Author Topic: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3  (Read 1870 times)


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Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:50:13 AM »
Peco 65.2% (30-16 (13-10, 17-6))
Beecham 62.1% (36-22 (15-14, 21-8))
Estella 56.1% (32-25 (14-14, 18-11))
Kahn 52.6% (30-27 (11-18, 19-9))
Zhuzhen 52.1% (24-22 (10-14, 14-8))
Piccolo 44.8% (26-32 (11-18, 15-14))
Zegai 39.7% (23-35 (9-20, 14-15))

Odd week. Basically all duellers got some weird vote split. Also, Kyle got respect over fast 2HKOers (The most baffling mystery of all).

This Week's Competitors
Yukimaru- NR bait 1! Now with solid physical damage and...yeah, that's about it!
Andarc- NR bait 2! The Suiko Lighting Mage with bad damage...but also with broken ST elemental regen+buffing panels
Junpei- NR bait 3! Regen+A passable anti-physical skill (In Light anyways)+damage of both types!
Tao- Now the ranks PC! Fire and bad drawing!
Hugh- Evil status and bad drawing!
Meg- Silent Lake and a 3x Physical Rune!
Mallow- Lots of healing with some decent damage!

The Matches
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Paine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Lowen
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Rude
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Kelvena
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Paine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Kelvena
Junpei (P3)   vs   Ox
Junpei (P3)   vs   Amarant
Junpei (P3)   vs   Paine
Junpei (P3)   vs   Hellion
Junpei (P3)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Karn
Junpei (P3)   vs   Lowen
Junpei (P3)   vs   Rude
Junpei (P3)   vs   Irvine
Junpei (P3)   vs   Malak
Junpei (P3)   vs   Kelvena
Tao (SF1)   vs   Ox
Tao (SF1)   vs   Amarant
Tao (SF1)   vs   Paine
Tao (SF1)   vs   Hellion
Tao (SF1)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Tao (SF1)   vs   Karn
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen
Tao (SF1)   vs   Rude
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak
Tao (SF1)   vs   Kelvena
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Ox
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Amarant
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Paine
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Hellion
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Karn
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Lowen
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Rude
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Irvine
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Malak
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Kelvena
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Paine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena
Mallow   vs   Ox
Mallow   vs   Amarant
Mallow   vs   Paine
Mallow   vs   Hellion
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)
Mallow   vs   Karn
Mallow   vs   Lowen
Mallow   vs   Rude
Mallow   vs   Irvine
Mallow   vs   Malak
Mallow   vs   Kelvena

...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 02:33:49 PM »
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox- Think his healing's good enough here.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant- Can wall his techs.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Paine- Goes first, isn't frail.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Goes first, is tanky.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Deflect tips a close fight.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn- Doubt Karn 2HKOs here.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Lowen- Ignores counters.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Rude
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak- Unsure, need to see what Yukimaru's best NE tech is. But it's Malak, he should be able to win.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Kelvena
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox- Think the regen/countering is enough.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant- Better version of the same fighter.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Paine- Elemental sword+Assault equal splat.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion- Andarc's weak to earth. Goooooooodbye.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Think the White Tiger rune gives him too much offese.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Superior slugger.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn- Think he can blitz here.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen- Andarc's magic gets doubled, his physical gets countered. Lowen's a better tank,even with the thunder panel (That takes a turn to cast.)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude- Rude sucks.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine- Irvine makes Rude look like Ghaleon.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak- Andarc is weak to earth!
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Kelvena- Haha.

