
Author Topic: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3  (Read 1878 times)


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Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« on: July 18, 2008, 11:00:09 PM »
Magdalen 79.5% (31-8 (16-3, 15-5))
Nash 71% (49-20 (18-18, 31-2))
Zidane 62.3% (49-30 (17-22, 32-6))
Jude 58.9% (33-23 (13-16, 20-7))
Poco 53.6% (30-26 (10-18, 21-8))
Colm 53.1% (43-38 (15-28, 27-11))
Wiegraf 42.5% (34-46 (12-28, 22-18))

A very close match! Mage Poco beat out the doubling Colm to move on. Wiegraf was the clear loser, being the only one that didn't just generally route Middle.

This Week's Competitors
Kyril- OHKOs! Once! And is slow, and hates Ice.
Kazan- Effectively doubles his HP, and has a few minor tricks even on top of that.
Infernape- PD starter one! Will his speed and 2HKO win him through?
Torterra- PD starter one! Will her durability win him through?
Bart- Stacking evade skills of brokenness.
Lexis- Status IPs are evil.
Sharon (S3)- Physical tank monster with healing, ID, and Sleep! All S3 characters want a Wind Rune.

The Matches
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Lynx
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Tristan (OB)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Dias
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Grobyc
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Ursula (FE)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Milda
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Canas
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Jessica (L1)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Flea
Kazan   vs   Lynx
Kazan   vs   Tristan (OB)
Kazan   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Kazan   vs   Sarah (S3)
Kazan   vs   Dias
Kazan   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Kazan   vs   Grobyc
Kazan   vs   Ursula (FE)
Kazan   vs   Milda
Kazan   vs   Canas
Kazan   vs   Jessica (L1)
Kazan   vs   Flea
Infernape   vs   Lynx
Infernape   vs   Tristan (OB)
Infernape   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Infernape   vs   Sarah (S3)
Infernape   vs   Dias
Infernape   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Infernape   vs   Grobyc
Infernape   vs   Ursula (FE)
Infernape   vs   Milda
Infernape   vs   Canas
Infernape   vs   Jessica (L1)
Infernape   vs   Flea
Torterra   vs   Lynx
Torterra   vs   Tristan (OB)
Torterra   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Torterra   vs   Sarah (S3)
Torterra   vs   Dias
Torterra   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Torterra   vs   Grobyc
Torterra   vs   Ursula (FE)
Torterra   vs   Milda
Torterra   vs   Canas
Torterra   vs   Jessica (L1)
Torterra   vs   Flea
Bart   vs   Lynx
Bart   vs   Tristan (OB)
Bart   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3)
Bart   vs   Dias
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Bart   vs   Grobyc
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE)
Bart   vs   Milda
Bart   vs   Canas
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1)
Bart   vs   Flea
Lexis   vs   Lynx
Lexis   vs   Tristan (OB)
Lexis   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3)
Lexis   vs   Dias
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Lexis   vs   Grobyc
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE)
Lexis   vs   Milda
Lexis   vs   Canas
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1)
Lexis   vs   Flea
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lynx
Sharon (S3)   vs   Tristan (OB)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Dias
Sharon (S3)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Grobyc
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas
Sharon (S3)   vs   Jessica (L1)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Flea
...into the nightfall.

Random Consonant

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 11:47:09 PM »
Abstain on the Gen4 starters, only went with Piplup.

Bart   vs   Lynx - CC boss not named Miguel.  Not inclined to vote on PC form, which would likely eat evade whoring.
Bart   vs   Tristan (OB) - No vote
Bart   vs   Garland (FF 9) - Stop, methinks.  Physical status blocker includes Stop?  Doesn't really matter.  Topic says Psychokineses ignores evasion and Garland 3HKOs with it at worst and is faster.
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3) - No vote
Bart   vs   Dias - Thinking Dias is accurate enough to deal with the evade buffing
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2) - No vote
Bart   vs   Grobyc - Evade buffing vs. CC
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE) - Evade buffing vs. FE
Bart   vs   Milda - Um... could G1 skills miss?
Bart   vs   Canas - Evade buffing vs. FE
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1) - Don't think Jessica can't do anything about the evade
Bart   vs   Flea - Think the confusion is more than Bart can handle.  XG has storebought mental status blockers?  Good enough for me.

