just clarify why I'm giving Dispel some hype.

As per the stat topic, Dispel removes all positive and negative status to a HEX. Taken literally on this floor, it does the following:

- +100 to all stats (through spells such as Hyper/Nightshade/Protect, etc.) and -100 to all stats ( through Slow Down/Illusion/Fragile etc. Effectively, they cancel each other out)
- Adds Reinforce (useless)
- Adds Poison
- Adds Misery
- Adds Disease
- Adds Amnesia (lawls)

It might also cure character statuses, but stat topic makes no mention and my memory is hazy on that, so I'm going to assume it doesn't. (If you want to assume it does, you can add +100 to all character stats but also throw in Confusion/Slow Petrify. Anyways, the only stat that essentially matters at that point is +100 Mag and +100 Rfx. Which ends up not mattering at all! See below)

I bolded the status that matters. Arnaud being able to go first and casting 100% unblockable Silence pretty much reems most threats on this floor since no enemies have a physical attack that heals status or produces a revival effect.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2008, 01:15:39 AM »
As for Songstress...  are there enemies in FFX-2 that have partial resistances, or is it only immunities & vulnerabilities there?  If no enemies exist that have "cancel sleep 50% of the time" or whatever, I'd be inclined to let  people with partial resistances use them.

Enemies with partial resistances exist, yes. This doesn't matter at all though - for example, Slumber Dance is "the enemy is asleep while you dance" not "try to hit enemy with sleep". You can knock them around with hits and they stay asleep because the sleep status is continuously applied to them at all points of the dance.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2008, 01:58:59 AM »
Not sure I buy Dispel being the awesome hyped by Tide

Let me just clarify why I'm giving Dispel some hype.

As per the stat topic, Dispel removes all positive and negative status to a HEX. Taken literally on this floor, it does the following:

- +100 to all stats (through spells such as Hyper/Nightshade/Protect, etc.) and -100 to all stats ( through Slow Down/Illusion/Fragile etc. Effectively, they cancel each other out)
- Adds Reinforce (useless)
- Adds Poison
- Adds Misery
- Adds Disease
- Adds Amnesia (lawls)

Just going to point out that Hyper is DOUBLE physical damage, not +100 to the stat.  Not sure if this matters or not.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2008, 02:16:29 AM »
Also, there's no Attack Down hex status. So Dispel would cause Hyper, i.e., doubles physical damage dealt. Granted, it also causes Illusion (and there's no Accuracy Up to dispel), so good luck taking advantage of that. Defence and speed statuses do cancel, at least.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2008, 03:40:57 AM »
Tide and Tranquil make it, Tonfa doesn't.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2008, 10:31:48 PM »
All three pass, even Tonfa.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2008, 10:39:07 PM »
I'm inclined to see Tide and CT getting through, I think Tonfa loses though.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2008, 03:13:17 AM »
As for Songstress...  are there enemies in FFX-2 that have partial resistances, or is it only immunities & vulnerabilities there?  If no enemies exist that have "cancel sleep 50% of the time" or whatever, I'd be inclined to let  people with partial resistances use them.

Enemies with partial resistances exist, yes. This doesn't matter at all though - for example, Slumber Dance is "the enemy is asleep while you dance" not "try to hit enemy with sleep". You can knock them around with hits and they stay asleep because the sleep status is continuously applied to them at all points of the dance.

I guess, but...  taken literally, this leads to some weird results.  FF1 Chaos is apparently only 97% immune to most status, a fact you'd only know from a huge amount of persistence or FAQing...  but would randomly make him Songstress bait?  Ugh.  Just for sanity's sake, I suspect I'd rather give people the check...  but as noted before, I think your team can take that fight with the Haste Dance.  Ull's arrows do often hit multiple people, but I don't think he'll kill Aika before Hasted Aika's turn lines up right after Chemist revives Cloud.

Team Tonfa vs. Diekbeck, Albert Simon, Baal, Camus - I don't really respect Baal or Camus's HP, so if Simon !!!'s Cloud, they surely die to the Blade Beam.  If Simon !!!'s Chemist....   hmm, I don't think there are any MT physicals here needed to break Delta Shield/Cover.
Team Tonfa vs. Gilgamesh, Lloyd (LoD), Menardi, Gares - If Gilgamesh's status gets eaten by Init. Delta Shield, I think Tonfa ekes a victory (Songstress uses double HP dance to keep Cloud alive on the crucial first turn); if not, he loses.  So, uh, is there any way to tell the difference between magic and a special move in FF5? (Also, I suspect the team leaves Gares alive way too long here.  Gares would get OHKOed by a Cloud physical, but I'm not sure the team can afford to do this until turn 3 or so, allowing him to unleash his actually okay offense.)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2008, 03:20:53 AM »
Also, there's no Attack Down hex status. So Dispel would cause Hyper, i.e., doubles physical damage dealt. Granted, it also causes Illusion (and there's no Accuracy Up to dispel), so good luck taking advantage of that. Defence and speed statuses do cancel, at least.

Actually, from what I remember of fighting Crawling Chaos/Hayokantons in WA4, one of their abilities essentially gave an all-stats-down to the target hex.  It's an optional enemy's effects, but Dispel hits all of it.  So there IS an Attack Down status, at least.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2008, 05:08:05 AM »
SnowFire: It really depends on the move used. There's no clear-cut division.

All teams pass, on that note, for me.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2008, 06:12:39 AM »
Actually, from what I remember of fighting Crawling Chaos/Hayokantons in WA4, one of their abilities essentially gave an all-stats-down to the target hex.  It's an optional enemy's effects, but Dispel hits all of it.  So there IS an Attack Down status, at least.

Are you sure this is WA4 and not WA5?  Because I know for a fact that status is in WA5, but I've never seen it in WA4.

Also, Snowfire.  Status skills with above 100% hitrates do exist, you know.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 16
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2008, 06:29:40 AM »
Uh, I have trouble seeing Dispel as a status healing spell at all.  It does the same thing here as it does in other games, remove all effects.  Yes, because of the way WA4 status works this includes status effects, but that's not the same as healing status.  Dispel is not specifically a status healing spell, and if you say this one is you have to apply it to other dispels as well and this floor just got really screwed up.  As if Esuna wasn't bad enough here. >_>

That said, as I said earlier, I don't think this matters as he's probably got this even without that.