Yeah, Andarc's not much of a Middle. Had the bad luck to draw some decent lights... oh wait there's worse in this field!
Tao (SF1)   vs   Ox- OHKO.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Amarant-Hahahhaa SF mage vs Amarant.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Paine- Assault.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Hellion- Copper flesh.
Tao (SF1)   vs   LC Chan (S2)-2HKO at worst, he has tons of HP to tank through.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga)- 2HKO at worst, isn't getting 2HKOed back. Tao is so awful against fighters.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Karn
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen- Yes, even Lowen handles things here.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Rude- Rude absorbs fire.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine- Oh christ. I think she can avoid a limit. She's happy Irvine's damage is bad even on the FF8 curve.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak- Slaughters every single Tao form I know of.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Kelvena- Kel is weak to fire and is awful.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Ox- OHKO.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Amarant- No OHKO.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Paine- ID blocker.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Hellion- Faster.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- If he isn't OHKOing, he isn't missing by much. A crit wins, Hugh whiffing on ID means he wins. The odds are in his favor here.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Gen (Saga)- ID blocker.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Karn
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Lowen- Lowen doesn't double.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Rude- Boss.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Irvine- ID vs Irvine.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Malak- Blocks ID.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Kelvena...*SOB* Hugh hits a weakness here, but Kel can heal and uh.. fuck it, abstain with FIRE.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox- Ox is heal locking with his physical, Meg's damage can't claim the same. And she's also slow enough to not be able to really break out of this in time.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant- Didn't Amarant have doom?
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Paine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion- SL.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Meg has Miklotov speed and Luc HP. *flush*
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Think the ID's enough here.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn- Think crits keep her locked down long enough.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen- Meg's nearly as slow as Lowen is. So much fail.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine- Trick rune.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak- Silent Lake doesn't stop Untruth for me.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 06:52:34 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 06:19:26 PM »
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Paine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn
Yukimaru (Dis2)    vs   Lowen
Yukimaru (Dis2)    vs   Rude
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak
Yukimaru (Dis2)    vs   Kelvena
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Paine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak
Andarc (S:T)    vs   Kelvena
Junpei (P3)    vs   Ox
Junpei (P3)    vs   Amarant
Junpei (P3)   vs   Paine
Junpei (P3)   vs   Hellion
Junpei (P3)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Karn
Junpei (P3)    vs   Lowen
Junpei (P3)    vs   Rude
Junpei (P3)   vs   Irvine
Junpei (P3)   vs   Malak
Junpei (P3)   vs   Kelvena
Tao (SF1)   vs   Ox
Tao (SF1)   vs   Amarant
Tao (SF1)   vs   Paine
Tao (SF1)   vs   Hellion
Tao (SF1)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Tao (SF1)   vs   Karn
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen
Tao (SF1)   vs   Rude
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak
Tao (SF1)   vs   Kelvena
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Ox
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Amarant
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Paine
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Hellion
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Karn
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Lowen
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Rude
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Irvine
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Malak
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Kelvena
Meg (Suikos)   vs  Ox
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant
Meg (Suikos)   vs  Paine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Meg (Suikos)    vs   Karn
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen
Meg (Suikos)    vs   Rude
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine
Meg (Suikos)    vs   Malak
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena
Mallow   vs   Ox
Mallow   vs   Amarant
Mallow   vs   Paine
Mallow   vs   Hellion
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)
Mallow    vs   Karn
Mallow   vs   Lowen
Mallow   vs   Rude
Mallow   vs   Irvine
Mallow   vs  Malak
Mallow    vs   Kelvena

o_O at Malak doing so well in this field. He likes all the mages.

Random Consonant

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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2008, 07:33:26 PM »
Tao (SF1)   vs   Ox - No vote
Tao (SF1)   vs   Amarant - Not a SF1r mage
Tao (SF1)   vs   Paine - No vote
Tao (SF1)   vs   Hellion - Not a SF1r mage
Tao (SF1)   vs   LC Chan (S2) - Not a SF1r mage
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga) - Didn't get Gen, no vote
Tao (SF1)   vs   Karn - No vote
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen - Not a SF1r mage
Tao (SF1)   vs   Rude -  Absorbs Fire?  This is sad.  What the hell is a Turk doing beating someone?  FAIL, Tao, FAIL.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine - No vote
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak - Malak slaughters someone, hell freezes over
Tao (SF1)   vs   Kelvena - This is fricking sad
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox - No vote
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant - Not happening
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Paine - No vote
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion - Pure Suikomage gets dunked into the lake
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2) - Better scrub.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga) - No vote
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn - No vote
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen - Uhh... yeah
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude - Not a Turk
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine - No vote
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak - Untruth gests dunked into the lake to me, so... yeah.  Not that it matters much to me.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena - Kelvena just fails.

