Author Topic: DL Con 3: Aftermath  (Read 12326 times)

Hunter Sopko

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DL Con 3: Aftermath
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:55:06 AM »
So most of the rest of the group will be arriving home tomorrow, with some trickling in within the week afterwards. To keep things nicely organized, I'm just adding the new topic for aftermath and craziness and story sharing preemptively. I just got home, so I'll make my post tomorrow, but just figured I'd get the ball rolling.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:03:41 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 04:55:20 PM »
I just got home as well, posting to check in.

Thanks to people who sent me the phone numbers, and Gate/QR/Laggy for helping run the whole situation with the stress factors and all.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:03:50 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 10:31:21 PM »
I got in about 20 minutes early, which just meant a little wandering around the airport.  Ultimately didn't feel up to driving, so with luck today was not an exam!  I don't think it was.  So yeah, went to bed and got up around 3.
Considering my flight in got in about half an hour early, I think the lesson learned is that CK is the safest person to travel with.  Nothing can go wrong!  Alternatively this is the power of direct flights.  Either or.

Hm, what to say.  On the whole didn't do much, more just floated around observing (my natural mode of course.  shock, awe.) jumping in occasionally but not really making stuff happen.  Anyone expecting otherwise has clearly never talked to me of course *cough*

Interesting that diversity ruled the day so much, but that might be a because of space and setup differences.  That is, the two living rooms thing meant two big things were happening at once which prevented the sort of focus on Smash that existed previously, and of course because we were moving in somewhere, not hijacking someone's living space, Smash was not up and running first thing which slowed the whole process down.

and everything else I really associate with people more than general impressions, so now's the time.

People I've Never Met

1. QR- rules, and thus should be placed first.  Her willingness to leap in and do so much herself borders on the superhuman.  Otherwise, fun to be around but a little more particular in her activities than most.  I recall Gate once saying that people have called him and her "two remotes of the same being", which holds true in seemingly everything but gaming and was neat to watch.  Anyway, didn't thank her nearly enough, so this will have to stand in.

2. Andy/LD- Are the same person, for completely understandable reasons.  Anyway, spent most of their time with Arkham/Gloom, which are both awesome and made significantly more awesome by their play.  Watching them play off each other in Gloom Sunday was definitely a highlight for me.  Fear the power of 4chan.

3. Laggy- When he wasn't out on hosting/shuttle duties he was trying to bludgeon people into Touhou via letting them watch his intense hax, so ultimately didn't really do much with him.  Certainly Saturday morning's I Wanna Be the Guy fest provided mass entertainment though.  He is obligated to come next year and be cornered more, methinks.

4. Monkey- kicked my ass 3 out of 4 in MtG, the only time I played oddly enough.  The time I won he was obviously mana screwed, but then I was screwed in one of the other matches so it balances out.  Seemed pretty mellow, no strong impression otherwise.

5. Xer- highly recognizable, though less so than Meeple.  Mostly showed off games to people that were interested, but can't say I object to OGG hype.

People I Saw Two Years Ago

6. Grefter- Never did get the Elder Gods to eat us.  Granted, it was Tommy Guns that did the hard work there.  And yes, I appreciate the irony.

7. Sopko- Largely attatched himself to Andy/LD, which makes perfect sense since he lready knew how awesome everything they ended up doing was.  Pretty much same as ever etc.

People I Saw Last Year

8. OK- Seems like I saw more of him this year.  In that time, it was proven that his memory is fluid and leaky, and if I plan on needing meds it probaby shouldn't be in Pittsburg.  But yeah, just given more opportunity to cut loose and this is awesome.

9. Tai- largely floated around out of sight, only really saw him during Apples to Apples sessions.  Granted, those are the stuff.  But hey, I just assume he's going to need to sleep for a month to get China out of his system.

10. super- Karma utterly murdered super, so he was infinitely more mellow this year.  I have no idea if htis is closer to his norm or not.  Yeah, not much to say.

