UZUKIIIIIII! ...No, it doesn't matter that Jin's not in this season, or that he's in a whole 'nother division, or that Margulis is unlikely to ever actually fight him in the arena. It's kind of just Margulis's all-purpose battle cry, really. And hey, if it draws his hated rival's attention to the arena, that's all the better: Jin, rotting in Light, can watch as Margulis takes his deserved championship and ascends to his rightful position in Heavy. Well, once this fight's over with, that is. Albert Serdio might be tankish, but he's also quite one-dimensional. Margulis can easily swarm the monarch with clones to overcome his dragoon defences, laughing and healing himself all the while. Now, once more with feeling: ...UZUUUUKIIIIII!