Lexis   vs   Lynx - CC Boss not named Miguel.  PC form would eat Stun Shocker if I felt inclined to vote on it
Lexis   vs   Tristan (OB) - No vote
Lexis   vs   Garland (FF 9) - Stop, methinks.
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3) - No vote
Lexis   vs   Dias - Confusion
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2) - No vote
Lexis   vs   Grobyc - Stun Shocker
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE) - Stun Shocker
Lexis   vs   Milda - Milda Hit OHKOs Wait... buffing L2 defense is actually meaningful?  Well then... Milda opts for the ID axe instead.  A physical string gives Lexis enough for one shot of Stun Shocker at best.  Don't think Lexis pulls it off in the time it gives him.
Lexis   vs   Canas - Stun Shocker
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1) - Stun Shocker
Lexis   vs   Flea - Maybe?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 12:36:40 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2008, 12:22:25 AM »
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Tristan (OB)- Tristan
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Garland. Would be OHKOed! If he didn’t go first.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Sarah (S3)- Kyril (Lol Sarah. She would have been removed…except she might actually beat someone in this field…)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Dias- Kyril. Barely OHKOs.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Veronica. Even if slower, she takes a hit to me.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Grobyc- Grobyc. Takes the best damage, and 2HKOs.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Ursula (FE)- Kyril
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Milda- Milda. Barely. Think Grandia 1 defense is worth less that it implies, so Milda survives 2 turns with like 3% of her HP.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Canas- Kyril
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Jessica (L1)- Kyril
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Flea- Flea
Kazan   vs   Tristan (OB)- Tristan
Kazan   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Garland. Stop. A status Legaia 2 can’t block.
Kazan   vs   Sarah (S3)- Kazan
Kazan   vs   Dias- Kazan. Illusion is 8 seconds, so average to me. Wind Doublet=Kazan is faster.
Kazan   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Kazan. ID block.
Kazan   vs   Grobyc- Kazan. Grobyc is a tad below average speed.
Kazan   vs   Ursula (FE)- Kazan. Don’t think Ursula has enough of her Fire damage to 2HKO him.
Kazan   vs   Milda- Kazan. Milda is a one-shot wonder.
Kazan   vs   Canas- Kazan. Canas lacks either the damage or status to beat Kazan.
Kazan   vs   Jessica (L1)- Kazan.
Kazan   vs   Flea- Kazan. Confuse blocker and such.
Bart   vs   Tristan (OB)- Tristan. Tristan is going to get 2 of his 3 hits the second turn thanks to that massive AGI, I think.
Bart   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Bart. Physical Status Blocker.
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3)- Bart
Bart   vs   Dias- Bart. Dias has really good accuracy…but Wild Smile+White Cologne is on crack.
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Veronica. Outslugs with magic.
Bart   vs   Grobyc- Bart
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE)- Bart
Bart   vs   Milda- Bart. Milda can get in one shot and not OHKO…and by then, she’ll never hit Bart. Or she can 3HKO…but Bart then 4-3s, and does 5008 XG damage…to Milda’s 4910 HP.
Bart   vs   Canas- Bart. Halves Canas’ magic. Canas is going to just eventually miss with Nosferatu since it’s like 80% to average to me (And Canas needs 8 attacks…yeah).
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1)- Bart
Bart   vs   Flea- Bart. Block Confuse.
Lexis   vs   Tristan (OB)- Tristan. Chips well enough, I think.
Lexis   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Garland.
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3)- Lexis
Lexis   vs   Dias- Lexis
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Veronica
Lexis   vs   Grobyc- Lexis. Just heals forever (or until doubles). Lexis lives through the best string by casting his Def up move on turn 1.
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE)- Lexis. Heal until evil IP.
Lexis   vs   Milda- Milda
Lexis   vs   Canas- Lexis. Healing+build up to evil IPs.
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1)- Lexis
Lexis   vs   Flea- Flea. Confuse, smite slowly.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Tristan (OB)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Uh…tentative Garland. Think Yellow Scarf misses Paralysis, so not inclined to see it get Fatal statuses.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Sarah (S3)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Dias- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Veronica. Sharon pushes the ID to turn 2 at least!
Sharon (S3)   vs   Grobyc- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE)- Sharon. Ursula’s HP is yikes.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda- Sharon. Defense to live a turn. Milda’s speed gives her the opening (Maybe Milda couldn’t even get ID and Sleep protection at the same time too).
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas- Sharon. Sleep->Sleep->ID is a three turn combo against Canas.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Jessica (L1)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Flea- Sharon