This is wrong... so very wrong...
Mallow   vs   Ox - No vote
Mallow   vs   Amarant - FF9 equips and such. Err... um... on thinking about it and looking stuff up, the whole equip nonsense doesn't matter much, since Amarant takes magic better than physicals.  Still, it's not like Mallow's damage is particularly good, so... Amarant heals and tries to apply Doom, I guess.  Works for me.
Mallow   vs   Paine - No vote
Mallow   vs   Hellion - S1 Mother Earth rune > Mallow, methinks
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2) - Seems obvious.
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga) - No vote
Mallow   vs   Karn - No vote
Mallow   vs   Lowen - Wow... this is close.  Depends on who goes first here.
Mallow   vs   Rude - This, however, is not
Mallow   vs   Irvine - No vote
Mallow   vs   Malak - Mallow's physical damage isn't that much worse than Shocker to me, and he has healing.  Untruth's damage sucks even factoring in Mallow's MDef, unless Malak gets lucky and hits him with it more than once.  Haha to that happening.  Malak's own healing, on the other hand, relies on his pathetic accuracy.
Mallow   vs   Kelvena - Again, Kelvena fails.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 07:46:18 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 10:26:46 PM »
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox- Ox
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant- Amarant
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Paine- Paine. Yukimaru needs 5 turns due to SOS Protect. Excalibur+Excalibur+Physical kills in a little over 4 of Paine’s turns.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion- Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- LC Chan. Faster and 3HKOs.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn- Yukimaru. Karn hates his defense.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Lowen- Lowen. Lowen’s defense is good, and he isn’t doubled. He 3HKOs, she doesn’t.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Rude- Rude. Kind of pesky in Light.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine- Yukimaru
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak- Malak. Malak heals 35% of his HP a turn on average.  Yukimaru does 49% of his HP a turn with her best (42% with her second best). She can use her best 4 times, and then her 2nd once. So Malak, Yukimaru (Malak at 49), Malak (14), Y (63), M (28), Y (77), M (42), Y (91, out of best), M (56), Y (98, and now has nothing that overwhelms Malak’s healing)….
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Kelvena- Yukimaru
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox- Andarc. Ox has 3 shots of healing, and never gets to get in any hits without panels in play.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant- Amarant.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Paine- Andarc. Throw up Elemental Panels+Counters aren’t something Paine likes. If she opts for trying to use her techs…well, Not even having a tech that can 2HKO average against regen is a bad idea.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion- Hellion
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Andarc. An LC Chan crit itself does like 40% of Andarc’s HP under panels. Normal physicals aren’t really registering.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn- Andarc. ST Panels are badass.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen- Andarc. ST Panels are badass. 33% Damage reduction and 20% regen against averagish damage? Works out quite well for squeezing out more turns.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude- Rude. Okay, at least 2 of Rude’s forms have the similar damage, so it’s not too bad.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine- Andarc. Can manage to chip well enough with panel timing.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak- Malak. Infinite Earth charges work well, yes.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Kelvena- Andarc
Junpei (P3)   vs   Ox- Junpei. Ox’s 3rd attack is being reflected back at Ox, so whenever that’s being reflected back, Junpei will have two turns to damage Ox. Two Junpei attacks could easily make up the remaining damage.
Junpei (P3)   vs   Amarant- Amarant
Junpei (P3)   vs   Paine- Junpei. Paine has 5 elements…but none are Wind. And she’ll be eating at least one of her own attacks/Junpei’s fire magic should be enough.
Junpei (P3)   vs   Hellion- Hellion
Junpei (P3)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Junpei
Junpei (P3)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Junpei (P3)   vs   Karn- Junpei
Junpei (P3)   vs   Lowen- Junpei
Junpei (P3)   vs   Rude- Rude.
Junpei (P3)   vs   Irvine- Junpei
Junpei (P3)   vs   Malak- Malak. Wind->Earth scrapes together above average damage. For Malak!
Junpei (P3)   vs   Kelvena- Junpei
Tao (SF1)   vs   Ox- Ox. Tao wants to spend the turns to silence him and she meets hammer death.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Amarant- Amarant
Tao (SF1)   vs   Paine- Tao. CT. Paine hates it.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Hellion- Oh damn. Tao Silences Hellion on turn 2…but Hellion’s physical versus Tao’s defense…versus Hellion’s likely horrid accuracy (57 Spd…). Well, okay, Hellion is probably going to at least hit once before Tao kills her (She has at least 2 tries. She could be inaccurate enough to miss twice, but I’m guessing no). Tentative Hellion.
Tao (SF1)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Tao. Probably have SF 1 speed count half as much, but that still makes her faster.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Tao (SF1)   vs   Karn- Karn. Faster, 2HKOs.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen- Tao
Tao (SF1)   vs   Rude- Rude.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine- Tao.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak- Malak. Halve Fire and Bludgeon to death if nothing else. Mdef helps here.
Tao (SF1)   vs   Kelvena- Tao. Ow and such.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Ox- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Amarant- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Paine- Paine. Blocks ID.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Hellion- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen. Faster ID.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Karn- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Lowen- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Rude- Rude
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Irvine- Hugh
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Malak- Malak. Blocks ID.
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Kelvena- Hugh. Kelvena might take this match if her healing was full.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox- Ox
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant- Amarant. Doom+Infinite Healing
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Paine- Paine. Gut reaction that Paine’s Pdur sees her through. Assault and it’s activating on turn 2.5 works well enough against pure shit physicals, I think.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion- Meg. Hellion isn’t as slow as I thought though!
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)- LC Chan. 6-5, kills in a double w/ a crit.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn- Karn. Crits are coming constantly enough to give this to him, I think.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen- Lowen. Tink.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude- Rude.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine- Meg.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak- Malak. Yeah, wouldn’t see SL get Untruth.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena- Meg
Mallow   vs   Ox- Mallow.
Mallow   vs   Amarant- Amarant. Infinite Healing+Faster vs Finite Healing
Mallow   vs   Paine- Mallow
Mallow   vs   Hellion- Mallow. Faster+Healing
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2)- Mallow.
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)- Gen
Mallow   vs   Karn- Mallow
Mallow   vs   Lowen- Mallow.
Mallow   vs   Rude- Rude.
Mallow   vs   Irvine- Mallow
Mallow   vs   Malak- Malak. Yeah, Malak really isn’t all that bad against average damage.
Mallow   vs   Kelvena- Mallow