11. Niu- like Xer, largely showed off games.  This proved that FM+ is in fact the best thing since sliced bread and has pretty much sold me on Persona 4 and At2, so mission accomplished I assume.  Otherwise, completely cracked up at his OrgyXIII fights, Demyx and Zexion completely killed mentally him and it was awesome.

12. Hal- didn't really see much of Hal, he spent a lot of time with Laggy.  However, he DID suggest the Hat Sentai, which is enough awesome for one weekend at the least.

13. Ciato- What's to say?  My only disappointment with the con was that she missed half of it.  Super special kudos to QR for indulging her desire to hang out a little Friday night.

14. Dhyer- he spent a lot of time talking DL with OK, which was often interesting since it kept coming up Persona 3 and hey, I'm playing that!  We totally murdered an Elder God though, that was pretty cool.

15. Gate- Probably saw him about as much as last year, even though he wasn't saying at the house for obvious reasons.  Dunno what that says.

16. Elfboy- Despite ending up in the car with him a fair whack, only thing I distinctly remember talking about was in the big Mafia discussion, where we didn't talk much.  I dunno either.

People I See all the time

17. Meeple- Apparently I never noticed his extreme ability to multitask before.  He is fully capable of holding a conversation, throwing out Meepleisms, and beating up Rubicant at the same time.  The power of the Meeple grows, perhaps.

18. Alex- Despite the board games, I never actually did anything with Alex.  what can ya do.

19. Yakko- I don't... remember doing anything with Yakko either.  Apparently I suck.

20. Shale- Shale just excels at this sort of thing seemingly.  Hmm, french toast.

21. Metroid- Mostly is awesome by existing.  The pictures shall, as always, speak for themselves.

So yeah, there's that.  I fully expect being killed now that my travel powers are fully revealed.  GLORY TO AIRYGLAAAAAAARRGGHHHHH
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:04:29 AM by metroid composite »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 01:15:48 AM »
16. Elfboy- Despite ending up in the car with him a fair whack, only thing I distinctly remember talking about was in the big Mafia discussion, where we didn't talk much.  I dunno either.

A "discussion"? Was there an actual game or did you all just sit around in easy chairs with pipes and monocles while arguing about the economical and social impacts James Bond With Extreme Jaw Ache has on southern Africa?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:04:44 AM by metroid composite »

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 01:23:19 AM »
Well, we couldn't smoke in the beach house, but otherwise yes.  Especially the bit about African socio-economic conditions and their impact on WIFOM arguments.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 01:24:33 AM »
Damn, I'm sorry I missed it.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 01:43:25 AM »
One day I'll be on that list, and people will say, "Wow, Bardiche really -is- as awesome as he says. I'm in love!"

... Or not. Sounds like you guys had a great time. D: Isn't FM+ in Japanese, though? NIU READS THE JAPANESE?


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 01:45:07 AM »
There were no mafia games. We did have lots of board/card games and whatnot though. Apples to Apples is the stuff.


First off, HUGE thanks to QuietRain. Without her ability to take care of seemingly impossible situations, the con wouldn't have worked out at all. And I sincerely apologize for having not gotten the pokemon stuff set up. You're getting wireless soon, right? We can set it up there whenever you're ready.

Gate was very, very pleasant. He communicates a lot more... naturally in person. I dunno how to really say it, but we had some long talks and I really wish a lot of the games I played were in english so he could enjoy them more :<

Andrew and LadyDoor were both really funny and cool to be around. Should've participated in Gloom to see them more, really. The stuff on Sunday with KoF Max Impact 2 and Andy is something I won't soon forget.

Laggy is... Laggy. Still the ridiculously insane STG gamer I remember from last august. On a related note, I wish Melsa had come along :< Oh well.

Monkey typically was quiet, but occasionally hillarious. Apples to Apples is definitely the best stuff here.

Grefter was also really fun. Thanks for burning ToD DC for Shale and Sage, and an extra thanks for teaching me how to play Fallout, seriously. Also, I expect an epic FF12 rant in the future >_>;

Soppy was pretty neat. Sorry I didn't get around to playing Wipeout with you, man. If you head to the next con I'll remember.