Kazan 9-2 (3-2, 6-0)
Bart 9-2 (3-2, 6-0) (!!!)
Sharon 9-2 (3-2, 6-0)
Lexis 6-5 (3-2, 3-3)
Kyril 5-6 (2-3, 3-3)
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2008, 12:56:05 AM »
The Matches
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Lynx- Lynx is pretty scrubby.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Tristan (OB)- Way outspeeds. Defense means no OHKO as well.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Sarah (S3)- High grade physical.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Dias- Close.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Grobyc- See Dhyer.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Ursula (FE)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Milda- Remember Milda being horrendously slow. May cost her here.
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Canas
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Jessica (L1)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Flea
Kazan   vs   Lynx
Kazan   vs   Tristan (OB)
Kazan   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Kazan   vs   Sarah (S3)
Kazan   vs   Dias- Don't think I see Kazan stopping a blitz here.
Kazan   vs   Veronica (SH 2)--...No.
Kazan   vs   Grobyc
Kazan  vs   Ursula (FE)- Resists fire.
Kazan   vs   Milda
Kazan   vs   Canas
Kazan   vs   Jessica (L1)
Kazan   vs   Flea
Bart   vs   Lynx- Dark Serge has magic.
Bart   vs   Tristan (OB)- Tris is extremely accurate.
Bart   vs   Garland (FF 9)- Fuck blocking stop, Garland is much faster and can hit Bart's MDef.
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3)- Mage.
Bart   vs   Dias- I'll bite.
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Bart   vs   Grobyc
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE)
Bart   vs   Milda
Bart   vs   Canas- Coinflip.
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1)
Bart   vs   Flea
Lexis   vs   Lynx- PC Lynx isn't legal, boss Lynx is shitty. (PC Lynx may be able to chip past the limits and OHKO, not sure offhand. Lexis going first there helps.)
Lexis   vs   Tristan (OB)- I don't think Tris can one round Lexis in time. (Stun shocker gives Lexis time to heal and buff his defense, and that is that.)
Lexis   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3)- SL is worthless (IP healing!), PC form can't OHKO.
Lexis   vs   Dias- Peeps/shreds. Good fight, his superior damage control/status gives him an edge that Tris lacked.
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2)- Whoops, misbolded.
Lexis   vs   Grobyc- Bravery, yeah.
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE)- Tanks.
Lexis   vs   Milda- Bravery means Milda has no OHKO. The ID..actually does it I think. Wow.
Lexis   vs   Canas- Lexis>FE as a general rule.
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1)
Lexis   vs   Flea
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lynx
Sharon (S3)   vs   Tristan (OB)- Can evade the status and is accurate enough to shrug through the worst of the shield tanking.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Dias- Shield guard slows Dias down a great deal.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Grobyc
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE)- Depends if Ursula 2HKOs.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas
Sharon (S3)   vs   Jessica (L1)- EDIT- Sharon doesn't have enough damage/status to keep Jess down. Think she runs out of resources.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Flea
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 04:37:26 PM by superaielman »
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<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 01:26:35 PM »
Getting a few votes in now, since I may well forget about this before the next update.

Infernape   vs   Ursula (FE) - Don't think Close Combat OHKOs, but Fire resistance makes this a laugher.
Infernape   vs   Canas - Dark resist lol
Infernape   vs   Flea - Inclined to let Taunt work here, since nothing whatsoever can stop it in-game.  Flea has no chance of outslugging here.

Torterra   vs   Ursula (FE) - Doubled Elfire = massive pain.
Torterra   vs   Canas - No idea on this last two.
Torterra   vs   Flea


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2008, 06:07:35 PM »
Infernape   vs   Garland (FF 9): Stop.
Infernape   vs   Sarah (S3): Heal locks until Sarah runs out of healing.
Infernape   vs   Ursula (FE): Fast, resists fire.
Infernape   vs   Canas: Fast, resists dark.
Infernape   vs   Flea: Sleep should work?

Torterra   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Torterra   vs   Sarah (S3): Final Flame OHKO.
Torterra   vs   Ursula (FE): Lol double Elfire.
Torterra   vs   Canas: Nosferatu works?
Torterra   vs   Flea

Sharon (S3)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE): No 2HKO.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas
Sharon (S3)   vs   Flea
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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2008, 09:56:55 PM »
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Lynx
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Dias
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Kyril (S:T)    vs   Grobyc
Kyril (S:T)    vs   Ursula (FE)
Kyril (S:T)   vs  Milda
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Canas
Kyril (S:T)   vs   Jessica (L1)

Bart    vs   Lynx
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3)
Bart   vs   Dias
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Bart   vs   Grobyc
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE)
Bart    vs   Milda
Bart   vs   Canas
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1)
Bart   vs  Flea
Lexis   vs   Lynx
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3)
Lexis   vs   Dias
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Lexis   vs   Grobyc
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE)
Lexis   vs   Milda
Lexis   vs   Canas
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1)
Lexis   vs   Flea

Abstain on Lexis for now.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lynx
Sharon (S3)    vs   Sarah (S3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Dias
Sharon (S3)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)    vs   Grobyc
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda- dont allow yellow scarfs, :P
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas
Sharon (S3)    vs   Jessica (L1)