Hugh 8-4 (4-2, 4-2)
Mallow 8-4 (4-2, 4-2)
Andarc 7-5 (3-3, 4-2)
Junpei 7-5 (3-3, 4-2)
Tao 5-7 (2-4, 3-3)
Yukimaru 3-9 (0-6, 3-3)
Meg 3-9 (1-5, 2-4)
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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2008, 04:56:37 AM »
Update tomorrow! Vote!
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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2008, 05:31:26 AM »
Tao (SF1) vs. Ox - Instalaps and 2HKOs. That's that.
Tao (SF1) vs. Amarant - FF9 equipment cheese.
Tao (SF1) vs. Hellion - Hellion may be insta-doubled, but I think she may survive anyway. The MDef is just too overkill.
Tao (SF1) vs. LC Chan (S2) - LC Chan doesn't get 3-2ed and 2HKOs. The HP is so overkill that he doesn't get 2HKOed back, since his MDef is just slightly below average.
Tao (SF1) vs. Gen (Saga) - *Checks stat topic.* Dear god, Tao durability is way too awful. Probably gets OHKOed by average.
Tao (SF1) vs. Karn - Tao... avoids the OHKO unless Karn crits (24% odds? Not enough), and she goes first. That's the clincher.
Tao (SF1) vs. Lowen - Doubles and one-turns.
Tao (SF1) vs. Rude - lol fire vs. rude.
Tao (SF1) vs. Irvine - hrhrhr.
Tao (SF1) vs. Malak - Jesus christ.
Tao (SF1) vs. Kelvena - Fire weakness. Kelvena blows up.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Ox - ID.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Amarant - I... guess? Amarant damage ain't that hot and his Auto-Life isn't terribly workable.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Hellion - MDef to tank the ID for enough time, clear 2HKO, the speed difference isn't huge.
Hugh (PS2) vs. LC Chan (S2) - Chan would need the OHKO.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Gen (Saga) - Immunes ID.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Karn - Doesn't immune ID.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Lowen - Lowen's shoddy MDef clinches this, methinks.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Rude - Immunes ID.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Irvine - Doesn't immune ID.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Malak - What the hell, Malak.
Hugh (PS2) vs. Kelvena - GIFOI HITS A WEAKNESS OKAY. That and Kelvena sucks so hard.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Ox - Meg just outheals. Ox's speed really blows, and his resources don't help.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Amarant - I think she risks getting outslugged under SL at worst.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Hellion - Har, Silent Lake.
Meg (Suikos) vs. LC Chan (S2) - Don't think LC Chan can threaten a heal-lock? I guess.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Gen (Saga) - On the other hand, Gen should have enough damage to heal-lock Meg.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Karn - Huh. Crits could be nasty, but Karn durability is terrible. Meg probably 2HKOs with Trick Rune+physical.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Lowen - Lowen durability, however, is not terrible. A Killer critical should be enough.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Rude - Kind of a kneejerk? Rude... is slow, but Meg doesn't have that much in the way of resources.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Irvine - Trick Rune lets her chip.
Meg (Suikos) vs. Malak - In your face, Malak. >_>
Meg (Suikos) vs. Kelvena - Can I hype a Trick Rune OHKO? Please?
Mallow vs. Ox - Far outheals.
Mallow vs. Amarant - I guess Doom gets Mallow here? He does have problems killing things fast enough.
Mallow vs. Hellion - Plentiful healing to live through Copper Flesh.
Mallow vs. LC Chan (S2) - Same as Meg.
Mallow vs. Gen (Saga) - Against Mallow, the shoddy ID is enough.
Mallow vs. Karn - Karn probably needs to crit on a double to kill. Don't think that happens quite fast enough, he takes hits too badly.
Mallow vs. Lowen - He should 3HKO, I think, and he avoids counters unless Lowen uses a JAVELIN.
Mallow vs. Rude - Far more resources and probably a bit more durability than Meg.
Mallow vs. Irvine - ... man, Mallow's so happy he can chip juuuuuuust above 25% to kill.
Mallow vs. Malak - Kneejerk.
Mallow vs. Kelvena - Urgh Kelvena.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2008, 06:18:28 AM »
Tao (SF1)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Tao (SF1)   vs   Lowen
Tao (SF1)   vs   Irvine
Tao (SF1)   vs   Malak

Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)
Mallow   vs   Lowen
Mallow   vs   Irvine
Mallow   vs   Malak


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 08:25:33 AM »
And I have a tie for 4th! Any more votes would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2008, 04:29:55 PM »
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox- Rarr healing.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant- I... think.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Paine- Paine for Heavy.
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Lowen
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Rude
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Kelvena

Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant- At a guess Doom gets him.  Andarc doesn't win fast.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Paine- More status whore-ery.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion- *wince* Even weak to Earth.
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Kelvena


Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox- Outheals.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Paine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion- Slow as she is, and even needing to save back those EQs, I think she waits out Meg's healing.
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine- Triggers a limit, don't think she actually lives (unlike andarc who would get away with it.)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena

Mallow   vs   Ox
Mallow   vs   Amarant
Mallow   vs   Paine
Mallow   vs   Hellion
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)
Mallow   vs   Karn
Mallow   vs   Lowen
Mallow   vs   Rude
Mallow   vs   Irvine
Mallow   vs   Malak
Mallow   vs   Kelvena

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Light Prelims 3
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2008, 01:28:37 AM »
The Matches
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Ox
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Amarant
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Hellion
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Karn
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Lowen
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Rude
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Irvine
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Malak
Yukimaru (Dis2)   vs   Kelvena
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Ox
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Amarant
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Hellion
Andarc (S:T)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Karn
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Lowen
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Rude
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Irvine
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Malak
Andarc (S:T)   vs   Kelvena
Junpei (P3)   vs   Ox
Junpei (P3)   vs   Amarant
Junpei (P3)   vs   Hellion
Junpei (P3)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Junpei (P3)   vs   Karn
Junpei (P3)   vs   Lowen
Junpei (P3)   vs   Rude
Junpei (P3)   vs   Irvine
Junpei (P3)   vs   Malak
Junpei (P3)   vs   Kelvena

Meg (Suikos)   vs   Ox
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Amarant
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Hellion
Meg (Suikos)   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Gen (Saga)
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Karn
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Lowen
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Rude
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Irvine
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Malak
Meg (Suikos)   vs   Kelvena
Mallow   vs   Ox
Mallow   vs   Amarant
Mallow   vs   Hellion
Mallow   vs   LC Chan (S2)
Mallow   vs   Gen (Saga)
Mallow   vs   Karn
Mallow   vs   Lowen
Mallow   vs   Rude
Mallow   vs   Irvine
Mallow   vs   Malak
Mallow   vs   Kelvena

P.S. It'd help if you listed game names for everyone else here too.  -.-