OK was great. I'm really glad I met him in person, he helped a bit with a health issue I've been having for a while now >_>. Also dear god do you really make those noises around non-DLers when little girls in pretty dancing mechs pop up on TV screens?

Tai seemed really tired and quiet. I think his personality seeps out better online, of all things. Of course, this may be entirely due to China, so that may be suspect to change. Also, Apples to Apples.

Super, really, stop acting tough >_>; You're a good guy, you don't need to go around acting big to get people to listen to you. That aside, he was cool to talk to, but obviously wrecked from his flight in.

Niu I think I spent the most time with at the con? Really, really funny and aloof, did not think he was like that in person. Brought lots of games, got interested in various others. Also went JUST AS PLANNED and had THE LAUGH. Definitely a good guy.

Although I didn't talk to Hal much, he was quite fun to be around when I did. Just generally friendly and whatnot. His Reimu Solo IN clear was crazy, as should be noted.

I really wish I saw more of Ciato :< As is I don't think I have much to say, missing half the con really sucked ass. Seemed similar to her online self though.

Dhyer... what the christ, he's almost nothing like he is online. If I didn't hear him go on about how x dueller was boring in the DL I'd have thought it was an imposter sent by him or something. Quiet, but he was a cool guy when he spoke up. Wish I had more to say there, really.

Elfboy was weirdly quiet. Kinda wish I could say more, but I couldn't get any big talks with him. At least I got to show him OGs and F-Zero GX!

Meeple was... meeple. Though honestly I had no problem keeping up with how fast he talked, my sister's worse about that. Pretty decent, really hyper, and held the epic music quiz in which NEB won an Ovelia and Niu won a Rabite. Kudos to Soppy for that, by the way.

Alex seriously needed to talk more, he's funny and smart. :< Though Ran Hat is something to remember forever.

Cmdr... uh, see above, really. Approval of SRW is a good thing though.

Yak was cool, really should've talked to him more. That's my own fault, though, he was pretty active IIRC.

Shale I probably spent the second most time with besides Niu. Really awesome, brought DMC4 and goddamn does he have good instincts for action games. Also, best cellphone ever. And he kicked me/Tai/Cmdr's asses at bowling.

Metroid is really awesome. I can't beleive she wore a dress the entire con time but she didn't seem bothered at all by it, amazingly. Really friendly, probably the most cheerful girl I've ever met.

Man, I wish I could say more than I already have. My head is still spinning, it was a hell of a trip and I still need to sort out all of my thoughts.

Edit: Bard, Niu is fluent in english, chinese, and japanese. It's no surprise he can play it.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:58:48 AM by metroid composite »

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 01:46:06 AM »
You don't really need much Japanese to play FM+.  But yes, Niu knows Japanese.  English is like his third language.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:05:06 AM by metroid composite »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 02:44:02 AM »
I've been so sleepy lately. I was quieter than normal due to it, in addition to falling asleep mid-con a couple times and totally skipping the last day.

High point of the con: Gloom. Really fun, and I wish we didn't have to cut it short like that. QR and Andy in particular kick ass at it. Honorable mention: The Castlevania: SotN acting at the beach starring Shale and OK. Keep an eye out for it on youtube.

Low point: Niu's Obscure Shitty Japanese-only Game Theater. Maybe it's just because nothing else was going on at the time, but that was torture, especially the part where OK gushed about giant face desert game. God damn. Honorable mention goes to the "25-or-older" scare where it looked like we might be kicked out.

At least his KH2 aftergame demonstration made up for it. Highlights: Mansex, and water guitar dude.


I downloaded I Wanna Be The Guy thanks to Laggy. Looked more interesting than Touhou. Good stuff.

I could do one of those breakdowns where I analyze every single attendee but I don't have it in me to do that right now.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2008, 02:59:18 AM »
Highlights: Mansex


I think I missed a lot more of the Con than I thought I did.
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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2008, 03:49:18 AM »
10. super- Karma utterly murdered super, so he was infinitely more mellow this year.  I have no idea if htis is closer to his norm or not.  Yeah, not much to say.

