Disgaea 2:
1) Played it, do like it a lot.
2) Yes, now that it looks like the majority do support the game.
3) As I said, it's the best game rank thus far. It has interest, the characters are cooler than D1 combat-wise, and people do like it. I'll think about yes on this one later...abstain for the moment. However, should it be ranked, here's the list of characters to rank: Adell, Rozalin, Tink, Hanako, Taro, Yukimaru, Axel, Fubuki, Shura, Serion, 'Zenon' - total 11. All of these characters are plot important with a lot of exposure and unique fighting ability. Saying no to Axel (who is present in...every chapter, whom you fight 4-5 times, who is an NPC for a battle, an optional character in the end, and a summon), Fubuki (Yukimaru's brother with a boss form, an optional character form, and a temp NPC form just like Axel), Shura or Serion (*spoilers*, and present in many plot scenes, though only one battle - nonetheless, they are unique fighters, so...) sounds a bit odd, especially when they are better than D1 bosses DL-wise, and similarly interesting. The PCs are a definite rank, and the bosses are just as good an plot important and present as the ones in D1 - draw's a bit worse, but I can't see blocking them when there's a lot of support for them.
Fire Emblem 9:
1) Yes, liked it a lot.
2) Yes, now that it seems like the majority do support the game.
3) See Disgaea 2, mostly. Want to think this through a bit more. However! List of what I think should be ranked...Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Soren, Mist, Volke, Ranulf, Elincia, Ena, Petrine, Oliver, Tibarn, Naesala, Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, Rolf, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai, Nephenee, Kieran, Brom, Jill, Astrid, Tanith, Janaff, Ulki, Haar, Bastian, Lucia, Geoffrey, Ashnard, Illyana, Zihark, Sothe, Makalov, Tormod, Muarim, Stefan, Devdan, Resyon, Callil, Tauroneo, Largo, Nasir, Giffca, Black Knight, Bertram - total 51. Yes, that's all of them. If we're minimizing the FE9 people and waiting for FE10, I'd go with Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Soren, Mist, Volke, Ranulf, Elincia, Ena, Petrine, Tibarn, Naesala, Rhys, Shinon, Gatrie, Rolf, Mia, Nephenee, Kieran, Jill, Ashnard, Reyson, Nasir, Giffca, Black Knight - total 26. Characters that are plot-important (Greil Mercenaries, Laguz Leaders), fan favourites (Kieran, Mia, Nephenee), neat fighters (most of the others)...this represents most important classes. Bosses are also included here, the more important/present ones. Bertram can wait a game. However, for purposes of the next stage, I support the first list, whole group, just to ensure everyone that should get in has a support vote.
Also, death if you don't vote yes to Naesala, but do to Tibarn. DEATH.