Arche's ferocity is unmatched.
Her powerful magic is more than a match for any stupid demon!
After all, he was weak to lightning! Indignation would blow him to bits!
Of course, sometimes, knowing your enemy helps a little, right?
So, Arche decided to look into these new demons a bit more.
Maybe she'd find more weaknesses!
"...Why's she hiding under the covers?" Cress asked, curiously. "Isn't it time for her match?"
"I <i>told</i> her not all of the demons are like Heat. Repeatedly. But all she does is huddle under there crying and talking about tentacles." Klarth said in disgust.
Yes, sometimes, friends are a valuable asset in a match.
Of course, not everything about this was perfect for Gale.
The amount of perverts he's going to have to butcher and eat after they hear about him having tentacles is going to be staggering.
And let's not even get into what's going to happen to poor Argilla.