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 10:49:28 PM »
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda- dont allow yellow scarfs, :P

What good would a yellow scarf do here anyways?
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 11:05:03 PM »
Sharon (S3) vs. Lynx - Lynx against someone that tanky with healing? You jest.
Sharon (S3) vs. Tristan (OB) - The evade/defense combo just gives Tristan -fits-. This match takes a long time, but it's pretty clear who can last longer.
Sharon (S3) vs. Garland (FF 9) - Stop you all down.
Sharon (S3) vs. Sarah (S3) - Sarah.
Sharon (S3) vs. Dias - The durability here makes it ugly for Dias.
Sharon (S3) vs. Grobyc - lol cc vs. evasive tank with healing.
Sharon (S3) vs. Ursula (FE) - Mild kneejerk. Ursula is so damned physically frail she quite probably gets 2HKOed by Sharon.
Sharon (S3) vs. Milda - Milda Hit doesn't OHKO. The ID axes aren't connecting before Sharon kills. The speed split just seals it.
Sharon (S3) vs. Canas - uh no.
Sharon (S3) vs. Jessica (L1) - Tack that sleep. Jessica -fails- at damaging Sharon too much.
Sharon (S3) vs. Flea - God no.

Bart vs. Lynx - Lynx kinda has 3HKO magic, but I gather Bart is faster anyway? So, um, yeah, both should 3HKO after Bart's debuff and Bart 3HKOs first.
Bart vs. Tristan (OB) - Dear god, the evade debuffing game shuts Tristan down bad.
Bart vs. Garland (FF 9) - Uh, Garland kills first.
Bart vs. Sarah (S3) - Sarah needs one of those double downgrade servings stat.
Bart vs. Dias - More of the evade whoring setup.
Bart vs. Grobyc - Yeah.
Bart vs. Ursula (FE) - Bart is inaccurate (while Ursula isn't bad at all at dodging) and is triggering counters. Ursula can probably manage that, since she initially 2HKOs before the effect kicks in. Granted, I think Bart 2HKOs anyway and he goes first, and the Deathblow should be enough... eh, Bart.
Bart vs. Milda - I don't consider Milda Hit ITE. GG.
Bart vs. Canas - No.
Bart vs. Jessica (L1) - Dear god, Wild Smile.
Bart vs. Flea - He immunes Confuse and Sleep. Flea weeps bitter tears.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2008, 06:52:40 AM »
Update on Sunday.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Prelims 3
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 08:01:26 PM »
The Matches

Kazan   vs   Lynx: Auto-revive.
Kazan   vs   Tristan (OB): Charge Heal + MA.
Kazan   vs   Garland (FF 9): No stop blocker? Oh well.
Kazan   vs   Sarah (S3): Yeah no.
Kazan   vs   Dias: Charge Heal, threat of MA. And so on.
Kazan   vs   Veronica (SH 2): Veronica sans ID is...
Kazan   vs   Grobyc
Kazan   vs   Ursula (FE): Probably doesn't OHKO! Does slaughter.
Kazan   vs   Milda: Charge Heal.
Kazan   vs   Canas: : MA is getting off on Kazan's second "life"
Kazan   vs   Jessica (L1): MA. Yeah.
Kazan   vs   Flea: I think he could block confuse?
Bart   vs   Lynx: Evade.
Bart   vs   Tristan (OB): Evade move.
Bart   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Bart   vs   Sarah (S3): Saaad.
Bart   vs   Dias
Bart   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Bart   vs   Grobyc
Bart   vs   Ursula (FE): Ursula sucks.
Bart   vs   Milda: She wasn't ITE?
Bart   vs   Canas: Save up AP and OHKO after halving his magic damage?
Bart   vs   Jessica (L1)
Bart   vs   Flea: Mental blocker.
Lexis   vs   Lynx: Status.
Lexis   vs   Tristan (OB): Status.
Lexis   vs   Garland (FF 9): Status!
Lexis   vs   Sarah (S3): Healing works?
Lexis   vs   Dias: Blocks the status, maims.
Lexis   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Lexis   vs   Grobyc
Lexis   vs   Ursula (FE): This is sad.
Lexis   vs   Milda
Lexis   vs   Canas: Physical status.
Lexis   vs   Jessica (L1)
Lexis   vs   Flea
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lynx
Sharon (S3)   vs   Tristan (OB)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Garland (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Sarah (S3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Dias
Sharon (S3)   vs   Veronica (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Grobyc
Sharon (S3)   vs   Ursula (FE)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Milda
Sharon (S3)   vs   Canas
Sharon (S3)   vs   Jessica (L1)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Flea: Looks up. S3 Wind runes are good.