Norm, my ankle was in shreds last year. And Xer: dude, sarcasm. I was very much not serious there.

Oh yeah, leaving for the airport soon.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2008, 04:41:07 AM »
In a nut shell

High points: I successfully Tallified Meeple and CK. And turned OK into a Nether World convert with crappy Nether World game marathon. The little girl with the desert surprisingly worked. And managed to scare Xer at points with being weird, all in all, my objectives completed. Oh, and I pulled Spear the Gungir out.
Low Points: I don't get to Tallifie OK, there is no time to show off the rainbow beam shooting, ring spinning, diamond drilling, circle dancing lolita last bosses of AT2 to him. There is also the part where I don't get to play yaoi H game in front of everyone despite I have brought it along with me. Oh, and Snow is not here.

The People from what I can recall

QuietRain: A really nice person, despite not having much conversation with her. But how she burden herself with most of the tasks in the Con can't be appreciated enough. Also, managed to hype P4 to her after knowing she liked p3.

OK: The combine force of I and OK finally does in my objective in scaring Xer, cannot appreciate his presence enough. And yes, little girls are fun, especially how the way he appreciates them. Oh, the voice acting is amusing, more so in the FF4 silliness, Richter is a bit too disastrous to count. Also, he walked in whenever Persona is mentioned, this is hax.

Xer: Just the way he is when on line, normality defines him too much (despite his unresonable fear to Mysterious Dungeon games) yet probably the person knows what I am talking about the most. And the struggle with Magaki is epic, Miktran is even more epic, but my failure with Barbatos is not. Oh, you should have showed more more Zabi too! But forget to VA hax him, completly forget to show him that voice of Houshi Souichirou that I have prepared. Speaking of completly forgetting, thanks to him for reminding me to Tallifie people when I forget about it.

Soppy: He now knows of Niu's plot lecture. He now know of the silliness of .hack franchise and how Kaneko's mind has become more dangerous than you think. Be ware of the future installments friend, having high expectation now a days is nothing more than suicidal. Also, to my surprise and all, he's short enough and with the power of glasses, he now barely belongs to the shota bait category.

Ciato: Nice girl, like always. And the thing with Megamen obsession is very real, and into fighters more than I thought. Though, shame on me for forgetting to approach her with all the yaoi material I brought.

Elf: Again, megamen obsession is real, though, how can he think X4 is not the most easy and Dragoon being pathetic? Also, lost to him in music quiz in tie breaker. But have to blame that my self, I should have called Price of Freedom faster early in the match.

Meeple: Lost to Slash Beast for how many times? Shame, you know what is wrong when you are worse than Niu in a platformer. And FF4DS highly amused him, top with OK voice acting. Anyway, now go call for FF4 rerank. Also, he made the right guess on Sealed Big while I can't has to be my biggest defeat of the century.

Super: Once again got what he deserved for being super. Karma? I guess so. Never understand how did he withhold the cold.

Hal/Laggy: Found them playing Touhou most of the time, which is just fine consider all the Remillia service I get. Oh, I pulled out Spear the Gungir at last. But Marisa is still too cheap. Also, that I wanna be a Guy thing is just mind cracking.

CK: Sold him to FM+ and AT2 despite not high on my list of pripority of who to corrupt, what else can I say? It is a bit too easy I might add. I guess my future plan for corruption should be no problem as well.

MC: The dress, that is all that needs to be mentioned. The image still sticks in my head.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2008, 05:25:26 AM »
You forget Niu, I'm the other resident Kingdom Hearts fanboy.  No sales ability whatsoever is actually required there.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:05:37 AM by metroid composite »
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Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2008, 05:30:53 AM »
That doesn't explain AT2 though.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2008, 06:45:38 AM »
Yay, con is finally done, you freaks are out of my house, and I can go back to hiding behind a computer screen again.

On a serious note, the con, while stressfull as hell, was seriously fun. Very, very little of said stress was coming from the people at all, just all the outside sources were ramping it up(retarded landlady, MY @#$%^&@# TOOTH, etc).

Highpoints: Tai being here as long as he was was awesome. Not "technically" a 'con proper highpoint, but still the big one for me. Wish he lived out here, as the Gate/Tai/Laggy/QR dynamic is awesome and turns us into a four headed beast of hilarity. As I said to him a few times, he's welcome back here at any time.

Also getting to actually see some of the games that Xer and I have been talking about for months being played was awesome(want ToDr in english, dammit), and Xer himself is really easy to get along with. Talking to people who Know Thier Shit about thier specialties is one of my hobbies and he definately knows his stuff about Tales/Musou/Action Games In General.

Everyone who could eat it seemed to like my portuguese(sp?) chicken, despite it not coming out how I wanted, which is good. Unless they were just saying that to salve my ego, in which case don't as if I got something wrong I need to know so I can make it stop being wrong. Apologies to those who couldn't eat it, but with an ingredient heavy dish like that, it really isn't likely that it'll be fine for everyone.

Lowpoints: Initial "25 and up" scare, my teeth hurting on me, my glasses frame breaking out of nowhere(RIGHT as Xer was about to show me ToDr at that. Timing was wonderful there...). But mostly Jenna having to stay at the beach house thanks to the landlady while I had to stay at my place as there were people there. Did not make for a happy Gate. ;_;

A few notes about people who stood out:

OK/Shale/Sopko: Generally awesome, for much of the same reasons. All just cool, funny guys. Soppy I was especially glad to meet, as I'll admit I had never quite gotten his sense of humor online.

Super: Needs to stop tempting fate. Also wins Innapropriate Comment Award for this con, and I'm not saying why. Just dear god, had he said that around anyone but me, he'd have been rolled down the hill and curbstomped into the ocean. <_<; (further proving that I'm damn near impossible to offend or disturb, I suppose). Still, despite the karmic molestation he got from lady luck, he managed to look in better shape this year then last.

Tai/Xer: Covered above, I believe. Wish I could hang out with these two more often.

Andy/Lady Door: Really good to meet these two. Andy is hilarious and Ashley is great. Definately have to hurl a fishing line across the bay and reel them back over sometime. Possibly with an apples to apples deck on the hook.

Grefter: Sorely disapointed that he never actually set someone on fire by sheer force of sarcasm. Well, I'll see him again on friday and Laggy will be there as a convinent target, so maybe not all hope is lost. Was generally more quiet then expected, but I actually did suspect he was going to be as easygoing as he was(or at least seemed to be). Didn't get to talk to him overly much, unfortunately.

Monkey: Despite being reminded a couple of times, i never actually remembered to bring my magic cards. Prolly for the best though, I wouldn't have had time to play anyway. Definately need to get together sometime for Smash/Magic/general chilling out. Was actually not expecting him to be as low key as he was, on a side note. Of course, this only served to make his humor work better. Some of you guys here make me feel like an amature at joking, I swear.

There is also the part where I don't get to play yaoi H game in front of everyone despite I have brought it along with me.

There's always the idea of a west coast mini-meet sometime! And QR and I, at the least, would laugh our asses off at this kind of stuff~

Hal: Made Jenna stop working, for which I am eternally thankfull. Will also get to see him and Alex again on Friday, which will be fun.

Everyone else: Aside from Yakko, all didin't seem to change much from last year. Which isn't a surprise, it's only one year afterall. Yakko seems about the same in general, just far less dead. Very glad he's looking as much better as he is.

Anyway, I just typed all that without my glasses, which is not the smartest thing I've ever done as I have a headache now. Ah well, that's what advil is for. On much the same note, please excuse if this is even more typo leaden then my normal posts. 
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2008, 07:44:09 AM »
*thiefs computer*

Firstly, stress sucks, but was VERY worth the time I had.  It was a blast to finally put faces and voices to the names I've heard Gate tossing around and I've met myself playing Mafia. 

Highlights: The Gloom games(I will never look at Tom quite the same again, lol, thank you Alex), the MassiveAtA game, watching several games of AH, surprising myself when I actually knew a couple of the songs in Meeple's quiz.

Downpoints: Having to resort to Diplomacy skillz to keep the house, being seperated from Gate sux, airport parking ticket, Gate's rampant pain issues, and never being able to eat salad again (thank you Tai).

Laggy: Bah, what can you say about a Laggy?  He sux.  ;)  Seriously, *adoration* for the planning and execution of the con. This wouldn't have worked without you.

Tai: I'm sorry my second attempt to mentally force the pilot to turn your plane around so you'd have to stay longer did not work.  The first pilot was so much easier to Dominate.  *sigh*  Perhaps it was the Unisom I took hampering my skillz.  Ah well.  It was the BEST having you here.  And seconding my other half's comments.  Any old time. :)

OK: I know we drove the joke into the ground, but forgive me if that first night's Apples to Apples round will stay with me for quite some time.  It was just too funny.  Awesome to meet you.

Soppy:  Echoing Gate that the humor is much easier to read now that I've seen it in person.  For introducing me to Gloom, you have my thanks.  Also, yay for insomnia.

Niu: Just have to say, Dhyer was right.  Your laugh is fantastic.  And I am nearly as unfazable as my other half.  You won't scare me off so easily.  ;)

Shale: Your sense of humor is golden.  It was great to chat with you a bit and I look forward to doing it again.

Andy & LD: I think I was especially glad to meet you guys.  Living close like you do, we should get together a bit more.  I'm not the vg-er Gate is, so the card and board games you brought were welcome to me.  I wish I'd had a chance to play one of the AH games.  They looked great.  And LD, you win the trophy for the second Gloom game.  4chan 4 teh win.  I'll never look at tentacles the same way~

Hal: I didn't get to chat much with you, much to my sadness.  You kicked me out of the kitchen, which made Gate very happy.  And anything that makes him smile gets my vote, so thank you for all the pitching in you did as well.  Oh, and I still have your tablecloththingiemajigger. 

Alex: Was quiet.  But that IS an Alex from what I have been told.  Your storytelling abilities were a hidden gem.  It was nice to see them in action in Gloom.

Ciato: Are there words for the coolness factor you exude?  No, so I'll just say that meeting you was just as awesome as anticipated.  *hate* for your job, though.  Work should not interfere with serious business like DLCons.  Wish you'd had more time here.

Meeple: ... hmm.  I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but you certainly weren't it.  Oddly enough, I'm less sure now of the logic behind rampant Meeplepunting than I was when the con started.  This, I am assured, will revert after sufficient time has passed.

Everyone else I didn't get enough time to chat with, much to my sadness.  I will have to rectify that at some point.

Anyway, I got a little over 12 hours of sleep last night (yay sleep meds) and will be crashing early again tonight to keep re-charging the batteries. :)  I am exhausted, but very happy that things went as well as they did.
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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2008, 08:06:56 AM »
Okay, first off, United Airlines needs to spontaneously have their blood turn to acid or something. 10:30 landing time my ass.

Yeah, I just got home, and I'm too wired from driving in from the airport to sleep just yet, so I figure I'll check in.

As if it needs saying: great con. MAD props to Gate, QR and Laggy for pulling it off so well. Especially QR for busting out the diplomacy skills so we actually got to, y'know, keep the house.

As always, meeting new people was a blast. I got along with Andrew, LD and QR a lot better than I was expecting to, given how little I talk to any of them online. Just lots of fun to shoot the breeze with, especially when it also involved horribly wrong games of AH or Gloom - on which note, all three turned out to have awesome and frequently hilarious storytelling abilities. And since nobody's mentioned it yet, ROBO-BUTLER for the win. Come to more cons, all of you!

Laggy: I didn't talk much with him, but I was a spectator for a lot of his Touhou and IWTBTG playing, and I can testify that Laggyhax is very real, and very frightening. Write your Congressman before it's too late.

Xer: With how much we chat online, it's great to finally talk to him in person. Probably ended up spending more time with him than anybody else at the con, I think? Good times. And any and all hilarity I get from playing Sengoku Basara, I owe to you.

Monkey: Way, WAY more mellow than I was expecting, although I didn't talk to him one-on-one much. Contributed one of the con's great moments in A2A.

Other people: At 3 AM, not a whole lot stands out as different from last year, except Yakko was less traumatized (and Super was traumatized for different reasons). With four meetups under our metaphorical belts, I feel like I actually know all you guys now! Except possibly Grefter, who had been confined to Aussieland for two years, but it's kind of weird (in a good way!) how hanging out in person with random Internet people from Michigan, Texas, California, etc. has stopped being a freaky novelty and started being a regular thing we do.

Also, the house ROCKED, and if anything the view of the Pacific was undersold. I'll hopefully get my pictures online tomorrow so the stay-at-home types can be jealous.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:06:20 AM by metroid composite »
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2008, 08:43:59 AM »
four meetups


New Jersey, Texas, Pacifica. What am I missing?


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2008, 08:52:10 AM »
There was a minimeet in between DLC2 and DLC3 at El Cid's house.

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2008, 09:52:30 AM »
Now that I have some sleep (and work!) and am basically back to normal, I can finally start with this.

First off, I wanna apologize to people if I came off as a bit pushy or bossy at the con. I know I have the tendency to be a bit overbearing in person, and it tends to conflict with the usual DL indecisiveness when it comes to in-person meetups. It's probably my usual self-conscious self talking, but I'm just putting it out there in case I annoyed anyone.

QR- As many people have said, mad props for the house negotiation. Your Apples to Apples skills are to be feared (though your Hearts skills need work). Gloom was awesome, both games. It's a shame you had to leave early both times. Good job on setting up an all around great time. Your membership card for the DL-Con Hosts Club is in the mail.

Gate- Repeating the thanks and congrats on setting everything up. Wish you coulda been feeling better most of the time, but the interaction I did have with you was great. Don't talk to you much online, so it's nice to know you better. The sense of humor thing does make me wonder how I've befuddled you with my humor in the past though<G>

Tai- Much more mellow in person. The mythical Ragetoro/Emotai was ne'er to be seen. Will not be forgotten for the first game of Apples to Apples on Wednesday. Didn't see him much after that.

OK- Proved just how much he loved Boy Scouts. Bowling was awesome with him, and we almost came to blows during the music quiz over one answer. Probably the high point of the music quiz for me. Seeing him watch Niu play the Desert game was hilarious. Despite all joking, a totally chill guy.

Xer- Much more intense in person. I've been clued by people in that I only seem to know the happy Xer that I talk to about games sometimes and mostly anime that none of you mostly watch. Still, cool to meet and yeah, sad we didn't get Wipeout going.

Monkey- Didn't know what to expect since I don't talk to him that much, but was a surprise. Despite the low-key personality, his off-beat sense of humor was a high point that proved amazing during Apples to Apples and Gloom. And since it hasn't been mentioned specifically yet, he has sexy hair.

Hal- Didn't get to interact much outside some Smash and A2A on Saturday, but the A2A game proved to be the clincher. I can rest easy that if I die the fight against Communism will be carried on appropriately. And he's right. Gandhi was totally dangerous. Almost as dangerous as Anne Frank.

Alex- Always good to see him. Lots of hilarious moments during House, Arkham Horror and Gloom. Needs more self-confidence, as his storytelling in Gloom was hilarious and awesome. Still the master of the long stare. Needs better luck though, as he managed to botch 12 dice and no 5's or 6's. Thems Hatbot rolls there.

Laggy- To my surprise, I rarely interacted with him due to his self-imposed seclusion with Touhou and other such games. Not a big deal, but still cool on what I got to see of him.

Niu- Totally what I was expecting, but entirely non-scary... until the shota-bait comment. As long as I don't see you dragging out doujins of me next con, I'm fine. The trip through past and present Netherworld titles was awesome, regardless of what Monkey says, and the conversation we had on Saturday night on WA/Suikoden/.hack lore was also awesome. Definately more fun to have in person. Wish I'd gotten to pick his brain more on Netherworld though. The laughing contest was also fun if last minute. Enjoy the Rabite keychain. It's your own fault that you missed Rudy's theme in the tiebreaker. (Are you as amused as I was that all the Netherworld denizens ended up in the same car Sunday?)

Yakko- Speaking of Netherworld fans, Yakko is awesome, as always. I picked up my GoC Nemo save again thanks to the GoC discussion. Bowling was a duel between us as usual, with the surprise appearance by OK. I think it's safe to say the three of us are the DL Bowling Team at this point. I pre-emptively claim Dudeness. Was good to have around at the airport due to craziness.

Meeple- Is Meeple. Music quiz was a blast. Not much to say outside of this.

Andy- Was good to see him again after so much time. Supplied the Arkham Horror which was much appreciated. Gloom would not have been the same without his bombasticness. Robo-Butlers for the mofoing win.

LD- Also good to finally meet her, as I'd heard about her from Andy for a while before she came to the DL. They go well together and play off each other in awesome ways. Ran Arkham Horror with an iron fist that Super would be jealous of.

Shale- As always, cool to hang out with. Gloom Sunday rocked. To expand on his general, all around awesomeness would run out the character count.

Grefter- If not for the whole Communism thing, he'd totally be my bro. As it stands, I guess he's just my evil bro. Threw me off with the short hair, but we got along as well as ever. Still doesn't eat or sleep and prefers thin rugs to beds. I suspect he sleeps with his eyes open, but I've never checked.

Ciato- Sadly, didn't get to talk to her that much. Hopefully that can be remedied some other time.

NEB- Also much more mellow in person. I'd heard tales of this, but was skeptical (much like a person would be skeptical when they hear Gref does not, in fact, eat babies). Got along much better than I was expecting. Congrats on winning the music quiz.

Super- His travel shenanigans were a con highlight to be sure. Hopefully I've sufficiently taught him the basics of GoC to get him to finally play the dern thing. He misplaced his anger at the messed up weather on Newark. While Newark is a sinkhole, the airport itself is pretty good and he probably was better off staying there than gallavanting around the town. Props to Fnorder for taking care of him for the night.

CK- Another guy I didn't interact with much outside the one game of Arkham. Seemed the same ol' good-natured but quiet CK.

MC- MC granny bowling did not prove to be as epic this time. Despite that, was generally cool, but is yet another person I didn't talk to much this time around.

Dhyer- A surprise that he's that quiet and unassuming, but also very cunning in that he managed to get ridiculous amounts of sleep during the con. Generally an awesome guy to have in the trenches with you during Arkham Horror.

I'm pretty sure thats everyone. Bowling scores and stories will be in another post, but the lesson I learned from DL-Con 3?

The DL might suck at catching scum, but we can totally kick the Elder Gods' asses.


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2008, 03:47:01 PM »

More pictures incoming obviously, but these had to be shown.

(Top two: mc, Yakko
Everyone else not kneeling, left to right: Monkey, Tai, Xer, Grefter, Niu, Soppy, Laggy, Ciato, CK, Andy, Hal, LD, NEB, Dhyer, Super, Gate, Alex
Short people: Shale, Meeple, OK)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 04:31:31 PM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2008, 04:24:31 PM »
Ahaha. Sheer awesmeness.

Is that MC with the kilt?  ;D
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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2008, 04:36:03 PM »
*tucks away Laggy photos for later us-* O hai! ^_^;;;
~There is always some madness in love, but there is always some reason in madness~


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Re: DL Con 3: Aftermath
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2008, 04:43:20 PM »
So that makes Halbarad the one with the glasses and hat?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 03:07:06 AM by metroid composite »